=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2248/paper2 |storemode=property |title=Modeling Information Systems as Systems of Systems |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2248/paper2.pdf |volume=Vol-2248 |authors=Paolo Salvaneschi |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ciise/Salvaneschi18 }} ==Modeling Information Systems as Systems of Systems== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2248/paper2.pdf
                          Modeling Information Systems
                             as Systems of Systems

                                                       Paolo Salvaneschi
                                                 University of Bergamo, Dep. of
                                                 Management, Information and
                                                  Production Engineering and
                                                    Salvaneschi & Partners
                                                         Bergamo, Italy

                                                     Copyright © held by the author

    Abstract—Large industrial information systems are                     In this paper, we describe an industrial experience where
composed of dozens of inter-operating software applications.          we apply the concepts of SoS to the management of the
Each of them implements a relatively independent set of               information system of a large retail company.
functions but also participates to business processes involving
more applications. Applications may be COTS acquired from                 The application of SoS concepts has been mainly in other
different vendors or custom-developed. The network of them            areas [2] than industrial information systems, even if e-
evolves and grows in time. Many development groups/vendors            commerce applications (part of the information system of our
manage the network. All these characteristics support the idea        case study) are considered a typical example of SoS [3].
that large information systems may be interpreted as Systems of
Systems (SoS) and that this view may provide value to IT                  Section 2 discusses how information systems share the
managers. In the paper, we present an experience report of SoS        characteristics of SoSs to be considered as SoSs. We contend
concepts application to the information system of a large retail      that the SoS view may advance the state-of-the-art of
company. In this System of Systems, a critical problem is the         information systems management.
absence of documents providing SoS views of the whole                     Section 3 presents the information system that is subject
information system: the set of applications, their relationships      of the study.
and the impact of business processes on the network of
applications. To mitigate the problem, we developed a set of              In section 4 we define the research question this work
models using the minimalist approach (the selection of the            answers: how to develop and maintain a knowledge base of
minimal set of documents based on a cost/benefit analysis) and        the most important aspects of the whole information system
the ArchiMate modeling standard and tools. A static view              at the abstraction level of a SoS. To this aim, we developed a
(software applications and relations) and dynamic views               model of the information system.
(business processes and their interaction with software
applications) model each business area. We discuss the current           Sections 5 and 6 define the modeling technique and tool,
use and benefits of the models and the forecast improvements.         exemplify the content of the model and discuss how the
                                                                      model was developed.
   Keywords—Information System, System of Systems, ADLs,
Archimate                                                                 Section 7 describes how different stakeholders used and
                                                                      get benefits of the model.
                     I. INTRODUCTION                                     Section 8 concludes, discusses the scope of the industrial
    Large industrial information systems are composed of              experience and the possible improvements. Finally, Section 9
dozens of inter-operating software applications. The                  provides an overview of related work.
applications may be custom-developed or COTS components
acquired from the market and, if needed, adapted. Each                                II. INFORMATION SYSTEMS AS SOS
application delivers functions implementing a specific set of             Information systems share the characteristics of SoSs ?
business activities, but the business processes flow through
more applications. The set of applications evolves and grows              Nielsen [3] claims that a SoS is characterized by the
in time and usually different development groups or vendors           following dimensions:
drive the evolution process, each working on parts of the             ₋     Autonomy of constituents: a constituent system’s
whole system.                                                               behavior is governed by its own rules while also
    We suggest that the application of concepts of Systems of               participating in the SoS.
systems (SoS) may be useful to the management of such type            ₋     Independence: the capacity of constituent systems to
of systems.                                                                 operate when detached from the rest of the SoS.
    Systems of systems are described as a collection of               ₋     Distribution: constituent systems are dispersed so that
relatively independent but interconnected systems [1] where                 some form of connectivity enables communication or
a strong central control of evolution may not exist and the                 information sharing.
global behaviors (both desirable and undesirable) emerge
from the interaction between the composing systems.                   ₋     Evolution: SoSs are long lasting and subject to change,
                                                                            whether in the functionality, the quality of that
    functionality, or in the structure and composition of           useful knowledge supporting global understanding of
    constituent systems.                                            applications relations and behaviors. This causes extra costs
                                                                    in the specification phase of an evolution project due to the
₋   Dynamic Reconfiguration: the capacity of an SoS to              effort required to collect knowledge from people and
    undertake changes to its structure and composition,             available documents. This also causes costs due to reworks
    typically without planned intervention.                         caused by the delivery of changes not completely and
₋   Emergence of Behavior: emergence refers to the                  correctly analyzed during the specification phase.
    behaviors that arise as a result of the interaction of              The above considerations show that large industrial
    constituents.                                                   information systems may share a large part of the properties
₋   Inter-dependence: refers to the mutual dependency that          stated by Nielsen [3] for SoSs.
    arises from the constituent systems having to rely on               We support the idea that a SoS view of industrial
    each other in order to fulfill the common goal of the           information systems has value for the information systems
    SoS.                                                            managers, business analysts, architects, developers and
₋   Inter-operability: refers to the ability of the SoS to          testers. Therefore, is not enough to apply software
    incorporate a range of heterogeneous constituent                engineering concepts, practices and tools to single
    systems.                                                        applications and systems. We need to apply an engineering
                                                                    approach at the larger scale of the whole information system
    A large information system is composed of many                  as a System of Systems.
software applications (custom, COTS, adapted). We may
interpret each application as a “component” of a system                In the following case study, we apply these ideas to a
architecture (according to the paradigm of components and           specific information system.
connectors description of a software architecture) at a larger          The case study deals with the problem of maintaining a
scale than the architecture of a single application. Various        documented knowledge of the information system at the SoS
servers host the applications and the information system may        level of abstraction. At this level, the system is viewed as a
