=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2242/paper06 |storemode=property |title=Joint Intent Detection and Slot Filling with Rules |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2242/paper06.pdf |volume=Vol-2242 |authors=Shiya Ren,Huaming Wang,Dongming Yu,Yuan Li,Zhixing Li |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ccks/RenWYLL18 }} ==Joint Intent Detection and Slot Filling with Rules== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2242/paper06.pdf
    Joint Intent Detection and Slot Filling with

                 Shiya Ren1,2 , Huaming Wang1,2 , Dongming Yu1,2 ,
                          Yuan Li1,2 , and Zhixing Li1,2
                    Chongqing Key Lab of Computation Intelligence
                 Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications
                             Chongqing, China 40065

      Abstract. Command understanding, the basis of dialogue system and
      human-computer interaction, roughly involves two sub tasks: intent de-
      tection and slot filling. Traditional methods conduct these two tasks in
      a pipeline fashion, suffering from error propagation. To overcome this
      problem, this paper proposes a method to solve intent detection and slot
      filling jointly by back introducing the result of slot filling into intent de-
      tection step. Moreover, rules extracted on the training set are used to
      ease the noise and imbalance problems. The final result are generated by
      fusing the results of rule-based method and model-based method. Exper-
      iments show that our method is effective and achieves best performance
      among all teams.

      Keywords: Command understanding · Intent detection · Slot filling ·
      Dialogue systems.

1   Introduction
Dialogue system is a significant research direction in natural language processing,
whose main purpose is to allow the computer to execute commands or answer
questions. Command understanding, the basis of dialogue system, involves two
sub tasks: intent detection and slot filling. Intent detection task is generally
regarded as a sentence classification problem. Recently, the most popular way
to accomplish this task is to use the deep learning framework[1, 2]. Slot filling is
to find the semantic class labels corresponding to characters, which is typically
treated as sequence labeling problem. Conditional Random Fields (CRFs)[3] and
Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)[4, 5] are usually utilized to fulfill this task.
     Existing models follow a pipeline to conduct these two tasks. Intent detection
is first conducted on natural language utterances. Only ones classified as positive
are delivered to extracted slots. The error of intent detection will propagate to
slot filling and harm the final performance. Actually, the result of slot filling can
also help to improve the performance of intent detection task. For example, even
given that ”陈周” is a singer, this example ”陈周的怎么说?” could be classified
into negative. But the truth that ”怎么说” is a song may be uncovered by the
2       F. Author et al.

                     Fig. 1. The proportion of intent and slots.

                             Table 1. Task illustration

        Command         Time                   Objective
    s−2 来首刘德华的歌  2017-10-17 19:41:53               -
    s−1 你叫什么名字   2017-10-17 19:42:51               -
    s0 请播放周杰伦的稻香 2017-10-17 19:43:53 {”song”:”稻香”,”artist”:”周杰伦”}

slot filling model. If been told that, its intent can be determined more easily and
     To ease the error propagation problem of pipeline model, this paper adopts
a piggybacking step which feeds the results of slot extraction into intent clas-
sification model. Moreover, there have challenges of lacking labeled data and
unbalance as Figure 1 says. To cope with the these problems, we also extract
rules adopting statistical technique for slot filling task. Finally, the results of
rule-based and model-based slot extraction methods are fused to generate the
final result.
     This paper proceeds as follows. Section 2 presents the problem restatement in
this task formally. Section 3 proposes our model framework for intent detection
and slot filling. Section 4 covers the experimental studies. Section 5 concludes
the work.

2    Problem Restatement

As Table 1 illustrates, given an utterance x = (s−2 , s−1 , s0 ) where s0 is current
command and s−2 , s−1 are related histories. The objectives of this task are (1)
detecting the intention of s0 . (2) extracting the values of probable slots of s0 if
it is considered as positive.
                          Joint Intent Detection and Slot Filling with Rules     3

3     Framework

                    Fig. 2. The framework of proposed method

                       Fig. 3. The model of intent detection

    Figure 2 shows the framework of proposed method. It first matches the men-
tions of songs, artists and albums in the given sentence. Then, the results of
matching are encoded into lexical features to feed into classification model for
intent detection and tagging model for slot extraction. Besides, the sentence is
generalized to a bag of instances by replacing mentions with their types. Rules
extracted on the generalized instances are applied on the bag to extract probable
slots and values. Finally, the results of rule-based and model-based method are

3.1   Models
Classifier Intuitively, intent detection can be solved as a classification prob-
lem. In this paper, it is viewed as a multi-class classification problem. There are
4        F. Author et al.

                              Table 2. Feature information

       Names                                         Functions
      Unigram                      w[i], w[i - 1], w[i - 2], w[i + 1], w[i + 2]
                   w[i - 1:i + 1], w[i - 2:i], w[i:i + 2], w[i + 1:i + 3],[w[i - 1], w[i + 1]],
                         [w[i - 1], w[i + 2]], [w[i - 2], w[i + 1]], [w[i - 2], w[i + 2]]
                             w[i -2:i+1], w[i:i+3], [w[i - 1], w[i + 1], w[i + 2]],
                                          [w[i - 2], w[i - 1], w[i + 1]]
    Highgram                         [w[i - 2], w[i - 1], w[i + 1], w[i + 2]]
      Bool                                  is letter, is punctuation
match feat(song)                               is S, is B, is M, is E
match feat(artist)                             is S, is B, is M, is E
match feat(album)                              is S, is B, is M, is E

                       Table 3. Examples of rules for open slots

                            Rule.r           Rule.v    Conf.
                            点一首song          {song}      1.0
                            听artist的歌       {artist}     1.0
                            artist的歌,song {song,artist} 1.0
                            听artist         {artist}     0.8
                            song             {song}     0.74

three coarse classes (No-music, random and other ) instead of 9 classes(9 kinds
of intentions) for the unbalance problem in the given data. In addition, a hy-
brid model of Convolutional Neural Networks(CNNs)[6, 7] and Long Short-Term
Memory Networks(LSTMs) is designed to predict the class of given utterance.
The details of the model can be seen in Figure 3. The embedding weights are
pre-trained on the Chinese Wikipedia dump. Context information features are
the classification results of prior two sentences and details of other features can
be seen in Table 2.

