=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2305/paper01 |storemode=property |title=Software start-ups through an empirical lens: are start-ups snowflakes? |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2305/paper01.pdf |volume=Vol-2305 |authors=Eriks Klotins |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/sibw/Klotins18 }} ==Software start-ups through an empirical lens: are start-ups snowflakes?== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2305/paper01.pdf
SiBW 2018                                                                                        1

            Software start-ups through an empirical lens: are
                          start-ups snowflakes?

                                                Eriks Klotins

                           Blekinge Institute of Technology, Karlskrona, Sweden

                  Abstract. Most of the existing research assume that software start-ups
                  are “unique” and require a special approach to software engineering.
                  The uniqueness of start-ups is often justified by the scarcity of resources,
                  time pressure, little operating history, and focus on innovation. As a con-
                  sequence, most research on software start-ups concentrate on exploring
                  the start-up context and are overlooking the potential of transferring the
                  best engineering practices from other contexts to start-ups.
                  In this paper, we examine results from an earlier mapping study reporting
                  frequently used terms in literature used to characterize start-ups. We
                  analyze how much empirical evidence support each characteristic, and
                  how unique each characteristic is in the context of innovative, market-
                  driven, software-intensive product development.
                  Our findings suggest that many of the terms used to describe start-
                  ups originate from anecdotal evidence and have little empirical backing.
                  Therefore, there is a potential to revise the original start-up characteri-
                  In conclusion, we identify three potential research avenues for further
                  work: a) considering shareholder perspective in product decisions, b)
                  providing support for software engineering in rapidly growing organiza-
                  tions, and c) focusing on transferring the best engineering practices from
                  other contexts to start-ups.

                  Keywords: start-ups · software engineering · engineering context

            1   Introduction

            In recent years, software start-ups have gained attention from the research com-
            munity. In 2014, a systematic mapping study by Paternoster et al. [39] high-
            lighted the lack of relevant research addressing software engineering in start-
            ups. Results of this paper are reused by most subsequent studies on software
                In 2016, Unterkalmsteiner et al. [52] published a research agenda identifying
            further research directions in the area. These directions explore start-ups from
            software engineering perspective and only superficially touches upon other, e.g.
            marketing and business, aspects of start-ups. The underlying idea is that the core
            of a start-up is development and maintenance of a software-intensive product.
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            Thus, shortcomings in the product development could hinder any subsequent
            attempts to build a sustainable business around it [27].
                Since 2014, a substantial corpus of empirical data on software start-ups
            has been collected and analyzed, for example, Giardino et al. [17], Klotins et
            al. [30,28], and Tripathi et al. [51]. Several models are proposed to explain soft-
            ware engineering in start-ups, for example, Giardino et al. [8,18] and Klotins et
            al. [31].
                Most of the recent research on software start-ups focus on exploring engi-
            neering context and used practices. The exploration is motivated by the premise
            that start-ups are “special” and “unique”, thus require a special approach to
            software engineering, for example, Sutton [49], Blank [5], Gralha et al. [19], and
            Duc et al. [13]. At the same time, systematic adoption of existing engineering
            practices for use in start-ups had attracted little attention [29,4].
                The empirical data, for instance, Coleman et al. [10], Klotins et al. [28,30]
            and Giardino et al. [17], show little evidence of anything special, regarding soft-
            ware engineering, in start-ups compared to other market-driven organizations
            developing innovative software-intensive products. Such results invite to revisit
            the initial premise.
                Understanding to what extent software start-ups are different from estab-
            lished organizations is central to transferring the best engineering practices from
            other contexts to start-ups. If start-ups are different, the differences need to be
            explored to develop start-up specific engineering practices. If start-ups are not
            different, further research needs to emphasize the transfer of the best engineering
            practices from other contexts to start-ups.
                There has been a limited success with formulating a crisp and distinctive
            definition of a software start-up [44,52]. Ries [43] broadly defines start-ups as
            human institutions aiming to deliver new products or services under extreme
            uncertainty. Carmel [6] defines start-ups as new, market-driven companies aim-
            ing to launch software product fast with minimal resources. Unterkalmsteiner
            et al. [52] define software start-ups as newly founded companies developing
            software-intensive products under time and resource pressures. In our earlier
            study, we define start-ups as small companies created to develop and to mar-
            ket an innovative and software-intensive product and to aim to benefit from
            economies of scale [28]. These definitions describe software start-ups, however
            miss to convey any distinctive features.
                Blank [5] argues the key difference between start-ups and established orga-
            nizations is that established organizations aim to execute their business model,
            while start-ups are searching for one. To software engineers, this difference trans-
            lates into a focus on iterative development, frequent product releases, and exten-
            sive use of customer feedback. A very similar approach is used for market-driven
            product development in established organizations [12].
                Paternoster et al. [39] compile a list of recurring terms describing software
            start-ups. The terms are, for example, lack of resources and experience, time
            pressure, small team, high risk of failure among others. This list is often used by
            later studies, for example, Gralha et al. [19], Giardino et al. [17,8], and Klotins
SiBW 2018                                                                                         3

