=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2304/preface |storemode=property |title=None |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2304/preface.pdf |volume=Vol-2304 }} ==None== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2304/preface.pdf

The Third Regional Consortium for Computing Sciences and Foundations, RCCS
2018, is happy to include the Seventh SPIDTEC2 (Permanent Seminar for Re-
search and Spread of Emerging Technologies in Computing Sciences, for its ini-
tials in Spanish), as its close partner. This volume includes the works presented
there, held on November 08–09, 2018 at the Institute for Engineering and Tech-
nology, IIT-UACJ, Chihuahua, Mexico. And this year we have focused our vol-
ume to include particular topics on deep learning, together with broader ones,
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence.
    There were fourteen submissions and two invited proposal papers and one
abstract. Each submission has been reviewed by at least three, and on the average
3.5, program committee members, carefully evaluating based on regional topics,
originality, significance, clarity and scientific-technical rigor reported. We had
25 reviews in total. The Committee decided to accept five papers, giving an
acceptance rate of 0.3. see Figure 1.

                       Fig. 1. RCCS+SPIDTEC2 Statistics.

    This year we were pleased to host a keynote speaker: Prof.Dr. Gustavo
Olague, from CICESE, Ensenada, Mexico. Prof. Gustavo Olague belongs to the
Department of Computer Science, at the Centro de Investigación Cientı́fica y de
Educación Superior de Ensenada, CICESE, Baja California, in Mexico, and he
is a member of Researcher National System, SNI, Mexico. He gave a topic, with
the following title “Programming of artificial brains for the vision of humanoid
    Besides the two keynote addresses, we had a two-day special workshop from
Prof. Olague. Its title was “Evolutionary Computer Vision,” out of his recent
    This year we also had two prizes. The Best Student Paper Award and The
Best Student Talk Award. Fernando Zapata Barron and Victor Manuel Men-
doza Guzman were the two respective winners. The prizes are awarded to those
works whose first author is a student, and whose presenter is a student, respec-
tively. Both Zapata Barron and Mendoza Guzman are students in the Electrical
Engineering master’s program at the Institute for Engineering and Technology,
IIT-UACJ, Mexico. Congratulations!
    One of the aims for the Regional Consortium is to identify areas of most
demand and impact in the region Juarez (MX)-El Paso (TX)-Las Cruces (NM),
in particular on computer sciences, mathematics and artificial intelligence. Once
identified, regional needs can be exploited for the mid and long terms. That can
be a foundation for forthcoming academic and industrial infrastructure.
    The purpose of the Consortium is both social and economic so that both
academy and industry can get benefit. It can be summarized as follows:
 – to promote the betterment of mathematics and computer-oriented curricula
   in two- to four-year colleges and universities;
 – to improve the use of mathematics and computing as an educational resource
   for all disciplines;
 – to encompass regional constituencies devoted to this purpose; and
 – to promote an international liaison among local, regional organizations also
   devoted to this purpose.
Predominantly these colleges and universities are oriented toward research and
development. The Consortium holds meetings in conjunction with other math-
ematics and computing education organizations, on its own, sponsors sessions
and tracks at such meetings. They are held at the University of Juarez, and some
other colleges and universities in the region.
   The topics of interest in this region have been classified and not limited to
the following:

Foundation for Computing Systems: Both logic, mathematics and theory
   of computing for intelligent systems, which may include:
    – Formal methods
    – Reasoning under uncertainty
    – Logic programming and non-monotonic reasoning
    – Knowledge representation

    – Automated reasoning
    – Non-classical logics
    – Artificial Intelligence
    – Agent and intelligent systems
    – Cognitive systems
    – Natural language processing
Implementation of computing systems: for innovating emerging R&D prob-
  lems systems, which may include:
    – System descriptions, comparisons, assessments
    – Algorithms and novel techniques for efficient evaluation
    – Image processing, reconstruction, and restoration
    – Embedded Systems
    – Benchmarks
Applications of Computing Systems: in the domain of intelligent systems,
  which may include:
    – Digital security
    – Distributed systems
    – Novel software engineering techniques and formalization
Novel applications in Artificial Intelligence: Applications that can solve
  problems in the region, which may include:
    – Representations and ontologies for planning and scheduling
    – Cloud computing and Big Data
    – Integration of several computing paradigms
    – Use of AI in the formalization of Commonsense Reasoning
    – Languages and algorithms in diagnosis
    – Knowledge-based dialog management
    – Reasoning for adaptive systems
    – Data integration and exchange systems
    – Software engineering and model checking
    – Applications to linguistics, psychology and other sciences
    – Systems of systems
    – Constraint-based planning or scheduling and control techniques
    – Collaborative planning or scheduling
    – Constraint-preference propagation techniques
    – Planning or scheduling under uncertainty

    In the region, there are research groups interested in these topics. As a result,
this joint consortium is designed to promote cooperation among practitioners
and researchers across disciplines who are interested in formal areas of Computer
Science, AI and Software Development. The joint efforts of the workshop and
consortium were aimed to:

 – present innovative theoretical work and original applications of the formal
   areas of software development and knowledge engineering;
 – exchange ideas and to facilitate interaction between researchers of the formal
   areas of software development and knowledge engineering;

 – discuss significant recent achievements in theory and automation based on
   formal areas of software development and knowledge engineering;
 – present critical short- and long-term goals for formal areas of software de-
   velopment and knowledge engineering;
 – to provide a forum for students to present their current research in formal ar-
   eas of software development and knowledge engineering and receive feedback
   from other students and researchers.

    Students and researchers provided means to explore ways in which their re-
search may contribute to the identification and addressing of problems of com-
mon interest in the region. We thank local research groups; the Autonomous
University of Juarez, UACJ, in particular, the Multidisciplinary Division, CU;
the Institute for Engineering and Technology, IIT; the Mexican Council of Sci-
ence and Technology, CONACYT; The Mexican Ministry for Public Education,
SEP; the Organizing and Scientific Committees for their support. Last but not
least, we much appreciate the local committee and staff for hosting and support-
ing our joint consortium and workshop in Juarez. We are also grateful to the
EasyChair team at the University of Manchester for their support.

November, 2018                                         Juan Acosta-Guadarrama
Juarez, Mexico                                           Francisco López-Orozco
