=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2285/ICBO_2018_paper_12 |storemode=property |title=Transforming and Unifying Research with Biomedical Ontologies: The Penn TURBO Project |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2285/ICBO_2018_paper_12.pdf |volume=Vol-2285 |authors=Christian J. Stoeckert,David Birtwell,Hayden Freedman,Mark A. Miller,Heather Williams |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/icbo/StoeckertBFMW18 }} ==Transforming and Unifying Research with Biomedical Ontologies: The Penn TURBO Project== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2285/ICBO_2018_paper_12.pdf
        Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Biological Ontology (ICBO 2018), Corvallis, Oregon, USA                            1

                 Transforming and Unifying Research with
                          Biomedical Ontologies
                                                         The Penn TURBO project

                   Christian J. Stoeckert Jr.
                                                                                                  David Birtwell, Heather Williams
  Dept. of Genetics, Institute for Biomedical Informatics                           Penn Medicine BioBank, Institute for Translational Medicine and
    Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania                            Therapeutics, Perelman School of Medicine, University of
                       Philadelphia, PA, USA                                                                 Pennsylvania
               stoeckrt@pennmedicine.upenn.edu                                                          Philadelphia, PA, USA
                 Hayden Freedman, Mark A. Miller
               Institute for Biomedical Informatics
     Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
                      Philadelphia, PA, USA

    Abstract— The Penn TURBO (Transforming and Unifying                            referent tracking [2], associating information for the same
Research with Biomedical Ontologies) project aims to accelerate                    person, quality, or event with a unique identifier for that referent
finding and connecting key information from clinical records for                   regardless of where and when the information was obtained.
research through semantic associations to the processes that
generated the clinical data. Major challenges to using clinical data                   The Open Biomedical Ontologies Foundry [3] provides
for research are integrating data from different sources which                     through its library of ontologies the ability to create a biomedical
may contain multiple references to the same entity (e.g., person,                  ontology that is realism-based. We created the TURBO
health care encounter) and incomplete or conflicting information                   ontology as an application ontology based on these ontologies
(e.g., gender, BMI). There is also the need to track the provenance                drawing from the Ontology for Biomedical Investigations (OBI)
of information used when making decisions on what is the actual                    [4] and the Ontology for Biobanking (OBIB) [5] in particular.
phenotype of a person. We take a realism-based ontology                            By application ontology, we mean that we are primarily reusing
approach to address these problems through transformation and                      terms (classes, instances, and relations) from existing ontologies
instantiation of clinical data with an OBO-Foundry based                           and creating terms only as needed to move the project forward.
application ontology in a semantic graph database. We have                         Terms that potentially have broader usage are submitted to
developed an application stack and used it on an 11,237 whole                      existing ontologies.
exome sequencing patient cohort capturing key demographics,
diagnosis codes, and prescribed medications. The anticipated                           An application stack called Drivetrain was developed to
payoff is to be able to make use of inferencing provided by the                    perform part of the transformation, the unification, referent
semantics to classify and search for instances of people and                       tracking, and generating conclusions as RDF statements about
specimens with desired characteristics.                                            people and their qualities. Currently the Karma tool [6] is used
                                                                                   to transform tabular data into initial RDF triples for Drivetrain
    Keywords—realism-based ontology; OBO Foundry; referent                         to use. Ontology modeling is also used to capture provenance
tracking; clinical data; diagnosis codes; prescriptions                            of data and conclusions drawn based on the data. After running
                       I. INTRODUCTION                                             the Drivetrain stack, the reasoning capabilities of the semantic
                                                                                   graph database can be used to classify and aid search for
    The goal of the TURBO project is to transform and unify                        instances of people and specimens with desired characteristics.
research data with biomedical ontologies. Typically data are                       For example, people can be identified who have been prescribed
obtained in tabular form often from relational databases. The                      a particular class of drugs (‘statins’). We intend to create
column headers and row values are often idiosyncratic and even                     phenotypic profiles in the form of equivalence axioms that will
when based on a standard may be malformed, incomplete, and                         be used to infer which people or specimens match those profiles.
contradictory. Dependencies and deep relations between the
headers (data variables) and values are rarely explicit.                                                    II. METHODS
Transforming the data into a semantic graph instantiating a
realism-based ontology allows us to state what is known about                      A. Technologies used in TURBO
people and what has happened to them, what information is                             Ontotext GraphDB (version 8.4.1) [7] is the semantic graph
available about them, and what conclusions can be drawn based                      database used. Scala (version 2.11) [8] is used for
on that information. Clinical data often comes from multiple                       programmatic interaction with the database, leveraging the
sources (e.g., EPIC, REDCap). Instantiation of data from                           RDF4J (version 2.2.2) library [9]. UUIDs are generated using
different sources in the same realism-based ontology [1] allows                    the randomUUID() method found in the java.util.UUID
us to unify the data. Part of the unification comes through