            et al. [30], to define what is a start-up and to justify their uniqueness. However,
            the list is meant to “illustrate how authors use the term software startup”, and
            does not imply any empirical grounding.
                The objective of this study is to examine how much empirical support there is
            for “unique” characteristics of start-ups. We analyze the list of start-up charac-
            teristics proposed by Paternoster et al. [39] and trace the supporting literature.
            Then, we examine the literature to estimate how much empirical support there
            is for each characteristic.
                The rest of this paper is structured as follows: In Section 2 we examine the
            terms and the supporting evidence. In Section 3 we discuss our findings. Section
            3 concludes the paper.

            2   Start-up characteristics
            We use the list of recurring terms characterizing software start-ups by Pater-
            noster et al. [39], to drive our analysis. The original list contains the following

             1. Lack of resources - Economical, human, and physical resources are extremely
             2. Highly Reactive - Startups are able to quickly react to changes of the un-
                derlying market, technologies, and product (compared to more established
             3. Innovation - Given the highly competitive ecosystem, startups need to focus
                on highly innovative segments of the market.
             4. Uncertainty - Startups deal with a highly uncertain ecosystem under different
                perspectives: market, product features, competition, people and finance.
             5. Rapidly Evolving - Successful startups aim to grow and scale rapidly.
             6. Time-pressure - The environment often forces startups to release fast and to
                work under constant pressure (terms sheets, demo days, investors’ requests)
             7. Third party dependency - Due to lack of resources, to build their prod-
                uct, startups heavily rely on external solutions: External APIs, Open Source
                Software, outsourcing, COTS, etc.
             8. Small Team - Startups start with a small numbers of individuals.
             9. One product - Company’s activities gravitate around one product/service
            10. Low-experienced team - A good part of the development team is formed by
                people with less than 5 years of experience and often recently graduated
            11. New company - The company has been recently created.
            12. Flat organization - Startups are usually founders-centric and everyone in the
                company has big responsibilities, with no need of high-management.
            13. Highly Risky - The failure rate of startups is extremely high.
            14. Not self-sustained - Especially in the early stage, startups need external
                funding to sustain their activities (Venture Capitalist, Angel Investments,
                Personal Funds, etc.).
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            15. Little working history - The basis of an organizational culture is not present

                For the brevity of our discussion, we group these terms them into 6 categories
            as some of the terms appear to be related.
                In the following subsections, we examine sources of the characteristics. We
            look into papers, identified by the review [39], to find empirical support each
            start-up characteristic. In our review, we include both papers listed by the map-
            ping study and any relevant papers referenced by the listed papers. In essence,
            we attempt to trace the original statement, a piece of data that inspired the
            formulation of each characteristic. In addition, we discuss to what extent each
            characteristic is relevant in other types of organizations.

