=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2247/poster14 |storemode=property |title=Publish or Post: Identification of Influences between Science and Society through Intelligent Systems |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2247/poster14.pdf |volume=Vol-2247 |authors=Diogo Nolasco,Jonice Oliveira |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/vldb/NolascoO18 }} ==Publish or Post: Identification of Influences between Science and Society through Intelligent Systems== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2247/poster14.pdf
     Publish or Post: Identification of influences between
       science and society through intelligent systems

                           Diogo Nolasco1 and Jonice Oliveira2

          Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro RJ, Brazil
             1diogo.sousa@ppgi.ufrj.br, 2jonice@dcc.ufrj.br

       Abstract. Every social community is deeply influenced by scientific discoveries
       and technology. Research results have impacted our lives directly, such as the
       cure of diseases and the development of new devices. The interrelationship of the
       academy and society remains a mystery, despite these influences. How scientific
       works impact and are recognized by society? Do research works match societal
       demands? Trying to answer these questions, we create a system that is capable of
       generating links between scientific and social data. We use the scientific articles
       as “science sensors” and online social networks as “social sensors”. Topic mod-
       eling algorithms enable us to detect and to link main research themes and social
       events. The proposed system uses heterogeneous sources and can be applied in a
       variety of scenarios. We evaluate our environment in the Zika domain, using a
       large-scale Twitter corpus combined with PubMed articles. Our approach de-
       tected links among various subevents, suggesting that some degree of the scien-
       tific impacts in society can be automatically inferred. Results can open new op-
       portunities for identifying the social consequences and reactions produced by sci-
       entific discoveries.

       Keywords: Topic Modeling, Social Networks, Topic Labeling, Event Detec-

1      Introduction

Despite the fact that science has a significant impact on society, there is a large gap
between scientific communications and general public perception, such as two isolated
universes. However, the mutual influence is evident in public discussions and scholar
conferences alike. A real case, as a new disease, is a new demand to scientists, whose
efforts can produce a treatment. Consequently, all scientific actions and results generate
news and discussions in public spaces. The same cycle repeats for discoveries of dif-
ferent magnitudes, such as new devices and systems, and the discovery of new exoplan-
ets or physical particles.
   Not all scientific work generate or receive a substantial social influence. A mathe-
matical model or problem solution cannot have direct impact in real physical world.
The sight that scientists should work only on social applications is called Baconian
model. Otherwise, the Newtonian model states that scientists should conduct research
with little concern for practical applications [1]. These two views show different aspects

    Copyright held by the author(s)

of the scholar production with different degrees of public interaction depending on the
nature and current relevance of a topic.
   The relationship between science and society – or the scientific impact in society,
and vice versa - is a theme that has rarely been addressed by Computer Science [2]. The
main attempts were the use of citation networks, using articles and patents [3]. Re-
cently, the use of altmetrics on the most important scientific digital libraries emphasizes
the increasing importance of social influence and knowledge communication [2]. Alt-
metrics are non-traditional metrics proposed as an alternative or complement to more
traditional citation impact metrics, such as h-index or impact factor [4]. It can include
citations (on no-scientific publications, e.g. blogs or newspapers), number of views,
number of downloads, social media comments and posts, reactions (e.g., likes/dislikes)
and bookmarks. The open science and social media increase the range and influence of
scientific works. Consequently, the adoption of altmetrics is irreversible.
   The social features embodied on altimetric-based systems are still limited, focused
on an article or an author. Mostly, only measuring how much a work (or a researcher)
is cited in social media, but not the social influence of the research. Influence acts in
both directions, and it is worth to consider the interrelationship between them.
   This work proposes an integrated system that identifies the latent topics in a scholar
dataset and those discussed in social media. From this, we try to identify the relationship
among them, connecting social events, new scientific discoveries, and the influences
and impacts of communication between science and society. Heretofore, this commu-
nication has been mediated only by official news sources. With the adoption of social
features by many researchers and scientific venues, we have an increasing of social
engagement in the public opinion.
   This is a topic-modeling based approach, using the LDA algorithm [5]. Topic Mod-
eling is a suite of algorithms for discovering the main subjects from a large collection
of unstructured documents [6]. The same approach is used to process scientific and
social data. The connection among scientific and social topics is done through similarity
measures in variable time windows. To evaluate a particular event, the time dynamic is
very important because the relevance of a science topic can increase/decrease due to
variance of its social importance. The method used is capable of representing topics as
a set of comprehensible labels via topic labeling which can be used to easily analyze
the scenario even for users who are not familiar with the domain.
   An experiment was made by using the Zika epidemic occurred between 2015 and
2016, where scientific development and social repercussion were notorious. This eval-
uation used microblogging posts extracted from Twitter as the social dataset, and Pub-
Med publications about Zika to extract scientific topics.
   Main contribution of our system is the possibility of use of heterogeneous data
sources (scholar, social and possibly other like technological or media) simultaneously.
Another contribution is the possibility of use of different languages. Finally, the assess-
ment made by comparing science and public interaction over time can be used and
repeated for different scenarios and events.
   This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 describes the proposal in detail. Section
3 shows the application of the system in Zika epidemic scenario as evaluation. Section
4 presents the related works and Section 5 concludes with the final considerations.

