=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2237/medracer-paper-2 |storemode=property |title=Argumentation for Explainable Reasoning with Conflicting Medical Recommendations |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2237/medracer-paper-2.pdf |volume=Vol-2237 |authors=Kristijonas Čyras,Brendan Delaney,Denys Prociuk,Francesca Toni,Martin Chapman,Jesús Domínguez,Vasa Curcin |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/kr/CyrasDPTCDC18 }} ==Argumentation for Explainable Reasoning with Conflicting Medical Recommendations== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2237/medracer-paper-2.pdf
            Argumentation for Explainable Reasoning with Conflicting Medical

              Kristijonas Čyras, Brendan Delaney,                   Martin Chapman, Jesús Domı́nguez,
                Denys Prociuk, Francesca Toni                                  Vasa Curcin
                          Imperial College London                                King’s College London
                               London, UK                                             London, UK

                            Abstract                                 port. In practice, medical decision making is often supported
                                                                     by clinical guidelines. These are lengthy documents sum-
  Designing a treatment path for a patient suffering from mul-       marising state-of-the-art knowledge about a medical con-
  tiple conditions involves merging and applying multiple clin-
  ical guidelines and is recognised as a difficult task. This is
                                                                     dition and specifically its management. Clinical guidelines
  especially relevant in the treatment of patients with multiple     provide best practice recommendations to clinicians for tak-
  chronic diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary dis-       ing care of patients under broad circumstances, mostly in
  ease, because of the high risk of any treatment change having      the context of a single condition or a disease. Guidelines de-
  potentially lethal exacerbations. Clinical guidelines are typi-    scribe management of a generic patient, recommending mul-
  cally designed to assist a clinician in treating a single condi-   tiple possible options for a clinician to opt for, depending on
  tion with no general method for integrating them. Addition-        the specific circumstances. Such specific circumstances in-
  ally, guidelines for different conditions may contain mutually     fluencing the decision may amount not only to particulari-
  conflicting recommendations with certain actions potentially       ties regarding the disease in question, but also the presence
  leading to adverse effects. Finally, individual patient prefer-    of other diseases, i.e. the so called multimorbidity setting.
  ences need to be respected when making decisions.
  In this work we present a description of an integrated frame-         Multimorbidity (or comorbidity) is especially relevant in
  work and a system to execute conflicting clinical guideline        the context of chronic diseases, such as diabetes, asthma,
  recommendations by taking into account patient specific in-        chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), chronic
  formation and preferences of various parties. Overall, our         kidney disease (CKD), to name a few. They are in some
  framework combines a patient’s electronic health record data       combination very often present for continuous periods of
  with clinical guideline representation to obtain personalised      time, usually until death, especially in elderly patients. Fur-
  recommendations, uses computational argumentation tech-            thermore, chronic diseases very often interact with each
  niques to resolve conflicts among recommendations while re-        other in that managing one has positive and/or negatives ef-
  specting preferences of various parties involved, if any, and      fects on the others (Grace et al., 2013; Fraccaro et al., 2015).
  yields conflict-free recommendations that are inspectable and
                                                                     In particular, whereas certain clinical guideline recommen-
  explainable. The system implementing our framework will
  allow for continuous learning by taking feedback from the          dations are applicable for managing a given chronic disease
  decision makers and integrating it within its pipeline.            in general, they are no longer such in the presence of other
                                                                     chronic diseases. What is more, due to the complexity of
                                                                     interactions, clinical guidelines that cover multimorbidities
                     1     Introduction                              hardly ever exist. Thus, when managing multiple health con-
The Learning Health System (LHS), as defined by the US               ditions, different guidelines need to be considered.
Institute of Medicine is a term that describes a system-                Considering multiple guidelines very likely entails the ex-
wide approach to research and knowledge translation based            istence of interacting recommendations: the recommenda-
on the exploitation of routinely collected data (McGinnis,           tions may be inapplicable, may suggest incompatible actions
2010; McGinnis, Powers, and Grossmann, 2011). LHS is a               or imply conflicting effects, may overlap, and so forth. A
part of a growing field of ‘learning systems’ where knowl-           clinician may find it very difficult to follow the best prac-
edge acquisition and process improvement become at least             tices should they stem from conflicting assumptions and/or
semi-automated tasks of the human-cyber-social infrastruc-           lead to negative effects with respect to one or another con-
ture (Friedman et al., 2015). A number of projects and devel-        dition. In order to facilitate the clinician’s job, knowledge
opments have made such a LHS in diagnostic and treatment             representation methods are useful in representing clinical
decision support within reach, e.g. (Delaney et al., 2015) has       guidelines and their interactions. However, whereas models
built a prototype decision support system, integrated in UK          for representing guidelines abound, see e.g. (Peleg, 2013)
primary care and shown a statistically significant improve-          for an overview, few of them allow for capturing interac-
ment in diagnostic accuracy (Kostopoulou et al., 2017).              tions among guideline recommendations. One state-of-the-
   One significant component of any LHS is medical deci-             art model that does have the latter feature is the Transition-
sion making and the possibilities of giving it automated sup-        based Medical Recommendation model (TMR) with the
most recent exposition given by Zamborlini et al. (2017).          lows us to construct arguments (as rule-based deductions)
   TMR allows for representing and merging multiple guide-         for actions based on recommendations. We also allow for
lines while taking into account their interactions. In the con-    the representation of preferences over assumptions, which
text of multimorbidities especially, TMR is very useful for        influence how arguments and counterarguments interact (in
identifying components and relations, such as clinical care        argumentation jargon, attack each other). We then employ
actions, their positive and negative effects with respect to       extension-based argumentation semantics to execute the rea-
various conditions, as well as various measures of the qual-       soning and obtain the acceptable assumptions as well as ar-
ity of evidence and obligatoriness of recommendations. To          guments and conclusions. The reasoning outcomes are ex-
capture interactions when merging guidelines, Zamborlini           plainable through inspection of the explicitly given assump-
et al. (2017) advance a method to identify relationships           tions, rules, preferences as well as the resulting arguments
among multiple recommendations, such as contradictions,            and their relationships.
