=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2365/06-TwinTalks-DHN2019_paper_6 |storemode=property |title=I Want it All, I Want it Now. Literature researcher meets programmer |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2365/06-TwinTalks-DHN2019_paper_6.pdf |volume=Vol-2365 |authors=Vanessa Hannesschläger,Peter Andorfer |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/dhn/HannesschlagerA19 }} ==I Want it All, I Want it Now. Literature researcher meets programmer== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2365/06-TwinTalks-DHN2019_paper_6.pdf
I Want it All, I Want it Now. Literature researcher meets
      Vanessa Hannesschläger1[0000-0003-0938-0890] and Peter Andorfer1[0000-0002-9575-9372]
           1 Austrian Academy of Sciences, Sonnenfelsgasse 19, 1010 Vienna, Austria


        Abstract. This paper describes a collaborative project carried out in 2017. The
        initial motivation to do the project was a call for participation in a conference on
        text genetic editing in digital editions. A literature researcher (Vanessa) asked a
        programmer (Peter) to work with her on a little publication platform which would
        display an edition focusing on the text genesis of a specific play written by her
        main subject of study, the Austrian writer Peter Handke, to present at the afore-
        mentioned conference - he agreed. In turn, Peter asked Vanessa to come up with
        a research question about the text and a list of features she would need the plat-
        form to have. Her answer was simple, really - and it became the title of this paper,
        which speaks of what Vanessa wanted, what Peter wanted, how they did it and
        how that worked out. We will describe the data modelling, the automated and the
        manual processing of the data, the tools used, the technical implementation, the
        resulting handke-app and the challenges and benefits of two very different re-
        search perspectives in all these steps.

        Keywords: Peter Handke, TEI, Digital Editing, Text Genesis, Automated Col-

1       Preface

1.1     A Subsection Sample

This paper describes a collaborative project carried out in 2017. The initial motivation
to do the project was a call for participation in a conference on text genetic editing in
digital editions. A literature researcher (Vanessa) asked a programmer (Peter) to work
with her on a little publication platform which would display an edition focussing on
the text genesis of a specific play written by her main subject of study, the Austrian
writer Peter Handke, to present at the aforementioned conference - he agreed. In turn,
Peter asked Vanessa to come up with a research question about the text and a list of
features she would need the platform to have. Her answer was simple, really - and it
became the title of this paper. As its reader, you first need to understand that to a Handke
researcher, everything matters: every text witness, every correction, every date, every
person involved, every pen used, every coffee stain, every archive holding a Handke
collection, every place in which a part of the writing process took place, every location
of the play, every book read by the author, every language used in the text, every biog-
raphy of every person that might have been inspiration for one of the characters of the

play, every production of the play, every person involved in every production of the
play, every published version of the text, every translation of the text, and of course all
other texts that Handke wrote and the cross references with this one text - to just name
a few of the relevant aspects. As Vanessa had written her diploma thesis about the play
in question, she already had all these data, though not in a machine readable form. When
Peter asked Vanessa to focus and pick the most important aspects so that he could start
developing data models and technical solutions for them, she repeated her answer. In
this paper, we describe what things we managed to put into practice and where the
realities of time management stopped us from constructing the Swiss army knife
Vanessa had originally envisioned (and Peter had at no point in time intended to build).

2      Introduction and Scope

Peter Handke’s play Immer noch Sturm (2010) (Storm still, 2014)1 is a perfect source
text for a study on modelling the genesis of a literary text: Five text stages (with several
sub-stages) can be identified even before page proofs.2 The numerous smaller and big-
ger adjustments Handke made from stage to stage, but also the large quantity of accom-
panying material (such as the author’s preparatory reading notes) make this corpus a
good starting point for a study on the possibilities and boundaries of sustainable encod-
ing of text genetic processes.
   In our study, we transcribed the respective first page of each text witness and added
TEI P5 markup. The result of our work was published under the title handke-app.3 The
encoding focused on issues such as the distinction between immediate and later manual
corrections or the representation of the proven integration of preparatory reading notes
and thus served as a list of requirements for functionalities of the web application which
would represent these encoded texts. The goal of this application is to provide the best
possible support for the analysis and research process.

