=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2380/paper_115 |storemode=property |title=Linguistic Parameters and Word Embeddings for Protest News Detection in Text. |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_115.pdf |volume=Vol-2380 |authors=Bechikh Ali Chedi |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/Ali19 }} ==Linguistic Parameters and Word Embeddings for Protest News Detection in Text.== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_115.pdf
Linguistic parameters and word embeddings for
         protest news detection in text.

                                  Chedi Bechikh Ali1

                    LISI laboratory, Université de Carthage, Tunisie

        Abstract. We present in this paper our participation in ProtestNews
        lab at CLEF 2019 in task 1 and task 2. In task 1, the objective is to
        predict if an article contains protest news or not. In task 2, we must
        decide if a sentence contains a protest event or not. For these two tasks,
        we used a supervised machine learning approach based on the logistic
        regression model. We combine the supervised learning algorithm with two
        different natural language techniques. The first relies on text processing
        with linguistic properties. The second is based on the expansion of the
        text with related term using word embedding similarity.

        Keywords: Linguistic parameters · compound nouns · word embed-
        dings · supervised learning.

1     Introduction
This paper describes the participation of LISI laboratory at the Conference and
Labs of the Evaluation Forum (CLEF) 2019 ProtestNews for the detection of
a protest event in news articles. We submitted results obtained from different
approaches. In this paper, we describe the different proposed approaches as well
as the findings concerning the results. The ProtestNews lab proposed three tasks:
 – Task 1 is a classification task, it consists to identify which text contain protest
 – Task 2 objective is to classify if a sentence contains and event-trigger of
   protest or not.
 – Task 3 is an information extraction task, the objective is to extract locations,
   participants and time about protest event.
   The reminder of this paper is organized as follow, in section 2 we describe
our methodolgy based on supervised classification algorithm. In section 3 we
describe the linguistics characteristics that we use to process the documents.
Then, in section 4 we present our document expansion approach. In section 5,
the experimental results are presented. Then we conclude and present future
    Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Com-
    mons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 Septem-
    ber 2019, Lugano, Switzerland.
2     Methodology
This section describes the model that have been used to classify the test data of
both task 1 and task 2. The model is applied for both tasks, and use the same
set of linguistic settings.
    The overall architecture of our proposed framework consists of two main
phases: training and testing. In the training phase, the classifier learns from
a set of labeled text. Subsequently, the classifier is capable of classifying new
unlabeled documents in the testing phase.
    Each phase consists of the following steps: documents preparation, features
extraction/selection, and classification. We opt for a supervised approach based
on a classification algorithm [5]. The classification algorithm was implemented
using the scikit learn1 library which is a machine learning library for the Python
programming language.
    We notice that ProtestNews documents present different characteristics for
each task: documents in task 1 are composed of long sentences, this may cause
drift in the classification process. In the other side, documents for task 2 are
short, so they don’t contain enough context for the training step. This can lead
to different problems: word ambiguity and word mismatch between training data
and test data.
    To deal with these two tasks, we compared different classification algorithms,
among them logistic regression algorithm, random forest, and naive Bayes algo-
rithm. Preliminary experiments were carried on the development data after a
training step. Based on these finding, we decided to use the logistic regression
algorithm for the rest of the experiments because it gives the best results.

3     Linguistic preprocessing
Before extracting the feature vectors it is required to pre-process the data with
stop words removal and text lemmatization. We rely on linguistic processings
since they lead to good results in previous work for sentiment analyis task [4].

 – Stop word removal: We used an English stop words list provided by the
   Terrier information retrieval team of the School of Computing Science of
   Glasgow University. The list contains 733 stop words.
 – Lemmatization: We have chosen to lemmatize document words to treat the
   morphological variations and thus to increase the recall. Lemmatization al-
   lows transforming words into a reduced form that is the lemma, which leads
   to ignoring variations in number and gender. We rely on the part-of-speech
   tagger Treetagger2 to lemmatize the text.
 – Eliminating named entities (person, place, organization) form text content,
   because they can’t represent protest news. Named entity lead to a drift in
   the classification process because they can present in both protest news and
    https://www.cis.uni-muenchen.de/ schmid/tools/TreeTagger/
    regular news. In this study, we define named entities as the words that were
    annotated with the tag ”NP” by Treetagger.
  – Compound noun (CN) annotation: CN can capture important concepts in
    the content of the document such as event or concepts related to protest event
    (e.g.: district violence, armys action, tense situation, etc) [1]. To ensure that
    we extract CN related to protest events, we first extract CN from documents
    that are classified as protest news in the training set. Then, we annotate each
    corresponding CN in the test data. In this work, we only use CN composed
    of tow words, because in preliminary experiment yield better results than
    longer CN.
    After text processing, we proceed to feature extraction, The aims of the
feature selection technique are to find the most relevant features for the classifi-
cation task. We used unigram because it gives the best results. We didn’t rely on
any weighting scheme, because using the tf.idf scheme degraded the classification
performances in preliminaries experiments with the development data.

