=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2257/paper04 |storemode=property |title=Augmented Reality Tools in Physics Training at Higher Technical Educational Institutions |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2257/paper04.pdf |volume=Vol-2257 |authors=Tetiana V. Hruntova,Yuliia V. Yechkalo,Andrii M. Striuk,Andrey V. Pikilnyak |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/aredu/HruntovaYSP18 }} ==Augmented Reality Tools in Physics Training at Higher Technical Educational Institutions== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2257/paper04.pdf
          Augmented Reality Tools in Physics Training
          at Higher Technical Educational Institutions

       Tetiana V. Hruntova[0000-0001-6775-6361], Yuliia V. Yechkalo[0000-0002-0164-8365],
       Andrii M. Striuk[0000-0001-9240-1976] and Andrey V. Pikilnyak[0000-0003-0898-4756]

          State Institution of Higher Education “Kryvyi Rih National University”,
                   11, Vitali Matusevich St., Kryvyi Rih, 50027, Ukraine
    {tatianagru, uliaechk, andrey.n.stryuk, pikilnyak}@gmail.com

        Abstract. Research goal: the research is aimed at theoretical substantiation of
        applying the augmented reality technology and its peculiarities at higher tech-
        nical educational institutions. Research objectives: the research is to solve the
        problems of determining the role and place of the technology in the educational
        process and its possible application to physics training. Object of research: teach-
        ing physics to students of higher technical educational institutions. Subject of re-
        search: the augmented reality technology as a component of the training process
        at higher educational institutions. Research methods used: theoretical methods
        include analysis of scientific and methodological literature; empirical methods
        include studying and observation of the training process. Research results: anal-
        ysis of scientific publications allows defining the notion of augmented reality;
        application of augmented reality objects during laboratory practical works on
        physics is suggested. Main conclusions. introduction of the augmented reality
        technology in the training process at higher technical educational institutions in-
        creases learning efficiency, facilitates students’ training and cognitive activities,
        improves the quality of knowledge acquisition, provokes interest in a subject,
        promotes development of research skills and a future specialist’s competent per-

        Keywords: mobile learning technology, augmented reality technology, training
        at university, a physics laboratory practicum.

1       Introduction

1.1     The Problem Statement
Professional competences of IT and engineering students are formed through learning
both professional and fundamental subjects, physics in particular. That is why a lec-
turer’s task is to search for new training technologies, i.e. training methods, tools, and
organization forms to master the content of a subject and realize training principles
aimed at forming a competent specialist and improving his/her competences.
   Introduction of modern ICT is a priority of Ukraine’s education development. It es-
pecially concerns the technologies aimed at improving the training process, making
training material more available, enhancing educational mobility and efficiency, pre-
paring students for professional activity and life in the information society. Mobile
learning is an example of such modern technology, which is associated with the concept
of mobile learning [13] and the augmented reality (AR) technology.
   Modern mobile learning tools are those that call for ensuring more efficient master-
ing of theoretical material and practical skills [14].
   Students themselves are reluctant to apply mobile devices to learning regardless of
high-level technological advancements [26]. It is the educator who sets all internal and
external mechanisms of learning in motion for students to acquire necessary knowledge
[9]. Therefore, basic advantages of mobile learning (an unlimited access to the training
content, a free choice of a place and time of learning, elimination of nonproductive
time, convenience, consideration of individual peculiarities, absence of restrictions as
to class schedules) [12] and increased number of software tools (mobile applications)
for working with AR objects should be taken into account while organizing classes and
preparing students for them [7].

1.2    Theoretical background
Issues of introducing ICT and modern learning tools in teaching physics and initial
experiment work have been raised by Petro S. Atamanchuk [1], Valerii Yu. Bykov [4],
Yurii M. Oryshchyn [21], Mykola I. Sadovyi [22], Valentyna D. Sharko [25], Illia O.
Teplytskyi [28], Stepan P. Velychko [29], Myroslav I. Zhaldak [31], Yurii O. Zhuk
[32], and other domestic researchers.
   Yurii O. Zhuk indicates that relations between man and technology can be normal if
they are rational and efficient [32].
   Myroslav I. Zhaldak thinks that ICT application to the training process provides wide
opportunities to make training creative, inquisitive and attractive with its results evok-
ing satisfaction, the desire to work and search for new knowledge [31].
   Mykola I. Shut [15], Volodymyr F. Zabolotnyi [30], Vadim A. Ilin [16], Bohdan A.
Sus [27], Volodymyr P. Serhiienko [23] considered problems of data visualization in
physics training at higher school.
   Volodymyr F. Zabolotnyi states that active perception of visual information oc-curs
when it is structured and accompanied by explanations. It requires special organ-ization
and deliberate methods of material presentation [30].
   Augmented reality as a specific innovative environment of communication has been
studied by such foreign investigators as Ronald Т. Azuma [3], Reinhold R. Beh-ringer
[2], Yohan Baillot [18], Walter P. Donnelly [19], Simon Julier [17], Steven K. Feiner
[6], and Blair MacIntyre [5].
   In Ronald T. Azuma’s opinion, augmented reality is a variation of the virtual envi-
ronment (VE) or virtual reality (VR). VE technologies plunge a user into the artificially
made environment in such a way that he/she cannot see the real world. As opposed to
VE technologies, augmented reality enables a user to see the real world while virtual
objects are superposed on or combined with the reality. That is why, the AR technology
supplements the reality without replacing it entirely. This technology allows incorpo-
rating elements of virtual reality into the surrounding world. Thus, Azuma defined aug-
mented reality as a system combining virtual and real elements, interacting online and
operating in 3D [3].
   The key feature of augmented reality is possible obtainment of additional infor-
mation or a virtual action perceived as real by our brain as there are accesses to virtual
opportunities in the real environment.
   People apply augmented reality to navigation, architecture, medicine and warfare.
Nowadays, there are many approaches to the AR technology application to education.
   Introduction of AR technologies in education is topical as this innovative system
will enhance students’ motivation and increase the level of data acquisition due to di-
versity and interactivity of its visual presentation [24]. Any AR tools can be a training
object if it is controlled and facilitates users’ interaction with real objects in order to
study their properties during experimental investigation [20].

