=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2380/paper_111 |storemode=property |title=A Baseline Approach for Early Detection of Signs of Anorexia and Self-harm in Reddit Posts |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_111.pdf |volume=Vol-2380 |authors=Nona Naderi,Julien Gobeill,Douglas Teodoro,Emilie Pasche,Patrick Ruch |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/NaderiGTPR19 }} ==A Baseline Approach for Early Detection of Signs of Anorexia and Self-harm in Reddit Posts== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_111.pdf
  A Baseline Approach for Early Detection of
Signs of Anorexia and Self-harm in Reddit Posts

Nona Naderi1,2,3 , Julien Gobeil1,2 , Douglas Teodoro1,2 , Emilie Pasche1,2 , and
                               Patrick Ruch1,2
          HES-SO/HEG Geneva, Information Sciences, Geneva, Switzerland
       SIB Text Mining, Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, Geneva, Switzerland
                      University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

         Abstract. This paper describes the systems developed by the BiTeM
         team for the CLEF eRisk Task 1 and 2, 2019. The goal was to predict the
         risk of anorexia and self-harm from user-generated content on Reddit.
         Several approaches based on supervised learning were used to estimate
         the risk of anorexia and self-harm. The systems were able to achieve low
         to moderate results.

         Keywords: Natural Language Processing · Text Mining · Mental health.

1   Introduction

This paper describes the participation of BiTeM group at CLEF 2019 eRisk
early risk detection of anorexia and signs of self-harm (T1 and T2, respectively)
on users of the Reddit community. Reddit4 is a community-driven platform that
consists of various “subreddits” on different topics, and users post contents,
such as images and texts, or comment on other posts. The objective of tasks
T1 and T2 of CLEF eRisk 2019 was to predict early signs of anorexia and self-
harm, respectively, among Reddit users. Given a sequence of posts from users
published over a period of time, the system should be able to detect as early as
possible whether a user is showing signs of anorexia (T1) or self-harm (T2). We
first describe our submission models that are based on bag-of-words, and then
explore the additional models based on mutual information and convolutional
neural networks, and an ensemble model that used all three methods. The results
presented here include the official and post-competition runs. We further describe
our findings on these tasks and suggest possible future improvements.

  Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Com-
  mons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 Septem-
  ber 2019, Lugano, Switzerland.
2    Related work

Prediction of early traces of risks from individuals’ generated content has re-
ceived substantial attention in recent years due to the introduction of compe-
titions, such as CLEF (2017-2019) [6–8], CLPsych Shared Task (2015-2019) [2,
11, 9, 21] and the Audio/Visual Emotion Recognition (AVEC) Depression Sub-
challenge (2013-2017) [20, 19, 18, 15]. These shared tasks focus on identifying
various mental disorders from different types of content, such as depression from
Reddit posts [6–8], depression and PTSD from tweets [2], the degree of distress
from Reachout forum posts [11], suicide risk using Reddit posts [21], depression
scale from audio, visual and text of interview responses [15], and anorexia and
self-harm from Reddit posts [8]. Previous studies have shown that by looking at
one’s written texts on social media, we may learn more about the mental and so-
cial state of that individual [1, 3, 16]. More generally, letters or diaries have been
used as material to study different aspects of human behaviours by researchers
in social and health sciences [12]. In response to the prediction of anorexia in
CLEF 2018, promising results were achieved by an ensemble model using two
CNN models and a logistic regression model trained with Bag of Words and
metadata features [17].

3    Datasets

For the early risk detection of anorexia (T1), the training dataset was based on
the eRisk 2018 data [7], which contained a history of writings from social media
users. The dataset specified whether an individual was diagnosed with anorexia
or not, but it did not say which writings of that user indicate signs of anorexia.
Table 1 shows the statistics of the training set. For the early detection of signs
of self-harm (T2), no training set was provided.

                Table 1. Characteristics of training set of anorexia.

                         Users                  471
                         Posts+comments         207,604
                         Avg documents per user 441
                         Risk alert/non alert   410/61

   The source of test set was also based on the data provided in eRisk 2017 and
2018, but it was released item by item, through a news feed simulation server
provided by the task organisers, and the participant systems were supposed to
determine the risk signs of anorexia or self-harm as early as possible. A classifier
would then retrieve a post stream, containing several users posts, classify them
and submit the results to the server. Then, it could retrieve the next stream of
posts. Each task provided around 2000 post streams. We used 2000 chunks for
T1 and 1992 chunks for T2. Table 2 shows that the statistics of the retrieved
posts for both tasks.

                          Table 2. Characteristics of test sets.

