=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2247/poster15 |storemode=property |title=Zooming in on NYC Taxi Data with Portal |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2247/poster15.pdf |volume=Vol-2247 |authors=Julia Stoyanovich,Matthew Gilbride,Vera Moffitt |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/vldb/StoyanovichGM18 }} ==Zooming in on NYC Taxi Data with Portal== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2247/poster15.pdf
      Zooming in on NYC Taxi Data with Portal

            Julia Stoyanovich? , Matthew Gilbride, and Vera Z. Moffitt

                College of Computing & Informatics, Drexel University,
                               Philadelphia PA, USA

        Abstract. In this paper we develop a methodology for analyzing trans-
        portation data at different levels of temporal and spatial granularity, and
        apply our methodology to the TLC Trip Record Dataset, made publicly
        available by the NYC Taxi & Limousine Commission. This data is natu-
        rally represented by a set of trajectories, annotated with time and with
        additional information such as passenger count and cost. We analyze
        TLC data to identify hotspots, which point to lack of convenient public
        transportation options, and popular routes, which motivate ride-sharing
        solutions or addition of a bus route.
        Our methodology is based on using an open-source system called Portal
        that supports an algebraic query language for analyzing evolving prop-
        erty graphs. Portal is implemented as an Apache Spark library and is
        inter-operable with other Spark libraries like SparkSQL, which we also
        use in our analysis.

1     Introduction

Many first-time visitors to New York City are surprised by the ubiquity of yel-
low cabs. Are NYC taxis a luxury and a menace to pedestrians, bicyclists and
other drivers? Or are they a necessity — an efficient way to supplement public
transportation options in the City that Never Sleeps, but where it can take you
longer to go cross-town by subway or bus than if you were to walk, and where
the only practical way to get to an airport is by taxi?
   We set out to answer these questions by analyzing the TLC Trip Record
Data, made publicly available by the NYC Taxi & Limousine Commission [7].
We downloaded 1 year worth of yellow cab data, spanning July 2015 through
June 2016. Yellow cabs pick up passengers in Manhattan or at an airport like
JFK and La Guardia, and drive them to destinations in any of NYC’s five bor-
oughs. In this case study, we answer the following specific questions.

    Hotspots: What are the hotspots in NYC yellow cab utilization? Which
origins and destinations are the most popular? Do popularity trends persist at
different levels of geographic granularity? Presence of hotspots indicates that
public transportation options are insufficient in these geographic locations.
    This work was supported in part by NSF Grant No. 1750179.
2       J. Stoyanovich et al.

   Popular routes: Do there exist sets of trips that (a) share an origin and a
destination, and (b) originate at the same time, or within a few minutes of each
other? If so, a point-to-point ride-sharing solution can be implemented to reduce
cost to the passenger and to alleviate traffic congestion.

    Fig. 1. Top-300 most frequent routes in March 2016, at 100-meter resolution.

   Summary of results: We analyzed TLC data and found that there are
indeed taxi utilization hotspots, and that although many popular origins and
destinations persist at different levels of granularity, some do not. For example,
Penn Station, JFK airport and La Guardia (LGA) airport are among the top-5
locations by both out-degree (origin) and in-degree (destination) at 10-meter and
100-meter location resolution, and are clearly hotspots at 100-meters, pointing
to two unsurprising facts — that much of the taxi utilization in New York
City is by tourists or by locals who travel in and out of the City, and that
public transportation options serving these locations are insufficient. Perhaps
more surprising is the proportion of the total number of cab rides in NYC with
JFK, LGA or Penn Station as their origin, destination or both. Further, while
Penn Station remains a hotspot at 1000-meter resolution, JFK and LGA airports
are no longer among the top-5.
                               Zooming in on NYC Taxi Data with Portal        3

    We found that there exist many popular routes, some with as many as 11
simultaneous trips during a particular month in 2016, and with only 1 or 2
passengers per car — a clear ride-sharing opportunity. Figure 1 gives an at-a-
glance view of the results of our frequent route analysis. This figure shows the
total number of trips between pairs of locations in March 2016, for 300 most
frequent such pairs. One immediate insight is that LGA participates in many
more taxi trips than JFK, despite being a much smaller airport.1 Another insight
is that the single most frequent route is between Penn Station and Grand Central
— two train stations in Midtown Manhattan.
    Both findings can be explained by the lack of convenient public transporta-
tion options that connect these out-of-town transportation hubs: Unlike JFK, La
Guardia is not reachable by subway from Midtown Manhattan. It takes 2 trains
(with a connection at the very busy Times Square station) and 20 minutes to
travel between Grand Central and Penn Station by subway.

