=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2380/paper_119 |storemode=property |title=TheEarthIsFlat’s Submission to CLEF’19CheckThat! Challenge |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_119.pdf |volume=Vol-2380 |authors=Luca Favano,Mark J. Carman,Pier Luca Lanzi |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/FavanoCL19 }} ==TheEarthIsFlat’s Submission to CLEF’19CheckThat! Challenge== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_119.pdf
        TheEarthIsFlat’s Submission to CLEF’19
                CheckThat! Challenge

              Luca Favano1 , Mark J. Carman2 , and Pier Luca Lanzi3

                         Politecnico di Milano MI 20133, Italy

        Abstract. This report details our investigations in applying state-of-
        the-art pre-trained Deep Learning models to the problems of Automated
        Claim Detection and Fact Checking, as part of the CLEF’19 Lab: Check-
        That!: Automatic Identification and Verification of Claims. The report
        provides an overview of the experiments performed on these tasks, which
        continue to be extremely challenging for current technology. The research
        focuses mainly on the use of pre-trained deep neural text embeddings
        that through transfer learning can allow for improved classification per-
        formance on small and unbalanced text datasets. We also investigate the
        effectiveness of external data sources for improving prediction accuracy
        on the claim detection and fact checking tasks. Our team submitted runs
        for every task/subtask of the challenge. The results appeared satisfac-
        tory for task 1 and promising but less satisfactory for task 2. A detailed
        explanation of the steps performed to obtain the submitted results is pro-
        vided, including comparison tables between our submissions and other
        techniques investigated.

        Keywords: Automated Fact Checking · Claim Detection · Text Classi-
        fication · Natural Language Processing · Deep Learning

1     Introduction
In this report we describe our efforts to use state-of-the-art pre-trained deep
neural text embeddings for tackling the different subtasks of the CheckThat!
challenge [6]. In order to achieve good results, a great number of experiments
were performed. In the following sections we provide descriptions and results for
the most interesting of these experiments in the hope of inspiring future research
in this area. In Section 2 we will explain all the steps that brought to our final
submission for Task 1, from the choice of the architecture to the fine-tuning of
the chosen setup. In Section 3 we explain the text pair classification approach
that we applied for the subtasks of Task 2.
    Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Com-
    mons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 Septem-
    ber 2019, Lugano, Switzerland.
Table 1: Example sequence of utterances and their corresponding binary labels (check-
worthy or not check-worthy) from the CheckThat! challenge Task 1 dataset

      Speaker Sentence                                                     Label
      Sanders And what has happened there is absolutely unacceptable.       0
      Maddow Senator, thank you.                                            0
      Todd    Secretary Clinton, let me turn to the issue of trade.         0
      Todd    In the ’90s you supported NAFTA.                              1
      Todd    But you opposed it when you ran for the president in 2008.    1

2     Task 1 - Check-Worthiness

The first task [1] for the CheckThat challenge involved classifying individual
statements within political debates as check-worthy (i.e. constituting a claim
that is worth fact checking) or not check-worthy. The training data consisted of
19 debates, while the test data contained seven. An example section from one
of the debates1 is shown in Table 1. Note that each debate is a dialog with the
speaker information available for each utterance.

2.1    Preliminary Experiments

Recent years have seen a proliferation of pretrained-embeddings for language
modeling and text classification tasks, starting from basic word embeddings such
as word2vec [12] and GloVe [14], and moving to sub-word and character-level
embeddings like FastText [11]. More recently pre-trained deep networks have
become available, which make use of BiLSTM [8] or self-attention layers [16] to
build deep text processing models like ELMo [15] and BERT [5]. These models
offer improved transfer learning ability, taking advantage of massive corpora of
unlabeled text data from the Web to learn the structure of language, and then
leveraging that knowledge to identify better features and improve prediction
performance on subsequent supervised learning tasks.
    In this work, we make use of a number of state-of-the-art pre-trained models
for text-processing, namely: BERT [5], ELMo [15], Infersent [4], FastText [11],
and the Universal Sentence Encoder (USE) [3].
    When competing in the challenge we first ran a preliminary experiment over
validation data comparing the performance of these toolkits in order to decide
which one to use for our submission. We repeated this comparison after the
annotated test set for the challenge was published, so that we could provide
results on the held-out test data. Those test results for Task 1 are reported in
Table 2. Note that default (hyper)parameters were used for each system, with
the exception of the number of training steps (or epochs), which was set based
on validation performance.
    Sample sentences extracted from the file “20160209-msnbc-dem”.
                 Table 2: Performance comparison on Task 1 data only

                          Toolkit       MAP       RR      R-P
                          BERT [5]      0.0824 0.3112 0.0776
                          ELMo [15]     0.0587 0.3466 0.0729
                          Infersent [4] 0.1057 0.2503 0.1034
                          FastText [11] 0.1445 0.5303 0.1545
                          USE [3]       0.1871 0.3679 0.2071

      Table 3: (Hyper)Parameter settings used for the Universal Sentence Encoder

                            Parameter                  Value
                            Total Steps            600
                            Optimizer              Adam
                            Width of Hidden Layers 100/8
                            Activation Function    ReLU
                            Dropout                0.1
                            Learning Rate          0.005
                            Trainable Parameter    False

