=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2246/GHItaly18_paper_07 |storemode=property |title=Creation of Physiatric Exercises for Remote Use in Rehabilitation Exergames |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2246/GHItaly18_paper_07.pdf |volume=Vol-2246 |authors=Dario Maggiorini,Laura Anna Ripamonti,Davide Gadia |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/avi/MaggioriniRG18 }} ==Creation of Physiatric Exercises for Remote Use in Rehabilitation Exergames== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2246/GHItaly18_paper_07.pdf
                         Creation of Physiatric Exercises
                   for Remote Use in Rehabilitation Exergames
           Dario Maggiorini                                Laura Anna Ripamonti                           Davide Gadia
          University of Milano                               University of Milano                       University of Milano
             Milano, Italy                                      Milano, Italy                              Milano, Italy
           dario@di.unimi.it                                ripamonti@di.unimi.it                        gadia@di.unimi.it
ABSTRACT                                                                     working age – that is to say 15–64 years old [2, 9, 16]. In
The current demographic ageing in Europe is the result of a                  the following decades, the so-called ‘baby-boomers’ (i.e.,
relevant economic, social, and medical development.                          the huge generation born in the ‘50s–‘60s) will start to
Nevertheless, at the same time, it is also leading to a                      retire, further exacerbating the situation. The demographic
significant increase in the demand for long-term care                        ageing in Europe is the result of a relevant economic,
(LTC), especially for seniors. One viable way to offer                       social, and medical development, that provide us with
qualified cares at home, while at the same time containing                   longer and better lives compared to those of past
costs, is to exploit digital technologies as enablers of a                   generations. Nevertheless, this progressive increase in
constant interaction between seniors and assisting                           population lifespan, besides creating new opportunities,
personnel. In particular, (video) games have already been                    impacts deeply on a number of areas, such as: healthcare,
identified as a viable way to foster motivation and                          retirement, housing, community care, welfare, etc. Among
engagement in the long term. While technical solutions to                    these areas, one of the most afflicted is the long-term socio-
provide at home LTC has already been proposed, the                           medical assistance. This increase in the demand for Long
scientific community is still working on general                             Term Care (LTC) is supported by declining (or, at best,
methodologies to streamline the process on the caretaker’s                   growing at a slower pace) public financial resources.
side. In this paper, we focus on a software application to                   Consequences of this emerging situation call for a
design and propose physiatric exercises from a remote                        reorganization of the assistance supply through the
location. These exercises can be extremely tailored on the                   development of innovative management approaches, the
requirements of each patient and can be monitored in an                      enrichment of socio-medical services, the integration
automated      way    exploiting     off-the-shelf    gaming                 between hospitals and local communities, and the adoption
technologies such as Microsoft Kinect. The proposed                          of multidisciplinary perspectives. As of today, the most
solution aims to shorten the feedback loop between patient                   promising solutions rely on exploiting digital technologies
and caretaker in order to increase the quality of the therapy                in order to provide services supporting LTC at home. As a
and improve the recovery time.                                               matter of fact, domiciliary cares can be an effective
Author Keywords                                                              alternative to long-term hospitalization: the psychological
HCI; visual interfaces; healthcare; long-term care; LTC.                     and affective benefit for the patient would be huge, and
                                                                             shorter hospitalizations would mean shorter queues to
ACM Classification Keywords                                                  access public health services and shrinkage in costs. Among
H.5.2 User Interfaces; J.3 Life and medical Science: Health;                 all possible digital technologies, (video) games have
D.2.m Software Engineering: Miscellaneous.                                   already been identified as a viable teaching/training media
INTRODUCTION                                                                 in 2002 with the foundation of the Serious Games Initiative
It has been estimated that, by 2025, people over 60                          [15] by the Woodrow Wilson Center for International
worldwide will be 1.2 billion, and by 2050 they will reach 2                 Scholar in Washington, D.C. In particular, serious games
billion (in 2000 they used to be ‘only’ 600 million). Also, in               can provide a way to increase engagement in a
2050, in Europe, the number of over 60 will equal the 40%                    rehabilitation therapy: exercises disguised as sessions of
of the total population, and the 60% of the population in                    serious gaming are more likely to be performed on a regular
                                                                             basis and will not require the constant presence of a
                                                                             therapist. Moreover, the scoring system may also offer a
                                                                             quick and easy way to assess the rehabilitation path and/or
                                                                             to raise real-time alarms.
