=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2245/hufamo_paper_4 |storemode=property |title=Using Sketch Recognition for Capturing Developer's Mental Models |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2245/hufamo_paper_4.pdf |volume=Vol-2245 |authors=Tatiana De-Wyse,Emmanuel Renaux,José Mennesson |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/models/De-WyseRM18 }} ==Using Sketch Recognition for Capturing Developer's Mental Models== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2245/hufamo_paper_4.pdf
  Using sketch recognition for capturing developer’s
                   mental models
                                   Tatiana De-Wyse, Emmanuel Renaux, José Mennesson
                                          IMT Lille Douai/CRIStAL (UMR CNRS 9189)
                                                    University of Lille, France

   Abstract—The purpose of agile practices is to optimize engi-       stories, programs, tests cases, and other deliverables created
neering processes. Beside it, software documentation often suffers    before designing and implementing the system.
from the priority given to fast and successive deliveries of new         Among these artifacts, graphical representations are widely
functionalities. As a consequence, incomplete documentation and
graphical representation make it difficult for a developer to         used to model the system, as in Industrial Software Devel-
maintain and evolve. Sketching is an integral part of the software    opment [40]. UML1 [31] is a standard modeling language
design and development. Indeed, among other stakeholders,             and a graphical representation that fosters communication
developers use sketches to informally share knowledge about           and visualization of software architecture. As a graphical
source code. Since sketches are often hand-drawn, written on          representation of the system, it helps to understand, discuss or
paper or whiteboard without any additional technology tool, they
are not considered as an artifact in agile method or traditional      brainstorm about it. The strength of UML is that any developer
engineering process but as a disposable production.                   understands it since he learned it at school and it is the de facto
   In this work, we focus on sketches containing Unified Modeling     standard for modeling and designing information system.
Language (UML) diagrams. To produce documentation or to                  However, UML is often subject to negative press and is
exploit information from this kind of sketches, developers have to    considered as a waste of time. But surveys like [6], [29]
transcribe it in a UML case tool, what they see as a waste of time
that hinders productivity. We argue that sketches might be worth
                                                                      highlight that although many engineers say they do not use
considering as non-code artifacts. The fact is that developer or      UML, they use it informally. In fact, engineers actually admit
designer drop informally a lot of information about the software,     doing sketches of UML diagrams [2], [28] during activities
which is unusable.                                                    like:
   Our goal is to verify that simply capturing sketches can provide
                                                                         • Sharing knowledge about the code in collocated design
useful information for later use and then improve the modeling
process efficiency. In this paper, we present a preliminary                 collaborations [10]
approach that consists in automatically capture information from         • Exchanging ideas in design software session with easy
the sketches using image processing and pattern recognition. We             transitions between different types of sketches like lists,
propose a fledgling prototype that demonstrates the proposal’s              tables, GUIs, ER diagrams, class diagrams, code, draw-
viability. Then, as a future work, we plan to put in the hands
                                                                            ings. Sketches support mental simulations, reviews of
of the developers a finalized version of our prototype and study
the added value of our proposal.                                            designers progress and discussions of alternative [28]
   Index Terms—Sketch, UML, Image recognition, Engineering               • Creating informal graphical representations to quickly
Process, empirical study                                                    document workflows. Sketches help the comprehension
                                                                            of code [2]
                       I. I NTRODUCTION                                  • Supporting their development workflows by helping them
                                                                            for different purpose and context [43]
   More and more developers are adopting agile practices, no             • Finally, externalizing their mental models of source code.
