=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2276/paper8 |storemode=property |title=How Biased Is Your NLG Evaluation? (short paper) |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2276/paper8.pdf |volume=Vol-2276 |authors=Pavlos Vougiouklis,Eddy Maddalena,Jonathon Hare,Elena Simperl |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/hcomp/VougiouklisMHS18 }} ==How Biased Is Your NLG Evaluation? (short paper)== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2276/paper8.pdf
            How Biased Is Your NLG Evaluation?

Pavlos Vougiouklis1† , Eddy Maddalena2† , Jonathon Hare1 , and Elena Simperl2

                        School of Electronics and Computer Science
                                University of Southampton
                              Southampton, United Kingdom
                             {pv1e13, jsh2}@ecs.soton.ac.uk
                          {e.maddalena, e.simperl}@soton.ac.uk

          Abstract. Human assessments by either experts or crowdworkers are
          used extensively for the evaluation of systems employed on a variety of
          text generative tasks. In this paper, we focus on the human evaluation of
          textual summaries from knowledge base triple-facts. More specifically, we
          investigate possible similarities between the evaluation that is performed
          by experts and crowdworkers. We generate a set of summaries from DB-
          pedia triples using a state-of-the-art neural network architecture. These
          summaries are evaluated against a set of criteria by both experts and
          crowdworkers. Our results highlight significant differences between the
          scores that are provided by the two groups.

          Keywords: Natural Language Generation · Human Evaluation · Crowd-

1       Introduction

In the last decade, crowdsourcing has gained increased interest since it offer the
methods to reach large amounts of online contributors capable of performing
in a small time large amounts of short human intelligence tasks. In particular,
it has served the evaluation purposes in different areas of computer science,
such as information retrieval [1], machine learning [6], and Natural Language
Processing [8].
    Human judgements are used for the evaluation of many systems employed
on a variety of text generative tasks ranging from Machine Translation [2] and
conversational agents [12,13] to generation of summaries [5,3,14] and questions
[9,4] in natural language over knowledge graphs. Depending on the task and
the evaluation criteria, these judgements are collected by either a small group
of “experts” or at a larger scale by crowdworkers that are recruited through a
crowdsourcing platform. Especially in the case of Natural Language Generation
(NLG) over knowledge graphs, human evaluation is crucial. This is attributed
to the inadequacy of the automatic text similarity metrics, such as BLEU [10]
or ROUGE [7], to objectively evaluate the generated text [11].
        The authors contributed equally to this work.
Vougiouklis et al.

    In this paper, we focus on the human evaluation of textual summaries from
knowledge base triple-facts [3,14]. More specifically, we wish to investigate whether
there is any similarity between the way that experts and crowdworkers perform
on the same evaluation tasks. We compile a list of three criteria that are usually
employed for the human evaluation of automatically generated texts [5,14]: (i) flu-
ency, (ii) coverage, and (iii) contradictions. We use the neural network approach
that has been recently proposed by Vougiouklis et al. in order to generate tex-
tual summaries from DBpedia triples. The summaries are evaluated against the
selected criteria by both experts and crowdworkers using the same task interface.
    Our experiments have showed that there are significant differences between
the scores that are provided by experts and the crowdworkers. Our future work
will focus on the methods with which the crowdworkers should be trained in
order to perform more accurately on similar tasks.

2       Experimental Design
We run a crowdsourcing task according to which we evaluate 20 summaries that
have been generated with the Triples2GRU system that has been proposed by
Vougiouklis et al.. We regard each summary as a a concise representation in
natural language of an input set of triple-facts. Each summary is generated by
Triples2GRU given a set of 8 to 18 triples1 , and is evaluated by 10 workers.
    Before starting the task, the workers are presented with general instructions.
They are also informed with respect to the ethics approval that we have received
for the carrying out of this experiment. The task consists of three phases through
which workers were required to evaluate a given summary: (i) text fluency (with
an integer number between 1 and 6), (ii) information coverage, by classifying as
“Present” or “Absent” each triple-fact from a given list, and (iii) contradictions,
by classifying each one of the aforementioned facts as “Direct Contraction” or
“Not a Contradiction”. At the beginning of each phase, the workers are presented
with definitions, suggestions, examples and counter-examples. Each worker was
rewarded with 0.20$. After the carrying out of the experiment, the same 20
summaries are also evaluated under the same setup by two experts.