                                                                             Designing a serious game for rehabilitation [5, 11] as well
                                                                             as defining a distributed infrastructure to support non-
GHItaly18: 2nd Workshop on Games-Human Interaction, May 29th, 2018,
                                                                             invasive patient monitoring and remote assistance [12] are
Castiglione della Pescaia, Grosseto (Italy)                                  not impossible challenges. Nevertheless, an important issue
Copyright © 2018 for the individual papers by the papers' authors. Copying   still stands about how to easily define the right exercise for
permitted for private and academic purposes. This volume is published and
copyrighted by its editors.                                                  each patient and deploy it on a device located in the
households. Exercises should not be described using code
because that would be impractical for medical staff but, at
the same time, they must be easy to integrate in an existing
gaming environment.
With the above goal in mind, this paper is focused on
proposing a visual interface which will be viable for a
medical operator and where an exercise can be easily
defined while taking into account patient’s monitoring data.
This exercise can then be deployed remotely as a physiatric
serious game and be part of a long-term rehabilitation
The idea of using games to foster medical therapies has
already been accepted long before computers and electronic
devices became a way to convey entertainment [1]. In
                                                                         Figure 1: General Structure of Care@Home.
particular, in recent times, we have been witnessing a fair
number of projects and experimentations on this topic [3, 4,     house. The created exercises may not be specific to a
6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14].                                    medical condition and should be suitable for a number of
                                                                 exergames. Our contribution in this paper is going to be an
In [13], authors design an exergame for post-surgery knee
                                                                 extension to Care@Home and, for this reason, we will now
rehabilitation. The provided solution uses Kinect to monitor
                                                                 present its framework in detail.
the patient and allows remote assistance, but the final
application is limited to assist on knee conditions. Other       The Care@Home Project
contributions are focusing on post-stroke patients; in           The Care@Home project has been developed to allow
particular, [8] proposes an exergame for upper-limbs             remote interaction, on a daily basis, with elders (especially
rehabilitation. As in the previous case, authors are focused     those living alone) requiring LTC. Care@Home integrates a
on a specific game rather than a more comprehensive              number of sensor devices in the patient environment and
solution. Authors of [3] are also targeting after-stroke         allows to assign exercises, verify progresses in mobility,
upper-limb rehabilitation, but a more comprehensive study        and monitor health/environmental parameters. In particular,
is offered about the usefulness of Augmented Reality (AR)        the Kinect gaming device has been exploited as a
in designing and deploying rehabilitation exergames. Other       movement and body measurement sensor as well as for its
contributions [6, 7] are proposing exergames designed for        easy integration in a gaming platform. A set-top-box is
wrist rehabilitation. In this case, while still limited to a     installed in the elder home to manage the Kinect together
specific condition, authors try to exploit mobile phones to      will all other environmental sensors and to interface the
increase accessibility and user experience.                      household with a caretaker’s control center (see Fig. 1).
Other contributions try to be more general and proposes full
frameworks [14] or general methodologies [4, 10] to
improve patient motivation and prove the all-around
effectiveness of games in rehabilitation therapies. This
group, anyway, seems to be more focused on monitoring
the patient and evaluating the effectiveness of a therapy
rather than actually hosting and dispensing exercises.
All the solutions referenced so far, are either implemented
around an existing game or focus on providing design
guidelines for exergames; none of them are proposing an
integrated environment to manage multiple exercises/games
in the context of a rehabilitation process taking place over a
long time.
