=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2303/paper4 |storemode=property |title=Named Entity Recognition in Tatar: Corpus-Based Algorithm |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2303/paper4.pdf |volume=Vol-2303 |authors=Olga Nevzorova,Damir Mukhamedshin,Alfiya Galieva }} ==Named Entity Recognition in Tatar: Corpus-Based Algorithm== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2303/paper4.pdf
                 Named Entity Recognition in Tatar:
                     Corpus-Based Algorithm

Olga Nevzorova1[0000-0001-8116-9446], Damir Mukhamedshin1[0000-0003-0078-9198], and Alfiya
                     The Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, Kazan, Russia

       Abstract. Named entities recognition is one of the urgent tasks in the research-
       es of language using electronic language corpuses. This article discusses the
       main methods for solving this problem, including algorithms based on various
       machine learning models, regular expressions and dictionaries. Also in the arti-
       cle, the authors proposed their own algorithm, which allows named entities
       recognition on the basis of search queries using direct and reverse search. The
       results of the algorithm, presented in the article, suggest what additional func-
       tions are necessary to achieve the best results. The proposed algorithm is used
       in the “Tugan Tel” corpus management system and can be used both with the
       electronic corpus of the Tatar language and with corpuses of other languages.

       Keywords: Named entity recognition, NER, Corpus management system, Text

1      Introduction

Electronic language corpuses are the basis for extensive research related to language
research. Corpus management systems help solve a number of linguistic problems,
such as direct search of word forms, lemmas, reverse search by morphological proper-
ties, selection of contexts, n-grams for various search queries. These simple queries
are supported by most corpus management systems.
   One of the difficult tasks of searching in corpus data is named entities recognition.
This problem is solved by dozens of researchers, often getting good results. Most
existing solutions, some of which are described in Section 2 of this article, work with
English, Spanish, Dutch, German using various NLP methods, regular expressions,
dictionaries, etc. as the basis. In Section 4 of this article, the authors considered one of
the possible algorithms for named entities recognition, which can be used both with
the electronic corpus of the Tatar language and with electronic corpuses of other lan-
guages. This algorithm is implemented in one of the modules of the “Tugan Tel” cor-
pus management system. The authors also conducted a series of experiments, the
results of which are shown in Section 4.2 of this article.

2      “Tugan Tel” Corpus Management System

The Tatar corpus management system (www.corpus.antat.ru) is developed at Institute
of Applied Semiotics of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences. The main functions of
the corpus management system are searching for lexical units, making morphological
and lexical searches, searching for syntactic units, n-gram searching based on gram-
mar and others. The core of the system is the semantic model of data representation.
The search is performed using common open source tools. We use MariaDB database
management system and Redis data store [1]. Our purpose is to design the corpus
management system for supporting electronic corpora of Turkic languages. This line
of research is developing very rapidly.
   Among well-known electronic corpora projects for Turkic languages are the corpo-
ra of Turkish and Uyghur [2], Bashkir, Khakass, Kazakh (http://til.gov.kz), and Tuvan
languages. “Tugan Tel” Tatar national corpus is a linguistic resource of modern liter-
ary Tatar. It comprises more than 100 million word forms, at the rate of November
2016. The сorpus contains texts of various genres: fiction, media texts, official docu-
ments, textbooks, scientific papers etc. Each of the documents has a meta description
[3]: author, title, publishing details, date of creation, genre etc. Texts included in the
corpus are provided with morphological markup, i.e. information about part of speech
and grammatical properties of the word form [4]. The morphological markup is car-
ried out automatically on the basis of the module of two-tier morphological analysis
of the Tatar language with the help of PC-KIMMO software tool.

3      Related Works

3.1    LingPipe
One of the related works is LingPipe [5], which is a collection of Java libraries devel-
oped by Alias-I. LingPipe allows to classify named entities in English: person, organ-
ization, place. It supports the use of other language packages for classification. Ling-
Pipe also supports additional features such as orthographic correction and English text
classification. This software is distributed free of charge for research purposes.

