=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2249/paper4 |storemode=property |title=Learning Deep Representations for Natural Language Processing Applications |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2249/AIIA-DC2018_paper_4.pdf |volume=Vol-2249 }} ==Learning Deep Representations for Natural Language Processing Applications== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2249/AIIA-DC2018_paper_4.pdf
           Learning Deep Representations
    for Natural Language Processing Applications

                                 Ivano Lauriola1,2
                   University of Padova - Department of Mathematics
                        Via Trieste, 63, 35121 Padova - Italy
                               Fondazione Bruno Kessler
                       Via Sommarive, 18, 38123 Trento - Italy

      Abstract. Recently, the literature shows that the representation of the
      data plays a crucial role in machine learning applications. Hence, several
      methods were born to learn the best representation for a given problem,
      as is the case of Deep Neural Networks and Multiple Kernel Learning.
      These methods reduce the human effort in designing good representa-
      tions while increasing the expressiveness of the learning algorithms. In
      this project, the representation learning is analyzed from two different
      viewpoints. The former aims to develop novel technologies and models to
      learn the representation, mainly focusing on Embeddings, Multiple Ker-
      nel Learning, Deep Neural Networks, and their combination. The latter
      aims to provide a proof-of-concept of these methods on real-world Nat-
      ural Language Processing tasks, such as the Named Entity Recognition
      and large-scale document classification in the biomedical domain.

      Keywords: Representation Learning · Natural Language Processing ·
      Named Entity Recognition · Deep Learning · Multiple Kernel Learning

1    Introduction
When dealing with Machine Learning methods, one of the most expensive steps
is the definition of the representation which describes the shape of the data.
An extensive literature [2, 4, 9, 11] shows that the choice of the representation
is a key step for building good predictors. Different representations emphasize
different aspects of the main problem and could entail different results.
In the context of textual analysis and document classification, a document can
be represented as the Set-Of-Words that compose it, potentially by including
the number of occurrences of each word, as in the well-known Bag-Of-Words
representation. These representations are focusing on the content of the text, by
analyzing the presence/absence of words in the document. Otherwise, the same
document can be expressed as a set of n-grams, aiming to catch the dependencies
between groups of words. A representation is good if the task can be “easily”
solved. However, the selection of the most suitable representation for a given
problem is a hard task.
2      I. Lauriola

In a typical learning pipeline, the user tries several representations, guided by
some prior knowledge or via a validation procedure. However, this process is com-
putationally expensive when the number of possible representations is large. Be-
sides, the pool of representations taken into consideration is not exhaustive, and
it defines some bias, bounding the expressiveness of the learning algorithm with
a sub-optimal representation. To overcome the aforementioned issue, methods
to directly learn the best representation for a given problem have been recently
proposed [2]. Several representation learning paradigms exist in the literature. In
this project, we are focusing mainly on Deep Neural Networks (NNs) and Mul-
tiple Kernel Learning (MKL). The former is a very popular approach due to its
expressiveness and empirical effectiveness at learning the representation among a
hierarchy of features with increasing complexity. The latter aims at learning the
representation as a combination of several weak implicit representations, named
kernels [6]. Each method has its own advantages and bottlenecks. Usually, Deep
NNs achieve better results with respect to classical MKL algorithms, but they
require a huge amount of training data, and they are less scalable. Moreover,
the MKL is supported by several theoretical properties [9], and algorithms find
an optimal solution instead of a local minimum.
    In this work, the representation learning problem is analyzed from two dif-
ferent viewpoints. The former aims at understanding, developing and improving
theoretically sound representation learning models, algorithms and tools. In this
step the focus is on MKL, Deep NN, Neural Embeddings and their coopera-
tion, aiming at combining the key aspects of these methods. The latter step is
more practical and aims at understanding and evaluating the empirical effective-
ness of such methods in complex Natural Language Processing applications. The
two main applications that we are considering are large-scale online biomedical
semantic indexing of PubMed documents based on the Medical Subject Head-
ings (MeSH) [13], and the Biomedical Named Entity Recognition (BNER) task,
whose purpose is to recognize and extract relevant entities and concepts from
the biomedical literature. These entities can be the name of proteins, cellular
components, diseases, species and so on.
    This project is a joint work between the University of Padova and the Bruno
Kessler Foundation. The main advisor is Fabio Aiolli, from the University of
Padova, Dept of Mathematics. Co-advisors are Alberto Lavelli from Fondazione
Bruno Kessler, and Giuseppe Sartori from the University of Padova, Dept of
General Psychology. The doctoral course of the candidate is Brain, Mind and
Computer Science of the University of Padova. This work is partially supported
by grant CR30I1 162758 of the Swiss National Science Foundation.