matter if it is a fad or a pragmatic evolution of methodologies.            Tools do not allow to support face-to-face communication
In agile approaches, the source code is considered as the                   [9]
most valuable artifact. It leaves aside other means to de-               In the next section, we highlight some obstacles to the
scribe the architecture or functionalities like models and other      adoption of UML in traditional engineering practices. Since
human-readable documents. Nevertheless, developers create             there is little documentation of the software architecture, in
and maintain non-code artifacts [14] when developing and              section III, we justify the use of sketches to capture develop-
evolving software. These non-code artifacts help to express           ers’ mental models of their source code. Related work focuses
the requirements, understand the software architecture or doc-        on sketching tools in section IV. In section V, we introduce
ument the source code. Each one is dedicated to specific              our prototype that captures and understand sketches without
stakeholders and allows to communicate, exchange and main-            any effort from the developers. In the prototype, we firstly
tain the system. The Unified Process [22] precisely defined           restricted our focus to the UML class diagram. Finally, we
different types of artifacts throughout the project lifecycle, in     discuss a survey we need to further validate our work and the
order to ensure high-quality software production. The agile
methodScrum [33], implies more roughly documents like user              1 Unified Modeling Language
next steps that have to be created to prove that capitalizing on   Point & Click diagramming tool suffers from the lack of
sketches can improve the development process efficiency.           collaborative capacities. In collaborative activities, co-workers
                                                                   need awareness about artifacts and other coworkers. They need
                                                                   information about who, how and why things have been done
   Documentation and modeling tasks require significant time       and then they have to exchange with other co-workers [21].
to be produced and maintained. IT project engineers do not         The use of these point & click solutions could be reduced
maintain quality models since they see them as a waste             by trying to retrieve both the information contained in the
of time and effort. Although this proposal is controversial        sketches and other contextual information.
[29], [40], developers prefer to use this time and effort in
implementing new functionalities, passing tests and solving        C. Cognitive shift due to the proliferation of tools
problems. Moreover, agile practices do not help the adoption
of UML as they speed up the pace of deliveries. To counter            The need for knowledge exchange and code explanation
these adverse developments, we selected in the literature,         fosters the use of communication and social tools [39].
three obstacles to the adoption of UML or other graphical          This increases even more, the number of tools used by
representations in IT projects. Sketching is the more natural      developers. Switching from one tool to another or interruption
way to draw UML models, even if they are not as formal as in       due to instant messaging, for instance, cause cognitive
a UML tool. We think and want to verify that more sketches         shift and knowledge loss. This reduces the efficiency of
in projects and a simply manner to exploit them can help to        the development process and increases the feeling of a
counter these obstacles, and reintroduce software architecture     waste of time. Surveys like [14] show that existing tools do
modeling as an efficient practice.                                 not provide sufficient support for carrying out some tasks
                                                                   like visualizing artifacts that are larger than their screen
A. Operational software rather than comprehensive documen-         and with interconnected artifacts that have to be accessed
tation                                                             simultaneously. The methods to deal with that problem are
   Agile practices encourage short development cycles to pro-      inefficient and frequently error-prone. By reducing the number
duce a shippable product increment. In these methods highly        of tools and exploiting the engineer’s workstation equipped
used nowadays, documentation and models are seen as a              with a keyboard and draft paper containing his sketches, we
burden artifact [38]. Hence, the code and testing have taken       wish to limit the cognitive shift.
the leadership over exhaustive documentation and graphical
design of the software architecture. In terms of tools, teams        Let’s see in the following how we plan to counter these
mainly use development tools and project management tools          obstacles through a better consideration of sketches.
like Jira2 . In a simplistic view, the only non-code artifacts
are the user stories. They make it possible to organize sprints      III. C APTURING MENTAL MODEL THROUGH SKETCHES
and collaboratively monitor the project on a Kanban board.                                 RECOGNITION
Globally, agile processes leave little room for modeling tools        In traditional development processes, lack of documentation
and models. Quick brainstorming sketches contain information       is a factor of loss in efficiency. For the reasons we gave
about the source code architecture. It would be nice to be able    previously, developers do not produce an exhaustive UML
to easily retrieve some of this information.                       model of their source code. However, they create and maintain
B. Inadequacy of Point&Click tools                                 mental models of the architecture of the code. Inevitably
   Even if project management tools are used, in [1] Azizyan et    there is a loss of code knowledge and developers spend time
al. show that collocated teams prefer physical walls and paper.    understanding and trying to recover the rationale behind the
Developers also not use Point and Click solutions to model or      code. They rely on and interrupt their co-workers to find
maintain software architecture and its behavior but prefer to      answer when they get stuck by a task [24]. The consequence is
use paper or whiteboard. They find them more flexible [34]         that the code becomes hard to debug and complex to maintain
as paper and whiteboard allow developers to use their own          [12].
