=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2245/mrt_paper_1 |storemode=property |title=Reflecting on the Past and the Present with Temporal Graph-based Models |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2245/mrt_paper_1.pdf |volume=Vol-2245 |authors=Antonio Garcia-Dominguez,Nelly Bencomo,Luis Hernan Garcia Paucar |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/models/Garcia-Dominguez18 }} ==Reflecting on the Past and the Present with Temporal Graph-based Models== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2245/mrt_paper_1.pdf
                              Reflecting on the past and the present
                               with temporal graph-based models
      Antonio García-Domínguez                                  Nelly Bencomo                           Luis H. Garcia Paucar
                 SEA, SARI                                         SEA, SARI                                    SEA, SARI
            Aston University, UK                              Aston University, UK                         Aston University, UK
      a.garcia-dominguez@aston.ac.uk                             nelly@acm.org                             garciapl@aston.ac.uk

ABSTRACT                                                                       In this paper we offer the first contributions towards allowing the
Self-adaptive systems (SAS) need to reflect on the current envi-           system to support explanations to operators and end users based on
ronment conditions, their past and current behaviour to support            a generic meta-model. Specifically, we define a generic meta-model
decision making. Decisions may have different effects depending            for structuring execution traces of SAS, and show how a sequence
on the context. On the one hand, some adaptations may have run             of traces can be turned into a temporal graph model. We present a
into difficulties. On the other hand, users or operators may want          first version of a query language for these temporal graphs based on
to know why the system evolved in a certain direction. Users may           specific cases related to a case study. Our solution relies on temporal
just want to know why the system is showing a given behaviour              model-based graphs that abstracts decisions, evidence collected and
or has made a decision as the behaviour may be surprising or not           their corresponding estimated impacts on quality properties of the
expected. We argue that answering emerging questions related to            system. We foresee two potential applications of our approach:
situations like these requires storing execution trace models in a         forensic analysis of SAS once the system has finished, and self-
way that allows for travelling back and forth in time, qualifying          explanation supported by the self-adaptive system at runtime.
the decision making against available evidence. In this paper, we              The paper is organised as follows. Section 2 presents the basic
propose temporal graph databases as a useful representation for            concepts in self-explanation and temporal graphs needed to under-
trace models to support self-explanation, interactive diagnosis or         stand the rest of the text. Section 3 describes our proposed approach
forensic analysis. We define a generic meta-model for structuring          for creating frameworks for reusable self-explanation, and outlines
execution traces of SAS, and show how a sequence of traces can be          our proof of concept implementations of the key components. Sec-
turned into a temporal graph model. We present a first version of a        tion 4 presents a case study on an existing self-adaptive system,
query language for these temporal graphs through a case study, and         together with a number of time-aware queries targeted at users
outline the potential applications for forensic analysis (after the sys-   and developers. Section 5 relates this work to others in the fields
tem has finished in a potentially abnormal way), self-explanation,         of self-explanation and model versioning. Section 6 concludes the
and interactive diagnosis at runtime.                                      paper with some general remarks and our lines of future work.

CCS CONCEPTS                                                               2     BACKGROUND
• Software and its engineering → Software system models;                   This section will present some of the basic concepts that underlie
Extra-functional properties; Designing software; • Comput-                 our proposal: the need for self-explanation in self-adaptive system,
ing methodologies;                                                         and our specific choice among the various definitions available in
                                                                           the literature for temporal graphs.
Self-explanation, Temporal Graph Models, Runtime models, Self-             2.1    Self-explanation and diagnosis in
adaptation                                                                        self-adaptive systems
                                                                           Our increasing reliance on software systems has made self-adaptation
1    INTRODUCTION                                                          a expected capability. However, self-adaptation actions may run
In [31], it is argued that self-explanation shown by the running           into problems or unexpected behaviour due to uncertainty in the
system helps someone diagnosing the behaviour of the system to             environment [11]. Therefore, end users may require explanation
analyze and trace past actions, helping fix potential faults and fos-      about the reasons the system is showing the current behaviour
tering the trust of the end users. To enable these capabilities, we        and specifically why it has made particular adaptations actions
argue that self-adaptive systems should be equipped with traceabil-        that were not expected. Further, in case of a failure, the operators
ity management facilities and offer temporal links to provide (i)          may perform diagnosis during runtime, or forensic studies after
the impacts of the adaptation actions over the quality properties          the system has terminated, to therefore identify the origins of the
of the system over time and (ii) the history of the decisions of the       failure. Surprisingly, this area of research has been rather limited
system and the evidence that supports the decisions made with the          with scarce research efforts. We describe some of the few initiatives
environmental conditions observed.                                         below.
                                                                              Early work has been done by Roth-Berghofer et al [7, 28] on
                                                                           Explanation-aware Computing. The main idea was to help design-
                                                                           ers and engineers to create explanations for users. The explanations
MRT 2018, October 14, Copenhagen, Denmark                               Antonio García-Domínguez, Nelly Bencomo, and Luis H. Garcia Paucar

                                                                                       ti                                ti+1                          ti+2                time
                                                                                             Bob                                Bob                          Bob               Alice
                                                                                    friend                             friend                      friend
                                                                              Eve                              Eve                           Eve
                                                                                                owns                               owns                        owns
                                                                                                                       watched                     watched

                                                                                        Video                              Video                      Video              temporal

                                                                              key:              key:                    key:              key:              key:          state
                                                                                node: 1           node: 2                 node: 3           node: 1          node: 4     chunks
                                                                                time: i           time: i                 time: i           time: i+1        time: i+2
                                                                              value:            value:                  value:            value:            value:
                                                                                name: Eve         description: Video      name: Bob         name: Eve        name: Alice
                                                                                friend: [3]                               owns: [2]         friend: [3]      friendReq: [3]
                                                                                                                          friend: [1]       watched:[2]

