Preface     On   behalf   of   the   Program   Committee,   a   very   warm   welcome   to   the   Fifth   Italian   Conference   on   Computational   Linguistics   (CLiC-­‐it   2018).   This   edition   of   the   conference   is   held   in   Torino.   The   conference  is  locally  organised  by  the  University  of  Torino  and  hosted  into  its  prestigious  main   lecture   hall   “Cavallerizza   Reale”.   The   CLiC-­‐it   conference   series   is   an   initiative   of   the   Italian   Association   for   Computational   Linguistics   (AILC)   which,   after   five   years   of   activity,   has   clearly   established   itself   as   the   premier   national   forum   for   research   and   development   in   the   fields   of   Computational   Linguistics   and   Natural   Language   Processing,   where   leading   researchers   and   practitioners  from  academia  and  industry  meet  to  share  their  research  results,  experiences,  and   challenges.     This  year  CLiC-­‐it  received  70  submissions  against  64  submissions  in  2015,  69  in  2016  and  72   in   2017.   The   Programme   Committee   worked   very   hard   to   ensure   that   every   paper   received   at   least  two  careful  and  fair  reviews.  This  process  finally  led  to  the  acceptance  of  18  papers  for  oral   presentation   and   45   papers   for   poster   presentation,   with   a   global   acceptance   rate   of   90%   motivated  by  the  inclusive  spirit  of  the  conference.  The  conference  is  also  receiving  considerable   attention   from   the   international   community,   with   16   (23%)   submissions   showing   at   least   one   author   affiliated   to   a   foreign   institution.   Regardless   of   the   format   of   presentation,   all   accepted   papers   are   allocated   5   pages   plus   2   pages   for   references   in   the   proceedings,   available   as   open   access   publication.   In   line   with   previous   editions,   the   conference   is   organised   around   thematic   areas  managed  by  one  or  two  area  chairs  per  area.     In  addition  to  the  technical  programme,  this  year  we  are  honoured  to  have  as  invited  speakers   internationally   recognised   researchers   as   Johan   Bos   (University   of   Groningen)   and   Iryna   Gurevych   (Technische   Universität   Darmstadt).   We   are   very   grateful   to   Johan   and   Iryna   for   agreeing   to   share   with   the   Italian   community   their   knowledge   and   expertise   on   key   topics   in   Computational  Linguistics.     Traditionally,  around  one  half  of  the  participants  at  CLiC-­‐it  are  young  postdocs,  PhD  students,   and  even  undergraduate  students.  As  in  the  previous  edition  of  the  conference,  we  organised  a   special   track   called   “Research   Communications”,   encouraging   authors   of   articles   published   in   2018   at   outstanding   international   conferences   in   our   field   to   submit   short   abstracts   of   their   work.  Research  communications  are  not  published  in  the  proceedings,  but  are  orally  presented   within  a  dedicated  session  at  the  conference,  in  order  to  enforce  dissemination  of  excellence  in   research.       Moreover,   during   the   conference   we   award   the   prize   for   the   best   Master   Thesis   (Laurea   Magistrale)  in  Computational  Linguistics,  submitted  at  an  Italian  University  between  August  1st   2017   and   July   31st   2018.   This   special   prize   is   also   endorsed   by   AILC.   We   have   received   6   candidate  theses,  which  have  been  evaluated  by  a  special  jury.  