                                              Anorexia self-harm
                       Users                  815      340
                       Comments               391,551 120,935
                       Posts                  178,915 49,753
                       Avg documents per user 700      502
                       Risk alert/non alert   73/742 41/299

4     Methods
We explored several approaches to predict the early signs of anorexia and self-
harm among Reddit users. Due to the lack of training data at the post level, we
investigated data-driven approaches, leveraging on the large set of Reddit data.
Our hypothesis was that we could use the high-level classes, provided by the
subreddits, to derive supervised or semi-supervised collections for training our

4.1     Model 1 - Bag-of-words model
As a first round of experiments, we exploited the 2018 competition anorexia task
dataset. In 2018, the data consisted of ten chunks of several posts aggregated for
each user. One key factor is that relevant judgments (positive or negative) were
provided for each user, not per chunk. We thus decided to aggregate all posts
of a given user into a unique virtual document. For task 1, run 0, we trained
a support vector machine (SVM) model with linear kernel5 [13] using the 2018
training data and tf-idf representation, and evaluated it on 2018 test data. The
test chunks for each user, were aggregated at each round. In this configuration,
our SVM model reached a promising F-measure of 0.72. For the other runs of
task 1, we used Reddit posts to train our models as described below.
    For task 2, on the other hand, no training data was provided. Thus, we
relied on Reddit posts to identify the vocabulary employed by users that write
about their problems using three years of Reddit posts (∼ 1TB of data) that we
downloaded. We used posts from the r/selfharm subreddit as positive training
data. For negative data, our impressions on the 2018 data was that negative posts
dealt with general subjects, such as links to videos or gaming. This impression
was reinforced by the visualization of the most informative features for the SVM
model (see Figure1 below). For example, calories, anorexia, weight, help, and
fat were among the most informative features for the positive class and https,
    We used scikit-learn, https://scikit-learn.org
lol, game, show, and www were among the informative features for the negative

Fig. 1. The thirty most important features for SVM choice on 2018 eRisk anorexia
dataset. Features related to positive instances are in blue, features related to negative
instances are in red.

    We thus randomly sampled the posts in non-positive subreddits for extracting
negative data. Training datasets were then designed, and we applied SVM with
the same settings on them. We used a similar approach for task 1, leveraging
the r/EatingDisorder subreddit as positive training data. The last setting was
to decide how many Reddit posts we should aggregate for making one training
instance. Based on our evaluation on the 2018 dataset, this setting led to very
different results. In the official submissions for task 1, we used 1 post per training
instance for run 1, 10 posts for run 2, 20 posts for run 3, and 50 posts for run 4.
For Task 2, we used 1, 10, 20, 50 and 100 posts for the official runs from 0 to 4.

4.2   Model 2 - Mutual information
Similar to model 1, in this model we attempted to create a training set with
positive and negative examples for anorexia and self-harm from Reddit posts.
Instead of taking all historical data, we focused on the 1000 new, hot and top
posts. Moreover, we used a data-driven approach based on the mutual informa-
tion measure to extract automatically the relevant positive and negative n-grams
for anorexia and self-harm signs [5].
Data A collection containing new, hot and top posts from 50 mental health-
related and general subreddits were extracted as candidates for providing pos-
itive and negative examples, including all, r/AnorexiaNervosa, r/AskReddit,
r/eating disorders, r/funny, r/movies, r/selfharm, r/sports, r/SuicideWatch, r/te-
levision, and r/worldnews. For the anorexia task, the subreddits r/AnorexiaNer-
vosa, r/eating disorders, r/fatlogic, r/happy and r/progresspics, and, for the self-
harm task, r/selfharm, r/SelfHarmScars and r/SuicideWatch subreddits were
used as candidates for positive posts, respectively. The other subreddits were
used as negative examples for each task.

Training collection and classifier Each post of the positive and negative
collections was tokenized, stopword-removed, and stemmed. Furthermore, 1-, 2-
and 3-grams were extracted and associated to the respective subreddit. Then,
to tag each post the top 200 most relevant n-grams from each collection were
used according to their mutual information score. If a post from the positive
collection contained more positive n-grams, it was deemed as positive. Similarly,
a post from the negative collection was deemed as negative if it contained more
negative n-grams. From the 128,170 posts, 5,997 and 88,618 were identified as
positive and as negative candidate posts, respectively, for task 1 and 1,279 as
positive and 93,944 as negative candidate posts for task 2. The positive and
negative candidate posts were then tagged with the mutual information score of
the 200 most informative n-grams from the whole collection to create the feature
set. This feature set was then used to train a logistic regression and a linear SVM
classifiers to categorize posts into anorexia and self-harm categories for tasks 1
and 2, respectively. The SVM and logistic regression classifiers were validated
on the 2018 collection, achieving F1-score of 0.63 and 0.73, respectively.

