=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2305/preface |storemode=property |title=None |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2305/preface.pdf |volume=Vol-2305 }} ==None== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2305/preface.pdf
Sami Hyrynsalmi, Arho Suominen, Christopher Jud,
Xiaofeng Wang, Jan Bosch, Jürgen Münch (Eds.)

Proceedings of

International Workshop on Software-
intensive Business: Start-ups,
Ecosystems and Platforms
(SiBW 2018)

Held in Espoo, Finland, December 3, 2018
Copyright © 2018 for the individual papers by the papers’ authors. Copying
permitted for private and academic purposes. This volume is published and
copyrighted by its editors.

Addresses of the editors:
Sami Hyrynsalmi               Arho Suominen            Christopher Jud
Tampere University of         VTT Technical            University of Stuttgart
Technology                    Research Centre of       Keplerstr. 17, 70174
P.O. Box 527, 33101           Finland                  Stuttgart, Germany
Tampere, Finland              P.O. Box 1000, 02044     mail@christopher-jud.de
sami.hyrynsalmi@tut.fi        VTT, Finland

Xiaofeng Wang                 Jan Bosch                Jürgen Münch
Free University of Bozen-     Chalmers University of   Reutlingen University,
Bolzano, Dominikanerplatz 3   Technology               Herman Hollerith Center
– piazza, Domenicani, 3       SE-412 96 Gothenburg     Danziger Straße 6, 71034
39100 Bozen-Bolzano, Italy    Sweden                   Böblingen, Germany
xiaofeng.wang@unibz.it        jan@janbosch.com         juergen.muench@reutlingen-
Committees ............................................................................................... iv
Preface ....................................................................................................... v

Software start-ups through an empirical lens: are start-ups snowflakes?
Eriks Klotins .............................................................................................. 1
100+ metrics for software startups – A multi-vocal literature review
Kai-Kristian Kemell, Xiaofeng Wang, Anh Nguyen-Duc,
Jason Grendus, Tuure Tuunanen and Pekka Abrahamsson .................... 15
The buried presence of entrepreneurial experience-based learning in
software startups
Dron Khanna and Xiaofeng Wang ........................................................... 30
Business as usual? On the nature of relationships in enterprise
software platform ecosystems
Sabine Molenaar, Martijn van Vliet, Luc Beelen and
Slinger Jansen .......................................................................................... 40
Platform ecosystems for the industrial internet of things – A software
intensive business perspective
Dimitri Petrik and Georg Herzwurm ....................................................... 57
The role of prosumers in the evolution of a software ecosystem:
Case Steam
Tapani N. Joelsson, Sami Hyrynsalmi and Sabine Molenaar.................. 70
Entrepreneurial oriented discussions in smart cities: Perspectives
driven from systematic use of social network services data
Arash Hajikhani ....................................................................................... 89
Collective consciousness in business ecosystems
Marja Turunen and Matti Mäntymäki ................................................... 105
Engineering and business aspects of SaaS model adoption: Insights
from a mapping study
Andrey Saltan and Ahmed Seffah........................................................... 115
The open source software business model blueprint: A comparative
analysis of 10 open source companies
Zeena Spijkerman and Slinger Jansen ................................................... 128
How to support transformation from on-premise products to SaaS?
Position paper for future research
Teppo Yrjönkoski ................................................................................... 144
ISO 16355 in software-intensive business
Felix Schönhofen, Sixten Schockert and Georg Herzwurm ................... 158
Decision-making in software product management: Identifying
research directions from practice
Andrey Saltan, Slinger Jansen and Kari Smolander ............................. 164
It takes three to tango: Requirement, outcome/data, and AI driven
Jan Bosch, Helena H. Olsson and Ivica Crnkovic ................................. 177
Do software startups innovate in the same way? A case survey study
Jorge Melegati and Xiaofeng Wang ...................................................... 193
Why feature-based roadmaps fail in rapidly changing markets:
A qualitative survey
Jürgen Münch, Stefan Trieflinger and Dominic Lang ........................... 202
Software startup education around the world: A preliminary analysis
Rafael Chanin, Dron Khanna, Kai-Kristian Kemell, Wang Xiaofeng,
Afonso Sales, Rafael Prikladnicki and Pekka Abrahamsson ................. 219
Effectuation as a frame for networking decisions – The case of
a Finnish information technology start-up
Katariina Yrjönkoski and Anu Suominen............................................... 230
Teaching Lean Startup principles: An empirical study on assumption
Matthias Gutbrod and Jürgen Münch.................................................... 245
Organizing Committee
Jan Bosch — Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Sami Hyrynsalmi — Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Christopher Jud — University of Stuttgart, Germany
Jürgen Münch — Reutlingen University, Germany
Arho Suominen — VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Xiaofeng Wang — Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy

