=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2364/1_paper |storemode=property |title=Exploring the Quality of the Digital Historical Newspaper Archive KubHist |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2364/1_paper.pdf |volume=Vol-2364 |authors=Yvonne Adesam,Dana Dannélls,Nina Tahmasebi |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/dhn/AdesamDT19 }} ==Exploring the Quality of the Digital Historical Newspaper Archive KubHist== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2364/1_paper.pdf
    Exploring the Quality of the Digital Historical
            Newspaper Archive KubHist

            Yvonne Adesam1 , Dana Dannélls1 , and Nina Tahmasebi1,2
                    Språkbanken, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
            Centre for Digital Humanities, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

      Abstract. The KubHist Corpus is a massive corpus of Swedish histor-
      ical newspapers, digitized by the Royal Swedish library, and available
      through the Språkbanken corpus infrastructure Korp. This paper con-
      tains a first overview of the KubHist corpus, exploring some of the dif-
      ficulties with the data, such as OCR errors and spelling variation, and
      discussing possible paths for improving the quality and the searchability.

      Keywords: Historical newspaper corpus · OCR errors · Spelling nor-

1    Introduction

The past decades have seen a massive increase in digitized, historical documents
that have been at the core of a range of different applications, from studies of
cultural and language phenomena [14] to temporal information retrieval and ex-
traction. The study of semantic changes, to give one example, has changed char-
acter from qualitative studies [17, 16] to automatic detection via topic modeling
[13], and word sense induction [15] to methods based on (neural) embeddings
[12, 1]. In common for the majority of the existing methods and studies is that
they focus on English texts because of the vast amounts of easily available data,
for example, through the Google N-gram corpora.
    The availability and easy access of datasets like the Google N-gram corpora,
and others in full text form, like the Corpus of Historical American English
(COHA), and the Penn Parsed Corpora of Historical English, draws researchers
to English texts and hence, creates methods developed for the English language.
    In Sweden, the amount of digital, historical texts is large compared to many
other languages, but still in the shadows of that available for English. There have
been few possibilities to make diachronic studies and develop tools for historical
Swedish and automatic detection of language changes. The first, large newspaper
corpus, KubHist, is a good step towards this goal.
    The first version of the KubHist dataset, currently available through the
Språkbanken corpus infrastructure Korp [5], contains close to 1.1 billion tokens.
Originally going under the name DigiDaily – after the project which led to
the digitization of the first batch of historical newspapers, involving the Royal
10     Adesam et al.

Swedish Library and the Swedish National Archives (https://riksarkivet.
se/digidaily) – the corpus soon changed its name to KubHist (Kungliga bib-
liotekets historiska tidningar), as more material was added after the end of the
project. Språkbanken has not been involved in the process of digitizing the
newspapers, and currently only makes the material available, without any post-
processing apart from linguistic annotation. The material was OCR processed
by the commercial ABBYY Finereader OCR software, using the models that
were pre-trained by the software. These models, originally trained on Swedish
material seven years ago, were not trained to capture specific features of the
newspapers such as layout and typography.
     More recently, parts of the material have been re-processed by the Royal
Swedish library using an improved OCR process to create data of a higher quality
[9]. Additional material has also been added, and the new KubHist corpus, which
contains more than 5.5 billion tokens, and will be added to Korp shortly.
     Many of the modern methods for detecting language changes rely on neural
embedding methods that require large amounts of text (i.e., tokens that are
automatically recognized). However, even 5.5 billion tokens is a small amount,
considering that it is spread over roughly 200 years. The available tokens per
year range from 800 tokens in 1647 to 156 million tokens in 1892, see Figure 1
for an overview of the distribution of tokens over time. In addition to the low
amount of data for most years, the quality of the digital text affect the results.
     We know that the KubHist dataset, spanning 1645 – 1926, contains a large
number of OCR errors, ranging from one misrecognized character in a word –
including space, which splits a word into several tokens or joins several words
into one token – to gibberish which is not understandable without consulting the
image (and sometimes even the image is not enough). Because of this, the number
of tokens is just an initial estimate, which will vary during the processing of the
material. The texts have been automatically annotated with parts-of-speech and
links to lexicon entries. The quality of these annotations varies greatly, due to
the annotation tools not being adapted to the historical language variety, bad
OCR quality, and spelling variation.
     The aim of this paper is to get an initial estimate of the quality of the
texts. The material has currently not been processed, apart from the initial
OCR process, and some basic linguistic annotation, such as parts-of-speech and
linking text words to lexicon entries. No other OCR program, such as for instance
Transkribus, has been tested and thus no attempt to compare between the results
of other OCR programs, as proposed by [18], has been made. One reason for
that is the tremendous amount of data and the time it takes to process the
material. Since we do not have a gold standard for this material, we would need
to apply unsupervised learning methods to identify and correct errors. The large
amount of data prohibits manual approaches, unless we only want to look at a
small part (which may or may not be representative). We therefore approach
the texts by exploring the lexicon-coverage, using lexical resources available for
both historical and modern Swedish. This will help us in our future efforts of
improving the OCR through post-processing and by handling spelling variation.
    Exploring the Quality of the Digital Historical Newspaper Archive KubHist    11

Fig. 1. The number of tokens and annotated in-vocabulary items from the different
dictionaries, per year.

