Online Neural Automatic Post-editing for Neural Machine Translation Matteo Negri1 Marco Turchi1 Nicola Bertoldi1,2 Marcello Federico1,2 1 Fondazione Bruno Kessler - Trento, Italia 2 MMT Srl - Trento, Italia [negri,turchi,bertoldi,federico] Abstract et al., 2007). Cast as a problem of “monolin- gual translation” (from raw MT output into im- English. Machine learning from user cor- proved text in the same target language), APE rections is key to the industrial deploy- has followed a similar evolution to that of MT. ment of machine translation (MT). We in- As in MT, APE research received a strong boost troduce the first on-line approach to auto- from shared evaluation exercises like those orga- matic post-editing (APE), i.e. the task of nized within the well-established WMT Confer- automatically correcting MT errors. We ence on Machine Translation (Chatterjee et al., present experimental results of APE on 2018). In terms of approaches, early MT-like English-Italian MT by simulating human phrase-based solutions (Béchara et al., 2011; Rosa post-edits with human reference transla- et al., 2013; Lagarda et al., 2015; Chatterjee et tions, and by applying online APE on MT al., 2015) have been recently outperformed and re- outputs of increasing quality. By evaluat- placed by neural architectures that now represent ing APE on generic vs. specialised and the state of the art (Junczys-Dowmunt and Grund- static vs. adaptive neural MT, we address kiewicz, 2016; Chatterjee et al., 2017a; Tebbi- the question: At what cost on the MT side fakhr et al., 2018; Junczys-Dowmunt and Grund- will APE become useless? kiewicz, 2018). From the industry standpoint, APE has started to attract MT market players in- Italiano. L’apprendimento automatico terested in combining the two technologies to sup- dalle correzioni degli utenti è fonda- port human translation in professional workflows mentale per lo sviluppo industriale della (Crego et al., 2016). traduzione automatica (MT). In questo Focusing on this industry-oriented perspective, lavoro, introduciamo il primo approccio this paper makes a step further on APE research on-line al post-editing automatico (APE), by exploring an online neural approach to the ovvero il compito di correggere automati- task. The goal is to leverage human feedback camente gli errori della MT. Presentiamo (post edits) to improve on-the-fly a neural APE risultati di online APE su MT da inglese model without the need of stopping it for fine- a italiano simulando le correzioni umane tuning or re-training from scratch. Online learn- con traduzioni manuali già disponibili e ing capabilities are crucial (both for APE and utilizzando MT di qualità crescente. Val- MT) in computer-assisted translation scenarios utando l’APE su MT neurale generica op- where professional translators operate on sugges- pure specializzata, statica o adattiva, af- tions provided by machines. In such scenarios, hu- frontiamo la domanda di fondo: a fronte man corrections represent an invaluable source of di quale costo sul lato MT l’APE diventerà knowledge that systems should exploit to enhance inutile? users’ experience and increase their productivity. Towards these objectives we provide two contri- 1 Introduction butions. One is the first online approach to neural APE. Indeed, while MT-like online learning tech- Automatic Post-editing for MT is a supervised niques have been proposed for phrase-based APE learning task aimed to correct errors in a machine- (Ortiz-Martı́nez and Casacuberta, 2014; Simard translated text (Knight and Chander, 1994; Simard and Foster, 2013; Chatterjee et al., 2017b), nothing has been done yet under the state-of-the-art neural selection mechanism that updates the model by paradigm. In doing this, the other contribution is learning from previously collected triplets that are the first evaluation of neural APE run on the output similar to the input test item (see lines 2-5 in Al- of neural MT (NMT). So far, published results re- gorithm 1); port significant gains1 when APE is run to correct (2) After post-editing, by means of a model adap- the output of a phrase-based MT system. To our tation procedure that learns from human revisions knowledge, the true potential of APE with higher of the last automatic correction generated by the quality NMT output has not been investigated yet. system (lines 8-10). The last observation introduces a more general Similar to the methods proposed in (Chatter- discussion on the relation between MT and APE. jee et al., 2017b) and (Farajian et al., 2017), Since, by definition, APE’s reason of being is the the instance-selection technique (first update step) sub-optimal quality of MT output, one might won- consists of two components: i) a knowledge base der if the level of current MT technology still justi- (KB) that is continuously fed with the processed fies efforts on APE. Along this direction, our third triplets, and ii) an information retrieval engine contribution is an analysis of online neural APE that, given the (src, mt) test item, selects the most applied to the output of NMT systems featuring similar triplet (lines 2-3). The engine is simulta- different levels of performance. Our competitors neously queried using both src and mt segments range from a generic model trained on large paral- and it returns the triplet that has the highest co- lel data (mimicking the typical scenario in which sine similarity with both (Top(R)). If the similar- industry users – e.g. Language Service Providers ity is above a