graphical representation (informal notation). They used the           Understanding the rationale behind source code is the
sketch as memory help for debugging, explaining task and           biggest problem for developers. Graphical representations help
refine or improve their idea [43]. Then, if it is required it      to understand, to discuss, to brainstorm, etc. Sketches are an
allows the preparation of formal documentation and developers      example of informal visualizations that are often created when
transcribe sketches in a formal way [2]. Sometimes, to deal        understanding or explaining the source code [2]. Moreover,
with the lack of documentation of the source code, software        hand-drawn is a natural and flexible way to model a domain.
visualization tools and reverse engineering tools automatically    And even if the sketch do not respect formal notation of
provide the UML representation of code for better under-           modeling language they foster later their creation. Contrary
standing and localization of code source. For example, this        to the point & click solution that requires the respect of their
helps developers to take in hand unfamiliar code [25]. Finally,    notation, hand-drawn do not constraint developers. Surveys
                                                                   have revealed that developers make sketches, which often
  2 https://fr.atlassian.com/software/jira                         contain UML diagrams [2], [40].
   We base our work on the fact that sketches and diagrams            sketches are lost, and also a lot of information expressed
give an accurate picture of parts of the developers’ mental           informally.
model and help to understand a software project [24]. But                   b) Informal early design: Informal sketching tool fosters
since the sketch life cycle is short [43], our goal is to             the communication and collaboration between different stake-
design a tool that could help us to analyze transparently the         holders.
sketches and to exploit the information contained. We want            Calico [27] is a system for e-whiteboard which proposes
to improve the software development process using graphical           a canvas for managing and drawing a digital sketch. No
representation more efficiently with a minimum of effort and          recognition of what is drawn is provided and links between
without disturbing the development activity. The key success          sketches have to be done manually by the user.
factor is for us: capturing the mental model of the developers        Gambit [32] supports collaborative early design session of user
in their sketches through sketch recognition.                         interface (UI). Designed according to a client-server model, it
                                                                      can store and retrieve digital hand-drawn sketches. Users of
                         IV. R ELATED W ORK                           Gambit can annotate and use it on a tablet, desktop, and video-
   There are a lot of sketching tools since the different devices     projector.
allowing sketching activity are numerous. In software design          AugIr [20] provides an interaction room system by combining
and development practices, only a few of them allow the               multiple e-whiteboards. Stakeholders can manipulate hierar-
recognition of sketch elements and their semantic meaning             chical canvas and freely organize their views. Size, direction
as shown in table I. Here is a list of available sketching tools      and temporal context of drawn stroke are analyzed to recognize
we found in a comprehensive survey of the literature.                 meaningful text and match the artifact with link automatically.
                                                                      IdeaVis [13] is a tool for co-located sketching sessions. It uses
A. Tools allowing digital sketching activity
                                                                      digital paper and pen for sketch creation and manipulation on
   Digital Sketching defines a sketching activity realized            large interactive display for presentation.
thanks to an electronic device like digital pen or finger on          FlexiSketch [44] and his extension FlexiSketch Team [45],
a touch screen, or mouse for computer desktop. This category          allows collaborative sketching. Symbols recognized are man-
also contains e-whiteboard3 with the hand gesture or digital          ually pre-defined by user and store in a library for later re-use
pen.                                                                  and recognition if it is redrawn by users.
      a) Formal early design: This category of tools allows              On the one hand, informal sketching fosters the communi-
expert designers equipped with an electronic device to freely         cation and collaboration of stakeholders by providing a totally
create sketches that will be transformed automatically in             informal way of explaining ideas and brainstorm. On the other
formal models.                                                        hand, this type of tool does not take into account the hidden
SUMLOW [8] is a Visual Basic application for early design             figures, the developers, the code and the analog sketches done
stage sketching of UML diagrams on e-whiteboard. It uses              beneath the design session.