                                                                             Figure 2: Example of a time-evolving temporal graph, by
Figure 1: Email exchange example of a temporal graph by                      Hartmann et al. [13]
Kostakos [21]

                                                                                (2) Directed edges are used to link the various nodes of a person
                                                                                     into a sequence. The edges have weights equal to the time
should cover why specific services were recommended and how                          elapsed between the two timepoints.
the system infers that the end user will agree, and therefore main-             (3) Unweighted directed edges are used to link people who ex-
tain the end user satisfied by the recommendations. In their work                    changed emails at a specific timepoint: for instance, an edge
explanation generation was an aim.                                                   from At 3 to Bt 3 means that at timepoint 3, A sent an email
    More recently, the need of self-explanation in self-adaptive sys-                to B.
tems was argued in [3, 29, 31]. The authors claim the behaviour of              This representation lends itself well to variants of traditional
self-adaptive systems is emergent, and means that the behaviour              graph metrics, such as temporal distance between two people, or
exposed by the running system may be seen as unexpected by its               the temporal availability of a path from one person to another (i.e.
end users or its developers. They further argue that trust in the            whether there is a chain of emails from one person to another while
system and the resolution of the surprising behaviour can only be            considering time ordering). It uses discrete time, where timepoints
achieved if a self-adaptive system is also capable of self-explaining        act as timeslices and events are assumed to be instantaneous.
itself [29]. In [10] we presented how traceability (i.e. following the          In a later survey of temporal networks by Holme and Sarä-
life of a requirement) and versioning (i.e. keeping track of how a           maki [15], this type of graph with instantaneous edge activations is
specific artifact evolved over time) are needed for self-explanation         called a contact sequence, and another type of temporal network is
and diagnosis. More recently, in [23], the authors present a tem-            identified: interval graphs, where edges are active over a set of time
poral model to support interactive diagnosis of adaptive Systems.            intervals rather than at specific timepoints. Holme and Sarämaki
The authors describe a temporal data model to represent, store and           mentioned in the same survey how the use of temporal networks
query decisions as well as their relationship with the context, re-          was becoming common across multiple disciplines, and no stan-
quirements, and adaptation actions. Self-explanation and diagnosis           dardized notation had been set out yet.
support is still a young research area that needs more research                 Regardless, these two previous works consider temporal graphs
efforts.                                                                     to be rearrangements of a sequence of events between persistent
                                                                             entities, which may or may not be instantaneous. In contrast, Hart-
2.2    Temporal graphs                                                       mann et al. consider temporal graphs as attributed labelled graphs1
                                                                             whose state evolves over time [13]. In the most naive approach,
A graph is a well-understood concept in computer science: in its
                                                                             one would think of simply storing each version of a time-evolving
most basic form, it is a collection of nodes with edges connecting
                                                                             graph as separate snapshots, and to visit each snapshot as needed.
them, which may be directed or undirected. There is a number of
                                                                             Unfortunately, the space requirements for such a naive solution
ways to extend the concept of a graph with the time dimension: in
                                                                             would skyrocket as we increase the number of timepoints, and the
this section we will present three, one of which is the base for our
                                                                             time needed to visit the various versions would raise as well. In
                                                                             the same paper, Hartmann et al. specifically considered Internet
   Kostakos [21] was one of the first to use the term temporal graph,
                                                                             of Things devices and cyber-physical systems, where a network of
as a graph encoding of a temporal dataset of events. Kostakos’
                                                                             sensors may be picking up readings frequently over a long period
proposal includes an example where the email exchanges between
                                                                             of time, at different rates.
a number of people through time are transformed into a temporal
                                                                                Hartmann et al. proposed a more efficient data model and storage
graph like the one in Figure 1 in three steps:
                                                                             mechanism for these temporal graphs, and made it available as the
   (1) One node is created per person and point in time when it
                                                                             1 Attributed graphs have key-value pairs in their nodes and edges, and labelled graphs
       sent an email: a person A would have nodes At 1 , At 2 and so         classify nodes and edges into equivalence sets, e.g. “person” nodes and “emailed” edges.
       on.                                                                   Neo4j is a well-known implementation of this data structure.
Reflecting on the past and the present with temporal graph-based models                       MRT 2018, October 14, Copenhagen, Denmark

