=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2245/hufamo_paper_3 |storemode=property |title=The Visual Inheritance Structure to Support the Design of Visual Notations |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2245/hufamo_paper_3.pdf |volume=Vol-2245 |authors=Nungki Selviandro,Tim Kelly,Richard Hawkins |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/models/SelviandroKH18 }} ==The Visual Inheritance Structure to Support the Design of Visual Notations== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2245/hufamo_paper_3.pdf
      The Visual Inheritance Structure to Support the
               Design of Visual Notations
                                     Nungki Selviandro∗† , Tim Kelly∗ , Richard Hawkins∗
                                    ∗ Department of Computer Science, University of York, UK
                                       † School of Compputing, Telkom University, Indonesia

                                          {ns1162, tim.kelly, richard.hawkins}@york.ac.uk

   Abstract—It is a common practice in modelling languages            is, explicit reference to theories and empirical evidence for de-
to provide their users with a set of visual notations as a            signing the notations [5]. Some approaches exist to support the
representation of semantic constructs. The use of visual notation     designer in designing the visual notation such as proposed in
is believed to help communicate complex information, especially
when communicating with non-technical users. Therefore, re-           [3], [6], [7]. In this paper, we address the visual inheritance to
search in the design of visual notation continues to evolve, e.g.     support the design of a visual notation based on a metamodel.
research to provide an effective and efficient design approach.       We show the applicability of this approach by designing a
There are approaches exist to support the designer in designing       set of visual notation for the Argumentation Metamodel of
the visual notation such as the Cognitive Dimensions and the          the OMG Structured Assurance Case Metamodel (SACM)
Physics of Notations. As the current metamodeling approach is
widely adopted as a mechanism for improving standardisation           [8]. This metamodel describes and defines the concepts that
and interoperability in modelling languages, it is important to       are required to model structured arguments (e.g. for safety).
provide a guideline that focus on the design of visual notation       However, the current version of the SACM Argumentation
for a predefined metamodel. In this paper, we address the visual      specification is not equipped with any visual notation.
inheritance structure to support the design of visual notations for
                                                                         The remainder of this paper is organised as follows: Section
a predefined metamodel. This approach emphasises the design
coherence between classes and sub-classes. To demonstrate that        2 presents related work on the visual notation design theory,
it is possible to apply our approach, we use part of the OMG          visual inheritance design, and the concept of structured argu-
Structured Assurance Case Metamodel as a case study.                  ments in SACM. Section 3 describes the visual inheritance
                                                                      notation design. In Section 4, we discuss the applicability
                       I. I NTRODUCTION                               of the proposed approach. In Section 5, we describes the
   In developing a system model using a particular modelling          limitations to the current version of the proposed approach.
language, it is essential for the designer to understand the se-      Finally, Section 6 gives conclusions and discusses future work.
mantic constructs, the compositional rules, and the constructs
representation (e.g. in textual or visual forms). It is now a                              II. R ELATED W ORK
common practice in modelling languages to provide users with          A. State-of-the-Art of Visual Notation Design Theory
a set of visual notations for the representation of the semantic
constructs. UML, for example, as a general-purpose modelling             Visual notations form an integral part of the language of
language, has a visual notation to help the designer visualise        computer science and software engineering. Many of visual
system models.                                                        notations have been developed to facilitate communicating
   The visual communication aspect itself in modelling lan-           complex information between technical and non-technical
guages is crucial. It can be seen as the interface of the             users. They are also used in different stages of software
modelling language and users, and helps communicate com-              engineering, from requirements engineering through to main-
plex information, especially when communicating with non-             tenance. Visual notations are also adopted by practitioners
technical users. A well-designed visual notation is also easier       in industry for strategic planning in the design of software
to learn and to remember than textual syntax [1], [2]. To             systems. In industry, visual notations play a critical role in
be more effective, the design of the visual notation should           communicating with internal and external stakeholders [9].
intuitively represent the semantic constructs [3], [4].               This encourages visual notation researchers to conduct studies
   In the visual modelling language development process,              as to how to maximise the effectiveness of visual notations.
