=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2245/mdebug_paper_4 |storemode=property |title=Towards an Automated Fault Localizer while Designing Meta-models |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2245/mdebug_paper_4.pdf |volume=Vol-2245 |authors=Adel Ferdjoukh,Jean-Marie Mottu |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/models/FerdjoukhM18 }} ==Towards an Automated Fault Localizer while Designing Meta-models== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2245/mdebug_paper_4.pdf
Towards an Automated Fault Localizer while Designing Meta-models
                                 Adel Ferdjoukh                                                 Jean-Marie Mottu
                                    TU Wien                                       University of Nantes, LS2N (UMR CNRS 6004)
                                 Vienna, Austria                                                  Nantes, France
                         adel.ferdjoukh@univ-nantes.fr                                   jean-marie.mottu@univ-nantes.fr
ABSTRACT                                                                    in order to build conformed models. The inputs of a generator are: a
Meta-models are the centrepiece of Model Driven Engineering, re-            meta-model, a set of OCL constraints and instantiation parameters.
quired in many activities: modelling, creating DSLs (Domain Spe-            With these, the user configures the generator in order to choose the
cific Languages), xDSLs (executable DSLs), or writing model trans-          characteristics of instantiated model(s) (e.g., setting the number of
formations. Designing large meta-models could be a complicated              instances generated for each class). Then, the tool transforms those
and error-prone task. Meta-models should then be validated consid-          inputs to send them to a solver which returns model(s) in case of
ering their instantiability in particular. Automatic model generators       success or error messages if it fails to generate a valid solution. How-
are used and if they are unable to generate models it means the meta-       ever, even if it can alert on the non instantiability of meta-models, it
model with its instantiation parameters (e.g. size of the models) is        provides too few help to debug them.
wrong. Several generators exist, but most of them have binary output:          The goal of the approach that is described in this paper, is to
success or failure, without helping the meta-model debugging. In            help the meta-model designers to detect and fix invalid meta-models
this paper, we introduce an approach, in which we statically analyse        before facing the annoying but frequent case of generation failure.
a meta-model with its instantiation parameters. In this first work,         We develop an automated fault localizer to help them in debugging
we detect inconsistencies considering each reference or each inheri-        a non instantiable meta-model. Our approach uses Systems of Linear
tance separately. Therefore we provide feedback to the meta-model           Inequalities (SLI) and focuses on the class’ relations in the meta-
designer to help her to debug the meta-model.                               model and the instantiation parameters. The structure of an Ecore
                                                                            meta-model is translated into SLI and our custom solver checks
KEYWORDS                                                                    the consistency of a model generation process. In this paper, we
                                                                            show the first version of the translation of a meta-model into a linear
Meta-modelling, Model Generation, Fault Localization
                                                                            system, and we describe how we use this in order to provide fixing
                                                                            suggestions for meta-model designers. The contributions are already
                                                                            implemented in a tool named TIWIZI which is independent from any
Model Driven Engineering (MDE) is very helpful in managing the              model generation tool.
complexity or heterogeneity of software systems. A model-driven                The rest of the paper is organised as follows: Section 2 gives
process often begins by the definition of a new meta-model, required,       the context and the motivation of the work. Section 3 describes
for instance, to define Domain Specific Language (DSL). The meta-           the fault localization mechanism and presents TIWIZI, a tool that
model plays a key role in all the operations that will be performed         implements our contribution. Section 4 discusses existing work.
over the software system. For example, meta-models are used to              Finally, Section 5 draws conclusions and opens perspectives.
write model transformations (MT) [25] which transform models into
other models (M2M), or into source code or text (M2T)1 .
