=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2363/paper10 |storemode=property |title=The Science Gateways Community Institute: Going Beyond Borders |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2363/paper10.pdf |volume=Vol-2363 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/iwsg/GesingDZWL17 }} ==The Science Gateways Community Institute: Going Beyond Borders== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2363/paper10.pdf
                          9th International Workshop on Science Gateways (IWSG 2017), 19-21 June 2017

             The Science Gateways Community Institute: Going Beyond Borders

           Sandra Gesing                                    Maytal Dahan                                  Michael Zentner
       University of Notre Dame                        The University of Texas at                        Purdue University
         Notre Dame, USA                                     Austin, USA                                West Lafayette, USA
       sandra.gesing@nd.edu                             maytal@tacc.utexas.edu                          mzentner@purdue.edu

        Nancy Wilkins-Diehr                                                                              Katherine Lawrence
       University of California                                                                         University of Michigan
          San Diego, USA                                                                                  Ann Arbor, USA
         wilkinsn@sdsc.edu                                                                               kathla@umich.edu

    Abstract—The Science Gateways Community Institute                  leaders who are building discipline-specific cyberinfrastructure
(SGCI), opened in August 2016, provides free resources, services,      capabilities”. These capabilities were by and large web-based,
experts, and ideas for creating and sustaining science gateways. It    and the science gateway concept was born. These gateways
offers five areas of services to the science gateway developer and     came from many disciplines and had many different funding
user communities: the Incubator, Extended Developer Support,           models. Over the eight years of the program we saw a variety
the Scientific Software Collaborative, Community Engagement            or gateways large and small come and sometimes go,
and Exchange, and Workforce Development. While all these               sometimes despite strong user interest [4]. Frequently failing
services are available to US-based communities, the Incubator,         gateways could undermine confidence in and potential impact
the Scientific Software Collaborative and the Community En-
                                                                       of these powerful interfaces. Two subsequent studies and a
gagement and Exchange serve also the international commun-
ities. We aim at reaching out and supporting beyond borders on
                                                                       5000-respondent survey [5] highlight characteristics, environ-
international scale with diverse measures and our intent is to         ments and support systems that contributed to successful
form and deepen collaborations with partner organizations and          science gateways. These studies have directly informed the
coalitions beneficial and/or related to the science gateways com-      design of the Science Gateways Community Institute.
munity. Research topics are independent of national borders and            SGCI’s current conference series builds on significant work
researchers spread worldwide can benefit from each other’s             by others. The Open Grid Computing Environments program,
research results, software, data and from lessons learned — via
                                                                       that advanced the use of web portals, began its workshop series
online materials and publications or at international events. The
                                                                       in 2005 [6]. In 2009, the International Workshop on Science
gateway community has long benefitted from this type of
exchange. This paper will present related work describing the
                                                                       Gateways (IWSG) series began and in 2015 an Australian
benefits of international collaborations generally, and specifically   series, IWSG-A [7]. These three series have a history of cross
as they relate to science gateways. We go into detail regarding        attendance as well as keynote speakers from the other series.
SGCI’s ongoing work on an international scale and its work
                                                                            II. INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION IN RESEARCH
planned in the near future.