the semantic constructs and the language rules are typically             Research in notation design is closely associated with
defined in a metamodel by the language developers together            research in conceptual modelling languages, specifically in
with the end-users, who help to refine the language concepts.         evaluating the quality of the conceptual model [10]. Several
Based on the defined metamodel, notation will be developed            frameworks have been proposed to evaluate and improve
as a representational form of the language [3]. The design of         the quality of conceptual models, and some of them, such
the notation should be accompanied by a design rationale, that        as SEQUAL [11] and GoM [12], partially paid attention to
                                                                      the visual notation aspect. However, they were not designed
  Supported by Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP).         exclusively to focus on the visual notation.
   Recently, a theory that focuses on visual notation design
has been proposed, which is called The Physics of Notations
(PoN). This theory aimed to ensure that visual notations are
designed to be cognitively effective (i.e. the speed, ease, and
accuracy with which a representation can be processed by the
human mind) [3]. PoN provides nine principles that can be
used either to design or to evaluate the visual notation. There
are numbers of existing notations that has been evaluated
using the PoN principles such as UML [13], I* [14], SEAM                     Fig. 1. (a) Single Inheritance; (b) Multiple Inheritance
[9], UCM [15], and BPMN [5]. There are also several new
notations that are designed using the PoN principles, such
as VTML (The Visual Traceability Modelling Language)
[16] and Larman’s Operation Contracts [17]. However, this
framework has received some criticism in the literature, mainly
focused on the validation and difficulty in applying the princi-
ples since PoN does not prescribe any systematic method for
the implementation. Several works, such as in [18]–[20], have
been proposed to address this issue.
   Besides PoN, the Cognitive Dimensions (CDs) theory is                     Fig. 2. An Example of Visual Inheritance in UI Design
also frequently discussed in notation design literature. CDs
framework was introduced by Green, who emphasised the
use of this framework as a ”discussion tool” to aid non-HCI          when compiling the program. A popular case of this ambiguity
specialists in evaluating the usability of notational systems        is known as a ’diamond problem’. The diamond problem can
and information artifacts [6]. To do this, the CDs provides          be illustrated as an ambiguity that arises when a parent-class
a vocabulary that can be used by designers when investigating        A inherits its attributes and methods to child-classes B and C,
the cognitive implications of their design decisions. Therefore,     while there is a sub-class D that inherits from both class B
it does not explicitly provide any guideline or procedure for        and C (see Fig. 1(b)). In this case, the problem occurs when
designing or evaluating a visual notation [21].                      there exist methods with the same signature in both parent
   With the advancement of meta-modelling standards, the             and child-classes. On calling the method, the compiler cannot
semantic constructs and grammatical rules of modelling lan-          determine which class method to be called and even on calling
guages tend to be defined in the metamodel to facilitate             which class method gets the priority [22].
communication and tool support [14]. The notation should                In user interface (UI) object-oriented programming, the
be defined afterwards referring to the defined metamodel.            concept of inheritance is also being adopted to maximise
Therefore, in this paper we focus on providing a guideline           efficiency. For example, in the case when we have a common
to support the design of the notations based on a metamodel.         (base) design that can be reused further by inheriting this base
                                                                     design [24], [25]. For example, in designing a UI frame, we
B. Visual Inheritance                                                can create the base design as a rectangle that has common
   The term inheritance is commonly used in object-oriented          functionalities (methods), e.g. close. This frame base design
methodology. Inheritance can be defined as a mechanism               and functionalities can be reused by more specialised frames
which allows new classes to be defined based on existing             (e.g. login frame) by implementing the inheritance mechanism.
classes; a new class can be defined as a specialisation of one       This process can be called visual inheritance. An illustration
that has already been defined. In this case, the specialised class   of this is provided in Fig. 2.
inherits the characteristics (attributes and methods) of the class      The concept of inheritance has inspired the idea of visual
it is created from. This specialised-class is also known as a        inheritance design in designing visual notations based on the
sub-class or child-class, while the existing class that inherits     metamodel. The implementation of this idea only applies for
its characteristics is also known as a general-class, super-class,   single inheritance scenarios because of the ambiguity in the
or parent-class [22].                                                case of multiple inheritance. The concept of visual inheritance
   There are two types of inheritance: single and multiple [22],     for designing visual notations will be discussed in Section 3.