side-effects, alternatives. The interactions are also accom-          To illustrate our methodology, we focus on the interaction
panied with a measure of the degree of certainty that an           of conflicting recommendations. As an example, we con-
interaction will happen. Therefore, TMR offers a detailed          sider an artificial case study of COPD, vetted by COPD ex-
and comprehensive template for representing clinical guide-        perts. In the use case, a clinician deals with a patient that
line recommendations and their interactions. However, as           presents COPD and a mild Angina. The relevant clinical
TMR concerns generic recommendations, it does not afford           guidelines recommend several actions to take or avoid. We
a method for representing patient specific information. As         complement the recommendations with patient information
a consequence of this, TMR does not possess a reasoning            from EHR and illustrate reasoning with and without prefer-
mechanism that would allow to determine the most applica-          ences. We briefly discuss why the reasoning outcomes pro-
ble recommendations for a given patient.                           vided by ABA+ are interpretable and explainable, and also
   Automated reasoning with clinical guideline representa-         discuss how the clinician can interact with a decision support
tions and patient information, especially in the presence of       system encompassing the ABA+ -driven reasoning engine.
guideline interactions, is an open problem in general (Peleg,         This paper presents work in progress. Several parts of our
2013; Fraccaro et al., 2015). A further complication regard-       LHS are in place, others are being researched and imple-
ing reasoning with guideline recommendations and patient           mented. With this paper we aim to give a flavour of various
specific information is the need to take into account prefer-      parts and how they can come together to support an LHS.
ences of various parties involved – such as the patient, clini-       The paper is structured thus. In Section 2 we give prelim-
cian and health care institution, see e.g. (Peleg, 2013; Wilk et   inaries about the TMR model, its implementation and inte-
al., 2017) for discussions. In this work we propose to apply       gration with EHR data, as well as background on ABA+ .
an argumentation-based method for reasoning with clinical          In Section 3 we advance a method for automated reasoning
guidelines, patient information and various preferences.           with guideline recommendations and patient information in
   Generally speaking, argumentation is a branch of knowl-         ABA+ . We illustrate our approach with a COPD use case
edge representation and reasoning concerned with reasoning         in Section 4. We discuss related work in Section 5 and con-
with partial and conflicting information in a way that aims        clude in Section 6.
to emulate human reasoning. In medical reasoning particu-
larly, “argumentation is appealing as it allows for important                         2    Preliminaries
conflicts to be highlighted and analysed and unimportant
conflicts to be suppressed.” (Atkinson et al., 2017) Struc-        2.1   Transition-based Medical Recommendation
tured argumentation formalisms—see e.g. (Besnard et al.,                 (TMR) Model
2014)—in particular provide ways to comprehensively rep-           In this section we review the Transition-based Medical Rec-
resent information for reasoning medical knowledge via ar-         ommendation model (TMR) together with clinical guideline
guable elements and rules, see e.g. (Tolchinsky et al., 2006;      recommendation interaction description as a knowledge rep-
Hunter and Williams, 2012). As such, argumentation for-            resentation model. As in (Zamborlini et al., 2017), with-
malisms are interpretable and naturally afford explainable         out loss of generality we assume that a set of guidelines
reasoning methods. Assumption-Based Argumentation with             is merged into a single guideline. We can thus assume that
Preferences (ABA+ ) (Bondarenko et al., 1997; Čyras and           recommendations are delivered by the same larger guideline
Toni, 2016) is one established structured argumentation for-       and avoid the need to refer to various guidelines.
malism that also deals with preference information. We pro-           Figure 1 depicts an instance of a graphical schema for rep-
pose to use ABA+ for automating reasoning with conflict-           resenting recommendations in TMR. It consists of the fol-
ing guideline recommendations, patient specific information        lowing components.
and preferences.                                                   • Unique name at the top of a rounded box. For instance,
   To enable this, we map TMR to the ABA+ representation              R1 , R2 . (We write Rk instead of Rk.)
based on rules and arguable elements, called assumptions.             Henceforth, we refer to a recommendation by its name.
This framework is instantiated using information extracted         • Associated action A within the ellipse at the top. For in-
from computation representations of guidelines held in soft-          stance, Adm. NSAID, Adm. Aspirin, where Adm. stands
ware that realises TMR. We also augment the representa-               for Administer.
tion in ABA+ with patient specific conditions obtained from        • Deontic strength indicated on the thick labelled arrow go-
their electronic health record (EHR). This information al-            ing out of the recommendation’s name and into the action.
Figure 1: TMR representation schema instantiated with recommendations R1 and R2 (Zamborlini et al., 2017, p. 83, Figure 2).