A more comprehensive solution to host and manage
exergames, and to monitor patients’ performance from a
remote location is represented by Care@Home [11, 12].
Care@Home is a complete framework where a caretaker                      Figure 2: Care@Home hi-level architecture.
can interact with each patient using a remote application.
This remote application is capable to define exercises to be
proposed as games via a set-top-box located in the patient’s
                                                                 example. Each exercise may implement its own checking
                                                                 policy and focus on monitoring specific postures, which
                                                                 may be critical for a given patient.
                                                                 CREATING EXERCISES
                                                                 As already mentioned, an important feature required from a
                                                                 remote rehabilitation service is a convenient way to define
                                                                 new exercises tailored on each patient’s needs and
                                                                 performances. When designing such a tool and its interface,
                                                                 we must also take into account that the creation of exercises
                                                                 will be performed by a medical operator; this implies that
                                                                 any description methodology requiring to write code is not
                                                                 viable. Moreover, the physiotherapist must be able to
   Figure 3: Tracking patient while performing an exercise.      perform all operations of storage, retrieval, and deployment
Care@Home has been implemented as a distributed                  of exercises without asking the assistant of technical staff.
architecture whose purpose is to provide an efficient,           The proposed solution
reliable, and scalable real-time communication between           In order to create an efficient yet very intuitive interface,
sensing equipment located in the home of each patient and a      we resolved to use a Natural User Interface (NUI) also on
central control system. A schema of the hi-level                 the caretaker side. As a consequence, Microsoft Kinect is
architecture is reported in Fig. 2. In the picture, we can       used to let the caretaker define the tracking positions of
observe that this architecture is composed by many               each exercise. The caretaker can track her own body to
components; some of them are located inside the                  define an exercise and then edit the result. This approach
caretaker’s organization datacenter (shaded area), while         proved to be very well accepted by medical staff because
others are dislocated where convenient: either in the            physiotherapists are already used to show to their patients
caretaker’s office or in the patient’s household. In             how to perform each exercise. The only learning curve
particular, on the patient side, a DeviceProxy is in charge to   required from the caretaker is about the interface for editing
manage the connection and collect data from the local            and deployment, which is used in a second stage.
sensors. Moreover, the DeviceProxy is storing all the
information related to the exercises to be “dispensed” to the    Once an exercise is decorated with all required metadata
patient.                                                         (e.g., number of repetitions, reference patient, and
                                                                 description), it can be stored in an online database located
When an exercise is performed, the Kinect comes into play        in the caretaker’s datacenter. From there, the PhysioServ
and starts tracking the patient’s position. A sequence of        application server will take care to push the exercise toward
positions is presented on the screen as dots overlapped to       the correct DeviceProxy.
the avatar reporting the current body position (see Fig. 3).
Each exercise requires from the patient to reach a sequence      The caretaker’s database can also be used to retrieve
of positions with her body. If, while performing an exercise,    existing exercises and tailor them for different patients due
                                                                 to new, hopefully improved, conditions.
the tracking is reported too off of the required asset, the
dots are drawn in red, to provide immediate visual feedback      Editor Architecture
and an alarm is raised on the screen; see Fig. 4 for an          The exercise editor has been implemented using Windows
                                                                 Presentation Foundation (WPF): a Kinect-compatible
                                                                 framework for visual applications distributed by Microsoft.
                                                                 In WPF, the interface is defined by means of an XML file
                                                                 (taking xaml as extension). A specific class, usually
                                                                 implemented in C#, manages the interface as described in
                                                                 the xaml file and bridges the GUI to external elements and
                                                                 the Kinect hardware. The hi-level architecture of the
                                                                 exercise editor is reported in Fig. 5. In this architecture, the
                                                                 Main Window class (with its xaml file) is responsible to
                                                                 manage the main application panel. From within this panel,
                                                                 we can initialize all data structures, perform data
                                                                 management tasks, and drive Kinect sensors. The Main
                                                                 Window interface exposes standard data management
  Figure 4: Wrong posture reported: right hand should be         functionalities for exercises (new, open, save, and so forth)
    repositioned (avatar is represented as if in a mirror).      as well as players control (start, stop, record).