cooperate with others information systems (for instance             network of software applications and systems and business
suppliers and clients). All these servers are typically             processes emerge because of relations between these
geographically distributed (Distribution).                          systems.
    From the functional point of view, applications are                The aim of the study is not only to present a specific case
relatively independent functional entities (Autonomy of             but also to show how this approach may improve the
constituents and Independence) but inter-operate with other         management practice of information systems.
relatively independent applications (Inter-dependence and
Inter-operability). Business processes may be orthogonal to             Lack of documented knowledge is a common practice in
many software applications. Each software application may           information systems, but the problem is typically considered
implement a set of functions and share part of them with            at the level of single applications or projects [5].
various business processes.
                                                                        We show that this knowledge level does not consider
    Information systems are subject to an evolutionary              critical aspects that are arising from the complexities of
process (Evolution). Evolution projects (for example the            modern information systems. Therefore, the explicit
evolution required by a change in a business process or a           consideration and modeling of the SoS level mitigate critical
new process) may involve many applications. In this case,           problems of information system evolution and may advance
the specification and design documents of the project define        the state-of-the-art of information systems management.
a set of local changes generating a global desired behavior
(Emergence of desired behaviors). Consequently, designing                                III. CASE STUDY
and implementing changes require the understanding of
many existing applications and their relations. The                     The case study concerns the information system of a
evolutionary process, composed by a sequence of local               large Italian retail company. The company manages about
changes, may also produce global undesired changes like the         100 physical stores and an e-commerce store. The
“architectural erosion” [4] or undesired behaviors (another         information system is composed of about 70 applications and
type of Emergence).                                                 2 large databases. About one-half of applications is custom-
                                                                    developed (about 1.500.000 LOC of Java-JSP and RPG
    If we consider the management aspect, projects may              code). Software products acquired from vendors and
involve more development teams or COTS providers.                   adapted/integrated compose the remaining half.
Projects run concurrently and are managed in a relatively
independent way. Each project team follows a “local                    Examples        of       the     constituent     software
optimum” goal with limited interactions with the remaining          applications/systems: selling in a physical store, manage e-
parts of the system not included in the project. Therefore, it      commerce orders, transport management, warehouse
is difficult for the IT management to have a global control of      management.
evolution.                                                              During the years, the amount of COTS/adapted
    From a cognitive point of view, each development team           applications increased and the global landscape of the
or provider has a local knowledge related to a subset of            architecture moved from a shape similar to repository-style
applications. Consequently, none of the teams has a                 (databases and a cloud of applications working on the
reasonably complete knowledge of the whole information              databases) to a shape more similar to a network.
system. Even if the specification and design documentation             Consequently, the number of business processes
of each application is of sufficient quality, it does not offer a   involving more applications and the number of projects with
more than one development team or vendor increased.               (for example porting an application on a new software
During the last year, out of 54 evolutionary projects, 21 were    infrastructure requires the understanding of the interacting
composed of more than two different organizations, with the       applications) or the design of the architectural solution to
maximum of 7.                                                     implement a business process change.
    This evolutionary process increased the problems caused       The development team will use the model to understand the
by the lack of a global view of the information system (a SoS     high-level view of structure and behaviors of the systems to
view). Projects requiring the implementation or change of         modify. The testing team will also use the model to
business processes need the cooperation of different teams.       implement the testing scenarios.
Each development/vendor team has a local knowledge (a
specific application or a limited set of applications), but is                           V. THE MODEL
difficult for each team to have a deep understanding of the
interactions implementing the business processes. Business           In this section, we describe the characteristics of the
process analysts have difficulties to specify the required        implemented model.
changes, because the global model of business processes and
their interaction with the information system components is       A. Minimalist documentation
fragmented into many documents and oral tradition. Testers            IT organization developed the documentation system
have the same problems.                                           using a minimalist approach [6] and the method defined in
   The IT organization established an “Architecture office”       our previous work [8]. The method select a minimal set of
whose aim is to develop feasibility studies, design the           documents that can support the information system actors
changes and deliver architectural and technical standards for     during the evolution process.
each development team or vendor. This office too needs a              The basic idea of the minimalist documentation is that
global view of the information system.                            knowledge is a property emerging from a system where
    The management of the information system evaluated            people and documents interact. Documents do not require
that the priority to mitigate these problems was the              being “complete” (rich of details in each part), it is sufficient
availability of documented knowledge concerning the set of        that they be “good enough” [7]. For example, developers use
applications, their relationships and the impact of business      an architectural document as a “landscape” for understanding
processes on the network of software applications (a model        where to read the details in the code.
of the whole information system at SoS level). The aim is             During the evolution phase, we must update each
that the organizations running the projects will share this       document and this need generates a cost. Even the lack of a
knowledge and the different stakeholders involved in the          document may generate a cost: the effort of software
information system evolution will use it as reference.            understanding during the evolution. A minimal set is a set of
                                                                  documents showing the most efficient cost-benefit ratio of
                       IV. THE GOAL                               the maintenance cost of the documents and the costs that can
   The information system maintains a wiki-based                  be generated if the documents are not available. Details of
documentation system storing the most important knowledge         the cost-benefit selection rules may be found in [8].
for each application and the data models, but the                 Therefore, we select and maintain only this set of documents
documentation models each application as a relatively             during the evolution.
independent system and the interaction with other systems is         For example, an architectural model (a document with a
limited to definition of interfaces.                              low number of pages) has a limited cost of maintenance
   We focused our work to add a new layer of                      (measured in number of pages) whereas the lack of this
documentation based on a model of the most important              model may generate a high cost required to extract the
aspects of the whole information systems architecture at the      architectural knowledge from code. Consequently, we should
abstraction level of SoS.                                         maintain this document during the evolution.

