=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2262/ekaw-poster-22 |storemode=property |title=Extracting Information from Medieval Notarial Deeds |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2262/ekaw-poster-22.pdf |volume=Vol-2262 |authors=Charlene Ellul,Charlie Abela,Joel Azzopardi |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ekaw/EllulAA18 }} ==Extracting Information from Medieval Notarial Deeds== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2262/ekaw-poster-22.pdf
                  Extracting Information from
                   Medieval Notarial deeds?

               Charlene Ellul1 , Joel Azzopardi1 and Charlie Abela1

                         University of Malta, Malta
charlene.ellul@um.edu.mt joel.azzopardi@um.edu.mt charlie.abela@um.edu.mt

        Abstract. The Notarial Archives in Valletta houses a collection of Latin
        Notarial deeds that has not been exploited yet. In this paper, Machine
        Learning techniques are proposed and implemented to extract entities
        such as people, place names, dates, deed types and keywords from these
        historical texts. Both supervised and unsupervised techniques are con-
        sidered and compared with baseline models. Experimental results on a
        subset of these documents are already showing results that outperform
        the baselines for Latin text such as those from CLTK. Evaluation was
        carried out using indexes of four published Notarial Registers.

        Keywords: Named Entity Recognition · Keyphrase Extraction · Text
        Classification · Latin Text · Historical Texts

1     Introduction

Archives around the world are a source of hidden information. One of these
archival gems is found at the Notarial Archives in Valletta, Malta and houses
around 20,000 notarial deeds dating back to the 13th century. It is typically the
case that archives publish high quality images and metadata of the structure
of historical documents, but the content itself is not exposed in a meaningful
way to aid historians. In literature, some researchers [1] dedicated their efforts
to mine data from medieval Latin documents. The extraction of named entities
such as dates, places and people can be used to aid historical research in areas
such as genealogy and toponymy.
   Most of the notarial deeds found in the Valletta archives fall under categories
such as wills, dowry and transfer of land. Although some notaries used to write
the deed type, this was not a requirement. Thus, text classification can be used
to maximize the use of the remaining words to predict the presented deed type.
Automatic keyphrase extraction can be used to express a document as a set of
keywords/keyphrases[2]. A notarial deed can be represented in a similar way to
shed light on its content and avoid unnecessary handling whilst also reducing
the time required for archival researchers and enthusiasts to find what they are
looking for.
    This work is partially funded by project E-18LO28-01 as part of the collaboration
    between the Notarial Archives in Valletta and the University of Malta.
2        C. Ellul, J. Azzopardi and C. Abela

    In our research we use four Latin notarial transcribed registers entitled ’Doc-
umentary Sources of Maltese History’ and compiled by Professor Stanley Fior-
ini[3]. These are the only existent transcribed documents from the collection
dating back to the 15th century with 981 deeds. Our main goal is to extract
entities such as dates, people, places, deed types and keyphrases. Annotating
a large corpus of data requires expertise and time, fortunately, however, these
publications include indexes for place names, persons and subjects which could
be used to annotate the deeds and also for evaluation.
    In the rest of the paper, we discuss some related work in Section 2 and present
the adopted methodology in the following section. In Section 3 we present some
initial evaluation which is followed by some future work.

2     Related Work

Latin poses a great challenge for Named Entity Recognition (NER). Annotated
corpora that can be used for training are scarce and most of them focus on clas-
sical texts. Conditional Random Fields (CRF) have been used successfully for
training Latin models as in Aguilar et al. [1] who applied CRF on a database of
Burgundy cartularies which were manually annotated. Text classification tech-
niques based on supervised machine learning have also been used in the context
of different languages[4].
    Both supervised and unsupervised models for Keyphrase detection and ex-
traction have been used successfully[2]. A keyphrase extraction model is usually
based on a list of extracted candidate words and some heuristic such as stopword
removal through which candidate keywords are filtered out. RAKE1 , TextRank2
and TF-IDF are three popular unsupervised approaches that have been applied
on generic languages [2]. A more domain-specific keyphrase extraction method
was developed by Witten et al. [5] who designed the KEA supervised algorithm.
Candidate keyphrases (up to 3 words) are filtered before computing TF-IDF
and the distance from the start of document for each candidate as features and
then fed into a Naive Bayes Model. CRF were used by Zhang et al. [6] using a
number of features among which are length of word, POS tag, previous words,
next words and TF-IDF. This was tested on a Chinese text and yielded the best
F1 score compared to SVM and other baseline models.