threshold τ , a few training iterations – rely on web-based services or other black-box are run to update the model parameters (line 5). systems) to highly customized online models (like Depending on the application scenario, KB can be those that LSPs would desire but typically cannot pre-filled with the APE training data or left empty afford). Our experiments in this range of condi- and filled only with the incoming triplets. In our tions aim to shed light on the future of APE from experiments, the repository is initially empty. the industry standpoint by answering the question: At what cost on the MT side will APE become Algorithm 1: Online neural APE useless? Require M: Trained APE model Require Ts: Stream of test data 2 Online neural APE Require KB: Pool of (src, mt, hpe) triplets 1: while pop (src, mt) from Ts do APE training data usually consist of (src, mt, hpe) 2: R ← Retrieve ((src, mt), KB) 3: (srctop , mttop , hpetop ) ← Top (R) triplets whose elements are: a source sentence 4: if Sim ((srctop , mttop , hpetop ), (src, mt)) > τ do (src), its translation (mt) and a human correction 5: M∗ ← Update (M,(srctop , mttop , hpetop )) 6: ape ← APE (M∗ ,(src, mt)) of the translated sentence (hpe). Models trained 7: hpe ← HumanPostEdit ((src, ape)) on such triplets are then used to correct the mt el- 8: KB ← KB ∪ (src,mt,hpe) ement of (src, mt) test data. Neural approaches 9: M∗∗ ← Update (M∗ ,(src, mt, hpe)) 10: M ← M∗∗ to the task have shown their effectiveness in batch 11: end while conditions, in which a static pre-trained model is run on the whole test corpus. When moving to an Once the hpe has been generated, the second up- online setting, instead, APE systems should ide- date step takes place (line 9) by running few train- ally be able to continuously evolve by stepwise ing iterations on the (src, hpe) pair. When training learning from the interaction with the user. This using only one single data point, the learning rate means that, each time a new post-edit becomes and the number of epochs have a crucial role be- available, the model has to update its parameters cause too high/small values can make the training on-the-fly in order to produce better output for the unstable/inefficient. To avoid such problems, we next incoming sentence. To this aim, we extend a connect the two parameters by applying a time- batch APE model by adding the capability to con- based decay learning rate that reduces the learning tinuously learn from human corrections of its own rate when increasing of the number of epochs (i.e. output. This is done in two steps: lr = lr/(1+num epoch)). In our experiments, this (1) Before post-editing, by means of an instance strategy results in better performance than setting 1 Up to 7.6 BLEU points at WMT 2017 (Bojar et al., 2017) a fixed learning rate. 3 Experiments translation, few training iterations adapt it to the domain of the input document. The adaptation We run our experiments on English-Italian data, steps implement the same strategies of the online by comparing the performance of different neural APE system (see §2). This setting represents the APE models (batch and online) used to correct the situation in which our LSP has access to the inner output of NMT systems of increasing quality. workings of a competitive online NMT system. 3.1 Data Specialized (S). This model is built by fine-tuning (Luong and Manning, 2015) G on the in-domain To train our NMT models we use both generic training data (416K). It reflects the condition in and in-domain data. Generic data cover a vari- which our LSP has access both to customer’s data ety of domains. They comprise about 53M par- and to the inner workings of a competitive batch allel sentences collected from publicly-available NMT engine. The adaptation routine, however, is collections (i.e. all the English-Italian parallel cor- limited to the standard approach of performing ad- pora available on OPUS2 ) and about 50M sen- ditional training steps on the in-domain data. tence pairs from proprietary translation memories. Specialized Online (SO). This model is built by Generic data, whose size is per se sufficient to combining the functionalities of GO and S. It uses train a competitive general-purpose engine, are the in-domain training data for fine-tuning and the used to build our basic NMT model. On top of it, incoming (src, hpe) pairs for online adaptation to in-domain (information technology) data are used the target domain. This setting represents the sit- in different ways to obtain improved, domain- uation in which our LSP has access to: i) cus- adapted models. In-domain data are selected to tomer’s in-domain data and ii) the inner workings emulate the online setting of industrial scenarios of a competitive online NMT engine. where input documents are processed sequentially All the models are trained with the ModernMT on a sentence-by-sentence basis. They consist in a open source software,3 which is built on top of proprietary translation project of about 421K seg- OpenNMT-py (Klein et al., 2017). It employs ments, which are split in training (416K segments) an LSTM-based recurrent architecture with atten- and test (5,472) keeping the sentence order. Post- tion (Bahdanau et al., 2014) using 2 bi-directional edits are simulated using references. LSTM layers in the encoder, 4 left-to-right LSTM To train the APE models we use the English- layers in the decoder, and a dot-product attention Italian section of the eSCAPE corpus (Negri et al., model (Luong et al., 2015). In our experiments 2018). It consists of about 6.6M synthetically- we used an embeddings’ size of 1024, LSTMs of created triplets in which the mt element is pro- size 1024, and a source and target vocabulary of duced with phrase-based and neural MT systems. 