Digitization of Konkani Texts, and their Transliteration: An Initiative towards Preservation of a Language Culture Ms. Palia Tukaram Gaonkar1 and Dr. Andre Rafael Fernandes2 1 Doctoral Research Scholar, Department of English, Goa University, Goa, India eng.palia@unigoa.ac.in 2 Associate Professor, Department of English, Goa University, Goa, India rafael@unigoa.ac.in www.unigoa.ac.in Abstract. Konkani is the official language of the state of Goa, located on the western coast of India. This language has faced many political threats such as four hundred and fifty years of Portuguese colonization and contention with Marathi in order to be recog- nised as the official language, post-Liberation in 1961. It finally entered the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution of India in 1992. These hardships have diversified the na- ture of Konkani. It is spoken in several dialects in the state of Goa and elsewhere, and is written in five different scripts, owing to the migration of Konkani people from Goa over the centuries. There are Konkani communities in the neighbouring states of Karna- taka, Kerala and Maharashtra, which are heavily influenced by the dominant local cul- ture. Hence, Konkani is written in Devanagari, Roman, Kannada, Malayalam and Per- so-Arabic scripts. This phenomenon creates a linguistic and literary gap in the community of Konkani speakers. Persistent efforts to bridge the gap have been made, and one of them is by taking the assistance of technology. The World Konkani Centre situated in Mangalore, Karnataka, has developed a transliteration tool, Konkanverter, which transliterates Un- icode text between four of the five writing systems of Konkani, namely Devanagari, Roman, Kannada and Malayalam. This paper reports the attempts to digitize, and trans- literate an available performance play text in Konkani, from one script to another. It al- so explores digitization as a way of preserving Konkani texts in multi-script formats. Keywords: Konkani, Digitization, Transliteration 1 Introduction The official language of Goa, Konkani, also spoken in pockets of Karnataka, Kerala and Maharashtra, showed a negative growth rate according to the Census of 2011[1]. Of the total population of India, 0.19% of the population claimed it to be their mother 150 tongue; but what is more alarming to notice is that the number of native speakers de- creased from 24,89,015 to 22,56,502, with a growth rate of -9.34% [1]. In addition to this apprehension, The Telegraph, a noteworthy Indian national daily published the interview of language expert Professor G N Devy in August 2017 after he had published several volumes of the People‟s Linguistic Survey of India, wherein he observed that, “Nearly 400 of India's 850-odd languages face the threat of extinc- tion because of an erosion of traditional jobs that is fuelling migration to cities,” and that “the languages spoken in the coastal areas will be the worst-affected” [2]. Goa has been through the perils of colonization, mechanization, migration and so forth. In addition, the Konkani language carries a linguistic peculiarity of being writ- ten in five different scripts, with two or more scripts being used in the same geograph- ical region. The literature created in these five scripts remains restricted to readers who are familiar with the scripts. Their geographical location decides their readability of the scripts. Therefore, there will be very few who can read in three scripts, let alone four or five. However, it is remarkable that its cultural and linguistic identity has been pre- served by its people quite fervently, despite the grave threats that appeared time and again to erase it. The Konkani people carried their language, their deities and their culture to the places they migrated to, and planted their cultural heritage in alien soil. However, in a scenario where technological tools greet the end-users in global lan- guages, a minority language can easily be bypassed. Although close to nine of the twenty-two scheduled languages recognized by the Constitution of India are featured by Google, so far, Konkani has not been one of them. However, under Google Indic Keyboard, Konkani-English interface is provided, with a limited corpus, in Android smart-phone keyboards. If a small language like Konkani is to survive the invasion of technology and its mission to standardize communication, it needs to adopt technology to preserve its diversity, and subsequently its culture and heritage. This study aims to explore the possibility of having a cross-orthographical readership of Konkani using the translite- ration tool known as Konkanverter, which will not only bridge the orthographic dis- parity and increase readership and production of literature, but also contribute to the creation of Konkani digital archive. 2 Literature Review Due to the migration of people from Goa over the centuries, Konkani diasporic com- munities exist in Karnataka, Kerala, and Maharashtra. It is not surprising that their spoken dialect of Konkani carries the flavour of the regional languages in the respec- tive states, which are Kannada, Malayalam and Marathi respectively. Hence the local scripts have been adopted by these Konkani communities in the respective regions. The two dominant scripts of Konkani in Goa are Devanagari and Roman or Romi as it is colloquially known. Devanagari orthography is considered the official one; Romi is used by select weeklies/ magazines and Tiatr (drama) scripts. 