3.2    Annie

Another similar work is Annie [6]. This is a named entity extraction module embed-
ded into the GATE framework. Annie is open source and is developed under the GNU
license developed at Sheffield University. Annie implements various functions neces-
sary for extracting named entities: tokenizer, sentence separator, POS tagging, resolu-
tion with a link, place name directories, etc.

3.3    Afner
Afner [7] is an open source NERC tool licensed under the GNU license, developed in
C++ at Macquarie University. It is used as part of a question and answer service that
focuses on maximizing responsiveness to user questions. At the same time Afner can
be used separately from the service. Afner uses lists, regular expressions, and super-
vised learning models. It allows one to extract names of persons, organizations, loca-
tions, monetary values and dates from English texts.

3.4    Knowledge-based systems

Knowledge-based NER systems use lexical resources and domain-related knowledge
without requiring training with annotated data. Such systems show good results when
the lexical resources are complete, whereas they do not work, for example, with the
examples from drug_n class in the DrugNER [8] data set, since they are not defined
in the DrugBank dictionaries. Despite their high accuracy, these systems show low
recall due to specific rules of the language and domain and incomplete dictionaries.
Another disadvantage of knowledge-based NER systems is the need for experts to
participate in the development and maintenance of knowledge resources.

3.5    Unsupervised and bootstrapped systems
Early systems did not require significant data for training. Collins and Singer (1999)
[9] used only labeled seeds and 7 functions for classifying and extracting named enti-
ties: orthography (for example, capitalization), entity context, words that occurred in
named entities, etc. To improve the recall of NER systems, Etzioni et al. (2005) [10]
proposed an unsupervised system using 8 generic pattern extractors for open web
texts, for example, NP is , NP1 such as NPList2. In 2006, Nadeau et al.
suggested using an unsupervised system to create a directory of named entities and
resolve the ambiguity of named entities basing on the work of Etzioni et al. (2005)
[10] and Collins and Springer (1999) [9]. This system combined the extracted list of
named entities with generally accessible directory of named entities and achieved F-
scores of 88%, 61% and 59% on MUC-7 [11] for named entities of classes of loca-
tions, persons and organizations, respectively.
    Zhang and Elhadad (2013) [12] in an unsupervised NER system for biological and
medical data used surface syntactic knowledge base and inverse document frequency
(IDF). This system reached 53.8% and 69.5%, respectively. Their model uses seeds to
find text with possible content of named entities, identifies phrases with nouns and
filters phrases with a low IDF value. The filtered list is submitted to the classifier for
predicting the tags of named entities.

3.6    Feature-engineered supervised systems
Supervised machine learning models learn to make predictions by training on exam-
ple inputs and their expected outputs, and can be used to replace humanly established

rules. Hidden Markov Models (HMM), Support Vector Machines (SVM), Conditional
Random Fields (CRF), and decision trees were common machine learning systems for
   The results of research using various machine learning models from various au-
thors are presented in Table 1.

                     Table 1. Various machine learning models results.

Author(s)     Machine        Additions                               Results
Zhou and      HMM            Included 11 orthographic features,      F-scores of 96.6%
Su (2002)                    a list of trigger words for named       and 94.1% on MUC-
[13]                         entities, and a list of words from      6 and MUC-7 data,
                             various gazetteers.                     respectively.
Malouf        HMM and        Included capitalization; consid-        F-scores of 73.66%
(2002)        Maximum        ered whether the word went first        and 68.08% on
[14]          Entropy        in the sentence, whether the word       Spanish and Dutch
              (ME)           had appeared before with a known        CoNLL 2002 da-
                             last name, and 13281 first names        tasets, respectively.
                             collected from various dictionar-
Carreras et   Binary         Included capitalization, trigger        F-scores of 81.39%
al. (2002)    AdaBoost       words, previous tag prediction,         and 77.05% on
[15]          classifiers    bag of words, gazetteers.               Spanish and Dutch
                                                                     CoNLL 2002 da-
                                                                     tasets, respectively.
Li et al.     SVM            Experimented with multiple win-         F-score of 88.3% on
(2005)                       dow sizes, features (orthographic,      the English CoNLL
[16]                         prefixes suffixes, labels, etc.)        2003 data.
                             from neighboring words,
                             weighting neighboring word fea-
                             tures according to their position,
                             and class weights to balance posi-
                             tive and negative classes.
Ando and      Structural     The best classifier for each auxil-     F-scores of 89.31%
Zhang         learning       iary task was selected based on its     and 75.27% on Eng-
(2005)        [17]           confidence.                             lish and German,
[17]                                                                 respectively.
Agerri and    Semi-          Included orthography, character         F-scores of 84.16%,
Rigau         supervised     of n-grams, lexicons, prefixes,         85.04%, 91.36%,
(2016)        system         suffixes, bigrams, trigrams, and        76.42% on Spanish,
[18]                         unsupervised cluster features           Dutch, English, and
                             from the Brown corpus, Clark            German CoNLL,
                             corpus and k-means clustering of        respectively.
                             open text using word embeddings.

