=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2367/paper_8 |storemode=property |title=An Approach to Efficiently Storing Property Graphs in Relational Databases |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2367/paper_8.pdf |volume=Vol-2367 |authors=Matthias Schmid |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/gvd/Schmid19 }} ==An Approach to Efficiently Storing Property Graphs in Relational Databases== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2367/paper_8.pdf
       An approach to efficiently storing property graphs in
                      relational databases
                                                  Work in progress paper
                                                         Matthias Schmid
                                                         University of Passau

ABSTRACT                                                              Store [9] Sun et al. introduce an efficient approach to store
Graph structured data can be found in an increasing amount            property graph data in relational databases named SQL-
of use-cases. While there exists a considerable amount of             Graph. While the original approach seems to offer good
solutions to store graphs in NoSQL databases, the com-                performance and promises to also perform well on datasets
bined storage of relationally stored data with graph struc-           that do not fit into main memory, we were able to increase
tured data within the same system is not well researched.             its performance for read-only queries by adapting the adja-
We present a relational approach to storing and process-              cency list concept.
ing huge property graphs, which is optimized for read-only               The contributions of this paper are:
queries. This way, all the advantages of full-fledged rela-                1. We propose a new adaption of the relational schema
tional database systems can be used and the seamless in-                      presented in [9],
tegration of classical relational data with graph-structured
data is possible.                                                          2. we show that the adapted schema performs better on
                                                                              read-only queries
1.   INTRODUCTION                                                          3. and we show that the new schema requires less disk
   The increasing appearance of data graphs reinforce the                     space.
need for adequate graph data management. To meet this re-
quirement of property graph storage, several graph databases          2.     RELATED WORK
engines have been developed. The most popular1 examples
                                                                         In this work we focus on the relational-based storage of
of databases with graph storage capability include Neo4j2 ,
                                                                      property graph data. Bornea et. al first proposed the ap-
Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB3 and OrientDB4 . While these
                                                                      proach of shredding graph edges into adjacency tables in [1].
graph databases offer good performance as long as the data
                                                                      Sun et al. base their work in [9] on the previously mentioned
fits into main memory, one can not always assume that this
                                                                      work of Bornea et. al and outlined a novel schema layout
requirement can be fulfilled. In addition the seamless inte-
                                                                      for storage of property graph data in relational databases,
gration of those solutions with relational-based information
                                                                      which is generalized from the approach to store RDF data in
system remains a problem.
                                                                      relational databases. They combine the shredding of edges
   Motivated by our own use-case, in which we need to store
                                                                      into adjacency tables with the use of JSON -based attribute
huge graphs that represent buildings, RDF data that seman-
                                                                      storage to overcome the limitations of fixed columns. To
tically describes those buildings and relational data into a
                                                                      make the retrieval of data more convenient, they propose a
single information system, we were looking for a relational-
                                                                      translation mechanism that converts Gremlin [8] queries to
based solution that offers efficient read-focused performance.