2      Proposal

Our proposal is to extract the research and social topics, identifying links among them.
These links could be causal (i.e., a new research topic which causes social commotion)
or relational (i.e., discussions about an ongoing research that feedback the research it-
self). The Fig. 1 illustrates an example of these relationships. There are topics appearing
overtime on scholar and public domains, both related to a new disease and the links
show how social subevents and research areas are dynamically interacting with each

Fig. 1. Example of development of a new disease X and the repercussions on scientific and so-
    cial domains, the dotted lines shows the links with thickness representing link strength.

Our proposal can be separated into two different tasks: (i) Topic extraction and (ii)
Topic Labeling. For the tasks, we apply methods described in [7] as they proved suc-
cessful with both scholar and social networks data [8]. Each task is described in detail
in the next sections.

2.1    Topic Extraction
This task comprises the discovery of subjects in a given collection of documents C. In
the academy domain, they will be research fields or topics of interest. In social domain,
they will be discussions, opinions, and information dissemination.
   We use a topic modeling algorithm to complete this task in this work. Specifically,
we will use the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) [5] algorithm in the experiments and
tests. LDA is a probabilistic topic modeling algorithm where each topic is represented
as a multinomial distribution of words, according to its relevance to the said topic.
   The algorithm is usually used in textual data due to its probabilistic nature avoiding
the problem of the high number of dimensions included in texts. In traditional clustering

algorithms, each term of the vocabulary is interpreted as a dimension, making data or-
ganization a difficult or inaccurate process. The topic models give each word a proba-
bility which acts as a measurement of the relevance of a term to the topic, avoiding this
    Results show most relevant words on a particular topic with higher probabilities and
common words with a low probability across all topics. Then, it is possible to identify
a topic by its relevant words. A topic about a virus, for example, could have relevant
words as “vaccine”, “medical” and “treatment” and can be identified by analyzing these
relevant words as a set. Words like “a”, “they” and “used” are expected to be irrelevant
to all topics as they appear in most documents.
    The primary parameter of topic modeling algorithms is the number of topics K. This
parameter defines the number of topics to be extracted from the collection. The problem
is that the user needs to know this previously because it is an input parameter. Social
topics cannot be predicted even by specialists, so this feature becomes a problem in this
    To solve this problem, we use a stability analysis approach for topic models pre-
sented by [9]. The stability analysis refers to the ability of an algorithm to replicate
similar results from data originating from the same source.
    This algorithm consists of taking samples from the collection and executing the topic
model algorithm with these samples to get the parameter value that provides most stable
    For example, a collection of 100 documents could have the K parameter minimum
value at 1 topic (all documents belonging to the same topic) and maximum at 100 topics
(each document as a different topic). The algorithm will make small samples of the
collection to disturb the data and see which K value produces stable results. In the end,
the algorithm gives a stability score to each number of topics according to the probable
value that is most close to representing the reality of the correct parameter.
    Then, instead of giving K to the algorithm, we can substitute it for a range of possible
topic numbers. In theory, a collection of 100 documents can have up to 100 topics, in
practice, the number can be adjusted according to the amount and nature of the data
(e.g. a range from 10 to 50). In real-world applications, we do not expect each post to
represent a new topic as it is much more plausible to expect various posts discussing
the same topic.
    After execution, the algorithm gives a collection of extracted topics Θ, where each
topic is a set of terms with respective probabilities in regard to that topic. From there,
the next task is to represent the contents of topics in a comprehensible way to the users,
making results and data interpretation possible.