Tagger Slot filling is typically considered as a sequence labeling problem. This
paper adopts conditional random fields(CRF), a state-of-the-art model solution
for labeling, to extract the values of song, artist and album. We use the python-
crfsuite3 library to train the CRF model. Besides, We utilize character itself,
character shape and some information from nearby characters as features. Some
mention information such as artist, album and song in the utterance is also used.
More details of features are shown in Table 2.

3.2    Rules
All rules are extracted from labeled training set. Considering that there has label
noise in the training set, we also check the rules manually. In this paper, song,
artist and album are considered as open slots whose value domain is open. The
                          Joint Intent Detection and Slot Filling with Rules    5

                    Table 4. Examples of rules for closed slots

            Slot     Value  Positive      Negative
            language ja {日文的歌,日语歌}          {}
            genre    嘻哈      {嘻哈}    {中国有嘻哈,嘻嘻哈哈}
            mood     悲伤    {悲伤的歌}           {}
            scene   起床歌     {起床歌}       {快乐起床歌}
            language 古筝      {古筝}        {古筝曲}

                  Table 5. The experimental results for this task

                     Method         F1l   F1E ACC Score
                     Cpipeline +T 0.8481 0.7686 0.9662 1.2871
                     C+T          0.8626 0.7931 0.9737 1.3135
                     C+T+R        0.8667 0.8106 0.9737 1.3256

other 5 slots are treated as closed slot, assuming that their probable values all
be presented in the training set. Two kinds of rules are extracted, rules for open
slots and rules for closed slots respectively.

Rules for open slots To extract rules for open slots, all sentences in training
set are generalized by replacing matched values with its slot type, as Figure 2
shows. Rules are exactly the generalized sentences and their types.
    The confidence of rules s = (Rule.r, Rule.v) are defined as
                                         F req P (s)
                        Conf =                                                 (1)
                                  F req P (s) + F req N (s)
where F req P is the frequency of s be positive and F req N is the frequency of
s be negative. The rules whose Conf is lower than 0.5 are discarded. Some of
rules are shown in Table 3.

Rules for closed slots To extract rules for closed slots, we start with its values
which are treated as key words, sentences contain these key words are collected.
Then, related words or phrases are categorized into positive and negative as
Table 4 shows. When prediction, an utterance contains no negative phrases but
positive phrases is assigned with corresponding slots and values.

4     Experiments
4.1   Datasets and evaluation metrics
Datasets The datasets is mainly from the real user’s utterance in the music
field and the non-music field of the human-machine dialogue system. The training
set consists of 12,000 samples, each sample consists of the three consecutive user
utterance and the label of the sample. The testing set consists of 3,000 unlabeled
6       F. Author et al.

                           Table 6. Examples of results

        Utterance          Classifier      Tagger           Rule           Result
                                                       artist: 田馥甄,    artist: 田馥甄,
       播放田馥甄的痒。             Other        artist: 田馥甄
                                                          song: 痒         song: 痒
         我要听歌。             Random              -              -
        放一首中文歌。             Other              -       language: zh     language: zh
    给高春艳,唱一首丢手绢之歌。          Other       song: 丢手绢之歌           -       song: 丢手绢之歌

Evaluation metrics The intent detection is a classification task. Precision,
Recall, and F1-score(F1l ) are utilized as evaluation metrics. The slot filling is
a sequence labeling task. Two types of performance evaluation are discussed:
for the utterances containing entities, Precision, Recall, and F1-score(F1E ) are
used as evaluation metrics; for the utterances without entity, Accuracy(ACC) is
used as the evaluation metric. Overall, we evaluate the quality of our method as
                       numl ∗ F 1l + numE ∗ F 1E + numa ∗ ACC
              Score =                                                          (2)
Where numE represents the total number of utterances which need to judge the
intent, numE represents the total number of utterances containing the entities,
numa represents the total number of utterances without entity, numt represents
the total number of utterances in dataset.

4.2    Results
Table 5 shows the experimental results on the dataset in this task. We sum-
marize several methods and give their performance. Cpipline +T and C+T do
not use rules and Cpipline +T does not use the match features when classifying.
C+T+R represents the rules be utilized. As shown in Table 5, C+T is better
than Cpipline +T and C+T+R has a significant improvement compared to the
first two methods, which prove the importance of the match features and the
prior knowledge.

4.3    Case study
Table 6 shows the examples of the results. We can find that combining rules and
models can mine more slot values.

5     Conclusion
This paper proposes a solution solving intent detection and slot filling jointly to
overcome the error propagation problem of pipeline mechanism. Moreover, rules
are extracted from the training set and used to help to produce better result. Ex-
periments show that joint learning significantly improves performances. Besides,
rules help to produce better results. The adopted strategies of joint learning and
rules fusing are naive. In future, more advanced and effective mechanisms for
joint intent detection and slot filling are worth of study.
                           Joint Intent Detection and Slot Filling with Rules       7

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