                                                                      SQL queries, which can be run on the proposed relational
In SQLGraph:An Efficient Relational-Based Property Graph
1                                                                        In the field of RDF there exist numerous benchmarking
  from https://db-engines.com/de/ranking/graph+dbms,
if not explicitly stated, all websites were accessed in Febru-        efforts. But to the best of our knowledge the benchmarks
ary 2019                                                              provided by the Linked Data Benchmark Council (LDBC)
  https://neo4j.com/                                                  are the only benchmarks that directly address the problem
  https://azure.microsoft.com/de-de/services/cosmos-db/               of benchmarking property graph stores. We do not con-
  https://orientdb.com/                                               sider graph processing frameworks like Apache Giraph 5 in
                                                                      our work, since we focus on the storage and retrieval of graph
                                                                      data, not its parallel processing. The LDBC is an EU project
                                                                      with the goal to develop benchmarks for graph structured
                                                                      data. They strife to find the acceptance benchmarks like
                                                                      the TPC [7] have achieved. The Linked Data Benchmark
                                                                      Council - Social Network Benchmark (LDBC-SNB) is one
                                                                      approach being developed by the LDBC that uses a gener-
31st GI-Workshop on Foundations of Databases (Grundlagen von Daten-   ated social network graph as its data set and represents the
banken), 11.06.2019 - 14.06.2019, Saarburg, Germany.                  5
Copyright is held by the author/owner(s).                                 http://giraph.apache.org/
                                                                     Our approach differs from the SQLGraph schema in re-
                                                                  spect to the definition of the adjacency tables. In their
                                                                  work Sun et al. [9] show that shredding vertex adjacency
                                                                  lists into a relational schema provides a significant advan-
                                                                  tage over other mechanisms, for example mechanisms that
                                                                  store all edge information in a single table. To this end a
                                                                  hash function has to be defined that matches edge labels to a
                                                                  respective column triple of the adjacency table. We directly
                                                                  apply the approach to compute a hash function through the
                                                                  use of coloring heuristics as described in [1]. Note that, since
                                                                  the LDBC-SNB data set includes a data model, it is possi-
           Figure 1: A property graph example                     ble to compute a conflict free hash function for this specific
                                                                  data set. In the original approach in [9] the edges are split
                                                                  into two tables: If only one edge of a label exists for the ver-
data as a property graph. The benchmark suite also pro-
                                                                  tex, it’s edge-id, label and target node-id are stored in the
vides a data set generator that can create test data with
                                                                  outgoing primary adjacency (OPA) and incoming primary
different scale factors. An overview of different scale factors
                                                                  adjacency (IPA) tables respectively. By studying available
and the corresponding number of vertices and edges is de-
                                                                  data sets and use cases (e.g. the LDBC-SNB) one can see
picted in Table 1. Works on the Social Network Benchmark
                                                                  that it is usually not the case that only one edge of a spe-
are not finished yet, but the Interactive Workload has been
                                                                  cific label exists for a single node. Therefore if the vertex
released in draft stage [4].
                                                                  has multiple outgoing edges of the same label, the edge-
                                                                  ids and target vertices are stored in the outgoing secondary
      SF    Approx. #Vertices        Approx. #Edges               adjacency (OSA) and incoming secondary adjacency (ISA)
      1     3,200,000                17,300,000                   tables respectively, while the target vertex id of the OPA or
      3     9,300,000                52,700,000                   IPA is set to an artificial value that serves as the join partner
      10    30,000,000               176,600,000                  for the OSA and ISA table. A query to receive all outgoing
      30    99,400,000               655,400,000                  or incoming neighbours can be written with the use of an
                                                                  outer join. If there exists only a single edge, the outer join
Table 1: Approximate number of vertices and edges                 will not find a corresponding partner in the secondary table
by LDBC-SNB scale factor (SF)                                     and therefore use the data in the primary table. If more
                                                                  edges do exist, the join partners will be the resulting edges.
                                                                  This query works independently of the number of edges per
3.    SQLGRAPH SCHEMA ADAPTATION                                  label and the hash function. We will present an example of
                                                                  this query structure for our schema adaption, that omits the
  For this paper we use the following definition of a property
                                                                  outer join, later in this section.
                                                                     Nevertheless, this means every edge hop of a complex
   Definition 1. A property graph consists of a set of ver-       query requires an (outer) join-operation between the pri-
tices and directed edges. Every edge has a label assigned         mary and secondary adjacency tables. This even is the case,
to it. Each vertex or edge can additionaly have multiple          if only a single edge of the required type is present, since
key-value pairs assigned that serve as attributes.                the construction of the query should be independent of the
                                                                  hash function. Because the retrieval of direct neighbours
Figure 1 shows an example of a simple property graph that         of a vertex is one of the most important operations in any
describes two people, who are connected by an edge with           graph application, this join poses a major bottleneck for
the label knows.                                                  most queries.