  For recommendation R, we denote its deontic strength by           ways abstract “patient well-being”. However, for a given
  δ (R). It “reflects a degree of obligatoriness expected for       patient, the clinician may, and in general will, have inter-
  that recommendation” (Zamborlini et al., 2017, p. 82).            mediate goals, such as to decrease Blood Coag. In this
  δ (R) takes values in [−1, 1], being positive when > 0 and        paper, we are not specifically concerned with intermedi-
  negative when < 0. If δ (R) > 0, then R recommends to             ate goals and take them to be implicitly given by effects
  perform the action; else, if δ (R) < 0, then R recommends         that actions bring about.
  to avoid the action.                                              We will use R to denote a fixed but otherwise arbitrary set
  As in (Zamborlini et al., 2017), to discretise δ (R) we may    of recommendations.
  use the qualitative landmarks must, should, may, should           Observe that an instance of TMR concerns a generic
  not and must not corresponding to values 1, 0.5, 0, −0.5,      patient. In order to apply recommendations, one needs to
  −1, respectively. For instance, δ (R1 ) = 0.5 = should,        consider specific patient conditions. Such conditions per-
  δ (R2 ) = −0.5 = should not.                                   tain to properties and the initial values of the effects that
• Properties that the action affects, just below the action.     actions have on properties. For instance, a patient can
  For instance, Blood Coag. and Gastro. Bleeding. (We ab-        have normal Blood Coag. or Gastro. Bleeding. When us-
  breviate words: e.g. Gastro. Bleeding abbreviates Gas-         ing ABA+ to reason with guidelines, patient conditions will
  trointestinal Bleeding.)                                       come as information additional to TMR instances.
  In general, an action can affect more than one property P.        Using TMR, Zamborlini et al. (2017) identify interactions
• Effects of the actions within the dashed rectangles to the     among recommendations. Intuitively, interactions record the
  left of the properties. For instance, decrease and increase.   relationships between different recommendations. Several
  An action A has one effect E on the property P it af-          types of interactions are possible, namely contradiction, rep-
  fects. Effects may have determinate initial and final val-     etition, alternative, side-effect, repairable and safety. For in-
  ues, within the rectangular boxes below the property in        stance, a contradiction interaction arises between two rec-
  question, the black arrow coming out of the initial value      ommendations if one states that the action suggested by
  (box) and leading into the final value (box). Otherwise, ?     the other should be avoided. A side-effect interaction arises
  represents an indeterminate value.                             when the action of one recommendation causes a secondary
  For instance, action Adm. NSAID affects Blood Coag. by         effect which is opposite to the effect of the action of the
  decreasing it from the initial value normal to the final       other recommendation. For example, Ibuprofen may in-
  value low. On the other hand, Adm. Aspirin increases Gas-      crease Blood Press., which is aimed to be decreased by
  tro. Bleeding with indeterminate values.                       another medication. Not all interactions concern conflicting
  In this paper we will not make use of, but mention for         relationships, though. For instance, repetition indicates that
  completeness, two quantitative values associated with an       two recommendations suggest (roughly) the same course of
  effect. One is the causation probability within the dashed     action, e.g. Adm. NSAID and Adm. Aspirin.
  ellipse below the property. It represents the likelihood of       The implementation of TMR used will allow for all such
  the action bringing the effect about. For instance, often.     interactions. However, for the purpose of illustrating reason-
  The other one is the belief strength boxed to the left- or     ing with recommendations using argumentation, we focus
  right-most side. It represents the level of evidence regard-   on the contradiction interaction in this paper, because it re-
  ing bringing the effect about. For instance, normal level.     lates recommendations in direct conflict that can be naturally
• Contributions of the recommendation to the overall goals       resolved by means of argumentation.
  in the context of a guideline indicated below the rec-            Formally, interactions can be represented as triples
  ommendation name within a transparent dashed rounded           (R, R0 , µ) with recommendations R and R0 , and the interac-
  box. For instance, +C1.1, −C2.1.                               tion’s modal strength µ, which reflects the conclusiveness
  In general, recommendation R can have more than                of the interaction. The interaction’s modal strength can take
  one contribution. Each contribution carries an identifier,     two values, denoted by  and ♦, where  means “the inter-
  e.g. C1.1, C2.1, and is valued in [−1, 1], depending on        action will certainly occur if the related recommendations
  how important it is to achieve or avoid the corresponding      are prescribed” (Zamborlini et al., 2017) and ♦ means “the
  effect. The value is discretised with signs: +, − and the      interaction is uncertain to happen”. We assume that the in-
  absence of a sign represent, respectively, values greater      teractions and their modal strengths are given along with the
  than, less than and equal to 0.                                instances of the TMR model. We will use I to denote the set
  As in (Zamborlini et al., 2017), the overall goal is to al-    of all (contradiction) interactions given R.
   Note well that R and I amount only to representation of              information can also be conflicting, as in the case of con-
guidelines, but not reasoning with them. In particular, it is a         flicting clinical guideline recommendations. As such, argu-
patient-agnostic representation, while the reasoning happens            mentation lends itself to be applied for reasoning purposes
with patient-specific information. The following example il-            in the context of guidelines and patient specific information.
lustrates recommendations and their interactions.                           An important feature of many argumentation formalisms
Example 2.1. The two recommendations R1 and R2 as in                    is that they are inherently interpretable and afford explain-
Figure 1 can be considered in (contradiction) interaction,              able reasoning. What this amounts to is the construction of
because they recommend opposite actions.1 So let R =                    arguments and counterarguments for explicit claims, based
{R1 , R2 } and assume I = {(R1 , R2 , )}. Intuitively, for a           on explicit assumptions, using rules expressing application
generic patient, NSAID—e.g. Aspirin—should be adminis-                  specific reasoning patterns. In addition to providing in-
tered. If, however, the patient exhibits Gastro. Bleeding, then         spectable arguments and counterarguments for or against
R1 and R2 are in conflict and there are arguments for both              claims that may encode beliefs, decisions etc., argumenta-
administering and not administering Aspirin.                            tion allows for questioning the assumptions underlying the
                                                                        arguments and for a continuous addition of new assumptions
   To resolve the conflict in this case, one could administer a         (and thus arguments). With this, one can explain why e.g. a
different NSAID, such as Ibuprofen. However, in more com-               particular decision was taken, i.e. what were the arguments
plicated situations such alternatives may not be readily avail-         for and against it, and how can one further question and/or
able, whence certain actions should not be taken (i.e. certain          support that decision.
