=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2380/paper_107 |storemode=property |title=ImageCLEF2019 Security - Forged File Discovery and Stego Image Discovery Tasks |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_107.pdf |volume=Vol-2380 |authors=Amilcare Gentili,Paolo Gentili |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/GentiliG19 }} ==ImageCLEF2019 Security - Forged File Discovery and Stego Image Discovery Tasks== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_107.pdf
    ImageCLEF2019 Security - Forged File Discovery and
             Stego Image Discovery Tasks

       Amilcare Gentili1-2[0000-0002-5623-7512] and Paolo Y Gentili3 [0000-0002-8239-8571]
                   San Diego VA Health Care System, San Diego, CA USA
                        University of California, San Diego, CA, USA
                 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA

       Keywords: Steganalysis, steganography, digital forensics, computer forensics.

       Abstract. The ImageCLEF2019 Security challenge presented the following sce-
       nario: participants are professional digital forensic examiners collaborating with
       the police to look for images proving a suspect’s guilt. The extension and signa-
       ture of some images is forged, so that they look like pdf files. Additionally, ste-
       ganography software was used to hide messages within some of the images. Our
       method for discovering the file type of forged images was to ignore the first 4
       bytes of each file, as we noticed they were identical in all files, and compare the
       following bytes with the HEX signatures of common file types. This simple com-
       parison allowed us to detect all forged files and recognize their original file type.
       For detecting if an image contains stego information, we manipulated the images
       to enhance artifacts caused by the steganographic encoding algorithms. We con-
       verted the images from RGB to YCbCR, as the encoding algorithm appeared to
       use only the Y component, and then we generated images using the least signifi-
       cant bits of the Y channel. Visual observation of these enhanced images allowed
       us to recognize images containing a hidden message with an F1 of 0.888 and a
       precision of 0.908.

1      Introduction

    Steganography comes from the Greek words stegos, which means roof or covered,
and graphia, which means writing. Steganography is the art and science of hiding the
fact that a message is being sent. The goal of steganalysis is to identify suspected files,
determine whether or not they have a payload encoded in them, and, if possible, recover
that payload. The ImageCLEF2019 [1] Security Task [2] had 3 subtasks corresponding
to the goals of steganalysis: Task 1: Forged File Discovery, Task 2: Stego Image Dis-
covery and Task 3: Secret Message Discovery. We participated in the first 2 tasks. De-
tection of file type can often be accomplished by reading the HEX signature of the file,
if only the file extension is altered, but it is more challenging when the HEX signature
is also modified. Detection of hidden messages in images is generally handled with

  Copyright (c) 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Com-
mons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 September
2019, Lugano, Switzerland.
statistical analysis. Since jpg images are compressed with lossy compression algo-
rithms, one can look for inconsistencies in the way this data has been compressed. Sim-
ple steganographic encoding algorithms will produce artifacts that are detectable. More
advanced steganography algorithms try to make distortions to the image indistinguish-
able from the image’s noise. In practice, however, this is often improperly simplified
to make the modifications to the image resemble white noise as closely as possible,
rather than analyzing, modeling, and then consistently emulating the actual noise char-
acteristics of the image. Many steganographic systems simply modify the least-signif-
icant bit (LSB) of a sample; this causes the modified samples to have not only different
noise profiles than unmodified samples, but also for their LSBs to have different noise
profiles than their higher-order bits.

2      Methods

2.1    Forged File Discovery
   For the forged file discovery task participants are presented with the hypothetical
scenario in which they are a professional digital forensic examiner collaborating with
the police, who suspect that there is ongoing fraud in the Central Bank. After obtaining
a court order, the police gain access to a suspect’s computer in the bank for the purpose
of looking for images to prove the suspect’s guilt. However, the police suspect that he
has managed to change the extension and signature of some images, so that they look
like pdf files. The goal of this challenge is to examine if an image has been forged,
perform detection of altered (forged) images (both in extension and signature) and pre-
dict the actual type of the forged file.

   The data set provided for the ImageCLEF 2019 - Forged File Discovery task [2]
included 2,400 files in the training set and 1,200 files in the test set. All the files had
pdf extensions. In the training set 1,200 files were real pdf files, 400 were jpg, 400 were
gif, and 400 were png files.

