=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2245/commitmde_paper_4 |storemode=property |title=Delta-driven Collaborative Modeling |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2245/commitmde_paper_4.pdf |volume=Vol-2245 |authors=Maik Appeldorn,Dilshodbek Kuryazov,Andreas Winter |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/models/AppeldornK018 }} ==Delta-driven Collaborative Modeling== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2245/commitmde_paper_4.pdf
                               Delta-driven collaborative modeling
                                Maik Appeldorn, Dilshod Kuryazov and Andreas Winter
                                                        University of Oldenburg
                                                      26129 Oldenburg, Germany

ABSTRACT                                                                    Development and maintenance of software models requires a
Model-Driven Engineering has already become a significant means         need for collaborative modeling of several collaborators like man-
in software development activities, which is well-suited to design      agers, designers, developers, testers, and maintainers in order to
and develop large-scale software systems. Developing and main-          accomplish successful results [21]. Several collaborators involved
taining large-scale model-driven software systems entails a need        in software modeling apply changes to the shared software models.
for collaborative modeling by a large number of software designers      Collaborative modeling approaches have to provide support for
and developers. As the first-class entities of the model-driven engi-   communication among collaborators by: change representation for
neering paradigm, software models are constantly changed during         storing the histories of the changed model elements, synchroniza-
development and maintenance. Collaborative modeling support             tion of the represented model changes, and management of software
for frequently synchronizing model changes between collabora-           models and their revisions stored in the repositories. These core
tors is required. Thereby, a solid change representation support for    features that collaborative modeling approaches have to provide
model changes plays an essential role for collaborative modeling        are also addressed in [18] as the result of a solid and sophisticated
systems. This paper applies a meta-model generic, operation-based       literature study.
and textual difference language to existing domain-specific model-          Depending on the nature of interaction, collaborative model-
ing tool UML Designer and demonstrates a collaborative modeling         ing can be divided into two main forms, namely concurrent and
application – CoMo. It is validated for UML activity diagrams.          sequential collaborative modeling [14], [27]:
                                                                          • Concurrent Collaboration. The essential and widely used sce-
                                                                            nario of collaborative modeling is the development of software
                                                                            models in real-time by several collaborators in parallel. The con-
1   MOTIVATION                                                              current collaborative modeling is usually dedicated to creating,
Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) has become a popular means for               modifying and maintaining the huge, shared and centralized
software development which supports appropriate abstraction con-            software models. These changes are synchronized in real-time.
cepts to software development activities. It aims at improving the          The real-time collaborative editing approaches are extensively
productivity of software development, maintenance activities, and           investigated in textual document writing, e.g., Google Docs [19],
communication among various teams and stakeholders. In MDE,                 Etherpad [4], Firepad [16], and many more. Unlike textual docu-
software models are the first-class artifacts of software development       ment editing, the increased performance of change synchroniza-
rather than the source code implementing the systems. This leads            tion matters in collaborative modeling because of the graph-like
to the several main benefits of MDE: the productivity boost, models         complex structures of software models. Thus, model changes
become a single point of truth and are automatically kept up-to-date        have to be identified continually, represented and synchronized
with the code they specify [24, pp. 9ff].                                   using very simple notations. Typically, these changes are con-
   Software models (e.g. in UML – Unified Modeling Language [32])           stantly detected by listening for users actions on a particular
are the key artifacts in MDE activities. In order to cope with the          model instance and produced in form of the small set of changes
constantly growing amount of software artifacts and their complex-          contained in Modeling Deltas [26]. Thus, modeling deltas are
ity, software systems to be developed or maintained are usually             rather small in real-time collaboration and they are usually not
shifted to abstract forms using the modeling concepts. Software             stored, yet synchronized between the parallel working copies
models focus on the most relevant aspects of the problem domain             of software models. The real-time synchronization of modeling
to be designed and developed. Simultaneously, software models               deltas is enabled by micro-versioning [27].
are the documentation and implementation of the software systems          • Sequential Collaboration. Another significant scenario of collabo-
being developed and maintained [24].                                        rative modeling is sequential collaboration which is also referred
   Like the source code of software systems, software models are            to as model management in some literature [18]. Sequential col-
constantly evolved and maintained in order to cope with various             laboration intends to identify the model differences between the
user changes such as improvements, extensions, and optimization.            subsequent revisions of modeling artifacts, store and reuse them
All development and maintenance activities contribute to the evo-           when needed. There are several classical source code version
lution of software models. These activities may include creating new        control (sequential collaboration) approaches such as Subversion
artifacts, removing existing ones, or/and changing the attributes           [8], Git [35], etc. These systems for the source code of software
of existing artifacts. Any type of the aforementioned changes that          systems are the best aid in handling development and evolu-
may occur during development and evolution of software models               tion of large-scale, complex and continually evolving software
are referred to as model changes.                                           systems. The same support is needed for software models. For
   instance, while designing software models in concurrent collab-             Concurrent collaboration systems record and synchronize change
   oration, collaborators intend to store the correct and complete         notifications during collaborative development. Collaborative doc-
   revision of their model and open it after a while to continue           ument writing systems like Google Docs [19] and Etherpad [4] are
   development and maintenance. These model management activi-             widely used systems in concurrent document creation and editing.
