Autoencoders for Next-Track-Recommendation Michael Vötter, Eva Zangerle, Maximilian Mayerl, Günther Specht Databases and Information Systems Department of Computer Science University of Innsbruck, Austria {firstname.lastname} ABSTRACT search as used in multiple other papers [5, 8, 10]. In music recommender systems, playlist continuation is the In the field of music recommendation, deep learning ap- task of continuing a user’s playlist with a fitting next track, proaches are usually used to include additional features such often also referred to as next-track or sequential recommen- as textual information [1] or content features [18] in the rec- dation. This work investigates the suitability and applicabil- ommendation process. In contrast, only a few approaches ity of autoencoders for the task of playlist continuation. We such as [9] directly apply neural network approaches to the utilize autoencoders and hence, representation learning to playlist continuation task. To fill this gap, we propose a continue playlists. Our approach is inspired by the usage of novel autoencoder-based approach that directly applies neu- autoencoders to denoise images and we consider the playlist ral network-based representation learning on the playlist without the missing next-track as a noisy input. Particu- continuation task. The simplest form of an autoencoder larly, we design different autoencoders for this specific task is a neural network with a dense input layers and a dense and investigate the effects of different designs on the overall output layer which is trained in an unsupervised manner. suitability of recommendations produced by the resulting Our approach is inspired by the successful application of au- recommender systems. To evaluate the suitability of rec- toencoders for image denoising [19]. We consider the input ommendations produced by the proposed approach, we uti- playlist (that has to be continued) as a noisy version of the lize the AotM-2011 and LFM-1b datasets. Based on those resulting playlist, where a next-track is added as a contin- datasets, we show that n-grams are a well performing alter- uation. We argue that representation learning methods are native baseline to kNN. Fruther, we show that it is possible more suitable to take advantage of the features contained in to outperform a kNN as well as an n-gram baseline with our the playlist structure than e.g., kNN because representation autoencoder approach. learning methods are specifically designed to learn an effec- tive representation and hence features [2]. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that autoencoders are 1. INTRODUCTION utilized for the playlist continuation task, while the closest Recommender systems are applicable to a broad spectrum related tasks, where autoencoders were used successfully, are of domains. The music domain is one such application area, collaborative filtering tasks [15, 16, 21]. where one specific task is next-track music recommendation. With this work, we investigate the general applicability Next-track music recommender systems are recommender of autoencoders for the playlist continuation task. We re- systems that aim to find a fitting continuation (next-track) port the effects of different parameter settings on the overall for a given playlist. In general, a playlist is an ordered list of suitability of recommendations produced by the system and music tracks, where the order is based on time, which means answer the following research questions: that the first track in the list is expected to be listened first, followed by the second track and so on. In other words, a • RQ1: How can playlists be vectorized for an autoen- playlist is a time series of tracks. coder? Multiple different approaches have been proposed for the playlist continuation task. As mentioned in [7], these ap- • RQ2: Is there an alternative baseline to kNN that proaches are based on a broad spectrum of techniques such better utilizes the order of tracks in a playlist? as Markov models, collaborative filtering, content similarity as well as hybrids of them. Another traditional approach to • RQ3: Which autoencoder design produces competi- compute next-track recommendations is a nearest neighbor tive results for the next-track music recommendation task? In [10], Kamehkhosh and Jannach propose to use hand- crafted playlists to evaluate next-track music recommender systems. Inspired by that, we use the AotM-2011 dataset as well as the LFM-1b dataset to evaluate the suitability of recommendations produced by our approach. Our experi- ments show, that the resulting autoencoder approach pro- 31st GI-Workshop on Foundations of Databases (Grundlagen von Daten- banken), 11.06.2019 - 14.06.2019, Saarburg, Germany. duces competitive recommendations compared to the kNN Copyright is held by the author/owner(s). baseline. The remaining sections of this paper are organized as fol-  lows. First, related work will be discussed in Section 2. Af-  (1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1)  binary terwards, in Section 3, we describe the algorithm to convert a [5, 1, 3, 7, 4] → (2, 0, 3, 5, 1, 0, 4) order playlist into a corresponding vector and present our autoen-   2 3 5 1 4  5 , 0, , 5 5 5 , , 0, 5 normalized-order coder approach. Following that, the experimental setup to evaluate our approach by comparing it with a kNN baseline is described in Section 4. Thereafter, we present the results Figure 1: Playlist to encoding transformation. in Section 5 and finally draw a conclusion in Section 6. 3. METHODS 2. RELATED WORK In this section, the proposed recommendation approach This section gives an overview of next-track music recom- based on an autoencoder is presented. First, we will explain mendation approaches. how playlists are converted into a vector, which is necessary We consider the playlist continuation task to be a special to use them as an input for the autoencoder. Afterwards, the case of the more general task of playlist generation. Ac- structure and implementation details of the autoencoder are cording to Bonnin and Jannach [5], the preconditions for presented in Section 3.2. This includes the general training a playlist generation task are a background knowledge base procedure used and a modified autoencoder layout to over- and target characteristics for the resulting playlist. Based on come overfitting by simulating the continuation task during that, a sequence of tracks (playlist) best fitting the charac- training. teristics needs to be found. The playlist generation problem may be converted to the playlist continuation problem by 3.1 Vector Encoding of Playlists considering all playlists/sessions as the background database Playlists are usually represented as an ordered lists of and using a target characteristic that describes a fitting track tracks. In the special case of the playlist continuation task, given a playlist to be continued. the playlist used as input for the algorithms is often referred Sedhain et al. [15] introduced an autoencoder approach to as “history”. This history can be considered a list of past for collaborative filtering. They report that their approach listening events. outperforms current state-of-the-art methods such as matrix To use playlists as an input for autoencoders it is necessary factorization and neighborhood methods. Zhang et al. [21] to convert the ordered list into a vector representation. We use an autoencoder as part of a hybrid collaborative fil- propose three different ways to determine the value of each tering framework able to produce personalized top-n rec- dimension of the generated playlist vector, as presented in ommendations and rating predictions. For their proposed the following. An example of all three encodings is shown Semi-AutoEncoder approach, they removed the restriction in Figure 1. that the input and output layer must be of the same dimen- Binary Encoding is the simplest encoding and it is inspired sionality and choose to make the input layer wider than the by the (one-hot) vector encoding used in [9]. Each track output layer. This allows to feed the autoencoder with addi- t in the playlist is converted to the corresponding one-hot tional feature vectors. In [9], Jannach and Ludewig compare ~ t where all dimensions, except the encoded track vector vt a recurrent neural network (RNN) approach with a kNN ap- one assigned to the track (index t), are set to 0 while the proach for the task of session-based recommendations. Their dimension with index t is setPto 1. After that, the playlist findings show, that the RNN approach is inferior but they ~ i . Note, that the ordering vector p~ is computed by p ~ = i vt believe that further research will probably lead to better information of the playlist is lost. RNN configurations that are able to outperform the kNN Order Encoding is a modified version of the Binary En- approach. Nevertheless, this shows that kNN is a strong coding and includes ordering information. We propose to baseline to compare against. use the track’s index i in the playlist as the value of the di- Jannach et al. [8] present multiple extensions to the kNN mension t assigned to the track. Therefore, the track vector approach, which they compare to a kNN baseline. They encoding contains 0 for all dimensions except of the dimen- propose to take additional measures into account with a sion with index t, to which the value i is