2   State of the art

Representation Learning is one of the most challenging fields in machine learning
research [2]. Two well-known approaches for this purpose consider the applica-
tion of Deep NN [17], or Multiple Kernel Learning [6].
Due to their theoretical and empirical effectiveness, representation learning ap-
                                  Title Suppressed Due to Excessive Length        3

proaches have been widely applied to several domains, especially in large-scale
applications where there is a lack of prior knowledge. Some examples of appli-
cations are sentence classification [8] and multimodal sentiment analysis [14].
Recently, the literature provides mechanisms to learn effective representations
for Natural Language Processing applications [18]. This is the case of 1D Con-
volutional Neural Networks [16, 7], or dedicated Embeddings to map words, sen-
tences, and documents into dense vectors. One of the most known algorithms
for this purpose is Word2Vec [11].
    In this project, one of the main interesting applications of Natural Language
Processing (NLP) is the Named Entity Recognition (NER) [12] in the biomedi-
cal domain. Lately, standard NLP techniques have been combined with machine
learning tools in order to solve this task, including the usage of Support Vec-
tor Machines and Neural Networks [1, 3]. State-of-the-art representations for the
BNER task consist of hand-crafted features based on a strong prior knowledge
[15, 1], and word-embeddings. Each representation has their own advantages.
General-purpose word-embeddings can be easily pre-trained on large-scale cor-
pora, and they do not require a lot of prior knowledge. Hand-crafted representa-
tions instead, could better represent the problem by means of a powerful prior
knowledge, but they require a lot of human effort to extract relevant features.

3   Direction, Methodology and Practical impact

Nowadays, the literature considers Deep Neural Networks as the state-of-the-art
of representation learning approaches, without taking into account the limits
of such methods, such as the lack of prior knowledge, the lack of training data,
and the computational cost. In this work, the representation learning paradigm is
considered from a more general point of view, without any bias on methodologies
and without focusing exclusively on Deep Neural Networks. We expect to better
understand the potential between shallow and Deep learning techniques, with
a consequent improvement of classification accuracy on NLP applications and
machine learning tasks in general.
    As discussed before, this work is spread over two different phases. The former
consists of analyzing, evaluating and improving novel technologies, models and
algorithms to learn the representation from data directly. The main mechanisms
taken into account for this purpose are NNs, MKL and Embedding strategies.
Empirical effectiveness and a comparison between these and classical approaches
is mandatory, aiming to analyze the limits and pros of representation and Deep
learning. This step includes the study of novel algorithms, efficient optimization
procedures, the analysis of theoretical bounds, an exhaustive empirical evalua-
tion, and a deep analysis of scalability, robustness, and efficiency of the proposed
algorithms. Anyhow, unlike the classical representation learning methodologies,
this work also aims to combine these paradigms. For instance, MKL methods
could combine hidden representations computed from NNs.
    Usually, the effectiveness of the large part of these methods is analyzed by
using sand-box environments or benchmark datasets. However, these datasets
4       I. Lauriola

do not reflect the complexity of real-world applications, where there are a lot
of unexpected problems, such as noise, missing data or lack of prior knowledge.
In order to assess the effectiveness and robustness of our methods, in the latter
phase of the research project the acquired knowledge, methods and techniques
will be applied to complex Natural Language Processing tasks.

4    Preliminary results

Preliminary results on the application of representation learning techniques on
the BNER task are showed and described in the paper Learning Representations
for Biomedical Named Entity Recognition, accepted at the NL4AI workshop of
the AI*IA (2018) conference.
In that work, a comparison of domain-specific and general purpose representa-
tions in the BNER task has been performed. Each of the considered represen-
tations emphasizes different viewpoints of the problem. However, each ontology
(proteins, diseases. . . ) has different complexity, and it requires a proper represen-
tation instead of a global one. Even if these representations achieve individually
comparable results, they express orthogonal information, and the cooperation
between these pieces of information could further improve the performance. A
general framework based on the MKL paradigm has been considered to learn
the representation for each ontology automatically. Results show that the com-
bination through the MKL paradigm improves the accuracy of the correct recog-
nition. Besides, our solution achieves better results than other state-of-the-art
approaches, including Convolutional Neural Networks. Moreover, results clearly
show that the complexity of the representation plays a key role in this applica-
tion, and it must be considered in the learning procedure.
    For this purpose, we proposed a novel MKL algorithm which takes into ac-
count the expressiveness/complexity of the obtained representation in its objec-
tive function in such a way that a trade-off between large margins and simple
hypothesis spaces can be found. Broadly speaking, the algorithm, named MEMO
[10] (Minimum Effort Maximum Output), tries to maximize the margin between
classes and minimize the Spectral Ratio of the solution simultaneously. The Spec-
tral Ratio is an empirical measure of the expressiveness of a kernel, which has
been proposed in [4]. The algorithm has been compared with several baselines,
including other state-of-the-art margin-based MKL methods.
    However, margin-based algorithms do not consider the spread of the data in
the feature space, which is a relevant aspect of a good representation [5]. For this
purpose, several MKL algorithms exist in the literature which try to minimize
the ratio between the radius of the Minimum Enclosing Ball (MEB) which con-
tains data in the feature space, and the margin between classes. However, these
algorithms perform some relaxations of the main problem to make it tractable.
As far as we know, we propose the first MKL algorithm which optimizes the ex-
act ratio, through an alternate optimization procedure. The algorithm, dubbed
GRAM, has been proposed at the ICANN conference [9], and an extension for
the Machine Learning Journal is currently under review.
                                     Title Suppressed Due to Excessive Length            5

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