    The model will support each project with global views of          On the contrary, for example, a detailed specification of
the whole set of components and behaviors implementing the        interactive screens (many pages) has a high cost of
information system.                                               maintenance whereas his absence generates a low cost (the
                                                                  programmer may understand the specification observing the
    Different group of users can benefit of it:                   behaviors of the implemented software product). Therefore,
₋   Business process analysts                                     we should not maintain this document during the evolution.

₋   Information system architects                                    To select the SoS models, we followed the same
                                                                  minimalist approach used for the existing documentation.
₋   Development teams
                                                                      The selection was decided during the meetings with
₋   Testers                                                       people of the “Architecture office”. They decided that the
                                                                  most important documents at SoS level (using the
Business process analysts and information system architects
                                                                  cost/benefit criteria previously considered) were the SoS
will use the model to understand the existing business
                                                                  architecture and the relation between the main business
processes and their implementation in the various systems
                                                                  processes and the architecture. They judged the cost of
composing the whole information system. The model will
                                                                  developing and maintaining these documents significantly
support the feasibility studies to evaluate the effort required
                                                                  less than the costs caused by the need to recover the
for implementing a new or changed business process. It will
                                                                  necessary knowledge and the extra costs caused by poor
also support the impact assessment of technological changes
                                                                  knowledge during each evolution projects.
    The first step was to list the more important business        ₋   A static model describing the software applications used
areas. Examples of business areas are:                                inside the business area (components) and the relations
                                                                      between the applications (connectors). The modeled
₋   Selling in the physical store;                                    relations are data flows between components (only the
₋   Selling in the e-commerce store;                                  flows of the specific business area).
₋   Supply chain;                                                 ₋   Dynamic models describing how the set of components
                                                                      and connectors implement the main business processes
₋   Manage product data and prices.                                   of the area (activities of components and flows of data
    For each business area, we developed:                             between activities).