[23]. Single inheritance can be described as a condition where
a child-class has exactly one parent-class. For example, in          C. Argumentation Metamodel in SACM
Fig. 1(a), a child-class ”B” has only one parent-class ”A”.             The concept of an assurance case is that it provides a
Multiple inheritance can be described as a condition where a         framework for analysing and communicating the assurance
child-class has more than one parent-class. However, multiple        arguments and evidence about a particular system in a specific
inheritance tends to be hard to implement due to ambiguity.          environment (e.g. covering safety requirements of the systems)
For example, Java programming language does not support the          [8]. In [26], an assurance case is defined as a reasoned and
multiple inheritance mechanism since it could cause ambiguity        compelling argument, supported by a body of evidence, that a
system, service or organisation will operate as intended for a      a parent-class to its child-classes, this could help the user of
defined application in a defined environment. These structured      the notation inferring the semantic meaning of the classes and
arguments, for example in complex systems, sometimes can            reduce the cognitive overload [3] in memorising the number
be very large and complicated. Therefore, it is necessary for       of the notations.
them to be clearly documented.                                         As an input to start the visual inheritance process, we need a
   The Structured Assurance Case Metamodel (SACM) is a              predefined metamodel as our main reference for designing the
specification that defines a metamodel for representing struc-      visual notation. This process can be applied only for single
tured assurance cases. It is published by The Object Manage-        inheritance relationship scenarios, where a child-class in a
ment Group to improve standardisation and interoperability for      metamodel only has exactly one parent-class. This condition
assurance cases [8]. Part of the SACM specification defines a       is important to avoid ambiguity such as a ”diamond problem”
metamodel for representing structured arguments (see Fig. 3).       in programming multiple inheritance. The output of the visual
In SACM, structured arguments are represented explicitly by         inheritance process is the visual notation that consists of visual
the Claims, citation of artifacts or ArtifactReferences (e.g. Ev-   representations, the visual semantics, and the compositional
idence and Context for claims), and the relationships between       rules based on the metamodel.
these elements [8]. The following relationships are defined:           Before designing the visual notation, it is important to study
   • AssertedInference for relationship between Claims              all concepts of the metamodel to capture the core aspects and
   • AssertedEvidence for ArtifactReference (as Evidence)           elements in the metamodel. We also suggest to observe the
      and Claims                                                    following elements in the metamodel:
   • AssertedContext for ArtifactReference (as Context) and             • Type and attributes of each class.
      Claims                                                              A class in a metamodel could be defined either as an
   • AssertedArtifactSupport for ArtifactReference (as Evi-               abstract- or concrete-class. Unlike the concrete-class, an
      dence) supporting ArtifactReference (as Evidence and                abstract-class cannot be instantiated. A certain class can
      Context)                                                            have one or more attributes. An attribute is a feature
   • AssertedArtifactContext for ArtifactReference (as Con-               within a class that describes a range of values that the
      text) supporting ArtifactReference (as Evidence and Con-            instances of the class may hold. The attribute may be
      text)                                                               grouped by visibility. A visibility keyword can be given
   In addition to these core elements, it is also possible to             once for multiple features with the same visibility.
provide:                                                                • Type of each relationship.
   • Description of the ArgumentReasoning associated with                 A relationship is a semantic connection among model
      AssertedInference or AssertedEvidence                               elements. For example, in UML there are several types
   • Counter-Argument and Counter-Evidence (via isCounter:                of relationships such as association, generalisation, ag-
      Boolean)                                                            gregation, and composition.