32K words, jointly trained with the BPE algorithm 3.2 NMT models (Sennrich et al., 2016). The fact that ModernMT already implements the online adaptation method Our NMT models feature increasing levels of presented in (Farajian et al., 2017) simplified our complexity, so to represent a range of conditions tests with online neural APE run on the output of in which a user (say a Language Service Provider) competitive NMT systems (GO and SO). has access to different resources in terms of MT technology and/or data for training and adaptation. 3.3 APE models Our systems, ranked in terms of complexity with respect to these two dimensions are: We experiment with two neural APE systems: Generic (G). This model is trained on the large Generic APE. This batch system is trained only (103M) multi-domain parallel corpus. It repre- on generic data (6.6M triplets from eSCAPE) and sents the situation in which our LSP entirely re- is similar to those tested in the APE shared task lies on an off-the-shelf, black-box MT engine that at WMT. The main difference is that the training cannot be improved via domain adaptation. data are neither merged with in-domain triplets nor Generic Online (GO). This model extends G with selected based on target domain information. the capability to learn from the incoming human Online APE. This system is trained on the generic post-edits (5,472 test items). Before and after data and continuously learns from human post- edits of the test set as described in §2. 2 dump of mid June 3 2017. MT Type MT Generic Online Online APE achieves significant4 improve- APE APE Generic (G) 40.3 39.0 47.1† ments not only over the output of G (+6.8) and Gen. Online (GO) 45.6 41.9 48.1† its online extension GO (+2.5), but also over the Specialized (S) 52.1 45.5 53.5† specialized model S (+1.4). The gain over GO is Spec. Online (SO) 55.0 47.4 54.8 particularly interesting: it shows that even when APE and MT use the same in-domain data for on- Table 1: APE performance on NMT outputs of dif- line adaptation, the APE model is more reactive to ferent quality (“†” denotes statistically significant human feedback. Though trained on much smaller differences wrt. the MT baseline with p<0.05). generic corpora (6.6M triplets versus 103M paral- lel sentences), the possibility to leverage richer in- The two systems are based on a multi-source formation in the form of (src, mt, pe) instances at attention-based encoder-decoder approach simi- test time seems to have a positive impact. A deeper lar to (Chatterjee et al., 2017a). It employs a exploration of this aspect falls out of the scope of GRU-based recurrent architecture with attention this paper and is left as future work. and uses two independent encoders to process the Also with online APE, the gains become src and mt segments. Similar to the NMT systems, smaller by increasing the MT quality, reaching it is trained on sub-word units by using BPE, with a point where the system can only approach the a vocabulary created by selecting to 50K most fre- highest MT performance of SO (with a non- quent sub-words. Word embedding and GRU hid- significant -0.2 BLEU difference). This confirms den state sizes are set to 1024. Network param- that correcting the output of competitive NMT en- eters are optimized with Adagrad (Duchi et al., gines is a hard task, even for a dynamic APE sys- 2011) with a learning rate of 0.01. A develop- tem that learns from the interaction with the user. ment set randomly extracted from the training data However, besides improving its performance by is used to set the similarity threshold used by the learning from user feedback acquired at test time online model for the first update step (τ =0.5) as (similar to the APE system), SO also relies on well as the learning rate (0.01) and the number of previous fine-tuning on a large in-domain corpus epochs (3) of both adaptation steps. (similar to S). To answer our initial question (“At what cost on the MT side will APE become use- 4 Results and discussion less?”) it is worth remarking that leveraging in- domain training/adaptation data is a considerable APE results computed on different levels of trans- advantage for MT but it comes at a cost that should lation quality are reported in Table 1. Looking not be underestimated. In terms of the data itself, at the NMT performance, all the adaptation tech- collecting enough parallel sentences for each tar- niques yield significant improvements over the get domain is a considerable bottleneck that limits Generic model (G). The large gain achieved via the scalability of competitive NMT solutions. In fine-tuning on in-domain data (S: +11.8 BLEU) is addition to that, the technology requirements (i.e. further increased when adding online learning ca- having access to the inner workings of the NMT pabilities on top of it to create the most competi- engine) and the computational costs involved (for tive Specialized Online system (SO: +14.7). fine-tuning the generic model) are constraints that As expected, the batch APE model trained on few LSPs are probably able to satisfy. generic data only (that is, without in-domain in- formation) is unable to improve the quality of 5 Conclusion raw MT output. 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