   To ensure the correctness of any MDE process, only valid meta-           2     CONTEXT & MOTIVATION
models must be considered. However designing meta-models is                 In this section, we describe the context and the motivations of the
tedious while dealing with complex systems. It could result in meta-        paper when tackling non instantiability of meta-models.
models invalid for different reasons: semantically wrong w.r.t. its
specification, syntactically wrong (e.g. missing values), or part of        2.1     Meta-Modelling
it could be non instantiable, which is the case considered in this
                                                                            The meta-models we consider are written using the EMF/Ecore
work. Checking the validity of meta-models becomes, de facto, a
very important issue. To validate their meta-models, domain experts
                                                                               Each class can have one or more attributes. The possible types for
try to instantiate them by creating real life models. However, that
                                                                            attributes are all the usual primitive types (integer, char, string, etc)
manual checking cannot be applied at a large scale and is therefore
                                                                            and enumerations.
not sufficient. For this task, an existing solution is based on model
                                                                               In our approach, we consider the relations between classes and
generators which are already highly used in the next steps of a
                                                                            their three variations in an Ecore diagram: reference, bidirectional
MDE development (e.g., generating test models to validate model
                                                                            reference (a reference and its opposite), composition (a bidirectional
transformations [21]).
                                                                            reference in which one class contains the other one). Each relation
   Several model generation tools exist [14]: e.g., GRIMM [9], PRA -
                                                                            has two cardinalities (lower and upper bound) that bound the num-
MANA [24], EMFto CSP [4], USE [13]. They instantiate a meta-model
                                                                            ber of objects that could be linked to a given object. Bidirectional
    M2M: Model to Model transformation; M2T: Model to Text transformation   references have cardinalities in both sides. As a good practice rule, a
MDEbug’18, October 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark
                                                                            unique root class is the top container and it is instantiated only once
2018.                                                                       as a root of a tree of containment relations between all the objects
in a model. We also consider classes inheriting from other classes.       2.3        Meta-model validation
This is defined by a super type relation.                                 Meta-model could be invalid for different reasons: semantically
   A meta-model can also have constraints, typically written in OCL,      wrong w.r.t. its specification, syntactically wrong (e.g. missing val-
to precise its semantics. However considering the constraints is out      ues), or part of it could be non instantiable, which is the case consid-
of the scope of this first work.                                          ered in this work.
                                                                             The domain expert is supposed to design valid meta-model. Her
2.2     Meta-model instantiation                                          expertise helping to focus on its semantic. She could additionally be
Depending on how the models will be used during the development           a meta-modelling expert and manage to follow good meta-modelling
of a MDE tool chain (DSLs, transformations), they are created as          practices2 . However, a dedicated step of validation is required, such
instances of a meta-model. Instantiability of a meta-model should         as for any development. In that case, current technique using model
be considered to prevent issues on the models in a MDE process:           generators could be not a skill of the domain expert.
For instance, a real life model provided by a user or another part
                                                                             2.3.1 Model Generators. Usually, the first automatic non valida-
of the chain could fail to conform the meta-model, preventing it
to be transformed for instance. Moreover, representative models           tion of a meta-model is done by a model generator when it fails to
should be generated to validate DSLs or model transformations             instantiate it.
implementation. A model generator then requires instantiable meta-           Generators are based on a translation into a search-based or com-
models to compute valid instances as test models.                         binatorial technique to find models. The most famous techniques that
                                                                          are used are: SAT [1], CSP (Constraint Satisfaction Problem) [22],
    2.2.1 Instantiation parameters. It gathers the information that       Alloy [16] and SMT (SAT Modulo Theory) [7]. Such techniques
is required to instantiate a meta-model, e.g. by a model generation       always provide existing and easy-to-use solvers to find solutions.
tool. For example in the model generator GRIMM, it concerns the           Those solvers return a binary output: success if a model is found or
following information:                                                    failure if there is no solution. However, they give too few information
      • Number of exact instances for each class of the meta-model.       about the origin of failure.