                          Fig. 1. Static model of the business area “Selling in the e-commerce store”

                      Fig. 2. Static model of the business area “Selling in the e-commerce store” - detail
    For example, fig 1 shows the static model of the business   management system, 3 ‒ warehouse management system and
area “Selling in the e-commerce store”. Boxes are software      4 ‒ operational database) collaborate exchanging the data
applications (components) and arrows are connectors. The        flows described by oriented arcs. The remaining two systems
label of each connector is the name of the data flow. The       (5 ‒ technical assistance for the sold products and 6 ‒ courier
business area includes 28 software applications. 13 of them     service) are part of other information systems.
(boxes with white background) are external to the
organization.                                                       Each system is a relatively independent component and
                                                                has its own functions and role in the organization, but the e-
    Fig 2 shows a detail of the model. In this fragment, four   commerce business processes emerge from the interaction of
systems (1 ‒ order management system, 2 ‒ transport             the constituent systems.

                 Fig. 3. Dynamic model: “Buy with the e_commerce site, pick and pay in the physical store”

             Fig. 4. Dynamic model: “Buy with the e_commerce site, pick and pay in the physical store” - detail
    During the evolution, both the functions of single            abstraction but is “good enough”          to   help   people
systems and the business processes emerging from the              understanding the business process.
interaction of more systems may evolve.
    For this static model, we developed 41 dynamic models         B. Tool
describing the most important business processes                      We implemented the model with the tool Archi [10]. The
implemented by part of components and connectors of the           tool allows defining a database of model elements (for
static model.                                                     example components and relations) and apply different
    Figure 3 and 4 show one of the dynamic models “Buy in         views to the database. Fig 5 is the global static view. This
the e_commerce site, pick and pay in the physical store” and      view includes all the components of the different business
a detail of the model. The model represents one of the            areas with their data flows. We may query and navigate the
behaviors emerging from the interaction among the set of          model to explore the model elements, relations and attributes
constituent systems of the SoS. Considering all the               (name-value pairs) associated to them.
application of fig.1, eleven of them cooperates for this
business process.                                                                 VI. MODEL DEVELOPMENT
    Each swim lane is associated to the component on top of           We developed the model with the “Architecture office”,
the diagram (a subset of the static model). Rounded boxes         a team of three people, the most experienced professionals of
describe activities of the business process. Some activities      the information system with the widest available knowledge
are labeled with the activity content, while some others are      on the existing systems and business processes. The
not specifically identified. Labelled arrows are data flows.      development also involved three experienced people of the
Additional icons add information about the control flow (for      testing team that accumulated, during the testing projects, a
example interactive activity ‒ the “OP” icon or periodically      significant knowledge of systems and business processes.
scheduled ‒ the “T” icon). The model describes a partial          Another important source of knowledge was the
ordering (from top to bottom, from left to right) of the          documentation system that maintains the basic knowledge
application data flows. The ordering is partial due to the icon   for each application composing the information system. This
“T” that identifies a timed schedule with the time constraint     was specifically useful to define the interfaces of each
not defined by the model. According to the minimalist             application.
approach the model is not complete at a defined level of