4.3   Model 3 - Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)
Data Here, we also retrieved a collection of subreddits on anorexia (r/Eating dis-
orders, r/BingEatingDisorder, r/Anorexia, r/AnorexiaNervosa, r/fuckeatingdis-
orders) and one collection on self-harm (r/selfharm, r/SuicideWatch) and a
collection on general topics (r/jokes, r/fitness, r/books, r/teaching, r/writing,
r/personal finance) for negative instances to train two CNN models. The sub-
reddit posts were retrieved from a period of one year (2017/11–2018/10). Since
there were fewer subreddit posts on anorexia, we sampled 10,000 posts from the
general topics as negative instances. This resulted in a corpus of 15,942 posts
(positive: 5,942 and negative: 10,000) for anorexia and a corpus of 178,088 posts
(positive: 49,845 and negative: 128,243) for self-harm.

Training and classification We first removed all deleted posts and link posts,
we then represented the remaining posts using word2vec word embeddings [10]
that we trained on a collection of subreddits (200 dimensions) using word2vec
CBOW model. We then took a similar approach to that of [4] and applied a
convolution operation on a window of 3 and 4 words of the posts, followed by a
Max Pooling layer and a final Sigmoid layer that outputs probability scores.6 We
fixed the sequence length of posts to 300 (shorter input sequences are padded
with zeros) and used 10 filters and mini-batch sizes of 50, and used 10% of the
data for validation.

4.4    Model 4 - Ensemble model

We further combined the results of three methods based on the weighted nor-
malised score provided by each model. Using the F1-score of the best individual
model as reference, the scores of the three models were combined linearly and
averaged. If the final score is greater than or equal 0.5, the ensemble model
assigns a positive decision to a user.

5     Results and Discussion

5.1    Evaluation metrics

The systems were evaluated based on precision, recall, F1 measure, early risk de-
tection error (ERDE ), and LatencyTP. ERDE takes into account the correctness
of the binary decision and the delay taken by the system to make the decision [7].
While for the first three metrics, the higher the score the better is the system,
for ERDE, the lower the better. ERDE measure was used with cutoff parameter
set to 5 and 50 posts. LatencyTP measures the systems delay in detecting pos-
itive cases based on the median number of writings. Finally, Latency-weighted
F1 combines the effectiveness of the decision and the delay. Additionally, two
other measures of speed and latency-weighted F-score take into account a penalty
based on the median delay for making a positive decision.

5.2    Official results of anorexia risk prediction

We submitted five runs for task 1 and for task 2 using bag-of-word models. Due
to some technical issues, we were able to submit the runs for only 11 user posts in
task 1 and 8 user posts in task 2. Table 3 and Table 4 present the official results
for early prediction of anorexia signs and self-harm risk, respectively. The model
using the large Reddit semi-supervised training data with 1 post per training
instance (run 1) achieved the best F1 score (0.54) among our submitted models
for task 1, and for task 2 (0.46). The results show that combining more than
10 posts of users for training the models decreases the performance drastically.
We believe that this is probably related to the characteristics of the task, which
simulates an on-the-fly news feed. Hence, processing post streams in chunks
jeopardizes the performance of the model.
    For task 1, the best document representation was achieved using tf-idf weight-
ing scheme with no stopwords removal: personal pronoun words such as “my”
    We used keras platform, https://keras.io/.
  Table 3. Official results of anorexia risk prediction using bag of word models.

            P R F1 ERDE5 ERDE50 LatencyT P Speed Latency-weighted F1
     run 0 .42 .07 .12 .09  .08          1     1                  .12
     run 1 .44 .70 .54 .06  .03          3   .99                  .54
     run 2 .73 .11 .19 .08  .08          3   .99                  .19
     run 3 1 .01 .03   .09  .09          1     1                  .03
     run 4 0 0 0         -    -           -     -                   -

  Table 4. Official results of self-harm risk prediction using bag of word models.

            P R F1 ERDE5 ERDE50 LatencyT P Speed Latency-weighted F1
     run 0 .52 .41 .46 .10  .08          3   .99                  .46
     run 1 1.0 .05 .09 .12  .11        6.5   .98                  .09
     run 2 0 0 0         -    -           -     -                   -
     run 3 0 0 0         -    -           -     -                   -
     run 4 0 0 0         -    -           -     -                   -

Table 5. Statistics on participating runs for anorexia and self-harm and our ranks.