      • Bounds for unbounded references.                                     A user study from the authors [10], shows that the users of model
      • Values for enumerations.                                          generation tools, as GRIMM [9], PRAMANA [24] or EMFtoCSP [4],
      • Domains for attributes (optional but suitable for more preci-     have many difficulties when they meet a failure, because most of
        sion).                                                            them are familiar with either Ecore or one the combinatorial tech-
      • Probability distributions for links between classes.              niques that tools use: CSP, SAT or SMT. An Ecore expert can manu-
                                                                          ally check the meta-model and its elements, mainly references. Then,
   Depending on the scope considered when validating the meta-            she tries to debug the generation algorithm. Beside that, a CSP or
model instantiability, some instantiation parameters are used as can-     SAT expert can look up into the intermediary files (eg. xcsp files),
didate values:                                                            that are generated by the tool and try to find what is wrong inside
   D EFINITION 1. Candidate Values (CV) are information given by          them. All these verifications have to be done manually. They are
the user and used in checking instantiability of meta-models. They        time consuming. Worse, they have to be done each time the tool fails
consist of two different kinds of information:                            to generate a model. Another solution would be the use of the Fault
                                                                          Localization mechanisms that combinatorial techniques provide. For
      • Number of exact instances for each class of the meta-model.       example, in Constraint Programming, there exists a sub-field called
      • Bounds for unbounded references.                                  Max-CSP [17], in which the goal is to identify the subset of con-
   2.2.2 Non instantiable Meta-models. A meta-model is non intan-         straints responsible of the failure. However, Max-CSP suffers from
tiable when at least one part of its meta-elements (classes, relations,   a lack of scalability and a reverse step has to be done in order to
etc.) could not be instantiated in a model. We distinguish three major    map from constraints into meta-models elements. An equivalent
reasons why meta-model instantiation could be not possible:               mechanism exists in SAT [12] as well, but without providing more
                                                                          help to debug.
      • Unreachable candidate values. The instance that the user tries       In summary, model generators use search-based techniques and
        to generate is not reachable because given CV cannot satisfy      do not provide fault localization mechanisms to help the users in
        the cardinality of at least one reference in the meta-model.      debugging. Some of search-based and combinatorial techniques have
      • Inconsistent meta-model structure. A combination of ele-          kind of debuggers and fault localizers. Unfortunately, they are hard
        ments is impossible to instantiate. For example, three classes    to use for MDE experts and reverse engineering is needed to map
        are linked by a cycle of relations and no combination of values   bugs into meta-models elements. For all these reasons, meta-model
        that satisfies all the cardinalities is possible.                 designers prefer to not use a tool for model generation. They validate
      • Incorrect OCL constraints. The source of errors in this case      their meta-models only manually. To fix that, a Fault Localization
        are the OCL constraints of the meta-model.                        mechanism during meta-model instantiation is needed.
   Remark Another obvious source of error is a faulty syntax (e.g.
an unnamed class). This kind of errors can be checked using Ecore            2.3.2 Tiwizi and Model Generators complementarity. The objec-
validator in Eclipse for instance.                                        tive of this work is to reconcile meta-model designers with model
   In this first work, we consider only unreachable CV. Our ideas for
tackling the two other sources of problems are discussed in section 5.    2
generation tools. We provide a user friendly tool to assist them dur-
ing design task. Concretely, we developed TIWIZI, an interactive
fault localizer. The role of TIWIZI is to help to validate Ecore meta-
models. TIWIZI does not generate models. GRIMM, PRAMANA or                                          Figure 2. An example of unidirectional reference
EMF to CSP keep their role for meta-model instantiation.

3      AUTOMATED FAULT LOCALIZATION                                                 type Room by a reference called rooms. The cardinality (1..5) means
                                                                                    that a House is linked to at least 1 and to at most 5 Rooms.
This section presents the main contribution of our paper. We describe                  Let us assume that we have only one instance of class House.
how to perform automated fault localization and provide fixing sug-                 In Figure 3, we show the minimal and maximal configurations
gestions. As well, we present TIWIZI, the fault localizer we created.               for the previous reference. In the minimal configuration we have
   Our fault localization mechanism is based on Systems of Linear                   #House = #Room (one room per house) and in the maximal #Room =
Inequalities (SLI). Fradet et al. [11] successfully useds SLI to check              5 ∗ #House (5 rooms per house). This means that all consistent
consistency for multiple view software architectures.An SLI is a set                configurations are between these two bounds. So, to translate an
of Linear Inequalities between the same variables. Each inequality                  unidirectional reference into SLI, we create the following pair of
has the following shape:                                                            inequalities:
                a1 x1 + a2 x2 + . . . + an xn [<, ≤, >, ≥, =, ,] b
                                                                                                            #House ≤ #Room
   The variables are xi . ai are called coefficients and b is a constant                                    #Room ≤ 5 × #House
term. Every inequality must have one of the inequality symbols
(<, ≤, >, ≥, =, ,). For a more complete overview of this area, please
refer to [26].