     TURBO is supported by the Institute for Biomedical Informatics and the
Institute for Translational Medicine And Therapeutics at the University of
Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine.
         ICBO 2018                                                      August 7-10, 2018                                                     1
      Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Biological Ontology (ICBO 2018), Corvallis, Oregon, USA                   2

package [10]. LIBSVM was used through the svm() function                          In addition to RDF triples generated from the data,
from R e1071 [11].                                                            individual ontologies and terminologies were also loaded into
                                                                              the GraphDB database. The ontologies included the TURBO
    The TURBO ontology was generated following the                            application ontology, RDF representations of ICD9 and ICD10
approach described in [12]. Terms were selected from OBIB                     codes obtained from the NCBO Bioportal [16], all portions of
using Ontodog [13] and additional terms were imported using                   the Drug Ontology [17] except NDC annotation, the “lite”
the OntoFox tool [14]. New terms were added using Protégé                     component of ChEBI [18], and the Monarch Disease Ontology
[15].                                                                         (MonDO) [19].
B. TURBO content                                                              C. Generation of RDF triples to load into the TURBO
    Data on a whole exome sequencing cohort of 11,237                            GraphDB database.
participants (‘biobank consenters’) have been used to populate                   The Karma application (version 2.1) was used to generate
a GraphDB database. The data include information on gender                    RDF triples from the tabular data for loading into the GraphDB
identity, date of birth, and body mass index (BMI, calculated                 database. Karma models were based on the TURBO ontology.
from height and weight) collected during 14,450 biobank
                                                                              D. TURBO code and documentation
encounters and 98,585 health care encounters. In addition,
181,420 diagnosis codes and 136,249 medications were                              The code base for the Drivetrain component is available at
obtained during health care encounters. The data was obtained                 GitHub including documentation of the full TURBO stack and
from relational tables provided by the Penn Medicine Biobank                  description           of          ontology         modeling.
from two sources, a data warehouse and REDCap.                                https://pennturbo.github.io/Turbo-Documentation/

    Figure 1. A graph depicting instantiated parts of the TURBO ontology including ‘biobank consenter’. Nodes are classes whose
size reflects usage in the instantiation of the WES cohort data. Edges are object properties (including the green ‘subclass of’ but with
the exception of the pink edge) whose width also indicates usage. The one exception is a pink annotation property indicating that a
‘retired placeholder for biobank consenter’ was ‘replaced with’ ‘biobank consenter’ as a result of the referent tracking process.

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      Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Biological Ontology (ICBO 2018), Corvallis, Oregon, USA                        3