4      Extracting named entities

Extracting named entities from corpus data allows, on the one hand, to directly re-
trieve the required data by query, and on the other hand, to test the corpus for contain-
ing particular information and to replenish it with documents that include the missing
data. The algorithm of extraction of named entities proposed in this paper enables to
obtain semantic samples for corpora that do not have semantic data markup. On the
other hand, the algorithm has no restriction on semantic types of extracted data, i.e.
the semantic type is defined by the keyword in the query.

4.1    Describing algorithm of extracting named entities

The algorithm for extracting named entities is based on the idea of comparing n-
grams. The comparison is made within the entire corpus volume, thereby increasing
the accuracy of the results.
    The extraction process is iterative, the threshold number of iterations specified by
the user. The first step presents sampling by the initial search query. The initial search
query may be a query on the word form, lemma or phrase, or a search by morphologi-
cal parameters. A list of bigrams and their frequency is collected across the sample.
The bigrams which contain the results are advanced one position to the left or right
(set by the user). The resulting list is sorted by frequency of bigrams in order from
largest to smallest, to be cut to a predetermined covering index (for example, 95% of
all results, this rate being set by the user). This result is used in the second iteration of
the algorithm. Each bigram is searched for in the mode of phrasal search in the cor-
pus. Search results are involved in composing a list of trigrams which are advanced
one position to the left or right, and their frequency. The resulting list of trigrams is
also sorted by frequency in order from largest to smallest, and is cut to a predeter-
mined covering index.
    The third and subsequent iterations (until the threshold number of iterations is
reached or no match is found as a result of iterating) use the list of n-grams received
from the previous iteration. The corpus is searched for each n-gram in the phrasal
search mode, and a list of (n + 1)-grams is made up. The resulting list is then cut to a
predetermined covering index and compared with the list of n-grams derived from the
previous iteration. The comparison accuracy P is set by the user as a percentage. If n-
gram frequency is less than P from the quantity of the found (n + 1)-gram, then the n-
gram is considered the found named entity, otherwise the extraction proceeds. Thus,
the final result will represent a list of the most stable n-grams of different lengths,
including search results by the initial search query.
    A request to retrieve named entities is an extension of a Q-tuple presented in (1). In
addition to the search query, there are added components defining the threshold num-
ber of iterations to the left (L) and right (R), the covering index (C), and the accuracy
of matching (P). A search example is presented in (1).

                               Q = (Q1, Q2, L, R, C, P)                                  (1)

4.2    Experiments
Extracting named entities using the algorithm proposed by the authors requires an
initial search query which should contain an indicator of a particular named entity.
This indicator allows classifying named entities, therefore, the authors chose a set of
classes schema.org as the basis for choosing the indicators. From this set of classes,
the authors selected the following classes for searching for named entities in the Tatar
language corpus: books, restaurants, films, magazines, companies, airports, corpora-
tions, languages, technical schools, universities, schools, shops, museums, and hospi-
tals. Ministries and street names have also been added to this list. Below are some of
the results of the experiments conducted by the authors.

Names of ministries
    As part of the task of enhancing named entity search a number of experiments have
been carried out. One of the most revealing of them was search for names of minis-
tries. The initial search query for the experiment was (2).