Greycat open source project2 . In this data model (shown in Figure 2),      Each Decision is based on an Observation of the environment,
the graph is stored as a collection of nodes, which are conceptual       which produces a set of Measurements of the Metrics. In this
identifiers that are mapped to specific state chunks depending on        version of the language we do not include specific values, but rather
the world and timepoint chosen to visit it. Nodes have a lifespan        between which of the various Thresholds the value was. For in-
between two specific timepoints, and within that lifespan they may       stance, if we had three thresholds x and y with values 10 and 20,
take on a sequence of state chunks. Each state chunk appears at a        position 0 would be for x < 10, position 1 would be 10 ≤ x < 20,
specific timepoint and overrides any previous state chunk.               and position 2 would be x ≥ 20. Using these measurements, the sys-
   In the example in Figure 2, during timepoint i + 1 a “watched”        tem would derive a set of beliefs about the satisficement of the NFR
edge is created from “Eve” to “Video”, and in i + 2 “Alice” enters       and the value of the different Actions, and finally pick a specific
the graph and posts a “friendReq” to “Bob”. Instead of storing the       Action from the Decision.
three full graphs outright, we only create new state chunks for “Eve”
and “Alice” as needed, using a copy-on-write style. State chunks are     3.2     Transparent temporal graph storage
keyed by node, time and (in Greycat) by world. This third coordinate
makes it possible to “fork” the graph into multiple branching paths,     The next part of the approach is to store the models themselves
which enables what-if analyses.                                          in a temporal graph to facilitate querying. In the literature, there
   The approach presented in this paper adopts the data model by         are essentially two approaches to integrate graph databases with
Hartmann et al. of an evolving labelled attributed graph. If we can      modelling technologies: changing the storage layer of the system
turn the models that the system operates upon into this type of          directly (as implemented by NeoEMF [6]), or having an external
temporal graphs, we could allow the system to reflect on what it         system watch the existing storage and update the graph when
has been doing in the long and the short term, and provide clear         changes are detected (as done by our Hawk [9] tool).
explanations about its history to the user.                                 Either option is valid, but we chose Hawk as it had a number of
                                                                         advantages over NeoEMF for this problem. First, using Hawk does
3     PROPOSED APPROACH                                                  not require modifying existing systems: Hawk has a component-
                                                                         based architecture, making it possible to change the database tech-
Our end goal is to develop a generic and reusable framework to
                                                                         nology, graph updating algorithms and supported model storage
allow self-adaptive systems using the models@run.time approach
                                                                         locations to fit the situation. In addition, Hawk has been specifically
to reflect upon their past execution and to improve the explanations
                                                                         designed to detect the parts of a model that have changed, and only
provided to the users about their behaviour. In this section we will
                                                                         changes the subgraph that is impacted by these changes [1].
describe the various components that we see as necessary to achieve
                                                                            In our implementation, we have extended Hawk with the ability
this goal. The next section will present an initial case study for a
                                                                         to use Greycat as a backend. We have also extended Hawk with
SAS which must choose between multiple configurations.
                                                                         a time-aware version of the incremental graph update algorithm,
                                                                         which tells time-aware backends (i.e. Greycat) to “travel in time” to
3.1     Problem-independent execution trace                              the timepoint when the change has been introduced before applying
        models                                                           the detected changes. This allows for the preservation of the original
Self-adaptive systems are generally built as feedback loops (e.g.        graph at the previous timepoint, making it possible to travel back
those following the MAPE-K architecture [18]). At each timepoint         and forth in time to answer queries about the history of the trace
or time slice, observations are made and analysed, then future be-       execution model.
haviour is planned, and those plans are executed. Since we want
to make the queries on the execution history reusable, the his-          3.3     Reusable time-aware query language
tory must be expressed in a language that can be reused across
multiple problems (e.g. network management and smart grids).             Having a convenient way to write queries over the history of the
Whether the language could be further reused across multiple types       graph is another important ingredient for reusable self-explanation.
of self-adaptive systems would require further research. It may be       To simplify adoption, the most direct approach is to start from an
necessary to allow extending these metamodels to accommodate             existing model querying language (e.g. OCL), and then add the
algorithm-specific details.                                              ability to traverse the history of a model element or a type through
   As an example of a potential execution trace metamodel for            their lifespans. Our definitions for the history of a model element
self-adaptive systems that need to switch between multiple con-          and a type are as follows:
figurations, consider the metamodel shown in Figure 3. At the top              • The history of a model element starts from the moment it is
level, the Log for a time slice records the requested non-functional             created, and ends when it is destroyed. Model elements are
requirements as NFR objects (which have specific satisficement                   assumed to have a unique identity, which could be a natural
thresholds between 0 and 1), together with the Metrics to be mea-                or artificial identifier or its location within the model. There
sured to check their satisficement, and the alternative Actions                  will be a new version of a model element every time its state
that can be taken. These are used in the various Decisions that                  changes, whether by changing the value of an attribute or
must be taken by the system. The system is pre-configured with a                 the target of one of its references to other model elements.
RewardTable linking the satisfaction of certain NFR with certain               • Model element types are considered “immortal”, in the sense
Actions to a reward value. These rewards may evolve over time.                   that they are created at the first timepoint in the graph and
2 https://github.com/datathings/greycat                                          last to the virtual “end of time” of the graph. We will have a
MRT 2018, October 14, Copenhagen, Denmark                                                     Antonio García-Domínguez, Nelly Bencomo, and Luis H. Garcia Paucar


                        [0..*] requirements
                                                                                                                                                                            [0..*] actions

                                                             [0..*] metrics                                                                  [0..*] decisions

                  NFR                                  Metric                                  Observation                              Decision                                    Action

      name : EString                             name : EString                       description : EString                          name : EString                         name : EString
      threshold : EDouble = 0.0                                                       probability : EDouble = 0.0

                                                                    [0..1] metric      [0..*] measurements                                            [0..1] actionTaken

                                                [0..*] thresholds                                            [0..1] observation             [0..*] actionBeliefs            [0..1] action

                                                       Threshold                               Measurement                                                       ActionBelief

                                               name : EString                         measurementPosition : EInt                                   estimatedValue : EDouble = 0.0
                                               value : EDouble = 0.0

                                                                                                                                            [0..1] rewardTable                   [0..1] action
                                  [0..1] nfr                              NFRBelief                              [0..*] nfrBeliefs                                   RewardTable

                                                       estimatedProbability : EDouble = 0.0

                                                                                                                                                                                [0..*] rows
                                          [0..1] nfr                  NFRSatisfaction                                                                              RewardTableRow
                                                                                                                    [0..*] satisfactions
                                                                satisfied : EBoolean = false                                                                     value : EDouble = 0.0