    Context and contributions: While taxi data analysis is of independent
interest, the main contribution of our work is a generalizable methodology for
asking the kinds of questions we discuss in the remainder of this paper, and
many others, over large graphs that evolve over time. Our methodology is based
on using a system called Portal, which implements efficient representations and
principled analysis methods for graphs whose topology (presence or absence of
nodes and edges) and attributes of nodes and edges change over time.
    Portal is available in the open source at portaldb.github.io. It is imple-
mented on top of Apache Spark and is inter-operable with other Spark libraries
like SparkSQL. Portal implements a set of algebraic operations over evolving
property graphs [6], which allow to model and interrogate changes in network
topology and in the values of vertex and edge attributes. In our experience, an-
swers to the kinds of questions we ask in this case study can be computed in
minutes for graphs with millions of edges on a cluster of modest size.
    The data analysis methodology embodied by Portal and presented here is
complementary to that of TaxiViz [4], a system for visual exploration of trans-
portation data that was applied to (an earlier version of) the NYC TLC dataset.
TaxiViz supports query types in Peuquet’s spatio-temporal framework [8], inter-
rogating data along three dimensions: space (where), time (when) and objects
(what). In contrast, the representation and query mechanisms in Portal are based
on evolving graph models, rather than on spatio-temporal models. In this pa-
per, we make use of a particular aspect of this functionality — temporal and
structural zoom.

2     Materials and Methods
2.1    Data
We analyzed 12 months worth of yellow cab data, spanning July 2015 through
June 2016, that makes part of the TLC Trip Record dataset[7]. This dataset lists
4       J. Stoyanovich et al.

pick-up and drop-off locations for each trip at 1-meter precision. In our analysis,
we consider locations at different levels of geographic granularity, zooming out to
10 meters, 100 meters and 1 kilometer spatially. In addition to pick-up and drop-
off locations, the dataset also lists the pick-up and drop-off times, the number
of passengers, and the fare amount.
    We represent this dataset of time-stamped trajectories with an evolving
graph. In this graph, nodes correspond to locations, and directed edges cor-
respond to trips. Latitude and longitude of the location is stored as an attribute
of the node, while trip duration, fare and passenger count are stored as edge
attributes. We record each trip from location a to location b as a single directed
edge from a to b, and so our representation is technically a directed multi-graph,
since multiple edges can connect a given pair of nodes.
    The advantage of using an evolving graph representation for TLC data is
that we can assign periods of validity to nodes and edges, and have the data
manipulation operators supported by the Portal system handle these periods
of validity implicitly. We will discuss this further when explaining our analysis
methods in Section 2.3. We assign periods of validity to nodes and edges as
follows. An edge is valid for the duration of the trip that it represents. A node
becomes valid when the first trip originates from or arrives at that node, and
persists until the last incoming or outgoing trip.
    We cleaned TLC data, removing trip records that did not appear to be for-
matted properly, for which latitude or longitude was set to 0, or for which trip
duration did not appear valid, such as when arrival time was later than depar-
ture time, or when the trip took longer than 2 hours. This resulted in removing
less than 1% of all trips from our dataset.

