=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2247/poster5 |storemode=property |title=An Analysis of the Network of Rural Producers in the State of Rio de Janeiro |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2247/poster5.pdf |volume=Vol-2247 |authors=Emanuele Nunes de Lima Figueiredo Jorge,Claudio Miceli de Farias,Igor Leão dos Santos,Mario Sergio de Souza Pereira |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/vldb/JorgeFSP18 }} ==An Analysis of the Network of Rural Producers in the State of Rio de Janeiro== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2247/poster5.pdf
       An analysis of the network of rural producers in
                 the state of Rio de Janeiro

      Emanuele Nunes de Lima Figueiredo Jorge1,2 ? , Claudio Miceli de Farias2 , Igor
                  Leão dos Santos3 , and Mario Sergio de S. Pereira1
                 Instituto Federal do Rio de Janeiro - IFRJ, Duque de Caxias - RJ - Brazil
            Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ, Programa de Pós-Graduação em
                                      Informática (PPGI), RJ, Brazil
             Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica Celso Suckow da Fonseca (CEFET-RJ),
                                                 RJ, Brazil
                       emanuele.jorge@ifrj.edu.br, claudiofarias@nce.ufrj.br,
                        igor.santos@cefet-rj.br, dcifrj22013.mario@proeja.com

                Abstract. The unexpected growth of the world population and the ex-
                odus from rural areas to the city lead to a food insecurity concern. Also,
                a strike of truck drivers caused significant impacts on the distribution of
                food in the city of Rio de Janeiro and other cities in the country. The un-
                expected growth of the population and the strike of truck drivers incident
                are examples of food insecurity in many cities in the country. To address
                the food insecurity problem, solutions guided by the Internet of Things
                paradigm such as smart farms have been gaining increasing attention.
                However, food production in smart farms is still a challenge. To surpass
                this challenge, a possible solution is to map the information regarding
                the producers of the state of Rio de Janeiro, and analyze this data to-
                gether with other sources, reducing the difficulties in the distribution of
                food products, and allowing information exchange, for the development
                of sustainable cultivation. In this paper, a small analysis of the producers
                of the state of Rio de Janeiro is presented. We then present an initial
                monitoring system that would allow a big data analysis in the future.
                These analyzes are implemented based on environmental data (temper-
                ature, humidity, light intensity) that are related to the growth of these
                producers’ crops.

                Keywords: smart farm, vertical farm, Internet of Things, social IoT

      1       Introduction

      According to studies by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
      Nations (FAO), 18.7% of the world’s population or 1 billion people are suffering
      from food insecurity. Food insecurity refers to the limitation or even uncertainty
      regarding adequate nutritional availability for people [3]. There is a perception
      that there is enough food production in the world and that the real problem is
           I thank the Research and Innovation Office of the IFRJ

Copyright held by the author(s)
2       E. Jorge et al.

with the distribution of such production [1]. Recently, we can verify in Brazil
that a strike of truck drivers caused a real problem of food distribution, causing
significant impacts on the distribution in all the major Brazilian cities. How-
ever, regardless of food distribution, there is still a challenge respective to food
production. The demographic growth and urbanization are closely associated
with the food production challenge of the 21st century, as it is not possible to
increase food production at the expense of expanding the agricultural area [3].
It is necessary to develop tools that help generating sustainable agriculture with
the limited agricultural areas we have available.
    According to [16], when addressing the subject of agriculture in urban areas,
it is common the immediate reference to community gardens. This fact occurs
because the word ”garden” is understood as synonymous with cultivating veg-
etables in flower beds. In the city of Rio de Janeiro (within the state of same
name, Rio de Janeiro), the domestic yards represent real strongholds for the
practice of food production. To demonstrate the importance of family farming
in the state of Rio de Janeiro, we present an initial application of a monitoring
system that would allow a big data analysis in the future, using data from a
network composed of three producers from the city of Duque de Caxias in the
State of Rio de Janeiro.
    Another important aspect for urban agriculture is the crop’s health. The
health of a crop can be controlled with a new production technique called In-
tegrated and Sustainable Agroecological Production (ISAP) [17]. The ISAP is
a model of technology that improves the quality of life of rural workers, as it
promotes social inclusion and income generation for the rural community. Its pro-
duction techniques are based on environmental preservation, avoiding the use of
products or actions that combine animal husbandry with organic production.
Linking these productions to technology helps to solve the problem of sustain-
able cultivation, promotes water saving and monitor information related to crop
growth. One of the main information for the development of the crop is respec-
tive to some climatic factors, such as: temperature, luminosity and humidity.
These factors can interfere in a beneficial or malicious way in the development
of the cultivation. Therefore, controlling these factors is of paramount impor-
tance. Climate monitoring systems in the context of protected cultivation are
part of the Internet of Things (IoT) context. Such systems allow their services,
as well as the data produced, to be accessed on the Internet.
    The objective of this work is to present an initial application of a monitor-
ing system that would allow a big data analysis in the future. These analyzes
are implemented based on environmental data (temperature, humidity, lighting
intensity), which are called edaphoclimatic conditions and are related to the
growth of the crop.The data were collected from 3 different producers in the city
of Duque de Caxias, where the prototype was implemented.
    The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section II presents the
related works. Section III presents our proposal. Section IV presents conclusions
and future works.
    An analysis of the network of rural producers in the state of Rio de Janeiro    3