recommendations cannot be followed).                                        In this work we use a well-established and broadly-
                                                                        studied argumentation formalism, called ABA (Bondarenko
2.2    Guideline and EHR Data                                           et al., 1997), and its extension ABA+ (Čyras and Toni, 2016;
An implementation of TMR (see for instance                              Bao, Čyras, and Toni, 2017), because it has all the features
guidelines2.eculture.labs.vu.nl/swish/p/                                discussed above. We provide the background for ABA+ fol-
datasetMaintenance.swinb) allows for the compu-                         lowing (Bondarenko et al., 1997; Čyras and Toni, 2016).
tational representation of clinical guidelines using standards              An ABA+ framework is a tuple (L, R, A,¯¯¯, 6), where:
such as the Resource Description Framework. We are                      • (L, R) is a deductive system with L a language and R a
thus able to represent guidelines in a manner that makes                    set of rules of the form ϕ0 ← ϕ1 , . . . , ϕm with m > 1, or
them amenable to the automatic instantiation of ABA+                        of the form ϕ0 ← >, where ϕi ∈ L for i ∈ {0, . . . , m} and
frameworks for reasoning with guideline recommendations.                    > 6∈ L; ϕ0 is the head and ϕ1 , . . . , ϕm the body of the rule;
   Similarly, the EHR data required to reason with guide-                   ϕ0 ← > is said to have an empty body and called a fact;
lines in light of patient-specific information can be extracted         • A ⊆ L is a non-empty set of assumptions;
automatically via pieces of middleware running within GPs’              • ¯¯¯ : A → L is a total map: for α ∈ A, α is referred to as the
practices. These pieces of middleware are designed to com-                  contrary of α;
municate with the Application Programming Interface of                  • 6 is a preorder (i.e. reflexive and transitive order) on A,
a locally installed EHR system, and communicate patient                     called a preference relation.
record information, at the discretion of the practitioner, to us            As usual, the strict (asymmetric) counterpart < of 6 is
for use. Patient information can then be modelled as part of            given by α < β iff α 6 β and β α, for any α and β . (We
a given TMR implementation, such as in the form of a set of             assume this for all preorders in this paper.) For assumptions
additional external rules, prior to being used in the reasoning         α, β ∈ A, α 6 β means that β is at least as preferred as α,
process, or delivered to the reasoning engine separately.               and α < β means that α is strictly less preferred than β .
   This flow of data creates a decision support pipeline,                   Throughout the paper, we assume as given a fixed but
in which potentially conflicting guideline data, along with             otherwise arbitrary ABA+ framework F = (L, R, A,¯¯¯, 6),
EHR data, is passed to a reasoning engine that returns non-             unless specified otherwise. If the preference relation 6 in
conflicting recommendations for use by the system.                      F = (L, R, A,¯¯¯, 6) is empty or unspecified, i.e. there are no
                                                                        preferences, then we may refer to F as an ABA framework
2.3    Assumption-Based Argumentation with                              Bondarenko et al. (1997) and denote it (L, R, A,¯¯¯).
       Preferences (ABA+ )                                                  Assumptions in ABA+ represent arguable information.
Argumentation is a branch of the field of Artificial Intelli-           For instance, assumptions can represent the applicability of,
gence concerned with reasoning with partial and conflicting             or an agent’s willingness to follow, a recommendation. In
information. For example, medical information is often par-             such a case, preferences in ABA+ can represent the relative
tial, because it may be infeasible or simply unreasonable to            degrees obligatoriness, or willingness to follow, the recom-
record all the possibly relevant patient information; medical           mendations. We will exemplify various ABA+ components
                                                                        in Section 3. We next give notions of arguments (as deduc-
   1 Note well that a hierarchy of actions is assumed (Zamborlini       tion trees) and attacks in ABA+ .
et al., 2017, p. 79) to obtain interactions. For instance, the action       An argument for ϕ ∈ L supported by A ⊆ A and R ⊆ R,
to administer NSAID subsumes both actions to administer Aspirin         denoted A `R ϕ, is a finite tree with: the root labelled by ϕ;
and Ibuprofen. Such a hierarchy can be accessed via queries to a        leaves labelled by > or assumptions, with A being the set of
populated implementation of TMR (See Section 2.2).                      all such assumptions; the children of non-leaves ψ labelled
by the elements of the body of some ψ-headed rule in R,           clusions. In this paper we use one particular such semantics
with R being the set of all such rules. A ` ϕ is a shorthand      which says that a ‘good’ set of assumptions should be as
for an argument A `R ϕ with some R ⊆ R.                           large as possible, as follows.
   For A, B ⊆ A, A <-attacks B, denoted A < B, iff:               • A set E ⊆ A of assumptions is a <-preferred extension of
 a) either there is an argument A0 ` β , for some β ∈ B, sup-        F = (L, R, A,¯¯¯, 6) if E is ⊆-maximally <-admissible.
     ported by A0 ⊆ A, and @α 0 ∈ A0 with α 0 < β ;               In other words, with <-preferred extensions we are aiming
 b) or there is an argument B0 ` α, for some α ∈ A, sup-          to conclude as much as we can without contradicting our-
     ported by B0 ⊆ B, and ∃β 0 ∈ B0 with β 0 < α.                selves, whilst being able to defend ourselves.