2.2    Software and execution environment

To analyze TLC data and answer our research questions we used Portal, a system
for analysis of evolving property graphs. Portal is implemented in Scala as a
library of Apache Spark. We now give some technical background on Apache
Spark and Portal.
    Apache Spark2 is a distributed open-source system similar to MapReduce [3],
but based on an in-memory processing approach [9]. Data in Spark is represented
by Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs), a distributed memory abstraction
for fault-tolerant computing. All operations on RDDs are treated as a series of
transformations on a collection of data partitions, such that any lost partition
may be recalculated based on its lineage.
    Apache Spark provides a higher-level abstraction over MapReduce, making
it easier to use for data scientists and developers. It is open-source, and has
attracted a vibrant developer community. Spark includes a variety of data pro-
cessing libraries, including SparkSQL [1] — a distributed implementation of
SQL, GraphX [5] — a library for analysis of static graphs, as well as streaming
and machine learning modules, among others.
                                 Zooming in on NYC Taxi Data with Portal         5

    Portal3 is an open source system built on Spark that implements opera-
tions of TGA, a temporal graph algebra for querying and analysis of evolving
graphs [6]. The Portal API supports a variety of operations, including snapshot
analytics like Page Rank, temporal and non-temporal variants of subgraph, bi-
nary operations that compute the intersection, union and difference of a pair of
evolving graphs, and edge creation. All operations implicitly handle temporal
information, and also allow access to time in predicates. Technically, TGA, the
algebraic graph query language implemented by Portal, adheres to point-based
temporal semantics [2]. The Portal API also exposes node and edge RDDs, and
provides convenience methods to convert them to Spark Datasets, a relational
abstraction on top of RDDs. This feature enables inter-operability between Por-
tal and SparkSQL. In this paper we use several TGA operations and do further
processing in SparkSQL.
    To use Portal for our analysis, we exported TLC data into Apache Par-
quet format 4 for on-disk representation in the Hadoop Distributed File System
(HDFS)5 , using separate files for nodes and edges. For this, we used converter
and loader utilities provided by Portal. All data analysis was conducted on a
16-slave in-house Open Stack cloud, using Linux Ubuntu 14.04 and Spark v2.0.
Each node has 4 cores and 16 GB of RAM. Spark Standalone cluster manager
and Hadoop 2.6 were used.

2.3   Analysis methodology

In this section we give an overview of the TGA operators that are implemented
in Portal and were used in our analysis. We refer the reader to our recent work [6]
for a full technical description of TGA.

Structural zoom. We analyzed TLC data at three levels of geographic resolution
(distance): 10 meters, 100 meters (roughly 1 NYC street block) and 1 kilometer,
using the node creation operation of TGA. This operation can be viewed as a
generalization of the SQL group by, applied to evolving graphs: it partitions
graph nodes into non-overlapping groups based on the value of a node attribute,
or on a value returned by a function that is invoked over the node. For example,
we can partition nodes that correspond to employees based on the value of the
attribute department — all employees who work in the same department are
assigned to the same group. Or we can partition nodes that represent taxi pick-
up and drop-off locations by rounding up their latitude-longitude coordinates
to three digits after the decimal point — all locations that fall within the same
100m by 100m block will be assigned to the same group.
    For each group of nodes in the input, a new node is created in the output; its
validity period is computed by taking a temporal union of the periods of validity
of the corresponding input nodes.
6       J. Stoyanovich et al.

    Edges that were present in the input persist and keep their attributes and
their periods of validity as in the input, but are re-assigned to connect the newly
created nodes. For example, consider two taxi trips e1 and e2 , both originating
in the vicinity of Penn Station at locations s1 and s2 , and both terminating at
the JFK airport at locations d1 and d2 . If zooming out geographically places s1
and s2 into node group s, and d1 and d2 into node group d, then edges e1 and
e2 will both point from s to d in the new graph.