                          III. RESULTS                                        B. EXPAND Queries create fully ontologized model from
                                                                                  shortcut triples
     A technology stack has been developed for the TURBO
project that implements a pipeline to transform tabular data into                 The shortcut expansion phase takes all triples in the input
semantic triples, stored in a Resource Description Framework                  data that use shortcut relations and expands them to fully
(RDF) triple store, using terms from the TURBO Ontology                       ontologized forms. A single shortcut triple will likely expand to
(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PennTURBO/Turbo-                           multiple ontologized triples. In addition to expanding the triples,
Ontology/master/ontologies/turbo_merged.owl). The TURBO                       the Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRIs) in the imported
ontology at time of writing consists of 727 terms (415 classes,               data are made unique using Universally Unique Identifiers
41 individuals, 271 properties). These are primarily drawn from               (UUIDs). After this phase is complete, the data in the isolated
25 ontologies with 161 new terms created for TURBO (69                        import graph have globally unique identifiers and are fully
classes, 19 individuals, 73 properties). URIs and all labels of               ontologized, though they may not yet be ready to be
terms instantiated in the current TURBO semantic repository are               incorporated into the rest of the triple store.
listed at the bottom of: https://pennturbo.github.io/Turbo-                       Data integrity rules are applied to all triples in the isolated
Documentation/turbo-ontology.html (along with a discussion                    import graph to assure that the data meet the minimum level of
and an example of an instantiated triple higher on the page).                 integrity required by the Drivetrain application. Several
Terms in the TURBO ontology are focused on patients and their                 conditions must be met to pass, including checks that all classes
qualities along with information collected on them, ‘health care              and properties present in the incoming data must also be present
encounter’s (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/OGMS_0000097)                     in the TURBO ontology, all denoted registries must be
and their outputs (diagnoses, measurements), and biobank                      represented in the ontology, and all dates must be parseable,
encounters and their outputs. The new terms mainly cover                      reasonable, and be typed as dates. If all integrity checks have
shortcut relations utilized in the Karma mapping and for                      passed, then the data are ready to be connected to the rest of the
managing UUIDs during referent tracking. At the Penn                          graph.
Medicine Biobank, data are collected when participants are
consented at which time they have not yet donated a specimen                  C. Scala-based REFERENT TRACKER combines duplicate
but have been assigned an ID. To capture this case, a ‘biobank                    entities
consenter’ term has been generated defined as a participant in a                  During the Referent Tracking phase, all instantiated IRI-
biobank consenting process (Figure1). Incorporating the essence               bearing terms that singularly and uniquely refer to a single thing
of this term is in progress with ICO [20] and OBIB developers.                in reality are replaced with a single Instance Unique Identifier
    The Karma tool was used to map relational data to ontology                (IUI), which is implemented by Drivetrain as an IRI that
terms saved with an extended version of the R2RML language.                   specifically contains a Universally Unique Identifier value
The mappings were then used to publish the data as RDF triples.               (UUID). After this phase is complete, the RDF data are
The initial RDF triples make use of shortcut relation properties              normalized such that all entities in reality can be identified by a
to simplify the manual mapping. The essence of TURBO                          single unique identifier that is independent yet connected to the
shortcut relations is to allow a minimal number of classes to be              source relational data (Figure 2).
instantiated – frequently just one. For example, an input table
nominally about health care encounters may include height,
weight and body mass index (BMI) values. Those data items are
not values of the encounters, but rather values of properties
borne by the people who participated in the encounters. The
shortcut relation “shortcut health care encounter to BMI”
eliminates the need to instantiate a class that represents the
encounter participants and instead says that there is some path
from the encounter to the BMI value. The Drivetrain application
(described next) contains all of the logic necessary to expand the
shortcut into a semantically complete description of reality.
  The Drivetrain application was built to load and process the
RDF triples with the following steps:
A. Shortcut RDF Triples and TURBO ontology loaded to an
    Ontotext GraphDB repository
    During the data import step, the input data are written to an             Figure 2. Prototypical referent tracking. Blue nodes are literals.
isolated section of the graph. The triples are not expected to have           Edges are annotation properties providing provenance for
globally unique identifiers and so must be sectioned off from all             referent tracking.
other data in the triple store.
                                                                                 Since our data comes from many sources, it is possible that
                                                                              the same ‘biobank consenter’ may appear in multiple data
                                                                              sources, each of which may contain different or contradicting