151 Rajan terms this phenomenon of multiple scripts as “synchronic trigraphia” and goes on to elucidate it as “a major issue of political contention inside the community, each group favouring the usage of a particular script as the official orthography. Dif- ferent orthographic communities exist in isolation with minimal interaction and with its [sic] own literary tradition, as very few people are fluent in multiple orthogra- phies” [3]. Although, these communities may have elementary proficiency in reading in the other writing system, this multiplicity of scripts creates an obstacle for wider reading. Hence, literature and language both become less accessible to the native speakers of a single region: “This disparity in scripts creates intra-lingual barriers which make writ- ings in Konkani inaccessible even to a native Konkani speaker who has limited or no knowledge of all these five scripts” [4]. Rajan suggests that a “statistical machine transliteration engine with reasonable ac- curacy would greatly enable cohesion and interaction among the greater linguistic community. Facilitating the usage of multiple scripts would also encourage more lin- guistic diversity among the community” [3]. Rajan further goes on to present the de- velopment of such a tool, Konkanverter (http://konkanverter.com/) [5], which has been extensively used for this study. 3 Methodology The methodology used in this study is exploratory in nature. As Dudovskiy puts it, “Exploratory research, as the name implies, intends merely to explore the research questions and does not intend to offer final and conclusive solutions to existing prob- lems” [6]. Exploratory research provides insights into a given situation, and produces qualitative research that becomes the basis of further research in the specified study area. Exploration involves planning (deciding upon the specific research questions), exploration (data collection), reflection and analysis (data interpretations and observa- tions) [7]. In the context of this study, exploratory research helps discuss benefits, and chal- lenges that come in the way, of solving the major research question, i.e. whether digi- tization can pave a way to language preservation. The present study adheres to this methodology in a way that is applicable to the discipline. The study serves to explore the possibilities of using technology to safeguard the linguistic-cultural heritage of a certain language community, and paves way for further research in this area. The data and analysis presented in this study are first-hand; revision can be taken up as part of the next level of research in the same area. 4 Transliteration of Konkani Play “Shree Vichitrachi Jatra” World Konkani Centre [8], Mangalore, along with computer scientist Vinodh Rajan, has introduced a “finite state transducer based transliteration engine” [3] known as Konkanverter. This tool provides transliteration in four popular orthographies of Konkani, namely Devanagari, Romi, Kannada and Malayalam [5]. 152 The present research involved transliteration of a well-known Konkani play “Shree Vichitrachi Jatra”, written by Pundalik Naik. This play belongs to national award winning drama collection, Chourang (1982) [9]. The selection of the text was based on its popularity and critical acclaim; its availability in the digital format also facili- tated its conversion. The digital copy of the play was obtained in Devanagari. This text had lexical er- rors in it, although not largely phonetic ones. Furthermore, it was found that the font used was not in Unicode, and since Konkanverter only accepted fonts in Unicode, an intermediate software tool known as Baraha FontConvert [10] was used. Since Font- Convert has a limit on the amount of input text, the process had to be undertaken through several sessions. After converting the font from “Shree-Dev-0709<==>BRH Devanagari”, the text output in Unicode was then pasted in the left-hand side text input box in Konkanverter. After clicking on the conversion tab, the transliterated text was obtained in the right-hand side text output box (See Figure 1). This text was then pasted into Notepad. Fig.1. Screenshot of Konkanverter converting text of “Shree Vichitrachi Jatra”. It was observed that the source text font (Shree-Dev) could not be accurately con- verted to the Unicode format, and hence some of the letters were wrongly converted. These errors were carried forward in the transliteration tool as well. Table 1 below indicates the source text (ST), followed by the text converted into Unicode (UT), which is further followed by the transliterated text (TT). The underlined error in the UT is phonetically unreadable (ङ्ख), which is transferred to the TT. The expected out- put is also displayed in the fourth row of the table (see Table 1). 