Program Committee
Matthias Deschryvere — VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Arash Hajikhani — VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Ari Helin — University of Turku, Finland
Jukka Huhtamäki — Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Sami Hyrynsalmi — Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Slinger Jansen — Utrecht University, the Netherlands
Tapani Joelsson — University of Turku, Finland
Christopher Jud — University of Stuttgart, Germany
Miika Kumpulainen — Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Markku Kuusisto — Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Jürgen Münch — Reutlingen University, Germany
Nina Rilla — VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Rodrigo dos Santos — Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro,
Marko Seppänen — Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Kari Smolander — Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland
Krista Sorri — Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Kaisa Still — VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Arho Suominen — VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Sampo Suonsyrjä — Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Marja Turunen — University of Turku, Finland
George Valença — Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Brazil
Xiaofeng Wang — Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
Krzysztof Wnuk — Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden
Katariina Yrjönkoski — Tampere University of Technology, Finland

The very first International Workshop on Software-intensive Business: Start-ups,
Ecosystems and Platforms (SiBW 2018) was held in Espoo (Greater Helsinki),
Finland on December 3rd, 2018 – just a day before SLUSH 2018, the world’s
biggest startup event. Thanks to the collaboration with the organizers of SLUSH,
many of the software-intensive business researchers and practitioners took part
also in this event.
     The international workshop gathered together 35 registered attendees, from
Sweden, Germany, Latvia, Finland, Italy and the Netherlands representing both
academia as well as industry. The event itself was sponsored by VTT Techni-
cal Research Centre of Finland and the workshop was organized by the newly
founded Software-intensive Business research community (c.f. [1]) together with
Software Startup Research Network (SSRN)1 .
     This year’s workshop consisted of 19 workshop papers and a seminal keynote.
All papers submitted to the workshop were reviewed by at least two members of
the program committee and the papers were selected according to their sugges-
tions. As always, our sincere thanks go to the reviewers – in total, the 57 review
statements contained nearly 28,000 words. We are thankful to the members of
the program committee for the time and passion they have put into giving useful
advices on how to improve the papers.
     As a result, the workshop presented a broad view on the recent development
in the field of software-intensive business within the selected focal areas. All in
all, the program committee highlighted four themes across the papers: startups,
new product development, business models and ecosystems. These categorizations
give an interesting vantage point to the ongoing debate in the field of software-
intensive business. Our discussion generally focuses on new venture creation,
value creation and value capture — themes much researched but still lacking in
software specific explanations. This set the tone of this year’s workshop.

Software startups. The workshop day was opened by Jason Grendus with his
keynote presentation titled “Business Angel Mindset”. In his presentation, Gren-
dus shared his experiences on working with, and as one of angel investors.
    Klotins [2] continued the theme by asking the question “...[A]re start-ups
snowflakes?” The work made an effort to understand if, and to which extent,
software startups are unique in how they approach software engineering. Klotins
[2] took a narrow view of engineering; we can of course ask the same question
more broadly: How unique are software-intensive business and to which extent
it warrants its own research. Much of the workshop actually focused on just
this, highlighting the software specific undertones in the broader understanding
about business, management, and engineering.

    Kemell et al. [3] showed through a grey literature review over a hundred
metrics for software startups. Many of these make sense in a broader analysis
of business and engineering, but some show clear specificity on understanding
software-intensive business. Khanna and Wang [4] presented a framework on how
startup teams could utilize experience-based learning in their work.
    Software-intensive business, particularly through platforms, is a low entry
barrier business driven by minimum viable product experimentation. This has
many research implications. It highlights the importance of education on new
venture creation. Gutbrod and Münch [5] look at teaching lean startup principles
and in particularly how entrepreneurs can identify core assumptions in a fast-
paced business environment. In the same line, Chanin et al. [6] looked at how
software startup education impacts the success or failure of startups.
    Yrjönkoski and Suominen [7] studied effectuation as a frame for network deci-
sions in a software startup. Their results show that effectuation behaviour might
be an useful approach for managers in the early fuzzy phases of a startup. In
addition, they point out avenues for further work on the concept of effectuation.

