=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2364/27_paper |storemode=property |title=Finding Nineteenth-century Berry Spots: Recognizing and Linking Place Names in a Historical Newspaper Berry-picking Corpus |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2364/27_paper.pdf |volume=Vol-2364 |authors=Matti La Mela,Minna Tamper,Kimmo Kettunen |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/dhn/MelaTK19 }} ==Finding Nineteenth-century Berry Spots: Recognizing and Linking Place Names in a Historical Newspaper Berry-picking Corpus == https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2364/27_paper.pdf
    Finding Nineteenth-century Berry Spots: Recognizing
     and Linking Place Names in a Historical Newspaper
                   Berry-picking Corpus

      Matti La Mela1[0000-0003-0340-9269], Minna Tamper1[0000-0002-3301-1705], Kimmo
         1 Semantic Computing Research Group (SeCo), Aalto University, Finland

                           2 The National Library of Finland


      Abstract. The paper studies and improves methods of named entity recognition
      (NER) and linking (NEL) for facilitating historical research, which uses digitized
      newspaper texts. The specific focus is on a study about historical process of com-
      modification. The named entity detection pipeline is discussed in three steps.
      First, the paper presents the corpus, which consists of newspaper articles on wild
      berry picking from the late nineteenth century. Second, the paper compares two
      named entity recognition tools: the trainable Stanford NER and the rule-based
      FiNER. Third, the linking and disambiguation of the recognized places is ex-
      plored. In the linking process, information about the newspaper publication place
      is used to improve the identification of small places.
        The paper concludes that the pipeline performs well for mapping the commod-
      ification, and that specific problems relate to the recognition of place names
      (among named entities). It is shown how Stanford NER performs better in the
      task (F-score of 0.83) than the FiNER tool (F-score of 0.68). Concerning the link-
      ing of places, the use of newspaper metadata appears useful for disambiguation
      between small places. However, the historical language (with its OCR errors)
      recognized by the Stanford model poses challenges for the linking tool. The paper
      proposes that other information, for instance about the reuse of the newspaper
      articles, could be used to further improve the recognition and linking quality.

      Keywords: Historical newspapers, Named Entity Recognition, Named Entity
      Linking, Berry picking, Commodification

1     Introduction

Berry picking has been a common pastime in the Nordic countryside for
centuries. Wild berries have been picked for personal consumption, but
also for local trade and for the national exporting industries. The loca-
tions of good berry spots are something foragers keep to their own
knowledge. In this paper, we want to identify place names in a historical

nineteenth-century newspaper corpus, which does not only regard con-
crete berry spots, but a wide range of locations from export destinations
to local market places. The aim of the paper is to test and improve meth-
ods of named entity recognition and linking to discover these locations
from a large text corpus.
   In the paper, we compare two named entity recognition tools—the
trainable Stanford NER1 and the rule-based FiNER2—, and link the rec-
ognized place names by using the ARPA linking tool [1] and newspaper
metadata. The method pipeline is being developed for an actual research
case, which uses Finnish historical newspaper articles and studies the
commodification of nature during an export boom of lingonberries in the
late nineteenth century [2]. The research case employs place names for
studying the developing export networks and the geography of local con-
flicts concerning wild berries. Automated named entity recognition and
linking is very useful, while the newspaper material about berry picking
is large and it is not possible to go through it manually. Moreover, the
linking will enable to derive relevant information from other databases,
for instance, about the recognized places’ geographic location.
   At the same time, the historical research case helps to understand what
the methodological challenges concerning named entities, their recogni-
tion and linking are. The paper presents a method pipeline where place
names are identified in a historical newspaper research corpus. The
named entity recognition tools have been previously evaluated with the
Finnish historical newspaper data [3], and the results we obtain are com-
parable to studies with similar French and Dutch data (analyzed with
Stanford NER) [4]. Moreover, we use the ARPA tool in the paper to link
named entities in historical newspapers, and enhance the disambiguation
of potential links with our solution to make use of geographic ontology
hierarchies and newspapers’ publication place information.
   In the paper, we will present and discuss the three steps of the pipeline.
In section two, the paper presents the berry corpus and named entity
recognition that has been done for the historical newspaper data. The pa-
per shows how the quality of recognition remains adequate with the
recognition methods included in the pipeline. In the third section, the fo-
cus is on named entity linking. The aim is to show how well the identified
place names can be linked to other databases, for example, to retrieve