                                                                     In our approach we eliminate the need for a join-operation
3.1    Proposed Schema                                            between OPA and OSA by storing all edges of one type
   Our approach utilizes the combined approach of relational      in the corresponding columns using arrays. Table 3 shows
and JSON -based storage developed in [9]. We adapted the          an example of our adjacency tables: In the graph are two
schema of adjacency lists and as a result, our proposed           knows-edges that point from the vertex with id 1 to vertices
schema reduces the amount of required tables from six (as         2 and 3. Since in this example the knows and the likes
in the original SQLGraph schema) to four tables.                  label are hashed to the same column triple, a second row for
   The vertex table stores the internal vertex id and the         vertex 1 has to be inserted. Note that this can be omitted
attributes for each vertex. In our prototypical implementa-       with a better hash function or by providing more columns.
tion the attributes are implemented as the jsonb data type        An evaluation of optimal numbers of columns, if no hash
provided by PostgreSQL.                                           function with a low amount of resulting conflicts for a given
                                                                  amount of columns can be found, has not been part of our
             VID    Attributes                                    research yet and will have to be addressed in the future.
                                                                     Since we can provide a conflict free hash function for the
                    {”lastName”: ”Mueller”,
             1                                                    LDBC-SNB data set, an outgoing neighbourhood query for
                    ”firstName”: ”David”}
                                                                  a specific vertex can be answered by loading a single tuple
                    {”lastName”: ”Choi”,
             2                                                    from the database. By eliminating the need of an outer join
                    ”firstName”: ”Jae-Jin”}
                                                                  for any edge hop, a major drawback of the original schema
                                                                  is overcome.
           Table 2: The vertex attributes table
                                VID        EID1        Label1       Targets1       ...     EIDk     Labelk         Targetsk
                                1          [4, 5]      knows        [2, 3]                 [11]     creator of     [13]
                                1          [12]        likes        [7]                    null     null           null
                                2          [6]         likes        [7]                    null     null           null

                                                Table 3: The adapted outgoing adjacency table

                                                                                         huge to fit into main memory. To confirm the requirement of
WITH u n s h r e d e d g e s AS (
                                                                                         redundant representation of edges, we defined path queries
    SELECT v e r t e x i d AS s o u r c e i d ,                                          with different fixed length and also path queries of variable
        UNNEST( a r r a y [ l a b e l 0 , . . . , l a b e l k ] ) AS l a b e l ,         lengths. After we confirmed the necessity of the edge tables,
        UNNEST( a r r a y [ t a r g e t 0 , . . . , t a r g e t k ] ) AS tmp             we also chose several queries provided by the Interactive
   FROM o u t g o i n g a d j a c e n c y
   WHERE v e r t e x i d =                                                            Workload of the LDBC-SNB to evaluate the performance of
 ),                                                                                      our adjacency implementation against the original schema.
 g a t h e r e d g e s AS (                                                              We chose test queries applying the following criteria:
    SELECT s o u r c e i d , l a b e l ,
        a r r a y e l e m e n t s ( tmp ) AS t a r g e t i d
   FROM u n s h r e d e d g e s                                                             • The main pattern of the query uses paths of fixed
   WHERE l a b e l =                                                                       length and use edges of known label. This criteria is
 )                                                                                            desired, because preliminary evaluations (see [6]) have
SELECT s o u r c e i d , l a b e l , t a r g e t i d
FROM g a t h e r e d g e s                                                                    shown, that in other cases the use of the attribute table
                                                                                              performs better than the adjacency tables.
Listing 1: Example neighbourhood query for a single
node                                                                                        • The set of queries requires the use of incoming, outgo-
                                                                                              ing and undirected edges to cover all combinations of
   An example for the general query structure implemented                                     the adjacency tables.
in the PostgreSQL dialect is depicted in Listing 1. The first
common table expression unshred edges converts the list of                                  • Different lengths of paths are contained in the set of
tuples belonging to one vertex, of which every row contains                                   queries to evaluate, if the difference in path length
k edge types, into a list of rows that contains one edge type                                 makes one of the two schema versions preferable.
per row. The second common table expression gather edges
then splits those tuples into a list of edges that represents a                             • Queries with big intermediate result sets are part of
well known edge structure.                                                                    the query set, since [9] states this type of query as a
   Analogue to the storage of vertex attributes, we store                                     potential bottleneck of the original approach.