Temporal zoom. We analyzed TLC data at different levels of temporal resolution:
seconds (as in the raw data), 10 minutes, and 1 month. This was done using the
temporal zoom operation of TGA, which maps validity periods of nodes and
edges of the input graph to coarser validity periods in the output.
     For example, consider two taxi trips e1 and e2 , and suppose that they share
the origin s and the destination d (either because s and d were literally the
same in the input dataset, or because the original locations were mapped to a
pair of common locations as a result of node creation). Suppose that e1 leaves
s at 11:01am, and e2 leaves s at 11:03am. We may want to state that e1 and
e2 both left s in the 11:01-11:10am time interval. To do so, we invoke temporal
zoom over 10-minute windows. Under default conditions, all input nodes and
edges persist in the result, but their periods of validity are adjusted (expanded)
if necessary to cover the full window. In our example, e2 will have its period of
validity adjusted to start at 11:01am.
     Additionally, we can specify node and edge quantifiers of the form exists
(this is the default), always and most, which determine under what conditions
a node or an edge should be included in the temporal window. With exists, a
node or an edge is included into the window, and its validity period is adjusted,
if it existed at some point during the window, even if for only one time instant.
With always, we only include nodes and edges that existed throughout the entire
window (and so an adjustment of their validity periods is unnecessary). Finally,
with most, presence during more than half of the temporal window is required.
     Different levels of temporal resolution were considered for different analysis
tasks, as we will discuss in detail later in this section.

Aggregate messages. Another TGA operation that was used in our analysis is
aggregate messages. This operation computes the value of an attribute at a node
based on information that is available at its incoming or outgoing edges, and at
its immediate neighbors (nodes reachable by one edge, in either direction). For
example, we can use aggregate messages to compute the in-degree or the out-
degree of a node, allowing us to quantify the number of incoming and outgoing
trips for a particular location, the total cost of such trips, or their average dura-
tion. As with other operations, time is handled implicitly. That is, the number
of incoming edges will likely differ for a given node depending on the time period
(e.g., there were 35 trips out of JFK during 11:01-11:10am, and 27 trips during
11:11-11:20am), and change in this value over time is computed and handled
implicitly by the system.
                                Zooming in on NYC Taxi Data with Portal         7

Putting it all together: implementation of the data analysis tasks. As part of
our analysis, we used node creation, temporal zoom and aggregate messages to
accomplish two tasks that correspond to our research questions. We summarize
these tasks here, and present results in Section 3.

   Hotspots. We analyzed the size and the degree distribution of the TLC
graph: number of nodes, number of edges, and the distribution of node in-degrees
(number of incoming trips) and out-degrees (number of outgoing trips). We
computed these at 10-meter, 100-meter and 1000-meter geographic resolution,
with respect to the entire graph and to its monthly subsets, as follows:
1. Load the cleaned TLC dataset at 10-meter resolution.
2. Zoom out temporally to twelve 1-month windows (for per-month statistics),
   or to a single 12-month window (for full-graph statistics).
3. Keep original location nodes (at 10-meters), or create coarser nodes at 100-
   meter and 1000-meter resolution.
4. Use aggregate messages to compute in-degree and out-degree of each node
   in each temporal window.
5. Identify hotspots: top-k nodes by in-degree and out-degree.
   Hotspot analysis took between 15 and 30 minutes to execute end-to-end on
a year worth of TLC data, using a cluster of modest size (see Section 2.2).

    Popular routes. We analyzed the frequency with which multiple trips orig-
inate from the same location at the same time, and arrive at the same location.
We computed these at 100-meter and 1000-meter geographic resolution, and at
10-minute temporal resolution. At 100-meter geographic resolution, two loca-
tions are considered the same if they fall (approximately) within one NYC city
block, or about 1 minute walking distance — a reasonable distance to walk to a
shared ride or to a bus. Analysis at 1000-meter resolution was done to get a sense
of the general per-neighborhood trends of taxi utilization, with high utilization
pointing to lack of availability of convenient public transportation options.
    Our choice of 10-minute temporal resolution means that a passenger would
wait at most 10 minutes, and on average 5 minutes, for a shared ride or for a bus
— a reasonable waiting time if it leads to significant cost savings. This analysis
was conducted as follows:

1. Load the cleaned TLC dataset at 10-meter resolution.
2. Zoom out temporally to 10-minute windows. The effect of this operation is
   that all trips that start (have their pick-up time) within a given 10-minute
   window will have their pick-up time adjusted to the beginning to the window.
3. Execute a SQL group-by query that computes, for a pair of locations source
   and dest, and for a trip start time start, the number of originating trips,
   the total number of passengers, total cost of all trips, and combined trip
   duration. This step is done by instantiating a Spark Dataset from the Edge
   RDD of the evolving graph, and passing the result to SparkSQL to compute
   the result, using the following SQL query:
8      J. Stoyanovich et al.