   To perform fault localization, the structure of a meta-model is
automatically translated into a system of linear inequalities (SLI):
considering classes’ name, relations and their cardinalities, inheri-
tance, as detailed in this section. The pair composed of the generated
SLI and the input candidate values is checked in order to localize
errors in the process of model generation. Figure 1 shows the steps
of our method and tool (TIWIZI). It consists on three important steps:
(1) generate the SLI, (2) check the consistency of the generated                    Figure 3. Minimal (left side) and maximal (right side) configuration for reference
system and (3) deduce fixing suggestions. Each one of these steps is                                      in figure 2 if we have only one House.
explained in a dedicated sub-section.

3.1       Generation of Linear Inequalities                                            3.1.2 Bidirectional references. They associate two classes (pos-
                                                                                    sibly the same) in two opposite directions. It is modelized in Ecore
This section describes the System of Linear Inequalities (SLI) we                   with two references, each one being the eOpposite of the other one.
build, in order to localize faults while designing meta-models. The                 The main difference between one unidirectional reference and a pair
work described in this paper focuses on four main elements of meta-                 of bidirectional references, is that this last requests two cardinality
models: unidirectional references, bidirectional references, contain-               constraints (one for each direction) to be checked at the same time,
ments and inheritance.                                                              while instantiating them.
   3.1.1 Unidirectional references. They associate two classes (pos-                   We cannot process this configuration by considering two unidi-
sibly the same) of the meta-model in one direction only. An example                 rectional references, otherwise many false-positive examples are
of unidirectional reference is shown in Figure 2. In this example we                encountered. We then propose a way to manage the bidirectional
want to say that objects of type House are connected to objects of                  references as a pair. Let us explain our solution by translating the
                                                                                    bidirectional references of the Figure 4.

                                                                                                    Figure 4. An example of bidirectional references

                                                                                        This solution is based on a particular graph, called regular bipar-
                                                                                    tite graph [23]. A bipartite graph G = (U,V, E) is regular bipartite
                                                                                    if all the nodes of U have the same degree x and all the nodes of V
                                                                                    have the same degree y. It is denoted (x, y)-regular. Regular bipartite
                                                                                    graphs have an interesting characteristic: x × |U| = y × |V |.
                                                                                        We use this kind of graphs because the instantiation of a reference
    Figure 1. Steps for fault localization and suggestion generation using TIWIZI   always produces a bipartite graph. The instances of the first class
                                                                             instance of A can be linked to 1..5 instances of B, C and D at the
                                                                             same time (instances of concrete classes are only considered). This
                                                                             case is translated into SLI using the following inequalities:

                                                                                                     #A ≤ (#B + #C + #D)

                                                                                                     (#B + #C + #D) ≤ 5 × #A

               (a) (4, 2)-regular graph   (b) (4, 1)-regular graph
                                                                             Remark equivalent treatments are applied for bidirectional refer-
                                                                             ences with inheritance.
               Figure 5. Minimal and maximal configurations
                                                                             3.2    SLI Checker
(e.g., Room) are the first part U of the graph and the instances of the      Here, we explain how we use input candidate values in order to check
second class (e.g., Wall) are the second part V .                            the consistency of the generated SLI. The algorithm in Listing 1
   First, we consider instances of class Room, and the number of             explains how a generated SLI is checked according to the candidate
connected instances of class Wall. The extreme configurations are            values. For each one of the inequalities, we check if the candidate
the following:                                                               values given by the user are consistent. When the checking fails, we
                                                                             consider that an anomaly is detected. The next step is to generate a
     • Minimal configuration. Rooms share as many walls as pos-
                                                                             fixing suggestion to help the user.
