=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2365/02-TwinTalks-DHN2019_paper_2 |storemode=property |title=Three perspectives on a collaborative attempt to use computer vision techniques to automatically classify historical newspaper images |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2365/02-TwinTalks-DHN2019_paper_2.pdf |volume=Vol-2365 |authors=Martijn Kleppe,Thomas Smits,Willem Jan Faber |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/dhn/KleppeSF19 }} ==Three perspectives on a collaborative attempt to use computer vision techniques to automatically classify historical newspaper images== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2365/02-TwinTalks-DHN2019_paper_2.pdf
     Three perspectives on a collaborative attempt to
     use computer vision techniques to automatically
          classify historical newspaper images
    Martijn Kleppe1[0000-0001-7697-5726] Thomas Smits2[0000-0001-8579-824X] Willem Jan Faber3
               1+3 National Library of the Netherlands, The Hague, the Netherlands
                      2 Utrecht University, Drift 6, Utrecht, The Netherlands


         Abstract. In the last couple of years, scholars in the Humanities have started to
         explore the possibilities of the large-scale analysis of images. This development
         can be linked to the increasing availability of large visual datasets, the increase
         in computing power, and the development of new techniques, such as convolu-
         tional neural networks. However, there are no one-size-fits all researchers that
         are able to gather the right data, apply the new techniques, and analyze the results
         in meaningful ways. In this paper we present the collaboration of a Humanities
         researcher, a Research Software Engineer and Digital Scholarship Advisor to ex-
         plore how new computer vision techniques can be used to automatically classify
         images extracted from a large collection of digitized historical newspapers. We
         will present the outcomes of our research and share the lessons we learned from
         our collaboration. First we will discuss the experiences of the Humanities re-
         searcher. Second we will discuss the lessons we learned from a technical per-
         spective. Third, we will elaborate on the institutional perspective of the National
         Library of the Netherlands (KB) as a data provider but also as full partner of the
         research project. We will end with a reflection on the broader strategic role of
         heritage institutes as research partners to stimulate, collaborate and to preserve
         results of research projects in a sustainable manner.

         Keywords: Computer Vision, Distant viewing, Digitized newspapers

1        Introduction
Although the Digital Humanities have traditionally focussed on the large-scale analy-
sis of texts (Nicholson, 2013), recent years have seen an upsurge in research that fo-
cuses on images. This move to the visual can be explained by the increasing availabil-
ity of visual datasets (Russakovsky et al., 2015) and the techniques necessary to ana-
lyse them. Examples of this kind of research include the work of Seguin (Seguin et
al., 2017) who focuses on automatic visual pattern detection across iconographic col-
lections and the work of King and Leonard (2017) on colometrics, facial detection
and neural network-based visual similarity. The International Digital Humanities con-
ferences also displayed a growing interest for non-textual sources (Weingart, 2016),
reflected in the workshops on computer vision organised by the Special Interest
Group Audiovisual Material in Digital Humanities in 2017 (Kleppe et al., 2017) and
2018 (Tilton et al., 2018).

   In the Netherlands we see a similar tendency. First, datasets of digitised visual
sources are becoming more available. The National Library of the Netherlands (KB)
offers access to a large collection of digitised newspapers on their portal www.del-
pher.nl, allowing full-text searches through all data and drill down the results by ap-
plying filters such as period, region or type of article. Furthermore, researchers can
get access to all digital sources through the library’s Dataservices and APIs and ex-
perimental datasets at the KB Lab, such as the KBK-1M Dataset (Kleppe et al., 2016).
To stimulate the use of these datasets, understand the needs of researchers, and im-
prove the library's services, the KB has set up the researcher-in-residence program
(Wilms, 2017; Boekestein, 2017). This allows researchers to work part time at the Re-
search Department of the KB for six months, together with one of KB’s Research
Software Engineers. During their project they are also assisted by a Digital Scholar-
ship Advisor and several metadata and collection specialists.
   In 2017, two researcher-in-residence projects were carried out to explore the possi-
bilities of applying new computer vision techniques to analyse digitised historical
newspapers. Melvin Wevers explored visual similarity search on newspaper adver-
tisements (Wevers and Lonij, 2017). In this paper, we will focus on the second project
by Thomas Smits, on classifying newspaper images. We will first describe the Hu-
manities research question, followed by our technical approach and the project’s re-
sults. The final part of the paper is a reflection on the collaboration between the Hu-
manities Researcher and the Research Software Engineer. We will also reflect on the
role of the KB as a data provider, but also full research partner.