New product development. The field of software-intensive business is tightly in-
tertwined with the actual development of software artifacts. To foster the de-
velopment of the field, Schönhofen et al. [8] address in their paper how the
ISO 16355 standard can be used to support the development of the software-
intensive field. The standard, which is based on Quality Function Deployment
(QFD), seems a promising starting point for future work.
    With a similar focus, Saltan et al. [9] identified new research directions for
software product management based on a case study focusing on five software-
intensive companies. Melegati & Wang [10] focused their understanding on how
software startups innovate in the dynamic market, finding that literature did
not differentiate startups based on the innovations they develop, leaving much
for further research to uncover. Münch et al. [11] addressed, in their study, the
problems of the traditional roadmapping in a software-intensive company. They
conclude that the traditional approach is not suitable anymore in agile and
innovative environments.
    Bosch et al. [12] identified, from their empirical material, three different ap-
proaches to the software development: Requirement-driven, Outcome-driven and
AI-driven development approaches. Their study presents a new and interesting
way to characterize software development work in companies. In addition, Bosch
et al. [12] provided a framework for deciding when and what approach to use.

Business models. As the field of software-intensive business aims to cross the
gap between technology and business, also business models were strongly present
in the workshop. Spijkerman and Jansen [13] presented a survey on ten open-
source software companies’ business models and summarize their key findings as
an open-source software business model blueprint.
    Saltan and Seffah [14] presented a mapping study for identifying the technical
and business challenges of SaaS adoptions. As a result, they present a framework
for identifying the challenges and required a formation of a research agenda.

Yrjönkoski [15] continued the same line of research by surveying literature on how
small-and-medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) should organize the transformation
from on-premise products to SaaS solutions. His results show, that while results
from large enterprises with enough time and resources have been presented, there
is a lack of work reporting how SMEs have carried out the transformation with
fewer resources.

Ecosystems & platforms. Also software ecosystems and platforms were presented
in the workshop. Molenaar et al. [16] studied how partners perceive the keystone’s
power in a software ecosystem. Their study reveals new insights in partner-
keystone dynamics in the software ecosystems. Joelsson et al. [17] continued the
same approach and went on to highlight the active role of prosumers — “users
who consume as well as produce” — in the studied software ecosystem. This
type of actors is specific to digital environments and their role is understudied.
    Petrik and Herzwurm [18] studied industrial Internet of Things (iIoT) plat-
forms and based on the interviews, they present a business model taxonomy
for iIoT platforms. Hajikhani [19] focused on social media platforms and en-
trepreneurial discussions in smart cities. By focusing on the case of London, his
study advances our understanding on social media’s impact on an innovation
and entrepreneurial ecosystem.
    Turunen and Mäntymäki [20] observed a lack of understanding of psycho-
social dynamics in ecosystem studies. They use the concept of collective con-
sciousness as a tool for characterizing the ecosystems as complex networks of
heterogeneous actors. Their study works as an interesting opening to ecosystem
scholars to widen the approaches used to understand the complex phenomenon.

December 2018                                 Sami Hyrynsalmi, Arho Suominen,
                                               Christopher Jud, Xiaofeng Wang,
                                                    Jan Bosch & Jürgen Münch