   • Modular structured argument (via ArgumentPackage) in-             After studying the overall concept of the metamodel, we
      cluding the mechanism to organise a specific selection of     can begin the visual inheritance process. At first, we need to
      the ArgumentElements contained within the package (via        choose a root class. In selecting the root class, we suggest
      ArgumentPackageInterface), and a mechanism to bound           considering the scope of the concept that needs to be visually
      two or more argument packages (via ArgumentPackage-           modelled. Note that we only create visual representation for
      Binding)                                                      the root class and its successors. We then need to see if
   • An association of a number of ArgumentElements to a            the root class has any attribute that must be inherited from
      common group (via ArgumentGroup)                              its predecessors. An attribute that exists in a class is always
   The current version of the SACM argumentation specifi-           inherited to its successors.
cation is not equipped with any visual notation. It is believed        Because we use visual inheritance approach, we need to
that the visual notation is an integral part of modern modelling    start the design process from the root and inherit any base
languages and can help users in communicating their intended        design to its child-classes by using depth first traversal. An
message in the form of a model (or models) to the reader [3]. It    abstract-class does not have a visual representation, but it
would therefore be beneficial if we provide the visual notation     still need to be analysed to see if we can define any design
for the SACM argumentation metamodel, and we shall use this         constraint from its semantic. In addition, an abstract class
as an example application of our approach.                          could have an attribute which must be inherited to its child-
                                                                    classes. A visual representation of attributes in an abstract-
III. V ISUAL I NHERITANCE AS PART OF N OTATION D ESIGN              class might as well be defined based on the semantic of each
   In this section, we describe the visual inheritance process      attribute. Hence, in analysing an abstract-class we might get a
as part for designing a visual notation based on a predefined       design constraint or a base design for attributes to be inherited
metamodel. This approach emphasises the design coherence            to its child-classes.
between parent and child-classes, where the basic design               On the other hand, a concrete-class must have a visual
characteristics of a parent-class must be inherited to its child-   representation. In creating a visual representation of a class,
classes. We hypothesise that by inheriting the base design of       we need to consider a base design or a design constraint that
                                     Fig. 3. UML Class Diagram of SACM Argumentation Metamodel [8]

is inherited from its parent-class (if any). Then in creating a              7 to indicate what it represents. So, it must be culturally
visual representation of an attribute in a concrete-class, if there          learned.
exists a base design that is inherited from a parent-class, we          • Graphic Economy
need to combine the base design with the base design of the               It is also essential to keep the number of the visual
concrete-class. If there is no base design of the attribute, then         representations as minimal as possible (Graphic Econ-
we need to create a base design from its semantic. The detail             omy) [3]. This is to make sure not to overload the total
of the process can be seen in Fig. 4.                                     number of the visual representations that could cause
   In designing the visual representations, we can adopt                  difficulty for the users in remembering all the notations
Bertin’s visual variables that can be used to graphically encode          [3]. We suggest to keep the visual representations simple
information: shape, colour, size, texture, orientation, bright-           by reusing the same visual representation for sub-classes
ness, position (horizontal and vertical). These visual variables          that has close semantic meaning (e.g. relationship-types
can be used to develop numbers of graphical symbols by com-               class); meanwhile, we can still distinguish their meaning
bining the variables together in different ways [27]. Besides             while implementing them in the diagram by utilising the
that, we suggest to apply the following design principles:                compositional rules of the visual representation which is
                                                                          can be defined based on the relationship between classes
  •   Semantic transparency                                               in the metamodel.
      In creating the visual representation, we suggest cre-
      ating the design of visual representation that conveys                                 IV. A PPLICABILITY
      the meaning of the semantic definition of the identified           In this section, we present a case study to apply the visual
      class (Semantic Transparency) [3], [4]. If no visual rep-       inheritance. In this case, we adopt the SACM Argumentation
      resentation directly conveys the meaning of the semantic        Metamodel since currently there is no available visual notation
      definition, then create the visual representation design that   for this metamodel. A metamodel of SACM Argumentation
      can provide a clue to the (majority) of targeted users.         (see Fig. 3), that is documented in SACM manual [8], is used
      If there is still no visual representation that can provide     as an input to conduct the visual inheritance process. This
      a clue to the majority of the targeted users, create the        argumentation metamodel does not have any multiple inheri-
      visual representation design that consensually (as a norm)      tance in it, so this approach is applicable for this metamodel.