    SELECT source, dest, start,
           count(*) as num_trips,
           sum(passengers) as total_passengers,
           sum(cost) as total_cost,
           sum(duration) as total_duration
    FROM   edgeDF
    GROUP BY source, dest, start
    ORDER BY num_trips DESC

   Popular routes analysis is computationally demanding because of the fine
temporal granularity of the data (10 minutes). For this analysis, we used a
month worth of TLC data, for to March 2016.

3   Results
Hotspots. Manhattan is dense, and the number of distinct pick-up and drop-
off locations varies by about an order of magnitude as we coarsen geographic
resolution by a factor of 10: There are 1,957,882 distinct locations at 10-meter
resolution, 193,676 at 100-meter resolution, and 11,540 at 1,000-meter resolution.
Our cleaned 12-month TLC dataset contains a total of 132,765,961 taxi trips
between these locations. The number of trips does not depend on the geographic
resolution, and remains the same in all cases.

              Fig. 2. Number of unique locations per month, in thou-
              sands, at 100-meter resolution.

    Figure 2 shows the monthly break-down of the number of distinct locations
(in thousands) at 100 meter resolutions. (The trends for 10-meter and 1000-
meter resolutions were similar.) We observe that the number of locations does
not vary significantly month-to-month; it ranges between 882,883 and 1,023,119
for 10-meter resolution, between 74,099 and 83,115 for 100-meter resolution, and
                   Zooming in on NYC Taxi Data with Portal   9

Fig. 3. Degree distribution for top-300 locations, at 10-
meter resolution.

Fig. 4. Degree distribution for top-300 locations, at 100-
meter resolution.

Fig. 5. Degree distribution for top-300 locations, at
1000-meter resolution.
10     J. Stoyanovich et al.

between 4793 and 5734 for 1000-meter resolution; is lowest in June and July,
and highest in March for 10 and 100 meters, and in December for 1000 meters.
Month-to-month variability in the number of trips follows a similar trend as the
monthly variability in the number of distinct locations.
    Figures 3, 4 and 5 present the distribution of node in-degrees (number of
arriving trips) and out-degrees (number of originating trips) for the top-300 such
nodes, for different geographic resolutions. We observe that the distributions are
power law, and that they are steeper for coarser resolution levels, as expected.
Even for finer geographic granularity, locations with the highest in-degree and
out-degree are responsible for a very significant proportion of the edges. At
10-meter resolution, the top-5 locations by out-degree carry 434,540 edges, or
about 0.3% of all edges. At 100-meter resolution, which corresponds to 1 NYC
city block and is perhaps more intuitively meaningful, the top-5 locations have
combined out-degree of 3,291,470, or 2.5% of all edges. At 1000-meter resolution,
the top-5 locations by out-degree are responsible for originating 36,038,808 trips,
27% of all taxi trips in NYC!
    What are the hotspots in NYC taxi data? Penn Station appears at the top-5
as both an origin and a destination at all resolution levels. In fact, for 10-meter
resolution, 3 of the 5 most frequent destinations are in the immediate vicinity of
Penn Station. Penn Station also appears as one of the top-5 origins at 10-meter
resolution, along with JFK (once) and LGA (three times) airports. The same
locations appear as hotspots at 100-meter resolution, although in a different pro-
portion. Top-5 origins at 1000-meter resolution include Penn Station, Midtown
East, Rockefeller Center, Bryant Park / New York Public Library, and the Port
Authority But Terminal. Top-5 destinations are the same, but Port Authority
is replaced by the Flatiron district.
    Interestingly, JFK and LGA airports no longer appear among the top-5 at
1000-meter resolution. This can be explained by the fact that Manhattan is
dense, and while few individual city blocks receive as much taxi traffic as an
outer-borough airport, they do jointly carry more traffic. While this finding is
not altogether surprising, it argues for the need to consider evolving graphs such
as the one we are studying in this paper at different resolution levels.
   Popular routes. We analyzed the frequency with which multiple trips orig-
inate from the same location at the same time, and arrive at the same location.
This analysis was done at 100-meter and 1000-meter resolution, and trips were
considered to start simultaneously if they started within the same 10-minute
window. This analysis was done over one month worth of data, for March 2016.
    A route is a pair of locations that serve as the origin and the destination of
a taxi trip. In our analysis in the remainder of this section, we removed routes
in which origin and destination correspond to the same geographic location (by
latitude and longitude, at the appropriate level of geographic resolution).
    Figure 1 visualizes this data at 100-meter resolution on a map of NYC, while
Figure 6 zooms in on Midtown Manhattan, the area with the highest number
of frequent routes. In these visualizations, red lines correspond to the highest
                                Zooming in on NYC Taxi Data with Portal        11