2.2    Topic Labeling
With a set of topics as the output of the topic extraction, the next task is to assign com-
prehensible labels to them. For this task, we base our algorithms on the methods pro-
posed in [7]. It compares various metrics for labeling topics and tests the results in
research areas and event detection using social networks, achieving good results in

both. We choose the best methods suggested by the authors for each type of data and
apply it on formal paper documents and informal short microblogging posts.
   Fig. 2 illustrates the general process of labeling a topic model that consists of three
steps: (i) Candidate Selection, where possible labels are extracted from the results of
the topic modeling algorithm, (ii) Score and Ranking, where candidate labels receive a
relevance ranking, and (iii) Label Selection, where a set of final labels are assigned for
each topic. The next section explains them in further details.

                  Fig. 2. Labeling process and its steps (Adapted from [8])

Candidate Selection
    First of all, we need to extract and filter a list of candidate labels L for each sub-
event. We will use a sample on the collection’s documents to filter the most relevant
documents according to each subevent. This task is simple in topic modeling because -
similar to words - each document can be represented by a distribution of words relative
to each topic. Thus, we can eliminate noise from less relevant documents through a
sample of documents from a topic.
    Each document in the collection has a probability associated with each topic, which
shows the document relevance to the given topic. The most relevant documents for a
topic θ are those that have the highest associated probability with it. To avoid noise in
L and to maintain the scalability of the algorithm in very large datasets, we take a sam-
ple of the documents in the collection based on this associated probability. Instead of
using the entire collection, we use the top D documents of θ. Using this parameter D,
we do not have to apply the algorithm to the entire collection. If necessary, we can
increase the collection with more documents and the labels will only change if they
belong to D. This characteristic makes this solution scalable to use with data-intensive
environments and with frequently evolving sets.
    After acquiring the samples, we extract initial labels from them. These primitive
labels will be matched with the top W words of the multinomial distribution of θ (the
list of words ranked by probability) to generate the candidate labels. The number of
words W and the sample of D documents is the input parameters of the algorithm Fig.
3 shows a formal description of the algorithm.

                 Fig. 3. Candidate Selection Algorithm (based on [7] description)

   As a result, this step provides as candidate labels for θ, a list of words and phrases
that match or contain some word from W. This helps in filtering common words, such
as “with” or “choose” and ensures that words included in generated labels are relevant
to the related topic.
   The parameter W selects the most relevant words of a topic. Thus, the size of W will
influence the number of candidate labels chosen.
   The extraction of initial labels is done with an algorithm based on the fast keyword
extraction algorithm [10], which in turn is based on the fact that labels frequently con-
tain multiple words, but they rarely contain punctuation or stop words. The input of the
algorithm is a list of stop words, phrase (punctuation) and word delimiters (spaces). All
word or sequence of words among phrase delimiters and stopwords are considered as
an initial label.
   The algorithm provides a fast way to acquire initial labels. Moreover, it avoids the
use of language and domain dependent features. Consequently, it becomes a generalist
algorithm capable of extracting keywords in almost any kind of document. An example
of the algorithm output is shown in Table 1.

                     Table 1. Output example of candidate selection algorithm
    Original       A range of quantitative methods is today widely used in research evaluation. Recently,
    Text       with the increasing popularity of social media, and especially the increasing use of social
               media in scholarly activities, a new field of research has been introduced, namely, alt-
               metrics, to investigate the use of social media in research evaluation.
    Output         “quantitative methods”, “research evaluation”, “popularity”, “social media”, “today
               widely”, “increasing”, “scholarly activities”, “new field”, “namely altmetrics”, “investi-
               gate”, “use”, “research evaluation”

Score and Ranking
   With a set of labels extracted from the text the next step is to order than according
to relevance so we can select the more important or representative labels for each topic.
For this task, we choose to use the metric proposed in [7] called Modified Label Degree,

which uses a mix of term frequency and label degree metrics to rank labels inde-
pendently of the data used.
    Term Frequency (tf) usually gives higher scores to stopwords and non-descriptive
terms when used in raw text As we are already filtering common words in the algo-
rithm, tf will tend to give higher scores to words than phrases because words tend to
have a higher frequency. It is formally defined as:
                                   𝒕𝒇(𝒕, 𝒅) = 𝒇𝒕,𝒅                                     (1)