3      Material

Storm still is a formally complex text for the stage about the Carinthian Slovene re-
sistance against the Nazi occupation during the Second World War. The dramatis per-
sonae include a nameless “I”, “who is not reasonably distinguishable from the author’s
persona”4, and his Carinthian Slovene maternal relatives. Its formal structure is remark-
able and shows the author’s continuous development of his own approach to “epic the-
atre”, in which he combines elements of the antique tragedy with epic narrative from a
first person perspective.5
    The text genetic material is as remarkable as the text itself. The first version was
written from December 15th, 2008 to February 22nd, 2009 (in pencil). Before the page
proofs were created in July 2010, four further text stages with several sub-stages
emerged due to continuous adaptations and changes to the text made by the author. In
addition to this extensive (and fully preserved) material, additional notes, books, and
other materials (all kept by the Salzburg literary archives) give further insights into the
process of creation.6

   The situation described above poses a number of questions and problems. These lead
to the question that inspired our project: What does a digital edition have to be able to
do in order to serve a literature researcher’s needs? The answer: It has to represent all
existing knowledge and research about the edited text, thereby generating new
   However, “all” existing knowledge is a relative term in this context. We could have
focussed on the work context - the play and its relations to Handke’s other works -, the
biographical context - the characters and their relations to Handke’s real life family
members -, the historical context - the representation of historical events and the text’s
relations to sources about these events7 -, or the text genetic context. The latter is a good
choice for various reasons, one of them being the availability of information and data
about the text genesis via the platform Handkeonline.

4      Encoding

Even though the platform Handkeonline is a data treasure for Handke research, it has
some clear disadvantages from a technical perspective. It does not provide the possibil-
ity to extract any structured data, let alone process it. Therefore, quite some manual
work was necessary.
   The following data were relatively easily transformable into structured data:
 Dates: Handke has been documenting the writing dates of his first text versions for
     many years, and this is also true for Storm still. Every writing date is noted in the
     manuscript next to the text written on the respective day. Usually (and also in this
     case), he also notes the dates on which he worked on subsequent versions of a text.
 Persons and institutions: Information on people and institutions formally involved
     in the production of a text stage (e.g. transcriber, editor, owner of the manuscript)
     had already been collected by Handkeonline and could therefore be transformed
     into structured data easily.
 Places: Thanks to meticulous documentation of writing places in the manuscripts,
     the identification and subsequent geo referencing of places relevant to the genesis
     of the text was unproblematic.
   On the other hand, the translation of the following information into machine-reada-
ble form posed certain challenges:
 Preparatory reading: In preparation for writing Strom still, Handke read extensively
     about the history of the Carinthian Slovene resistance against the Nazi occupation
     of Carinthia during World War II. His reading focused on partisan memoirs. The
     most important book read in this context was Karel Prušnik-Gašper’s Gemsen auf
     der Lawine [Chamoix on the avalanche].8 Handke’s triple reading of this book
     (each several years apart) can be dated exactly as the book, in which he made notes
     and annotations in different colors during each reading and also noted beginning
     and end dates, is available in the archives.9 For other books, the data is more fuzzy:
     He took notes and collected quotes, which are partly dated and have been pre-
     served, however the books themselves have not. In addition, further readings of
     books to which no notes have been preserved can be proven by identification of