2      Humanities research question: Fin de siècle visual news
The visual representation of news events is generally connected to the technological
progress of photography (Gervais and Morel, 2017). The so-called half-tone revolu-
tion of the early 1880s, enabling the massive reproduction of photographs in print me-
dia, is seen as forming the basis for our current visual news culture. Several historians
of nineteenth-century media have challenged this narrative (Gitelman and Pingree,
2003). Hill and Schwartz (2015) propose a contingent history of ‘news pictures’ as a
separate ‘class of images’, which not solely focuses on photographic technology, but
on the discourse surrounding them (p. 3). In relation to this recent theoretical develop-
ment, several studies have demonstrated that photography was not the first medium
used to visually represent the news. From the early 1840s, illustrated newspapers dis-
seminated news pictures on a massive scale and developed a discourse of objectivity,
based on eyewitness accounts, which would be adapted and used for photographs later
in the century (Barnhurst and Nerone, 2000; Gervais, 2010; Park, 1999).
   Although the visual representation of the news did not start with photography, the
pre-eminence of this medium is clear in the twentieth century (Gervais and Morel,
2017; Kester and Kleppe, 2015). It follows that the turning point between the use of
illustrations and photographs as the preferred medium to represent the news is a criti-
cal moment in the history of modern visual news culture. Most commonly, research-
ers have presented this point as a watershed, located at the publication of the first pho-
tograph of a news event in a newspaper (Kester and Kleppe, 2015). However, case
studies from a media archaeological perspective, suggest a relatively long transitional

period in which illustrations and photographs coexisted and competed as authentic,
objective visual representations of the news (Keller, 2013; Steinsieck, 2006). It re-
mains unclear when photography exactly achieved its pre-eminence and why this hap-
   The earlier reliance on case studies to describe the transitional phase is understand-
able, as, in pre-digital times, a ‘distant reading’ (Moretti, 2015) of the large number of
images published in newspapers was all but impossible. Using several computer vi-
sion techniques, our project aspired to shed more light on this important debate by an-
alysing pictures of the news in Dutch newspapers from a distance (‘distant viewing’)
and on a large scale. Our main research questions were: When did Dutch newspapers
start to use illustrations? And when did they switch to using photographs as the pri-
mary visual medium? More generally, we hoped to explore how these techniques
could be used to analyse large collections of visual historical material.

3      Technical approach: convolutional neural networks
As most DH research, our project faced two main challenges: data collection and data
analysis. Within Delpher, users can select facets to drill down to specific results.
Upon selecting ‘Illustration with caption’ they will only get articles that contain an
image. However, the results will not only contain photographs, but also cartoons,
drawings, weather reports and even graphic displays of chess problems. Since this
would not suffice to answer our main research question, we had to find new ways to
classify the images found in newspapers.
   Concerning data collection part, our project could build on the PhoCon project of
Elliott & Kleppe (Kleppe et al., 2016), which created a database containing images
extracted from Delpher’s newspapers. However, the result of this project, the KBK-
1M(illion) database only contained images from the period 1923-1930. Furthermore,
we found that not all images in the period of our research (1860-1923) were correctly
classified as ‘captioned illustration’ by the OCR company. Therefore, new code was
needed to harvest all the images from digitised newspapers. We found that in the
XML files (ALTO) the code-line ‘imageblock’ denotes images. Around 1900, Dutch
newspapers contained many small images, like the often-recurring illustrations used at
the beginning of a specific section, or small images that accompanied advertisements
in newspapers. Because we were mainly interested in images of the news, we decided
to only include images that could be related to newspaper articles (via the XML file),
exclude images of advertisements, and discard all the images with a file size smaller
than 30KB. We ended up with 313K images for the period 1923-1930.
   We classified these images using a three-step pipeline. First of all, we used Adam
Geitgey’s facial recognition API, built using the Dlib’s facial recognition library, to
recognize faces on the images (Geitgey, 2017). In the second step, using the ‘Tensor-
flow for poets’ method, we applied an Inception-V3 convolutional neural network to
recognize nine different categories (buildings, cartoons, chess, crowds, logos, maps,
schematics, sheet music, and, weather reports).1 Although the creators of this method
recognize that it will be outperformed by a full training run, it is surprisingly effective
(see below for performance) and does not require GPU hardware. We used training
sets of around forty images for every category. For the final classification step, we