   ties are facilitated by macro-versioning [27]. In macro-versioning,     There are also several Web-based modeling tools e.g. GenMyModel
   the differences between subsequent model revisions are repre-           [9] and Creately [7], which exchange changes over WebSockets.
   sented in Modeling Deltas, as well. Modeling deltas consist of the      Their core ideas and underlying change representation techniques
   larger set of model changes in macro-versioning, whereas they           are not explicitly documented. Their modeling concepts and other
   represent the small set of model changes in micro-versioning.           services are not accessible, making them difficult to study and ex-
   In both micro- and macro-versioning scenarios, modeling deltas          tend. The collaborative modeling approaches emfCollab [1] and
are the first-class entities and play an essential role in synchronizing   Dawn [17] (the sub-component of CDO - Connected Data Objects
the small model changes between the parallel instances of models,          [13]) provide collaborative development features for EMF models.
storing/representing model changes in efficient ways, and manag-           However, they use custom serialization of changes for synchro-
ing models and their revisions. The both collaborative modeling            nization in concurrent modeling. Dawn utilizes standard relational
scenarios might rely on the same underlying change representa-             databases to persist models under development.
tion approach to deal with modeling deltas. Therefore, the efficient           Sequential collaboration systems such as Git [35], Mercurial [28],
representation of modeling deltas is crucial for both scenarios.           Subversion [8] are used for sequential revision control in source
   A meta-model generic, operation-based and textual change rep-           code-driven software development. There are also sequential collab-
resentation approach entitled Difference Language (DL) for repre-          orative modeling systems, e.g., EMF Store [20], SMoVer [3], AMOR
senting modeling deltas in both micro- and macro-versioning was            [5] and Taentzer et. al. [36] that are discussed in Section 2.2.
introduced in [26]. A DL-based collaborative modeling infrastruc-              For differentiating revisions and calculating differences, most
ture was developed and applied to UML class diagrams in [27]. The          of the collaborative systems for source code-driven software de-
proposed DL is meta-model generic, operation-based, modeling               velopment use the Myer’s LCS [29] algorithm, which is based on
tool generic, reusable, applicable, and extensible. Moreover, the          recursively finding the longest sequence of common lines in the
associated technical support further provides a catalog of supple-         list of lines of compared revisions. Software models can also be
mentary services which allow for producing and reusing modeling            represented in textual formats using XMI exchange formats, but it
deltas represented by DL. As long as there already are several ad-         is commonly agreed that the collaborative approaches for source
vanced model designing tools, this paper applies the DL approach           code cannot sufficiently fit to MDE because of the paradigm shift
to Sirius-based [11] domain-specific modeling tool UML Designer            between source code- and model-driven concepts [6], [34]. Differen-
[31] which results in the Collaborative Modeling (CoMo) application.       tiating the textual lines of the XMI-based software models can not
UML activity diagrams [32] are considered as the domain language           provide sufficient information about the changes in associated and
throughout this paper.                                                     composite data structures of software models, as well as does not
   The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: Section 2         reflect the semantics of changes. As there are already outstanding
investigates existing related approaches in the research domain.           collaborative systems for textual documents and the source code
Several characteristics of DL and its collaborative modeling ap-           of software systems, MDE also requires support for generic, solid,
plication are defined in Section 3. The core concepts behind the           configurable and extensible collaborative modeling applications for
DL-based collaborative modeling are depicted in Section 4 and the          their development, maintenance, and evolution.
same section explains the subset of services provided by DL. Sec-
tion 5 explains the CoMo collaborative modeling application of DL.
                                                                           2.2    Delta Representation Approaches
Section 6 discusses adaptability and extendability of the DL-based
collaborative modeling application. This paper ends up in Section 7        As long as modeling delta representation is a decisively significant
by drawing some conclusions.                                               issue in developing collaborative environments, this section briefly
                                                                           reviews and classifies some delta representation approaches. The
                                                                           existing collaborative modeling approaches employ various tech-
2     RELATED APPROACHES                                                   niques for model change representation in modeling deltas. Below,
The problem of collaborative modeling and its change represen-             the existing approaches are classified and discussed according to
tation is the actively discussed and extensively addressed topic           their difference/change representation techniques.
among the research community of software engineering. There                   The most approaches identify themselves as the operation-based
is a large number of research papers addressing to collaborative           difference representation. They usually use basic edit operations
modeling (Section 2.1) and model difference/change representation          such as create, delete and change (or similar and more), which is
(Section 2.2).                                                             a general concept being relevant to many difference representa-
                                                                           tion approaches. Regardless of their difference representation tech-
                                                                           niques, they employ these basic operations only for recognizing
2.1    Collaborative Systems                                               the types of model changes, but information about model changes
This section briefly reviews some collaborative development, doc-          is generally stored in various forms as discussed below.
ument editing and modeling approaches in order to derive some                 Model-based approaches represent modeling deltas using models.
general concepts and principals.                                           Cicchetti et al. [6] introduced a meta-model independent approach
that uses software models for representing model differences con-            data set. Thus, the database-based representation approaches may
forming to a difference meta-model. Cicchetti et al. also provides           require more implementation effort in identification and reuse of
a service (incl. conflict resolution) to apply difference models to          modeling deltas.