        Q = ((wordform, ministrlygy, “”, right, 1, 10, exact), 7, 0, 95, 80)          (2)

    The result of this query was a list of 50 n-grams containing word form "min-
istrlygy" in the last position. The reference list of names of ministries presented on the
Republic of Tatarstan government website [http://prav.tatarstan.ru/tat/ministries.htm]
contains 17 items. 12 of 17 items were found in the corpus by means of the algorithm,
so the results overlap is 70.6%. 5 items were not found in the corpus for the reasons
described in Table 2. The remaining 33 n-grams are different spelling variants of
names of ministries.

                       Table 2. List of unfound names of ministries.

Name                                Reason
Urman huҗalygy ministrlygy          Overlap of the sequence of word forms with the
(Tat) – ministry of forestry        sequence in another name «huҗalygy ministrlygy»
                                    (Tat) – ministry of property and «Transport һәm
                                    yul huҗalygy ministrlygy» (Tat) – ministry of
                                    transport and road management
Yashlәr eshlәre һәm sport min-      Corpus meanings not corresponding to the official
istrlygy (Tat) – ministry of        name
youth and sport
Transport һәm yul huҗalygy          Overlap of the sequence of word forms with the
ministrlygy (Tat) – ministry of     sequence in another name «huҗalygy ministrlygy»
transport and road management       (Tat) – ministry of property and «Urman huҗalygy
                                    ministrlygy» (Tat) – ministry of forestry
Hezmәt, halykny el belәn tәe-       Corpus meanings not corresponding to the official
min itү һәm social yaklau min-      name
istrlygy (Tat) - ministry of la-
bour, employment and social

Ecologia һәm tabigy baylyklar      Corpus meanings not corresponding to the official
ministrlygy (Tat) – ministry of    name
ecology and natural resources

Names of streets
   Another experiment was concerned with street names search. The search query for
this experiment is (3).

           Q = ((wordform, uramy, “”, right, 1, 10, exact), 7, 0, 95, 80)           (3)

   The result of this query was a list of 600 n-grams containing word form "uramy" in
the last position. We obtained the following results after manual data evaluation: 432
(72%) n-grams are street names, 72 (12%) n-grams are also street names, but require
special character filtering, 96 (16%) n-grams are not street names for various reasons
(for example, any sentences containing the word “uramy”; postal addresses and oth-

Names of languages
  In the next experiment, the authors tried to extract names of languages. The search
query for this experiment is presented in (4).

     Q = ((wordform, tel, “POSS_3SG,SG”, right, 1, 10, exact), 7, 0, 95, 80)        (4)

After executing this query, 2310 n-grams were obtained, containing “tel” lemma with
the morphological properties POSS_3SG and SG in the last position. An estimation of
part of the results (a list of 471 n-grams) by an expert showed that in 53.5% of cases
(252) n-grams were correct language names. Analysis of the list of n-grams which
were incorrectly defined by the algorithm as a name of a language, made it possible to
determine additional filtering rules to improve the accuracy of the algorithm. On the
basis of the data obtained, the spreading of language names in the corpus of the Tatar
language was also constructed (Fig. 1).

Names of restaurants
   Another experiment is related to search for names of restaurants. The search query
for this experiment is presented in (5).

  Q = ((wordform, restoran, “POSS_3SG,SG”, right, 1, 10, exact), 7, 0, 95, 80)      (5)

The result of this query was a list of 285 n-grams containing “restoran” lemma with
the morphological properties POSS_3SG and SG in the last position, which in total
were found 359 times in the corpus. In this case, in addition to names of restaurants,
names of sub-classes of restaurants by their geographical location or national cuisines
were obtained.

                     Fig. 1. Language denoting entities in the Corpus.

Thus, 107 (37.68%) found n-grams were correct names of restaurants, their total fre-
quency being 140 (39%). 37 (13.03%) n-grams were the names of subclasses of res-
taurants, their total frequency being 47 (13.09%). 52 (18.31%) n-grams contained
names of restaurants, but they require cleaning from unnecessary parts, while the
frequency of the n-grams in the corpus is 2 or less, the total frequency is 54 (15.04%).
45 (15.85%) n-grams contained names of subclasses of restaurants, but they require
cleaning from unnecessary parts, while the frequency of n-grams in the corpus is 2 or
less, the total frequency is 48 (13.37%). 43 (15.14%) n-grams were not names of res-
taurants, their total frequency was 65 (18.11%). The list of incorrectly defined n-
grams can be reduced by applying additional filtering rules.

