=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2380/paper_118 |storemode=property |title=CLEF ProtestNews Lab 2019: Contextualized Word Embeddings for Event Sentence Detection and Event Extraction |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_118.pdf |volume=Vol-2380 |authors=Gabriella Skitalinskaya,Jonas Klaff,Maximilian Spliethöver |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/SkitalinskayaKS19 }} ==CLEF ProtestNews Lab 2019: Contextualized Word Embeddings for Event Sentence Detection and Event Extraction== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_118.pdf
           CLEF ProtestNews Lab 2019:
     Contextualized Word Embeddings for Event
      Sentence Detection and Event Extraction

         Gabriella Skitalinskaya, Jonas Klaff, and Maximilian Spliethöver

                    University of Bremen, 28359 Bremen, Germany

        Abstract. In this work we describe our results achieved in the Protest-
        News Lab at CLEF 2019. To tackle the problems of event sentence detec-
        tion and event extraction we decided to use contextualized string embed-
        dings. The models were trained on a data corpus collected from Indian
        news sources, but evaluated on data obtained from news sources from
        other countries as well, such as China. Our models have obtained compet-
        itive results and have scored 3rd in the event sentence detection task and
        1st in the event extraction task based on average F1-scores for different
        test datasets.

        Keywords: Contextualized String Embeddings · Classification · Named
        Entity Recognition.

1     Introduction
Automated protest news mining can play a great role in analyzing and under-
standing protests and their media coverage, especially on a global scale. Such
research may be able to support different research domains by capturing the
protest’s evolution over time and identifying the origins of riots and social move-
ments. Additionally, by analyzing news sources from a wide range of countries
we can get a better understanding of the worldwide media coverage of protest
    The CLEF-2019 ProtestNews! Lab [19] tries to tackle this problem and has
introduced three shared tasks aimed at identifying and extracting event infor-
mation from news articles across multiple countries. The aim of the shared tasks
is the development of a generalizeable text classification and information ex-
traction tool that could be applied to datasets from different countries without
additional training.
    The first task can be described as a binary classification task aimed at dis-
criminating between news articles related to protest events and any other news
    Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Com-
    mons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 Septem-
    ber 2019, Lugano, Switzerland.
articles. In the second task, the tool should be able to determine whether a
sentence is an event sentence, i.e. contains an event trigger or a mention of it.
Finally, the third task is a named entity recognition (NER) task focused on
extracting various types of information from a given event sentence such as lo-
cation, time and participants of an event. In this paper we will only cover the
second and third tasks.
    For every task a set of news articles from one country (India) was provided
with a predefined training and development split. The resulting models were
then evaluated on news articles from the same country as in the training set and
on an additional set containing data from another country(China).
    The rest of this paper is organized as follows. We discuss relevant literature
in Section 2. Section 3 gives details on the training dataset and the description
of the proposed approaches. Section 4 provides experimental evaluation, and
important insights gained during our work. We conclude in Section 5, outlining
our contributions and directions for future research.

2   Related work

Various Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques have been utilized in
research to automatically analyze and extract information about events from
free-form texts focusing on different types of events and pursuing different goals.
We would like to give a few examples of typical approaches used to address the
problems of our interest. The authors of [7] use a Conditional Random Fields
(CRF) model to evaluate social media posts of a big event in order to gather in-
formation about smaller sub-events, that are collocated to the more popular one.
The authors do not focus on political events, but try to find a more generalizable
approach, applicable to multiple types of events.
    In contrast to that, [8] focuses on the analysis of activism. Their main ap-
proach is to extract event information from natural language text and visualize
it afterwards. Instead of social media posts, as in [7], [8] utilize news articles
from media outlets.
    In [8] the authors use a simple count of certain linguistic features to deter-
mine if a sentence is relevant. Similarly, [9] creates simple hand-crafted rules
for different NLP tags (like part-of-speech and named-entity tags) to classify
sequences into protest relevant or not.
    The authors of [10] present an actual use case by using the gathered infor-
mation to create a protest/demonstration forecast system that is able to predict
the occurrences of planned protests by analyzing “open-source documents that
appear to indicate civil unrest event planning”. They apply simple statistical
models to do phrase filtering and Probabilistic Soft Logic to identify geographi-
cal information.
    It can be seen that most of the considered approaches use simple term rep-
resentations, that do not take into account the context of the term or only do
so for the train set, which means that terms that never occurred in the training
set will always have a zero-vector. To achieve a better approximation for such
words, the authors of [14] train their model to generate representations for parts
of words. The idea is to better incorporate subword information and to be able
to generate encodings for out-of-vocabulary terms by combining the encoding of
different parts of the word.
    Distributed term representations (word embeddings) and a Bi-LSTM have
often been used in recent research to solve the task of sequence tagging and
classification (see for example [13, 17]). Due to the success of this combination
and improvements to the contextualized word embeddings in the recent years,
we have chosen to use the flair embeddings and their language model for all tasks
in consideration. The chosen approaches will be described in more detail in the
following sections.