edge attributes. As in the original schema, we do not
                                                                                            The parameters required by the queries were randomly
only store attributes in this table, but also additional in-
                                                                                         chosen from the generated data set files and generated pa-
formation about the edges. Namely the source vertex, the
                                                                                         rameters. The same parameters were used for both ap-
target vertex and the label of the edge are recorded. In [9] it
is claimed, that queries that require to trace along an vari-
                                                                                            To make the performance of the two schemas as compa-
able number of edges are performed much more efficiently
                                                                                         rable as possible, we first implemented all queries for the
when the edge table is used instead of the adjacency table.
                                                                                         adapted schema. Then we replaced only the necessary sub-
Our preliminary evaluations support this claim.
                                                                                         queries that concern the differences between the schemas,
                                                                                         changing as little of the query as possible. We confirmed
   EID      SID      TID       Label       Attributes
   4        1        2         knows       {”since” : ”14.03.2016”}
                                                                                         the correctness of our query implementations by comparing
   5        1        3         knows       {”since” : ”20.04.2016”}                      the results with results returned by a reference implemen-
   6        2        7         likes       null                                          tation provided for Neo4j, of which correctness has been
             Table 4: The edge attributes table                                             We evaluated the previously chosen queries on the same
                                                                                         hardware using the same data set. The evaluation was con-
                                                                                         ducted on a dedicated server with two Intel Xeon 2.4GHz
3.2      Preliminary Schema Evaluation                                                   CPUs (in total 16 cores), 64GB memory and a single 240GB
                                                                                         SSD running 64-bit Linux. We used PostgreSQL 10 on the
  In order to evaluate and test our concepts we have cre-
                                                                                         aforementioned server, while we ran the client program of
ated a prototypical implementation of the concepts in Post-
                                                                                         the benchmark on a standard laptop that connected to the
                                                                                         database over LAN. All queries that were performed for
 3.2.1      Methodology                                                                  performance evaluation purposes were proceeded by several
                                                                                         warm-up queries as in most state-of-the-art benchmarks and
  Our goal was to compare the read-only query performance
                                                                                         also advised in [3].
of our adaptation with the original SQLGraph schema. To
                                                                                            All examples previously shown in this paper are a sim-
this end we used part of the Interactive Workload of the
                                                                                         plified version of the test data provided by the LDBC-SNB
LDBC-SNB [2, 4, 10].
                                                                                         data generator.
  We generated different data set sizes using the generator
and performed tests with data sets that fit into the main                                6
memory of the system as well as data set sizes that are too                              impls/tree/master/snb-interactive-neo4j
3.2.2                            Redundant Edge Data                    10. This data set size does not fit in the main memory of
  Our findings support the need for redundant storage of                the server.
edge data in the edge attributes table as well as the adja-
cency table as claimed by [1, 9]. We find a general tendency                                60
for queries to perform significantly better with the use of ad-                                     SQLGraph Schema
jacency tables, if the queried path is of fixed length. While                                        Adapted Schema
this is true for paths of fixed length, the opposite holds for
paths of variable length. This type of queries requires re-
cursive SQL queries. Recursive queries with the use of the

                                                                             time in [ms]
edge attributes table outperform any recursive query that
uses adjacency tables. In her Master’s thesis Kornev [6]
conducted an extensive evaluation, that shows when to use
the edge attributes table in favor of adjacency lists.                                      20

                                100    SQLGraph Schema
                                        Adapted Schema
    Required Disk Space in GB

                                80                                                                SQ1        SQ3        SQ5         SQ7
                                                                                                 LDBC SNB Short Queries - Scale Factor 10
                                                                        Figure 3: Runtime of the Interactive Workload
                                                                        Short Queries

                                                                           Figure 3 shows the results of the conducted tests in a
                                20                                      boxplot. The upper bound of the box shows the 75th per-
                                                                        centile, the line within the box shows the 50th percentile
                                                                        and the lower bound of the box shows the 25th percentile,
                                       1              3            10   while the whiskers show the maximal and minimal execution
                                                                        time respectively. The results of the simpler queries con-
                                               SNB Scale Factor
                                                                        firm our expectation regarding execution time. The schema
                                                                        adaption improved query performance across the board for
                                 Figure 2: Required storage capacity    these queries. As we expected, the more edge hops a query
                                                                        performs, we can observe a bigger difference in execution
                                                                        time. Note that short query 3 (SQ3) uses an undirected
3.2.3                            Required Disk Space
                                                                        edge. Since our schema does not directly support undi-
   Since we reduced the number of tables, we expected a re-             rected edges, this query results in a SQL query that uses
duction in required storage capacity. To this end we im-                both the incoming adjacency and outgoing adjacency tables
ported different sizes of generated data sets provided by               and therefore is similar to a 2-edge-hop.