153 Table 1. Table indicating transfer of errors in text conversion. Text Type Text कट्टी, झोळी, पिषवी सगळें एकू च तर तूूं ताचे ST पिषवेंत एक फु टकी कवडी वडयना आनी वयल्यान ताचीं फकाणाूं करता? कट्टी, झोळी, पिषवी सगळें एकू च तर तूूं ताचे UT पिषवेंत एक ङ्खुटकी कवडी वडयना आनी वयल्यान ताचीं ङ्खकाणाूं करता? kott'tti, zholli, pixvi sogllem ekuch tor tum TT tache pixvent ek fkhuttki kovddi voddoina ani voilean tachim fkhokannam korta? Kott'tti, zholli, pixvi sogllem ekuch tor tum Expected Output tache pixvent ek futtki kouddi voddoina ani voilean tachim fokannam korta? As given in Table 1, one can clearly notice that the addition of „kh‟ syllable happens at the first stage of conversion, i.e. when the digital source text is converted into Un- icode. Table 2 explores ten random errors found in the transliterated text, and discusses the consistency of errors in the output. It shows column-wise progression, from source text, copied and pasted into font conversion tool (see Table 2 column „Source Font‟) to receive the Unicode output (see Table 2 column „Unicode Output Text‟). This Unicode output text was copied and pasted into Konkanverter to give its transli- teration (see Table 2 column „Transliterated Output Text‟). The content of the last column of Table 2, i.e. „Expected Transliteration‟, is a result of directly typing the corresponding words of the column „Source Text‟ of Table 2 in Unicode into Kon- kanverter input text box, and the output received is not influenced by font conversion and hence is the expected machine transliteration. 154 Table 2. Table showing examples of the subsequent text error-transfer in font conversion and machine transliteration. Sr, No Source Text Source Font Unicode Output Transliterated Expected Transli- Text Output Text teration 1 फक्त ‟$ŠV ङ्खक्त fkhokt fokt समाजसेवक g„mOgodH$ सङ्काजसेवक sofkazsevok somazoseuk 2 3 मनीस „Zrg ङ्कनीस fkonis monis 4 आसलो Amgcm आसला asla aslo 5 म्हळ्यार åhiçma म्हळार mhollar mhollear कोणतरी H$mUo Var काणे तरी konne tori konntori 6 बोमाड्यान ~mo„mS>çmZ बोङ्काडान bofkaddan bomaddean 7 गाड्याक JmS>çmH$ गाडाक gaddak gaddeak 8 वाट्याचें dmQ>çmM| वाटाचें vattachem vatteachem 9 10 तुळा Viw m तळु tollu tulla As given in Table 2, one can observe that the letters फ (fa), म (ma) seem to have been converted erroneously throughout the text; other major erroneous conversions are the joint half letters such as म्हळ्यार- म्हळार; गाड्याक- गाडाक; वाट्याचें- वाटाचें. Some seem to be random errors (UT: आसला, तळु , काणेतरी) which were not repetitive. The entire play was thus transliterated into Romi, and errors like the above (see Table 2) had to be dealt with manually. At the time of writing this paper, it is un- known whether these discrepancies would get transferred into Kannada or Malaya- lam, as the present researchers are not familiar with the spoken dialect or the scripts of these regions. Rajan [3] gives the table for accuracy of the transliteration as fol- lows: 155 Fig.2. Table indicating accuracy of three different systems used by Konkanverter transliteration tool (Source: Rajan, V. [3] p. 18). The above transliteration accuracy rates are to be considered in the case of a text which is lexically accurate. A limitation of this study was that the source text was not proofread for spelling errors, which led to rise in the inaccuracy of transliteration. Therefore, care has to be taken by Konkani language experts to have it perfectly proo- fread after digitization, and also have the font converted to Unicode, which will en- sure faithful transliteration. For more accuracy to be obtained in translation, ST should be proofread and con- verted into Unicode, which will render the intermediate font conversion redundant. With only one conversion engine between the input and the output text, greater accu- racy will easily be achieved. Such an analysis of Konkanverter is incomplete without references to Google‟s contribution to the field of transliteration. Transliteration is featured as one of Google Input Tools [11], which provides on-the-fly options to Roman rendition of a Devana- gari word. However, a Devanagari rendition in Unicode does not get converted to its Roman equivalent. Hence, transliteration takes place only in one way. Moreover, the Devanagari script provision is only for Hindi and Marathi languages, Konkani is not featured in the options. As far as Google Indic Keyboard on Android smart-phones is concerned, Konkani type font is available in Roman and Devanagari, although transli- teration takes place only from Roman to Devanagari Konkani. 5 Conclusion The acceptance of only the Unicode text limits the usage of Konkanverter, as it dis- courages input of any other kind, such as optically recognized characters in general and voice input. Voice input is further deterred by not having the text on-the-fly. Nevertheless, Konkanverter pushes the boundaries of learning of different scripts of the same language, and makes multi-script archiving possible; it not only bridges the gap between the two dominant orthographic Konkani communities, but establish- es a kind of digital footprint for a language which could face the risk of becoming endangered. Such a tool can become an inspiration for minority languages across the 156 globe to enhance their digital presence, and hence safeguard their identity in the digi- tal revolution. 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