2      Related Work

Recent years witnessed the increasing of IoT application deployments in smart
cities [14][10][15], such as smart agriculture. In [15], the authors identified poten-
tial applications of IoT in agriculture for sustainable rural development. It has
shown the business benefits that can be derived from IoT by various domains
of agriculture. These domains include water management, weather forecasting,
wildlife management, finance, forestry, plant and animal disease management,
transport and storage of agricultural produce, extension services, etc. The study
is meant to influence policy on the adoption of IoT in rural development and
   In [18], the authors propose an agriculture framework which will give con-
nection to any appliances through a web browser. Their system used agricul-
tural appliances, such as: pH meter, street light, water motor and sprinkler. In
environment, these devices were connected to raspberry PI devices, in which
the configuration file is stored. A farmer can turn on a motor when he wants,
through the web server connected to the IoT framework. For street lights, the
system senses the darkness and turns them on automatically. Whenever a crop
needs water, the farmer can turn on a sprinkler from any place through the web
browser. To check the moisture of the soil, the farmer can use a pH meter using
IoT. The above process helps the farmers in performing smart farming activities.
   In [19], a complete IoT solution for plants was designed. The solution ranges
from bottom hardware to terminal application, and massive data are obtained
by the system. A hadoop-based solution is also provided for big data analysis
applications. The analyzes are implemented on the basis of environmental data
(temperature, humidity, illumination intensity and air) that is related to plant
growing. Based on the analysis’ results, guidance of plant cultivation is given to
user. The implementation of this solution is valuable for establishing big data-
based IoT systems.
    The current research on indoor intelligent agriculture is mainly focused on
three aspects: (i) Design of a system framework, in order to support the feasibil-
ity of the system while it is not implemented; (ii) Design and implementation of
the farm system, which focuses on monitoring the environment of indoor crops
(this kind of work achieves the deployment of system and acquires data of crops,
but there is lack of analysis and utilization of these data), the future direction of
our work; (iii) Group composed of plant experts always analyze the influence of
specific environmental indexes on crop growing through different contrast exper-
iments, but there is lack of corresponding technical competence for establishing
specific intelligent agricultural system. Then, an integrated solution for estab-
lishing indoor or outdoor intelligent agriculture is proposed in this paper, which
includes the deployment of the system indoor farm, cloud-based analysis and
service, as well as a procedure of connection between farms.
4      E. Jorge et al.

3   A case in the Smart Farm paradigm

In this Section, we describe a scenario of a real Smart Farm. In indoor agri-
cultural environment, the main sensing indexes are temperature, humidity, illu-
mination intensity and these indexes are monitored with various sensors. Data
sensing devices are connected to Mobile Communication Network or Internet via
WIFI. These devices acquire data from sensors with fixed frequency, a reading
every 1 minute, then pack the data and upload data to cloud platform, through
the connection with the platform Thingspeak.com. Users access the cloud plat-
form with a simple account in the platform and have the possibility of obtaining
environmental data related to plants real-timely.

                         Fig. 1. Prototype and sowing system

    Data sensing device is the prototype made for acquisition of indoor environ-
mental data, the device is shown in Fig. 1. It is composed of 1 micro controller
Arduino UNO, communication module (ESP8266 WIFI module) as well as vari-
ous sensors to be used for detecting environmental data. Such as, DTH11. After
monitoring the climatic factors, then its uploads data to cloud platform with
WIFI module. Since the beginning of the project, several steps have already
been developed: (i) The sowing monitoring, shown in Fig. 1; (ii) The moni-
toring System with persistence of cloud data, shown in Fig. 4; (iii) the Urban
Agriculture, Open Environment Cultivation and Irrigation shown in Fig. 2. The
Collection and the analysis of collected data are shown in Fig. 3.
An analysis of the network of rural producers in the state of Rio de Janeiro   5

    Fig. 2. Urban Agriculture, Open Environment Cultivation and Irrigation

                              Fig. 3. Data Analysis

            Fig. 4. Monitoring System with persistence of cloud data
6       E. Jorge et al.

4    Conclusion
In this work we presented our vision about an initial application of a monitoring
system that would allow, in the future, a big data analysis. Initially, using data
from a network composed of three producers from the city of Duque de Caxias
in the State of Rio de Janeiro. In the future, we will discuss the data collected
from the 16 producers certified as Integrated and Sustainable Agroecological
Production (ISAP) in the Fluminense lowland region. The analysis of these data
will consider the specific knowledge of these rural producers, allowing to exchange
information about their productions,together with the parameters collected by
the sensors and other existing databases, such as Embrapa, and meteorological

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