=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2262/ekaw-demo-24 |storemode=property |title=Authoring and Publishing Linked Open Film-Analytical Data |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2262/ekaw-demo-24.pdf |volume=Vol-2262 |authors=Henning Agt-Rickauer,Olivier Aubert,Christian Hentschel,Harald Sack |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ekaw/Agt-RickauerAHS18 }} ==Authoring and Publishing Linked Open Film-Analytical Data== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2262/ekaw-demo-24.pdf
         Authoring and Publishing Linked Open
                 Film-Analytical Data

    Henning Agt-Rickauer1 , Olivier Aubert2 , Christian Hentschel1 , and Harald
                 Hasso Plattner Institute for IT Systems Engineering,
                     University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany
                    LS2N UMR CNRS 6004, University of Nantes
            FIZ Karlsruhe - Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure,
               Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany

        Abstract. Exploiting Linked Open Data for the annotation of audio-
        visual patterns in film-analytical studies provides significant advantages,
        such as the non-ambiguous use of language as well as the possibility
        to publish and to reuse valuable data. On the other hand, film schol-
        ars typically lack the know-how to cope with semantic annotations and,
        moreover, most software for annotating audio-visual material does not
        provide means to enter semantic annotations directly. The project pre-
        sented in this paper aims to provide an ontology for film-analytical stud-
        ies complemented by a video annotation software adapted for authoring
        and publishing Linked Open Data by non-experts.

1     Introduction

The study of audio-visual rhetorics of affect scientifically analyses the impact
of auditory and visual staging patterns on the perception of media productions
as well as the conveyed emotions [4]. The AdA-project4 aims to explore the
hypothesis of TV reports drawing on audio-visual patterns in cinematographic
productions to emotionally affect viewers, by analyzing TV reports, documen-
taries and genre-films of the topos “financial crisis”. In a large-scale corpus anal-
ysis film scientists identify and annotate low- to high-level audio-visual patterns,
such as shot duration, dominant colors, major-minor tonality and depicted vi-
sual concepts. Comparison of different annotations from different scenes and
genres allows film scientists to analyze this opinion-forming level of reporting.
In order to avoid ambiguities within and enable reuse of and reasoning based on
the generated pattern annotations, we pursue two main objectives: 1) creating a
standardized annotation vocabulary to be applied for semantic annotations and
2) enabling non-expert users to adopt and benefit from these annotations.
    AdA-project — http://www.ada.cinepoetics.fu-berlin.de/
2      Henning Agt-Rickauer, Olivier Aubert, Christian Hentschel, and Harald Sack

    In the next section of this paper, we describe the vocabulary used for anno-
tation of audio-visual material, which is based on Linked Open Data principles.
The annotation process is performed by film scientists using Advene [3] — a
software toolkit to annotate audio-visual documents. To accommodate specific
needs of the project, Advene was extended to improve the manual annotation
process, with integration of automatic and semi-automatic helpers, and with
support of RDF interoperability through the import of OWL ontologies and ex-
port of RDF data. The third section of this paper will therefore present these
extensions in more detail and show how Advene helps film scientists to apply
semantic annotations without having to deal with the technical challenges. The
last part of this paper will give a small outlook on the presented demo. We pro-
vide some screenshots and screencasts of the Advene video annotation software
at https://ProjectAdA.github.io/ekaw2018/.

2   Open Film-Analytical Data

Film scientists carry out an in-depth corpus analysis by precisely describing
feature films, documentaries and TV news according to a film-analytical anno-
tation method called eMAEX5 . The description involves a lot of manual effort,
creating hundreds of annotations per scene as ground truth data. One goal of
the project [1] is to publish this valuable data as Linked Open Data to make
these annotations available to other film scientists as well as researchers from
other domains. Therefore, we developed an ontology for fine-grained semantic
video annotation, constructed semantic metadata for our video corpus, and im-
plemented linked data extensions for the Advene annotation software.
    The AdA ontology offers a vocabulary with a number of categories under
which a movie is analyzed (e.g., camera, image composition, acoustics). Each
category includes the respective concepts with which the segments of a movie
are annotated (e.g., camera movement speed, field size). About 75% of the con-
cepts have associated predefined values (e.g., long shot, medium shot, closeup
and others for field size). Others are free-text annotations, such as dialog tran-
scriptions. Currently, the AdA ontology includes 9 categories (annotation level),
78 concepts (annotation types), and 435 predefined annotation values. We pro-
vide an online version6 and a download at the GitHub page of the project7 .
    The ontology contains a data model that uses the latest Web Annotation
Vocabulary8 to express annotations and Media Fragments URIs 9 for timecode-
based referencing of video material. This allows the publication of semantic audio
and video annotations as Linked Open Data. Semantic metadata of the video
corpus is described using the classes and properties of DBpedia, Schema.org,
  eMAEX - Electronically-based Media Analysis of EXpressive movements — https:
               Authoring and Publishing Linked Open Film-Analytical Data         3

and Linked Movie Database, and movies are linked to DBpedia and Wikidata if
present in the respective knowledge base.