assigned. To obtain weighted sum. By using the social tags that are assigned a playlist vector p~, all track vectors are summed up. to tracks by Last.fm1 users, they take content similarities Normalized-Order Encoding is an extension to Order En- into account. Further, they suggest using numerical features coding and takes the length of a playlist into account. The such as tempo, loudness and release year. Additionally, they playlist vector p ~ is normalized by the number of tracks con- state that it is possible to take long-term content-based user tained in the corresponding playlist, which reduces the ef- profiles into account. fects of the playlist length on the encoding. The evaluation approach presented by McFee and Lanck- riet [12] supports our assumption that playlists and their tracks contain enough information to find fitting next-tracks 3.2 Autoencoders for Playlist Continuation for a given playlist. They come up with the idea to consider Autoencoders are an unsupervised learning method used playlist generation as a natural language modeling problem for representation learning [19]. In its simplest form, an instead of an information retrieval problem. Therefore, they autoencoder is a neural network with one input layer, one consider a playlist to be equivalent to a sentence in a natural hidden layer and one output layer, where the input layer is language and tracks to be equivalent to words. Further, they fully connected to the hidden code layer which again is fully show how techniques known from natural language process- connected to the output layer. ing can be used to evaluate playlist generation algorithms. In contrast to a representation learning task, where the decoder is removed after the training phase to get the code 1 as an output of the network, we use the whole network its batch size and uses Adam as an optimizer because pre- liminary experiments showed that these settings work well and that they show similar performance compared to other parameter choices. This setup allows to compare different parameter config- urations of an autoencoder where the basic structure of the used neural network, which can be seen in the center part of Figure 2, remains the same. 4. EXPERIMENTS In this section, we present the setup used for the con- ducted experiments to evaluate the suitability of recom- Figure 2: Training workflow for the autoencoders. mendations produced by the autoencoder-based approach in comparison to a kNN baseline. In Section 4.1, we intro- duce the used datasets. Thereafter, in Section 4.2 the kNN baseline recommender is introduced. Followed by an expla- to compute recommendations. Recommendations are com- nation of the n-gram baseline in Section 4.3, continued by puted based on the following procedure: Given a playlist the overall experimental setup in Section 4.4. that should be continued with a fitting next-track as an in- put, it is necessary to convert this playlist to a vector. Af- 4.1 Datasets terwards, this vector encoded playlist is used as an input for To evaluate the recommender systems, we aim for datasets the trained network that produces an output vector repre- that are based on user interaction such as listening logs sented by the output layer. The output vector holds rating and playlists because next-track music recommender sys- values for all tracks (number of dimensions of the vector) tems must satisfy the needs of users. Along the lines of contained in the dataset, which was used to train the net- previous work [12, 13, 4, 5, 8, 7, 9], we use datasets based work. This output vector is then converted to a prioritized on the data gathered from the two music platforms Last.fm3 list of tracks by creating a list of indexes (track id’s) or- and Art of the Mix4 . dered by their corresponding value in the vector. The index Based on the LFM-1b dataset [14] gathered from, with the highest value is the first in the list while the index listening sessions were extracted by Jacob Winder in [20]. with the lowest value is last. Further, all tracks contained These sessions are created by assuming that two listening in the input playlist are removed from this prioritized list events of a single user belong to the same listening session to get next-track recommendations differing from the tracks if there are no more than 30 minutes between them. The contained in the input playlist. Mostly, it is necessary to resulting sessions are further filtered. All successive occur- compute a given number of possible continuations. This is rences of the same track are merged into one occurrence. achieved by chopping off the list after the given number of After doing so, all sessions of length one are dropped. tracks. This results