    The end goal is to use the data for automatically detecting semantic change,
after correcting OCR errors and normalizing spelling variation and change. The
improvements also have value in themselves, making these diachronic texts bet-
ter suitable both for manual search and for automatic processing, within, for
example, the digital humanities.

2      Basic Annotation
The newspapers in KubHist have been digitized by taking high-quality images
of the pages and then applying OCR software, see Section 3 for details. The
resulting XML-files have then been processed by the Sparv annotation tools
(https://spraakbanken.gu.se/sparv/). Sparv produces a range of linguistic
annotations, from tokenization to part-of-speech tagging and named entity recog-
nition. Common for all tools in Sparv is that they were developed for modern
Swedish and not the language from the KubHist time period. However, the sys-
tem has a number of historical lexical resources available, and we use them to
link tokens in the text to lexicon entries. The dictionaries relevant for the texts
at hand are Saldo [4] over contemporary Swedish, Dalin (1853/1855), over 19th
century Swedish, and Swedberg [10], over 18th century Swedish [3]. In addi-
tion, a morphology is needed (basically a full form lexicon) to match inflected
forms [2]. The morphologies for the different dictionaries are at varying level of
    Figure 1 shows the number of in-vocabulary items from the different lexica,
as well as the number of tokens without any match in the lexicon. The sharp drop
in available texts from around 1900 is due to copyright restrictions. Although
there will be errors in the lexicon links stemming from, e.g., OCR errors, we will
focus on the out-of-vocabulary tokens to identify potential OCR errors. However,
an out-of-vocabulary item may also stem from words missing in the lexicon
12     Adesam et al.

Fig. 2. The number of annotated in-vocabulary items in percent, from the different
dictionaries, per year.

(which is especially obvious in the case of names), as well as an underdeveloped
morphology. In addition, we will explore cases where we have a Dalin or Swedberg
lexicon match, but no Saldo lexicon match, since we would like to increase the
diachronic links between the lexica.
    In Figure 2, we see the coverage of the different lexica over time, represented
as percent of the number of tokens for each year. Swedberg has a fairly stable
rate of in-vocabulary items over time, around 12 percent. The generally low
percentage comes from the fact that this resource has the smallest morphology
attached to it. Saldo and Dalin follow each other over time, although Saldo
has by far the largest morphology, which is seen in the gap between the two.
However, after 1900, Dalin drops in coverage, most likely because of the spelling
reform of 1906, after which the Dalin spelling no longer matches the spelling in
the newspapers.
    We also see that the links to Saldo and Dalin entries increase from the 1830s,
resulting in more tokens having a lexicon match in at least one resource compared
to tokens without a match. We assume that e.g. paper quality and fonts (such
as a lower number of blackletter articles) decrease the number of OCR errors.
The exact reasons still need to be confirmed through closer inspection.

3    OCR errors

There may be several reasons for the low quality of the digital texts after auto-
matic OCR processing. The quality of the paper or print may be low, resulting
in smudgy images for the OCR software to work with. Various font sizes, uneven
text lines, and a varying amount of columns cause difficulties for the OCR soft-
ware to analyze the structure of the image. As a result, e.g., points and accents
 Exploring the Quality of the Digital Historical Newspaper Archive KubHist          13

are mistaken for noise, graphic or geometric symbols are interpreted as text, and
characters are interpreted as symbols. The mixture of font types, most notably
blackletter and roman typefaces, requires that OCR software is properly trained
on old fonts and languages. These types of errors are best evaluated with a gold
standard [11, 7]. When no gold standard is available, as in our case, it is common
to perform qualitative analysis based on different features of the data [6]. Our
evaluation of OCR errors presented here are based on the linguistic annotations.
    The KubHist material has been processed by an OCR-module that combines
the output results from both ABBYY Finereader and Tesseract. The module
has been developed in cooperation with the Norwegian software company Zissor,
and has been proven to achieve high OCR accuracy, but unfortunately does not
process our material with sufficient quality. This becomes apparent when we
study the rate of in-vocabulary items. Although there are several reasons for the
annotation tools not being able to match tokens in the texts to lexicon entries,
a low rate of in-vocabulary items may point to, e.g., blackletter articles. When
we explore the 349.608 OCR processed newspaper editions, we find that 27%
have an in-vocabulary rate of 50% or lower. Only 3% have an in-vocabulary rate
of above 80%. (It should be noted that this does not say anything about the
quality of the links to the lexicon entries, it just states that a number of tokens
were identified as forms of words in the lexicon by the annotation tools.)
    In an initial experiment we examined the top 500 most common out-of-
vocabulary tokens, categorizing them according to seven attributes. We found
that around 75% of the tokens are numbers or punctuation, which we do not
expect to find in the lexicon. Less than 3% contained OCR errors (we would not
expect many to show up among the most frequent words), and under 4% re-
quired some kind of processing as they were spelling variants which the tools did
not recognize. However, as these top 500 words were explored as word types, in
isolation, around 10% could not be categorized out of context. Overall, although
numbers and punctuation may contain a large amount of OCR errors, which are
difficult to detect using the lexicon, this shows that we should not be aiming for
100% lexicon coverage, but that the desired upper bound is much lower (unless
e.g. numbers and punctuation are included in the lexicon).
    For comparison, we examined two other digitized historical texts that have
been manually transcribed and processed by our annotation tools, where we
can assume that there are no OCR errors. One contains law text from 1734,
the other contains judicial protocols. For both of these texts, the Dalin and
Swedberg dictionaries (but currently not Saldo) have been used for matching
lexicon entries. We also compared to modern news text, Göteborgsposten of
2013, as well as to texts with more variation, such as the 2017 Bloggmix (various
Swedish blogs). For these modern corpora, Saldo has been used for matching
lexicon entries. From the results in Table 1 we find that a reasonable upper
bound for in-vocabulary items for modern Swedish, using a lexical resource like
Saldo, is closer to 80%. For historical texts, the variation is larger, and the upper
bound is quite a bit lower than for modern texts.
14        Adesam et al.

