=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2283/MediaEval_18_paper_14 |storemode=property |title=Dublin's Participation in the Predicting Media Memorability Task at MediaEval 2018 |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2283/MediaEval_18_paper_14.pdf |volume=Vol-2283 |authors=Alan F. Smeaton,Owen Corrigan,Paul Dockree,Cathal Gurrin,Graham Healy,Feiyan Hu,Kevin McGuinness,Eva Mohedano,Tomás Ward |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/mediaeval/SmeatonCDGHHMMW18 }} ==Dublin's Participation in the Predicting Media Memorability Task at MediaEval 2018== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2283/MediaEval_18_paper_14.pdf
     Dublin’s Participation in the Predicting Media Memorability
                        Task at MediaEval 2018
           Alan F. Smeaton 1 , Owen Corrigan 1 , Paul Dockree 2 , Cathal Gurrin 1 , Graham Healy 1 ,
                     Feiyan Hu 1 , Kevin McGuinness 1 , Eva Mohedano 1 , Tomás Ward 1
                                               1 Insight Centre for Data Analytics, Dublin City University,
                 2 School of Psychology and Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

ABSTRACT                                                                       these extremes – i.e. those that are neither particularly globally
This paper outlines 6 approaches taken to computing video mem-                 coherent nor locally distinctive.
orability, for the MediaEval Predicting Media Memorability Task.                  This work in this paper was carried out in the context of the
The approaches are based on video features, an end-to-end ap-                  2018 MediaEval Predicting Media Memorability task and we refer
proach, saliency, aesthetics, neural feedback, and an ensemble of              the reader to the task description for prior art [1].
all approaches.
                                                                               2 RUNS SUBMITTED
1    INTRODUCTION                                                              2.1 Machine Learning with Pre Computed
In our work we seek to explore theories from psychology and neu-                   Features
roaesthetics, which may guide predictors for memorability of visual            In this run, we evaluated the performance of a neural network to
media. Two caveats are that most of the ideas from neuroaesthetics             run on the precomputed features provided by the task organisers.
come from perception of visual art or artificial experimental stimuli,         These features include C3D features, HMP, HOG Descriptors and
rather than real life scenes so these ideas might not translate. The           more. The complete list can be found in [1]. To merge these different
second caveat is that over and above the aesthetics of the video               features, we simply flattened them into one long vector. Using this
or keyframes, we cannot control for the semantic content or the                as an input, we trained a Multi Layer Perceptron which would
emotional salience of the imagery for the viewer just as we cannot             output a probability. We tested a number of architectures and found
control for the viewer’s attention or concentration while initially            in testing that using 3 layers was optimal.
viewing or subsequently trying to remember the video.
   Our first principle is the idea that aesthetically pleasing features        2.2    An End-to-end System
are driven by Gestalt principles [10] including grouping, symmetry
                                                                               For our end-to-end system we used 3 keyframe images from the raw
and lines of good continuation. In each case, items in a scene are
                                                                               videos as inputs. At each epoch, we selected one frame randomly
bound together into coherent groups or continuous unbroken forms
                                                                               from the video as a form of data augmentation. For the architecture,
by our visual system. According to Ramachandran [7], these Gestalt
                                                                               we tried two standard models: VGG16 [9] and Resnet18 [2]. We
principles are driven by neural mechanisms in our perceptual sys-
                                                                               modified these networks by changing the output to target a single
tem that trigger the brain’s reward system so that our attention is
                                                                               variable, memorability, instead of matrix of class probabilities. We
reflexively drawn to these features. There is also some evidence
                                                                               also investigated using different numbers of dense layers after the
that grouping of visual features not only increases attention but
                                                                               convolutional layers. Surprisingly, we found that using a single
also benefits visual working memory [6].
                                                                               layer with VGG16 gave the best results. Our loss function was
   Our second principle, and in opposition to processing a coherent
                                                                               mean squared error, and we used a gradient descent optimizer.
whole, is that images that show distinctive figure/ground arrange-
ments may also capture attention thus promoting memorability. So,
another of Ramachandran’s laws of neuroaesthetics is “isolation” in            2.3    Using Video and Image Saliency
which a key visual feature has exaggerated importance and stands               Visual saliency models generate a probability map highlighting
out from the surrounding information [8].                                      image regions that most attract human attention. Here, this infor-
   Although these aesthetic features are intrinsic qualities in images         mation is explored for the task of predicting media memorability.
that capture attention, it is less clear how they affect memorabil-            More precisely, a saliency map for each frame of video is computed
ity. However superior attention based on these qualities should                with the SalGAN model [5].
increase encoding of the videos and hence improve memorability.                   The maps are used to spatially weight the activations of the last
Thus a key prediction based on these principles is that a U-shaped             convolutional layer of Inception-v3 pre-trained on Imagenet. For
relationship should emerge in which the most globally coherent                 that, video frames are resized to 300×300 resolution, and forwarded
video images and the most locally distinctive images should both be            to Inception-v3 to generate convolutional volumes of 7 × 7 × 2048
more memorable compared to the video frames that fall in-between               (the first two dimensions correspond to the spatial resolution, and
                                                                               the last one the number of channels or depth of the layer).
Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
                                                                                  Saliency maps are downsized to 7 × 7, normalised to contain
MediaEval’18, 29-31 October 2018, Sophia Antipolis, France                     values between 0-1, and element-wise multiplied to the convolu-
                                                                               tional activations. Global average pooling is applied on the channel
MediaEval’18, 29-31 October 2018, Sophia Antipolis, France                                                               A.F. Smeaton et al.

