Scientific-practical workshop Information Technologies: Algorithms, Models, Systems (ITAMS-2018) 5 September 2018 Information Technologies: Algorithms, Models, Systems (ITAMS) is the first workshop designed to be a place of experience exchange in the application of information technologies in the interdisciplinary research between scientists. The workshop is organized to discuss actual nowadays research results in field of information technologies. The main topics of discussions are as follows: • Technologies and instrumental tools for application development. • Artificial intelligence methods and systems. • Methods and algorithms for pattern recognition. • Technologies and methods for processing unstructured data. • Information systems, Geoinformation systems, Intelligent systems and their applications. • Technologies for modeling natural phenomena and technogenic processes. • Methods and technologies for acquisition, storage and processing data. Participation implies publishing a report (paper) in the workshop proceedings. This proceeding contains papers accepted for presentation by editors. The volume contains only original articles with new results, not appeared elsewhere. The editors accepted to publish 15 papers based on reviewer reports. The workshop was held September 5, 2018 at the Matrosov Institute for System Dynamics and Control Theory Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russia. All the reports were presented personally by the authors at a high professional level, prompted active discussion of the audience. Based on the discussion of the reports, it was decided to make the ITAMS workshop annual, with a broader involvement of researches from other institutions. Editors: Igor V. Bychkov, academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, PhD, professor, director of Institute of System Dynamics and Control Theory SB RAS, Irkutsk, Russia. Dimitar Karastoyanov, PhD, professor, head of department of Embedded Intelligent Technologies of Institute of Information and Communication Technologies of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria. Leonid V. Arshinsky, PhD, профессор, head of the department of Information Systems and Information Security of Irkutsk State Railway Transport Engineering University, Irkutsk, Russia. Organizing committee: Gennady M. Rugnikov, ISDCT SB RAS, Russia Evgeniy. S. Fereferov, ISDCT SB RAS, Russia Anastasia K. Popova, ISDCT SB RAS, Russia Evgeny A. Cherkasin, ISDCT SB RAS, Russia Irkutsk, September 5, 2018 Igor V. Bychkov, Dimitar Karastoyanov, Leonid V. Arshinsky