                                   Figure 3: Execution trace metamodel for a decision-based self-adaptive system

         new version of a model element type every time an instance                                            Operation                                           Syntax
         of the type is created or destroyed.
                                                                                                     All versions, from                    x.versions
    For model elements and model element types, we consider these                                    newest to oldest
to be the basic time-aware operations that must be supported by                                      Versions within a range               x.getVersionsBetween(from, to)
the temporal graph backend (e.g. Greycat): i) retrieving all versions,                               Versions from a time-                 x.getVersionsFrom(from)
ii) all versions within a range, iii) versions from/up to a certain                                  point (included)
timepoint (included), iv) earliest/previous/next/latest version, and                                 Versions up to a time-                x.getVersionsUpTo(from)
v) retrieving the timepoint for that version.                                                        point (included)
    Our approach is heavily inspired by the “history” fields proposed                                Earliest / latest version             x.earliest, x.latest
by Rose and Segev during their work on temporal object-oriented                                      Next / previous version               x.next, x.prev/x.previous
data models in the 90s [27]. Rose and Segev went further in their                                    Version timepoint                     x.time
proposal, suggesting the availability of per-field histories and a
wider variety of predicates covering linear temporal logic. We are                                  Table 1: Implemented time-aware primitives in the Hawk
considering providing pre-defined versions of these additional fa-                                  EOL dialect, for a model element or type x
cilities on top of the basic primitives above.
    For our proof-of-concept implementation, Hawk already had
most of the elements, as it came with a number of backend-specific
and backend-agnostic query engine components. The most mature                                      system, to allow users to jump to the main changes in behaviour
query language at the time of writing is a dialect of the Epsilon                                  that were introduced automatically, or a predefined sequence of
Object Language (EOL) [20], essentially a mix between JavaScript                                   “why”-form questions for common queries: why was it doing this
and OCL. It was a matter of defining a new query engine based on                                   at that time, why did it stop doing the previous action, why did it
the EOL one with additional support for the previous primitives:                                   reason that was beneficial, why was the reasoning process in such
Table 1 lists the syntax for these new primitives.                                                 a state, and why was the user configuration like that.
                                                                                                      Adding these visualizations to a system should require less ef-
3.4      Reusable visualizations                                                                   fort once we have achieved the definition of a standardized trace
The last piece in the puzzle would be to have a reusable set of                                    metamodel, and have reusable temporal storage and querying ca-
visualizations for a certain class of self-adaptive system. These                                  pabilities that we can always start from. The visualizations would
could be dashboards with the key instants in the self-adaptive                                     be backed by time-aware queries, and could be packaged together
Reflecting on the past and the present with temporal graph-based models                             MRT 2018, October 14, Copenhagen, Denmark

                                                                               Listing 1: Excerpt of the original JSON trace execution logs
                                                                               from the Remote Data Mirroring self-adaptive system
                                                                          1    {
                                                                          2          "0": {
                                                                          3                "current_belief_mec_true": 0.5,
                                                                          4                "current_belief_mr_true": 0.25,
                                                                          5                "current_observation_code": −1,
                                                                          6                "current_rewards": [
                                                                          7                     [90.0, 45.0, 25.0, 5.0],
                                                                          8                     [100.0, 10.0, 20.0, 0.0]
                                                                          9                ],
                                                                          10               "ev.mst": 465.104345236406,
                                                                          11               "ev.rt": 326.710194366562,
                                                                          12               "flagUpdatedRewards": 0,
                                                                          13               "observation_description": "None",
                                                                          14               "observation_probability": 0.0,
                                                                          15               "selected_action": "MST"
                                                                          16         },
                   Figure 4: RDM Case Study                               17         "1": {
                                                                          18               "current_belief_mec_true": 0.94, ...
                                                                          19         },...
with the configuration of the self-adaptive system for a specific         20   }
problem domain.
   Beyond getting the data, another challenge is finding an accessi-
ble way to present it, which steps into the realm of human-computer
interaction and is outside the scope of this paper. Regardless, at this        satisficement of the NFRs observed, the Maximization of Reliabil-
stage the reusable visualizations remain as a future line of work.             ity (MR) and the Minimization of Energy Consumption (MEC). As
                                                                               such, and RDM makes decisions about the topologies to use. The
4   CASE STUDY: DECISION-MAKING SAS FOR                                        operators may find themselves asking the reasons why the RDM
    NETWORKS                                                                   SAS has used one topology instead of the other.
                                                                                  The states of these NFRs are not directly observable. Observa-
As an example to demonstrate the feasibility of the ideas proposed,
                                                                               tions about their states are obtained by using monitoring variables
let us consider the case of the Remote Data Mirroring (RDM) self-
                                                                               (called MON variables). Two MON variables REC=“Ranges of En-
adaptive system (SAS). RDM is a technique to protect data against
                                                                               ergy Consumption" and NCC=“Number of Concurrent Connec-
inaccessibility to therefore provide further resistance to data loss
                                                                               tions" has been specified. In [24], we have shown the requirements
[17, 26]. An RDM maintains data availability and prevents data loss
                                                                               specification based on Partially Observable Markov Decision Pro-
by storing copies (i.e., replicates) on servers (i.e., data mirrors) in
                                                                               cesses (POMDP) that enables reasoning and decision-making about
physically remote locations [8].
                                                                               partial satisficement of non-functional requirements (NFRs) and
   Fig. 4 presents the R-POMDP (Relational Partially Observable
                                                                               their trade-off based on evidence collected at runtime based on
Markov Decision Process [22]) model of the RDM SAS for a given
                                                                               the formalism for decision-making under uncertainty provided by
IT network infrastructure which has been used as the case studies
                                                                               POMDPs (See Fig. 4).
in [2, 25].
   The RDM described above has been designed to be configured
by using two different topologies: minimum spanning tree (MST)                 4.1     Log preprocessing
and redundant topology (RT). These two possible configurations                 In its current implementation, the RDM SAS produces execution
allow the RDM selectively activate and deactivate network links to             traces in JSON format for each time slice, mentioning the observa-
change its overall topology at runtime [8].                                    tions made, the currently estimated levels of satisficement of the
   The RDM SAS self-adapts reconfiguring itself at runtime accord-             NFRs, and the preferences currently being applied in the decision
ing to the changes in its environment, which may include either                process. The JSON log is made available for forensic purposes to
delayed or dropped messages and network link failures. Each net-               debug the system after the fact. Listing 1 shows an excerpt of the
work link in the RDM brings upon an operational cost and has a                 log for the first time slice.
measurable throughput, latency, and loss rate. The performance and                Due to time constraints, for this first feasibility study it was
reliability of the RDM are determined by these metrics according               decided to collect a large number of JSON logs and transform them
to the following trade-off: while RT is more reliable than MST, RT             into a temporal graph, answering queries away from the system
can be prohibitively more expensive than MST in some contexts.                 (in an “off-line” fashion). It is planned to revise the RDM SAS in
Each configuration provides its own levels of reliability and energy           future studies to have it maintain the temporal graph while it is
costs which are taken into account while estimating the levels of              running, so queries can be answered “on-line” for reflection and
MRT 2018, October 14, Copenhagen, Denmark                                             Antonio García-Domínguez, Nelly Bencomo, and Luis H. Garcia Paucar