in approximately 62 million sessions which we Using Keras2 , we implemented an autoencoder in Python. filtered further. In a first step, a session chunk containing Our implementation allows to set the number of epochs, the the first 3 million sessions with a minimum length of three hidden code layer activation function, the output layer acti- was created. This chunk shows a high number of different vation function and the used loss function. The input layer tracks. Reducing the number of tracks contained in a dataset size equals the output layer size and is determined auto- is an important step to keep the size of the resulting neural matically base on the dataset. Further, we decided to auto- network low enough to train it in reasonable time. This matically adapt the code layer size based on the input size was achieved by dropping all playlists that contain rarely divided by 40, which is a result from preliminary experi- occurring tracks. We dropped all playlists containing tracks ments. Keep in mind that dense layers are used to build the with 840 or fewer occurrences. network, which means that all nodes of one layer are con- Further, we use the AotM-2011 dataset [13] provided as a nected to each node of the neighboring layers. Our network Python pickle export5 by Vall et al. [17], as the AotM dataset consists of one input layer followed by a filtering layer that is often used in literature. Instead of using their split, we removes the last track of the input during training. This merged the training and test set and used five-fold cross- filtering layer is followed by an optional dropout layer with validation, as we also applied five-fold cross-validation on the 0.5 dropout rate that can be disabled. This layer is then LFM-1b based dataset. The AotM-2011 dataset contains far followed by a hidden code layer and an output layer. fewer playlists and far more tracks than the LFM-1b based To train the neural network, a training set is used, which datasets (see Table 1). This leads to a playlists/track ratio consists of an input and the expected output, which are of 0.220 which is substantially smaller than the ratio of the both the same for autoencoders. The autoencoder learning LFM-1b based datasets. method is depicted in Figure 2. To train an autoencoder- based on the previously introduced playlist vectors, it first 4.2 Baseline kNN Recommender Systems is necessary to create an autoencoder with an input/output A k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN) approach [5] is used as on of layer size fitting the dimensionality of the playlist vectors in the baseline for our experiments. We have chosen kNN as it the dataset. The training process is further configured to 1 use 64 of the total number of playlists the training set as 3 4 2 5 using the training procedure. The second step of the evalua- Table 1: Detailed dataset description. tion process computes recommendations with the previously Dataset Playlists Tracks Playlists/Track trained recommender. Therefore, each playlist in the train- LFM-1b 20,824 2,673 7.790 ing set is decomposed into a history (all tracks except the AotM 2,715 12,355 0.220 last one) and the last track [6, 10]. The history is used as input for the recommender system, while the last track is the expected recommendation, based on which the metrics has been used for the playlist continuation task in multiple are computed. Recommendation tests of different length are other papers such as [5, 8, 7, 10]. considered to get an impression of the effects of the recom- The basic idea behind kNN is to find k different items that mendation test length. are the nearest neighbors of a given item. Neighborhood The autoencoder implementation presented in Section 3.2 of items in general is defined based on a distance-function, has a high degree of freedom in terms of modifiable parame- which allows to take different properties into account. Fur- ters. Therefore, we decided to fix the reduction factor (code ther, it is necessary to get to a conclusion from those k layer size), the batch size and the optimizer. The used val- neighbors which can, for example, be done with a majority ues were obtained from preliminary experiments. Based on vote [11]. the knowledge gained from those preliminary experiments In [10], a binary cosine similarity is used as the distance- we determined value ranges for the other parameters used function. We run a grid search with k’s of 10, 20, 50, 100, in the grid search. 