Creating an Atlas over Handwritten Script Signs Anders Hast1 , Lasse Mårtensson2 , Ekta Vats1 , and Raphaela Heil1 1 Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden,,, 2 Department of Swedish Language and Multilingualism, Stockholm University Abstract. A framework for interactive visualization of script charac- teristics, as present in the form of handwritten letters, is proposed in this work. The basic idea behind this investigation is to lay the foun- dations for creating a comprehensive atlas over letter forms extracted from a large collection of handwritten documents, with minimal human guidance. The visualization of the results is based on the atlas metaphor and uses the t-SNE visualization method for creating island-like clusters that can be investigated using the proposed visualization framework. By changing a scale parameter one can investigate the dataset on different levels, i.e different sizes of the clusters. Keywords: Handwritten script, atlas, visualization, t-SNE 1 Introduction Handwritten script contains an enormous amount of variation in form. In nor- mally executed handwritten script, each individual instance of a script sign, each graph, is to some extent unique, even those produced by the same scribe in the same document. However, in this variation certain regularities exist, and some graphs display a larger degree of similarity than others. Even though each graph produced by one specific scribe is unique, as stated, they can still be assumed to be similar to the extent that a reader can often observe them as being pro- duced by the same person. The similarities can furthermore be manifested on different levels. The individual level, i.e. similarities between graphs produced by the same person is one, but one can also account for similarities manifested in script produced by different persons, but that have received the same train- ing and that have been active at the same time period. The latter category of similarities becomes more relevant when we go back in time. During the Middle Ages, certain script types existed, such as the Carolingian Minuscule and the different Gothic variants (Textualis, Cursiva, Hybrida etc.). The time and place largely determined which styles a scribe learned, but then the script of a certain scribe also had individual features, unique to this individual. In this paper, we will address the issue of identifying handwritten script signs, displaying similarities in a large set of handwritten documents. The documents are modern, consisting of numbers, but this set has been chosen mainly for the 176 Fig. 1: The t-SNE based visualization of the MNIST dataset [1] with different numbers depicted using different colours, as shown in the colour bar to the left. One can note that some numbers are miss-classified due to the fact that they are written in a way hard to recognize. Figure best viewed in color. purpose of evaluating the method as such, and the next step will be to use this method on other material. This is further described below, and the present investigation should be seen as a proof of concept rather than as a concluded task. The documents investigated here have been produced by different scribes, and our aim is to let the computer cluster graphs that share characteristics in form, even though they have been produced by different scribes. What is being identified in the dataset is, thus, classes of graphs that share certain features in form. The ultimate goal for this research track is to lay the foundations for creating an atlas over script signs extracted from a large set of handwritten documents, where the script signs have been clustered into classes on the basis of their similarity to each other. It should be noted that the clustering process works on two levels of likeness. Firstly, the computer registers the similarity regarding the basic shape of the signs, in our case the different numbers. This means that, for instance, ‘0, 1, 2,’ etc. are divided into basic clusters on the basis of their basic form. Secondly, the separate instances of the numbers are clustered on the basis of the more detailed form, so that those instances of e.g. ‘7’ that share characteristics in form are clustered together. This will be demonstrated further below. 177 2 Visualization framework To begin with, the proposed approach allows an end-user to select one or sev- eral letters of interest using a simple drag-and-drop gesture to be searched in the handwritten document collection. Typically, the user-marked bounding box rectangle captures more letters than intended, and the background noise in the document renders the user interaction to be more challenging. Therefore, a two band-pass filtering approach based on [2] is employed for automatic background noise removal. Inspired by our previous work [3], the algorithm adjusts the user- marked rectangle based on the input from the user in deciding which letters are to be truly selected. The extent of the letters of interest is located, such that the letters are perfectly encapsulated in the bounding box rectangle and are noise-free. This semi-automatic process initiates faster collection of handwritten letters for creating a comprehensive atlas over a variety of