     direct quotes - however, the time of his reading can only be estimated. This is one
     of several examples of substantial information about the text genesis which has
     been investigated and confirmed by research, but can still not be pinned down and
     transformed into precise, machine-readable data.
 Source indication: The research articles about Handke’s Storm still quoted above
     show that the reconstruction of the text’s genesis was a task of many years.
     Vanessa, one of the authors of this paper, has worked on this text since it was
     published and dedicated her diploma thesis as well as several papers and a lot of
     her work done for Handkeonline to the investigation of its becoming, its meaning,
     and its interconnections to other texts. She was also the data provider for the app
     we developed. Thus, we did not source our data from other research, but rather
     deduced it from the data provider’s previously accumulated knowledge about the
     topic. For this reason, we did not add a file including bibliographic information on
     sources used for the app. Another reason was the additional time it would have
     required to connect such a file to the individual data points. While we are confident
     that this was a legitimate decision in terms of research ethics, we still see the prob-
     lem that the app does not indicate if a given data point was sourced from Hand-
     keonline, Vanessa’s thesis or a paper.
 Provenance history: Even though all text genetic material for Storm still is kept by
     the Salzburg literary archives today,10 it was previously owned by several individ-
     uals and therefore arrived at the archives not as one collection, but in parts and with
     time. In addition to this, only parts of the material belong to the archives, other
     parts are privately owned and only kept by the archives as a permanent loan. The
     history of this material and its paths is complex, but it is known - in principle. This
     is informal knowledge among Handke researchers and fans. Therefore, reliable and
     exact data suitable for structured analysis cannot be deduced from this information
     which some might refer to as gossip - it might be that from a present perspective,
     but looking, say 200 years to the future, this might be valuable information for
     researchers who could be interested in the author’s network or the market prices
     for manuscripts at the beginning of the millennium. In the long run, not preserving
     this information might therefore mean a loss.
   The transcriptions of the various text stages are previously nonexistent data which
were newly created for the handke-app. As our goal was not to provide a full edition of
Storm still,11 but rather a technology test, we only transcribed the respective first pages
of each text witness and encoded it with TEI-P5 markup12.

5      General Set-up

The described project was a pilot study. Work on the research content of the project,
i.e. development of the research question, transcription, and annotation (edition) of the
text witnesses, was carried out by Vanessa. Peter was responsible for all technical as-
pects as well as development of the data management workflow. Both contributors are
employees of the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities of the Austrian Academy of
Sciences (ACDH-OeAW) which provided the necessary (server) infrastructure.

6      Document Centered Approach

The outcome of the project was shaped by the team’s decision to follow a document
centred approach for the transcription. Each text witness was transcribed in an individ-
ual XML file. The  elements of each file contain the metadata specific to
the text witness (archive holding the manuscript, physical traits, history of its genesis)
structured in a TEI conformant way (as far as that was possible). The next step was to
transcribe the respective first page of the text witness and encode specific text genetic
phenomena within the respective text witness and model the formal structure of the text
(using , , and 