            2.1   Lack of resources and dependency on external sponsors
            Lack of human, economic, and physical resources to support product engineering
            is the most frequently used term to describe software start-ups. It is related to
            dependencies on 3rd parties for funding and having not enough cash-flow to be
            self sustainable [39].
                Following the references, we found 24 papers, of which 17 analyze empirical
            data. We review these 17 papers to understand what exact empirical data was
            the basis for claiming that lack of resources and dependency of external sponsors
            are characteristic to start-ups.
                Some of the papers discuss the need or intention to allocate resources to sup-
            port product engineering, and not the lack of resources as a challenge [55,54,7].
            Coleman et al. [11] reference an experience report from a start-up company. The
            start-up, operating in 1992 was not able to afford then costly Internet connection
            and had relied on public Internet access elsewhere. May [34] discusses wasted re-
            sources in a start-up due to poor work ethics and using sub-optimal technologies.
            Mudambi et al. [36] and Yoo et al. [56] argue that small organizations have lesser
            resources at hand than larger organizations and may not yet have a sustainable
            revenue, thus resource allocation is an ongoing issue. Later studies elaborate on
            the impact of resource shortages.
                Giardino et al. [17] report allocation of resources as one of the Top 10 chal-
            lenges in start-ups, and elaborates that a studied company was unable to solve
            some technical problems in the product due to insufficient resources. Lindgren
            et al. [33] report that start-ups were not able to utilize experimentation to a full
            extent due to limited resources. Jorgensen [24] report that shortages in human
            resources caused delays in product development, and a project was canceled due
            to an insufficient budget.
                Related work on project resource management suggests securing sufficient
            resources is one of the critical steps in project inception and is linked to project
            success [47]. In both plan-driven and agile environments, the presence of a com-
            mitted sponsor is one of the key denominators for project success [9]. The trade-
            offs between features, resources, and quality, are common in any project [25,14].
            In this aspect, start-ups do not look any different.
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                A study investigating the impact on venture capital to start-ups prospects
            found that external funding has no significant effect on start-up outcome [48].
            Therefore, the focus of further research and practice should be on better meth-
            ods for engineering resource planning, control, and risk management, to make
            the best use of any amount of resources. Hadley et al. [20] presents similar find-
            ings suggesting an association between venture capital and negative long-term
                A report by Harvard Business Review [38] report that venture capitalists
            prefer investing in start-ups with younger founders, even though the odds of
            commercial success are with older and more experienced founders. The report
            points out that younger founders could be more financially constrained, thus be
            more willing to cede their business to venture capitalists at a lower price. In
            other words, young and inexperienced founders could provide higher returns of
            investment for venture capitalists.
                The related work so far does not present any convincing evidence that start-
            ups would experience the trade-off between resources, scope, and quality dif-
            ferently than other organizations [25]. However, the related work suggests that
            a potential difference between start-ups and established organizations could be
            that in an established organization project sponsor and the project team are
            from the same organization, thus share the same goals to serve customers, im-
            prove internal efficiency, and fulfill organization’s mission. However, start-ups
            are often funded by other organizations, for example, venture capitalists. Thus,
            their goals may not always be aligned [48,38].
                As shown by Azoulay et al. [38], venture capitalists could aim to maximize
            their return on investment. Start-up founders, in turn, could be motivated by
            an intent to bring their ideas to market, desire for autonomy, and need for
            accomplishment among other factors [15].

            2.2   Time pressure

            Time pressure is often used in combination with a lack of resources to describe
            start-ups [37]. The pressure supposedly originates from investors, external dead-
            lines, and contracts. Following the references, we found 13 supporting papers, of
            which 6 use empirical data [39].
                Examining the papers closer, we found that none of the papers use any
            data to justify the time pressure in start-ups. However, the papers present a
            discussion motivating the need for faster delivery time to reduce opportunity
            cost [5,50,40]. Start-ups aim to spend as little time as possible on activities
            that have an uncertain contribution to customer value, e.g., building invented
                Giardino et al. [8] identifies development speed as the core concept in start-
            ups. It is motivated by the need to keep the team’s morale high and to validate
            the product idea fast. Another study by Giardino et al. [17] links time pressure
            with available resources and the need to establish a sustainable stream of revenue
SiBW 2018                                                                                         6

                These findings suggest that the time pressure originates from internal con-
            siderations and resource limitations, and not from competition or external dead-
            lines. Thus, start-ups may have relative freedom to control the development pace
            and address the trade-off between quality and speed. Concerning time pressure,
            established companies face the same opportunity costs. However, they may have
            more resources at hand to sponsor the product development for longer.