The intuition here is that A <-attacks B if a) either A argues       For ABA frameworks we often drop the prefix < for the
contra something in B by means of no inferior elements (nor-      notions above.
mal attack), b) or B argues contra something in A but with at
least one inferior element (reverse attack).                            3     Mapping TMR and EHR to ABA+
   If A does not <-attack B, we may write A 6 < B. For ABA        In this section we discuss a mapping from TMR to ABA+ ,
frameworks (L, R, A,¯¯¯) we often drop the subscript/prefix       augmenting the guideline recommendations and their inter-
< and say e.g. attacks, written . Note that without pref-         actions with patient specific information based on EHR.
erences, an attack from one set of assumptions to another             For the purpose of mapping TMR instances to ABA+ , we
boils down to the former set deducing the contrary of some        assume a simplified TMR whose instances are recommen-
assumption in the latter set.                                     dations given as tuples (R, A, δ (R), P, E, V, C) with
   In the setting of guideline recommendations, sets of as-           (i) name R,
sumptions will represent sets of recommendations, and they           (ii) action A,
will induce arguments for or against following recommen-            (iii) deontic strength δ (R),
dations. The attacks among sets of assumptions (recommen-
                                                                    (iv) properties P = hP1 , . . . , Pn i, for n > 1,
dations) will arise due to existence of interactions. The pref-
erences may come from e.g. the patient or the clinician.             (v) effects E = hE 1 , . . . , E n i,
   The reasoning in ABA+ is realised through the semantics.         (vi) initial values V = hv1 , . . . , vn i of effects on properties,
Intuitively, a semantics gives conditions that a set of assump-    (vii) contribution values C = hc1 , . . . , cn i.
tions needs to satisfy in order to be ‘acceptable’, or ‘good’.    We identify any such recommendation with its name R.
The conclusions derived from acceptable assumptions rep-              We next describe a mapping from TMR to ABA+ . We
resent a coherent set of beliefs, decisions to make, actions      omit the cumbersome formal details in the interest of space.
to take, etc., depending on the problem formulation, and are      We will exemplify the mapping in Section 4.
thus deemed as the reasoning outcomes. We next give no-               Given a recommendation (R, A, δ (R), P, E, V, C), we con-
tions used to define ABA+ semantics. Let A ⊆ A.                   struct the following:
• The conclusions of A is the set Cn(A) = {ϕ ∈ L : ∃A0 ` ϕ,        a) an assumption R ∈ A representing the possible applica-
   A0 ⊆ A} of sentences concluded by (arguments supported               bility of the recommendation;
   by subsets of) A.                                               b) a rule A ← R ∈ R representing that action A is recom-
   We next give three basic requirements for sets of assump-            mended by R;
tions to be ‘good’, or collectively acceptable. The first one      c) for each property Pi and its corresponding effect E i , a
says such a set should include all assumptions it makes.                rule E i Pi ← A ∈ R representing that action A brings
1. We say A is closed if A = Cn(A) ∩ A, i.e. A contains all             about effect E i to property Pi .
    assumptions it concludes.                                         We use the additional components of recommen-
We say F is flat if every A ⊆ A is closed. We assume ABA+         dations to model interactions. Specifically, suppose
frameworks to be flat, unless specified otherwise.                recommendations               (R1 , A1 , δ (R1 ), P1 , E1 , V1 , C1 ) and
   The second one expresses that to be acceptable, a set          (R2 , A2 , δ (R2 ), P2 , E2 , V2 , C2 ) are in contradiction, with
should not be conflicting, i.e. not to <-attack itself.           actions A1 and A2 recommended positively (δ (R1 ) > 0)
2. A is <-conflict-free if A 6 < A.                               and negatively (δ (R2 ) < 0), respectively. That means R2
   The third says that a ‘good’ set should defend against         can be argued against on the basis of R1 and the presence
counterarguments; we first define the notion of defense.          of the interaction. On the other hand, R1 can be similarly
• A <-defends A0 ⊆ A if for all B ⊆ A with B < A0 it holds        argued against on the basis of R2 and the presence of
   that A < B.                                                    the interaction, but only if a given patient presents some
   So finally,                                                    condition affected by A2 that contributes negatively to the
3. A is <-admissible if it is <-conflict-free and <-defends       patient’s well-being.
    itself.                                                           Thus, given (R1 , R2 , µ) ∈ I, we construct the following:
   These are arguably three ‘minimal’ requirements for ac-         d) R2 ← R1 , int1,2 ;
cepting a given set of assumptions (as well as arguments           e) R1 ← R2 , int1,2 , vP,
based on them). Note that they are quite weak, because,           where P ∈ P2 is a property with initial value v ∈ V2 and con-
for instance, the empty set of assumptions is always <-           tribution − = c ∈ C2 . (When the initial value v of P is inde-
admissible. However, not much can in general be concluded         terminate ?, we use only P in the body of the rule.) Here,
from 0./ Thus, ABA+ semantics impose additional require-          int1,2 ∈ L represents (R1 , R2 , µ) ∈ I. The rule in d) says R2
ments for acceptance of assumptions and the associated con-       should not be followed if (i) R1 is followed, and (ii) R1 and
R2 are in contradiction. The rule in e) says R1 should not be      is preferred over action A2 suggested by recommendation
followed if (i) R2 is followed, (ii) R1 and R2 are in contra-      R2 , then the preference R2 < R1 can be added. Such prefer-
diction, and also (iii) the condition vP is present.               ences then possibly affect the reasoning outcomes in that the
    The interaction’s modal strength determines whether the        extensions (and the associated conclusions) obtained respect
interaction can be argued about or not:                            the preferences specified.
  f) given µ,                                                         Last but not least, the reasoning process in ABA+ instan-
      1. if µ = , let int ← > ∈ R;                                tiated with TMR, EHR and preferences is fully transparent
      2. if µ = ♦, let int ∈ A.                                    and explainable. Indeed, the assumptions and rules on which
The rule int ← > ∈ R represents that the interaction is sure       the arguments are based are clearly stated, the attack rela-
to happen, i.e. it is a fact, and so there is no way to disagree   tionship among arguments is constructively defined based
with it. However, as an assumption, int ∈ A represents that        on the explicitly given assumptions and preferences, and the
the interaction is not certain to happen and so can be argued      semantics comprehensively express reasonable requirement
against by putting forward arguments for the contrary int.         for argument/assumption acceptance.