Rubine Algorithm for text recognition and multi-gesture algo-               c) Code explanation/modeling: Tools built on code ex-
rithm for shape recognition. It allows annotation of the digital      planation and modeling increase the comprehension of the
sketch drawn and their format transformation to be used later         rationale behind the code written by developers.
in a case tool.                                                       CodeGraffiti [26] is a prototype for Adobe Bracket6 which
MaramaSketch [16] is an extension of a Marama meta-tool,              links informal digital sketch on a tablet and smartphone to
a set of core Eclipse4 plug-ins that provides diagram and             source code artifact.
model management. It allows sketch drawn with tablet PC               OctoUML [42] supports collaborative UML modeling during
stylus, mouse, e-whiteboard pen. Recognition of shape and             any phase of the software design process, in allowing formal
text element on a sketch is made by HHREco toolkit5 .                 and informal notations on a touchscreen, e-whiteboard, and
Tahuti [17] allows a user to draw UML class diagram with              computer with mouse interaction. It allows connection with
a computer mouse. Recognition of geometrical element of a             version control and source code management.
class diagram is performed by analyzed stroke made by the                Even if these tools step the code explanation and documen-
user when he is drawing on Tahuti.                                    tation up, analog sketches are totally dismissed. Furthermore,
In [23], Lank et al. present a prototype that allows to drawn         developers that doing sketches, need to take in hand a new
sketches thanks to e-whiteboard, tablet, and mouse. Recogni-          tool and redraw every diagram created on analog support.
tion of what the user has drawn is made by analyzing pen
stroke. Segmentation and correction of what is drawing are            B. Tools allowing Analog Sketching
realized by the user to let him drawn freely without any                Analog sketching tools allow taking into account the whole
computation time feeling.                                             sketch.
   The drawbacks of these tools are: first, developers need to             a) Informal code documentation: SketchLink [4] is
be equipped with an electronic device, and second, the original       based on a server, a web application and an IDE (Integrated
                                                                      Development Environment) plugin 7 to allow the sketching
  3 electronic whiteboard
  4 http://www.eclipse.org/                                             6 http://brackets.io/
  5 https://ptolemy.berkeley.edu/projects/embedded/research/hhreco/     7 https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/
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                  Analog sketch    Paper                           4             4                         4
                       ”           Whiteboard                                                              4
                  Digital sketch   E-Whiteboard              4          4                   4    4              4          4
                      ”            Touch Screen                                             4    4
                      ”            Tablet                          4    4   4    4    4          4    4    4               4
                      ”            Smartphone                               4                         4    4
                      ”            PC                        4     4    4   4         4     4         4    4          4    4
                      ”            Stylus                    4          4   4    4                    4
                  Online sketch recognition                  4          4   4    4    4                    4          4    4

                                           TABLE I: Table of tools supporting sketching activity

activity on source code artifact. Analog and Digital sketch                 be digitized with for instance a smartphone and recognized to
can be stored and have to be manually linked on Java code                   understand part of their semantic meaning. To partly respond
source project with the rectangular marker. It fosters HTML                 to the need for collaborative capacities like awareness about
documentation creation on the source code.                                  artifacts and other coworkers, some metadata can be added
LivelySketch [3] enables the capture and the annotation of                  to the sketch automatically or manually to better identify its
analog sketch and diagram by provided a REST API8 . Identifi-               context.