            2.3   Innovation

            Focus on innovative technologies, products, and market segments is another term
            used to characterize start-ups [39]. Following the references, we identified in 15
            papers, of which 9 uses empirical data, concerning innovation in start-ups.
                These studies show that start-ups use innovative offerings primarily to differ-
            entiate from other competitors in the market [55,7]. The innovation in start-ups
            is to a large extent incremental and adds slight improvements to an existing
            product [32,55]. The innovative aspects can concern product features, quality,
            packaging, and marketing [26].
                Continuous innovation, driven by the innovation strategy, is essential to main-
            tain a competitive edge [32,26]. Heitlager et al. [22] argue, albeit without empir-
            ical support, that start-ups start with product innovation to enter the market,
            followed by process innovation to improve efficiency.
                Multi-vocal literature recognizes multiple types of innovation, for example,
            incremental and process innovation, business model innovation, radical and dis-
            ruptive innovation [1]. Incremental, process and business model innovation ap-
            pears to be most suited for small organizations as they focus on improving
            already known features, activities, and business models [26]. However, disrup-
            tive and radical innovation requires substantial investments and time to replace
            existing products and create entirely new markets with new business models [2].
            Thus, these types of innovation could be less suited for resource-strapped start-
                Regarding innovation, larger organizations may have the leverage to push
            more ambitious innovations than small start-ups. For example, Apple had cre-
            ated several disruptive innovations by launching its music platform, iPhone, and
            AppStore. Such innovations were enabled by their experience within the mar-
            ket, human, organizational and economic resources, and their brand name [53].
            However, start-ups lack most, if not all, such enablers. Regarding innovation,
            start-ups may have to be more modest than established organizations [46].

            2.4   Rapidly evolving new company

            Terms such as rapid evolution, a new company, small and flat team, focus on
            one product, and little working history are supported by 34 papers, 22 of them
            analyzing empirical data [39].
                There is an agreement among the papers that start-ups are new organiza-
            tions established by one or a few founders championing the product idea [55,7,34].
SiBW 2018                                                                                          7

            More people, resources, and processes are brought in to support product devel-
            opment and customer service. More processes and artifacts are introduced as the
            organization grows [7,10].
                Surprisingly, none of the studies present data illustrating the start-up growth.
            The growth is extrapolated from interviewee reflections (e.g. Coleman et al. [11]),
            a generalized model (Carmel. [7]), and plans to grow customer volume and mar-
            ket share rapidly (Yogendra et al. [55]).
                Later studies identify evolving engineering practices in start-ups. Gralha et
            al. [19] and Melegati et al. [35] identify that requirements engineering practices
            in start-ups develop from informal to more structured as the start-up matures.
            Giardino et al. [8] identifies a similar pattern in the adoption of agile practices.
            Early on, start-ups opt for an ad-hoc approach to engineering and introduce
            new practices as needed. Introduction of new practices and processes impair
            development speed, however improve coordination and product quality [28,8].
                Established organizations, compared to start-ups, are per definition more
            stable. Although organizational changes occur in established organizations, they
            are supported by processes, infrastructure, and concern one or few aspects of the
            organization at the time [58]. Therefore, rapid evolution in multiple aspects at
            once could be the most substantial difference between start-ups and other types
            of organizations.