differentiated models in order to transform them from one revision              Modeling deltas represented in textual forms are the most likely
to another. A fundamental approach to sequential model version               to be small, especially well-suited to concurrent collaboration sce-
control based on graph modifications introduced by Taentzer et.              nario. The textual modeling deltas are (1) directly executable de-
al. [36] is also used to represent model differences using models.           scriptions of model changes; (2) easy to implement; (3) expres-
The approach is validated in Adaptable Model Versioning System               sive, yet unambiguous providing necessary knowledge; (4) easy
(AMOR) [5] for EMF models [34]. The major focus of the approach              to synchronize with high performance; (5) easy serialization and
is differentiation and merging of software models that serve as the          deserialization by textual parser.
main foundations for sequential model version control.                          Literature review shows that research on modeling delta repre-
    Graph-based approaches represent model changes using internal            sentation for collaborative modeling is still in its infancy. Consider-
graph-like structures. It is usually similar to model-based represen-        ing the aforementioned discussions, this paper requests a textual
tation, but relying on the low-level graph-like structures. A generic        difference language (DL) to represent modeling deltas in sequential
approach to model difference calculation and representation using            and concurrent collaborative modeling.
edit scripts is introduced in the SiDiff approach [23]. SiDiff consists
of a chain of model differencing processes, including correspon-
dence matching, difference derivation, and semantic lifting [22].            3    CHARACTERISTICS
SiDiff does not rely on a specific modeling language. The SiDiff’s           A meta-model generic, operation-based and textual Difference Lan-
difference calculator algorithm is also utilized by the approach             guage (DL) for representing modeling deltas in both micro- and
in this paper to realized its delta calculator service (explained in         macro-versioning was introduced in [26]. A collaborative modeling
Section 4.3).                                                                infrastructure based on DL was developed and applied to UML
    Relational Database-based approaches represent model changes             class diagram in [27], which resulted in a tool entitled Kotelett. DL
in classical relational databases. Likely, SMOVER [3] and Dawn               further provides a catalog of supplementary services which allow
[17] take advantage of relational databases to store model changes           to produce and reuse DL-based modeling deltas. The subset of these
and to persist their models under development and evolution.                 services delta calculator (change listener feature), delta applier, model
    Text-based approaches represent model changes in modeling                manager and delta synchronizer are used in developing collaborative
deltas by a sequence of edit operations in the textual forms embed-          modeling application in this paper.
ding change-related difference information. An early text-based                 Several requirements operation-based, meta-model generic, tool
representation approach is introduced by Alanen and Porres [2].              independent, delta-based, completeness, reusability for DL and its
EMF Store [20] is a model and data repository for EMF-based soft-            services are described and fulfilled in [25]. Further requirements
ware models. The framework enables collaborative work of several             (awareness of content and layout, genericness, supportiveness) for the
modelers directly via peer-to-peer connection providing semantic             overall DL-collaborative modeling infrastructure are defined and
version control of models. Dawn [17] and emfCollab [1] use their             satisfied in [27].
custom serialization of model changes for synchronizing them be-                Since there are already several advanced domain-specific model
tween collaborators. DeltaEcore [33] is a delta language generation          designing tools, this paper applies the DL-based collaborative mod-
framework and addresses the problem of generating delta modeling             eling infrastructure to Sirius-based [11] domain-specific modeling
languages for software product lines and software ecosystems.                tool UML Designer [31]. The UML activity diagram [32] is consid-
    This section discusses the existing related approaches based on          ered as domain language throughout this paper. Before explaining
the criteria if representation by these approaches can provide small         the core application ideas, this section lists several further charac-
modeling deltas for both sequential and concurrent collaborative             teristics addressing the adaptability aspect of the approach.
modeling. Besides, there are several approaches focusing only on                Meta-model. DL is conceptually a family of domain-specific lan-
some aspects of these collaborative modeling, and are not discussed          guages and generic with respect to the meta-models of modeling
in this paper.                                                               languages. As long as the modeling concepts of any modeling lan-
    The graph- and model-based representations of modeling deltas            guage can be recognized by looking at the meta-models of these
are more effective in case of the sequential collaboration and dis-          languages, specific DLs for particular modeling languages are gen-
tributed concurrent collaboration. The modeling deltas represented           erated by importing their meta-models. Therefore, DL requires the
by models or graphs usually consist of additional conceptual infor-          meta-model of a modeling language, in this particular case, the
mation for representing its modeling or graph concepts alongside             meta-model of UML activity diagrams. DL supports the follow-
actual change information. Thus, the model- and graph-based mod-             ing characteristics to apply the DL-based collaborative modeling
eling deltas might not be as small (micro) as text-based modeling            infrastructure to the modeling language:
deltas. Modeling deltas have to be as small as possible to achieve            • DL Generation. In order to apply the DL-based collaborative
higher performance (by rapid synchronization of modeling deltas)                modeling infrastructure to a particular domain-specific language
in concurrent collaborative modeling in real-time. During the evolu-            which is defined by its appropriate meta-model, the DL generator
tionary life-cycle, if all difference information is stored in a database,      service (Section 4.3) generates a specific DL from the meta-model
the database might become complex and large with an associated                  of a potential modeling language, UML activity diagram. Then,
   the modeling deltas can be represented in terms of DL on the             developing visual modeling editors based on EMF. The ActivityNode
   instance models conforming to that modeling language.                    and ActivityEdge of the content part are connected to the Node and
 • Service Adaptation. DL supports several potential supplemen-             Edge of the layout part through the DNode and DEdge artifacts of
   tary services (Section 4.3) for extending the application areas          the Sirius odesign notation.