1 https://nlp.stanford.edu/software/CRF-NER.shtml
2 https://korp.csc.fi/download/finnish-tagtools/v1.1/

coordination information. Finally, in the last section, we will discuss the
results from the perspective of the research project.

2       Recognizing Place Names in a Corpus of Nineteenth Century
        Newspaper Articles

Our berry-picking corpus has been collected from the digital historical
newspaper corpus of The National Library of Finland, known also as
Digi3. This collection contains over 14 million digitized pages of news-
papers and journals published in Finland since 1771. The open part of
the corpus, 1771-1929, consists of ca. 7.45 million pages mainly in Finn-
ish and Swedish.
   The berry-picking corpus consists of a total of 303 historical newspa-
per articles (42 179 word tokens) from the late nineteenth century.4 The
articles include local, national and international news about wild berry
picking: children lost in berry woods, exports of wild berries, industrial
visions or reports from local market places. In the late nineteenth cen-
tury, a lingonberry boom developed in Finland and the Nordic countries
that initiated in the 1870s with the growing demand of lingonberries in
Western Europe. News about Swedish exports were read in the newspa-
pers in Finland, where the “red gold fever” led to initiatives for export
and commercial use of wild berries [2]. Moreover, this berry boom led
to conflicts in the local woods about their ownership, when the demand
for the red berries intensified and the prices rose [5].
   The articles were handpicked by conducting key word searches about
wild berries, their foraging, economic use and trade in the online inter-
face of the Digi-collection. Manual work was preferred at this stage, to
be able to control closely the quality of the search results and to code the
articles based on their content for the purposes of the historical research
(eg. commercial, non-commercial news). Even though the newspapers
have been optically character read, it is not possible to extract automati-
cally complete articles based on the search results. The article structure
has not been recognized well in the OCR-process, and, thus, the articles
in the corpus were collected by copying the text layer by hand.

3 https://digi.kansalliskirjasto.fi/etusivu?set_language=en
4 The articles in the corpus are from the years 1880-1881, 1885-1886, 1890 and 1895.

2.1    Named Entity Recognition

We spotted first names of locations in the manually prepared berry pick-
ing corpus with named entity recognition software. Named Entity Recog-
nition (NER), search, classification and tagging of names and name like
frequent informational elements in texts, has become a standard infor-
mation extraction procedure for textual data. NER has been applied to
many types of texts and different types of entities: newspapers, fiction,
historical records, persons, locations, chemical compounds, protein fam-
ilies, animals etc. Performance of a NER system is usually heavily genre
and domain dependent. Entity categories used in NER may also vary.
The most used set of named entity categories is usually some version of
three partite categorization of locations, persons and organizations [6].
In this study, we are only interested in names of locations.
   The names in the berry corpus were recognized with two NE tools:
Stanford NER and FiNER. Stanford NER is a standard trainable named
entity recognition tool that is based on conditional random fields [7].
Stanford NER models have been trained for several languages, e.g. for
English, German, Dutch, French [4], Chinese5 and Finnish [3]. FiNER,
on the other hand, is a rule-based named entity recognizer that has been
produced solely for Finnish names in the Fin-CLARIN consortium [8].
   FiNER has earlier been evaluated with OCRed Finnish newspaper data
along with other modern Finnish NER tools. Results with low quality
OCRed 19th century Finnish were not very good: FiNER was able to
achieve F-score of 0.57 with locations in the data [8]. Ruokolainen and
Kettunen [3] describe creation of a Stanford NER model for 19th century
Finnish using training data of ca. 380 000 words that were annotated with
names of locations and persons manually and semi-manually. They were
able to achieve F-score of 0.79 with locations in an improved quality
OCR of a subpart of the Finnish newspaper collection. Considering the
quality of the OCR, these NER results are quite good. Better results are
not easily achieved without the use of more training data for Stanford
NER, better quality OCR, or some other NER system.
   Both of the taggers are used for recognizing Finnish language named-
entities, and the berry corpus contains texts only from newspapers in
Finnish. We estimated the word level quality of the berry-picking corpus
by running it through a morphological analyzer Omorfi6. 79.1% of the