4     Document expansion with word embeddings

To deal with the term mismatch problem, we decided to expand documents with
the most similar word for each token. Since in previous work using pretrained
word embeddings has proven to have a postif impact on different natural lan-
guage processing tasks: Word Sense Disambiguation, Relational Similarity, Se-
mantic Relatedness [2]. We pose the hypothesis that adding similar or related
terms can help to enhance the recall and so the overall performance of the clas-
sification process.
     For this approach we trained two word embeddings [3]:
  – wiki-emb: a word embeddings trained on text83 dataset which is a sample
     of a Wikipedia dump4 .
  – protest-emb: a word embeddings trained on the India training dataset given
     for task 1.
     We choose to train two word embeddings with different data sets, to see
if a specialized dataset have an impact on the classification performance, in
comparison with text8 dataset which is a 100 megabytes cleaned dataset. For
the word embeddings training, we rely on the Gensim python library.

5     Experiments and results

We studied the performances of the proposed approach and we performed dif-
ferent experiments using different setting and processing:
 – Run1: consist of applying lemmatization and stop words removal on the
   training and test set.
    English Wikipedia dump on Mar 3, 2006
 – Run2: consist of combining lemmatization, stop words and named entities
   removal on both training and test data sets.
 – Run3: expanding every word in the sentences with the most similar word
   from the protest-emb word embeddings.
 – Run4: expanding every word in the sentences with the most similar word
   from wiki-emb word embeddings.
 – Run5: combining run 2 settings with the annotation of all CN.

    Table 1 present the official submitted runs, there are some runs where there
are results only for task 2. The analysis of the results shows that the first run
(lemmatizing and eliminating stop word) allows to obtain 0.7612 for task 1 and
it corresponds to our second best run. The best result for task 1 was achieved
when we expanded the content of the text with bigram extracted from the same
span of text. This run allows to obtain the best overall results, but the best
result for task 1 (China and India) and the best result for task 2 (India). We
note the degradation of the results for task 2 (China).
    The best overall result for task 2 is obtained by a simple approach that
consists of lemmatizing the text and eliminating stop words.
    In a preliminary study phase with development data, we found that expand-
ing text with the most similar word is only beneficial for task 2 and it degrades
results for task1. We decided to study the impact of this approach only for task
2. We notice that the best overall results are obtained when training the word
embedding on the training set. The best result for task 2 is obtained with word
embedding trained on the same data, but the best result for China data is ob-
tained when we used word embedding from another general corpus. This can be
explained by the fact that the text8 dataset is bigger dataset and contain more
tokens than task 1 training dataset.

     Table 1. Classification results for task 1 and task 2 based on F1 measure

 model task1 test china task1 avg task1 task2 test china task2 avg task 2 avg task
 Run1 0.7612        0.3846     0.5729     0.5657     0.4788     0.5223 0.5476
 Run2 0.7612        0.4418     0.6015     0.4727     0.3960      0.4343    0.5179
 Run3      -           -          -       0.5692     0.4615      0.5150       -
 Run4      -           -          -       0.5748     0.4143      0.4945       -
 Run 5 0.7676       0.5032     0.6354    0.5877      0.3086     0.44819 0.5418

    Our official final run was the Run6 and it was ranked sixth among 12 teams.
We can note that with this run we achieved the best our results in task 1 and
task 2 with India data. Degradation of the performance has been noticed for
task 2 with China data, this can be explained by terms mismatch between CN
in the training set with india data and the CN with the China data because CN
in India data represents other concepts than those extracted in China dataset.
6   Conclusion

This paper describes our participation in the ProtestNews detection lab at CLEF
2019. The aim of this work is to make a decision if a text contains protest news
or not. The objective is to develop text classification tools. For this purpose, we
used a classifier based on the Logistic regression algorithm. As the first step,
we processed the linguistic data processing as a first step. Then, we use word
embeddings to expand text with the most similar word. Also, we proposed to
add CN extracted from the same text. This work is still in progress and needs
more investigations. For future work, we plan to use deep neural network since
it achieved good results for other NLP tasks.

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