   of DL. These services are capable of operating on the DL-based              This way of designing meta-models allows for using the same col-
   modeling deltas, e.g., calculating, applying, synchronizing, and         laborative modeling environment for different modeling contents.
   managing modeling deltas. For applying the DL-based collab-              The complete meta-model is used for creating overall collaborative
   orative modeling infrastructure to domain-specific tool UML              modeling application explained in Section 5.
   designer, delta calculator and delta applier services have to be
   adapted. The other services remain unchanged.
                                                                            4.2    Motivating Example
   These characteristic are addressed in Section 4 to apply the DL-
based collaborative modeling infrastructure to design UML activity          In order to express how DL is applied to change representation
diagrams in the UML Designer tool.                                          for activity diagrams, this section presents a simplified example
                                                                            for the DL-based change representation in modeling deltas. A very
                                                                            simple UML activity diagram is chosen as a running example to
                                                                            apply the DL approach. Figure 2 depicts three subsequent revisions
The DL-based collaborative modeling infrastructure considers model          namely Rev_1, Rev_2 and Rev_3 of the same UML activity diagram
changes as the first-class entities for supporting concurrent collab-       describing an "Ordering System" example. All model revisions
oration by micro-versioning and sequential collaboration by macro-          conform to the same meta-model shown in Figure 1. Figure 2 further
versioning. Thus, first of all, DL aims at representing model changes       depicts two concurrent copies of the latest revision, in this case,
in modeling deltas in efficient ways.                                       Rev_3. Two designers, namely Designer_1 and Designer_2 are
   DL is conceptually a family of domain-specific languages for             working on these parallel copies.
representing model changes. A specific DL is derived from the meta-            Globally Unique Identifiers. According to the NamedElement
model of a modeling language. Since this paper applies the DL-based         class of the meta-model in Figure 1, each modeling artifact has
collaborative modeling infrastructure to designing UML activity             an attribute named id. In order to identify modeling artifacts and
diagrams in UML Designer, the approach requests the meta-model              to represent referenced changes in modeling deltas, this identifier
of activity diagram as initial prerequisite to generate a specific          attribute is used in modeling delta operations. Assigning model-
DL. Thereafter, the relevant DL services have to be adapted to be           ing artifacts to globally unique identifiers allows to identify and
capable of handling new modeling languages in the new model                 keep track of the modeling artifacts of evolving software models
designing tool.                                                             over time. With unique identifiers, inter-delta (i.e., predecessor and
   Section 4.1 depicts the substructure of the UML activity diagram         successor) and delta-model references can easily be detected. The
meta-model. Section 4.2 exemplifies a simplified running exam-              inter-delta references allow for tracing any particular modeling
ple for the DL-based change representation. Section 4.3 explains            artifact by detecting the predecessor and successor artifacts of an
a subset of supplementary DL services required for applying col-            initial modeling artifact. The delta-model references are used to
laborative modeling and how they are adapted to be handy in this            refer to modeling artifacts from modeling deltas in applying model-
particular case.                                                            ing deltas to software models by the DL applier service (explained
                                                                            in Section 4.3).
4.1    Meta-Model                                                              Model Changes. In the first revision, the model consists of one
The modeling concepts of any modeling language can be recognized            Opaque Action named "Receive" as well as Initial Node and Final
by inspecting the meta-model of that language. Thus, a specific             Node. All modeling artifacts are connected by Control Flows. While
DL for UML activity diagram is generated by the DL generator ser-           evolving from the first revision to the second, the following changes
vice (explained in Section 4.3) importing the UML activity diagram          are made on the model: Fork Node, Join Node, two Opaque Actions
meta-model. Then, the model changes in modeling deltas can be               named "Fill Order" and "Send Invoice" are created, the target
represented in terms of DL on the instance activity diagrams. How-          end of the control flow g5 is reconnected to the Fork Node, the name
ever, the DL generator is generic with respect to the meta-models           of the Opaque Action g2 is changed, and several control flows are
of modeling languages.                                                      created connecting these nodes. The model again evolves into the
    Figure 1 depicts the substructure of the UML activity diagram           third revision Rev_3 after making the following changes: the target
meta-model that is used throughout this section as a running exam-          end of the control flow g5 is reconnected to the Opaque Action g7,
ple. The meta-model is separated into two parts by a dashed line.           the target end of the control flow g12 is reconnected to the Activity
Below the line, it depicts the content part (i.e., abstract syntax) which   Final Node. The nodes Fork Node, Join Node, Opaque Action "g8"
is adapted from the standard UML activity diagram meta-model for            and the control flows g10, g11, g13, g14 are deleted.