3     Methodology
3.1   Dataset
The provided datasets are individual for each task and consist of newspaper
articles, taken from Indian and Chinese online-newspapers. The training data
consists of news articles from Indian sources whereas the test data is represented
by two sets, one containing Indian news sources (test) and the other Chinese news
sources (test china). All datasets are in the English language.
    In the case of Task 2, the provided training dataset is imbalanced, 988 sen-
tences have been tagged as protest-related and 4897 as not. Detailed descriptive
statistics for each dataset can be found in Table 1.
    For Task 3 the provided train dataset consists of 21623 labeled tokens. The
tokens were labeled according to the BIO labeling scheme were a (B) label in-
dicates the first token of an entity, an (I) label all following tokens and an (O)
label all tokens, outside of entities. Entities of interest included: ‘participant’,
‘trigger’, ‘loc’, ‘place’, ‘etime’, ‘fname’, ‘target’. Full explanations on the what is
considered in each entity type can be found in [19].

                        Table 1. Dataset description per task

                                      Task2                        Task3
                                   min     max       average
                      # of sent                                 # of tokens
                                  length length       length
         train          5882         3      988         146        21623
         dev             662        15      539         153         3188
         test           1107         2      499         147         6506
         test china     1235         6      664         141         4345

3.2   Approach
In the framework of the ProtestNews Labs we wanted to evaluate how well con-
textual string embeddings perform in sequence labeling and classifying protest-
related news, and whether the models trained on data from one country can be
applied to data from other countries.
     Task 2. In this task the goal was to classify whether the above mentioned
sentences contain an event-trigger or not. To solve this task we chose an approach
using contextualized distributed term representations [13] to represent the input
text. For this purpose, we stacked different traditional word embeddings such
as GloVe [12] and FastText [14] together with the contextualized embeddings
generated from Flair language models (LM), as suggested by [13]. Flair LMs
are character-level Bi-LSTMs, pre-trained on the task of predicting the most
probable next character in a sequence of characters. Therefore, they encode in
their representation all previous and all following words from the given input
sequence. In our work, we used the Flair-LMs pre-trained on a news corpus
(news-forward-fast) and the corresponding inverted corpus(news-backward-fast).
We choose the described approach for its ability to capture the context of the
input, which proved to be useful for this specific task.
    In the next step, we used the generated representations for every word in
the given input sequence to derive a vector representation for the whole input
sequence by using LSTM-based document embeddings [6]. In contrast to pooled
document embeddings which (by default) represent the document by averag-
ing all word representations, LSTM-based document embeddings take the word
vectors as input features and are fine-tuned to the specific downstream task to
extract the resulting document embedding from the last hidden state after the
fine-tuning [6].
   The resulting document embeddings were used to classify every input se-
quence as containing an event-trigger (1) or not (0). The classification itself
was performed by a linear transformation, using a single linear layer with the
dimension of the resulting document embeddings.
   We tested both the original as well as preprocessed input sequences, where the
preprocessing steps included stopword removal, removal of named entities, such
as date and time and removal of short words. Since the preprocessed sequences
lead to a significant performance drop, we fine-tuned the Flair-LM on the original
    Task 3.The aim of this task is to develop a generalized model to extract
event related information, such as location, time and participants, from given
sentences. The sentences are, as above mentioned, taken from online newspapers.
The task is framed as a named entity recognition (NER) task and therefore a
token labeling problem.
   For task 3 we chose pooled contextualized embeddings [15] for their better
performance compared to the non-pooled version. While the standard version of
the contextualized flair embeddings does only account for the context of a token
per sentence, the pooled embeddings combine the contexts of all usages of the
term in the input and concatenates the resulting vector with the contextualized
vector for the sequence of interest. The process of generating the embeddings is
described in detail in [15].
    In both approaches models were trained using the provided train set and
validated on the dev data.