    Now, the patient specific conditions can be similarly rep-        We illustrate the mapping to and reasoning in ABA+ with
resented as either facts or assumptions:                           a use case in the next section.
 g) given a patient condition cond,
      1. either let cond ← > ∈ R;                                                     4   COPD Use Case
      2. or let cond ∈ A.
                                                                   The COPD use case developed sets up the boundaries and
Whether the conditions can be argued about or not depends
                                                                   scope of the problem that is mapped and resolved through-
on the context. For instance, it may be debated whether a
                                                                   out the rest of the model. The use case is established as exist-
patient is taking certain medications (confirmation of which
                                                                   ing within the context of a secondary health-care system and
is part of standard hospital procedures), but it may be certain
                                                                   creates an artificial scenario of a patient that would present
that a patient has mild Angina.
                                                                   themselves within the health-care system with symptoms
    Of particular interest are those conditions that appear
                                                                   typical to COPD, and illustrate how they would be managed
within recommendations as properties affected by actions.
                                                                   within the health-care system with regards to following offi-
Specifically, if some condition as property P (and possibly
                                                                   cial guideline recommendations.
value v) matches that in a recommendation, then the addition
of P (or vP) as either a fact or an assumption may trigger a
rule concerning interactions of recommendations, such as e)
                                                                   4.1   Stable COPD with Conflicting
above. In this way a patient’s EHR can meaningfully aug-                 Recommendations
ment the TMR model when represented in ABA+ .                      The patient presents to a primary health-care setting com-
    Given the assumptions and rules constructed from recom-        plaining of breathing difficulties and increased fatigue dur-
mendations in R and interactions in I as per points a)–g)          ing exercise, and following standard diagnostic procedures
above, we can define an ABA framework (L, R, A,¯¯¯) with           not covered by the model, is diagnosed with mild stable
contraries on assumptions α ∈ A being new symbols α and            COPD. As for the treatment choice, a decision for medi-
the language L given given by the symbols appearing in A,          cation is made based on the patients vitals as some of the
R and {α : α ∈ A}. In (L, R, A,¯¯¯) we can construct argu-         main deciding factors in the form of: (i) Blood gas levels;
ments and counterarguments for actions based on (the pos-          (ii) Spirometry results; (iii) Age; (iv) Current lifestyle habits;
sibility of following) recommendations and patient specific        (v) Existing comorbidities. For the purpose of illustrating
conditions. The semantics (of e.g. preferred extensions, see       the argumentation component of the model, the patient is
Section 2.3) then allow to determine sets (i.e. extensions)        assumed to have a pre-existing condition in the form of mild
of collectively non-conflicting recommendations for a given        Angina, which was diagnosed at an earlier point in time.
patient. The conclusions of such extensions then yield, in            Following the NICE COPD management guidelines
addition to the recommendations to be followed, the actions        (NICE, 2010), the patient is on schedule to be prescribed
to be taken as well as their consequences in terms of effects      a short course of Short-acting Beta Agonists (SABA). But
on the patient’s conditions.                                       as outlined in the GOLD COPD management guideline
    In addition to recommendations and patient EHR infor-          (GOLD, 2017), which is used in conjunction with the NICE
mation, we may also have preferences over e.g. courses of          guideline in primary health-care in the UK, a patient present-
action, of one or the other party involved. For instance: the      ing with angina should not be prescribed a standard SABA
patient may prefer one medicine over another, according to         inhaler as it may lead to further exacerbation of their cardio-
what they are used to; or the clinician may prioritise one         vascular symptoms and progress towards heart failure. The
course of action over another, based on their professional         guideline instead suggests the prescription of a reduced neb-
experience; or else, the hospital may have preferences over        ulised dose of the SABA medication, which while having the
treatment methods, judging by the information on their suc-        therapeutic effect intended on relieving symptoms of mild
cess in the local geographical region.                             stable COPD, should not cause as much an irritation to the
    Preferences can be naturally incorporated in ABA+ by ex-       patients cardiovascular system.
tending the ABA framework (L, R, A,¯¯¯) with a preference             Similarly, for patients who present with a mild form of
relation 6 to obtain an ABA+ framework (L, R, A,¯¯¯, 6).           COPD, the NICE guideline recommends that the patient un-
For example, if action A1 suggested by recommendation R1           dertake regular exercise to boost the functioning of their car-
diovascular system. It is easy to imagine a situation where                 SABA instead. Adding R3 to the existing ABA/ABA+ frame-
this would not be applicable, for example if the patient is suf-            work, or otherwise constructing a new one with R3 replacing
fering from joint pain, or peripheral artery disease. In such               R1 , leads to obtaining <-preferred extensions which con-
a case, the expected prescription would not only be unhelp-                 clude administering nebulised SABA. This is in agreement
ful, it would in fact be damaging to the health of the pa-                  with what should actually be done.