5 https://nlp.stanford.edu/software/CRF-NER.shtml
6 https://github.com/jiemakel/omorfi

words in the corpus were recognized by Omorfi. This quality is slightly
better than the quality of NER evaluation collection used in Kettunen et
al. [8]. Anyhow the quality is not very high, but of typical OCRed his-
torical newspaper data level.
   The result differences between the two taggers are clear. As shown in
Table 1, Stanford NER outperforms FiNER in both precision and recall:
Stanford receives an F-score of 0.83 and FiNER a clearly lower score of
0.68. It is seen clearly how a trained tagger works much better with data
that includes historical language use, and which has been OCRed. The
Stanford NER results are also better—although not directly compara-
ble—than the previous evaluations of named entity recognition using
historical Finnish newspaper data [8].
         Table 1. Performance of the two taggers tested with the berry-picking corpus

                                 Stanford NER FiNER (Mylly7) Manual
   Place names tagged,
          all (n)                         672                    551                691
   Manually verified
    place names (n)                     567                     425
 Erroneous place names                 15.6 %                  22.9 %
       Precision                        0.84                    0.77
         Recall                         0.82                    0.62
        F-score                         0.83                    0.68

To be able to pinpoint some of the problems of our OCRed newspaper
data for the NE taggers, we performed first error analysis of the output
of the Stanford tagger in the NER evaluation data of Ruokolainen and
Kettunen [3]. The parallel data has available both manually corrected
ground truth (GT) and a reasonably good quality new OCR version with
Tesseract 3.04.01.
   Ehrmann et al. [9] suggest that application of NE tools on historical
texts faces three challenges: i) noisy input texts, ii) lack of coverage in
linguistic resources, and iii) dynamics of language. Lack of coverage in
linguistic resources can be e.g. be missing old names in the lexicons of
the NER tools. With dynamics of language Ehrmann et al. refer to dif-
ferent rules and conventions for the use of written language in different

7 https://www.kielipankki.fi/support/mylly/

times. In this respect, late 19th century Finnish is not that different from
current Finnish, but obviously also this can affect the results.
   In an earlier historical newspaper data NER evaluation [8] especially
Ehrman’s first point, noisy input, was the obvious reason for low perfor-
mance of evaluated NER tools. Now that we have available a good qual-
ity ground truth evaluation collection along with a lower quality re-
OCRed version of the same data, we can see more clearly effects of OCR
quality on the results. We performed a detailed error analysis on results
of locations in GT and OCR evaluation data to pinpoint problems of
OCRed data and Stanford NER’s performance in it. We found 437 mis-
classifications in the results of locations in the GT evaluation data. In
OCR evaluation data there were 491 errors (+14% units). Error classes
and their counts are shown in Table 2.
                       Table 2. Error amounts in tagged data

 Error               Amount                 in     GT Amount in Tesser-
                     data                             act OCR data
 LOC missed          224                              204
 NULL marked as LOC 106                               162
 LOC marked as PER   58                               76
 PER marked as LOC   40                               46
 Confused beginnings 9                                3
 and endings of LOC
                     437                                  491

