=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2245/mdebug_intro |storemode=property |title=None |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2245/mdebug_intro.pdf |volume=Vol-2245 }} ==None== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2245/mdebug_intro.pdf
System engineers spend a significant part of their time debugging the systems
they develop, i.e., finding and fixing the cause of failures initially observed using
verification and validation techniques such as testing, model checking, and sim-
ulation. While verification and validation techniques are finding their way into
model-driven engineering processes and tools, locating the source of a failure (a
defect) in a modelled system is still mostly a manual task. Although program
debugging techniques are well-established, only a few debugging techniques and
tools for models have been proposed, which are most often implemented in an
ad-hoc way. Implementing such tools is complicated due to the wide variety of
models and modelling languages used throughout system development.
    In this context, the International Workshop on Debugging in Model-Driven
Engineering (MDEbug) aims to bring together researchers and members of the
industry to discuss the wide range of exciting problems and challenges related
to the debugging of models. The second edition of this workshop was a full-day
event at the ACM/IEEE 21st International Conference on Model Driven Engi-
neering Languages and Systems (MODELS) on October 16th, 2018 in Copen-
hagen, Denmark. This year, we specifically encouraged submissions that focused
on the notion of “stepping”, as this concept has proven a crucial element for
implementing debugging techniques: the goal was to investigate the relation of
stepping to formalism semantics and debugging operations. After a thorough
review process, four contributions were accepted to be presented at the work-
shop. Three contributions focus on providing debugging support for different
formalisms: model transformations (and their contracts), software agents, and
metamodels, while the fourth contribution proposes a vocabulary for classifying
stepping operations across formalisms. The workshop’s program was divided into
a morning session, consisting of a keynote by Peter Gorm Larssen on the Vienna
Development Method (VDM) and the presentations of the accepted papers, and
an afternoon session, which consisted of a plenary discussion.
    We thank the MODELS 2018 organization for providing the opportunity to
organize this workshop, especially general chair Andrzej Wa̧sowski (IT Univer-
sity of Copenhagen, Denmark) and workshop chairs Regina Hebig and Thorsten
Berger (University of Gothenburg-Chalmers, Sweden). We also thank everyone
that has submitted a paper, the participants of the workshops, and the presenters
of the accepted papers. We thank Peter Gorm Larsen for his inspiring keynote;
together with the presented papers, this has lead to an interesting and active
discussion session with the participants. Our thanks also go to members of the
Program Committee, for their accurate reviews and for their help in choosing
relevant papers to the workshop and helping them improve before publication.
October 2018                                                   Simon Van Mierlo
                                                               Hans Vangheluwe
                                                                   Erwan Bousse
                                                                  Manuel Wimmer
                                                                Clark Verbrugge
Program Committee

Mauricio Alférez      University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Shaukat Ali            Simula Research Laboratory, Norway
Reda Bendraou          UPMC-LIP6, France
Arnaud Blouin          INSA Rennes, Inria/IRISA, France
Andrei Chi             feenk gmbh, Switzerland
Federico Ciccozzi      Mälardalen University, Sweden
Benoit Combemale       IRIT, University of Toulouse, France
Jonathan Corley        University of West Georgia, USA
Andrea D’Ambrogio      University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy
Julien Deantoni        INRIA, France
Davide Di Ruscio       Università degli Studi dell’Aquila, Italy
Juergen Dingel         Queen’s University, Canada
Martin Gogolla         University of Bremen, Germany
Jeff Gray              University of Alabama, USA
Robert Heinrich        Karlsruher Institute of Technology, Germany
Nicolas Hili           IRT Saint Exupry, France
Levi Lucio             Fortiss, Germany
Tanja Mayerhofer       TU Wien, Austria
Tim Molderez           Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Eugene Syriani         University of Montreal, Canada
Jérémie Tatibouët   CEA, France
Matthias Tichy         Ulm University, Germany
Massimo Tisi           INRIA, France
Javier Troya           University of Seville, Spain
Antonio Vallecillo     Universidad de Málaga, Spain