tient. A contraindication to the aforementioned exercise can                   Note well that reasoning with conflicting information (as
be found within the clinical guidelines for the specific co-                well as preferences) and yielding non-conflicting conclu-
morbidities, highlighting the near unlimited potential com-                 sions is not the only thing allowed by argumentation. In ad-
plexity of a clinical course.                                               dition, argumentation affords means to inspect and explain
   As such, the stable COPD with mild angina use case                       the reasoning. In particular, the extensions obtained, as well
serves as a simple illustration of the concept that can there-              as arguments for specific claims and/or based on specific as-
upon be further expanded to encompass multimorbidities                      sumptions, can be presented to the clinician or more gener-
and conflicts in medication, and outpatient management.                     ally a user of the LHS. This way the user can interact and
                                                                            provide feedback to the system so that it evolves and yields
4.2    Use Case in ABA+                                                     better reasoning outcomes in the future. We leave the de-
                                                                            scription and implementation of feedback integration within
For illustrating how ABA+ deals with interacting guideline                  the system for future work.
recommendations, we take two recommendations from the
COPD use case, namely administering SABA and not ad-
ministering standard SABA. The two recommendations are
                                                                                               5    Related Work
in contradiction, because standard SABA is subsumed by                      Argumentation has already been successfully applied in
SABA. Thus, R consists of the following recommendations.                    health-care, see e.g. (Longo, 2016; Atkinson et al., 2017) for
1. (R1 , A1 , δ (R1 ), P1 , E1 , V1 , C1 ) with: (i) name R1 ;              overviews. Different works can be distinguished by the com-
    (ii) A1 = SABA; (iii) δ (R1 ) = must; (iv) P1 =                         ponents of the argumentative reasoning process they use.
    hLung muscles, Airwaysi; (v) E1 = hrelaxes, dilatesi;                      There are several works that use both argument construc-
    (vi) V1 = h?, ?i; (vii) C1 = h+, +i;                                    tion and argumentation semantics for reasoning with medi-
2. (R2 , A2 , δ (R2 ), P2 , E2 , V2 , C2 ) with: (i) name R2 ; (ii) stan-   cal knowledge, as we do in this paper.
    dard SABA; (iii) δ (R2 ) = must not; (iv) P2 = hAnginai;                   For instance, Hunter and Williams (2012) use a structured
    (v) E2 = hincreasei; (vi) V2 = hmildi; (vii) C2 = h−i.                  argumentation formalism and employ preferences to rea-
   We assume that the interaction between R1 and R2 is cer-                 son with conflicting medical knowledge. In their work, evi-
tain, so that I = {(R1 , R2 , )}. Importantly, R and I yield the           dence from clinical trials is manually extracted from guide-
assumptions R1 , R2 ∈ A and the following rules in R:                       lines and synthesised to form arguments for, and counterar-
                                                                            guments against, treatment superiority. Based on treatment
• R2 ← R1 , int1,2 ;
                                                                            outcome indicators and the importance of evidence, user-
• R1 ← R2 , int1,2 , mild Angina;                                           specified preferences over arguments are formed. Seman-
• int1,2 ← >.                                                               tics of grounded (Dung, 1995) and preferred extensions are
(For simplicity, we omit to specify the rules regarding the                 used to identify the acceptable arguments and thus the supe-
actions as well as their effects on properties.)                            rior treatments. We, in contrast, focus on resolving conflicts
   Given that the patient has a mild Angina, we have                        among guideline recommendations when managing multi-
• mild Angina ← >                                                           morbidities, rather than determining treatment superiority
in R, representing the patient specific condition.                          based on clinical trials. We also aim our methodology to
   In the resulting ABA framework (L, R, A,¯¯¯) we find ar-                 yield explainable decision support.
guments {R1 } ` R2 and {R2 } ` R1 , so that {R1 } and {R2 }                    The recent CONSULT project (Kokciyan et al., 2018) ap-
attack each other. The two sets are thus preferred extensions               plies argumentation to reason with guidelines and patient
of (L, R, A,¯¯¯), concluding respectively administering SABA                preferences for managing post-stroke patients. Kokciyan et
and not administering standard SABA. As one of the con-                     al. (2018) manually represent guidelines in first-order logic
clusions is not to take any action, one can either employ                   (FOL) and use argument schemes (Walton, 1996), prefer-
preferences, or pass the information back to the TMR im-                    ences and argumentation semantics to resolve inconsisten-
plementation to refine recommendations, if possible.                        cies among recommendations. We instead build argumenta-
   Regarding preferences, the clinician could insist that not               tion on the well-established TMR model and offer explain-
worsening Angina takes priority over addressing COPD by                     able decision making. We leave formal comparison with
way of administering standard SABA. Thus, the preference                    (Kokciyan et al., 2018) for future work.
R1 < R2 could be added to obtain the ABA+ framework                            Other works incorporating argumentation and preferences
(L, R, A,¯¯¯, 6). There, {R2 } < {R1 }, but {R1 } 6 < {R2 },                focus on helping clinicians to construct and evaluate argu-
so that R2 forms a unique <-preferred extension and no ac-                  ments for and against decisions. As such, they do not au-
tion is recommended.                                                        tomatically populate their argumentation frameworks with
   Following this, or otherwise prior to employing prefer-                  guideline knowledge or EHR data, and do concern reason-
ences, one can look for a refinement of the generic rec-                    ing with clinical guideline recommendations, but are never-
ommendation R1 . And indeed, recommendation R3 can be                       theless related to our work due to the use of argumentation
found that is like R1 , but suggests administering nebulised                semantics for reasoning.