The  prize  will  be  awarded  at  the   conference,  by  a  member  of  the  jury.       As  last  year,  we  propose  a  tutorial  at  the  beginning  of  the  conference  (Paolo  Rosso  –  Profiling   Information   in   Social   Media).   We   highlight   the   importance   that  this   kind   of   opportunities   have   for   young   researchers   in   particular,   and   we   are   proud   of   having   made   the   tutorial   attendance   free  for  all  registered  students.     Even   if   CLiC-­‐it   is   a   medium   size   conference,   organizing   this   annual   meeting   requires   major   effort  from  many  people.  This  conference  would  not  have  been  possible  without  the  dedication,   devotion   and   hard   work   of   the   members   of   the   Local   Organising   Committee,   who   volunteered   their  time  and  energies  to  contribute  to  the  success  of  the  event.  We  are  also  extremely  grateful   to  our  Programme  Committee  members  for  producing  a  lot  of  detailed  and  insightful  reviews,  as   well  as  to  the  Area  Chairs  who  assisted  the  Programme  Chairs  in  their  duties.  All  these  people   are   named   in   the   following   pages.   We   also   want   to   acknowledge   the   support   from   endorsing   organisations   and   institutions   and   from   all   of   our   sponsors,   who   generously   provided   funds   and   services   that   are   crucial   for   the   realisation   of   this   event.   Special   thanks   are   also   due   to   the   University   of   Torino   for   its   support   in   the   organisation   of   the   event   and   for   hosting   the   conference  at  the  main  lecture  hall  “Cavallerizza  Reale”.     Please  join  us  at  CLiC-­‐it  2018  to  interact  with  experts  from  academia  and  industry  on  topics   related   to   Computational   Linguistics   and   Natural   Language   Processing   and   to   experience   and   share  new  research  findings,  best  practices,  state-­‐of-­‐the-­‐art  systems  and  applications.  We  hope   that  this  year’s  conference  will  be  intellectually  stimulating,  and  that  you  will  take  home  many   new  ideas  and  methods  that  will  help  extend  your  own  research.                     Elena  Cabrio,  Alessandro  Mazzei  and  Fabio  Tamburini   CLiC-­‐it  2018  General  Chairs   Organising  Committee     Conference  and  Programme  Chairs     Elena  Cabrio  (Université  Côte  d’Azur,  Inria,  CNRS,  I3S)   Alessandro  Mazzei  (Università  di  Torino)   Fabio  Tamburini  (Università  di  Bologna)     Area  Chairs     Dialogue,  Discourse  and  Natural  Language  Generation   Barbara  Di  Eugenio  (University  of  Illinois)     Information  Extraction,  Information  Retrieval  and  Question  Answering   Pierpaolo  Basile  (Università  degli  Studi  di  di  Bari  “Aldo  Moro”)   Luigi  Di  Caro  (Università  di  Torino)     Language  and  Cognition   Marco  Marelli  (Università  di  Milano-­‐Bicocca)   Daniele  Radicioni  (Università  di  Torino)     Language  Resources   Cristina  Bosco  (Università  di  Torino)   Maria  Simi  (Università  degli  Studi  di  Pisa)     Linguistic  Issues  in  CL  and  NLP   Alessandro  Lenci  (Università  degli  Studi  di  Pisa)     Johanna  Monti  (Università  di  Napoli  “L’Orientale”)       Machine  Learning  for  NLP   Danilo  Croce  (Università  di  Roma,  Tor  Vergata)       Machine  Translation  and  Multilinguality   Marco  Turchi  (Fondazione  Bruno  Kessler,  Trento)       Morphology  and  Syntax  Processing   Felice  dell’Orletta  (Istituto  di  Linguistica  Computazionale  “Antonio  Zampolli”,  CNR)     Giorgio  Satta  (Università  di  Padova)       NLP  for  Digital  Humanities   Simonetta  Montemagni  (Istituto  di  Linguistica  