Table 1. The distribution of in-vocabulary (IV) and out-of-vocabulary (OOV) tokens
for different corpora.

           Corpus                         token count        IV         OOV
           Law text                           100.000        65%        35%
           Judicial protocols                 120.000        40%        60%
           Göteborgsposten (news)          16.870.000        80%        20%
           Bloggmix                         1.670.000        78%        22%

     Fig. 3. Two spelling variants with some overlap, but mostly complementary use.

4      Spelling Variation

We split the KubHist dataset into 50-year bins and explore the most frequent
words that were out-of-vocabulary. Our hypothesis is that words that appear
among the most frequent words in many bins are unlikely to be OCR errors.
Instead we expect words that are OCR errors to be less frequent, unless they are
consistent with font errors. A word like massor (‘many’, ‘masses’) could translate
to one of "niassor", "iiiessor" etc, and its frequency should be distributed over
multiple possible errors, rather than concentrated to one form.
    When looking at the most frequent out-of-vocabulary words in all bins, we
find that these are different types of punctuation (!"’ ()*,-.:;?/») and numbers
(1-9, 14 ), as well as single letters (M, a, m, n, r, t ), and a few words (ägt, nied ).
Among those that were frequent in only one bin we find names (Londén, Maji,
Borgholm), uncommon or short-lived abbreviations (k., K.), and possible OCR
errors (ocb/oeh → och, näget → något ). Important to remember is that the first
50-year bin has very little text from only a few sources (only a couple of available
newspapers) meaning that a name like Borgholm could be e.g. the name of a
journalist and not universally important. This remains to be investigated.
    Exploring the Quality of the Digital Historical Newspaper Archive KubHist          15

Fig. 4. The frequency of ’.’ (period) over time. While not present in a dictionary, it
should not be categorized as spelling variation or OCR error at a general level (although
there definitely are instances of OCR errors).

    Among the words that are out-of-vocbulary and appear in three bins, i.e.,
three 50-year periods, we have words that are common spelling variants, such
as äfven, blifvit, öfwer, blifwa, hafwa, warit, hvilka, and hwilka (where modern
Swedish has v for fv, fw, w, hv, and hw ). Interestingly, some of these seem
to hand over to each other, like in the case of blifwa and blifvit in Figure 3.
The latter has a normalized form blifva that is present in Dalin, but due to an
incomplete morphological description, the past tense of blifvit is not captured.
Their frequency seems complementary. Observe that years without a frequency
corresponds to an absolute frequency of below 50 occurrences. In the case of a
frequently occurring character without an entry in the dictionary, ’.’ (period) in
Figure 4, we see that the frequency is much more consistent across years.
    In future work, we intend to use these characteristics to attempt to auto-
matically categorize out-of-vocabulary words as either OCR errors (which we
expect to have a low, but possibly consistent frequency), spelling variants (with
a higher frequency focused around a specific period ), or common characters not
included in dictionaries (punctuation, numbers, etc).

5      Conclusions
In this paper we present the first overview of the KubHist corpus, containing-
more than 300 thousand Swedish historical newspaper editions. The corpus was
recently digitized and OCR-processed by the Royal Swedish library. We explore
the texts and some simple methods to identify OCR errors stemming from the
digitization process, with the help of historical and modern dictionaries.
    We found that a large part of the tokens are numbers or punctuation, for
which separating correct tokens from OCR errors is not easily done with a lexicon
16      Adesam et al.

approach. The results do, however, indicate that a fairly large amount of the
errors could be identified with simple processing, such as temporal profiling.
Correcting identified errors will increase the amount of data that can be used
for automatically detecting semantic change, as well as other research within the
digital humanities.


The research presented here has been supported by Språkbanken and Swe-Clarin,
a Swedish consortium in Common Language Resources and Technology Infras-
tructure (CLARIN) Swedish CLARIN (grant agreement 821-2013-2003).

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