   For instance, Tolchinsky et al. (2006) use argumenta-         Regarding reasoning mechanisms, model finding in FOL is
tion, its semantics and preferences in a multi-agent de-         in general an undecidable problem, as opposed to finding
liberation about organ transplantation. There, expert clin-      preferred extensions in ABA+ frameworks. We also believe
icians use argumentation schemes to construct arguments          argumentation-based reasoning to be more transparent, as
and attacks concerning viability of transplantation. A me-       one can inspect the arguments, attacks among them and their
diator agent then evaluates the arguments so as to deter-        interplay with preferences, in contrast to interpreting work-
mine their strength. The mediator agents does this by using      ings and results of a FOL theorem prover utilised by Wilk
as preferences over arguments the knowledge from clinical        et al. (2017). It would be interesting though to integrate the
guidelines, as well as knowledge about past transplantations     temporal aspect into our implementation of the TMR model
and the interacting agents themselves. Somewhat similar in       and within ABA+ . We leave this for future work.
spirit, the system ArgMed (Qassas et al., 2016) allows to           Other approaches to reasoning with guidelines and tempo-
document and turn clinicians’ discussions into argumenta-        ral as well as clinical constraints exist (Peleg, 2013), mainly
tion frameworks using argumentation schemes. After that,         using task network models, see e.g. Leonardi et al. (2012);
preferred semantics is used to determine the acceptable ar-      Shalom, Shahar, and Lunenfeld (2016). However, they deal
guments and hence the best claims made by the clinicians.        with single rather than multiple guidelines and are thus not
   In some works that use argumentation components to            specialised to handle conflicts, as opposed to our approach.
model information, argumentation semantics are not used
to execute the reasoning itself. For instance, in one of the             6    Conclusions and Future Work
earliest related works, Fox et al. (2006) enable agents to ex-
                                                                 We described work in progress towards a Decision Sup-
change arguments in order to automate medical reasoning,
                                                                 port System that will use Transition-based Medical Recom-
albeit not with guideline recommendations. Arguments are
                                                                 mendation model (TMR) and its integration with electronic
assigned strength and the strengths can be aggregated using
                                                                 health record (EHR) data to facilitate automated execution
e.g. probabilistic or decision making approaches to deter-
                                                                 of interacting clinical guidelines by taking into account pa-
mine the strongest arguments.
                                                                 tient’s individual medical history and preferences of various
   An argument aggregation mechanism for reasoning with          parties involved. In particular, we proposed the structured
guidelines is used in (Grando, Glasspool, and Boxwala,           argumentation formalism ABA+ for automated reasoning
2012). There, templates for generating arguments are based       with conflicting clinical guideline recommendations as well
on argumentation schemes. Arguments roughly correspond           as patient information and preferences. We also discussed
to statements in clinical guidelines: an argument consists of    how ABA+ yields interpretable and explainable medical de-
assumptions, claim, polarity (for or against claim), confi-      cisions for execution of guideline recommendations.
dence (representing, for instance, quality of the evidence or
                                                                    Future work on implementations of TMR involves con-
the likelihood of an outcome) and precondition (whether the
                                                                 structing standard interfaces that can be queried ad-hoc by
argument is applicable). A unique goal needs to be speci-
                                                                 other systems such as argumentation frameworks. Similar
fied when aggregating argument confidence metrics to rea-
                                                                 efforts to increase the interoperability of EHR data include
son about the strength of the arguments that enable one to
                                                                 the examination of techniques to standardise independent
achieve the goal in question. Aside from the use of argu-
                                                                 vendor formats to a single target format such as HL7’s FHIR
mentation semantics instead of argument aggregation, a few
                                                                 (Bender and Sartipi, 2013).
points make our work different: i) we focus on reasoning
                                                                    In terms of argumentation, there are several directions for
with conflicting recommendations from multiple guidelines,
                                                                 future work. Firstly, we will aim to account for various types
whereas Grando, Glasspool, and Boxwala (2012) are exe-
                                                                 of interactions that accompany the TMR model, including
cuting recommendations of a single guideline; ii) also, rea-
                                                                 those concerning conflicts such as side-effects, but also other
soning in ABA+ is assumption-, rather than goal-, driven.
                                                                 interactions such as safety. We will also study the integra-
   As for non-argumentative approaches to reasoning with         tion of preferences from various sources, and possible in-
interacting guidelines, Wilk et al. (2017) propose a frame-      teractions of those preferences. In addition, we will explore
work for mitigating concurrent execution of clinical guide-      various ways of extracting explanations from the argumen-
lines. They also deal with patient specific conditions and pa-   tative reasoning process, such as visualising arguments and
tient preferences. There, recommendations are represented        their relationships, as well as using natural language genera-
as actionable graphs. Wilk et al. (2017) map those into FOL      tion to yield textual explanations of the reasoning outcomes.
rules, and introduce patient conditions and preferences via      Finally, we will make use of the well-established theoretical
FOL revision operators. Guideline mitigation then amounts        properties of, particularly, ABA+ , regarding reasoning and
to applying revision operators to FOL rules representing the     preferences, and establish what they mean in the context of
recommendations, so as to account for patient specific con-      medical decision making.
ditions and preferences. Finally, reasoning is done by finding
models of the resulting FOL theory.                              Acknowledgements The authors were funded by the EP-
   Our work is different in terms of both reasoning and rep-     SRC project EP/P029558/1 ROAD2H: Resource Optimi-
resentation. Regarding representation, as indicated by Wilk      sation, Argumentation, Decision Support and Knowledge
et al. (2017), the TMR model is in some aspects richer than      Transfer to Create Value via Learning Health Systems, ex-
the mitigation specific FOL (however, TMR does not have a        cept for Martin Chapman who was funded by the EP-
temporal component which is present in (Wilk et al., 2017)).     SRC project EP/P010105/1 CONSULT: Collaborative Mo-
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