dimension to obtain a final representation of 2048 dimensions. The        Run type Ensemble Features End-to-end               Saliency   Neural
hypothesis here is that the denser the saliency map the more human        Short Term Memorability
attention the images draw, and consequently the more memorable            Spearman     -0.018      0.051      0.055            -0.015    -0.027
they may be.                                                               Pearson     -0.019      0.026      0.085            -0.015    -0.031
   This 2048 long vector was then fed into a neural network, similar        MSE       0.0089      0.0069     0.0069            0.0073    0.0089
to how precomputed features were used in Section 2.1.                     Long Term Memorability
                                                                          Spearman     0.039       0.037      0.017             0.007    -0.024
2.4    Using Neural Approach                                               Pearson     0.021       0.016      0.032             0.006    -0.024
In this approach we used human reaction to a second viewing of a            MSE       0.0207      0.0205     0.0207            0.0208    0.0207
video keyframe, to train a classifier for memorability, a true human-                         Table 1: Results
in-the-loop experiment. The middle frame was extracted for each
video clip in the test set and a participant was shown these images
at high speed (4 Hz) on a computer screen while simultaneously
recording their EEG (Electroencephalography) signals.
   Each of the 2000 test set extracted images were presented twice.
Following completion of the first viewing, EEG signals were band-
passed between 0.5 Hz and 10 Hz, re-referenced to a common av-
erage reference and the mean voltage between 300ms and 600ms
following each image presentation calculated for the Pz channel
(baselined to -250ms to 0 ms prior to image presentation). The par-
ticipant then viewed the images a second time with similar EEG
data recording and processing and the values averaged for the two
presentations of each image, which formed the submission scores.
   These parameters were selected as they are known to correspond
both to a time region and electrode location in which a P300 event-
related potential in this type of task is typically observed where
attention is elicited [3]. The rationale is that high amplitude P300
responses correspond to imagery which is visually attentive and
thus potentially more memorable which should also stimulate visual
working memory [6]. We then computed the pearson correlation
between the P300 signals and the memorability scores to evalute
the performance of this feature.

2.5    Computing Visual Aesthetics
A final technique we incorporated was to use our own version of an
image aesthetics classifier as described in [4], instead of the values
provided by the task organisers. This maps back to our guiding
principles driven by neuroaesthetics, described earlier.
                                                                            Figure 1: Performance for memorability classification
2.6    An Ensemble of All Techniques
In each of the approaches above we made predictions for the entire       part of the reason might be because training was done with on
training set, as well as the entire testing set after training had       only 2,000 images, with only one participant. It is definitely worth
completed. One limitation to note is that due to the time consuming      scaling up this approach to see performance with more data.
nature of EEG labelling in Section 2.4, only a subset of the training       The run based on our saliency was a bit better than the neural
dataset (2,000 videos) was used in this ensemble run. We used            run, especially for long-term memorability. The ordering of runs
predictions from each of the above approaches, and trained a linear      by performance among the provided features, ensemble and end-
model on this subset of the training data to identify which were the     to-end submissions has contradictions across runs, across long
most important predictors. We then used these weights to combine         vs. short term memorability, and across the metric used but the
the values on the test set, which generated this run.                    end-to-end seems to have performed best, which is surprising.
                                                                            Overall, our results seem poor for the above reason or because
3     RESULTS, CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE                                    of insufficient tuning of parameter settings in our experiments.
The performance results of our submissions are shown in Table 1
and illustrated in Figure 1.                                             This work was partially supported by Science Foundation Ireland
  The results show that the run based on direct neural/EEG feed-         under the SFI Research Centres Programme grant number SFI/12/RC/2289.
back from the human participant was the worst, as expected, and
Dublin’s Predicting Media Memorability Task                                     MediaEval’18, 29-31 October 2018, Sophia Antipolis, France

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