the LDBC-SNB data set generator. The generator creates                     We then additionally conducted experiments on four com-
data sets according to an input scale factor (1, 3, 10, 30, . . .).     plex read-only queries of the Interactive Workload. Complex
We then sampled the required storage capacity using Post-               queries touch a significant amount of data and often include
greSQL functions. The numbers shown in Figure 2 repre-                  aggregation [4]. The chosen queries differ in the count of re-
sent the complete graph schema, including all indexes and               quired edge-hops with CQ 12 containing the highest amount
constraints. Due to hardware constraints we could not yet               of hops.
import data sets with a scale factor greater than 10. We will              Once again our findings confirm an increase in read per-
address higher scale factors in future work. Nevertheless our           formance of our schema adaptation. Considering complex
findings show, that our adaption of the schema reduces the              queries the difference in execution time becomes even more
required storage space by over 10%. This is mainly due to               apparent, which confirms the findings in [9] that stated that
the reduced overhead by removing one table and the asso-                big intermediate join results, which is a point of focus for
ciated index structure that is needed to efficiently join the           the set of complex queries, can be a bottleneck for their
OPA/IPA and OSA/ISA tables.                                             approach. Our approach significantly increases query per-
                                                                        formance for these types of queries.
3.2.4                            Query Performance
   We expected a reduction in query execution time for re-
trieval queries that use the adjacency lists. To confirm this           4.       CONCLUSION
we evaluated our approach with the use of queries defined                 In this paper we have described our approach to store
by the Interactive Workload. First we chose four queries of             property graph data in a relational database. Our approach
the short query set. This type of query usually requires the            reduces the number of joins that are required for queries
system to evaluate a relatively low amount of vertices and              that contain paths of fixed length compared to earlier ap-
edges to compute the answer, typically the neighbours of                proaches. We have conducted a preliminary evaluation of
one entity of the data set [4]. The results shown here were             our approach using part of a standardized benchmark for
performed against the generated data set with scale factor              property graphs, namely the LDBC-SNB. The evaluation
                   60                                              6.   ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
                         SQLGraph Schema
                                                                      This research was partially supported by the ”Bayrische
                          Adapted Schema
                                                                   Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft, Energie und Technologie”
                                                                   in the context of ”BaBeDo” (IUK568/001) which we conduct
                   40                                              in partnership with VEIT Energie GmbH.
     time in [s]

                                                                   7.   REFERENCES
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                                                                        K. Srinivas, P. Dantressangle, O. Udrea, and
                                                                        B. Bhattacharjee. Building an efficient rdf store over a
                                                                        relational database. pages 121–132, 06 2013.
                                                                    [2] P. A. Boncz. LDBC: benchmarks for graph and RDF
                                                                        data management. In 17th International Database
                   0                                                    Engineering & Applications Symposium, IDEAS ’13,
                        CQ2       CQ5        CQ8        CQ12
                                                                        Barcelona, Spain - October 09 - 11, 2013, pages 1–2,
                         LDBC SNB Queries - Scale Factor 10             2013.