As the two first content rows in the table show, about 75% of the errors
in both data are either missing entity tags or marked entities in case,
where there should be none. Locations and persons do not get confused
to each other as much, although this is usually a common error. It seems
also that lower quality data provokes Stanford NER to mark common
words more as locations. Common possible causes for errors are the fol-

         spelling variants of words (variant/common): Itaalia/Italia,
          Buda-Pestiä/Budapestiä, Amsterdami/Amsterdam, Tukholmi/Tu-
          kholma, Kiöpenhawni/Köpenhamina, Kalefornia/Kalifornia
         spelling errors or erroneous OCR (Vulgarian pro Bulgarian,
          Insbuckissä pro Innsbruckissa)

          broken lines (e.g. Hel- sinki broken to two separate lines)
          Stynnyrin, Viinakaupan (initial upper case letter in a common

2.2       Analysis of Errors in the Berry-picking Data

The locations of the berry-picking corpus have been extracted manually
in an Excel sheet for P/R counting, but their comparative analysis is dif-
ficult, as right and wrong markings are not separated in the entity data,
only counts. We can anyhow make some observations between differ-
ences of Stanford NER’s location markings and those of FiNER.
   Stanford has marked 783 words as locations in 672 entities. Out of the
word tokens marked as entities 73.56% are recognized by Omorfi.
FiNER has marked 551 word tokens as locations, and 88.38% of the
words are recognized by Omorfi. It seems, thus, that Stanford NER is
clearly more robust in tagging of named entities, as out of its entities
more are misspelled but still better marked correctly as entities.
   Some of the erroneous word forms that Stanford NER model gets right
are shown below:

  Lcppämirran pitäjään          (pro Leppävirran)
  Cyslöjärmen kylässä           (pro Syslöjärven)
  Uustaarlcbyyssä               (pro Uuskaarleby, Uusikaarlepyy)
  Hinvcnsalon saarella          (pro Hirvensalon)
  Ccderhwarfin tilalle          (pro Cederhwarfin)
  Smeitsin                      (pro Sveitsin)
  Ruotiin                       (pro Ruotsiin)
  Länsi-Cuomessa                (pro Länsi-Suomessa)
  Iymäskylän                    (pro Jyväskylän)

These examples contain usually 1-3 character errors. FiNER marks also
some of them correctly as locations, but Stanford’s ability to mark mis-
spellings correctly is clearly better.
   Both taggers mark false strings as locations. A common error for both
is marking of a word with initial upper case character as a location. Some
examples are Stynnyrin, Viinakaupan, Viinan, Vähemmissä, Vapaasta,
Väkijuomakaupasta, Vähemmin, Viinaliikkeen, Vuosittain.
   Another important feature, which separates the two tools is the ability
of Stanford NER to recognize named entities with multiple terms. For

instance, with Stanford NER, we were able to detect Mikkelin kaupunki
and Mikkelin lääni, which are the town of Mikkeli and the Mikkeli prov-
ince. Moreover, we are able to qualify some locations as rautatiepysäkki,
railway station, which is of particular interest when studying processes
of commodification and exports. As we will see below, the ontologies
that we are using enable linking to these more specific spatial categories.
At the same, this poses even more acutely the question of the historical
dimensions of the places contained in the ontologies.