We used the indexes found in [3] to annotate the text with people’s names
and places for the NER, and keyphrases for keyphrase extraction. Typically a
keyphrase index has the following form, Coquine domus/domuncula 226, 241-
242, 396, with the term and the deeds containing the term. There exists however
an electronic version of a single index, while the other copies are available as hard
                       Extracting Information from Medieval Notarial deeds       3

copies. Furthermore, there is no index available for dates. A dictionary of all
possible mentioned entities was compiled using the Ratcliff-Obershelp distance
algorithm3 to annotate the text with the relevant tag to be used for evaluation.
    Dates are presented using indictions for the year and thus we had to work
out the indiction cycle of each act. Notaries tend to use shorthand when writing
dates such as eodem (same date as before) and penultimo (day before the last).
For this reason a rule based entity extraction was implemented to convert the
dates to modern dates. Extraction of person and place entities was performed
using a trained CRF model based on suffixes, uppercase, title, digit, POS, lemma,
next and previous words. The POS and lemma tags were derived using Schmidt’s
treetagger4 using parameters for Latin to improve accuracy. We used the Fiorini’s
register [3] to train and test our model which was then compared with existing
libraries such as the Classical Language Toolkit (CLTK) 5 , Spacy (multilingual
model)6 and Stanford’s NER (Spanish Model - Latin derivative)7 .
    Deeds can have a variety of categories and these were generalized for text
classification. In total there are 981 deeds and 79 different categories with an
average of 12 deeds per category. Some of the categories include only one deed,
making the training set highly imbalanced. Different feature vectors were tried
out including count vectors, word level TF-IDF, n-grams and character level
vectors. Different models were trained for deed classification using Naive Bayes,
Linear Classifier, SVM and Random Forest. The model with the highest accuracy
was saved.
    The index of keyphrases was used to annotate the corpus for keyphrase ex-
traction. Lemmas were used for comparisons as Latin often uses declensions. The
index was merged with the deed text using exact, lemma and stem matches. A
list of annotated/non-annotated words was kept for each deed to be used for
evaluation. Generic unsupervised approaches were used for keyphrase extraction
including TextRank, RAKE and TF-IDF, however these yielded unsatisfactory
results with RAKE giving the best results as shown in Table 1. We then used
a variant of the supervised approach presented by [5] called KEA which due to
its candidate phrases filtering did not yield good results. A CFR algorithm was
implemented using the same technique to extract entities for people and places,
with the addition of TF-IDF and distance features giving the best results as
shown in Table 1.

3   Evaluation
The results achieved for the extracted entities are already very promising. Both
NER and keyphrase extraction were done using 100 acts (indexes of other regis-
ters are yet to be used for annotations) with a 70%-30% split (results in Table 1).
  http://www.cis.uni-muenchen.de/ schmid/tools/TreeTagger/
4         C. Ellul, J. Azzopardi and C. Abela

Since we used a domain specific corpus, supervised models gave better results.
The dataset was highly imbalanced and the text classification was performed on
the whole corpus of 981 records with a 75%-25% split. A Linear classifier was
used that leveraged on CLTK’s stopword list and the count vector features giving
an accuracy of 72%. The removal of stopwords improved slightly the achieved
results across all trained models.
         Table 1. Name Entity Recognition and Keyphrase extraction results
Purpose              Method                          Precision Recall F1 score
NER People/Places    CLTK                            0.339     0.113 0.17
NER People/Places    Spacy with multilingual model   0.414     0.922 0.572
NER People/Places    Stanford NER with Spanish model 0.152     0.947 0.263
NER People/Places    Conditional Random Fields Model 0.956     0.957 0.956
                      RAKE with CLTK and
Keyphrase extraction Voyant tools stop words1        0.257     0.15    0.189
Purpose              Method                                   F1 score
                                                     O-KEY B-KEY I-KEY
Keyphrase extraction Conditional Random Fields       0.982     0.751 0.465

4      Future Work
In this paper, we presented our initial research on extracting entities and key-
phrases from historical Latin texts. The results are very encouraging even though
the datasets are fairly small. We plan to digitize the indexes of the other registers
in Fiorini’s collection so that we can train the models with more data. We will
furthermore be using the extracted information to create a knowledge graph for
the Notarial Archives.

1. S. T. Aguilar, X. Tannier, and P. Chastang, Named entity recognition applied on a
   database of Medieval Latin charters. The case of chartae burgundiae. M. Dring, A.
   Jatowt, J. Preiser-Kapeller, A. van den Bosch, 2016, pp. 67–71.
2. K. Saidul Hasan and V. Ng, Automatic Keyphrase Extraction: A Survey of the State
   of the Art. Association for Computational Linguistics, 2014, pp. 1262–1273.
3. S. Fiorini, Documentary Sources of Maltese History Part I Notarial Documents No
   3 Notary Paulo Bonello, Notary Giacomo Zabbara, 1st ed. University of Malta,
4. A. Al-Thubaity, N. Abanumay, S. Al-Jerayyed, A. Alrukban, and Z. Mannaa, “The
   effect of combining different feature selection methods on arabic text classification,”
   in 2013 14th IEEE/ACIS, SNPD, 2013, pp. 211–216.
5. I. H Witten, G. W Paynter, E. Frank, C. Gutwin, and C. G Nevill-Manning, “Kea:
   Practical automatic keyphrase extraction,” 1999.
6. C. Zhang, H. Wang, Y. Liu, D. Wu, Y. Liao, and B. Wang, “Automatic keyword
   extraction from documents using conditional random fields,” Journal of Computa-
   tional Information Systems, pp. 1169–1180, 2008.