      provides a closer meaning to the domain of the language.           To begin the visual inheritance process, we need to choose
      Peirce’s theory of signs [28] influences the idea of this       a root class. Here, we choose the ArgumentAsset as the root
      guideline. Peirce stated that the form of a sign could be       class because it contains the core concept of the structured
      classified as one of three types:                               argument. The ArgumentAsset is inherited public attributes
      – An Icon has similar characteristics to the object that        from the SACMElement class (in the Structured Assurance
         is being referred, e.g., a photograph as it certainly        Case Base Classes): gid (an element unique ID), isCitation
         resembles whatever it depicts.                               (indicate whether an element cites another element), isAbstract
      – An Index shows factual connection or clue to its object,      (indicate an abstract element). The ArgumentAsset itself is an
         e.g., using an image of smoke to indicate a fire.            abstract-class, and there is no design constraint that we can
      – A Symbol provides interpretive habit or norm of ref-          define from its semantic. However, we still need to see the
         erence to its object. Therefore, it needs to be learned,     semantic of its attributes to see if we can have a base design
         e.g., numbers. There is nothing inherent in the number       for each attribute.
                                                 Fig. 4. The Visual Inheritance Process

   Based on the semantic definition of gid attribute, it is a        of the cited Assertion”. Here, we use the same representation
unique identifier for the SACM element. The type of the              as +isCitation as both have related semantic meaning. All
gid attribute is string, therefore we decided to represent this      attributes in Assertion then must be inherited to all its child-
attribute as a string that indicate the ID of the element. Then      classes: Claim and AssertedRelationship.
for the attribute +isAbstract: True, because we could not find
any visual representation that can convey directly the meaning          Claim is a concrete-class, so we need to create a visual
of abstract, we decided to use an arbitrary design choice. In        representation for this class. In creating the visual repre-
this case, we will consistently use a dashed line to represent an    sentation we should consider its semantic definition so we
abstract meaning. Meanwhile, for +isCitation, we consistently        can visually convey its meaning: “Claims are used to record
use a closed square bracket to represent a citation, as is           the propositions of any structured argument contained in an
commonly used in academic writing.                                   ArgumentPackage. Propositions are instances of statements
                                                                     that could be true or false, but cannot be true and false
   The ArgumentAsset class has three child-classes: Assertion,       simultaneously” [8]. Based on the semantic definition of a
ArtifactReference, and ArgumentReasoning. Hence, we inherit          Claim, we could not find any visual representation that can
the attributes and their base design to the child-classes.           directly infer the meaning of the semantic. Therefore, we
   Assertion is an abstract-class, so we do not need to create       adopt the visual representation that might provide a cue to
a visual representation for this class. However, in addition to      the majority of targeted users that are already familiar with an
attributes that are inherited from its parent-class, this class      existing assurance case notation. In this case, we reuse a visual
has an attribute, +assertionDeclaration with six enumeration         representation of a Goal from a widely used assurance case
literals: Asserted, Axiomatic, Defeated, Assumed, NeedsSup-          notation (i.e. The Goal Structuring Notation (GSN) [26]), that
port, and AsCited. From their semantics, we only can create          has similar semantics with the Claim. Hence, we decided the
a base design for Defeated and AsCited. For defeated, it is          visual representation for a Claim is a rectangle where the user
“indicating that the Assertion is defeated by counter-evidence       can write down the propositional statement in it and the ID as
and/or argumentation”. Hence, we use a cross to convey this          its attribute (gid) in the top left. Fig. 5 illustrates the visual
meaning. Then for AsCited, it is “indicating that because            representation for a Claim. Then for the attribute +isAbstract:
the Assertion is cited, the AssertionDeclaration should be           True, the AbstractClaim is visually represented as a dashed line
transitively derived from the value of the AssertionDeclaration      rectangle. Meanwhile, for +isCitation, we place the rectangle
             Fig. 5. The visual representation of a Claim

in a closed square bracket.