cation of a sketch is done by a printed QR code with predefined                Our goal is to use sketches to capture efficiently the mental
UUID (Universally Unique Identifier). Links between sketches                model of the developer without asking him to transcribe it.
need to be done manually by touch gesture and/or mouse.                     Analyzing digitized hand-drawn sketches is a complex task
Although the sketches are captured and stored, there is another             [5]. Contrary to digital sketching, sketches on paper and
step required to fully take into account the meaning of sketches            whiteboard are considered as offline documents. In this sense,
drawn.                                                                      we do not have any information on the real-time tracking of
   All these tools are the example of the wide variety of                   the pen when shapes or text are drawn. So, it is difficult to
devices and technologies that can foster the documentation                  segment the image and to recognize shapes and text which
in any step of the software development process. However, if                are not normalized. Finally, multiple challenges exist with a
the workplace is not fit with them, sketching with these tools              hand-drawn document:
is useless [36].                                                               • handwriting style differs from one person to the next,
                                                                               • non-uniformity in size, shape, and orientation of hand-
   The majority of the tools in this related work use online                      written elements,
recognition to retrieve information present in a sketch. Indeed,               • text and shape separation due to touching elements,
online recognition is done by real-time analysis of the stroke                 • text typography does not respect any known font.
made by the user when he draws on an electronic device.                        In this section, we propose an empirical approach based
Offline recognition is another challenge. Unlike the online                 on classical tools in image processing to conduct a proof of
approach, offline recognition needs to capture and digitize                 concept. The first step is the pre-processing. The image needs
the sketch before being analyzed. This analysis consists of                 to be cleaned to have the correct format to optimize image
a combination of many image processing algorithms. This                     processing algorithm.
complex mining activity results in finding elements contained
by the image. Some methods dealing with digitized documents                 A. Pre-Processing phase
recognition in other domain like architectural plan [15], elec-
tronic diagram [30], flowcharts [18], and geometric shape [37]
can be found. This reveals the possibility of recognizing UML
elements on a bitmap image.
                                                                                            Fig. 1: Prototype advancement
                           V. O UR APPROACH
  In [7] Chaudron and Jolak revealed their vision of a                         In our study, a simple example of a class diagram (Fig. 2) is
new generation of software design environments. We try to                   used to understand what kind of processing we need to employ.
approach this vision by raising analog sketches to the level                Indeed, components of hand-drawn class diagram depend on
of project artifacts. We choose offline mode 1) to let the                  the way the user has drawn it. For example, boxes representing
designer uses any kind of support and 2) to not impose him yet              classes and lines representing links between classes can vary
another tool to manage. To this end, analog sketches need to                a lot from a user to another. In this context, extracting straight
                                                                            lines using classical methods as Hough transform [11] are no
  8 Application programming interface Representational State Transfer       longer efficient as lines are more or less straight.
                                                                     As there is a line between classes, only one connected
                                                                  component is obtained for the two classes and the association
                                                                  between them (Fig. 4(a)). In order to separate them, connected
                                                                  components are filled (Fig. 4(b)) and a morphological opening
                                                                  is performed. By using the previous image as a binary mask
                                                                  on image obtain in 3(b), only classes are obtained (Fig. 4(c)).

            Fig. 2: Picture of a simple class diagram

   To do that, OpenCV 9 and Python 10 are used to prepare
our image for extraction of text and shapes drawn in our class
diagram. Fig. 1 represents the pre-processing steps which
                                                                            Fig. 5: Segmentation result of class diagram
consist in a binarization of the image (Fig. 3 (a)) followed by
a segmentation of shapes and text.