3       The Linking of Recognized Place Names for Creating
        Structured Data

After the tests about recognizing the named-entities, we continued the
study only with the results of the Stanford NER, as it performed clearly
better than FiNER. We used the complete list of place names recognized
by Stanford NER, and did not remove the wrong locations of the results
to keep the process as “genuine” and automated as possible. The next
aim was to link the recognized place names to ontologies (i.e. controlled
vocabularies), which would provide more detailed location information
about the places. In the linking, we took use of the information about the
newspaper publication places that is available in the newspaper
   Named-entity linking (NEL) [10–11] refers to the task of determining
the identity of named entities mentioned in a text, by linking found
named entity mentions to strongly identified entries in ontologies. NEL
process consists of NER, entity linking (EL) and named entity disambig-
uation (NED). In this case, the Stanford NER’s results are used to search
matching entities from ontologies, which cover historical Finnish and
contemporary place names: WarSampo’s Karelian places8, Finto’s YSO
places9, and Finnish Geographic Places ontology10. The NED determines
the correct identity for the entity from a pool of entities extracted from
ontologies. Each ontology contained or was linked to other ontologies
that contained coordinates for places.
   For the linking of the entities, we use ARPA [1], which is a NER and
EL tool that queries matches from controlled vocabularies. For this pa-
per, ARPA tool has been configured to link only extracted entities or n-
8 https://www.ldf.fi/dataset/warsa
9 https://finto.fi/yso-paikat/en/
10 http://www.ldf.fi/dataset/pnr/

grams that start with a capital letter, are nouns, or proper nouns. The
NED uses newspaper metadata and information provided by the ontolo-
gies about the linked targets to determine the correct identity. In our case
of historical newspapers, additional newspaper metadata was previously
manually enriched with publication place’s coordinates. The disambigu-
ation and identification of the places was done in three steps in relation
to their position in the ontology hierarchies. Our solution is to use the
newspaper publication place for delineating the area or group of potential
   First, if the newspaper place name referred to a foreign country or their
cities, towns, and villages, these were preferred. For example, when
“Russia” is mentioned it is linked to a small place in Finland and to the
country Russia. It is far more likely in such corpus that when a country
is mentioned, the place should be preferably linked to it rather than a
Finnish town or village. In these cases, thus, the countries and continent
names are prioritized.
   Second, for national towns and smaller places of the same name, we
prioritize the larger one. Third, the most problematic to identify were the
“local” place names in the hierarchy (villages and farm houses), which
can be found with similar place names around the country. An example
is the place Niinimäki, to which 11 different targets were linked, all in
the lowest hierarchy classified in the ontology as village, town quartier
or neighbourhood. In such cases, we have used the coordinates of the
newspaper publication place and the linked targets to determine, which
target was the nearest to the publication place. The idea is that smaller
places received publicity foremost in the newspapers of the region.
   The results of the linking is evaluated in two steps: concerning the
linking on the one hand, and the disambiguation on the other. The errors
encountered can be divided into five groups: OCR errors, NER errors,
Linking tool errors (ARPA/LAS error), ontology errors, and place not
found from selected ontologies. In earlier work [12] similar errors such
as OCR errors, tool errors, and ontology related errors were encountered.
The OCR’d input text contains errors that impact the entity linking as
they reduce the amount of produced entity links. The OCR application
may incorrectly identify certain words and letters due to poor quality of
the newspaper.
   The NER errors are produced by the Stanford NER whereas the link-
ing tool errors are produced by ARPA and the tools it uses. The ARPA
tool [1] (that is used in the linking process) uses LAS for lexical analysis

to lemmatize and inflect the words. In case of some place names the tools
cannot always find the original base form or inflected form to correctly
match the names into ontologies. This leads to loss of links. In addition,
in some cases the ontologies do not contain all place names in Finnish or
all required information for the algorithm to function properly (for ex-
ample missing coordinates).
   In the linking, 388 of the 672 places (of which 567 were correct places)
recognized by Stanford NER were linked to an ontology. The result is
explained mainly by two factors. First, the Stanford model recognized
also false positives, which the link tool, then, could not identify. Second,
the trained Stanford tagger could recognize also correct places with
OCR-errors, which could not be handled in the linking. Moreover, some
Linking tool errors were encountered, which regard the inflected word
   The linking process found 809 linked targets, which were identified in
the NED: 33 locations of the places linked were not correctly identified,
that is, in all 355 of the 672 Stanford recognized places were linked cor-
rectly. Seven errors were generated by a false positive recognized by
Stanford NER, three errors were created by the linking tool, one error
was related to an OCR mistake, and one (historical) location was not
found in the used ontologies. The rest of the errors (21) were related to
problems of disambiguation part of our method: either caused by the hi-
erarchical identification or the demarcation by newspaper publication co-
ordinates. There are cases where the demarcation helps to locate the am-
biguous small place correctly nearby the newspaper’s home town. At the
same time, due to the reuse of articles by other newspapers, several small
places in reproduced articles were identified wrongly. It is notable, how-
ever, that in most cases the first newspaper to publish an article gave the
right geographic context to the local places described in the article, which
supports our idea of using ontology hierarchies.