                                                                           The benefits of international collaborations are well sup-
    Keywords—science gateways community institute; international       ported. The Technopolis group and the Manchester Institute of
collaboration; community engagement and exchange; scientific           Innovation Research analyzed in 2009 the drivers of inter-
software collaborative; incubator                                      national collaboration in research [8]. Their examination is
                                                                       based on international collaborations in the EU context but also
I. INTRODUCTION: THE ORIGINS OF THE SCIENCE GATEWAYS                   beyond it including the US, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China,
                COMMUNITY INSTITUTE                                    India, Japan, Mexico, Russia, and South Africa. They found
    The Science Gateways Community Institute (SGCI) was                that the main four drivers of international collaborations are
established as one of the US National Science Foundation’s
first Software Institutes in August 2016 [1]. This award was the           Improving national competitiveness
result of over 10 years’ work studying the community and its               Supporting less developed countries by developing
scientific contributions and the benefits that could be gained              science, technology and innovation capabilities
through a central organization providing increased visibility to
these efforts [2]. Seven months in, early interest has been                Tackling global societal challenges
strong. Many are recognizing that work they have done for
                                                                           Creating good and stable diplomatic relationships (and
many years can be classified as a science gateway. Many more
                                                                            indirectly ensuring international security)
are recognizing what an increased contribution their work
might make if it were exposed as a science gateway.                        While globalization is not a new trend, it becomes more
                                                                       and more evident in industrial research and the worldwide
   Early work in the National Science Foundation’s TeraGrid
                                                                       mobility of researchers. The success of LIGO [9] and the
program [3] involved the creation of policies and a program to
                                                                       detection of gravitational waves is one of the recent
provide access to NSF funded supercomputers for “community
                         9th International Workshop on Science Gateways (IWSG 2017), 19-21 June 2017

achievements of international collaboration that was attained        beyond borders (Fig. 1 illustrates the usage of HUBzero-based
by more than 1,000 scientists from 15 different countries. The       science gateways around the globe) and are success stories for
2009 report elucidates that the increased political debate and       international usage of science gateway technologies.
urgency of global challenges such as climate change, health
issues and sustainable energy resources has led to more                  The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section
international collaborations. Further findings include that          3 covers related international organizations and programs.
smaller countries tend to collaborate internationally more often     SGCI is described in section 4 with a particular focus on the
than bigger ones, and the authors refer to literature reviews that   international aspects of each service area. Section 5 goes into
show that publications with international partners are more          detail about ongoing work between SGCI and its international
cited than publications with one author or a group of authors        counterparts and future work.
from one country. This trend has many reasons and does not                               III. RELATED WORK
refer to the quality of publications by single authors but is
evident in citation counts.                                              The UK Software Sustainability Institute (UK SSI) [16]
                                                                     was funded in 2010 and serves the UK’s research software
    For SGCI, international research has—besides the big             community as well as partners on an international level. Its
picture of such collaborations—also very practical aspects.          goal is to cultivate better, more sustainable, research software
Software solutions already developed in countries outside of         to enable world-class research. Its investigations have
the US can be also applied in the US if the source code is           elucidated that 70% of UK researchers rely on software in their
openly accessible and if access technologies and policies for its    research [17]. The institute has worked with over 50 projects to
usage are aligned. Software frameworks and technologies are          directly improve their codes, written over 80 best practices and
in general not bound to a location; they can be bound to             organized training events to teach over 1,000 learners the
hardware requirements or require high-speed networks for             basics of software engineering. They have built a platform to
efficient and effective use.                                         provide researchers and developers access to the contacts,
    Despite all the possibilities and opportunities of               information and training necessary to develop reliable and
international collaborations, there are also challenges. The         reproducible research software. Besides UK-based and online
established system sciences conference series HICSS (Hawaii          activities, the UK SSI organizes a yearly Research Software
International Conference on System Sciences) [10], for exam-         Engineers Conference open for international participation and
ple, for more than 10 years has had a minitrack analyzing and        is majorly involved in the organization of further events such
discussing the challenges for global virtual teams—not only in       as the workshop series Working towards Sustainable Software
academia but also in industry and governmental projects [11].        for Science: Practice and Experience (WSSSPE) [18]. Similar
They investigate challenges including temporal, cultural, and        to the goals for international collaborations of SGCI, they have
language differences; diversity in management and work               established partnerships in Canada, the US, and European
styles; and conflict management. Research recommendations            countries. They achieved to be the de facto point of contact for
suggest alleviating challenges by increasing the awareness of        research software good practice. Science gateways form a sub-
these challenges and by training people. While SGCI offers           group of research software and SGCI aims at building a long-
training and webinars in the context of science gateways with        term partnership with the UK SSI. The institutes can
consideration of these aspects, it will not offer training on the    complement each other with services in the international
topic of international collaboration itself.                         research software and science gateways landscape.