200 and 300. We further include the three different ranking functions cosine similarity, item-item similarity and tf-idf 5. RESULTS similarity defined by the kNN implementation of the implicit In the following, we first report the recommendation suit- Python package6 (version 0.3.8) in the grid search. ability of the different encoding types in Section 5.1. After that, the results achieved by the n-gram baseline are shown 4.3 Baseline N-Gram Recommender System in Section 5.2. Finally, we compare the suitability of recom- N-grams are a common statistical model in natural lan- mendations produced by our approach on different datasets guage processing. This technique is for example used in [3] in Section 5.3. for word predictions. Instead of using sequences of words in sentence, we use sequences of tracks in a playlist. The n 5.1 Encoding Type parameter specifies the number of successive tracks that are In a first evaluation step, the recommendation suitabil- taken into account by the model. ity of the different encoding types introduced in Section 3.1 Therefore, the simplest model is a unigram model (n = 1) was compared using the kNN baseline, based on the AotM which only counts track occurrences in playlists. and LFM-1b datasets. Table 2 shows the results for kNN Increasing the number n of the n-gram model makes it using the item-item distance metric. We observe that the possible to consider the previous n − 1 tracks for the pre- normalized-order encoding outperforms both other encod- diction by calculating probabilities as given in the following ings on both datasets and for different values of k. Interest- equation: ingly, order encoding without normalization has a negative  effect on the performance of the kNN implementation. This  F ti−(n−1) , . . . , ti can be explained by the fact that the length of a playlist is Pn-gram ti |ti−(n−1) =  (1) F ti−(n−1) , . . . , ti−1 encoded as well. In addition, order encoding has a larger vector space than binary and normalized-order encoding as where ti is the ith track in a sequence of tracks t1 , t2 , . . . , tn . the values in each dimension have a bigger range. Due to F (seq) is the frequency of occurrences of a given sequence space reasons we do not include results for the cosine and tf- of tracks seq in the training set. Ranking the tracks by their idf distance metric and other values of k, as these show that probabilities (highest first) allows to make predictions based normalized-order encoding works best. Further experiments on the probabilities learned by an n-gram model. showed, that the Autoencoders show similar behavior when the encoding type is changed. 4.4 Experimental Setup Based on these findings, we argue that the normalized- We used scikit-learn7 to run a grid search on the parame- order encoding should be used among the three encodings ters of the approaches. To ensure that the reported results introduced in Section 3.1, which also answers RQ1. There- are not bound to a specific train-test split of the datasets, we fore, we use normalized-order encoding for all further eval- run a five-fold cross-validation. The k-fold splitting proce- uations. dure of scikit-learn was used with a fixed random state (seed) to ensure the reproducibility and comparability of the re- 5.2 N-Gram Baseline sults. The metrics used for the evaluation are recall (r) and To evaluate the suitability of an n-gram model we de- mean reciprocal rank (mrr). cided to compare a bigram (n = 2) and a trigram (n = 3) For the evaluation of all recommender systems, a two-step model with the best performing kNN (found using a grid process is used for each of the two presented datasets. In search) configuration on each dataset. The kNN baseline the first step, each recommender system is trained using the using the item-item as a distance metric with 20 neigh- training data. For this purpose, a new instance of the rec- bors (kNNi20) works best on the AotM dataset while the ommender system is created for each run and then trained cosine distance with 50 neighbors (kNNc50) works best on the LFM-1b dataset. In addition, we give the results of a 6 unigram (n = 1) model that always recommends the most 7 popular tracks. Table 2: Impact of encoding types measured as re- Table 3: Performance of different recommender sys- call (r) and mean reciprocal rank (mrr) of kNN. tems (RecSys) measured as recall (r) and mean re- r/mrr recall mrr ciprocal rank (mrr). Dataset Encoding k @1 @20 @20 r/mrr recall mrr Dataset RecSys 20 0.022 0.056 0.029 @1 @5 @20 @5 @20 binary 200 0.022 0.062 0.031 unigram 0.001 0.004 0.016 0.002 0.003 20 0.025 0.057 0.031 bigram 0.015 0.027 0.031 0.020 0.020 AotM order 200 0.025 0.060 0.032 trigram 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015 20 0.027 0.062 0.035 kNNi20 0.027 0.044 0.062 0.033 0.035 norm.