EMF (Eclipse Modeling Framework) [34]. In graphical modeling,                  In the third, last revision, the model is then being further de-
each modeling object has design information such as color, size,            veloped by two designers concurrently. Designer_1 changes the
and position, also called layout information. Above the dashed line,        names of the Opaque Actions g2 and g7 from "Receive Order" and
Figure 1 portrays the layout part (i.e., concrete syntax). The layout       "Fill Order" to "Receive Orders" and "Fill Orders", respec-
part of the meta-model depicts the substructure of Graphical Mod-           tively. These changes are then sent to the other instance in form
eling Framework (GMF) notation [12] which supports notation for             of the DL-based modeling delta (Figure 6). On the other instance,
 Layout Part
 Content Part

                                              Figure 1: UML Activity Diagram Meta-model

Designer_2 creates a new Opaque Action named "Close Order".             order, i.e., application of the backward deltas to models transforms
The same designer creates one Control Flow g16 and reconnects           models into the earlier revisions. For instance, application of the
the target end of the control flow g12 from the Activity Final Node     backward delta in Figure 3 to Rev_3 results in Rev_2.
g3 to the newly created node g15. These changes are then sent
to the other instance, Designer_1 is working on, as the DL-based          1   g6 = createForkNode ( ) ;
modeling delta (Figure 7).                                                2   g8 = createOpaqueAction ( " Send I n v o i c e " ) ;
   Modeling Deltas in Sequential Collaboration. In sequential             3   g9 = createJoinNode ( ) ;
collaboration (cf. Subversion [8], Git [35]), the differences between     4   g10 = createControlFlow ( g6 , g7 ) ;
subsequent revisions are usually identified and represented in re-        5   g11 = createControlFlow ( g6 , g8 ) ;
verse order, i.e., they represent changes in the backward deltas          6   g13 = createControlFlow ( g8 , g9 ) ;
[26]. Because these systems intend to store differences as directly       7   g14 = createControlFlow ( g9 , g3 ) ;
executable forms that is more practical in retrieving the earlier         8   g5 . changeTarget ( g6 ) ;
revisions of software systems. Since the latest revision is the most      9   g12 . changeTarget ( g9 ) ;
frequently accessed revision, they store the most recent revision of          Figure 3: Backward Delta between Rev_3 and Rev_2
software systems and several differences deltas for tracing back to
the earlier revisions. DL-based difference representation also fol-         According to the DL syntax, each delta operation contains a
lows the similar art of delta representation in its macro-versioning    Operator Part (cf. g6=createForkNode();) which describes the type of
scenario.                                                               change by means of operations (one of create, change, delete) [26]
   The example depicted in Figure 2 describes the two backward          and an Modeling Artifact (cf. g6=createForkNode();) (with attributes
deltas between three subsequent revisions (Rev_1, Rev_2 and             if required) which refers to model element. To refer to model ele-
Rev_3). These backward deltas (Figure 3) are directed in reverse        ments from the DL operations in modeling deltas, globally unique
                                                                        identifiers of model elements are used as references (дx ).
                                          Macro-versioning                                                                       Designer_1

                                                                                                                                  g2   Receive Orders
      Rev_1                           Rev_2                                    Rev_3
                                                                                                                                  g7      Fill Orders
            g1                               g1                                                                         opens
                                                                                       g1                                                        g12

                                                                                            g4                                            g3
     g2      Receive                 g2 Receive Order
                                                                              g2   Receive Order
                                            g5                                                                                                           sync
              g5                     g6                                                                                          Designer_2
                                        g10         g11
                                                                                                                 Forward                   g1
                                                                              g7       Fill Order                 Deltas                    g4
                                     g7 Fill             Send g8
                                         Order          Invoice
                                                                                        g12                                       g2    Receive Order
                                        g12                g13
                                                       g14                             g3                                                  Fill Order
                                                                                                                        opens     g7
                                              g3                                                                                           g12

                                                                                                                                 g15     Close Order
                                              Backward                                      Active
                                               Deltas                                       Delta                                         g3

                                                             Figure 2: Simplified UML Activity Diagram

   Likewise, Figure 4 illustrates the backward modeling delta con-                          models in form of the modeling deltas, as well. Active deltas are
sisting of the differences between the second and first revisions.                          the DL-based descriptions of the base revision (working copy) of a
                                                                                            complete model. Active deltas consist of only creation operations.
 1        g2 . changeName ( " R e c e i v e " ) ;
                                                   7     g14 . delete ( ) ;                 Execution of an active delta creates a complete model out of empty
 2        g5 . changeTarget ( g3 ) ;
                                                   8     g6 . delete ( ) ;                  model.
 3        g10 . delete ( ) ;
                                                   9     g7 . delete ( ) ;                     The third revision of the model depicted in Figure 2 is represented
 4        g11 . delete ( ) ;
                                                  10     g8 . delete ( ) ;                  by the active delta in Figure 5 which consists of only creation oper-
 5        g12 . delete ( ) ;
                                                  11     g9 . delete ( ) ;                  ations. When this active delta is executed on an empty model, the
 6        g13 . delete ( ) ;
                                                                                            third, base revision of the model depicted in Figure 2 is created.
