Model Finding and Model Completion with USE Martin Gogolla1 , Loli Burgueño2 , and Antonio Vallecillo2 1 University of Bremen, Germany. 2 Universidad de Málaga, Spain. {loli,av} Abstract. This short contribution demonstrates central options in the tool USE (Uml-based Specification Environment) for exploring UML models within software development. It particularly uses so-called classi- fying OCL terms for building validation and verification scenarios and for completing partial models. The contribution demonstrates the tool’s op- tions with an example: statecharts together with a simple syntax model and a model for capturing finite fractions of the statechart semantics. 1 Introduction In this paper, we demonstrate the options available in the tool USE [10,11] (Uml- based Specification Environment) for UML and OCL models and the concept of classifying terms (CTs) [12], which permit generating relevant and distinguished sample object models for a given specification, together with the completion ca- pabilities of the USE model validator for specifying particular validation (”Are we building the right product; aim: build test cases) and verification (”Are we building the product right; aim: verify a property) scenarios. With them we are able to quickly develop distinguishable and structurally non-equivalent object models that satisfy certain system properties. More precisely, classifying OCL terms permit defining equivalence classes with those models that, from the mod- eller’s perspective, are equivalent. Then, the USE model validator is able to generate one representative object model for each equivalence class, hence sig- nificantly simplifying the number of test cases, and improving the effectiveness of the model checking process. In this contribution we illustrate these ideas for exploring models within software development. We demonstrate the tool options with a simple example: statecharts together with a simple syntax model and a model for capturing finite fractions of the statechart semantics. One central ad- vantage we see in our approach is that we offer mainstream languages like UML and OCL to formulate models and use these languages also to give feedback. The structure of the rest of this paper is as follows. Section 2 presents the background work: CTs and the USE model validator completion capabilities. Section 3 shows how a system can be tested with cts and object model comple- tion. Section 4 compares our work to similar related proposals. Finally, Sect. 5 concludes the paper. Fig. 1. A metamodel for Statecharts with trace semantics. 2 Modeling with USE 2.1 Running example Our running example is shown in Fig. 1 with a class model and names of needed OCL invariants. The model serves to describe the syntax of statecharts (left part of the class model) and a semantics for statecharts in terms of a finite number of traces (right part). The top left object model in Fig. 2 shows on the left an exam- ple for a statechart and on the right an example trace. One could also say that the left side represents design time elements and the right side runtime items. The OCL invariants for the syntax part require unique state names, existence of a single initial and a single final state, deterministic transitions, and each state to lie between the initial and the final state. The OCL invariants for the semantics part require each trace to be a cyclefree string of pearls (TraceNode objects linked together looking like a string of pearls), to be connected to the initial state and to show events corresponding to the transition events. Our view on the model is that we have specified syntax and semantics of a particular statechart language. Our tool allows the developer to systematically explore the model by building test cases in form of object models and thereby to validate and verify model properties and get confidence into the model. 2.2 Classifying terms Usual approaches to generate object models from a metamodel explore the state space looking for different solutions. The problem is that many of these solu- tions are in fact very similar, only incorporating small changes in the values of attributes and hence “equivalent” from a conceptual or structural point of view. Classifying terms (CTs) [12] constitute a technique for developing test cases for UML and OCL models. CTs are arbitrary OCL queries on a class model calculating a characteristic value for each object model. Each expression can be boolean, allowing the definition of up to two equivalence classes, or of type integer, where each resulting number defines one equivalence class. Each equiv- alence class is defined by the set of object models with identical characteristic Fig. 2. Four different object models constructed with classifying terms. values, selecting one canonical representative object model. Hence, the resulting set of object models is composed from one object model per equivalence class, and therefore they represent significantly different test cases. Besides, they par- tition the full input space. For example, the following classifying terms could be defined for our metamodel. context S t a t e inv i n i t i a l E q F i n a l : l e t I N I=S t a t e . a l l I n s t a n c e s −>a n y ( s | s . i s I n i t i a l=t r u e ) i n l e t F I N=S t a t e . a l l I n s t a n c e s −>a n y ( s | s . i s F i n a l=t r u e ) in I N I=F I N - - i n v a r i a n t s o n e I n i t i a l a n d o n e F i n a l g i v e d e t e r m i n a t e n e s s context T r a n s i t i o n inv t w o T h r e e O r F o u r E v e n t s : l e t n u m E v e n t s=T r a n s i t i o n . a l l I n s t a n c e s −> - - c o l l e c t y i e l d s B a g c o l l e c t ( t | t . e v e n t )−>a s S e t ( )−>s i z e ( ) i n n u m E v e n t s =2 or n u m E v e n t s =3 or n u m E v e n t s =4 Each of these two CTs may be true or false. Together, they define four equiv- alence