Names of corporations
   The next experiment was the search for names of corporations. The search query
for this experiment is presented in (6).

Q = ((wordform, korporaciya, “POSS_3SG,SG”, right, 1, 10, exact), 7, 0, 95, 80) (6)

   As a result of this search query was obtained a list of 138 n-grams containing lem-
ma “korporaciya” with morphological properties POSS_3SG and SG in the last posi-
tion, which were found in the corpus 606 times. Among them, when checked by an
expert, 63 (45.65%) n-grams were found, which were correct names of corporations,
their total frequency being 178 (29.37%). 27 (19.57%) n-grams contained names of
corporations, but require additional cleaning; the total frequency of these n-grams was

29 (4.79%). Among the results, 15 (10.87%) n-grams were singled out, which were
non-full names of corporations, their total frequency being 58 (9.57%). 30 (21.74%)
n-grams were names of subclasses of corporations by industry, geography, govern-
ment participation; such n-grams were found in the corpus 336 times (55.45%). 3
(2.17%) n-grams were not names of corporations, their total frequency being 5

Comparison of results
   For different classes of named entities, the algorithm shows different results. The
results presented in this article are shown in Table 3.

                                 Table 3. Experiments results.

Class of     Cor-      Re-          Require      Correct         Names of    Incor-   Total
named        rect      quire        expan-       names of        sub-        rect
entity                 filter-      sion         sub-            classes
                       ing                       classes         that re-
Names of     100%      0%           0%           0%              0%          0%       50
Street       72%       12%          0%           0%              0%          16%      600
Language     53.5%     0%           0%           0%              0%          46.5%    471
names                                                                                 (2310)
Restaurant   37.7%     18.3%        0%           13%             15.9%       15.1%    285
Corpora-     45.7%     19.6%        10.9%        21.7%           0%          2.2%     138
tion names

4.3    Temporal and qualitative indicators of implementing a query for
       extracting named entities
The experiments showed that the time of implementing a query for extracting named
entities depends on the number of found items and bigrams by the initial search query,
and on indexes of covering and the accuracy of comparison. All the experiments were
executed on machine with following characteristics: 4 core Intel Core i7 2600
(2,6GHz), 16GB RAM (4х4GB, 1333Hz), SSD 120GB, HDD 3TB (3х1TB, RAID 0).
On the test machine Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS was running. Table 4 shows the timing
indicators of search implementation. Algorithm tests revealed dependence of the qual-
ity of the results on the number of results found in the first step of the algorithm. This
is due to the fact that a smaller number of results increase the actual data coverage
and the data which the algorithm works with may initially include particular cases.
More results in the first step suggest that at the first cutting of the bigram list, only

those will remain that will be included in the final list of the extracted named entities.
Thus it is only needed to find the left or the right border for this list.

     Table 4. Temporal indexes of implementing searches for extraction of named entities.

Search query                              Quantity of      Quantity of       Time elapsed
                                          found items      found bi-
Q = ((wordform, ministrlygy, “”,          27746            68                127.37 sec.
right, 1, 10, exact), 7, 0, 97, 80)
Q = ((wordform, uramy, “”, right, 1,      9592             600               848.07 sec.
10, exact), 3, 0, 95, 80)

5      Conclusion

The algorithm for named entity recognition proposed by the authors in this article
shows different results, depending on the type of named entities. The presented results
demonstrate correctness of recognition from 37.7% to 100%.
   In addition to the main task of named entity recognition, the algorithm is applicable
for solving the problem of recognition of names of subclasses of named entities. This
feature can be applied to solve additional problems, such as text classification, defini-
tion of the subject of texts and other text mining tasks.
   Analysis of the results obtained during the experiments show that to improve the
accuracy and correctness of the algorithm, its fine tuning, building extended dictionar-
ies for named entity recognition, and additional post-processing of results are neces-

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