=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2245/flexmde_paper_3 |storemode=property |title=Towards a Modular and Flexible Human-Usable Textual Syntax for EMF Models |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2245/flexmde_paper_3.pdf |volume=Vol-2245 |authors=Dimitrios S. Kolovos,Richard F. Paige |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/models/KolovosP18 }} ==Towards a Modular and Flexible Human-Usable Textual Syntax for EMF Models== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2245/flexmde_paper_3.pdf
 Towards a Modular and Flexible Human-Usable
       Textual Syntax for EMF Models

                   Dimitrios S. Kolovos and Richard F. Paige

               Department of Computer Science, University of York,
                     Deramore Lane, York, YO10 5GH, UK
                   {dimitris.kolovos, richard.paige}@york.ac.uk

      Abstract. This paper extends previous work on capturing models con-
      forming to object-oriented metamodels using fuzzily-parsed XML, with
      mechanisms that facilitate file-level modularity and reuse. In particu-
      lar we introduce facilities for importing and including content residing
      in external model files as well as a metamodel-independent templating
      mechanism that can facilitate encapsulation and reuse of complex model
      element structures.

1   Introduction

To create and edit models conforming to object-oriented metamodels defined us-
ing languages such as MOF and Ecore, users need to be provided with support-
ing tools that offer appropriate concrete (e.g. diagrammatic, textual, table/tree-
based) syntaxes. Such tools can be generic and language-independent, or they
can be bound to a specific metamodel. In the EMF ecosystem, metamodel-
independent tools include the built-in reflective tree-based editor, an implemen-
tation of the Human-Usable Textual Notation (HUTN) [1, 2], and EMF’s built-
in support for the XML Metadata Interchange (XMI) syntax [3]. In terms of
language-specific tools, textual syntaxes can be defined using frameworks such
as Xtext [4] and MontiCore [5], diagrammatic syntaxes can be supported using
frameworks such as Sirius, Graphiti and GMF, and form-based editors can be
constructed using EMF Forms or EMF Parsley [6].
    The main advantage of metamodel-specific tools is the ability to precisely tai-
lor the desired concrete syntax(es). However, they require an upfront investment
to develop, and continuous effort to maintain and keep up to date with their
underpinning frameworks (e.g. Xtext, Sirius). Metamodel-independent concrete
syntaxes on the other hand require no tool development and maintenance effort
but can be more rigid and verbose.
    Arguably, different approaches are more suitable depending on the expertise
and preferences of the intended users, the maturity, size and nature of the meta-
model in question, and the available resources to develop and maintain bespoke
    In this line of work we are interested in metamodel-independent textual con-
crete syntaxes. In this niche, the available options in the EMF ecosystem are
D. Kolovos and R. Paige             Towards Modular and Human-Usable Flexmi

currently XMI and the OMG’s Human Usable Textual Notation. In [7] we intro-
duced a new metamodel-independent XML-based textual syntax called Flexmi,
which is supported by a fuzzy parser that does not require exact name corre-
spondence between the names of types and features in the metamodel and the
tag and attribute names used in the XML representation of a model. In this
paper, we report on enhancements to Flexmi with respect to modularity and
    The rest of the paper is organised as follows. Section 2 provides an overview of
the Flexmi textual concrete syntax and Section 3 discusses extensions of Flexmi
that aim at enhancing modularity and reuse. Section 4 briefly discusses directions
for evaluating the presented enhancements, Section 5 reviews related work, and
Section 6 concludes the paper.

2   An Overview of Flexmi

In this section we provide an overview of Flexmi as introduced in [7], using the
Simulink-like component-connector comps metamodel presented in Figure 1 as
a running example, and a minimal model of a speed monitoring component that
conforms to the said metamodel, which is graphically illustrated in Figure 2.

                           Fig. 1. The comps metamodel

     The component in Figure 2 has two input ports (speed and location) and an
output port (warning). The incoming (geo-)location is forwarded to a SpeedLim-
itCalculator component which returns the speed limit for the location. The speed
is then compared against the limit using the nested Comparator component and
if it exceeds it, a warning is produced.
     Listing 1.1 illustrates a Flexmi representation of the model in Figure 2. As
discussed in [7], line 1 declares that the model is an instance of the comps meta-
model. When the Flexmi parser encounters the comp tag in line 2, it compares
it against the names of all classes in the metamodel, it finds that the closest
     D. Kolovos and R. Paige                Towards Modular and Human-Usable Flexmi

                                                       in1      result   warning

               location      location     speedLimit

        Fig. 2. A speed monitoring component that conforms to the comps metamodel

     match is Component and therefore creates an instance of that type. In line 3,
     the parser compares the in tag against the names of all containment references
     of Component and all the valid contained types and finds that the best match
     is the inPorts reference, hence it creates an instance of Port (which is the only
     valid type for this reference) and adds it to the values of the reference. The same
     tolerant fuzzy matching approach is used to map XML attributes to attributes
     and non-containment references. For example, the n attribute in line 2 is mapped
     to the name attribute of Component while the f and t attributes in lines 18-22
     are mapped to the from and to non-containment references of class Connector.
     The complete parsing algorithm that Flexmi uses is discussed in detail in [7].