1 https://codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/tensorflow-for-poets/#0

asked Leonardo Impett, a digital art historian at the Bibliotheca Hertziana, to build a
convolutional neural network that could recognize if images were either drawings or
photographs. His network focuses on the lower-layers of the network and a support
vector machine (SVM) divides the images into photographs and illustrations.
   The four-step classification pipeline resulted in the CHRONIC (Classified Histori-
cal Newspaper Images) database, which contains metadata for all the 313K newspa-
per images we extracted (Smits and Faber, 2018a). Based on this database, we created
CHRONReader: a tool which allows users to search for images containing faces, one
of the nine categories and being either illustrations or photographs (Smits and Faber,

4      Results
Using computer vision we were able to analyse the images of Dutch newspapers on a
large scale, or view them from a distance, and, as a result provide an answer to the
main research questions: When did Dutch newspapers start to use illustrations? And
when did they switch to using photographs as the primary visual medium? Fig. 1 de-
picts the publication of illustrations and photographs in Dutch newspapers between
1860 and 1930. The number of images in Dutch newspapers, both illustrations and
photographs, increased noticeably in the early 1900s and peaked at the start of the
1920s. The number of photographs overtook the number of illustrations for the first
time in 1927. This completed a development from nineteenth-century publications
filled with letters, to pages filled with both images and text: the form of the newspa-
per we still know today.
    On the one hand, the application of CNNs thus confirms the conclusions of earlier
work, mentioned above, based on case studies. At the same time, vast digitized ar-
chives and new techniques like CNNs contribute to the construction of a exciting new
overview of visual (news) culture, which allows for the analysis of trends and changes
over an extended period of time. As Fig. 1 shows, the visual representation of the
news took off in the earlier 1920s. Although earlier research noted and analysed the
introduction of so-called ‘photo-pages’ in the 1920s using a limited set of sources
(Broersma, 2014; Kester and Kleppe, 2015) the birds-eye view of the use of images in
the entire Dutch press provides us with a new perspective on the magnitude of this
watershed moment.

Fig. 1. Number of all images, photo’s and illustrations in all digitized newspapers, 1860-1930

Next to the ability to view large collections of images from a distance, new computer
vision techniques also provide direct access to visual content without having to refer
to textual descriptions. In this sense the technique can be compared to OCR-
technology, in that it provides users of digital archives with bottom-up access to
sources (Nicholson, 2013).
    For the KB, this project offered several results. First we gained more knowledge
about the user needs of researchers who want to study the visual aspects of digital
sources. Second, we got to know our data and metadata better. For example, resulting
from the set-up of the metadata and the way this is created and stored at the KB, the
creation of a dataset containing images and their captions turned out to be more com-
plicated than expected. Third, due to the collaborative nature of the researcher-in-resi-
dence program, our research software engineer gained more knowledge about computer
vision. Since libraries have been focused on texts for centuries, we nowadays mainly
focus on Natural Language Processing techniques to analyze digital material. However,
as we have learned from this and the PhoCon project, digital datasets also contain mil-
lions of images. Since libraries continuously want to improve access to their digital
collections, they should focus on both textual and visual material. However, as we have
learned from this project, this is far from an easy task. The assistance by Leonardo
Impett to build a convolutional neural network to divide the images into photographs
and illustration was e.g. fundamental for the end result of the project. Fourth, since the
KB now has the knowledge on applying computer vision, we are taking steps to apply
it on a large scale. On Delpher.nl users can select ‘Illustrations with captions’ but as we
have described before, they then retrieve all sorts of images. The results of the
CHRONIC project allows the KB to classify all images in historical newspapers to
eventually implement an advanced selection option within Delpher to allow users also
to select photographs, cartoons or even chess problems. However, scaling up the results