4     Conclusion

This paper has built and evaluated the functioning of named entity recog-
nition and linking in historical research, which uses location information
in nineteenth century historical newspaper data. We started our inquiry
with a manually generated corpus consisting of 303 newspaper articles
on wild berries, their foraging, economic use and trade. The aim was to
evaluate the quality and problems related to an automated named entity

recognition and linking pipeline that we built. From the 303 articles, we
generated 672 automatically tagged locations (691 locations were tagged
manually in the corpus), of which 567 were correct. These Stanford NER
tagged locations resulted further into 388 locations, which were identi-
fied in the linking, and of these 355 were linked to correctly.
   We have shown in this paper that a Stanford NER model developed
with nineteenth-century newspaper data outperforms clearly a rule-based
NER software FiNER in location analysis of OCRed newspaper corpus
containing news related broadly to berry-picking. Although the corpus is
smallish, differences in performance are clear. Despite the low quality of
the OCR in the berry-picking corpus, NER analysis of locations provided
by the Stanford model are useful and give also a good basis for larger
data analysis, if more data is gathered.
   The paper has highlighted, how there are challenges related to the link-
ing of the historical places due to the discrepancy between the linking
tool and the trained Stanford NER, which is able to detect places with
considerable spelling mistakes. One solution would be to process the rec-
ognized named entities to a more consistent and modern written form
before the linking. At the same time, the linking tool improves the results
to some extent, as it is able to drop out almost all false positives recog-
nized by Stanford NER.
   From the perspective of the historical research, the pipeline produces
adequate level results. The quality of the named entity recognition of the
locations is good. The NER results—manually read—show how the
share of European place names, such as Sweden, (North) Germany, Stet-
tin, Hamburg, Lübeck, but also Saint Petersburg, increase in the berry
corpus towards the end of the century. This supports one of the research
case’s hypotheses that wild berries became discussed and viewed in re-
lation to the expanding western European market. Moreover, if we look
at the corpus texts that were coded as being about exports, we can pin-
point actual export links. Especially notable is the appearance of the
Swedish Moheda station in the recognition results, as the station was one
known link in the Swedish berry exports of the late nineteenth century.
Also, the town of Vaasa on the west coast of Finland stands out as a
surprisingly central link and is the most cited place in the export texts.
   The linking offers interesting results already at this point. The method
for detecting smaller places enables to map the developments regionally
and inside the country. However, to improve the recognition quality and
the depth of the historical and statistical analysis, more attention should

be paid to the uniqueness of the events in the texts, on the one hand, and
the virality or reuse of the texts, on the other. In the berry corpus, for
example, the most reproduced text was about a small girl who handed
wild berries as a gift to the Empress, during the summer trip of the Im-
perial family in the Finnish archipelago in 188611. Adding a text reuse
detection tool to the pipeline, like the tool developed for historical news-
papers by the COMHIS consortium [13], would enable to control for the
geographic over-representation of single events, and to improve the iden-
tification of the linked targets.


The third author’s work is part of the project Computational History and
the Transformation of Public Discourse in Finland 1640–1910
(COMHIS) funded by the Academy of Finland. We would like to thank
the anonymous referees, and Jouni Tuominen and Esko Ikkala (Semantic
Computing Research Group) for their comments.


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