    Where t is a term, d a document, and 𝑓𝑡,𝑑 the frequency of the term t in a document
d. In this case, the “document” is the list of candidate labels.
     The degree (deg) of a word in a collection C is defined as the sum of the frequency
of the word in C and the frequency the word appears as a substring in another label.
For a phrase, the degree is the sum of the degrees of its words. The label degree (ldeg)
is the sum of the frequency of the entire label and the frequency it appears as a
substring of another candidate label. Formally:
                            𝒅𝒆𝒈(𝒘, 𝒅) = 𝒇𝒘,𝒅 + 𝒔𝒇𝒘,𝒅 ,                                 (2)

                          𝒅𝒆𝒈(𝒕, 𝒅) = ∑𝒘∈𝒕 𝒅𝒆𝒈(𝒘, 𝒅),                                  (3)
                             𝒍𝒅𝒆𝒈(𝒍, 𝒅) = 𝒇𝒍,𝒅 + 𝒔𝒇𝒍,𝒅                                 (4)
     Where w is a word, t a term (which can be a word or a phrase), and l a label (in this
scenario a candidate label, but in general it is equivalent to a term). The component
𝑠𝑓𝑤,𝑑 represents the substring frequency, the number of times a word or term appears
as a substring of another word or term in the document. The document here is also the
list of candidate labels.
   These degree metrics tend to give higher scores to words as term frequencies
because is easier for a word to appear as a substring of another label than a phrase of
two or three words.
    The Modified Label Degree (mdeg) then, gives one point for each label that
appears as a substring of another candidate label and two points for every occurrence
of the entire label. A formal notation would be:

                    𝒎𝒅𝒆𝒈(𝒍, 𝒅) = 𝒍𝒅𝒆𝒈(𝒍, 𝒅) + 𝟐 ∗ 𝒕𝒇(𝒍, 𝒅)                             (5)
    Where l is a candidate label and d a document represented by the set of candidate
labels for a certain topic.

Label Selection
   This is the final step and given the labels already ranked by the metrics, the process
is as simple as selecting the one with the higher score value. The only problems arise
when using a multiple label approach, as a set of labels can have many term intersec-
   Multiple labels can help the user interpretation of the topic by presenting multiple
layers of significance. A “Virus” label could be paired with a “vaccine” and “treatment”
labels, emphasizing that the topic is about disease treatment instead of infections causes

or transmission topics. The same “Virus” label paired with labels like “virus results”
and “virus model” would not add as much meaning layers to the topic as different labels
could potentially show.
   To solve this issue, we are comparing the selected labels eliminating the ones that
prove to be a substring of the other. The next one in the ranking replaces it, and the
process is repeated as many times as necessary.

3      Evaluation

An experiment was made using the Zika epidemic as base scenario, aiming to evaluate
the efficiency of the proposed method for detecting research and social topics. Moreo-
ver, we would like to identify the relationship among different topics, especially among
science and social topics.
   The evaluation was made using two datasets: i) a Twitter dataset with posts related
to Zika, ii)and a PubMed corpus with scientific articles about Zika. The scenario cov-
ered by these datasets are relative to the Zika epidemic from 2015 to 2016, which con-
tains a variety of topics such as reports, propagation to various countries, associated
diseases and influence on 2016 Olympic Games organization.
   A quantitative analysis was made comparing topics detected by our proposal with
those reported by official sources. The comparison is made using two sets of “golden
standards”. For social topics, we used: i) A timeline of the Zika epidemic communica-
tions report [11], and ii)news reported by media for social topics. For science topics,
we use the mapping of research for Zika virus response of the World Health Organiza-
tion [12] and the research agenda published by the same organization [13].
   A boolean variable called Relevance (Equation 6) was used for the comparisons.
Relevance receives the value of 1 if official venues notified the topic or event, and 0
otherwise. Formally:

                    𝑅𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑣𝑎𝑛𝑐e(𝜃) = 1 𝑖𝑓 𝜃⊂𝑀 ; 0 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑤𝑖𝑠𝑒                            (6)

   Where θ is the topic and M is the set of official sources that were used as a
representation of available public topics content.
   We will use α as the number of times the variable (6) takes the value 0 and β the
number of times it takes 1. We assume that the experiment was successful if β > α is