self-explanation. All the resources used in this study are available                        Listing 2: EOL query to check the evolution of belief levels
online3 , and Hawk is freely available as open source from Github4 .                        through the lifespan of each action choice
   The transformation of the logs into a temporal graph was done
                                                                                        1   return RewardTableRow.latest.all
on a Lenovo Thinkpad X1 Carbon laptop with an Intel i7-6600U
CPU running at 2.60GHz, running Ubuntu Desktop 18.04, Linux                             2     .collect(r_row | r_row.versions.size).max();
4.15.0 and Oracle Java 8u102, allocating 8GB of RAM through
-Xmx8g -Xms8g. The process required a number of steps:
    (1) The RDM SAS had been previously run in a different ma-                              Listing 3: EOL query to check the min/max/average shift in
        chine through a simulation over 1000 time slices, producing                         reward values through the life of the SAS
        a sequence of entries in JSON format which took 536KB.                          1   var rewardShifts = RewardTableRow.latest.all
    (2) The trace execution metamodels of Section 3.1 were imple-                       2     .collect(row | row.getRewardShifts()).flatten();
        mented in the Eclipse Modelling Framework [30].                                 3
    (3) A small Java program (381 lines of code) was created to trans-                  4   return Sequence { rewardShifts.min(),
        form the JSON logs into EMF models conforming to the trace                      5     rewardShifts.max(), rewardShifts.average() };
        execution metamodels, and store them into a Subversion5                         6
        (SVN) repository as a sequence of revisions of the same trace                   7   operation RewardTableRow getRewardShifts(): Sequence {
        execution model file. The SVN repository was produced after                     8     var v = self.versions;
        48 seconds, taking up 7.3MB of disk space, and resulted in                      9     if (v.size <= 1) {
        888 commits. SVN naturally ignores cases when the model                        10        return Sequence {};
        has not changed at all from one time slice to the next.                        11     } else {
    (4) Hawk was instructed to index the full history of the SVN                       12        return v.subList(0, v.size − 1)
        repository into a Greycat temporal graph, using its new                        13          .collect(v | v.value − v.prev.value);
        time-aware updater component. From the second revision                         14     }
        onwards, Hawk used its incremental updating capabilities to                    15   }
        propagate any differences observed since the previous revi-                    16   operation Sequence average() { return self.sum() / self.size(); }
        sion. The Greycat temporal graph over the 888 commits was
        produced after 21 seconds, taking up 31MB of disk space6 .
   We chose SVN over manually time-stamped files (for example,                              other times they will want to identify points in time where the
slice1.xmi, slice2.xmi, and so on) because the version of the                               self-adaptive system misbehaved.
local folder indexing component in Hawk at the time would index                                 Listing 2 shows a first example of what can be done for the
all time-stamped files separately, rather than as a single evolving                         developers. It allows the RDM SAS developer to check if the internal
model. The SVN component in Hawk is designed to provide the                                 reward values in the decision algorithm have evolved over time or
full history of each file, which produced the results we intended.                          if they have remained the same. It operates as follows:
In the future, we may create a version of the local folder indexing
                                                                                                (1) RewardTableRow.latest returns the latest version of the
component that understands that files time-stamped according to a
                                                                                                    RewardTableRow type node in the temporal graph. There
certain convention are versions of the same model.
                                                                                                    are only two versions for this node: the one at the beginning
   Regardless, ignoring those 112 timepoints when the model did
                                                                                                    of time with no instances, and the second one with all the
not changed did not result in loss of information. Indeed, if we only
                                                                                                    instances. RewardTableRows are not created or deleted,
have SVN revisions for timepoints 1 and 10, that means that the
                                                                                                    they are simply modified with different reward values.
model did not change at all between timepoints 2 and 9. If we ask
                                                                                                (2) .all returns all instances of that type at that point in time.
for the state of the model at timepoint 5, we will see the version
                                                                                                (3) .collect(x | expression) visits each instance, comput-
at timepoint 1 as we should. Omitting timepoints which did not
                                                                                                    ing an expression and collecting the results into a new list.
introduce any changes can result in significant space savings when
                                                                                                (4) r_row.versions.size returns the number of versions for
changes are infrequent, i.e. in a stable system configuration. This
                                                                                                    that instance. This would be the number of times that the
also reduces the number of results that we will have to go through
                                                                                                    reward values have changed.
in our queries. It can be thought of as a form of compression.
                                                                                                (5) .max() computes the maximum value over the list with all
                                                                                                    the numbers of versions of the various RewardTableRows.
4.2     Time-aware queries for developers
                                                                                                Essentially, if the query returns 1 we know that the reward values
We argue that self-explanation needs to be tailored to the reader.
                                                                                            have remained the same, whereas if it returns 2 or higher we will
SAS developers and integrators will be interested on a different
                                                                                            know that it has changed at some point, and depending on the
type of explanations about the system. Particularly, they will often
                                                                                            value we will know how often it happened. For this experiment,
need to verify that certain desirable properties are being met, while
                                                                                            the query returned 442 - there was a reward table row that had
3 https://git.aston.ac.uk/garcia-a/hawk-mrt2018
                                                                                            changed that many times in value.
4 https://github.com/mondo-project/mondo-hawk
5 https://subversion.apache.org/
                                                                                                Developers can easily expand upon the queries to produce more
6 A previous version with second-level rather than millisecond-level timestamps re-         nuanced results. Listing 3 shows a more advanced example that
quired 2.6MB instead. We intend to investigate this further in future studies.              computes some basic descriptive statistics of the reward table rows
     Reflecting on the past and the present with temporal graph-based models                           MRT 2018, October 14, Copenhagen, Denmark