    The last decade has led to diverse, mature, science-gateway          Science gateways are often called Virtual Research
frameworks such as HUBzero [12], the Agave Platform [13],            Environments (VREs) in Europe and the Horizon 2020
Apache Airavata [14], and Galaxy [15]. Their worldwide usage         program regularly announces solicitations calling for projects
is an example for the potential of sharing science gateways          in the context of VREs in general or dedicated to a certain
                                                                     research domain. For example, VRE4EIC (A Europe-wide
                                                                     interoperable Virtual Research Environment to Empower
                                                                     multidisciplinary research communities and accelerate
                                                                     Innovation and Collaboration) [19] targets key data and
                                                                     software challenges in supporting multidisciplinary data-driven
                                                                     sciences. Its specific objectives include among others:
                                                                         Increase the VRE usability for multi-disciplinary
                                                                         Increase the deployment of VRE on different research
                                                                          infrastructures by abstracting and reusing building
                                                                          blocks and workflows;

     Figure 1: Global users of HUBzero-based science                     Improve the contextual awareness and interoperability
                                                                          of metadata.
                         9th International Workshop on Science Gateways (IWSG 2017), 19-21 June 2017

    These objectives are well aligned with objectives of SGCI        based projects and students and are available for US-based
that are concerned with supporting the development of user-          communities but not on an international level. The restriction
friendly science gateways and reusing existing mature science        on national scale results inherently from characteristics of the
gateway frameworks. A goal is to partner with the project on         funding. Thus, we describe here in detail the three areas that
suitable best practices.                                             are available to the international community.
    ENVRIplus [20] is a Horizon 2020 project “bringing               A. Community Engagement and Exchange
together Environmental and Earth System Research                         CEE provides a wide variety of measures to interact with
Infrastructures, projects and networks together with technical       the SGCI and within the community surrounding science
specialist partners to create a more coherent, interdisciplinary     gateways. The yearly Gateways conference series succeeds the
and interoperable cluster of Environmental Research Infra-           successful Gateways Computing Environment (GCE)
structures across Europe”. The project published a report with a     workshop series and attracted more than 120 participants from
vision for a worldwide environmental research infrastructure.        the US, Poland, Italy, Mexico and Australia in 2016. It is a
The recommendations include topics independent of the re-            major event for the community to share experiences, present
search domain such as improving interdisciplinary collab-            their work, identify new issues and shape future directions of
oration, sharing computationally expensive results, data-            research in the context of science gateways. It takes place in
intensive federation support and software sustainability, which      the US and partners with the European workshop series
overlap with goals of science gateways The project organizes         International Workshop on Science Gateways (IWSG) and
and teams up on events for best practices to create environ-         International Workshop on Science Gateways–Australia
mental research infrastructures and is also a very suitable          (IWSG-A) on a yearly journal special issue as well as on
potential partner for SGCI to share experiences and best             invitations of keynote speakers.
practices on software solutions for interdisciplinary research.
                                                                         Besides these science-gateway focused events, SGCI staff
    Science gateways are an increasingly common component            also present and publish at international technology-focused or
of funded activities by many agencies in the US. The National        domain-focused events, which attract communities on different
Science Foundation (NSF) and National Institutes of Health           scale, e.g., at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall
(NIH) directly mention science gateways in solicitations and         meeting with approximately 24,000 participants in 2016, at the
roadmaps, [21]; moreover, NIH and Intelligence Advanced              Hawaiian International Conference on System Sciences
Research Projects Activity (IARPA) also allow for applications       (HICSS) with about 1000 participants yearly, or the 2nd
requesting funding for international partners. SGCI can offer        Personalized Medicine Conference with about 40 participants.