                                                                    [3] D. Dominguez-Sal, N. Martinez-Bazan,
Figure 4: Runtime of the Interactive Workload                           V. Muntes-Mulero, P. Baleta, and J. L. Larriba-Pey. A
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                                                                        benchmarks. In Technology Conference on
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to the reduction in the amount of required tables and there-            A. Gubichev, A. Prat, M.-D. Pham, and P. Boncz.
fore also index structures, we were also able to reduce the             The LDBC social network benchmark: Interactive
required disk space.                                                    workload. In Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGMOD
   Therefore we have found an approach that enables us to               International Conference on Management of Data,
efficiently store the property graph data from our use-case             SIGMOD ’15, pages 619–630, New York, NY, USA,
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store RDF data in a property graph model. Thus, we can                  T. Lindaaker, V. Marsault, S. Plantikow, M. Rydberg,
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tional database.                                                        language for property graphs. In Proceedings of the
                                                                        2018 International Conference on Management of
5.       FUTURE WORK                                                    Data, SIGMOD ’18, pages 1433–1445, New York, NY,
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on data sets that require regular disk accesses due to their            machine and language (invited talk). In Proceedings of
size. These points will be addressed in future evaluations.             the 15th Symposium on Database Programming
   Additionally we will evaluate the approach more exten-               Languages, DBPL 2015, pages 1–10, New York, NY,
sively using the complete LDBC-SNB Interactive Workload                 USA, 2015. ACM.
on bigger data sets and more realistic server hardware. The         [9] W. Sun, A. Fokoue, K. Srinivas, A. Kementsietsidis,
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   One major drawback of this approach is the complexity                of the 2015 ACM SIGMOD International Conference
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plementation on PostgreSQL. Kornev [6] has already shown                LDBC social network benchmark’s business
that a translation of Cypher queries to SQL is possible. Un-            intelligence workload. In Proceedings of the 1st ACM
fortunately the translated queries do not in all cases achieve          SIGMOD Joint International Workshop on Graph
the efficiency that can be achieved with queries written by             Data Management Experiences & Systems (GRADES)
an expert. Therefore more optimization possibilities for the            and Network Data Analytics (NDA), Houston, TX,
translation mechanism need to be explored. This will be                 USA, June 10, 2018, pages 9:1–9:11, 2018.
part of our future research.
            Query   Cypher Representation
                    MATCH ( n : Person { i d : { i d } } ) − [ : IS LOCATED IN] −(p : P l a c e )
                        n . f i r s t N a m e AS f i r s t N a m e , n . lastName AS lastName ,
            SQ 1
                        n . b i r t h d a y AS b i r t h d a y , n . l o c a t i o n I P AS l o c a t i o n I p ,
                        n . browserUsed AS browserUsed , n . g e n d e r AS gender ,
                        n . c r e a t i o n D a t e AS c r e a t i o n D a t e , p . i d AS c i t y I d
                    MATCH ( n : Person { i d : { i d }}) −[ r :KNOWS] −( f r i e n d )
            SQ 3         f r i e n d . i d AS p e r s o n I d , f r i e n d . f i r s t N a m e AS f i r s t N a m e ,
                         f r i e n d . lastName AS lastName , r . c r e a t i o n D a t e AS f r i e n d s h i p C r e a t i o n D a t e
                    ORDER BY f r i e n d s h i p C r e a t i o n D a t e DESC, t o I n t ( p e r s o n I d ) ASC ;
                    MATCH (m: Message { i d : { i d } } ) − [ :HAS CREATOR]−>(p : Person )
            SQ 5
                        p . i d AS p e r s o n I d , p . f i r s t N a m e AS f i r s t N a m e ,