     Listing 4: EOL query to detect the longest sequence of action                  Listing 5: EOL query to find cases when observations clash
     thrashing within the SAS                                                       against the understanding of satisficement within the SAS
 1   var decVersions = Decision.latest.all.first.versions;                      1   var mecBelief = NFRBelief.latest.all.selectOne(
 2   var dvBeforeLast = decVersions.subList(1, decVersions.size);               2      nfrb | nfrb.nfr.name='Minimization of Energy Consumption'
 3   var dvWithObs = dvBeforeLast.collect(dv | Sequence {                       3   );
 4       dv.time, dv.actionTaken.name, dv.supportingObservations()              4   var recMeasurement = Measurement.latest.all.selectOne(
 5   });                                                                        5      m | m.metric.name = 'Ranges of Energy Consumption'
 6                                                                              6   );
 7   // Find longest sequence of actions supported by 1 observation             7
 8   var longestThrashing : Sequence;                                           8   var contradictions : Sequence;
 9   var lastStart = −1;                                                        9   for (v in recMeasurement.versions) {
10   for (i in 0.to(dvWithObs.size() − 1)) {                                   10     var vMecBelief = mecBelief.travelInTime(v.time);
11      var nObs = dvWithObs.at(i).at(2);                                      11     var meets = vMecBelief.estimatedProbability
12      if (nObs > 1) {                                                        12         >= vMecBelief.nfr.threshold;
13         if (lastStart > −1 and i − lastStart > longestThrashing.size) {     13     if (meets and v.measurementPosition >= 2) {
14            longestThrashing = dvWithObs.subList(lastStart, i);              14        contradictions.add(Sequence {
15         }                                                                   15          v.time, meets, v.eContainer.description});
16         lastStart = −1;                                                     16     } else if (not meets and v.measurementPosition <= 1) {
17      } else if (lastStart = −1) {                                           17        contradictions.add(Sequence {
18         lastStart = i;                                                      18          v.time, meets, v.eContainer.description});
19      }                                                                      19     }
20   }                                                                         20   }
21   return longestThrashing;                                                  21
22                                                                             22   return contradictions;
23   // Count supporting observations for a decision
24   operation Decision supportingObservations() : Integer {
25      var timeNextDecision = self.next.time;
                                                                                    system kept changing action after each observation. It is a rather
26      var result = 0;
                                                                                    complex query, but it can be broken down as follows:
27      var observation = self.observation;
28      while (observation.time < timeNextDecision) {                                  (1) Lines 1–5 go from the earliest to the second last versions of
29        observation = observation.next;                                                  the only Decision in the RDM SAS. For each of them, they
30        result += 1;                                                                     compute a triplet with the timepoint, the name of the action
31      }                                                                                  taken, and the number of supporting observations.
32      return result;                                                                 (2) The number of supported operations is defined by the con-
33   }                                                                                     text operation in lines 24–33, which counts the number of
                                                                                           observations that existed before the next version of that
                                                                                       (3) Lines 8–21 find the longest sequence of triplets with 1 sup-
                                                                                           porting observation. For our trace, the query finds a sequence
     over time. This query makes use of EOL context operations to
                                                                                           of 8 timepoints when the SAS is switching back and forth
     define the “reward shifts” of a specific version of a RewardTable-
                                                                                           between RT and MST after each observation.
     Row. If we have only one version, it is the empty sequence. If it
     has more than one version, then it is the sequence of differences                 Queries can also be used to find less intuitive scenarios. Being
     between the values of each version and the one immediately before              probabilistic, R-POMDP may infer that a certain NFR is not being
     it. For values (0.1, 0.12, 0.11) we would have shifts of (0.02, −0.01).        met even though the current observation may say otherwise: this
     This can give us an idea of whether the reward recalculation is                simulates sensor failures and noise. Listing 5 shows a query which
     keeping shifts bounded, or if the values are wildly shifting from              found 18 time slices when the Minimization of Energy Consumption
     one timepoint to the next. In the case of the current log, the SAS             NFR satisfaction did not match the Rate of Energy Consumption
     kept shifts bounded to a symmetric range within ±0.034, with an                measurement. Either the NFR was met even though we were in the
     average of −5.31 × 10−9 .                                                      high ranges of REC, or the NFR was not met even though we were
         Continuing with the theme of checking if the SAS is behaving               in the low ranges of REC. As a minor detail, for each version of the
     appropriately, it may be important to notice situations in which               measurement we check the belief level at the same timepoint by
     the system may be “thrashing” between two actions, which suggest               using travelInTime on the belief node.
     that the decision process may benefit from a “tolerance interval”
     where it will not react just yet to an observed situation. Listing 4           4.3    Time-aware queries for users
     shows a query designed to find the longest sequence of actions that            Other queries may be more generally useful to the wider community
     are only backed by a single observation, i.e. intervals in which the           around the SAS, and could be fed into dashboards. They would
     MRT 2018, October 14, Copenhagen, Denmark                                             Antonio García-Domínguez, Nelly Bencomo, and Luis H. Garcia Paucar