Computazionale  “Antonio  Zampolli”,  CNR)     Sara  Tonelli  (Fondazione  Bruno  Kessler,  Trento)       NLP  for  Web  and  Social  Media   Paolo  Rosso  (Universitat  Politècnica  de  València)       Pragmatics  and  Creativity   Marco  Guerini  (Fondazione  Bruno  Kessler,  Trento)       Research  and  Industrial  NLP  Applications   Roberto  Basili  (Università  di  Roma,  Tor  Vergata)     Semantics  and  Knowledge  Representation   Malvina  Nissim  (Università  di  Groningen)     Spoken  Language  Processing  and  Automatic  Speech  Understanding   Francesco  Cutugno  (Università  di  Napoli  “Federico  II”)       Local  Organisers  from  the  University  of  Torino     Alessandro  Mazzei   Cristina  Bosco   Viviana  Patti   Daniele  Radicioni   Alessandra  Cignarella   Reviewers       Sabita   Acharya,   Mehrdad   Alizadeh,   Simona   Amenta,   Oscar   Araque,   Giuseppe   Attardi,   Valentina   Bambini,   Francesco   Barbieri,   Anabela   Barreiro,   Pierpaolo   Basile,   Valerio   Basile,   Roberto   Basili,   Núria  Bel,  Luisa  Bentivogli,  Laurent  Besacier,  Andrea  Bolioli,  Marianna  Bolognesi,  Anna  Borghi,   Johan   Bos,   Federico   Boschetti,   Cristina   Bosco,   Dominique   Brunato,   Davide   Buscaldi,   Elena   Cabrio,   Cristina   Cacciari,   Nicoletta   Calzolari,   Angelo   Cangelosi,   Tommaso   Caselli,   Giuseppe   Castellucci,  Mario  Cataldi,  Alessandro  Cattelan,  Fabio  Celli,  Mauro  Cettolo,  Emmanuele  Chersoni,   Cristiano   Chesi,   Isabella   Chiari,   Francesca   Chiusaroli,   Alessandra   Teresa   Cignarella,   Andrea   Cimino,   Anna   Corazza,   Elisa   Corino,   Gianpaolo   Coro,   Piero   Cosi,   Davide   Crepaldi,   Danilo   Croce,   Franco  Cutugno,  José  G.  C.  de  Souza,  Thierry  Declerck,  Felice  Dell'Orletta,  Marco  Deltredici,  Maria   Pia  Di  Buono,  Luigi  Di  Caro,  Barbara  Di  Eugenio,  Maria  Di  Maro,  Giorgio  Maria  Di  Nunzio,  Mauro   Dragoni,  Andrea  Esuli,  Stefano  Faralli,  Marcello  Ferro,  Elisabetta  Fersini,  Mikel  Forcada,  Simona   Frenda,   Francesca   Frontini,   Lorenzo   Gatti,   Anastasia   Giachanou,   Emiliano   Giovannetti,   Marco   Guerini,   Itika   Gupta,   Hessel   Haagsma,   Christian   Hardmeier,   Aurelie   Herbelot,   Elisabetta   Jezek,   Maria   Jung   Barrett,   Fahad   Khan,   Abhinav   Kumar,   Alberto   Lavelli,   Gianluca   Lebani,   Alessandro   Lenci,   Eleonora   Litta,   Simone   Magnolini,   Diego   Marcheggiani,   Marco   Marelli,   Claudia   Marzi,   Alessandro  Mazzei,  Ida  Mele,  Massimo  Melucci,  Stefano  Menini,  Paola  Merlo,  Anne-­‐Lise  Minard,   Monica  Monachini,  Natawut  Monaikul,  Simonetta  Montemagni,  Johanna  Monti,  Alejandro  Moreo   Fernández,  Alessandro  Moschitti,  Claudio  Mulatti,  Cataldo  Musto,  Federico  Nanni,  Borja  Navarro-­‐ Colorado,   Massimo   Nicosia,   Malvina   Nissim,   Nicole   Novielli,   Antonio   Origlia,   Alessio   Palmero   Aprosio,   Silvia   Pareti,   Marco   Passarotti,   Viviana   Patti,   Serena   Pelosi,   Arianna   Pipitone,   Vito   Pirrelli,   Roberto   Pirrone,   Massimo   Poesio,   Daniele   Radicioni,   Francisco   Manuel   Rangel   Pardo,   Diego   Reforgiato,   Giuseppe   Rizzo,   Matteo   Romanello,   Francesco   Ronzano,   Paolo   Rosso,   Irene   Russo,   Federico   Sangati,   Manuela   Sanguinetti,   Enrico   Santus,   Giorgio   Satta,   Giovanni   Semeraro,   Marco   S.   G.   Senaldi,   Maria   Simi,   Giovanni   Siragusa,   Claudia   Soria,   Rachele   Sprugnoli,   Jacopo   Staiano,  Simone  Sulpizio,  Fabio  Tamburini,  Serra  Tekiroglu,  Sara  Tonelli,  Marco  Turchi,  Antonio   Uva,  Giulia  Venturi,  Laure  Vieu.               CLiC-­‐it  2018  is  endorsed  by           Silver  Sponsors       Bronze  Sponsors