=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2248/paper12 |storemode=property |title=A Concrete Return of Investment due to the Requirements Management Process Implementation |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2248/paper12.pdf |volume=Vol-2248 |authors=Claudia Agostinelli,Francesco Inglima,Rodolfo Mazzei,Sergio Di Ponzio,Salvatore Zazzaro |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ciise/AgostinelliIMPZ18 }} ==A Concrete Return of Investment due to the Requirements Management Process Implementation== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2248/paper12.pdf
     A concrete Return of Investment due to the
  Requirements Management Process Implementation
        Claudia Agostinelli, Francesco Inglima,                                                    Salvatore Zazzaro
          Rodolfo Mazzei, Sergio Di Ponzio
                  EC Systems Engineering                                        System Engineering / Vehicle Systems Integration
                     ALTRAN S.p.A.                                                   HITACHI RAIL ITALY Naples, Italy
                       Rome, Italy
                                                     Copyright © held by the author

    Abstract— The application of the Systems Engineering                   1.     Preliminary assessment to outline current scenario:
(SE) approach has become an increasingly necessary guide                          snapshot of the processes in use, definition of the
for an efficient design of modern complex systems.                                needs and implementation of an action plan;
However, experience has shown that without a sound                         2.     Formalization of the RM Process, developed
strategy and structure, shared at company level, the                              according to the “V” model, progressively
benefits promised by the SE approach can be reduced. The                          implemented within a specific RM tool (IBM Rational
work described in this document aims to highlight a                               Doors 9.x, fully customized thanks to a set of
tangible return of investment about how the definition and                        functionalities already developed by Altran);
the implementation of a Requirement Management                             3.     Process implementation on a pilot project: application
Process, developed by Altran S.p.A. and Hitachi Rail                              of the defined process within the developed
Italy, has allowed to fully exploiting the promised benefits.                     framework to a pilot project in order to validate them.
                                                                                  According to the users’ feedback, both the process
                                                                                  and the framework were enhanced and updated;
                      I. INTRODUCTION                                      4.     Knowledge transfer: training and coaching of the
    The work described in the present paper is the result of a                    Client’s key people about RM process and tool;
joint effort by Hitachi Rail Italy’s System Engineering team               5.     RM environment release: this approach (process and
and Altran, aimed at the implementation of a Requirement                          tools) have been applied to next Hitachi Rail Italy’s
Management (RM) Process by means of a customized RM                               projects.
environment, based on IBM Rational Doors tool.
   The RM Process aims to help users to better identify,              A. Key Points of the Process
control, verify, share and track requirements and changes that
occur during entire project lifecycle according to INCOSE.                Centralized       Database              for     the     Requirement
                 II. CONTEXT & OBJECTIVES                                       Definition of Roles, Responsibilities and Activities;
    The purpose of the defined process is to guarantee the                      Requirement Distribution (Allocation & Propagation);
management of project requirements that make up the
specification of a vehicle system and to realize a complete
traceability of all the project steps across the entire life-cycle
(from customer specifications down to system validation,
through system design and development).
    To meet this goal, the process has been structured in steps
to ensure that a common understanding of the requirements is
established and maintained throughout the entire System life
cycle. At the same time, the traceability will allow to observe
the degree of coverage of the input requirements during the
progress of the project.                                                        Fig. 1. Requirement Distribution (Allocation & Propagation)

                 III. APPROACH & SOLUTION                                       Automatic Impact Analysis: A top level change is
                                                                                 notified in real time to lower specification;
In order to meet the identified objectives, the activity was
divided in 5 progressive steps:                                                 Key Performance Indicators (KPI): project’s evolution
                                                                                 is monitored by dedicated metrics;
        Management of the requirements verification and               approach) took about 22 months to complete the overall
         validation in order to track how the technical                qualification test phase before starting the revenue service.
         requirements are satisfied and verified.
                                                                       This consistent reduction of qualification phase time was
                                                                       mainly due to the lack of a consolidated system engineering
B. The Requirement Management Framework                                approach and a not structured requirement management
In order to allow all the users to benefit from an environment         process (some critical requirement was better elicited with
able to support them during the development phases, the IBM            vehicle already delivered, with experimental test campaigns
Doors tool has been strongly customized thanks to a series of          which brought to significant retrofit activities).
functionalities (previously developed by ALTRAN) that have
been configured for the purpose.                                       Compared with this reference project, the developed RM
                                                                       approach allowed to save the qualification and integration test
The overall framework (IBM Doors 9.x + Altran libraries) fully         time of more than 50%.
implemented the RM Process, allowing the users also to
automatize the manual, repetitive and boring operations,                                        V. CONCLUSIONS
increasing the effectiveness and the efficiency.
                                                                          The work described in the present paper has shown how the
This framework can rapidly adopted by all the Clients who are          developed RM framework has been used in a coherent way
using or are intended to use IBM Doors. This framework is              with the RM Process with consequent and evident benefits.
flexible, modular and easy-to-use and allow the efficient reuse
of requirements and specifications, a full traceability and               Both the RM process and the framework are in continuous
navigability of information, allowing the users to extract             evolution.
metrics and documents in automatic way.                                    Currently, ALTRAN is supporting Hitachi Rail Italy to
                                                                       enhance the requirements quality, easing the writing and the
                 IV. RESULTS & ADDED VALUE                             analysis of functional requirements according to the ISO29148.
The proposed approach and the related RM Process have been             The Requirements Quality is assured on the basis of defined
developed and tuned on a specific HRI pilot project.                   rules, and patterns by means of the System Engineering Suite
                                                                       (developed and marketed by The Reuse Company).
The developed process included the functional requirements
traceability starting from customer requirements (Compliance              Moreover, ALTRAN and Hitachi started working on future
Matrix) through system requirements (SyRS) down to                     developments:
functional and performance test specifications (FTS & PTS).              1. Product Family and variants management: from a source
                                                                            project it will be possible to instantiate one or more similar
                                                                            new target projects containing a subset of modules and
                                                                            requirements of the source one. It will be also possible to
                                                                            keep traceability among the source and target(s) in order to
                                                                            perform change impact analyses. Source project can be a
                                                                            generic application to be further developed and customized
                                                                            or a project to be cloned entirely.
                                                                       2.    Modelling and simulation of functional requirement: allow
                                                                             system architects to simulate requirements and to detect
                                                                             ambiguous, incorrect, missing, or conflicting requirements
       Fig. 2. Traceability (from customer specificatio down to FTS)         before the design begins in order to spend less time
                                                                             redefining requirements and rewriting resulting in fewer
This approach allowed to correctly manage the requirements                   development iterations needed to achieve quality results.
verification and validation during the project development for
engineering point of view and for the customer acceptance.                                          REFERENCES
The first pilot cars of this project was delivered on February
2017. The first cars (standard operational consist) started the        [1]   INCOSE, “Systems Engineering Handbook, A Guide For System Life
revenue service on November of the same year.                                Cycle Processes And Activities”, Fourth edition, INCOSE-TP-2003-
                                                                             002-04, 2015.
The complete qualification test phase time was less than 9             [2]   ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148 - Systems and software engineering — Life cycle
months (the test sessions ended 2 weeks before the revenue                   processes — Requirements engineering.
service start). A previous similar project of some year ago            [3]   ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 - Systems and software engineering - System life
(taken as reference because not employed a robust SE                         cycle processes.