). As the pilot study focused on text genesis, we refrained from encoding text genre specific phenomena according to the TEI module Performance Texts13, e.g. indication of a , or a more in-depth literature analytic markup e.g. providing information on time, place, or characters, as we found this to be insignificant due to the incomplete- ness of the transcription. We encoded the work’s genesis, i.e. the systematically documented changes, devia- tions, and variants, in the next step, which was collation. While methods of collation strongly vary between disciplines, research projects, and even individual researchers in “analogue” text research14, it is a strongly formalized approach in the digital humani- ties. This is necessary as collation is in this case primarily carried out by machines. According to the Gothenburg model15 developed in 2009, the following steps have to be taken: 1. The respective witnesses have to be divided into comparable chunks of text; this process is called tokenization. This is generally done on the word level (which the machine defines by identifying strings of symbols separated by spaces). 2. In a second step, the tokens of the respective witnesses are compared to each other. For the (likely) case of differing amounts of tokens, so-called gap tokens have to be inserted. 3. Based on this comparison, analysis can be carried out. However, the authors of the Gothenburg model have pointed out that this task might be beyond the ma- chines’ limits, especially when it comes to the task of identifying how deviations in various witnesses are related to each other and if differing sequences of to- kens are additions, deletions, or transpositions of text parts: “While alignment results can still be judged in terms of their quality to some extent, transposition detection can only be done heuristically as one can easily think of cases, where it is impossible for a computer ‘to get it right’.”16 4. The final step is the synthesis if the results of collation. Just as in “traditional” text studies, the result can be a critical apparatus that documents deviations from a base text version in other witnesses. Depending on the technical implementa- tion of the Gothenburg model, it can also be a graph and/or a tabular represen- tation. The project team was aware of two concrete implementations of this model, namely CollateX17 and Juxta Commons18. The decision for Juxta Commons was made due to more user friendliness (which helped Vanessa in doing her part), i.e. Juxta Commons 50 is a web service with a graphic user interface while CollateX requires a local installation and some familiarity with use of the command line. With the help of Juxta Commons, Vanessa was able to collate the individual text witnesses and thus to encode (or let encode) the text genesis in a quick, systematic, and machine-readable form. The genesis of the text was annotated by Juxta Commons ac- cording to the Parallel Segmentation Method19, which is characterized by the notation of the various readings next to each other (parallel), which facilitates the comparison of variants. A short example: eine Sitz- Eine Sitzbank Eine Sitzbank Eine Sitzbank Eine Sitzbank Nichts Eine Sitzbank Eine Sitzbank These results were manually cleaned in order to obtain better readability by wo/man and machine: eine Sitz- Eine Sitzbank Eine Sitzbank Nichts Here we encountered one of the challenges of communication and coordination be- tween a “tekkie” and a “human”: This code optimization could easily have been done via a small script instead of manual cleaning, had Vanessa thought to ask for it. How- ever in addition to this, Vanessa also had to manually add in manuscript corrections by the author which had been encoded previously, but which Juxta Commons failed to include in the collation. An example of this is the element in the following passage: I EINS ERSTER AKT ERSTER AKT EINS 51 Looking back, it would have been more efficient to do without text critical markup in the first transcription and only adding it in after collation; but as the team had never worked with this tool before, we were not aware of this problem beforehand. The reason for the choice of this text witness centred approach was ultimately of a technical / pragmatic nature: For encoding, we used the oXygen20 XML editor for the very simple reason that Vanessa was already familiar with using this tool and the ACDH-OeAW owns licenses for it. 7 Implementation The web application for the handke-app was implemented using exist-db for the fol- lowing reasons: As the transcriptions and annotations were done in XML format, use of a native XML database stood to reason. Additionally, exist-db can easily be inte- grated in oXygen; and last, but not least Peter is experienced in working with exist-db and its functionalities that facilitate the development of data-driven web applications.21 The following features were successfully implemented in the handke-app:  Text views 122: Access to individual text witnesses via a traditional table of con- tents. Individual text views include extensive meta information (document title, archive holding the manuscript, original title, transcriber, license) as well as the text (including additions, deletions, etc.). A scan of the original manuscript page is also available. 23  Text views 224: This entry point allows users to see text witnesses next to each other in order to compare them. For this view, the EVT Viewer25 was used. From a technical perspective, it was very pleasant to see that the EVT Viewer was able to process the files created by Juxta Commons ad edited by Vanessa without further adaptations of the application’s code.  