      Figure 4: Backward Delta between Rev_2 and Rev_1                                           1   g1 = createInitialNode ( ) ;
   The modeling deltas in these figures are directly executable de-                              2   g2 = createOpaqueAction ( " R e c e i v e O r d e r " ) ;
scriptions of the model differences. Each of these difference deltas                             3   g7 = createOpaqueAction ( " F i l l O r d e r " ) ;
allows for reverting the base model to the earlier revision from the                             4   g3 = createActivityFinalNode ( ) ;
latter. The modeling delta in Figure 3 reverts the model to the sec-                             5   g4 = createControlFlow ( g1 , g2 ) ;
ond revision from the third, whereas the modeling delta in Figure 4                              6   g5 = createControlFlow ( g2 , g7 ) ;
reverts the same model to the first revision from the second. In                                 7   g12 = createControlFlow ( g7 , g3 ) ;
the DL-based modeling deltas, the unchanged modeling artifacts
                                                                                                                     Figure 5: Active Delta
are implicitly excluded simply not describing DL operations for
them. Furthermore, the modeling deltas depicted in these figures                               Modeling Deltas in Concurrent Collaboration. In case of
consist of further DL operations for representing changes on layout                         the micro-versioning scenario depicted in Figure 2, the modeling
information, as well. For the sake of simplicity, these change opera-                       deltas are described in the forward forms where application of the
tions are not depicted in the backward modeling deltas. However,                            modeling deltas to a model results in the newer revisions of the
the forward delta depicted in Figure 7 consist of DL-based change                           same model. There, the changes made on two parallel instances
operations for layout information.                                                          by Designer_1 and Designer_2 are represented in the forward
   Active Delta. The source code-driven sequential collaborative                            modeling deltas. These deltas are synchronized with other parallel
systems usually store the working copy of software project and                              model instances in order to update these instances into the new
several (backward) deltas representing the differences between                              states by the change descriptions in the forward deltas. For instance,
software revisions in their software repositories. DL introduces                            Figure 6 depicts the forward delta consisting of the changes made
a new term active delta to store the working copies of software                             by Designer_1.
  1   g2 . changeName ( " R e c e i v e O r d e r s " ) ;
  2   g6 . changeName ( " F i l l O r d e r s " ) ;                            DL Generator. The DL generator generates specific DLs for
                                                                           modeling languages by importing their meta-models. While gen-
              Figure 6: Forward Delta of Designer_1                        erating the specific DL, it inspects all concrete (i.e., non-abstract)
                                                                           meta-classes of given meta-models and the attributes of these meta-
   In this delta, Designer_1 changes the name of both Opaque               classes.
Actions from "Receive Order" and "Fill Order" to "Receive                      A specific DL is always generated in form of the Model API
Orders" and "Fill Orders", respectively. This example represents           including Java Interfaces and Implementations (incl. constructors)
the model revisions where their changes are not yet synchronized           to recognize modeling objects, as well as Model Utility to operate
with other parallel instance of the model.                                 on instance models. The interfaces of Model API are parameterized
   In the same vein, Figure 7 depicts the forward delta representing       with the elements of a given meta-model and the change opera-
the changes made by Designer_2. Unlike the previous modeling               tions like create, delete, change. While generating specific DLs, the
deltas, this forward delta depicts DL operations for layout informa-       creation and deletion operations are generated for each meta-class.
tion starting from line 4. There, the new nodes Location (with the         It implies that model elements conforming to these meta-classes
attribute values of x, y) and Size (with the attribute values of width,    can be created or deleted on instance models. The change opera-
height) are created for the newly created Opaque Action g15. On            tions are generated for only meta-attributes, i.e., the attributes of
the last line, the RelativeBendpoints (with the values of the point list   each modeling artifact can only be changed on instance models.
sourceX, sourceY, targetX, targetY ) of Control Flow g12 is changed.       Meta-relations are associated with the attributes of meta-classes.
                                                                           The DL generator considers three atomic operations create, delete
  1   g15 = createOpaqueAction ( " C l o s e O r d e r " ) ;               and change as the sufficient set of operations for representing all
  2   g12 . changeTarget ( g15 ) ;                                         model changes.
  3   g16 = createControlFlow ( g15 , g3 ) ;                                   The DL generator does not generate methods to modify an at-
  4   g18 = createLocation ( 1 4 , 3 8 , g15 ) ;                           tribute that is fixed as an unique identifier. Modification of the
  5   g19 = createSize ( 1 8 , 6 , g15 ) ;                                 values of the identifier attribute (e.g., id) on the instance level is
  6   g20 . changePoints ( [ 2 2 , 2 8 , 2 2 , 3 8 ] , g12 ) ;             not permitted as it specifies the identity of modeling artifacts. Thus,
              Figure 7: Forward Delta of Designer_2                        their values should not be changed as the part of model changes.
                                                                           For instance, all identifiers дx in the example in Section 4.2 are
                                                                           stored using the attribute id of the class NamedElement in Figure 1.