4     Results

4.1     Task 2. Event sentence detection

In the framework of the sentence event detection task we have submitted two runs
experimenting with different minibatch sizes. In both runs we have used LSTM-
based document embeddings built with stacked Glove and contextualized string
embeddings. In our experiments, we used the hyperparameter settings proposed
by the authors in [13]. The only difference between Run 1 and Run 2 is in the
minibatch size, which has been set to 16 and 8 respectively.
    The results obtained by our runs for each dataset as well as the best results
in the track and baseline provided by the organizers are presented in Table
2. According to [19], a Linear Support Vector Classification with a stochastic
gradient descent learning model was selected as a baseline model. For the official
testing phase the average of F-scores obtained for each task was used as the
performance measure. The second submission was used as our final submission,
positioning us in third place.
    When comparing the results achieved by the first and second run, a decrease
in quality of classification with the increase in minibatch size can be observed.
This may be explained by the following. In cases where models tend to overfit, the
gradients calculated with a small batch size are much more noisy than gradients
calculated with large batch size, so it is easier for the model to escape from sharp
minimizers, and thus leads to a better generalization [16].
    One of the goals of the ProtestNews Labs track is to build a model able to
generalize outside of the country domain used for training, making it possible
to use the the same model to detect event sentences in news sources from other
countries. Thus, it is interesting to see not only how well the model performs on
data of the two considered countries, but also how big the difference between the
achieved results is. In Table 2 it can be seen that in Run 2, the gap between the
India test score and China test score is the lowest, which can indicate a higher
cross-country generalization ability of the proposed model.

    Table 2. Evaluation of the results obtained by different runs on the test datasets

                          Set 1 (China) Set 2 (India)
                                                      Average F-score
                             F-score       F-score
             Baseline         0.200         0.582          0.391
             Best results     0.604         0.706          0.655
             Run 1            0.523         0.617          0.570
             Run 2            0.583         0.648          0.615
4.2     Task 3. Event tagging

We have submitted 2 runs experimenting with different standard word embed-
dings, which were stacked with pooled contextualized string embeddings, as rec-
ommended in [15]. Using these embeddings we trained our own Sequence Tagging
Models. In the first run we have used FastText embeddings [14], whereas in the
second run we tried the Glove embeddings [12]. In our experiments, we use the
hyperparameter settings recommended by the authors in [15] as they achieved
state-of-the-art performance in other natural language processing tasks.
    The results obtained by our runs for each dataset are presented in Table
3. During the testing phase the average of F-scores obtained for each dataset
was used as the performance measure. The second submission was used as our
final submission and landed us the first place. It can be seen that there is a
considerable difference in the results obtained for different countries.

    Table 3. Evaluation of the results obtained by different runs on the test datasets

                                            Macro   Macro   Macro
             Set 1 (China)          Set 2 (India)
                                           average average average
        P     R     F1    P     R     F1      P       R      F1
 Run 1 62.72 41.00 49.59 61.44 47.98 53.88  62.08   44.49   51.73
 Run 2 62.65 46.24 53.21 66.20 55.67 60.48  64.43   50.96   56.85

5     Conclusion and Future Work

In this paper we tackled the problem of event sentence detection and event
tagging in protest-related news articles at the CLEF ProtestNews Lab. The
proposed solutions were based on using contextualized string embeddings. We
achieved the best F-score in extracting relevant information from event-related
sentences, and the third-best F-score in classifying sentences from news articles.
    The improvement of the generalization ability of the approach will be the
main focus of our future work. We will try other embeddings such as bert[18] to
further investigate if an attention based incorporation of the context improves
the performance.

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