                                      Fig. 5. Static view of the whole information system
    The development required about 60 days distributed in          Were these models enough to represent the studied
a period of about six months.                                   SoS?
    A significant problem we found during the                      The static and dynamic models were judged, during the
construction of models was that, due to the fragmentation       development phase, the priority knowledge of the SoS.
of knowledge, even the architecture office people and the
testers had problems in defining precisely all the business        Obviously, the idea of maintaining only a minimal set
processes and the interactions between systems.                 of documents has its own assumptions and limitations.
Consequently, in many cases, we designed a draft of the         These limitations come from the decision to select the
model and verified/improved it with the help of project         modeled knowledge according to cost-benefit criteria and
leaders knowing specific parts of the information system.       reduce the maintenance effort of the model during the SoS
Therefore, the development required many review cycles          evolution.
to verify and refine the models.                                    For example, static models only define data flows and
    The result was a body of knowledge previously not           lack of views for technical information (the
available. No single development team or expert had these       implementation views of connectors). Consequently, for
                                                                example, the model does not provide the information if a
integrated views of applications and business processes.
                                                                flow of data is implemented by a simple invocation with
                                                                parameters or the execution of a complex publish-
                 VII. LESSONS LEARNED                           subscribe pattern delivered by the enterprise bus.
    Are there real evidences that the models delivered
significant benefits to the management of the information                           VIII. CONCLUSION
                                                                    In the paper, we presented the development of models
    The model in now used by the “Architecture office” for      of an information system based on the view of Systems of
the feasibility studies. The office interacts with business     Systems. In our experience, this type of models showed
people requiring business processes changes, new                significant benefits for the management of the information
functionalities or new processes.                               system evolution.
    The model allows the understanding of the existing              We developed the first version of the model with a
business processes and the implementation of them into the      limited cost and we estimate that the periodical updating of
systems and is the basis to design the changes and evaluate     the model will require relatively moderate costs.
the impact. A more detailed knowledge related to each
system may be found in the pre-existing documentation               On the contrary, we estimate that the availability of the
system.                                                         model saved significant extra costs of many projects due to
                                                                the lack of this knowledge.
    Previously, the analysis required a costly and risky
work of collecting fragments of knowledge from different           Furthermore, a significant question is the scope of our
people to reconstruct the set of involved systems and their     experience. We studied a single information system of a
interactions.                                                   specific industrial sector. Beside direct experience, we base
                                                                our confidence that the presented results can generalize to
     The development teams had benefit of the model. It is      other information systems on the following considerations.
now the basic documentation to understand the systems
and the required changes. The IT organization also used             The experience concerns a large information system
the model for training new development teams (for               that is representative of many others. It includes many
example in the e-commerce business area). The inclusion         software applications, large databases and a growing set of
in complex projects of a new working group was difficult.       COTS-based components. In this context is usual the
New people slowly accumulated a more global knowledge           cooperation of different teams internal to the IT
from the experience of implementing changes of SoS parts.       organization, outsourced to external software houses or
Now a new team is trained through the explanation and           coming from product vendors.
discussion of the SoS models. This decision mitigated the           The difficulty of maintaining a useful documentation of
difficulties, increased the new team’s efficiency and           the information system and the knowledge fragmentation
reduced the risk of code defects caused by poor knowledge       is a widespread and recognized problem by the IT
of the whole context.                                           managers. Consequently, the SoS-based explicit
     The testing team also used the process models. For         knowledge we presented may mitigate a common problem
example, the models of the business area “Selling in the e-     in industrial information systems.
commerce store” were the reference to develop a set of              Furthermore, we think that the real problem for a
about 100 automatic non-regression scenario-based tests.        widespread use of these approaches based on the SoS point
A set of test cases verifies each modeled process (the test     of view is not the cost. The cost of developing and
procedures run each of the 41 dynamic models with some          maintaining the models is low if compared to the extra
variations of input data). Each test case follows the process   costs caused by the lack of this knowledge (costs of
through all the involved systems, from an initial set of        understanding the existing software, costs caused by poor
input data (for instance an order from a customer) to the       quality of the developed solutions and need of reworking).
complete interaction (and intermediate verifications) with      The key point is the management culture and the need to
all the systems.                                                introduce more mature management approaches based on
sound software engineering practices and cost/benefit            through leveraging of information technology systems has
evaluations.                                                     been early recognized [16]. In spite of that, as far as we
                                                                 know, the application in the context of industrial
    A future improvement could be the use of models and          information system is not a common practice.
tool to control the growing complexity of the information
system structure. One of the aims of the architecture office         What is significant in our experience report is not the
is to publish the design rules of the information system         use of novel concepts, methods or tools, but the example of
architecture and to enforce their adoption. Therefore, the       application of SoS to a field that can strongly benefit. Our
office can use the models and the tool to control the            experience report is specific, but the structure of the
architectural erosion during the evolution process.              information system and the management problems coming
                                                                 from the complexities of many interacting and relatively
    For example, we can navigate the structural models to        independent software applications are common to many IT
measure the coupling between components. We also may             departments of other industrial sectors.
add technical attributes to the data flow oriented arcs. A
useful information may be the type of connectors. This can
allow controlling the design rules for the choice of                                         REFERENCES
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