   In the concurrent collaborative modeling enabled by micro-
                                                                               Collaborative Modeling Architecture. After generating a spe-
versioning, modeling deltas are represented by the DL operations in
                                                                           cific DL for the given meta-model, namely the UML activity diagram
the forward forms. These forward deltas have the forward effect in
                                                                           meta-model (incl. Content and Layout parts) in this case, the DL-
the models, i.e., the models are updated with the change descriptions
                                                                           based collaborative modeling infrastructure can be used to handle
defined in the forward deltas. Because, the recent changes made
                                                                           collaboration activities. It is built by the specific amalgamation of
by other parallel mates have to be propagated on this particular in-
                                                                           the several DL services as depicted in Figure 8. It shows the refer-
stance in order to keep them up-to-date and vice verse. The forward
                                                                           ence architecture for collaborative modeling including server and
deltas are rather small than backward deltas and are not stored in
                                                                           client sides. The same underlying reference architecture was also
the repository. The collaborative modeling approach distinguishes
                                                                           utilized in [26] to develop the Kotelett collaborative modeling
between forward and backward deltas because of their convenience
                                                                           application for UML class diagrams.
for micro-versioning and macro-versioning, respectively. The for-
                                                                                                 Server                                            Client
ward propagation of the change operations in modeling deltas is
more practical in case of micro-versioning, whereas the backward                                                                              designs         UML
                                                                               Repository                                {Models}
affect of modeling deltas to models is more convenient in macro-             (Backward Deltas)      Model Manager                                           Designer
                                                                                                    (macro-versioning)              Collaborator
   These modeling deltas are represented by the specific DL for                                                                      Listener           detects
                                                                                                     Synchronizer         Deltas}
                                                                                                                                                     changes from
UML activity diagrams generated from the meta-model depicted in                                     (micro-versioning)
                                                                                                                                     Applier         applies changes to
Figure 1.

4.3    DL Services                                                         Figure 8: Reference Architecture for Collaborative Modeling
DL intends to extend its application areas by introducing several             The server side consists of the synchronizer service to support
supplementary services, i.e., DL generator for generating specific         micro-versioning and model manager service for macro-versioning
DLs for the given modeling languages, delta calculator for calcu-          which uses the DL-based modeling delta repository. On the client
lating modeling deltas, delta applier for applying modeling deltas         side, the changes made by collaborators are constantly detected by
to models, model manager for managing models and their revi-               the change listener service while they are made using the model
sions, etc. As all DL services are explained in [26] in detail, this       editor, in this case, UML Designer. These micro-versions are repre-
section briefly revisits the services which are involved in applying       sented using forward modeling deltas and constantly sent to other
the DL-based infrastructure to design UML activity diagrams in             parallel clients through the synchronizer service on the server. Once
UML Designer. These potential services are explained how they are          these deltas arrive at other clients, they are applied to models by
adapted to be reusable in this section.                                    the applier service. As long as the synchronization of modeling
deltas among clients carried out by the synchronizer on the server,      collaboration. The server provides model manager feature to operate
the communication between collaborators is provided based on             on that repository. For instance, new models can be created in
star-topology.                                                           the repository, existing ones can be opened by collaborators to
    During collaboration, designers may store the particular state of    join collaboration, existing models can be deleted, revisions can be
their models whenever they are complete and correct. Collaborators       stored and loaded, etc.
are able to load models and their revisions that are saved earlier.
The macro-versioning feature is provided by the model manager
                                                                         5   APPLICATION
on the server.
    Listener. The change listener service is the part of the DL delta    The collaborative modeling applications are developed by the spe-
calculator service. Calculation of modeling deltas depends on the        cific orchestrations of the DL services explained in Section 4.3 and
scenario of collaboration whether it is macro-versioning or micro-       on the top of the DL-based delta representation. This section ex-
versioning. In micro-versioning, the modeling deltas are produced        plains the collaborative modeling application CoMo (Collaborative
by listening for changes in models by the change listener. Because       Modeling) of DL.
changes have to be synchronized in real-time providing sufficiently          The collaborative modeling application entitled CoMo is devel-
high performance. In macro-versioning, modeling deltas between           oped as an extension for Sirius-based domain-specific modeling
subsequent model revisions are calculated using the state-based          tool UML Designer. CoMo takes advantage of the DL-based modeling
comparison of subsequent revisions [23]. The state-based compar-         deltas for synchronizing modeling deltas among the collaborators
ison and change listener are the two different features of the DL        of the shared models. Figure 9 depicts a screenshot of CoMo. It
delta calculator service.                                                displays two different tool instances working on the same model
    In case of the EMF-hosted UML Designer, the listener listens         concurrently. These tool instances describe the exemplary micro-
for Notifications (org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notification) which     versioning scenario depicted in Figure 2 after the changes are syn-
consists of information about the changed model elements and the         chronized. Each CoMo tool instance consists of several windows as
change types. The change types in these notifications are mapped to      explained below.
the DL change types. The change types ADD, ADD_MANY are mapped               Figure 9 actually depicts the modeling user interface of UML
to the create operation, REMOVE, REMOVE_MANY are mapped to               Designer. As long as the DL-based collaborative modeling approach
delete, SET, UNSET are mapped to change, and MOVE is handled             is applied to UML Designer which is an EMF- and Sirius-based
by the combination of the create and delete operations. The DL           domain-specific modeling tool [31], CoMo is completely realized
change listener is realized using the Resource Set Listener which lis-   using the EMF technical space.