     Listing 6: EOL query to compute statistics about NFR satis-                                 Listing 7: EOL query to find intervals of MR satisficement
     ficement above their thresholds                                                             states and reactions by the SAS upon the observations made.
 1   return NFRBelief.latest.all.collect(nfrb | nfrb.stats());                               1   var vNfrMecB = NFRBelief.latest.all.selectOne(nfrb
 2                                                                                           2      | nfrb.nfr.name = 'Minimization of Energy Consumption'
 3   operation NFRBelief stats() {                                                           3   ).versions.reverse();
 4     var versions = self.versions;                                                         4
 5     var nAbove = versions.select(v |                                                      5   var currentStates = computeStates(vNfrMecB.first.time);
 6          v.estimatedProbability >= v.nfr.threshold).size;                                 6   var newStates : Map;
 7     var nBelow = versions.size − nAbove;                                                  7   var results : Sequence;
 8     return Map { 'name' = self.nfr.name,                                                  8   var length = 0;
 9        'above' = nAbove, 'below' = nBelow };                                              9   for (v in vNfrMecB) {
10   }                                                                                      10     newStates = computeStates(v.time);
                                                                                            11     if (newStates.equals(currentStates)) {
                                                                                            12        length += 1;
                                                                                            13     } else {
     essentially start off from the NFRs and give increasingly more                         14        var lastDecision = Decision.latest.all.first.travelInTime(v.time);
     detailed explanations of to what degree they were met, what was                        15        results.add(Sequence { currentStates, length,
     done to correct situations when they were not met, and why those                       16            v.time, // time of last decision taken in this interval
     corrective actions were chosen.                                                        17            lastDecision.observation.description,
         Listing 6 shows a query which indicates how often the various                      18            lastDecision.actionTaken.name // name of action
     NFRs were met. The query takes all the NFRBelief instances, and                        19        });
     visits all their versions, counting how many are above and below                       20        currentStates = newStates;
     their thresholds7 . We compute a simple triplet with the name of                       21        length = 1;
     the NFR and the number of times we believed it to be above/below                       22     }
     the threshold. Regarding MEC, out of the 888 unique belief levels                      23   }
     stated by the SAS, 670 passed the threshold and 218 did not. 665                       24   return results;
     belief levels passed MR, and 223 did not.
         Deeper self-explanation requires looking at how the satisfice-                     26   operation computeStates(instant: Integer): Map {
     ment of the MRs evolved over time, and how the system reacted                          27     var nfrbs = NFRBelief.latest.all
     to it. Listing 7 shows a query that will produce a timeline of how                     28       .collect(nfrb | nfrb.travelInTime(instant));
     the NFRs changed between being met and not met, as shown in                            29     var result : Map;
     Listing 8.                                                                             30     for (nfrb in nfrbs) {
         Looking at line 1 of the output, we see that the system started                    31       result.put(nfrb.nfr.name,
     with both MR and MEC unmet, that it stayed like that for 1 obser-                      32          nfrb.estimatedProbability >= nfrb.nfr.threshold);
     vation, and that since it observed that REC was low and NCC was                        33     }
     high, it decided to go with RT as an action. Line 2 shows that the                     34     return result;
     system started meeting MR and MEC, but then observed energy                            35   }
     usage (REC) to be in the high ranges, so it went into MST. Interest-
     ingly, MEC started to fail later on, even though the observed energy
                                                                                                 Listing 8: Excerpt of output from Listing 7 about justifica-
     usage was not that high: again, this may be due to the probabilistic
                                                                                                 tion of the actions taken by the system.
     nature of R-POMDP observed in Listing 5.
         In general, the main advantage of the presented approach is that                    1   [[{Maximization of Reliability=false, Minimization of Energy
     it allows for rapid development and iteration of new queries on the                              Consumption=false}, 1, 1532385574820, REC LOWER X
     history of the model, making it possible to create the explanations                              AND NCC GREATER S, Redundant Topology],
     for a category of SAS as required, and then later package them as                       2   [{Maximization of Reliability=true, Minimization of Energy
     premade, reusable visualizations.                                                                Consumption=true}, 1, 1532385575022, REC IN Y_Z AND
                                                                                                      NCC GREATER S, Minimum Spanning Tree Topology],
     5    RELATED WORK                                                                       3   [{Maximization of Reliability=true, Minimization of Energy
                                                                                                      Consumption=false}, 1, 1532385575166, REC LOWER X
     This paper is based on a combination of various results from the                                 AND NCC GREATER S, Minimum Spanning Tree Topology
     areas of self-explanation for decision making systems, and model                                 ],
     versioning. In this section we will relate the work to several key                      4   ...]
     contributions in these fields.