all services of the institute to such international collaborations
when there is support from a US-based partner.                           In addition to face-to-face meetings, SGCI features diverse
                                                                     online options for interaction with different levels of
IV. SGCI’S CONCEPT FOR INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATIONS                  involvement. Regular newsletters inform not only about news
    SGCI consists of five service areas, which closely interact      regarding the activities and products of the SGCI but about
and complement each other to serve the communities tailored          related events, publications and achievements of science
to their needs and increase the sustainability and reusability of    gateway projects. The monthly webinar provides the
science gateways.                                                    opportunity to present use cases, projects, technologies and/or
                                                                     concepts. Researchers all over the world are also invited to
    The Community Engagement and Exchange (CEE)                     write blog posts, offer their project as a case study, and
     brings the community together through interaction and           advertise related events. SGCI continuously works on best
     professional development.                                       practices for various topics related to science gateways,
                                                                     especially in the Incubator and Extended Developer Support
    The Scientific Software Collaborative (SSC) leverages
                                                                     service areas. We aim for international contributions that
     and promotes existing investments in gateway
                                                                     consider the distinct science gateway landscapes in different
                                                                     countries and on different continents with regard to the
    The Incubator team provides expertise and guidance for          variation of technologies, policies and funding opportunities.
     the science gateway lifecycle.                                  Additionally, researchers can also request webinars on diverse
                                                                     topics or meetings led by SGCI staff to be presented at their
    The Extended Developer Support (EDS) enhances                   home institutions. For example, they can ask for a webinar on
     gateways through technical help from experienced                software development sustainability via on-campus groups.
     gateway developers.
                                                                         The partner program has been launched to build long-term
    The Workforce Development nurtures the next                     partnerships between organizations, projects and the SGCI to
     generation of science gateways users and developers.            benefit the community in multiple ways:
    CEE, SSC and the Incubator present near term targets for             Leverage the expertise of complementary organizations
engaging and supporting international collaborations on                   to support and advise the gateway community in the
science gateways via SGCI. These are the areas that can be                best possible way.
offered to the international community, while the EDS and
Workforce Development are actively supporting various US-
                         9th International Workshop on Science Gateways (IWSG 2017), 19-21 June 2017

    Exchange existing services to provide the best array of        the preferred expression or their locations.
     services to gateway clients.
                                                                    B. Scientific Software Collaborative
    Cross-promote resources and services offered by SGCI               The Scientific Software Collaborative (SSC) area of the
     and partners.                                                  Institute has the goal of engaging a variety of gateway
    Provide a streamlined process to access resources and          developers—from researchers looking for end-to-end solutions
     services provided by a partner.                                to developers looking to contribute their software services—by
                                                                    promoting gateways, software and services available. The SSC
    As appropriate, provide student exchange or internship         will provide researchers the information they need to build
     opportunities.                                                 their gateway using existing software or by leveraging existing
                                                                    gateways, enabling researchers to focus their efforts on their
    Interested organizations collaboratively develop a Letter of    domain-specific challenges instead of the technology needed to
Commitment that includes background information on the              get there.
organization and a description of how the organization’s
services/resources are augmented by involvement with SGCI               The SSC will deliver software solutions that facilitate the
as well as how it is anticipated that SGCI will benefit from the    following:
partnership. While this program has started only recently, we
plan to immediately reach out to our international collaborators         End-to-end solutions to help developers from various
of many years to form partnerships.                                       scientific domains who want an “out-of-the-box” hosted
                                                                          gateway for their application, even if they have minimal
    With this mixture of the outreach and interaction measures            IT support.
we aim at reaching out to and growing the existing science
gateways community. Researchers might work with or develop               A “use-what-you-need” approach to help developers
science gateways without being aware of that their web-based              discover available software and services to create their
solution is a science gateway and that there are more solutions           own customized gateways.