3       Results
Fluency. For each summary, (i) we computed the average of the fluency scores
that have been assigned by the 10 workers. Then, (ii) we computed the average
of all the values obtained in (i) resulting in an average of 4.8 out of 6. The
average fluency with which the experts evaluated the 20 summaries was 5.28.
The ANOVA test computed on the two fluency score series produced p < 0.05.
Consequently, we can claim that compared to the experts, crowdworkers tend to
systematically underestimate the summaries’ fluency by 0.5 out of 6.
     The    pre-trained  version  of   Triples2GRU    that   we   used    (i.e.
https://github.com/pvougiou/Neural-Wikipedian) accepts up to 22 triples as in-
                                              How Biased Is Your NLG Evaluation?

Fig. 1. Task interface showing the page that both the experts and crowdworkers used
to identify facts whose information is contradicted in the summary.

Coverage. Workers evaluated the coverage of each summary with respect to a
set of triple-facts that generated it. Each summary is aligned with 8 − 18 facts.
The assessments were made by choosing between two labels: (i) “Present” for
facts that are either implicitly or explicitly mentioned in the summary, and (ii)
“Absent” for the rest. We compute the percentage of the “Present” facts for
each summary. Then, similarly to fluency, for each summary, we first compute
the average of coverage across the workers, and then the average across all the
summaries. The average coverage for all the 20 summaries was 26.85%. In our
second experiment, two experts repeated together the same evaluation resulting
in an average of 39.71% of facts covered by the summaries. As a result, workers
tend to undercount the presence of facts in the generated summaries (confirmed
by ANOVA test p < 0.05). Finally, a positive significant correlation (Pearson =
0.64) pointed out that workers evaluate coverage in a consistent manner with
the experts.
Contradictions. Workers were required to evaluate possible contradictions be-
tween the information in a given summary and the respective facts that generated
it. Workers were required to mark as “Direct Contradiction” facts that contra-
Vougiouklis et al.

dict the summary, and as “Not a Contradiction” the rest. For each summary,
we compute the percentage of facts that are labelled as contradictions by each
single workers. Similarly to coverage, (i) for each summary, we computed the av-
erage of the percentages of contradictions of all the workers, and (ii) we averaged
the contradiction scores across all the summaries. In a preliminary version of our
experiments, each fact was to be marked as either “Contradiction” or “Not Con-
tradiction”. However, this proved inadequate since workers were marking facts
that were not covered in the summary as contradicting, resulting in an average
of ∼ 50% of facts whose information is contradicted in the summaries. In order
to minimize the effect of contradictions, besides changing the available labels for
each triple-fact, in the contradiction instructions (shown before the third phase
of the task), we explicitly noted that contradictions should be rare and that we
expected many summaries without any of them. As shown in Fig. 1, we advise
workers to identify as contradictions only “Direct contradictions” whose infor-
mation is explicitly negated in the corresponding summary. Our final result of
30% represents the average of contradicting facts per summary. The same eval-
uation was made by the two expert, and the average percentage of triple-facts
that are contradicted in the summaries was 0.7%. Consequently, workers tend
(ANOVA test, p < 0.05) to significantly overestimate the presence of facts that
are contradicted in the generated summaries.

4    Conclusion
In this paper, we presented preliminary results of a work aimed to explore the use
of crowdsourcing for the evaluation of NLG systems. In particular, we focused
on the evaluation of textual summaries that are generated from triple-facts. We
compared the results of two studies, one that has been performed by experts and
one by crowdworkers. The evaluations were conducted in three phases: (i) the flu-
ency of the summary, (ii) the coverage, and (iii) the contradictions of a summary;
the latter two are assessed with respect to the given triple-facts. Our preliminary
analysis shows that crowdworkers tend to underestimate the fluency of the sum-
maries by 0.5 out of 6. While coverage is judged consistently across both experts
and crowdworkers, it is significantly underestimated by the latter. Lastly, despite
the fact that we emphasised on the low number of expected contradicting facts,
workers strongly overestimated their presence.
    A natural extension of this work is to identify the type of facts (i.e. predicates)
that influence negatively the workers’ judgement. Further studies will focus on
minimising this bias by both training workers on how to identify only direct
contradictions, and increasing the quality control of the experiment.

This research is partially supported by the Answering Questions using Web Data
(WDAqua) and QROWD projects, both of which are part of the Horizon 2020
programme under respective grant agreement Nos 642795 and 723088.
                                                 How Biased Is Your NLG Evaluation?


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