1.3    The objective of the article
The objective of the article is to solve the problems of determining the role and place
of the technology in the educational process and its possible application to physics

2      Presenting the Main Material

At physics department of Kryvyi Rih National University, possible directions of intro-
ducing the AR technology in education are under study including a laboratory practi-
cum on physics.
   Skills of experimenting and data analysis are developed during laboratory practi-
cums when a student conducts experiments independently. This organization form of
physics classes allows developing such personality traits as diligence, insistence, pur-
posefulness, power of observation in a greater degree than other forms. It also facilitates
students’ constructive thinking, interest in a subject and creative approach to knowledge
acquisition, thus enhancing future specialists’ activity in future. Considering ad-
vantages of the laboratory practicum, a lecturer is to organize and prepare it so that the
above-mentioned advantages reveal themselves in class. At the initial stage of the la-
boratory practicum, a lecturer should make the material interesting as in interest situa-
tions, students’ fatigue falls, while efficiency of training rises [10]. Introduction of the
augmented reality technology as a visualization tools of training material presentation
is an important condition of learning efficiency increase at higher educational institu-
   AR objects, namely video instructions for performing laboratory works, are consid-
ered a result of adding virtual objects (extra data) to markers, which are perceived as
objects of the real world. Video instructions help visualize the procedure of work per-
formance, indicate specific features of an experiment and facilitate students’ percep-
tion. These markers for video demonstrations can be schematic draughts of laboratory
instructions for performing works, which can be found in classrooms, at the library or
the website of physics department. Students can get ready for a laboratory work easily,
even if he/she is not in the auditorium with real installations at this moment.
    Students with visual thinking have difficulty in understanding and mastering training
material as they are unable to comprehend and study a phenomenon without visualizing
it. Students with theoretical thinking, who are able to acquire formalized knowledge,
can use mobile learning tools as an additional mean for developing their visual thinking
[11] and focus. Therefore, augmented reality is capable of activating all human senses,
evoking interest and improving a general impression of a class.
    AR objects are created by software tool Aurasma (HP Reveal), a smartphone appli-
cation developed by the British company Autonomy, which is able to recognize visual
images in the real world [8].
    When pointing a smartphone or tablet camera at a picture-marker, a mobile device
starts scanning it. On the screen, there appears a video of a lecturer demonstrating a
laboratory installation, its basic components and commenting on the experiment proce-
dure (Fig. 1). It helps visualize students’ step-by-step actions, indicate peculiarities of
each work, consider them and save time. AR application to physics workshops facili-
tates students’ understanding of drawings, instructions as it supplements printed infor-

 Fig. 1. Application of AR objects to methodological recommendations to physics laboratory

As a rule, there is one lecturer for groups of up to 20 students at classes of physics
laboratory workshops. His/her duties include giving a permission for students to work,
consulting on performing experiments and calculation of physical values, checking ob-
tained results, assisting in building graphs and statistical processing of results, ques-
tioning students (according to questions on laboratory work defense) and assessing
them. It is a great amount of work to be done by one lecturer considering the fact that
all students perform different works.
   Application of AR objects makes perception of procedures of experiments and the-
ory presentation simpler, provides opportunities for students to get ready for laboratory
works at home more thoroughly. Both full-time and correspondence students who do
not have enough time during lecture periods can do it.
   AR objects help students process information in their own pace [12]. There is an
opportunity to watch a video instruction several times without disturbing a lecturer dur-
ing classes. A lecturer has more time to consult other students as to their calculations,
laboratory work defence, etc.
   Students, who were offered to use the AR technology, got interested in applying it
to performing laboratory works as an additional learning tools and liked the idea of
visualizing training material through a mobile application.
   Application of mobile devices (smartphones, tablets, HMD, etc.) as basic elements
of the AR technology in the training process is substantiated only in case of providing
sufficient capacity of mobile processors, great resolution of modern screens and built-
in cameras, an access to additional facilities of the system (a gyroscope, Wi-Fi, GPS,
3D data transmission, etc.), which are available in most modern devices.
   Most students have mobile devices, which can be accompanied by AR objects for
providing distance learning in out-of-class periods.

3      Conclusion

Thanks to the AR technology, mobile learning tools allow making classes interesting
and diverse. Mobile-oriented learning material becomes visualized and understandable,
thus enhancing students’ perception, understanding and acquisition of complicated no-
tions, phenomena and laws of physics [12].
   Thus, application of AR as a visualization tool at physics laboratory practicums at
technical universities motivates students and allows solving the problem of learning
efficiency [14] by increasing their knowledge quality and interest in a subject, devel-
oping research skills, active independent knowledge acquisition and forming a compe-
tent personality of a future specialist.
   In conditions of intensive informatization of modern educational institutions, a lec-
turer has to work in a new way. He/she is to be a mediator in the world of multiple
sources of information and help students find it and teach how to deal with it. Thus,
there arises a necessity to develop a mobile-oriented tutorial on physics based on the
augmented reality technology.
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