and a vibrant community that could be beneficial for their own           Software for developers who want to actively extend
research. One of the reasons is that various terms are used to            open-source gateway software to meet their needs
label science gateways, such as virtual research environments
in Europe or virtual labs in Australia. While we do not try to           Discovery of gateways for those looking to find existing
unify the various labels, we strive for increasing the visibility         gateways they might want to use or collaborate with.
of research and developments in the context of science                 One of the initial milestones of the SSC will be to deliver a
gateways and bring the communities together irrespective of         community Gateway Catalog. The Gateway Catalog is a

                                          Figure 2: Prototype of the Gateway Catalog
                         9th International Workshop on Science Gateways (IWSG 2017), 19-21 June 2017

publicly available, easy-to-use listing of available science         identified areas where a gateway effort needs help. For
gateways. The initial catalog will be seeded with entries the        gateways in the planning stage, this may take the form of
Institute is familiar with and will continue to grow with            helping to create a credible case for the value of the proposed
community contribution. The community, including                     gateway to its likely stakeholders. For gateways that are
international gateways, will have the ability to create accounts     already operational, it may take the form of examining
and add their gateway to the listing. The Gateway Catalog            alternative ways they may measure impact to demonstrate to
includes basic information such as name, description, URL, but       funders and other stakeholders the value that they bring to their
also more in depth metadata such as language used to build the       community. For gateways in the mid-to-late funding stage, it
gateway, frameworks, documentation and more. This catalog is         may involve helping develop a sustainability strategy.
openly accessible and available for international contributions.
Future iterations of the catalog will also have an API endpoint          While SGCI cannot provide direct to support to specific
for automatically sharing and consuming gateway data. The            gateway projects based outside the US, our sponsor views
catalog team will also look at working with national and             international engagement opportunities quite positively and
international collaborators to share data in the catalog and         encourages ways for us to convey information to and learn
consume data with other similar projects. With the changing          from groups involved in gateways regardless of the country of
landscape and the ever-growing science gateway environment           origin. For example, an international group is joining our first
researchers aren’t limited to using technologies within their        “gateway bootcamp” as observers. Our goal with this
borders. Many technology products are open-source and                observation is to work with other gateway support
available for use. By leveraging SGCI to offer an inclusive          organizations as a mutual learning opportunity rather than to
environment for promoting gateway projects across borders it         help a specific international gateway effort.
opens up opportunities for usage from a diverse set of                   Our expectation therefore is to have a follow-up debrief to
participants. An example prototype of the catalog is shown in        learn about the gateway-development climate in the observer’s
Fig. 2. When the catalog is in production we will engage             region, how it differs from our own, and how to adapt our
gateway developers from international arenas such as Europe          message for international audiences. Given that user bases of
and Australia to contribute their gateways to the listing.           gateways span national boundaries, this knowledge is impor-
    As the SSC area continues to expand, we will also be             tant in helping gateways understand the implications of some
promoting gateway software. We intend to list gateway                of their sustainability strategies. Depending on the feedback in
frameworks as well as gateway components providing                   our first session, we may seek to have interested international
authentication, information services, workflows, etc. This           participants participate as lecturers in future sessions.
offers additional opportunities for international collaborators to       The Incubator also can offer paid engagements with
share software solutions via SSC. The international community        international organizations to offer training cohorts in their
has an opportunity to collaborate with the SSC area of SGCI in       regions and with specific gateway efforts who may benefit
various forms as stated above, and the SSC is open to other          from the advisory services we offer. Additionally, since the
opportunities to collaborate in other ways that advance the          Incubator team includes some core SGCI personnel but also
software infrastructure of developing science gateways. In           independent consultants, those consultants are able to offer
addition to being contributors, international opportunities are      their services without restriction from our funding agency.
available in the form of the affiliates program, which entails a     Finally, there are also granting agencies in the US and abroad
commitment to support users of their software platforms or           that have specific initiatives to foster international
components. By having international affiliates become a part of      collaboration. Provided that such efforts have a partially US-
the program we can leverage the expertise of complementary           based team, we are able to offer our services to these efforts.