                          Listing 1.1. Speed monitor model in Flexmi
    D. Kolovos and R. Paige            Towards Modular and Human-Usable Flexmi

    3     Adding Modularity to Flexmi
    To capture larger models, the ability to split a model over multiple files is often
    desirable. To address this need, Flexmi has been extended with two new XML
    processing instructions to enable importing and including content from other
    EMF models.

    3.1   Importing Models
    Suppose that we wish to specify the types of the ports of the speed monitoring
    component in Listing 1.1. To render the type definitions reusable, we opt to
    record them in a separate Flexmi file called types.flexmi (the name of the file
    has no special semantics), which appears in Listing 1.2. The underscore tag in
    line 2 is a placeholder to accommodate models (such as this one) which have
    more than one root elements (very similarly to XMI’s xmi root tag).
2   <_>
                                 Listing 1.2. types.flexmi

        We can now import types.flexmi using an import processing instruction (line
    2) from the speed monitoring model file and refer to its elements by id as illus-
    trated in Listing 1.3.
7     ...
               Listing 1.3. Speed monitor model with port types in Flexmi

       At this point, it is worth contrasting Flexmi’s file-level model imports to
    XMI’s model-element level references. While in Flexmi, types.flexmi needs to be
    imported once, in the equivalent XMI presented in Listing 1.4, the path of the
    imported file needs to be repeated every time a reference to one of its elements
    is made (lines 3, 6 and 9). To the best of our knowledge, HUTN provides no
    syntax for file-level imports either.
     D. Kolovos and R. Paige              Towards Modular and Human-Usable Flexmi

11    ...
                  Listing 1.4. Speed monitor model with port types in XMI

     3.2   Including Models
     We now wish to specify the internal structure of the SpeedLimitCalculator com-
     ponent (see Figure 2 and lines 7-10 of Listing 1.1). The intended inner structure
     of the component is shown in Figure 3.

           location      location    speedLimit

                          SpeedLimitDatastore      in1         result   speedLimit


                                    speedLimit           Max


             Fig. 3. The inner structure of the SpeedLimitCalculator component

         If we wish to do this in a separate model file (e.g. slc.flexmi as shown in
     Listing 1.5), we can use Flexmi’s include processing instruction – which oper-
     ates in a very similar way to LaTeX’s input command – which instructs the
     Flexmi parser to parse the contents of slc.flexmi as if they were a part of
     the main model file. That is, we can replace lines 7-10 of Listing 1.1 with an
      processing instruction.
     D. Kolovos and R. Paige            Towards Modular and Human-Usable Flexmi

                  Listing 1.5. SpeedLimitCaclculator in Flexmi (slc.flexmi)

     3.3   Reusable Model Element Templates

     The Comparator and Max components in Figures 2 and 3 are very similar in
     terms of their structure as both of them contain two input ports called in1 and
     in2 and an output port called result. Given that the comps language does not
     define a notion of component inheritance, the only option available with a format
     such as XMI or HUTN is to tolerate this near-duplication.
          To reduce duplication in such cases, without needing to extend the instan-
     tiated metamodel, Flexmi introduces a templating mechanism. In Flexmi, tem-
     plates are specified using the reserved <\_template> XML tag. A template
     can have a number of named parameters and a content nested tag under which
     its content is defined. With reference to our example, we create a new Flexmi
     file (library.flexmi ) which contains the definition of a binary_operator template.
 2   <_>
 3    <_template name="binary_operator">
                 Listing 1.6. The binary-operator template (library.flexmi)
     D. Kolovos and R. Paige            Towards Modular and Human-Usable Flexmi

         The template has two parameters (in and out in lines 4 and 5) and its content
     is a component (line 7) with two input ports (line 8 and 9) and one output port
     (line 10). The types of these ports are controlled by the value of the in and out
     parameters using string replacement. Templates can be instantiated in models
     by name using an underscore prefix. Attributes of template invocations that also
     start with an underscore are passed as values for their named parameters, while
     all other attributes override the respective attributes of the template content
     element. In the context of our running example, we can replace lines 12-16 of
     Listing 1.1 with the following line (after importing library.flexmi ):
1    <_binary_operator n="Comparator" a="result = in1 > in2" _in="
         float" _out="boolean"/>
     Listing 1.7. The Comparator component of Listing 1.1 replaced with an instantiation
     of the binary_operator template

        and lines 16-19 of Listing 1.5 with the following line:
1    <_binary_operator n="Max" a="result = (in1 > in2) : in1 ? in2"
         _in="float" _out="float"/>
     Listing 1.8. The Max component of Listing 1.5 replaced with an instantiation of the
     binary_operator template

