=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2366/EAD2019_paper_9 |storemode=property |title=Multi-class Artefact Detection In Video Endoscopy Via Convolution Neural Networks |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2366/EAD2019_paper_9.pdf |volume=Vol-2366 |authors=Mohammad Azam Khan, Jaegul Choo }} ==Multi-class Artefact Detection In Video Endoscopy Via Convolution Neural Networks == https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2366/EAD2019_paper_9.pdf
                           NEURAL NETWORKS

                                          Mohammad Azam Khan, Jaegul Choo

                                                 Korea University
                                  Department of Computer Science and Engineering
                                                Seoul, South Korea.
                                          {a khanss, jchoo}@korea.ac.kr

This paper describes our approach for EAD2019: Multi-class
artefact detection in video endoscopy. We optimized focal
loss for dense object detection based RetinaNet network pre-
trained with the ImageNet dataset and applied several data
augmentation and hyperparmeter tuning strategies, obtaining
a weighted final score of 0.2880 for multi-class artefact detec-
tion task and mean average precision (mAP) score of 0.2187
with deviation 0.0770 for multi-class artefact generalisation
task. In addition, we developed a U-Net based convolutional
neural networks (CNNs) for multi-class artefact region seg-
mentation task and achieved a final score of 0.4320 for the        Fig. 1. Overall detection pipeline for multi-class artefact de-
online test set in the competition.                                tection and generalisation task.
    Index Terms— Endoscopic artefact, Video endoscopy,
artefact generalization, Convolutional neural networks
                                                                   was really appealing to us for its training simplicity. Over-
                                                                   all detection pipeline for two tasks is shown in Figure 1.
                      1. INTRODUCTION

Endoscopic Artefact Detection (EAD) [1, 2] is a core chal-
lenge in facilitating diagnosis and treatment of diseases in       2.1. Multi-class artefact detection and generalisation
hollow organs. This Challenge highlights the growing appli-
cation of artificial intelligence (AI) in general, and specific
                                                                   For multi-class artefact detection task, first of all, we prepro-
application of deep learning (DL) techniques for the early de-
                                                                   cessed the dataset (by resizing the images into 768 × 1024
tection of numerous cancers, therapeutic procedures and min-
                                                                   pixels), and applied several standard data augmentation tech-
imally invasive surgery. In this concern, the organizers mainly
                                                                   niques including rotation, translation, scaling, and horizontal
focused on three sub-tasks for this challenge using the EAD
                                                                   flipping. We optimized the network with resnet-101 back-
dataset [1, 2]: multi-class artefact detection, region segmen-
                                                                   bone that were pretrained on ImageNet images. Later, we
tation and detection generalization.
                                                                   used non-maximum suppression to eliminate some overlap-
                                                                   ping bounding boxes from predicted bounding boxes as a
                      2. OUR APPROACH                              post-processing step.
                                                                       In this challenge, the third task was multiclass-artefact
For multi-class artefact detection and generalisation tasks, our
                                                                   generaliation task. Sometimes it is crucial for algorithms to
solution is based on keras-retinanet [3] which is basically an
                                                                   avoid biases induced by specific training dataset. Hence, to
implementation of a popular dense object detection method
                                                                   be aligned with the organizers’ motivation, we tried to op-
called RetinaNet [4] using open-source framework Keras [5]
                                                                   timize the network that we used for artefact detection task
with Tensorflow1 back-end. The RetinaNet is a single-stage
                                                                   above. Our main intuition was to develop more generalized
convolutional neural network detection architecture, which
                                                                   model so that the model can be used across different endo-
  1 https://www.tensorflow.org/                                    scopic datasets.
              Table 1. Segmentation scores.
     Dataset      Model Overlap        F2            Final
   Test (Online) U-Net 0.4324 0.4310                0.4320

                 Table 2. Detection results.
    Dataset      Backbone      mAP        IoU         Score
   Validation    ResNet101 0.4547 0.5167             0.4926
    Online       ResNet101 0.2581 0.3330             0.2880

               Table 3. Generalisation results.
         Dataset       Backbone      mAP        Dev
       Test (online) ResNet101 0.2187 0.0770

