=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2243/preface |storemode=property |title=None |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2243/preface.pdf |volume=Vol-2243 }} ==None== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2243/preface.pdf

The 19th Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science (ICTCS 2018)
was held on September 18–20, 2018, in the center of Urbino, a walled city listed
by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site, which was one of the capitals of Renais-
sance. ICTCS is the annual conference of the Italian Chapter of the European
Association for Theoretical Computer Science (IC-EATCS). The purpose of the
meeting is to foster the cross-fertilization of ideas stemming from different areas
of theoretical computer science. In particular, it provides an ideal environment
where junior researchers and PhD students can meet senior researchers. The top-
ics of interest include agents, algorithms, argumentation, automata theory, com-
plexity theory, computational logic, computational social choice, concurrency
theory, cryptography, discrete mathematics, distributed computing, dynamical
systems, formal methods, game theory, graph theory, knowledge representation,
languages, model checking, process algebras, quantum computing, rewriting sys-
tems, security and trust, semantics, specification and verification, systems biol-
ogy, theorem proving, and type theory.
    ICTCS 2018 received 33 submissions (19 regular papers and 14 communica-
tions), of which 25 were accepted for presentation at the conference and then
published on http://ceur-ws.org/ (16 regular papers and 9 communications).
Each submission was assessed by 3 reviewers, for a total of 58 reviewers (36 pro-
gram committee members plus 22 additional reviewers) producing 99 reviews
overall. The authors of the accepted contributions mostly came from Italy both
in terms of nationality (83.87%) and affiliation (85.48%). Foreign authors came
from Germany (3), The Netherlands (2), Brazil (2), Portugal (1), and USA (1).
    ICTCS 2018 was attended by 40 people. In addition to the invited talks given
by Rossella Petreschi and Davide Sangiorgi, as usual the conference included on
its second day the IC-EATCS annual meeting and the award ceremony for the
IC-EATCS best young researcher Nicola Prezza who gave an invited talk too, the
IC-EATCS best PhD thesis by Michele Ciampi and Luisa Siniscalchi, and the
best MSc thesis by Francesco Dagnino. The best PhD thesis award was entitled
to the memory of Mattia Gastaldello. Moreover, on the first day there was a panel
on past and future of the VQR – Italy’s national research assessment – chaired
by Angelo Montanari, president of IC-EATCS, whose participants were Ciriaco
Andrea D’Angelo, Andrea Marin, the rector of the University of L’Aquila Paola
Inverardi, and the rector of the University of Urbino Vilberto Stocchi. Finally,
on the third day a seminar in honour of Corrado Böhm took place, which was
organized by Ugo de’ Liguoro and Benedetto Intrigila.
   We conclude by thanking the program committee members, the additional
reviewers, the invited speakers, the authors, and all the participants. Special
thanks go to Angelo Montanari for his suggestions during the organization of the
conference, Daniela Cini of Studio Synthesis for her logistic and administrative
support, and the Department of Pure and Applied Sciences (DiSPeA) of the
University of Urbino for the financial support of the invited speakers.

Urbino, November 2018               Alessandro Aldini and Marco Bernardo

Program Chairs
  Alessandro Aldini          Università di Urbino Carlo Bo
  Marco Bernardo             Università di Urbino Carlo Bo

Program Committee
  Marco Antoniotti           Università di Milano Bicocca
  Franco Barbanera           Università di Catania
  Anna Bernasconi            Università di Pisa
  Davide Bilò               Università di Sassari
  Stefano Bistarelli         Università di Perugia
  Luca Bortolussi            Università di Trieste
  Tiziana Calamoneri         Università di Roma Sapienza
  Antonio Caruso             Università del Salento
  Silvia Crafa               Università di Padova
  Ugo Dal Lago               Università di Bologna
  Gianlorenzo D’Angelo       Gran Sasso Science Institute
  Moreno Falaschi            Università di Siena
  Gabriele Fici              Università di Palermo
  Michele Flammini           Università dell’Aquila & GSSI
  Dora Giammarresi           Università di Roma Tor Vergata
  Paola Giannini             Università del Piemonte Orientale
  Flaminia Luccio            Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia
  Isabella Mastroeni         Università di Verona
  Maria Chiara Meo           Università di Chieti e Pescara Gabriele d’Annunzio
  Emanuela Merelli           Università di Camerino
  Manuela Montangero         Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia
  Aniello Murano             Università di Napoli Federico II
  Luca Padovani              Università di Torino
  Domenico Parente           Università di Salerno
  Simona Perri               Università della Calabria
  Carla Piazza               Università di Udine
  Giovanni Pighizzini        Università di Milano
  Giovanni Michele Pinna     Università di Cagliari
  Rosario Pugliese           Università di Firenze
  Paola Quaglia              Università di Trento
  Gianfranco Rossi           Università di Parma
  Pierluigi San Pietro       Politecnico di Milano
  Simone Tini                Università dell’Insubria
  Mirco Tribastone           IMT Lucca
  Paola Vocca                Università della Tuscia
  Elena Zucca                Università di Genova
Additional Reviewers

   Anselmo, Marcella        Frigo, Matteo
   Arisaka, Ryuta           Goldwurm, Massimiliano
   Bruno, Pierangela        Leoncini, Mauro
   Casagrande, Alberto      Mantadelis, Theofrastos
   Castiglione, Giuseppa    Moscardelli, Luca
   Castiglioni, Valentina   Pacenza, Francesco
   Corò, Federico          Pasqua, Michele
   De Angelis, Emanuele     Quadrini, Michela
   De Luca, Alessandro      Tesei, Luca
   De Marco, Gianluca       Valentini, Giorgio
   D’Emidio, Mattia         Wang, Kewen