organizations to support and advise the gateway community in
the best possible way. Furthermore we can cross-promote                           V. FIRST STEPS AND FUTURE WORK
resources and services to provide the best support to gateway            There has been much interest in advancing the progress of
clients.                                                             science gateways (virtual laboratories, virtual research
C. Incubator                                                         environments) internationally. The International Coalition of
                                                                     Science Gateways [22] has been proposed as an organization
    The Incubator is focused on helping people who are at            that would provide a framework for organizations, forums and
various stages of their gateway lifecycle—ranging from               individuals with an interest in international, regional, national,
planning through operations—to step back from the effort and         cross-institutional, domain-specific, and interdisciplinary
view it anew with a different set of eyes that are more focused      initiatives in science gateways to exchange information.
on the business of gateways than on the technological or             Several initial groups have expressed interest in participating.
scientific aspects. We accomplish this through two primary           These included SGCI (USA), NeCTAR (Australia), NESI
activities. The first is a week-long in-person cohort training       (New Zealand), Sci-GaIA (Africa), Academia Sinica Grid
session called a “gateway bootcamp.” The goals of this session       Computing Center (Taiwan), Software Sustainability Institute
are to equip participants with that second set of eyes, to           (UK), VRE4E1C (Europe), IWSG (Europe), CANARIE
establish interpersonal relationships with others in the cohort      (Canada), Research Data Canada (Canada), the IEEE Technical
engaged in creating gateways, and to familiarize participants        Area on Science Gateways (International). First steps included
with the in-depth consultations they might seek from the SGCI.       drafting a survey paper that would provide an overview of
The second is an in-depth consultation to focus on specific
                         9th International Workshop on Science Gateways (IWSG 2017), 19-21 June 2017

programs internationally, including successes and best                                        ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
practices as well as lessons learned.                                This research is supported by NSF Award Id ACI-1547611.
    Almost simultaneously in the Research Data Alliance, the
Virtual      Research      Environments        Interest    Group                                    REFERENCES
(https://www.rd-alliance.org/groups/vre-ig.html) was proposed        [1]  http://sciencegateways.org/
to “bring together those initiatives actively developing VREs,       [2]  Gesing, S., Wilkins-Diehr, N., Dahan, M., Lawrence, K., Zentner, M.,
virtual laboratories and science gateways, along with the                 Pierce, M., Hayden, L.B., and Marru, S. “Science Gateways: The Long
representatives of the common infrastructure services and the             Road to the Birth of an Institute”. Proc. of HICSS-50 (50th Hawaii
                                                                          International Conference on System Sciences), 4-7 January 2017, Hilton
researchers seeking to make use of these technologies”. This              Waikoloa, HI, USA, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10125/41919
effort is geared toward the definition of reference architectures,   [3] Wilkins-Diehr, N., Gannon D., Klimeck, G., Oster, S., Pamidighantam,
standard components, interfaces and best practices in the                 S, "TeraGrid Science Gateways and Their Impact on Science", IEEE
construction of science gateways. At current writing, this                Computer, volume 41, number 11, November 2008..
interest group consists of 68 members from all over the world.            https://doi.org/10.1109/MC.2008.470.
Meetings have been held at several RDA conferences and a             [4] Lawrence, K.A., Wilkins-Diehr, N., 2012. "Roadmaps, Not Blueprints:
case statement was developed for the group to review in                   Paving the Way to Science Gateway Success." XSEDE12 Conference,
                                                                          July 16-20, 2012. ACM Digital Library, DOI=
March, 2017. The goal here is to move VRE-IG from an                      http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2335755.2335837.
interest group to a working group. Working groups (WGs)              [5] Lawrence, K. A., Zentner, M., Wilkins-Diehr, N., Wernert, J. A., Pierce,
have 18-month deliverables, milestones and work plans and                 M., Marru, S., and Michael, S. (2015) Science gateways today and
their activities are a core focus of RDA. In contrast, interest           tomorrow: positive perspectives of nearly 5000 members of the research
groups are long-lived and strategic and are expected to 'spawn'           community. Concurrency Computat.: Pract. Exper., 27:4252-4268.