                                                                  C. Segmentation
B. Shapes and text separation                                        Finally, thanks to all step realized before, we are able to
                                                                  segment a class diagram into elements representing individual
   In the case of hand-drawn elements, like in Fig. 2, contours
                                                                  class box (Fig. 5(a)), class box component containing the class
of class boxes are not closed. Morphological closing [35]
                                                                  name (Fig. 5c) and class box component containing attributes
is used to obtain connected components (Fig. 3(b)). Suzuki
                                                                  name (Fig. 5b). Classical recognition methods can be then used
algorithm [41] is then used to retrieve contours from the
                                                                  to recognize shapes and classical Optical character recognition
image (Fig. 3 (c)).
                                                                  (OCR) as Tesseract 11 can be used to recognize the hand-
                                                                  written class name (Fig. 5).

                                                                                           VI. F UTURE W ORKS
                                                                  A. Finalization of the sketches recognition tool
                                                                     The purpose of the work presented in this section was to
                                                                  elaborate the specifications of our sketch recognition mech-
                                                                  anism. For the moment, we have only made a very simple
                                                                  prototype to validate that it is possible to automatically extract
                                                                  information from the sketch. The few tests carried out have
Fig. 3: (a) binary image, (b) connected components extracted,     been promising. So we plan the future steps to continue
(c) contours extracted                                            developing our tool as shown in Fig 6. First, we will need to
                                                                  complete the segmentation of shapes and text in more complex
                                                                  diagrams. Then Tesseract engine will be used to perform OCR
                                                                  recognition of names, methods, attributes, cardinalities. For
                                                                  shape features recognition, we will need to build a corpus of
                                                                  hand-drawn class diagrams. Ho-Quang et al. [19] have built a
                                                                  similar base of digitized images of class diagrams built with
                                                                  UML tools and found on the internet. Our base of hand-drawn
                                                                  CD diagrams will be used to train a classification algorithm an-
                                                                  alyzing shape elements to extract the information concerning
                                                                  size, orientation and type. Then, this trained classifier will be
Fig. 4: (a) filled shapes (b) morphological opening (c) classes   able to identify elements of a CD diagram. Once completing
extracted                                                         these steps and combining their results, we hope to obtain
                                                                  sketches with augmented information.
 9 https://opencv.org/
 10 https://www.python.org/                                         11 https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tesseract
                                          Fig. 6: Overview of the entire future prototype

B. Experimentation                                                   helps to increase the use of sketches in IT projects, and if it
   The goal of our work is to verify that more sketches in           encourages improvement of the quality of the sketches. And
projects and our recognition and classification mechanism            finally, we want to know if the engineer accepts to use and
can help to reintroduce software architecture modeling as an         disseminate his sketches as documentation of its code.
effective practice in the engineering project.                             b) The case of a new project: In the case of a practicing
   We plan to do an experimentation and evaluation of our            engineer brainstorming on a new project, we experiment with
prototype with IT professionals and students. The first step is      two types of engineer, the first one starts to draw sketches as
to evaluate the interest of an assisted archiving of the sketches.   he used to do, the other receives help from our tool. In the
The second one is to evaluate the added value of later retrieval     second case, he takes a photo of the draft of a sketch and the
in a new project. And the third one is to evaluate the added         tool shows him all the corresponding sketches. Will it be a
value of the archived sketch to understand a code that the           help for an engineer? And what use does the engineer have of
engineer did not write, for instance, a new team member.             it?
     a) Assisted archiving: We are designing our tool with                 c) The case of a new team member: In the same way,
ease of use in mind. We will ask the practicing software             we will compare two types of engineer. The first one tries to
engineer to photograph his sketch with its smartphone. Our           discover the code without help. The other selects a piece of
tool will archive the sketch recognizing the maximum of              code and our tool shows him the corresponding sketches.
content semantic (shape, text, etc.) and adding context data
                                                                                          VII. C ONCLUSION
from other tools like the code editor, the project calendar, etc.
The first part of the evaluation is to observe the developer          In this paper, we list some known reasons why docu-
using our prototype, to find out if it is easy to use and if it      mentation and graphical representation are important for the
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