3.1    Datasets and Scenarios
Although not new, the appearance of Zika Virus (ZIKV) cases on uncommon locations,
led to an expressive outbreak started in 2015. With an unknown set of symptoms, trans-
mission, and solution, its spreading was faster than other epidemic diseases.
   In Brazil, ZIKV was identified in 2015 for the first time. At that time, the Brazilian
Northeast was faced with increasing cases of an unidentified disease, characterized by
fever, conjunctivitis, rash and joint pain until seven days. The disease spread rapidly
throughout the country, having been recorded (from January to May 2016) 138.108

probable cases of Zika virus in the country (incidence rate of 67.6 cases / 100.000 in-
habitants) [14].
   On Feb. 1, the World Health Organization formally declared the outbreak of Zika a
public health emergency of international concern [15]. Since then, Zika has been
spreading worldwide, with cases in almost 100 countries.
   The database for this experiment was made extracting posts from around the world
with the #zika “hashtag” and articles from PubMed database containing the keyword
Zika. The term is popular in both domains and has little ambiguity, so the addition of
other terms could introduce more noise to the data. Both datasets cover documents cre-
ated from May. 2015 to Dec. 2016. A total of 85.601 tweets and 1.769 articles were
collected. A preprocessing was made in these data by removing emotes, links and ac-
centuation from text.

3.2    Planning and Execution

The topic modeling algorithm needs an input parameter K, which will be automatically
defined. To choose the best value of the parameter the proposal algorithm requires a
range of possible K values. For this range, we used 4 and 20 as the minimum and a
maximum number of topics that could be present in the collection respectively.
   For the labeling algorithm, we used the top 10 documents and words for D and W
parameters in the candidate selection algorithm.
   Some critical issues are the WHO declaration of the epidemic as a Public Health
Emergency of International Concern, and the evidence that Zika can cause congenital
disabilities and neurological problems. Another one is the discovery that men infected
with Zika can transmit the virus to their sexual partners. Also, there was the interna-
tional concern regarding the safety of athletes and spectators at the 2016 Olympic
Games, to be held in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).
   In this experiment, we analyzed two different periods of scientific and social discus-
sion: 1) From May. 2015 to Feb. 2016, covering the start of the epidemic and first
counter-measures and 2) From Mar. 2016 to Dec. 2016, covering the worst moment
(with the increasing and highest number of cases) and the subsequent decline.
   Table 2 shows results extracted from social media in the two periods and Table 3
shows the research topics extracted at the same periods. The column “Relevance” takes
the value 1 if the topic was able to be found in the standard sets, and 0 otherwise. Topics
which could not be found, do not have corresponding news or research areas in the
standard sets.
   For the first period, the proposal found 9 social topics and 5 scientific topics. The
second period had 10 social topics and 8 scientific topics.
   The results show varied topics in the two periods. At the first period of social topics,
topic 1 is related to a discussion about a rumor of a possible relationship between a
company (Monsanto) and microcephaly. Topic 2 is about the chance of epidemic af-
fecting the Olympic Games preparation to be held in Brazil.
   Event-related topics are found in topics 3, 4, and 7 which are related to the WHO
declaration of the epidemic as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern, the
news about travel warnings for pregnant women, and the cases exemplifying how the

virus spread through various countries. Topics 5 and 8 are related to discussions about
cases, in other languages (Spanish and Portuguese specifically), on the most affected
   The last topic could not be found in the sources. It could be reminiscent of a merge
of minor topics or just a topic that aggregates irrelevant terms, something common with
topic modeling.