letter forms. As a proof of concept, the first iteration of the atlas will be created on the ba- sis of the MNIST database [1], which consists of 70,000 grey-level images (28x28 pixels) of handwritten digits (0-9), collected from more than 500 writers. This dataset serves well as a first use case for the evaluation of different clustering, classification and visualization techniques, due to the limited grapheme count and the high variance in writing styles, as a result of the large number of writers. Once a working prototype has been established on this basis, the system can be extended to more complex use cases, such as a higher number of graphemes (i.e. whole alphabets), and a higher variance between writing styles. We used 10,000 images from the training dataset of MNIST and computed the histograms of oriented gradients (HOG) [4] for each of the samples. HOG features are based on the directions of gradients (i.e. changes of colour or intensity in an image) and encode images into vectors with significantly fewer dimensions. This dimensionality reduction, as well as their previous usage in the context of text recognition (e.g [5]) render HOG features interesting for our application. Following the conversion of images to HOG features, the t-distributed stochas- tic neighbor embedding (t-SNE) [6] is applied to the data. This machine learning technique reduces the number of dimensions further (to 2D or 3D), while main- taining a representation of similarities among datapoints (i.e. similar points are represented close and dissimilar points further from each other). Visualizing the transformed datapoints in 2D (respectively 3D) results in a clustering, an ex- ample of which is shown in Fig. 1 (for the aforementioned MNIST samples). Ten rather distinct island-like clusters are formed where each point represents a digit from 0-9. Typically, some instances end up in the wrong cluster since they are written in such way that t-SNE is unable to distinguish their feature representations from each other. Some write ‘1’ as others would write ‘7’ etc. In other words, some digits are written quite sloppily and even a human cannot always tell what number they actually represent. This will also be the case for some graphemes such as ‘c’ and ‘e’. In depth account of the technical details of the proposed approach is not discussed in this paper, as the method is still in the experimental stages and under development. To give an overview, we process the points resulting from 178 (a) The “islands” clustered on a rather fine (b) Heat-maps of images in each scale. cluster. Note how the same digit appears in different shapes. (c) The same data visualized using a coarser (d) The resulting 11 clusters. scale, generating fewer clusters. Fig. 2: Visualization of the MNIST dataset. In (d), the resultant 11 clusters captured the 10 digits even if ‘1’ appears twice due to its elongated cluster, which in turn is because of the two main ways of writing the digit. The number above each image in (b) and (d) refers to the number of digits overlaid in the heat-map. Figure best viewed in color. t-SNE in order to be able to extract clusters using a certain level of detail or scale, defined by the user. This makes it possible to look at different parts of the “island” appearing, and thereby also different clustering of the digits/graphemes, depending on the desired scale. The result of varying the level of detail is shown in Fig. 2. Each “island” is depicted by a varying colour that goes from blue to yellow, depending on the density of the points in the cluster. The blue river-like curves are showing the borders between the obtained clusters. Heat-maps are 179 also created where all digits in each cluster are aggregated and the average is shown using different colours to indicate the so called “heat”, going from blue (low) to yellow (high), via green and orange, just as for the “islands”. The more yellow it is, the more similar the digits in the cluster in question are. By selecting one of the “islands” the user can examine it further. In Fig. 3 all numbers annotated as ‘1’ have been chosen. The shape changes since only a subset of the total number of features is used. The main clusters are shown together with two cells in the heat-map, one that contains quite different looking variants of the same digit while the other depicts quite similar looking digits. 3 Conclusion and future work This paper presented a visualization framework as a proof of concept that needs to be further investigated as future work. The future aim is to build an interactive visualization tool capable of handling user interaction effectively. We intend to make use of the proposed approach on the medieval Swedish handwritten documents, with the aim of creating an atlas of the script in this geographic area, and during the period from the appearance of written records (i.e. the 12th century), until the end of the middle ages (i.e. approximately 1520s). Such a catalogue is a very comprehensive yet crucial task, and will be investigated in depth as future work. The details of the classification and the structuring of the atlas, however, remain yet to be solved. References 1. 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