                                   T1              T2
                           P R F1 ERDE5 P R F1 ERDE5
                  Median .39 .66 .37  .08 .12 .49 .22 .13
                  Max     .77 1.0 .71 .17 .71 1.0 .52 .23
                  Min       0 0 0     .06 0 0 0       .08
                  Our rank 3 22 11      1 7 11 4        3
weight, “my” eating, “my” boyfriend seem to be used frequently by people talk-
ing about their problems. One effective setting was the use of 2- or 3-grams for
detecting collocations, such as “skipped lunch”, “egg white”, “light peanut but-
ter” that are frequently used by users associated with risky behaviors. Table 5
shows the overall statistics for tasks 1 and 2. Our bests models where ranked 11
in terms of F1-score and 1 in terms of ERDE5 for task 1 and ranked 4 in terms
of F1-score and 3 in terms of ERDE5 metric for task 2.

5.3    Unofficial evaluation results

We further provide the results of our models described in Section 4 in Table 6 and
Table 7 for task 1 and task 2, respectively. From the individual models, Model
1, used in the official run, achieved the best results in terms of F1-score. While
Model 3 achieved F1-score of .96 and .98 on the validation sets, its performance
on the on-the-fly, post-level test data is limited. Model 3 achieves a recall of 1,
however, the precision is quite low due to large number of false positives. This can
be explained by the fact that, as mentioned earlier, Model 3 used subreddit posts
as a proxy for positive anorexia and self-harm risks during the training phase, but
these subreddit collections were different from the actual annotations in the test
data. In terms of ERDE, Model 1 shows the best performance among all three
methods and is quicker in determining the positive cases. Model 2 used a much
smaller collection compared to Model 1 (O(106 )) vs. O(1012 )), nevertheless, it
still performed relatively well for task 1. For task 2, it had almost 50% drop
in recall compared to Model 1, jeopardizing the overall F1-score. The ensemble
model was created using the linear combination of the best official models and
the results of Model 2 and Model 3. As these models are based on very different
approaches, we expected to see a significant performance improvement (as seen
in [14]). However, as we can see from Table 6 and Table 7, this was not the case,
particularly for task 2, for which there was a significant drop in performance for
almost all metrics. For task 1, there was some performance gains, such as 4%
F1-score (relative); however, this improvement was not extended to the early
risk detection error metrics.

Table 6. Additional results on anorexia risk prediction in terms of decision-based
metrics against the *official results (best model:run 1).

                P R F1 ERDE5 ERDE50 LatencyT P Speed Latency-weighted F1
      *Model 1 .44 .70 .54 .06  .03          3   .99                  .54
      Model 2 .40 .70 .50  .09  .06         16   .94                  .48
      Model 3 .09 1 .17    .09  .08          1     1                  .17
      Ensemble .46 .73 .56 .07  .04          5   .98                  .55
Table 7. Additional results on anorexia risk prediction in terms of decision-based
metrics against the *official results (best model:run 1).

                P R F1 ERDE5 ERDE50 LatencyT P Speed Latency-weighted F1
      *Model 1 .52 .41 .46 .10  .08          3   .99                  .46
      Model 2 .47 .22 .30  .12  .12         78   .71                  .21
      Model 3 .12 1.0 .22  .13  .10          3   .99                  .21
      Ensemble .75 .07 .13 .12  .12         13   .95                  .13

5.4    Performance change overtime
The performance of the models changes based on the number of posts that
they process. Figures 2 and 3 show these changes for both task 1 and task 2,
respectively. The performance of Model 1 increases up to around 10 posts for
both tasks. The performance of Model 2 increases for about 100 posts for task
1 with the F1-score reaching a maximum at 62% and then it decreases slightly
and appears to become stable around 1200 posts with an F1-score of 50%.

Fig. 2. Model performances based on the number of posts processed for prediction of
anorexia. Y-axis is in logarithmic scale.

    For task 2, the performance of model 2 increases at about 500 posts up to
an F1-score of 32% and then decreases slightly and appears to become stable at
around 800 posts with an F1-score of 30%. The performance of model 3 is at
its highest (F1-score of 28%) for the first 10 posts and then appears to become
stable with an F1 score of 16% for task 1. Similarly for task 2, the performance
of model 3 increases for the first 10 posts and then appears to become stable at
F1 score of 21% for the remaining posts. As it is expected for any classifier, as
the number of test records increases, the number of false positive also do, hence,
justifying the decrease in performance after a certain peak.

Fig. 3. Model performances based on the number of posts processed for prediction of
self-harm. Y-axis is in logarithmic scale.

6   Conclusion
Identifying early signs of mental health disorders among individuals can help
early interventions of healthcare systems and lead to better treatment results.
In this paper, we presented our data-driven approaches for task 1 and task 2 of
the CLEF eRisk 2019 challenge. Our models leverage on existing collections from
Reddit for both tasks, without any handcrafted features. Among all the models
that we explored, it seems that the use of a very large collection had the most
significant impact on the systems performance. Nevertheless, this task proved
to be quite challenging and further experiments are needed to understand what
features and/or methods are likely to advance the field.

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