                             Table 2. Social Topics for Zika Epidemic

 Period 1 – From May. 2015 to Feb. 2016
 Topics         Labels                                                              Relevance
                    zika virus” — doctors expose monsanto linked pesticide,
    1                                                                               1
                birth defect microcephaly, birth defect
                    zika virus #zikainrio #zikavirus @rio2016_en, cancelling
    2                                                                               1
                rio olympics due, skipping #2016olympics due
                    world health organization director general declares #zika
    3           virus outbreak, world health organization declares spread, intl     1
                health regulations emergency committee
                    miami beach #zikavirus #zikazone #advisory #mi-
    4           amibeach, caution pregnant women advised, #miami #beach             1
                    prevenir el #zika #zikavirus pandemia ubicada como peli-
                gro mundial hoy @hijosdlakebuena, si estas embarazada redo-
    5                                                                               1
                bla el cuidado contra el mosquito del dengue, #zikavirus el vi-
                rus zika es causado por la picadura de
                    zika vaccine candidates #zika #zikavirus #cdc #nih #niaid
                #vaccines $gsk $sny, zika vaccine candidates #zika #zikavirus
    6                                                                               1
                #cdc #nih #niaid #vaccines $sny $gsk, zika $nlnk #zika #zika-
                virus #vaccines #pharma #nih #cdc $sny $gsk $mrk
                    zika virus spreads #zikavirus #automotive #india, zika vi-
    7                                                                               1
                rus spreads, risk low
    8               caso de, primeiro caso, zika virus                              1
    9               Protect, use, know measures, for                                0
 Period 2 – From Mar. 2016 to Dec. 2016
 Topics         Labels                                                              Relevance
                    neutralizing human antibodies prevent #zika virus #zikv
    1           replication, human protein ifitm3 blocks #zika virus replica-       1
                tion, human fetal neural stem cells
    2               2016, transmission, #cdc, sexual, cdcgov                        1
                    fight #zika #doyourjob @housegop @senategop #zika-
    3                                                                               1
                virus, fight #zika virus ravaging fl, fighting #zika virus fails
    4           #nc governor pat mccrory, dilemma, #miamibeach                      1
                    #cuba reports 1st #zika travel case, #breaking beijing
    5                                                                               1
                reports 3rd case, chp confirms #zika virus case
                    asian zika virus mutated negatively &, zika virus mu-
    6                                                                               1
                tated negatively &, zika virus mutated negatively
    7               mosquito repellent zika virus protection, 99 free ship          1
    8               Sports, game, 2016, july                                        0
                    #zika virus, cientistas #vooz, #vooz #zikavirus, solucoes ba-
    9                                                                               1
                seadas em #dados para fazer frente ao #zika virus
    10              suspensa por, de janeiro, ser suspensa                          0

  At the second period of the social topics, we have late concerns of the public opinion.
Topic 5, for example, is composed of posts reporting the spread of the virus to other

countries not initially affected. Topics 3 and 7 are related to preventing mechanisms for
contamination and dissemination of the disease. Topic 9 concentrates Brazilian discus-
sions about the theme and topic 1 has the main information about the disease. Finally,
topic 4 shows population concerns about the Matthew Hurricane that hit Central and
North America in the period.
    The scientific topics of the first period suggest concerns about the initial stages of
the epidemic, as can be identified by topics 1 and 5. They have labels linked to infection
vectors, how it is transmitted, and possible threats. Topic 2 refers to the time when the
researchers already considered the disease an outbreak. Topics 3 and 4 refer to studies
about the first cases in Brazil (Particularly Bahia, a state where local researchers iden-
tified the Zika virus for the first time in the region) and the relationship between Zika
virus (ZIKV) and Dengue virus (DENV), another virus that shares the same transmis-
sion vector (Aedes aegypti mosquito).
    At the second period of the scientific topics, we have more advanced research topics
showing solidified knowledge about new forms of transmission such as saliva (topic
7), human semen (topic 4). With a better understanding of the epidemic, we also have
studies focused on prevention (topic 1) and how to diagnose the disease. Topic 2 is also
an important topic, which shows the developed research discovering the link between
the occurrence of microcephaly and Zika virus infection in pregnant women. Topic 6
suggests a research between Zika and neurological problems caused by it like the Guil-
lain–Barré syndrome.
    In general, we have topics that cover the first aspects of the disease at the first period,
a possible link can be made among social topics 8, 7, and 5 with science topics 3 and
2. All they are related to the beginning of the outbreak. Social topics seem to give more
importance to topics 2 and 3, events that refer to 2016 Olympic Games and WHO epi-
demic declaration, respectively. The mention in social topics about pregnant women
affected by the virus are strongly related to studies that appear in the second period of
science topics (topics 1 and 2).
    In the second period, we could link social topic 2 with science topic 4, as both are
related to the discovery of new forms of transmission. The science topics investigating
prevention and counter-measures (topics 1 and 5) influenced some social topics (topics
7 and 3), which communicate how to fight the virus and prevent infection. Both social
topics did not appear in the previous period. Such the first period, social topics seem to
emphasize specific events and authorities, and have a large number of topics. Science
topics have produced more formal labels, which can be a consequence of the scientific

                         Table 3. Science Topics for Zika epidemic

 Period 1 – From May. 2015 to Feb. 2016
 Topics        Labels                                                           Relevance