        sible. It means that each wall is connected to a maximum
        number of rooms (= 2). This configuration produces a (4, 2)-         input: SystemLinearInequalities sli
        regular graph (Figure 5.a).                                              CandidateValues cvs
     • Maximal configuration. Rooms do not share their walls. Each           output: List < DetectedAnomaly > anomalies
        wall is connected to only one room. This configuration then
        produces a (4, 1)-regular graph (Figure 5.b).                        begin
                                                                               foreach (i: Inequality in sli ) do
   These two configurations remain valid whatever the number of
                                                                                 if ( not check (i , cvs .get(i))) then
rooms and walls. It is only related to the cardinalities of correspond-            a: new DetectedAnomaly (i , cvs .get(i))
ing references: 1..2 & 4..4.                                                       anomalies .add(a)
   The previous regular graphs are characterized by the following                endif
formulas:                                                                      endfor

         4 × #Room = 1 × #Wall ∨ 4 × #Room = 2 × #Wall                         return( anomalies )
  It means that all consistent configurations must respect the fol-
                                                                                                Listing 1. Algorithm for checking SLIs
lowing inequalities:
         1 × #Wall ≤ 4 × #Room ∨ 4 × #Room ≤ 2 × #Wall                          Our goal is not to solve the system of linear inequalities in order to
    So, to encode the pair of opposite references, we create 4 inequal-      find a valid solution because we use the CV given by the user. For this
ities:                                                                       reason, we check the SLI instead of solving it. One improvement
                        1
                              #Room ≤ #Wall                                  of our current work would be mixing solving (using an existing
                        4
                            #Wall ≤ 42 #Room                                 solver) and checking. Indeed, sometimes the user does not want to
                        42 #Wall ≤ #Room                                    give all the candidate values, because the meta-model is too big for
                                                                             example. In this case, we could try to solve the SLI as well, in order
                            #Room ≤ 41 #Wall
                                                                             to suggest a whole consistent input configuration or to complete a
   3.1.3 Composition references. A composition relation (A to B)             partial one. The complexity of solving SLIs is much greater than
with cardinalities (l..u) is treated as a pair of bidirectional references   checking that a vector of CVs is a solution. However, there exist a
with cardinalities (1..1) in one side and (l..u) in the other side. This     polynomial algorithm for checking that a homogeneous SLI has no
is done this way in order to force involved objects to have a unique         solution [8]. An SLI is homogeneous if all constant terms (b values
container. This gives us the following inequalities:                         of inequalities) are zeros. The SLI that is created from the translation
                              1                                             of meta-models is homogeneous.
                              u #A ≤1 #B
                               #B ≤ l #A
                              l × #B ≤ #A
                               #A ≤ u × #B

   3.1.4 Super type relations. The methodology we propose for
treating inheritance between classes is inspired by the translation of
a meta-model into CSP that is performed in GRIMM tool [9]. Let us
take the illustrative example in Figure 6. We can see a class A linked
to a class B which had two sub-classes C and D. It means that an                   Figure 6. An example of unidirectional reference with inheritance
3.3    Generation of Fixing Suggestions                                         TIWIZI needs two inputs: a meta-model and a configuration file
Once an inconsistency between an inequality and a list of candidate         that contains the candidate values. The tool is fully automated and
values is met by the SLI checker, a fixing suggestion is automatically      giving the input is the only manual task. The output is a list of fixing
calculated and returned to the user. The goal is to help her/him to         suggestions in case of failure or a call to the model generation tool
quickly fix the problem.                                                    in case of success. The first release of TIWIZI is available on our
   Here we give an example of such a suggestion. Let us recon-              github repository (https://github.com/ferdjoukh/tiwizi/).
sider again the example of reference given in Figure 2, in which                Remark Filling the configuration file manually is very often time-
an instance of class House can be linked to 1..5 instances of class         consuming and boring, as the size of the meta-model is growing. In
Room. Listing 2 shows a fixing suggestion provided by our tool. The         order to help the users to quickly fill all this information, our tool gen-
problem here is that the user tries to create an inconsistent model         erates a pre-filled file. Users only need to bring their modifications
containing 1 instance of House and 6 instances of Room. This con-           if necessary.
figuration violates inequality 2 because 6 ≰ 5 × 1. To satisfy this
inequality, we must decrease its left side or increase its right side.      4    RELATED WORK
The tool then suggests to reconsider either the cardinality (> 5), the      In this section, we list several works that consider the quality of meta-
value for Room (< 6) or House (> 1).                                        models with different approaches and other approaches assessing
-- references                                                               the quality of modelling using Linear Algebra as well.
rooms : House [] - >[1..5] Room                                                A first set of works identifies pattern and anti-pattern which in-
                                                                            crease and reduce the quality of the meta-models. They do not focus
-- inequalities
House <= Room                                                               on the instantiability of the meta-model but prevent to build models
Room <= 5* House                                                            of low quality, e.g. in [6].