-order 200 0.027 0.065 0.035 AotM kNNc50 0.018 0.024 0.036 0.020 0.022 20 0.471 0.886 0.593 AE1 0.028 0.048 0.076 0.035 0.038 binary 200 0.471 0.864 0.590 AE2 0.028 0.045 0.073 0.035 0.039 20 0.435 0.885 0.556 AE3 0.027 0.045 0.080 0.034 0.037 LFM-1b order 200 0.437 0.856 0.556 AE4 0.027 0.045 0.069 0.034 0.036 20 0.618 0.883 0.695 unigram 0.004 0.014 0.046 0.008 0.011 norm.-order 200 0.619 0.866 0.694 bigram 0.748 0.841 0.881 0.784 0.788 trigram 0.727 0.771 0.775 0.746 0.746 kNNi20 0.619 0.786 0.883 0.619 0.695 Table 3, shows that a bi- and trigram is able to outperform LFM-1b kNNc50 0.635 0.799 0.869 0.635 0.708 a unigram model. Further, it can be seen that those n-gram AE1 0.391 0.684 0.806 0.500 0.515 models work much better on our LFM-1b dataset variation AE2 0.619 0.788 0.848 0.686 0.693 than on the AotM dataset. This can be lead back to the AE3 0.650 0.795 0.849 0.708 0.714 fact that each track on average occurs in 0.22 playlists in the AE4 0.647 0.806 0.855 0.711 0.717 AotM dataset compared to 7.79 occurrences in the LFM-1b dataset, as stated in Table 1. Therefore, common sequences of tracks among playlists are more likely in the LFM-1b loss and was trained over 40 epochs. AE3 and AE4 are both dataset than in the AotM dataset. We argue that this is trained over 40 epochs use tanh as the code layer activation also the reason why the absolute values of all metrics differ and cosine proximity as loss. While AE3 is configured with a that much when comparing the results on both datasets. softmax output activation, AE4 is configured to use sigmoid Compared to both kNN baselines it can be seen that the n- for output activation. gram models work better on the LFM-1b dataset especially It can be seen in the results that autoencoders outperform for short recommendation lengths. In contrast, they are less both the kNN and n-gram baselines on the AotM dataset effective on the AotM dataset than kNN models. while they are not able to outperform n-gram models on the It can be seen that n-gram models form a strong baseline LFM-1b dataset. Surprisingly, AE1 works best on AotM for the LFM-1b dataset. Note that the kNN models operate when trained for 5 epochs. While AE2, AE3 and AE4 reveal on the normalized-order encoding while the n-gram models similar results per dataset AE1 only produces comparable utilize the track sequences directly without any encoding, results on the AotM dataset which answers RQ3. One pos- which answers RQ2. sible explanation is that it overfits on the particular training 5.3 Autoencoder Approach set which is tried to be prevented using a dropout layer. In the above section, the recommendation suitability im- In Table 3 we depict the results of our autoencoder ap- pact of multiple configurations of an autoencoder were pre- proach in comparison to the kNN and n-gram baseline. The sented. Additionally, results of the best performing config- results show, that it is possible to outperform a kNN base- urations on different datasets are given. The results show, line on both datasets using the proposed autoencoder ap- that autoencoders can be used for the playlist continuation proach. This is especially true for longer recommendation tasks when configured correctly. lengths. To give a better overview of the capabilities of our autoencoder approach we give the results of four autoen- coder configurations. To distinguish the different parameter 6. CONCLUSIONS configurations of our autoencoder approach we decided to In this work, we proposed a novel autoencoder approach name each configuration (AE1–AE4), where we report re- for the playlist continuation task. To use playlists as an sults. For each dataset we include results for one autoen- input for autoencoders, we introduced a procedure to encode coder including the dropout layer (see Section 3.2) and one playlists as vectors. The evaluation shows that the proposed without dropout. AE1 without the dropout layer and AE2 autoencoder approach outperforms a basic kNN approach. with the dropout layer are respectively the best performing Particularly, the results show that this is the case regardless autoencoder configurations for the AotM dataset, while AE3 of the playlists/track ratio of the used dataset. (without dropout) and AE4 (with dropout) perform best on This work solely focuses on determining if an autoen- LFM-1b according to the mrr@1. AE1 uses tanh as the coder approach can be used for the playlist continuation code layer and output layer activation function with cosine task. We showed that outperforming basic kNN is possi- proximity as the loss function and is trained over 5 epochs. ble for datasets, that we consider small in comparison to AE2 utilizes relu as the code layer activation and softmax the amount of data given in a real-world scenario. 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