WGs for specific 18-month tasks producing outputs. They                   http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/cpe.3526.
promote communication and coordination and can produce               [6] http://www.collab-ogce.org/ogce
surveys, recommendations and reports.                                [7] http://iwsg.info/
                                                                     [8] Patries Boekholt, Jakob Edler, Paul Cunningham, Kieron Flanagan.
                        VI. SUMMARY                                       "Drivers of International collaboration in research". Final Report. 2009.
    SGCI, still in its infancy, looks forward to engaging with            nal_cooperation_in_research.pdf
the important international community. We are building on            [9] B. P. Abbott et al. (LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo
over 8 years of collaborative work with international                     Collaboration) “Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary
organizations to organize gateway workshops and special                   Black Hole Merger”. Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 061102 – Published 11
journal issues to enhance communication among the                         February 2016
community and recognize the contributions of the science             [10] http://hicss.org/
gateway developer community. As we in SGCI build out our             [11] http://scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu/handle/10125/42288
own services, we do it in the context of these ongoing               [12] M. McLennan, R. Kennell, "HUBzero: A Platform for Dissemination
international engagements and with an eye toward how we can               and Collaboration in Computational Science and Engineering,"
                                                                          Computing in Science and Engineering, 12(2), pp. 48-52, March/April,
most valuably share developments in and offerings of our                  2010.
Institute with the wider community. We hope to engage with           [13] Dooley, Rion et al. "Software-as-a-service: the iPlant foundation API."
other organizations building their own services with an eye               5th IEEE Workshop on Many-Task Computing on Grids and
toward international collaboration as well.                               Supercomputers (MTAGS) Nov. 2012.
                                                                     [14] Marru, Suresh, Lahiru Gunathilake, Chathura Herath, Patanachai
    Via the combination of face-to-face meetings, publications,           Tangchaisin, Marlon Pierce, Chris Mattmann, Raminder Singh et al.
online resources, the partnership program, the SSC and the                "Apache Airavata: a framework for distributed applications and
Incubator service area, the SGCI aims at not only reaching out            computational workflows." InProceedings of the 2011 ACM workshop
to a wide and diverse community but also serving as an                    on Gateway computing environments, pp. 21-28. ACM, 2011.
international focal point for science gateways. SGCI closely         [15] Goecks, J, Nekrutenko, A, Taylor, J and The Galaxy Team. “Galaxy: a
collaborates with researchers and creators of science gateways            comprehensive approach for supporting accessible, reproducible, and
                                                                          transparent computational research in the life sciences”. Genome Biol.
despite national or continental borders or political bans. We are         2010 Aug 25;11(8):R86
aware of the diversity of challenges in international                [16] Stephen Crouch, Neil Chue Hong, Simon Hettrick, Mike Jackson,
collaborations and would like to start a discussion to extend the         Aleksandra Pawlik, Shoaib Sufi, Les Carr, David De Roure, Carole
existing measures and ideas about science gateways on an                  Goble, and Mark Parsons. The software sustainability institute:
international scale. The SGCI has the opportunity to expand               Changing research software attitudes and practice. Computing in
beyond currently existing partnerships, and even though it is             Science & Engineering, 15(6):74–80, 2013.
located in the US, many measures such as the webinar series          [17] https://www.software.ac.uk/
are independent of its location. As we do this, we would like to     [18] http://wssspe.researchcomputing.org.uk/
continually engage with that community to solicit feedback on        [19] https://www.vre4eic.eu/
current directions and adapt for the future.                         [20] http://www.envriplus.eu/
                                                                     [21] https://dibbs17.org/report/Presentations/KeynoteQualters.pdf
                                                                     [22] http://www.icsciencegateways..org