   There is also an attribute (i.e. assertionDeclaration) of the
Assertion class that is inherited to the Claim class. This
attribute has six enumeration literals (Asserted, Axiomatic,
Defeated, Assumed, NeedsSupport, and AsCited) that the                                    Fig. 6. Types of Claim
visual representations of each attribute values need to be
created as instances in the Claim class. In this case, the
instances of the Claim class are: Asserted Claim, Axiomatic        definition, this class is an abstract-class, so we do not need to
Claim, Defeated Claim, Assumed Claim, NeedsSupport Claim,          create a visual representation for this class. Besides that, the
and AsCited Claim. As mentioned in the visual inheritance          semantic definition describes that this class is used to declare
approach guideline process in the previous section, the base       a type of association, which then became the design constraint
design for these attribute values need to be inherited from the    to be inherited to its child-classes. There are several visual rep-
base design of the class, in this case is the Claim class. Then,   resentations that can be used to represents an association e.g.
we need to modify their base design to convey the semantic         colours and lines. We decided to adopt a ’line’ to represents
definition of these attribute values. As follows we describe the   the AssertedRelationship since it can give information about
semantic definition of each attribute value (based on [8]) along   the source and target of the AssertedRelationship. In this case,
with the proposed design of the visual representation and the      the types of the line can vary based on the semantic definition
rational behind the design.                                        of the AssertedRelationship concrete child-classes.
   • asserted, “the default enumeration literal, indicating that      AssertedRelationship class has attributes that need to be
      an Assertion is asserted”. Based on this definition, the     inherited to its child-classes: isCounter, assertionDeclaration,
      default Claim that being asserted is called as as asserted   gid, isAbstract, and isCitation. From all these attributes, only
      Claim, the visual representation of the asserted Claim is    isCounter that has no base design yet. However, from its se-
      the visual representation of the Claim.                      mantic, we can not define its base design without having a base
   • axiomatic, “indicating the Assertion being made by the        design of the class, so we can not create it in an abstract-class.
      author is axiomatically true, so that no further argumen-    The AssertedRelationship class has five concrete child-classes
      tation is needed”. Here, we use a thick line below the       for which visual representations need to be created including
      rectangle to indicate a sign of “no further argumentation    visual representations as instances of the inherited attributes.
      is needed” (i.e. declaring axiomatically true).              We proposed design, based on the semantic definition (on
   • defeated, we already have a base design for this attribute,   [8]) of all the AssertedRelationship’s concrete child-classes.
      which is a cross. Hence, we add a cross on top of the        In each case, we could not find any visual representation that
      rectangle to convey the meaning of defeated Claim.           intuitively conveys the semantic definition, so we used either
   • assumed, “indicating that the Assertion being made is         visual representations from existing notations or proposed an
      declared by the author as being assumed to be true rather    arbitrary design. As follows we describe the result of the
      than being supported by further argumentation”. Here, we     design process:
      add a gap in the bottom part of the rectangle to represent      AssertedInference
      that there is no supporting evidence or argumentation.          • Definition:“records the inference that a user declares
   • needsSupport, “indicating that further argumentation has            to exist between one or more Assertion (premise) and
      yet to be provided to support the Assertion”. For this, we         another Assertion (conclusion)”.
      add three dots in the bottom-centre part of the rectangle       • Visual representation: We use a solid arrowhead line to
      to represent that further evidence or argumentation is             visualise an AssertedInference. This visual representation
      required.                                                          is influenced by a SupportedBy visual representation in
   • asCited, we already have a base design for this attribute,          GSN that indicating an inferential relationship. Then for
      which is a closed square bracket. Therefore, we use the            the attributes, we already have a base design for each
      same representation as +isCitation.                                attribute except for isCounter, which has semantic defini-
   Fig. 6 shows the summary of all Claim types.                          tion “indicating that the AssertedRelationship counters its
   After designing all Claim types, we continue to the other             declared purposes”. We use a hollow-head line to indicate
child-class of the Assertion class: the AssertedRelationship             the counter purpose of the AssertedInference and we use
class. The semantic definition of this class is: “the abstract           this consistently to represent isCounter attribute for all
association class that enables the ArgumentAssets of any                 types of relationship. Then to create the visual represen-
structured argument to be linked together” [8]. Based on this            tation for each attribute, we only need to combine the
  defined base design of each attribute with the base design
  of AssertedInference. Note that the other child-classes of
  AssertedRelationship also have the same attributes as this
  class, so the process of creating the visual representation
  of the attributes is similar to this.