     Figure 5: General architecture of the exercise editor.        Figure 6: Metadata Editor, panel to add additional
                                                                    information to the exercise (some data have been
The Metadata Editor class is responsible to manage all                      obfuscated for privacy reasons).
additional data for the exercise. These data include both
contextual information, such as how many repetitions are
required and when the exercise should be performed, as
well as generic information such as medical notes from the
caretaker. Screenshots of the Metadata Editor windows are
proposed in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7. In the Metadata Editor, it is
also possible to select single joints (Fig. 7) in order to
provide additional directions for the exercise software.
These directions may be about a joint which is not supposed
to be moving or a limb bending which should not exceed a
given angle, as in the alarm raised in Fig. 4.
Both Metadata Editor and Main Window use two service
classes designed to store data about the whole exercise and
each single joint, respectively. Exercise and Joints will be
serialized and stored in a backend database for deployment
and/or later retrieval.
The last class in our architecture is Player. The Player class
takes care of all functionalities related to capturing the
caretaker’s movement using Kinect and replaying the edited              Figure 7: Metadata Editor, joint selection
exercise before saving it in the backend database.                                 for detailed editing.
Moreover, the Player can also retrieve an existing exercise
from the database and let the caretaker create a customized
version. Figure 8 shows the Player window during the
recording of an exercise. In the figure, it is possible to see a
left panel with a real-time tracking of the caretaker body
while performing the exercise (the red border means that
recording is in progress) and a right-hand panel with a
hierarchical representation of the exercises database in the
backend. The exercise database is available from the Player
window in order to ease the process of browsing and
playing out existing exercises. The database is represented
in a hierarchical way with a tree branching based on the
interested limbs or body part for each exercise. This data
organization proved to allow for quick retrieval from
medical staff without requiring to fill an explicit search
form. The last element of the Payer window, in its lower
section, is a selector to pick a subset of the joints which are
important for monitoring. This way, the recording will be          Figure 8: Player window while capturing an exercise.
limited to the selected subset and the rest of the body will     which is feasible for non-tech-savvy caretakers. This
not be used to evaluate the patient’s performance. Once          application exploits Kinect on the medical personnel’s side
finished the recording, the Player window can be closed to       to define an exercise via body tracking and let the user
perform further processing and deployment from the Main          decorate it with metadata useful for archiving and
Window.                                                          deployment.
Creating and Managing Exercises                                  The proposed solution is currently under testing and
The workflow, while creating an exercise, can be divided         preliminary unstructured feedback from medical staff seems
into a sequence of steps. During the first step, the caretaker   promising.
will record the required movement, select the relevant
joints, and add all important metadata to the exercise. A        As a future extension, we are planning to implement an
serialized version of the Exercise instance can then be          adaptation layer to let each exercise to be instantiated inside
saved locally in a binary format. This local save will be        a generic game, as in the early prototype shown in Fig. 9. In
then pushed to the backend database and indexed using the        this prototype, the player/patient is required to raise
metadata provided by the caretaker.                              alternatively the right and left leg for a given number of
                                                                 times. Our intention is to insert several kinds of leg-related
Once in the backend database, the information will be            exercises into this game without bounding movements or
managed by the PhysioServ application server: basing on          requiring the modification of game rules and mechanics.
the indexing metadata, each exercise will be pushed to one
(or more) set-top-boxes in patients’ households when
                                                                 We would like to thank our student Ana Maria Alexandru
connection will take place. We cannot assume the client
                                                                 for her contribution in defining the first interface and
side of the architecture is always connected and sync is
                                                                 guidelines for this application.
performed based on opportunity. When the exercise is
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