of this research project to the full collection will present several challenges in terms of
computing power and infrastructure

5      Reviewing collaboration
For this project, we set up a team consisting of a Humanities researcher (Thomas
Smits), a research software engineer (Willem Jan Faber) and digital scholarship advi-
sor (Martijn Kleppe). The team met on a weekly basis to discuss the projects’ pro-
gress, while the individual team members also regularly had bilateral meetings or
were helped by KB’s in house metadata and collection specialists. Since the Humani-
ties researcher was researcher-in-residence, he was seconded for six months to the KB
and was present in the KB for two days a week, which was very stimulating for the
projects progress. He could easily get access to KB’s in house experts who normally
can only be contacted through KB’s front office. In this way, he was able to get more
easy access to (meta)data and more specialised knowledge about the data structure.
Furthermore, the collaboration with the research software engineer allowed him to ex-
plore not only the data but also new techniques. Trained as a traditional historian,
Smits was not used to working with innovative, and highly complex, digital methods
of analysis, such as neural networks. Due to the intensive nature of the collaboration
within the researcher-in-residence program, he eventually was able to understand the
techniques applied and extrapolate them to the results of the project.
    For the KB, this is a pivotal project showing the added value of close collaboration
with a researcher. Although the KB participates in many research projects, its main
role is acting as data provider, allowing researchers to use the large datasets of the
KB. However, the library can do more to take full advantage of the knowledge cre-
ated in these projects and implement the results of the research to its collections.
Given the collaborative nature of the researcher-in-residence program, both aspects
are covered. Since Smits is a domain expert in the field of historical visual culture, he
helped the KB to understand their data better and together with the research software
engineer he created a training set to build the algorithm that classified the images. If
the KB manages to apply this algorithm to all images in the KB dataset and imple-
ment the filter option in Delpher, the results of this collaboration will be beneficial to
all visitors of www.delpher.nl.

6      Conclusion
The project was a success for all parties involved. The Humanities researcher was
able to answer his main research question and presented the results at several confer-
ences (Smits, 2017; Smits en Wevers, 2018a, 2018b) and published an article in Digi-
tal Scholarship in the Humanities (Wevers and Smits, 2019). Furthermore, the Hu-
manities researchers and the research software engineer created a dataset, tool and
code that are all freely available through KB’s Lab. The research software engineer
gained a lot of knowledge about the possibilities of computer vision techniques to fur-
ther open up the libraries digital collection. Finally, the digital scholarship advisor is
currently exploring the possibilities to implement the results of the project within Del-
pher so that it can benefit a large audience (Delpher.nl has two million visits per

   This last conclusion is an example of the potential of applying research results to
library services in order to open up digital collections to a wider audience. Earlier, Pe-
ter Leonard (2016) made a plea for this for this when he stated he wanted to ‘put
TDM in the mainstream.’ Alex Humphreys (2018) made a similar plea for ‘Applied
Digital Humanities’ and (Kleppe, 2018) also referred to the potential of ‘Libraries as
incubators for DH Research Results’. It demonstrates the crucial role institutes, such
as libraries, can play within research projects. When these institutes go beyond the
role of data provider, they are not only a full partner by bringing and gaining
knowledge, but they can also act as the ideal valorisation vehicle of research projects.
By taking up an active role in adopting relevant research results in their own services,
they can preserve these results in a sustainable manner and bring the affordances of
DH research to the wider public.


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