• Definition: “records the declaration that one or more
  artifacts of Evidence (cited by ArtifactReference) provide
  information that helps establish the truth of a Claim”.
• Visual representation: We adopted the visual represen-
  tation from GSN, that is a solid arrowhead which is
  representing the evidential relationships. In this case, the
  visual representation is similar to the visual representation
  for AssertedInference, but we can distinguish them by
  identifying the source of the relationship (line). The
  source is an Evidence for AssertedEvidence (cited by                                Fig. 7. Types of Relationship
  ArtifactReference), and a Claim for AssertedInference.
• Definition:“can be used to declare that the artifact cited                 Fig. 8. The visual representation of a MetaClaim
  by an ArtifactReference(s) provides the context for the
  interpretation and scoping of a Claim or ArgumentRea-
  soning element”.                                                      ArtifactReference (as described in [8] for AssertedArti-
• Visual representation: We cannot use the existing vi-                 factContext constraints).
  sual representation from GSN visual representation that            As the result of the design combinations and as summary
  conveys similar meaning (i.e. hollow arrowhead line for         of all types of AssertedRelationship can be seen in Fig. 7.
  inContextOf ) because we already used this type of visual          We have finished designing the visual representations for
  representation. Therefore, we decided to create our own         classes that are successors of the root. Next, we see if all
  design for AssertedContext, with requirements: the design       relationships have been represented. From all relationship-
  needs to be a line-type to represents a relationship type;      types only metaClaim, which is an association relationship
  and the type of the line-head can be designed as a solid        between Assertion and Claim, has not been represented. The
  or hollow. As the result, we use solid diamondhead line         +metaClaim association indicates ”references Claims concern-
  for AssertedContext and hollow diamondhead line for             ing the Assertion”. Therefore, we need to create a visual
  representing Counter AssertedContext.                           representation that can convey the semantic meaning of the
AssertedArtifactSupport                                           +metaClaim, in this case as a type of relationship visual
• Definition: “records the assertion that one or more arti-       representation that the source of the relationship is a Claim and
  facts support another artifact”.                                the targeted of is the Assertion types (i.e. the concrete child-
• Visual representation: Here, we reuse the visual represen-      classes of the Assertion) [8]. Based on the semantic definition,
  tation of AssertedInference since the main idea from its        we decided to use a ’line’ to represent the +metaClaim. Here,
  semantic meaning also supporting the targeted elements.         we use the ”crow’s foot line” since we do not have a constraint
  We believed reusing the same visual representation to           such as ”counter” +metaClaim that need to be visualised in the
  represents different classes that have a closer semantic        form of a hollow head-line. The illustration of the +metaClaim
  meaning can help to minimise the number of the visual           visual representation can be seen in Fig. 8.
  representations. To distinguish them, we identify the              After designing the visual representation of the Assertion
  source and target elements. For AssertedArtifactSupport,        class, we need to design the visual representation of the other
  the source and target elements must be of type ArtifactRe-      child-classes of the ArgumentAsset class: ArtifactReference
  ference (as described in [8] for AssertedArtifactSupport        and ArgumentReasoning. According to [8], “ArtifactReference
  constraints).                                                   enables the citation of an artifact as information that relates
AssertedArtifactContext                                           to the structured argument.” This semantic definition inspired
• Definition: “records the assertion that one or more arti-       us to create the visual representation of ArtifactReference in a
  facts provide context for another artifact”.                    form of a file or document icon because we think it infers the
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  their semantic meaning are providing context for the            type icon that can be attached to the instances of Asserte-
  targeted element. To distinguish them, we can identify the      dRelationship class. This is to convey the semantic meaning
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