Fig. 6. The Midtown Manhattan portion of the top-300 most frequent routes in March
2016, at 100-meters. Zoomed-in version of Figure 1.

number of trips, while green is relatively lower. Note, that even the green lines
connect pairs of locations with around 200 taxi trips between them.
    As is apparent from this visualization, taxi trips between Penn Station and
Grand Central are by far the most frequent (connected by a red line, and by
multiple yellow lines). Penn Station and Grand Central are two train stations
that are in close geographic proximity: they are within a 25-minute walk from
each other. However, these hubs are not connected by a direct subway line, and
so a subway trip between these two locations takes about 20 minutes and requires
changing subway lines at the very busy Times Square station.
    Another striking insight from this analysis, which can be seen on the map
in Figure 1, is that there are many more taxi trips between Midtown Manhat-
tan and LGA airport than JFK airport. This is surprising because LGA is a
much smaller airport: In 2016 it handled 29.8 million passengers, compared to
59.0 million at JFK. The most likely reason for the difference is that, unlike
JFK, LGA is not reachable by subway. In fact, the only public transportation
option to LGA is a bus that runs from Upper Manhattan. While ride-sharing
solutions and convenient public transportation options will not meet the needs
12     J. Stoyanovich et al.

            Fig. 7. Top-300 routes with highest number of simultaneous
            trips in March 2016, at 100-meter and 1000-meter resolution.

of all travelers, having these options will help alleviate traffic congestion and
reduce transportation cost for many, as suggested by the comparatively lower
JFK taxi utilization.
    Finally, we analyzed the number of simultaneous frequent routes: pairs of
locations that were connected by multiple simultaneous taxi trips. Figure 7
presents present summary statistics about frequent routes for March 2016, at
100-meter and 1000-meter resolution. At 100-meter resolution, there were 55,401
routes with two or more simultaneous taxi trips. Of these, 2,049 routes had 3
simultaneous trips at some point during that month, 262 had 4 simultaneous
trips, and one source-destination pair had as many as 11 simultaneous trips. At
1000-meter resolution, the two most frequent routes had 76 and 70 simultaneous
trips at some point during March 2016. Based on our analysis, the vast majority
of popular routes are taken by cabs with 1 or 2 passengers — a clear ride-sharing
opportunity. Ride sharing is warranted particularly for the routes with 3 or more
simultaneous trips.

4    Conclusions and Lessons Learned

In this paper we presented an exploration of the NYC TLC yellow cab dataset,
and identified hotspots and frequent routes. We analyzed this data at different
levels of temporal and geographic resolution using an open-source library called
Portal. We plan to analyze this data further, determining persistence of hotspots
and of frequent routes over time, and considering daily, weekly and seasonal
trends. We also plan to integrate taxi data with public transportation data, and
to validate our methods on datasets from other cities.
    Portal is, to the best of our knowledge, the only open-source library that sup-
ports analysis of evolving property graphs. The abstractions provided by Portal
allow implementing use cases such as those presented here with a handful of lines
of code, and automatically handle temporal semantics. The biggest challenge in
                                   Zooming in on NYC Taxi Data with Portal             13

implementing these use cases, in terms of performance, was dealing with the
high evolution rate in our dataset, since every taxi ride is technically an evo-
lution event. We had to carefully chose the level of temporal granularity that
is both appropriate for our data analysis scenario and is possible to compute
within a reasonable amount of time.

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