                        p . lastName AS lastName ;
                    MATCH (m: Message { i d : { i d }}) < −[:REPLY OF] −( c : Comment)
                                  −[:HAS CREATOR]−>(p : Person )
                    OPTIONAL MATCH (m) − [ :HAS CREATOR]−>(a : Person ) −[ r :KNOWS] −(p )
                        c . i d AS commentId , c . c o n t e n t AS commentContent ,
                        c . c r e a t i o n D a t e AS commentCreationDate , p . i d AS r e p l y A u t h o r I d ,
            SQ 7
                        p . f i r s t N a m e AS replyAuthorFirstName , p . lastName AS replyAuthorLastName ,
                        CASE r
                                 WHEN n u l l THEN f a l s e
                                 ELSE t r u e
                        END AS replyAuthorKnowsOriginalMessageAuthor
                    ORDER BY commentCreationDate DESC, t o I n t ( r e p l y A u t h o r I d ) ASC ;

                    MATCH ( : Person { i d : { 1 } } ) − [ :KNOWS] −( f r i e n d : Person ) < −[:HAS CREATOR] −( message )
                    WHERE message . c r e a t i o n D a t e <= {2} AND ( message : Post OR message : Comment)
                         f r i e n d . i d AS p e r s o n I d , f r i e n d . f i r s t N a m e AS personFirstName ,
                         f r i e n d . lastName AS personLastName , message . i d AS messageId ,
                    CASE e x i s t s ( message . c o n t e n t )
            CQ 2
                                 WHEN t r u e THEN message . c o n t e n t
                                 ELSE message . i m a g e F i l e
                    END AS messageContent ,
                                  message . c r e a t i o n D a t e AS messageDate
                    ORDER BY messageDate DESC, t o I n t ( me ssageId ) ASC
                    LIMIT { 3 } ;
                    MATCH ( p e r s o n : Person { i d : { 1 } } ) − [ :KNOWS∗ 1 . . 2 ] − ( f r i e n d : Person )
                                 <−[membership :HAS MEMBER] −( forum : Forum )
                    WHERE membership . j o i n D a t e >{2} AND not ( p e r s o n=f r i e n d )
                    WITH DISTINCT f r i e n d , forum
                    OPTIONAL MATCH ( f r i e n d ) < −[:HAS CREATOR] −( p o s t : Post ) < −[:CONTAINER OF] −( forum )
            CQ 5
                    WITH forum , count ( p o s t ) AS postCount
                                  forum . t i t l e AS forumName , postCount
                    ORDER BY postCount DESC, t o I n t ( forum . i d ) ASC
                    LIMIT { 3 } ;
                    MATCH ( s t a r t : Person { i d :{1}}) < −[:HAS CREATOR] −() < −[:REPLY OF ]
                                 −(comment : Comment ) − [ :HAS CREATOR]−>( p e r s o n : Person )
                                  p e r s o n . i d AS p e r s o n I d , p e r s o n . f i r s t N a m e AS personFirstName ,
            CQ 8
                                  p e r s o n . lastName AS personLastName , comment . c r e a t i o n D a t e ,
                                 comment . i d AS commentId , comment . c o n t e n t AS commentContent
                    ORDER BY commentCreationDate DESC, t o I n t ( commentId ) ASC
                    LIMIT { 2 } ;
                    MATCH ( : Person { i d : { 1 } } ) − [ :KNOWS] −( f r i e n d : Person )
                    OPTIONAL MATCH
                                  ( f r i e n d ) < −[:HAS CREATOR] −(comment : Comment ) − [ :REPLY OF] − >(: Post )
                                                  −[:HAS TAG]−>( t a g : Tag ) ,
                        ( t a g ) − [ :HAS TYPE]−>( t a g C l a s s : TagClass ) − [ : IS SUBCLASS OF ∗ 0 . . ]
                                                  −>(b a s e T a g C l a s s : TagClass )
            CQ 12   WHERE t a g C l a s s . name = {2} OR b a s e T a g C l a s s . name = {2}
                                  f r i e n d . i d AS f r i e n d I d , f r i e n d . f i r s t N a m e AS f r i e n d F i r s t N a m e ,
                                  f r i e n d . lastName AS friendLastName , c o l l e c t (DISTINCT t a g . name ) ,
                                  count (DISTINCT comment ) AS count
                    ORDER BY count DESC, t o I n t ( f r i e n d I d ) ASC
                    LIMIT { 3 } ;

         Table 5: Chosen queries for preliminary evaluations of the adapted schema approach