tens for the Transactional Editing Domain of Sirius sessions. The use        After installing the CoMo support, two buttons appear in the tool
of transactional editing domain provides to perform the redo/undo        as shown on the left instance under the indicator CoMo. When the
operations without extra implementation effort.                          first button (Kol) is clicked, the list of models currently available in
    Applier. In collaborative modeling, modeling deltas are applied      the repository is displayed asking the user which model to join as
to the base models in order to transform them from one revision          collaborator. From the displayed dialog window, users can either
to another. Application of modeling deltas to the base models is         select an existing model from the list or create a new model in the
provided by the DL delta applier service [26]. In macro-versioning,      repository. If they select to join an existing model as a collaborator,
the model manager utilizes the DL delta applier service to revert the    that model is opened in the editor (D) and they can continue further
older revisions of models by applying backward deltas. In case of        developing that model. The users can open multiple models at once
the loss or damage of information on the working copies of models,       during collaboration.
designers may revert the earlier revisions or undo recent changes            In micro-versioning, the forward modeling deltas are not stored
they made. The applier is also employed in micro-versioning in           in the repository. However, reversion of changes in micro-versioning
order to propagate model changes on the concurrent instances             happens on the client side of the editor and provided by the Re-
of shared models by applying forward deltas. The delta applier is        do/Undo features of Transactional Command Stack. CoMo can save
further used by the model manager to load the working copies             the model when the save button is clicked whenever the model is
of models by applying active deltas to empty models. Like the            complete and correct. When the tool is asked to save the model
listener, the DL delta applier is adapted to be useful in the EMF        by clicking the second button under the indicator CoMo, it calcu-
technical space. It converts the DL operations in modeling deltas        lates the differences (backward deltas) between the last and base
to executable commands in the Recording Command. Then, these             revisions. Furthermore, new active deltas are also generated when
operations are executed in the Transactional Command Stack of            the new revisions of models are stored. As the result of each click,
Transactional Editing Domain of EMF.                                     one backward delta (representing differences between base and
    Synchronizer. The server side of Figure 8 depicts the DL syn-        previous revisions) and one active delta (representing base working
chronizer service which allows for synchronization of micro-deltas       copy) are stored in the repository. This feature of the CoMo tool is
between collaborators. Its primary task is to send modeling deltas       currently under development.
to all connected clients except the sender. The synchronizer service         The model tree (A) shows the list of models and diagrams (incl.
is realized using the KryoNet API [15].                                  the elements of these diagrams) the users are currently working
    Model Manager. The repository on the server stores several           on. The both instances display the modeling concepts of the UML
backward deltas and one active delta for each software model under       activity diagram (B). These concepts conform to the meta-model
                                                                         depicted in Figure 1. The logger window (C) constantly displays

                        A                                    D1                   B                              D2                        B

                                                                                 C                                                        C


                                                         Figure 9: CoMo Screenshot

the modeling deltas that are exchanged among collaborators once          to the rapid synchronization of small modeling deltas. Thus, con-
changes are made in any instance. Creating one modeling artifact         current collaborative modeling enabled by the micro-versioning
on the graphical modeling editor may result in one or many change        currently does not focus on the issue of conflict resolution. In the
operations that are contained in one modeling delta that is syn-         current implementations of concurrent collaborative modeling ap-
chronized between collaborators. The model editor (D1 and D2)            plications, the most recent changes are propagated on all parallel
areas on the both instances show the exemplary activity diagrams         instances of models.
that Designer_1 and Designer_2 are developing as depicted in                For merging various model revisions in macro-versioning, the
Figure 2. In this case, these both instances are displayed after their   Kotelett tool employs the existing merge technique provided by
changes are synchronized. The letter E indicates three changes           the JGraLab technical space [10]. The merge technique of JGraLab
made by two designers. These changes are: the name changes from          offers the semi-automated conflict resolution feature. The CoMo
"Receive Order" and "Fill Order" to "Receive Orders" and                 application aims at utilizing the existing EMF Diff/Merge approach
"Fill Orders" respectively (highlighted on the left logger), as          [30] for model merging and conflict resolution in macro-versioning.
well as the creation of new Opaque Action named "Close Order"            However, the latter is still under development.
(highlighted on the right logger).
    Modeling deltas on the logger windows (C) are represented by the
specific DL generated from the combined meta-model in Figure 1           6   ADAPTABILITY
including the standard UML profiles (content part, i.e., abstract        The DL-based collaborative modeling infrastructure can be adapt-
syntax) and GMF notation (layout part, i.e., concrete syntax). The       able by generating specific DLs and extending the relevant DL
DL change listener and applier services are extended using EMF           services.
technical space features such as the command stack and resource set       • Difference Language. The approach provides the DL generator
listener extensions for the editing domains. All other underlying           service for generating specific DLs. It is generic with respect to
technologies such as the DL synchronizer and model manager                  the meta-models of modeling languages, i.e., it is not language
remain unchanged.                                                           or tool specific. As depicted in Figure 1, the layout notation part
    During experiments, the both DL applications Kotelett [27] and          (above the dashed line) of the meta-models enables adaptability
CoMo have shown sufficiently high performance by synchronization            of the approach for further modeling languages with the same
of small DL-based modeling deltas. So far, they have not faced any          layout notation. The modeling concept part (below the dashed
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