Text views 326: The result of the Juxta Commons collation can also be exported as a “traditional” apparatus in a static HTML file.  Indices 127: Events. This page collects and lists meta information retrieved from the s of all XML files. Thus, all events related to the text genesis (individual writing days, Handke’s preparatory reading of books, corrections by Handke and others, etc.) are collected in a list here. In addition, they were visu- alized on a map with an included timeline. Due to the mentioned inaccuracies and problems of standardizations of certain informations (e.g. precise dates of preparatory reading), this visualisation’s meaningfulness is limited.  Indices 228: Persons. This page lists all persons involved with the material, be it as owner or in the creation process (transcriber, editor, etc.). Persons are at- tached to a location (where their contact with the text took place). These loca- tions are visualized on a map.  Indices 329: Places. The same map as on the person page and a list of the places. 52  Indices 430: Institutions. A list of all institutions involved. Indices 3 and 4 are not particularly useful due to the small amounts of data, but were so easily im- plementable from a technical point of view that we decided to include them anyway.  Analyses 1: Deletions and additions. Two graphs show the amount of deletions and additions (i.e. the frequency of the TEI tags and ) in all text versions.  Analyses 231: User requests. Users can choose a TEI tag and query for its fre- quency in all text versions. As only a small amount of tags was used in the project at hand, this feature is not particularly useful for this specific data set. It was included because Peter wanted to test the necessary efforts of implementing this feature. 8 Conclusion Summing up, we can conclude that this pilot study was fruitful both for the “tekkie” and for the “human”. While there were challenges in communication and cooperation at certain stages, we managed to broaden each other’s view and understanding consid- erably and both benefited from the cooperation. Our work showed that a complex work genesis including a number of text witnesses can be encoded efficiently by following a text witness centered approach and subse- quently using machine supported collation. This is especially true when the result can be processed using existing software such as the EVT Viewer. Another positive result is that we were able to show that digital methods can provide modes of analyses (i.e. quantitative queries about text phenomena) that a traditional apparatus would not be able to offer (even though the result was not meaningful in the case of our pilot study due to the limited amount of data). We also learned that the Text Encoding Initiative’s guidelines, while the unquestion- ably best approach for encoding text inherent phenomena, reach their limits when used for encoding “real world phenomena” related to text genesis such as places, persons, or events. Even though the TEI offers elements for encoding these phenomena, 32 the in- terconnection of these entities to each other and to the text witnesses is not well speci- fied and largely varies from project to project. Therefore, connecting the data created in the pilot study to other projects will likely be difficult to impossible. Use of a more comprehensive model that does not only focus on encoding text, but also extra textual realities (e.g. CIDOC CRM33) might have been a better choice. From the literature researcher’s point of view, the pilot study was also very fruitful. Though the result is not the “Swiss army knife” originally imagined, it is a pretty nifty tool that can do some unanticipated things. While sometimes challenging, the methods and tools used were manageable even for a non-”tekkie” and worth every effort con- sidering the results. The visualizations and features inspired a deeper understanding of the text and its becoming as well as completely new perspectives - even though Vanessa thought that she knew this text inside out even before she started doing this study, hav- 53 ing worked on it for numerous years. We will spare you the explanation why it is amaz- ing to learn that Handke only transformed the “ninety nine apples” on the apple tree mentioned in the first stage direction of this play into “99 apples” in the very last text witness. But believe us: it truly is mind blowing, and we would never have found this out without the EVT Viewer. From the developer’s point of view, the pilot study was fruitful in regards of getting a deeper understanding of the “Swiss army knife” metaphor. On a first glimpse, a Swiss army knife is one single tool which can do many things. Though on a second look it could also be understood as a collection of many different kind of tools wrapped up between to red plastic halfs. Transposing this metaphor into the digital (humanities) world, we reach the idea of many (micro) services/tools, each one tailor made for a single task (i.e. the oXygen XML editor for encoding text, eXist-db for storing data, Juxta Commons for collating text) “glued together” by some basic website, providing links to all those services / tools / data. The main challenge in the interaction with the non-”tekkies” is the communication process needed to break down a huge research question like “I want it all” into its many components. This is doable. But needs time and patience. Finally, we have to mention that since this pilot study, we have worked together on various projects and gotten better at understanding each other’s perspectives and lan- guages better and better over time. Our cooperation is ongoing, as is the work on the handke-app, as we noted on its start page: “Please be aware: This is work in progress. If you find any mistakes or have suggestions for further development, please create an issue in the project's code-repo on GitHub.”34 References 1. Handke, P.: Immer noch Sturm. Suhrkamp, Berlin (2010), respectively Handke, P.: Storm Still. Trans. Chalmers, M. Seagull, London, New York, Calcutta (2014). 