     1            ZIKV, virus, infection                                        1

     2            Zika, emerging doorstep, outbreak                             1

     3            Brazil, Bahia, Americas                                       1

     4            Following dengue, dengue spread, zika                         1

     5            Zika virus infection, co-infection, new threat                1

 Period 2 – From Mar. 2016 to Dec. 2016
 Topics        Labels                                                           Relevance
                   Zika virus prevention, travellers concern, emerging infec-   1
               tious diseases
                   Congenital fetal malformations, pregnant women, congeni-     1
               tal microcephaly
     3            Zika virus infection, emergency department, ZIKV IgM          1

     4             Dengue Virus, human semen, pregnant                          1

     5            Counter zika virus, diagnostic challenge, detecting           1

     6            Neurologic inhibition, inflammatory, imported arbovirus       1

     7            Mosquito-borne arboviruses, African, saliva                   1

     8            Survey measures, results, attitudes and practices             0

   Considering the total of the social topics, we have the values α = 3 and β = 16. The
total of the science topics produced α = 1 and β = 12.
   Finally, considering both topics and the periods, results show that α << β, only for 4
times it was not possible to identify a corresponding topic in our reference documents
(in a total of 32 topics). Many topics - from social and science side – were identified as
related. Social topics have more variety, quantity, and have also links to events and
organizations. Science topics show the development indicated by public claims at dif-
ferent periods. This opens new opportunities for systems that need to detect the more
advantageous research paths to meet social demands or forecast the impact of new tech-
nologies when they reach the public.

4        Related Works

Despite the increasing importance of online social networks in scientific communica-
tion, their use is not completely explored. Most existing works in Computer Science –
especially in the area of Text Mining - do not consider the social aspect when modeling
topics or building author networks [16–18]. However, two research fields consider it:
altmetrics and citation networks.

   In the altmetric scenario, we can mention [19] and [20] which address many different
types of alternative metrics and compare them. They explore Twitter, Facebook, Men-
deley and other collaborative mechanisms, to show how the impact of an article is com-
pared to citation impact. They found high correlation among social and scholarly cita-
tions, highlighting Twitter and Mendeley as the most effective channels of social im-
pact. Another interesting point is the frequency of social citation, higher than scholarly
citations. These works proposed specific metrics to analyze the impact of an article. In
our approach, we focused on a broad view of research and social areas (and their mutual
   A generalization of altmetrics can be found in [4], which uses the alternative metrics
to rank journals, similarly as impact-factor metrics measure them. Although a journal
is broader and aggregator then an article, it is insufficient to map scientific areas.
   Related to citation networks, we have [21] working with social and traditional cita-
tions to create (citation and co-citation) networks. They also study author’s profiles in
networks to evaluate academic engagement in social relations. Similar to altmetrics
studies, they found that social interactions impact higher than traditional citations.
   Finally, some works compare the use of different networks such as Mendeley [22],
Scopus [23], Twitter [24] and found statistics about user participation, comparing them.
Most of these works identifies the same findings, which are: the increasing use of al-
ternative means to communicate scientific results, and a higher impact when compared
to common citation analyses.

5      Conclusions

This article describes a method to automatically extract topics related to scientific and
social perspectives. The same algorithm is used to identify topics from both sides, iden-
tifying thematic links in common. We use topic modeling algorithms to extract topics
from texts, and topic labeling methods to assign representative labels to them. Labeled
topics are essential to understand the results, and to show relationships and differences
among topics discussed under social and scientific perspectives.
    We conduct an experiment using the Zika epidemic scenario, an important event and
highly mentioned in social networks and scientific literature. We evaluate the possible
links connecting research and social topics. Afterwards, we compare our results with
topics created for domain specialists and official news media.
    Results pointed a moderate relationship among social and scientific topics, despite
of a common sense that there are two separate and incommunicable universes. We rec-
ognize some aspects of this relationship, such topics that are specific to a perspective
(social or scientific) and the evolution of the links.
    The main contributions of this work are:

 The application of a topic modeling method to extract topics from heterogeneous
  data composed of science articles and microblogging posts.
 Application of a labeling system for different data (formal and informal texts), mak-
  ing heterogeneous data comparable at a higher abstraction level.
 Assessment of relation of scientific and social topics in a real-life event.

   The topic association suggested by this work can be used in new scenarios, envision-
ing the identification of impact and influence of media news or technology reports.
Another possible research topic is the development of altmetrics that operate at the topic
level, indicating the impact of research areas in society and how the research develop-
ment changes public perception.


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