   We attempted to use the file-profiling tool DROID [3]. DROID stands for Digital
Record Object Identification. It is a free software tool developed by The National Ar-
chives that can help to automatically profile a wide range of file formats. DROID was
able to distinguish the files that were not forged from the files that were forged, but was
not able to detect the original file type of the forged file. After opening the files with a
HEX editor, we noticed that the first four bytes of each file were the same “25 50 44
46”, but the next few bits were different based on file type. “25 50 44 46” are always
the first 4 bytes in the HEX signature of pdf files. After observing that forged files had
the first four bytes of the file HEX signature overwritten with “25 50 44 46”, but the
rest of the HEX signature was still intact, distinguishing original from forged files be-
came a trivial task.
                         Table 1. HEX signature of different file types
 File Type                        Forged HEX Signature        Original HEX Signature
 png                              25 50 44 46 0D 0A 1A 0A     89 50 4E 47 0D 0A 1A 0A
 jpg                              25 50 44 46 00 10 4A 46     FF D8 FF E0 00 10 4A 46
                                  49 46 00 01                 49 46 00 01
  gif                             25 50 44 46 39 61           47 49 46 38 39 61
  pdf                                                         25 50 44 46 2d
   We created a python script to read the first 12 bytes of each file, ignore the first 4
bytes, and compare the next few bytes with the original HEX signatures. If the 5th
through 8th bytes are “0D 0A 1A 0A” the file is png, if the 5th through 12th bytes are
“00 10 4A 46 49 46 00 01” the file is jpg, if the 5th and 6th bytes are “39 61” the file is
gif, and otherwise the file is pdf.

2.2    Stego Image Discovery
  The goal of this second challenge is to examine images and identify those that have
been altered to hide steganographic content.

   The data set provided for the ImageCLEF 2019 - Stego Image Discovery task in-
cluded 1,000 files in the training set and 500 files in the test set. In the training set, 500
images contained a stego message.

 Fig. 1. 8x8 pixel squares with slightly different intensity are present with a repetitive pattern,
                                 best seen on solid background.
   Visual inspection of the images revealed repetitive patterns in the images containing
hidden messages. See Figure 1.

   After converting the images to YCbCR where Y is the luminance component and
Cb and Cr are the blue-difference and red-difference chroma components, it was no-
ticed that the repetitive square pattern was only present in the Y component and was
particularly evident when images of the 3 least significant bits of the luminance com-
ponent were created. Visual observation of the enhanced images was sufficient in most
cases to distinguish original images from images containing a hidden message.

Fig. 2. Images of the least significant bits of the luminance channel enhance the pattern created
                               by the hidden message in the image

3      Results

3.1    Forged File Discovery
   File HEX signature are 5 to 12 bytes long. As the forgery of the images was fairly
simple -- the extension was changed to pdf and the first four bytes of the image were
changed, but the rest of the HEX signature was unchanged, detecting forged images
was trivial once we noticed that only the first 4 bytes were altered in the forged files.
Comparing the HEX signature of the file, after ignoring the first 4 bytes, we were able
to achieve a perfect score on the first submission, with an F1 of 1.0 and a Precision of
1.0 -- skipping the first 4 bytes and comparing what was left of the file’s HEX signature
was sufficient to reach a perfect score.

3.2    Stego Image Discovery
   Using the enhanced images based on the least significant bits of the luminance chan-
nel, it was possible to achieve good results on images with uniform color backgrounds,
but it was more difficult with images with lots of fine detail. The visual review of the
enhanced images led to an F1 of 0.888 and a precision of 0.908. Visual review was
fairly accurate, because the luminance component was used to store the hidden infor-
mation. Human sight is very sensitive to changes in luminosity. If the hidden message
was stored in one of the chroma components, it would have been more challenging as
the human eye is less sensitive to changes in color.

4      Conclusion

   Forged image discovery was fairly simple once it was noticed that only the first 4
bytes of the HEX signature were altered, since using the remaining part of the HEX
signature was enough to recognize the original file type.
   Detecting stego images was more challenging, but using enhanced images based on
least significant bits of the luminance channel makes the visual classification much
easier. Although the creation of enhanced images based on the least significant bits of
the luminance channel was automated, the classification of the images as containing a
hidden message was manually performed. The next step will be to automate the classi-
fication part, too.

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