2. See the list of text genetic material for Storm still on Handkeonline, http://hand- keonline.onb.ac.at/node/57/material, last accessed 2019-02-04. 3. handke-app, https://handke-app.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/, last accessed 2019-02-04, respectively acdh-oeaw/handke-app: First release (Version v1.0), http://doi.org/10.5281/ze- nodo.1195978, last accessed 2019-02-04. 4. Kastberger, K.: Lesen und Schreiben. In: Kastberger, K., Pektor, K. (eds.): Die Arbeit des Zuschauers. Peter Handke und das Theater. Jung und Jung, Vienna, Salzburg (2012), pp. 35–47, p. 44 [transl. VH]. 5. See Hannesschläger, V.: Real Life Fiction, Historical Form: Peter Handke’s “Storm Still”. In: Boldrini, L., Novak, J. (eds.): Experiments in Life-Writing. Intersections of Auto/Biog- raphy and Fiction. Palgrave, London (2017) [Palgrave studies in Life-writing 1], pp. 145– 165. 6. See Hannesschläger, V.: „Geschichte: der Teufel in uns, in mir, in dir, in uns allen.“ – Zur Rezeption von Familiengeschichte und Historie in Peter Handkes Immer noch Sturm. Vienna (2013) [Diploma thesis]. 7. See Hannesschläger, V.: Peter Handkes „Immer noch Sturm“ und Karel Prušnik- Gašpers „Gämsen auf der Lawine”. In: Wieser, L. (ed.): Karel Prušnik-Gašper: Gämsen auf der Lawine. Materialien. Wieser, Celovec (2016), 13–18. 54 8. Prušnik-Gašper, K.: Gemsen auf der Lawine. Der Kärntner Partisanenkampf. Drava, Ce- lovec (1980). Handke read and annotated this edition himself (see Handkeonline, http://handkeonline.onb.ac.at/node/1566, last accessed 2019-02-04). 9. Handkeonline, http://handkeonline.onb.ac.at/node/1566, last accessed 2019-02-04. 10. Salzburg literary archives, collection: Handke, Peter (LAS) and collection: Handke, Peter (Leihgabe Widrich) (PH-PAW). 11. This was infeasible due to copyright reasons on the one hand, and limited (time and finan- cial) resources on the other. 12. TEI Consortium: TEI P5: Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange (2017), http://www.tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/Guidelines.pdf, last accessed 2019-02-04, respectively http://www.tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/, last accessed 2019-02- 04. 13. See TEI Consortium: TEI P5: Performance Texts, http://www.tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5- doc/en/html/DR.html, last accessed 2019-02-04. 14. See e.g. Sahle, P.: Digitale Editionsformen. Zum Umgang mit der Überlieferung unter den Bedingungen des Medienwandels. Teil 1: Das typografische Erbe. Norderstedt (2013) [Schriften des Instituts für Dokumentologie und Editorik – Band 7]. 15. TEI SIG Manuscripts: The “Gothenburg model”: A modular architecture for computer-aided collation (2011), https://wiki.tei-c.org/index.php/Textual_Variance, last accessed 2019-02- 04. 16. Ibid. 17. CollateX, https://collatex.net, last accessed 2019-02-04. 18. Juxta Commons, http://juxtacommons.org, last accessed 2019-02-04. 19. TEI Consortium: TEI P5: Parallel Segmentation Method, http://www.tei-c.org/re- lease/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/TC.html#TCAPPS, last accessed 2019-02-04. 20. SyncroSoft: oXygen XML editor, https://www.oxygenxml.com/, last accessed 2019-02-04. 21. Andorfer, P.: dsebaseapp (2016ff), https://github.com/KONDE-AT/dsebaseapp, last ac- cessed 2019-02-04. 22. https://handke-app.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/pages/toc.html, last accessed 2019-02-04. 23. The scans were kindly provided by the Salzburg literary archives. 24. https://evt.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/#/critical?d=doc_1&e=critical, last accessed 2019-02-04. 25. Edition Visualisation Technology – EVT Viewer, http://evt.labcd.unipi.it/, last accessed 2019-02-04. 26. https://handke-app.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/pages/juxta-play.html, last accessed 2019-02-04. 27. https://handke-app.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/pages/events.html, last accessed 2019-02-04. 28. https://handke-app.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/pages/persons.html, last accessed 2019-02-04. 29. https://handke-app.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/pages/places.html, last accessed 2019-02-04. 30. https://handke-app.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/pages/organisations.html, last accessed 2019-02-04. 31. https://handke-app.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/pages/stats-dynamic.html, last accessed 2019-02-04. 32. See TEI Consortium: TEI P5: Names, Dates, People, and Places, http://www.tei-c.org/re- lease/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/ND.html, last accessed 2019-02-04. 33. CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model (CRM), http://www.cidoc-crm.org/, last accessed 2019-02-04. 34. https://handke-app.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/pages/index.html, last accessed 2019-02-04.