     7 Interestingly, this query could easily accommodate dynamic NFR thresholds without
     any changes, since we visit the NFR through the version of the belief.
Reflecting on the past and the present with temporal graph-based models                     MRT 2018, October 14, Copenhagen, Denmark

5.1     Decision making, self-explanation,                                  In the last few years, there has been increasing interest in having
        interactive diagnosis                                           time-awareness as a native capability of the modelling framework
                                                                        itself. In 2012, Holmes et al. implemented a copy-on-write ver-
The area of research about self-explanation and interactive is still
                                                                        sioning scheme for models at an element level using UUIDs [16].
in its infancy. The need for it is exacerbated due to the use of
                                                                        Hartmann showed in 2014 [14] a first version of the Kevoree Mod-
artificial intelligence and machine learning. However, few research
                                                                        elling Framework that supported reusable versioning of individual
initiatives exist. The authors in [3] use goal-based requirements
                                                                        model elements, with the ability to travel back and forth in time.
models at runtime to offer self-explanation of how a system is
                                                                        This would eventually evolve to their standalone Greycat temporal
meeting its requirements. Our case study also contemplates the use
                                                                        graph database. Our proposal takes this element-level versioning
of runtime goal-based models but supported by POMDPS. Different
                                                                        idea as a base, and proposes a general approach to use it for self-
from the work in [3], our work uses Bayesian learning. Further,
                                                                        explanation across a variety of SAS, adding a generic metamodel
new future versions of the temporal graph models will be seen as
                                                                        for execution traces and a easy-to-use, database-agnostic query
runtime models to be consulted at runtime [4] to support decision
                                                                        language. We have also integrated Greycat with a model indexer,
                                                                        making it possible to reason over temporal graphs without needing
   In [23], and as in our case, the authors present a temporal model
                                                                        to re-engineer existing systems.
to support interactive diagnosis of self-adaptive systems. The au-
                                                                            Another recent work in the area of temporal graph stores for
thors describe a temporal data model to represent, store and query
                                                                        models is ChronoSphere, developed by Haeusler et al. [12]. Simi-
decisions as well as their relationship with the context, require-
                                                                        lar to Greycat, it is also based on a key-value store where the key
ments, and adaptation actions. So far, we do not include the context
                                                                        combines the timepoint and the element identifier. Unlike Greycat,
or the requirements, however it is part of our future research av-
                                                                        which is a “pure” temporal graph database, the authors report capa-
enues. They have used their approach in the area of smart grids
                                                                        bilities as a model repository, supporting branches (without merges,
while we have used RDMs as the case study. While they use Greycat,
                                                                        for now), transactions, and some capabilities for metamodel evo-
only we have extended the Hawk model indexer with the ability
                                                                        lution. The authors also mention the application of ChronoSphere
to use Greycat as a backend. Using a model indexer makes it pos-
                                                                        in an “industrial IT Landscape Management tool” called Txture for
sible to reason over temporal graphs without the need of making
                                                                        model-based visualizations. We intend to evaluate ChronoSphere
changes to the existing system.
                                                                        as an alternative to Greycat in future versions of our approach, in
                                                                        terms of performance and feature set.
5.2     Model versioning                                                    One last idea that Borsch et al. identified in their survey as an
As a complex artifact developed within teams, keeping track of          open research area was intention-aware model versioning, where
the various revisions that a model goes through is very important.      merges could be simplified by encoding what the modelers wanted
According to the survey by Brosch et al. [5], versioning approaches     to accomplish with their changes. We have not found many re-
can be classified across two orthogonal dimensions: the way they        search initiatives in the area since then, but we find that the idea of
represent the artefacts, and the way they identify, represent and       encoding the intentions of a change in the model could certainly
merge differences between versions. Artifact representations can        be relevant and useful for self-explanation. For future work, we are
be text-based as in most well-known tools (e.g. Subversion or Git),     considering model versioning approaches where the self-adaptive
where they are seen as a collection of lines, or can be graph-based     model-based system would encode their intentions upon the vari-
as a collection of nodes and edges, potentially with attributes and     ous changes. These intentions could also be indexed by Hawk into
labels. Merging two versions developed in parallel from a common        the temporal graph, and could be accessed from EOL queries.
ancestor can be done in two ways: by comparing their states, or
by combining the operations that were applied on the common
ancestor in each side.                                                  6   CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK
   In terms of tools, many practitioners use simple and mature          In this work, we have described the key requirements for a reusable
text-based version control systems (VCS) to keep track of their         framework for self-explanation in self-adaptive systems: a generic
models (e.g. Git), and they use standalone state-based model com-       and extensible execution trace metamodel, a temporal graph to store
parison and merging tools (e.g. EMF Compare8 ). Others accept the       these traces, a time-aware query language that allows to reason
additional complexity for the sake of additional functionality and      about the history of the models, and a set of reusable visualiza-
use dedicated model repositories, which handle model revisions in       tions the main types of self-adaptive systems in the wild. We have
terms of model elements and their references. Some well-known           provided proof-of-concept implementations for the first three. We
examples are Eclipse Connected Data Objects9 , which stores model       have also demonstrated different queries aimed at explaining the
revisions inside a relational database (usually combined with a         self-adaptive nature of the systems to developers and end users.
relational database), or EMFStore [19], which actually uses a collec-      The present work can be considered as a first step towards that
tion of XMI files. EMFStore is interesting in that it keeps both the    reusable framework, suggesting several lines of future work. First, it
states of the various revisions, and the individual changes that were   would be useful to have a taxonomy of the various types of queries
applied between those revisions, so it may use those for merging.       that different audiences may ask of a self-adaptive system, and the
                                                                        different levels of detail that we could use for our answers. Some of
8 https://www.eclipse.org/emf/compare/downloads/                        those queries may cross over multiple types of SAS, while others
9 https://www.eclipse.org/cdo/                                          may be specific to a class of SAS. Once we determine which queries
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