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information. It is the goal of the Referent Tracker to apply                  •    If the BMI cannot be computed from the health care
custom rules in order to determine when two consenters must be                     encounter, but there are valid height and weight
combined into one. Likewise, the same encounter may also                           measurements records on the case report form filled out as
appear in multiple data sources. A simple rule is that the                         part of the study recruitment process, compute the BMI
identifier and identifier source (central registry ID symbol and                   from the case report form data and conclude that it is the
registry) associated with the entity are the same.                                 person’s BMI at the given date of recruitment.
D. Scala-based ENTITY LINKER links Health care and                            •    If neither the health care encounter nor the study
   Biobank Encounters to Biobank Consenters                                        recruitment encounter yield a BMI conclusion, then record
   Entity Linking is a generic term used here to mean the                          that BMI for this given date of recruitment is inconclusive.
process of attaching consenters to their encounters based on                  F. Diagnosis Data is mapped by cross-referencing
data provided by a relational Join table. This process is                         ICD9/ICD10 hierarchies and MonDO ontologies
necessary because consenters and their encounters may be                          Diagnosis codes come to TURBO in the form of ICD9 and
received in separate files. Drivetrain can make matches by                    ICD10 codes [21]. In order to enable searches broader than a
comparing the literal values of encounter symbols and                         single code value, we load RDF versions of ICD9 and ICD10
consenter symbols, and the values of the respective registries.               downloaded from the NCBO Bioportal, which provide
E. Scala-based CONCLUSIONATOR creates inferences                              subClassOf relations. We also load MonDO, an aggregation of
    about Dates of Birth, Biological Sex, and BMI                             disease ontologies including the Human Disease Ontology
    During the conclusionating phase, rules are applied to the                [22]), which includes database cross references for ICD codes.
data to generate statements about a person or event. Currently                We use these cross references to create mentions between
this is done to resolve potentially conflicting data to single                diagnosis codes and diseases, thereby enabling disease-based
conclusions, which can be used for querying purposes. The                     searches.
potentially conflicting data derived from the sources remain in               G. Medication Order Name Data are mapped to ontologies
the graph and can be queried. In the future, it will be used to                   using Solr indexed text search and a Support Vector
combine data of different types (e.g., diagnosis code,                            Machine (SVM)
medication, lab test result) to make a single statement (e.g., a
                                                                                  Medication orders are provided primarily as free text, often
person is diabetic). To facilitate easy querying, the conclusions,
                                                                              including dosage and route of administration information.
which are RDF triples, are placed in a separate named graph.
                                                                              Associating these orders to terms in ChEBI (Chemical Entities
After this phase is complete, there will be a named graph of
                                                                              of Biological Interest) would enable searches based on the
conclusions, which contains simplified non-conflicting                        parent classes of active ingredients and their roles. To
statements. Conclusionating is applied to generate statements                 accomplish this, the orders are computationally mapped to
about the consenter’s biological sex, date of birth, and BMI at               terms from the Drug Ontology (DRON) which provides cross-
the date of each biobank encounter. The rules used for drawing                references to ChEBI. About 30% of the distinct medications
conclusions are currently very simple, but the system is                      prescribed to our WES cohort also came with RxNorm
envisioned to handle more complex rules and be able to draw                   identifiers [23] that could be directly associated to DRON and
on a library of different rules in the future.                                ChEBI via direct cross references. The RxNorm associations
    One way to calculate BMI is by performing a computation
                                                                              were then used as a training set for machine learning (LIBSVM)
over a person’s height and weight, which can be measured
                                                                              using results from the string matching output from Apache Solr
during a health care encounter or recorded on a case report form
                                                                              [24]. For the WES cohort, we were able to map 86.1% of
during study recruitment during a biobank encounter (when a
                                                                              distinct medications (sensitivity = 0.98; specificity = 0.95)
person becomes a ‘biobank consenter’). It is useful to know the               covering 88% of the total medications prescribed (excluding
BMI of biobank consenters at their date of recruitment.                       non-drug prescriptions).
    It is not guaranteed that the source data required to calculate
BMI at date of biobank encounter will be both available and of                H. Performance
sufficient quality. It may be that height and weight                             The complete Drivetrain stack was run on a linux application
measurements were recorded at the health care encounter, the                  server with 8 GB RAM and 2 processors and a GraphDB
biobank encounter, neither, or both. Further, the data may have               database server with 64 GB RAM and 4 processors.
been recorded improperly, which would result in a calculated
                                                                                  The run from loading of graph through medication mapping
BMI that is outside the acceptable range.
                                                                               (steps described in sections A through G above) took 82
    The following rules are currently applied to account for
                                                                               minutes for the WES cohort data and supportive ontologies. It
these situations:                                                              resulted in 25,521,235 triples. About 3.6 million triples were
For each date of recruitment for each person:                                  initially loaded and then expanded to about 12 million triples.
• If there are in-range height and weight measurements                         Additional triples resulted from referent tracking,
     recorded in the health care encounter on the date of                      conclusionating, and adding diagnosis and medication terms
     recruitment, compute the BMI and conclude that it is the                  and associations.
     person’s BMI at the given date of recruitment.
                                                                                 Searches for diagnosis classes take approximately a second.
                                                                              For example, a search for all participants in a health care