         While this form of parametric templates is an improvement over the complete
     absence of a similar feature in XMI or HUTN, parameter passing through string
     substitution can only serve relatively simple use-cases. To enable more complex
     reuse scenarios, we have prototyped support for templates where the body is
     specified using a model scripting and a model-to-text transformation language,
     instead of XML.
         Listing 1.9 shows a more generic implementation of the binary_operator tem-
     plate of Listing 1.6, named nary_operator which can produce components with
     n input ports (of the same type) and one output port. Line 7 specifies that
     the content of the template is produced by running the EOL program (EOL [8]
     is an imperative model scripting language inspired by OCL) in lines 9-16. The
     program creates a component (line 9), adds n appropriately-named input ports
     (lines 10-13) and an output port (lines 14-15) to it, and returns the component
     (line 16).
 2   <_>
 3    <_template name="nary_operator">
          Listing 1.9. The binary-operator template expressed using an EOL script

          Another way to express the same template, but using the model-to-text EGL
     [9] language this time, is illustrated in Listing 1.10. Line 7 specifies that the body
     of the template is a model-to-text transformation, while lines 9-14 specify the
     EGL transformation that will produce the XML of the template instantiation,
     which will then be parsed by Flexmi.

 2   <_>
 3    <_template name="nary_operator">
10         [%for (i in 1.to(n.asInteger())){%]
12         [%}%]
15        ]]>
     Listing 1.10. The binary-operator template expressed using an embedded model-to-
     text transformation in EGL

         Clearly, there are several things that can go wrong with template definition
     and instantiation: templates can return elements that are incompatible with
     their application context, they can contain syntax errors or they can throw
     exceptions at runtime. At this early stage, the prototype implementation does
     not attempt to prevent any of this exceptional behaviour; this is left as future
     work. Flexmi, including the features discussed in this paper, is available as part of
     the latest interim version of the Epsilon open-source model management platform
D. Kolovos and R. Paige            Towards Modular and Human-Usable Flexmi

4    Evaluation

In the evaluation experiments conducted in [7], Flexmi was shown to be approx-
imately slower than XMI to parse, which is to be expected given the additional
cost of fuzzy and tolerant matching. We have not attempted performance evalu-
ation for the work reported in this paper as the current version of the prototype
is intentionally not optimised for performance. To assess correctness and avoid
regressions, we have implemented a number of unit tests1 which exercise all the
features discussed in this paper. A more systematic evaluation in later itera-
tions of this work would comprise performance evaluation experiments to assess
the overhead of the new features (import, include, templates), as well as user
studies with real-world metamodels (e.g. UML, BPMN, Ecore) to assess the per-
ceived advantages (e.g. conciseness, modularity, reusability) and challenges (e.g.
uncertainty, fragility) of a fuzzy textual syntax such as Flexmi.

5    Related Work

Literature related to fuzzy and tolerant parsing, and to identifying and repairing
structural discrepancies between XML documents and their corresponding XML
Schemas was reviewed in the paper that introduced Flexmi [7], and to the best of
our knowledge there have not been any noteworthy further developments since
the paper was written in 2016. The includes and imports features are common
in several textual notations and languages that support multi-file artefacts.
    With regard to the templating approach discussed in Section 3.3, the Reuse-
ware framework [10] also enables the definition and reuse of complex components
in EMF-based models, but it achieves this in an invasive manner, by modifying
the metamodel of the target domain-specific language. Several templating solu-
tions have been proposed specifically for UML (e.g. [11]) and since version 2.0
the language supports built-in support for parameterisable templates. By con-
trast, the templating approach discussed in this paper aspires to be non invasive
and language-independent, but is still at a very early stage of development.

6    Conclusions and Future Work

This paper has presented extensions to the language-agnostic Flexmi textual
concrete syntax and parser that aim at enhancing modularity and reuse. The
import and include processing instructions are straightforward and stable ex-
tensions for splitting models over multiple files. The templating mechanism dis-
cussed in Section 3.3 is more novel, interesting and underdeveloped - and hence
a clear direction for additional work.

D. Kolovos and R. Paige              Towards Modular and Human-Usable Flexmi

Acknowledgements This research was part supported by the Aerospace Tech-
nology Institute and Innovate UK via the SECT-AIR grant (project number
113099), and by the European Commission via the CROSSMINER (project num-
ber 732223) and TYPHON (project number 780251) H2020 projects.

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