3   Bridging the Gap with Advene

Advene is a free (GPL) video annotation software aiming at a great flexibility to
accommodate the various needs of different users. Some adaptations have been
implemented for the project in order to facilitate the annotation task, allowing
faster annotation, better collaboration and exporting data into RDF, continuing
previous efforts [2] in this domain. One of the goals of the project is to allow
non-technical users to manage semantic information, more specifically semantic
metadata linked to audiovisual fragments. In addition to the generic constraints
of video annotation, a common hurdle is the tediousness of specifying precise
URIs for semantic content. The Advene platform defines a notion of package,
which contains the annotations themselves, but also the definition of the an-
notation structure and their visualizations. In the context of a specific Advene
package, URIs for all ontology elements are specified as metadata, which gives
the semantic context for the non-semantic information contained in the annota-
tions. Users are facing mostly basic types and keywords, linked to their expertise
domain. When exporting annotation data to RDF, keywords are translated to
proper URIs using information present as annotation type metadata.
    OWL Import The Advene data model consists of user-defined annotation
types and relation types. These types can be grouped into schemas that materi-
alize a specific analysis frame. One of the goals of the project was to provide a
way to map the AdA ontology into an Advene set of types and schemas, accom-
panied with appropriate metadata. The mapping of the AdA ontology structure
translated the notion of Annotation Level into Advene schema, and Annota-
tion Types as Advene annotation types. The annotation content can be part
of a fixed vocabulary, defined by the ontology. Each predefined value from the
ontology has been mapped to a simple keyword (shortname), with metadata al-
lowing to remap it to its original URI during the RDF export phase. An OWL
import plugin was developed for Advene. As AdA ontology development under-
went many iterations, Advene’s merge functionality has been improved to better
support data migration.
    RDF Export One of the characteristics of Advene is the possibility for
users to define their own visualisations, through a template language initially
aimed at producing XML data, but which can also produce any kind of data.
This approach, which is used for the majority of Advene export filters, has
initially been used to implement an RDF export of the annotation data, using
the AdA ontology model. However, some project-specific complex structures
like evolving or contrasting values could not easily be implemented through this
simple syntax-based approach. A new RDFLib-based export filter has thus been
developed, offering better robustness, expressiveness and performance. As with
the ontology import filter, it is rather specific to the AdA ontology, but its code
can be used as a reference implementation for other RDF export filters.
4       Henning Agt-Rickauer, Olivier Aubert, Christian Hentschel, and Harald Sack

    Interface Adaptation The annotation interface has been streamlined and
extended, to allow faster input of predefined vocabularies. In order to increase
the speed of manual annotation by means of automatic content classification,
the interface allows for calling external webservices. As a first proof-of-concept,
a convolutional neural network-based approach for visual concept detection in
keyframes has been implemented. Advene tries to be agnostic about the data that
can be stored in annotations. In order to ensure that newly added annotations are
part of the AdA ontology, the Advene constraint checker, that gives a constant
feedback, has been extended with ontology-specific checkers.

4    Demo and Conclusion
In the demo it will be demonstrated how to create semantic annotations with
Advene. This includes importing the project’s ontology, using Advene templates,
creating annotations in the timeline view, using the constraint checker and ex-
porting RDF. Also insights will be provided into the linked data that is already
published under http://ada.filmontology.org/: the AdA Ontology, video
corpus metadata as well as RDF annotations of the use-case movie. Finally, it
will be demonstrated how this data can be queried using the SPARQL endpoint.
    In this paper, we presented a small overview about how semantic annotations
are applied in film-analytical studies. An ontology has been developped specif-
ically for the purpose of annotating audio-visual patterns using Linked Open
Data and it has been presented how Advene can be applied to hide the com-
plexity of semantic annotations for non-expert users. Future work will focus on
the integration of semi-automatic analysis in order to speedup the expensive
annotation process.

Acknowledgments. This work is partially supported by the Federal Ministry
of Education and Research under grant number 01UG1632B.

1. Agt-Rickauer, H., Hentschel, C., Sack, H.: Semantic annotation and automated ex-
   traction of audio-visual staging patterns in large-scale empirical film studies. In:
   Proceedings of the Posters and Demos Track of the 14th International Conference
   on Semantic Systems (SEMANTiCS 2018), Vienna, Austria (2018)
2. Aubert, O., Champin, P.A., Prié, Y.: Integration of semantic web technology in an
   annotation-based hypervideo system. In: SWAMM 2006, First International Work-
   shop on Semantic Web Annotations for Multimedia, 15th WWW Conference (2006)
3. Aubert, O., Prié, Y.: Advene: active reading through hypervideo. In: ACM Hyper-
   text’05. pp. 235–244. Salzburg, Austria (Sep 2005)
4. Scherer, T., Greifenstein, S., Kappelhoff, H.: Expressive movements in audiovisual
   media: Modulating affective experience. In: Müller, C., Cienki, A., Fricke, E., et al.
   (eds.) Body – Language – Communication. An international handbook on multi-
   modality in human interaction, pp. 2081–2092. De Gruyter Mouton, Berlin, New
   York (2014)