                                                                   Fig. 2. Sample image having almost same bounding boxes for
                                                                   different classes.
2.2. Multi-class artefact region segmentation

The second task of the challenge was multi-class artefact re-
                                                                   than one classes for almost same bounding boxes. It was un-
gion segmentation. We used an encoder-decoder architecture
                                                                   derstandable why some bounding boxes were overlapped for
called U-Net that is designed for biomedical image segmenta-
                                                                   different class artefacts. However, the situation was not the
tion [6]. The encoder path identifies the contents of the image
                                                                   same for all the bounding boxes of the different/same class(s).
while the decoder part localize where the contents are avail-
                                                                   An example case is shown in figure 2 (overlapping bounding
able. More importantly, in a U-Net, the output is an image
                                                                   boxes are marked with circle in yellow color).
with the same dimension of the input, but with one channel.
                                                                       The competition was an exciting and educational experi-
Unfortunately, we were not able to make extensive experi-
                                                                   ence to solve a problem in real-life settings. We thank the
ments for this task.
                                                                   organizers for all their hard work for organizing and annotat-
                                                                   ing the datasets for the competition; large medical image data
                        3. RESULTS                                 sets of sufficient size and quality for this purpose are rare.

Model performance of multi-class artefact detection task is
shown in Table 2. Table 3 shows the overall performance of                              5. CONCLUSION
multi-class artefact generalization task. As explained in Sec-
tion 2.2, with the limited experiments, our model performance      Motivated by the no new-net [7], we wanted to demonstrate
is shown in Table 1 on the final test set of region segmentation   the effectiveness of well trained state-of-the-art networks in
task.                                                              the context of three different tasks of EAD 2019 challenge.
                                                                   While most of the researchers are currently besting each other
                                                                   with minor modification of exiting networks, we instead fo-
                      4. DISCUSSION                                cused on the training process. The detection of specific arte-
                                                                   facts and then precise boundary delineation of detected arte-
In the beginning, when we had phase 1 dataset, we tried to         facts, and finally detection generalization of independent of
develop our model using 3-fold cross validation. Our models        specific data type and source - all would mark critical steps
relatively worked as well. Later, when dataset 2 had been          forward for this domain.
released, we incorporated these additional data in our models
using 5-fold cross validation. However, our model perform a
bit worst. After carefully analyzing, we found that the dataset                         6. REFERENCES
provided in the second phase is more diverse than the first
dataset. We were not able to manage this diversity somehow.        [1] Sharib Ali, Felix Zhou, Christian Daul, Barbara Braden,
    Overall, we noticed a significant gap between our local            Adam Bailey, Stefano Realdon, James East, Georges
validation score and the leader board score. Then we re-               Wagnires, Victor Loschenov, Enrico Grisan, Walter Blon-
viewed the annotation process more carefully. We found that            del, and Jens Rittscher, “Endoscopy artifact detection
some cases a bit unusual in the training dataset having more           (EAD 2019) challenge dataset,” 2019.
[2] Sharib Ali, Felix Zhou, Adam Bailey, Barbara Braden,
    James East, Xin Lu, and Jens Rittscher, “A deep learning
    framework for quality assessment and restoration in video
    endoscopy,” CoRR, vol. abs/1904.07073, 2019.
[3] Hans Gaiser et al., “Fizyr/keras-retinanet: 0.5.0,” 2018.

[4] Tsung-Yi Lin, Priya Goyal, Ross Girshick, Kaiming He,
    and Piotr Dollar, “Focal loss for dense object detection,”
    in 2017 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vi-
    sion (ICCV). oct 2017, IEEE.

[5] François     Chollet    et     al.,             “Keras,”
    https://github.com/fchollet/keras, 2015, GitHub.
[6] Olaf Ronneberger, Philipp Fischer, and Thomas Brox,
    “U-net: Convolutional networks for biomedical image
    segmentation,” in Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
    pp. 234–241. Springer International Publishing, 2015.
[7] Fabian Isensee, Philipp Kickingereder, Wolfgang Wick,
    Martin Bendszus, and Klaus H. Maier-Hein, “No new-
    net,” in Brainlesion: Glioma, Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke
    and Traumatic Brain Injuries, pp. 234–244. Springer In-
    ternational Publishing, 2019.