                                                                               In [15], Hinkel et al. confirm thanks to an empirical study the im-
-- candidate values                                                         portance of the instantiability. It was already considered by Cadavid
[ House =1 , Room =6]
                                                                            et al. in [5]. Such as most of the existing works, they request test
-- fixing suggestions                                                       model instances of the meta-model to validate it.
Please reconsider cardinalities for reference [ rooms ] >>                     In [18] and [19], Lopez et al. present a language, called mmSpec
      upperBound++                                                          whose the main purpose is to define quality criteria over meta-models.
Please reconsider number of instances >> more [ House ] or
                                                                            For example, one can ensure the strong connection of meta-models
      Less [ Room ]
                                                                            or the reachability of classes by using such criteria. The objective
          Listing 2. An example of fixing suggestion given by TIWIZI        is both assisting in meta-modelling and analysing existing meta-
   By default, the suggestions are written in a very succinct mode          models. There is a complementarity between this work and our
directly in the terminal. But, for a better readability, the user can ask   approach. Therefore, users should use both tools for a more accurate
for a verbose mode that generates a tiwizi log file for all detected        validation of meta-models.
anomalies (as shown in Listing 2). A pdf file summarising all the              In [20], Ma et al. define metrics over meta-models with the pur-
suggestions is then created using our custom syntax highlighting            pose of assessing their quality. These metrics are inspired for classic
(calling LATEX).                                                            object oriented metrics (e.g. depth of inheritance tree). The authors
   Fixing suggestions are useful because big meta-models contain            also found correlations between their metrics and quality properties,
dozens of classes and references. Thus, it is hard to manually local-       such as, reusability or understandability of meta-models.
ize all possible faults. Moreover, conducted user experiments [9]              In [2] and [3], Boufares et al. consider the consistency of cardi-
show that many problems come from the CVs. The suggestions are              nalities in UML diagrams and ER-Schemas. In both papers, they
automatically generated by TIWIZI. However, fixing meta-models              translate the cardinality systems into Integer Linear Programming
and modifying the CVs is manually done by an expert.                        (ILP). An ILP solver then solves it and answers if the cardinalities
                                                                            are consistent or no. However, the papers do not give much details
3.4    Tooling                                                              about the fault localization mechanism which seems to be manual.
All the contributions of this paper are implemented in a tool called
TIWIZI . The tool is designed as a plug-in for any model generation
                                                                            5    CONCLUSION & FUTURE WORK
tool: it garantee the instantiability of the meta-model before the          In this paper, we present a method for automated fault localization
generator try to instantiate it. Currently, TIWIZI is plugged to GRIMM      during the task of designing meta-models. The main objective of
as an initial step of its generation process. Such a connection can         our work is to help users to check if their meta-models could be
easily be done with any model generator and our code is open source.        instantiated and to localize the origin of failure if not. This first work
   The core part of the code that concerns the generation and the           focuses on errors occurring between the candidate values that are
checking of a system of linear inequalities is written in Java. We          chosen by the user and some elements of the meta-model: references,
preferred to write our own SLI checker because available checkers           bidirectional references, compositions and inheritance relations.
need big efforts to adapt them to our MDE purpose. Our checker                 Our method is based on Linear Algebra. We model the problem of
was carefully tested on diverse meta-models to ensure it correctness.       consistency of meta-models as a System of Linear Inequalities (SLI)
Both the pdf creation task for verbose suggestions and the connection       and we check their consistency in order to localize bugs. The contri-
to GRIMM tool are written in bash.                                          butions of the paper are implemented in a tool called TIWIZI. TIWIZI
takes a meta-model and candidate values (instantiation parameters)         model generation tools and compare it to the time that TIWIZI needs
as input and provides fixing suggestions. Those suggestions are            to automatically localize the same bugs.
guidelines for the user. They are used to modify and correct the
meta-model and the instantiation parameters. The role of our tool is       REFERENCES
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