            2.5   Lack of experience
            Inexperienced start-up teams are reported as a common theme in literature [39].
            This term is supported by 7 papers. However, by looking at the papers closer, we
            found that none of them present any empirical data supporting the statement.
                By analyzing the papers, we found several studies presenting data and analy-
            sis providing a strong link between the experience of the teams and prospects of
            start-up success [26,56,7]. More experienced people require less management [10],
            and are an essential resource for rapid product development [7,3]. However,
            May [34] and Giardino et al. [17] note that it is not always easy to find skilled
            and motivated individuals.
                A report by Harvard Business Review [38] analyzing a large sample of founders
            from the US show that most start-up founders are 30 - 50 years old. The aver-
            age age of commercially successful start-up founder is 45. Authors of the report
            emphasize the importance of previous experience and acumen to start a new
            business that comes with older age. Such findings refute the idea of young and
            inexperienced start-up founders as a typical case.
                Other studies add further support for the importance of technical and busi-
            ness experience to start-up success [57,41]. Giardino et al. [8] emphasizes the
            importance of a small and motivated team of skilled individuals. However, we
            could not find any evidence that start-ups would have disproportionally more
            inexperienced engineers than any other type of organization.
                Established organizations put substantial effort into on-boarding new soft-
            ware engineers. For example, by providing on-the-job training, mentoring, em-
            ployee guides, and so on [23]. It could take several months until a recruit reaches
SiBW 2018                                                                                          8

            full productivity [16]. A small start-up may lack the capacity to provide such
            resources to new engineers. As a consequence, start-ups may aim to hire engi-
            neers with relevant technical and domain knowledge to compensate for the lack
            of on-the-job training.

            2.6   Highly risky

            High risk of failure and uncertainty is identified as characteristic to start-ups is
            supported 12 studies, of which 8 uses empirical data [39].
                Examining the studies further, we found that none of them present any data
            on start-up failure rate. Blank [5] estimates a 75% failure rate among start-ups
            and motivates it by a report from Harvard Business School. However, we were
            not able to find the original report.
                Looking further, we found a study reporting small business survival rate
            of 66% after the first year, and 40% after six years or more [21]. The sample
            includes all types of recently established small businesses. While exact numbers
            from different sources vary, they agree that most new companies do not survive
            past the first few years. That said, we were not able to find any credible source
            estimating a general failure rate among start-ups.
                Carmel [6] emphasizes that launching a new venture is inherently associated
            with the risk of failure. However, estimating success and failure rate of start-ups
            is difficult. Likely, many start-up initiatives are closed down before they appear
            on any records. After closure, there is no evidence left behind to be studied. Part
            of the difficulty to estimate start-up failure rate is lack of a clear definition of
            what is a start-up, and what are their success and failure conditions.
                Traditional project management literature considers a project successful if it
            is delivered within budget, time, and scope [47]. The economic perspective on
            start-ups identifies return of investment as the accurate measure of success [42].
            Customer-centric view proposes to use customer satisfaction to assess the project
            success [45]. Carmel [6] argue that speed is the essential success metric in start-
                So far, the related work does not present any evidence that start-ups would
            have substantially different survival rate than other types of recently established
            ventures. However, as we have discussed earlier, start-ups may have stakeholders
            with different interpretations of success. For example, the investors could be
            looking for specific return of investment ratio. The odds of attaining such specific
            objectives could be much lower than of general survival of the company.

            3     Discussion

            We perform this inquiry to understand if there is enough evidence to claim that
            start-ups are different from established companies and need a different approach
            to software engineering. We examine 15 start-up characteristics that are often
            used to define and differentiate start-ups from established organizations.
SiBW 2018                                                                                             9