 1. Abrahamsson, P., Bosch, J., Brinkkemper, S., Mädche, A.: Software Business, Plat-
    forms, and Ecosystems: Fundamentals of Software Production Research (Dagstuhl
    Seminar 18182). Dagstuhl Reports 8(4) (2018) 164–198
 2. Klotins, E.: Software start-ups through an empirical lens: are start-ups snowflakes?
    In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Software-intensive Business:
    Start-ups, Ecosystems and Platforms 2018 (SiBW 2018). (2018) 1–14
 3. Kemell, K.K., Wang, X., Nguyen-Duc, A., Grendus, J., Tuunanen, T., Abrahams-
    son, P.: 100+ metrics for software startups – a multi-vocal literature review. In:
    Proceedings of the International Workshop on Software-intensive Business: Start-
    ups, Ecosystems and Platforms 2018 (SiBW 2018). (2018) 15–29
 4. Khanna, D., Wang, X.: The buried presence of entrepreneurial experience-based
    learning in software startups. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on
    Software-intensive Business: Start-ups, Ecosystems and Platforms 2018 (SiBW
    2018). (2018) 30–39
 5. Gutbrod, M., Münch, J.: Teaching lean startup principles: An empirical study
    on assumption prioritization. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on
    Software-intensive Business: Start-ups, Ecosystems and Platforms 2018 (SiBW
    2018). (2018) 245–253
 6. Chanin, R., Khanna, D., Kemell, K.K., Xiaofeng, W., Sales, A., Prikladnicki, R.,
    Abrahamsson, P.: Software startup education around the world: A preliminary
    analysis. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Software-intensive
    Business: Start-ups, Ecosystems and Platforms 2018 (SiBW 2018). (2018) 219–229
 7. Yrjönkoski, K., Suominen, A.: Effectuation as a frame for networking decisions
    – the case of a Finnish information technology start-up. In: Proceedings of the
    International Workshop on Software-intensive Business: Start-ups, Ecosystems and
    Platforms 2018 (SiBW 2018). (2018) 230–244
 8. Schönhofen, F., Schockert, S., Herzwurm, G.: ISO 16355 in software-intensive
    business. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Software-intensive
    Business: Start-ups, Ecosystems and Platforms 2018 (SiBW 2018). (2018) 158–163
 9. Saltan, A., Jansen, S., Smolander, K.: Decision-making in software product man-
    agement: Identifying research directions from practice. In: Proceedings of the In-
    ternational Workshop on Software-intensive Business: Start-ups, Ecosystems and
    Platforms 2018 (SiBW 2018). (2018) 164–176
10. Melegati, J., Wang, X.: Do software startups innovate in the same way? a case
    survey study. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Software-intensive
    Business: Start-ups, Ecosystems and Platforms 2018 (SiBW 2018). (2018) 193–201
11. Münch, J., Trieflinger, S., Lang, D.: Why feature-based roadmaps fail in rapidly
    changing markets: A qualitative survey. In: Proceedings of the International Work-
    shop on Software-intensive Business: Start-ups, Ecosystems and Platforms 2018
    (SiBW 2018). (2018) 202–218
12. Bosch, J., Olsson, H.H., Crnkovic, I.: It takes three to tango: Requirement, out-
    come/data, and AI driven development. In: Proceedings of the International Work-
    shop on Software-intensive Business: Start-ups, Ecosystems and Platforms 2018
    (SiBW 2018). (2018) 177–192
13. Spijkerman, Z., Jansen, S.: The open source software business model blueprint:
    A comparative analysis of 10 open source companies. In: Proceedings of the In-
    ternational Workshop on Software-intensive Business: Start-ups, Ecosystems and
    Platforms 2018 (SiBW 2018). (2018) 128–145

14. Saltan, A., Seffah, A.: Engineering and business aspects of SaaS model adoption:
    Insights from a mapping study. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop
    on Software-intensive Business: Start-ups, Ecosystems and Platforms 2018 (SiBW
    2018). (2018) 115–127
15. Yrjönkoski, T.: How to support transformation from on-premise products to saas?
    position paper for future research. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop
    on Software-intensive Business: Start-ups, Ecosystems and Platforms 2018 (SiBW
    2018). (2018) 144–157
16. Molenaar, S., van Vliet, M., Beelen, L., Jansen, S.: Business as usual? on the nature
    of relationships in enterprise software platform ecosystems. In: Proceedings of the
    International Workshop on Software-intensive Business: Start-ups, Ecosystems and
    Platforms 2018 (SiBW 2018). (2018) 40–56
17. Joelsson, T.N., Hyrynsalmi, S., Molenaar, S.: The role of prosumers in the evo-
    lution of a software ecosystem: Case Steam. In: Proceedings of the International
    Workshop on Software-intensive Business: Start-ups, Ecosystems and Platforms
    2018 (SiBW 2018). (2018) 72–88
18. Petrik, D., Herzwurm, G.: Platform ecosystems for the industrial internet of things
    – a software intensive business perspective. In: Proceedings of the International
    Workshop on Software-intensive Business: Start-ups, Ecosystems and Platforms
    2018 (SiBW 2018). (2018) 57–71
19. Hajikhani, A.: Entrepreneurial oriented discussions in smart cities: Perspectives
    driven from systematic use of social network services data. In: Proceedings of the
    International Workshop on Software-intensive Business: Start-ups, Ecosystems and
    Platforms 2018 (SiBW 2018). (2018) 89–103
20. Turunen, M., Mäntymäki, M.: Collective consciousness in business ecosystems. In:
    Proceedings of the International Workshop on Software-intensive Business: Start-
    ups, Ecosystems and Platforms 2018 (SiBW 2018). (2018) 105–114