classes. First, we want to distinguish between statecharts in which the ini- tial and the final state coincide, and others with different initial and final states. Second, we want to have some sample models in which there are 2, 3 or 4 events, and other models in which there could be less than 2 or more than 4 events. The model validator, which is the tool in charge of exploring the search space and generating object models, will simply return one representative of each of the four equivalence classes. Note that CTs do not always pretend to generate models that are representative of the complete metamodel, they might be used to generate models that contain interesting features w.r.t. concrete scenarios of interest to the modeller, and which are only relevant in a sub-part of the given specification. They are also useful for finding object models that should not happen in theory, i.e. counterexamples for our specification. 2.3 The USE model validator Object models are automatically generated from a set of CTs by the USE model validator, which builds and inspects object models and selects one representative for each equivalence class. For this, as described in [12], each CT is assigned a boolean or an integer value, and the values of the CTs are stored for each solution. Using the CTs and these values, constraints are created and given to the Kodkod solver [19] along with the class model during the validation process. The solver prunes all object models that belong to the equivalence classes for which there is already a representative element. The construction process always terminates and yields a finite number of representative object models. The validator has to be given a so-called ‘configuration’ that determines how the classes, associations, data types and attributes are populated. In particular, for every class a mandatory upper bound for the number of objects must be stated. Both the USE tool and the model validator plugin are available for download from 3 Systematically exploring a model with USE In order to illustrate our proposal, let us consider the object models shown in Fig. 2. These structurally different object models have been automatically Fig. 3. Completion of an incomplete object model to a full object model. generated by using 4 boolean-valued CTs (and a configuration fixing attribute values, links, and lower and upper bounds for the number of objects in a class): context S t a t e inv t w o S t a t e s : S t a t e . a l l I n s t a n c e s −>s i z e=2 context S t a t e inv t h r e e S t a t e s : S t a t e . a l l I n s t a n c e s −>s i z e=3 context T r a c e N o d e inv o n e T r a c e : T r a c e N o d e . a l l I n s t a n c e s −> s e l e c t ( t n | t n . src−>i s E m p t y ( ) and t n . trg−>n o t E m p t y )−>s i z e=1 context T r a c e N o d e inv t w o T r a c e s : T r a c e N o d e . a l l I n s t a n c e s −> s e l e c t ( t n | t n . src−>i s E m p t y ( ) and t n . trg−>n o t E m p t y )−>s i z e=2 In principle, 24 = 16 equivalence classes are possible. However, this number will not be reached, because, for example, the classifying terms twoStates and threeStates cannot be true at the same time. Figure 2 shows 4 found solutions. Essentially, the upper row shows the solutions with 2 states and the lower row the solutions with 3 states; and the left column displays the solutions having 1 trace and the right column the solutions with 2 traces. Another important option in USE is to specify an incomplete object model with missing attribute values, objects or links, and to ask the USE model valida- tor to complete the incomplete model into a full model. Fig. 3 shows an example. In the right side of the upper part, two example traces for two Paper objects submitted to a Conference together with an incomplete statechart in the left are shown. In the lower part the result of asking the model validator to complete the object model is pictured. The model validator has found attribute values and link-objects for association classes in order to satisfy all model constraints. Our view is that the full statechart has been automatically deduced from two example traces and an incomplete statechart description. The price we have to pay is that we have to present an exhaustive set of invariants. The full models are available. 4 Related work The USE model validator is based on the transformation [13] of UML and OCL into Kodkod [19]. Related pproaches rely on foundations like logic programming and constraint solving [4,5], relational logic and Alloy [1], term rewriting [16] or graph grammars [8]. To reason about UML/OCL models, there are different alternatives, for instance, translating them into standard first-order logic using theorem provers [2,3,14], or map them to many-sorted first-order logic [7]. There are (semi-)automatic proving approaches for UML class properties based on the basis of description logics [15], on the basis of relational logic and pure Alloy [1] using only a subset of OCL, and focusing on model inconsistencies with Kodkod [18]. The approaches in [6,17] use metamodels and solvers for software improvement. A classification of model checkers with respect to model verification tasks can be found in [9]. None of these approaches offers our options, i.e. to automatically scroll through several valid object models in one verification task. More details of our approach are given in [11]. 5 Conclusions and future work Exploring the execution space of any non-trivial system is a difficult task. In this paper we have shown how the tool USE can be employed, in conjunction with classifying terms, to specify particular validation and verification scenarios, allowing system analysts to look for object models that satisfy certain properties, or their absence. There are several lines of work that we plan to address next. 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