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encounter which resulted in a diagnosis that mentions                             The TURBO project represents a new direction in applying
‘myocardial infarction’ will return those assigned a ICD10 code               ontologies to clinical data. Most efforts do not explicitly involve
of I21.3 (acute myocardial infarction).                                       realism-based ontologies or if they do use them it is in the form
                                                                              of associations and not instantiations. However, there are related
    Searches for medications also take on the order of seconds.               projects instantiating OBO and realism-based ontologies. These
A search for all participant prescribed a ‘statin’ returned all               include ones by William Duncan (Roswell Park) [26], by
appropriate statins and no inappropriate ones based on drug                   Amanda Hicks and William Hogan (U. Florida) [27], and by
name matches and their active ingredients with one important                  Bjoern Peters (LaJolla Institute for Immunology) [28] although
exception. Crestor contains rosuvastatin but is not identified as             they don’t do referent tracking or conclusionating as in TURBO.
a statin. That is because rosuvastatin while present in both                  This growing number of independent efforts raise the exciting
DRON and ChEBI have different IRIs. We are able to address                    potential of linking such systems together.
this issue locally by using equivalence statements between the
two (we are also following up with DRON to resolve this issue).                   Ultimately, we intend for the TURBO project to provide a
                                                                              Phenotype Storefront that users can query to find participants
                        IV. DISCUSSION                                        and specimens of interest. The current plan is to just return the
    The TURBO project is currently in active development as a                 number of hits as results and require IRB approval for accessing
demonstration project for the Penn Institute for Biomedical                   identifiable data. We also want to learn from searches made by
Informatics. We have a stable application stack, Drivetrain, that             investigators in order to generate defined classes of participants
combined with the Karma tool, enabled us to transform, load,                  and specimens. For example, equivalence axioms for someone
referent track, and make conclusions related to a real dataset of             who has had a particular disease course could include an
interest, a WES cohort of 11,237 participants. Unlike traditional             appropriate diagnosis code but also a relevant prescription and
data warehousing, the TURBO system performs integration                       laboratory test result. Inferencing applications of this nature will
through rules applied during referent tracking and                            bring to bear the power of ontologies to provide what can’t be
conclusionating. The processes used to determine when entities                done by traditional relational systems.
are the same (people, encounters) in referent tracking or make
statements about a person (e.g., BMI) in conclusionating are                                            ACKNOWLEDGMENT
modeled in the ontology and stored in the graph for provenance.               All the authors have been approved under IRB protocol 813913
Thus, Drivetrain provides an ontology-supported knowledge                     from the University of Pennsylvania to work with the described
layer along with the loaded data.                                             patient data. We thank Werner Ceusters and William Hogan for
    User stories, common requests by researchers searching                    their advice and feedback on implementation of referent
clinical data, are driving TURBO development. Competency                      tracking. We also thank Jason Moore, Scott Damrauer, Michael
questions based on these user stories are then used to evaluate               Feldman, Peter Gabriel, John Holmes, and Daniel Rader for
the system. Examples include identification of people of                      their support and guidance as the TURBO governance board.
specified age, biological sex, and BMI. These are possible as is
finding those who have been prescribed a particular class of                                                 REFERENCES
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