                By reviewing the literature, we identify several common shortcomings. Firstly,
            many studies present an anecdotal characterization of start-ups. Such character-
            ization of start-ups is often placed in the introduction, motivating the study.
            Meanwhile, the research itself focuses on different aspects that neither add or
            remove support for the characteristics. Such anecdotes propagate, are generalized
            by further studies, and cause misconceptions about engineering start-ups.
                Secondly, studies investigating start-ups rarely, if at all, discuss their findings
            in a broader context. As a consequence, some challenges, for example, lack of
            resources and innovation, are presented as unique to start-ups. Such narrow focus
            takes away the opportunity to transfer the best engineering practices from other
            contexts to start-ups, and vice versa.
                By evaluating the actual empirical evidence, we find little support for most of
            the characteristics. For example, we could not find any empirical evidence show-
            ing that start-up teams are inexperienced. Quite the opposite, empirical studies
            show that start-ups are often founded by middle-aged entrepreneurs with sub-
            stantial experience and business acumen. Furthermore, some of the characteris-
            tics that are presented as “unique” to start-ups are common in other types of
            organizations. For example, the challenge of balancing project scope with avail-
            able resources is hardly unique to start-ups. In other words, by examining the
            literature, we could not find convincing empirical evidence that start-ups would
            be in any way “unique” regarding software engineering. Such results suggest
            that the focus of further research should be on transferring the best engineering
            practices from established organizations to start-ups.
                We identify several limitations concerning our study. The start-up charac-
            teristics discussed in this paper are based on work by Paternoster et al. [39].
            There could be other studies more accurately describing start-ups and empha-
            sizing their distinctive characteristics. However, to our best knowledge, the terms
            identified by Paternoster et al. are the most commonly used, thus serve as a good
            enough basis to raise the discussion on what is so special about software engi-
            neering in start-ups.
                The literature analyzed in this paper is identified by following traceability
            information provided by Paternoster et al. [39]. There is a threat that this in-
            formation is incomplete and we may have overlooked some important studies.
            To address this treat, and explore a concept in a broader context, we perform
            independent searches for relevant literature.
                Our discussion is limited only to software engineering perspective of start-ups.
            Other perspectives, for example, business, finances, and marketing could present
            more distinct differences between start-ups and established organizations. Such
            other perspectives are left out from our discussion.

            4    Conclusions and further work

            In this paper, we examine the commonly used characteristics to distinguish be-
            tween start-ups and established organizations. We found that most of the fre-
            quently used start-up characteristics have little empirical support, and some
SiBW 2018                                                                                        10

            10     E. Klotins et al.

            of the characteristics are present in larger organizations as well. We conclude
            that the terms characterizing software start-ups, and the definition of software
            start-ups from software engineering perspective need to be revised.

                Such finding has implications to our main question whether or not start-ups
            are special, and should use different engineering practices than small-medium en-
            terprises and other types of organizations. We could not find convincing evidence
            that start-ups need a different approach to engineering than other types of orga-
            nizations. We found that rapid evolution and conflicting stakeholders objectives
            could be adding extra complexity to software engineering. Such additional com-
            plexity suggests that start-ups should be more, not less, structured in following
            the best engineering practices.

                From our analysis, we identify three potential research directions concerning
            software start-ups.

               1. Rapid evolution: Growing an organization from a few people to multiple
            teams working together in a short time requires an evolution of communication
            and coordination practices as well. Practices that work with few engineers, cus-
            tomers, and a small product, will not suffice in a larger team, thousands of cus-
            tomers and a complex product. There are plenty of engineering practices aimed
            at dynamic environments, e.g., agile. However, realizing the need for, selection,
            and continuous adoption of new practices is a major engineering challenge.

                2. Thinner margins of error: Given their small size and dependency
            on external sponsors, start-ups have little margin for errors. The errors may
            concern both product decisions, e.g., what features and quality to build, and
            process decisions, e.g., determining the most efficient way of delivering the fea-
            tures. Larger organizations could cover losses of one product with profits from
            another. And, compensate for inefficient practices with more resources. How-
            ever, in start-ups failure to deliver customer value quickly usually means the
            closure of the company. To software engineers, this translates into the need for
            proven engineering methods, continuous process improvement, stricter control
            over resource utilization, and better risk management.

                3. Misaligned stakeholder objectives: When project sponsors and the
            project team are from the same organization, they share the same high-level
            goals, e.g., to serve their customers, and fulfill the company’s mission. However,
            in start-ups project sponsors could be from a different organization, thus may
            have very different goals. For instance, venture capitalists may aim to maximize
            the returns of investment, while a start-up could aim to pioneer an innovative
            technology. To software engineers, this implies the need to balance the interests
            of different stakeholder groups, namely, customers, shareholders, and the start-
            up itself.
SiBW 2018                                                                                             11

            5     Acknowledgments
            Ideas presented in this paper arise from discussions with Dr. M. Unterkalm-
            steiner, Prof. Dr. T. Gorschek, and members of Software Start-up Research Net-
            work1 .
                The author would like to thank all the reviewers for their time and valuable
            input in shaping this paper.

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