2.2     Modifying the Training Data

Results of the preliminary experiment indicated that the Universal Sentence
Encoder (USE) was a model that could provide reasonable performance for the
claim detection task. We then investigated a number of different settings for how
to train a USE-based classifier and how to modify the training dataset in order
to improve prediction performance. The modifications to the training dataset
considered included appending speaker information or previous utterances to
the input and also the use of external training data.
    For the classification task, the network architecture used was to append a
fully connected Feed-Forward (FF) Neural Network with two hidden layers to the
output from the Universal Sentence Encoder. The training (hyper)parameters
for the network were set to the values shown in Table 3. Note that the weights
of the USE encoding were not fine-tuned2 during training of the classifier due
to the small quantities of labelled training data available.
    The following experimental setups were evaluated. We report results for each
setting on the test data (not available at the time of run submission) in Table 4.

1. Training on Task 1 dataset only, using each individual sentence only as the
   input text.
2. Same as setup 1, but concatenating the speaker information to the sentence
    Investigations with the parameter Trainable set to true resulted in degraded perfor-
3. Same as setup 1, but using as input the concatenation of the two previous
   sentences with the current sentence.
4. Same as setup 1, but applying basic text pre-processing, in which contrac-
   tions in the text are expanded and the text is stripped of accented characters,
   special characters or extra white spaces, and then converted to lower-case.
5. Same as setup 1, but activating the Trainable parameter of the USE-module
   to fine-tune the weights of the sentence encoder.
6. Supplementing the Task 1 dataset with additional positive examples ex-
   tracted from the LIAR dataset [17]. The LIAR dataset contains a set of
   political sentences from various sources that have been fact-checked by Poli-
   tiFact3 and assigned a truth label. It is safe to assume that all the sentences
   included in the LIAR dataset were once considered worthy of fact checking.
   Based on this assumption all the sentences in the dataset make for a valid
   set of additional positive instances for the fact checking task. Moreover there
   is a strong motivation for adding positive examples to the Task 1 training
   set, since the training data is highly skewed toward the negative class with
   only a small percentage of positive training instances. An obvious limita-
   tion of this idea is that by adding only positive instances which come from
   a different source from the training data (and therefore may not share the
   same vocabulary distribution), we may simply end up training the classifier
   to distinguish between instances from the two datasets (the Task 1 political
   debate instances and the LIAR fact-checked claims dataset).
7. Training first on the LIAR dataset [17], but keeping the 0 and 1 labels the
   same as they were in the original LIAR dataset (where 1 indicates a false
   statement and 0 indicates a true statement), and then train again on Task
   1 dataset.
8. Training on a much larger Headlines+Wikipdia dataset consisting of one mil-
   lion headlines from news articles sourced from an Australian news source4
   and one million randomly chosen sentences from the content of Wikipedia ar-
   ticles5 . The assumption here is that random chosen sentences from Wikipedia
   are generally not making claims nor worth fact-checking, while headlines
   from news articles are more likely to state a claim and are interesting and
   therefore likely worth fact checking. After first training on the 2 million
   sentence corpus, we then further train (fine-tune) the model on the Task 1

    We note from Table 4 that none of the tested modifications to the training
data resulted in improvements over the basic USE-based classifier. Of all the
techniques, the most interesting appears to be that of adding millions of positive
and negative examples from the Headlines+Wikipedia dataset, which caused rel-
atively small degradation in Average Precision (MAP) while providing a marked
increase in Reciprocal Rank (RR). We leave to future work an investigation of
               Table 4: Performance comparison between different setups

     Setup Modification to Training Data                      MAP        RR      R-P
     1     -                                              0.1821 0.4187 0.1937
     2     Include speaker name                           0.1687 0.3206 0.2054
     3     Include 2 previous sentences                   0.1255 0.3123 0.1735
     4     Pre-process text (case-folding, etc.)          0.1676 0.3466 0.1976
     5     Fine-tune encoder weights (Trainable=true)     0.1294 0.3729 0.1495
     6     Add external data from LIAR [17] as positive 0.1262 0.1698 0.1487
     7     Add external data from LIAR [17] as true/false 0.1288 0.3884 0.1333
     8     Add external data from Headlines+Wikipedia 0.1694 0.4441 0.1793

Table 5: Performance comparison between the two different Universal Sentence Encoder
(USE) models available

               Model                                  MAP       RR      R-P
               Standard: Deep Averaging Network 0.1597 0.1953 0.2052
               Large: Transformer Network       0.1821 0.4187 0.1937

why that was the case and whether modifications to that dataset and its use
could result in positive gains in MAP.

2.3      Comparing Different Encoder & Discriminator Architectures

The Universal Sentence Encoder (USE) offers two different pre-trained models
that differ in their internal architecture. The standard USE module is trained
with a Deep Averaging Network (DAN) [10], while the larger version of the
module is trained with a Transformer [16] encoder.6
   Performance for the two versions of the USE encoder on the test data are
shown in Table 5. We note a much higher MAP value for the larger, transformer-
based model.
   In order to provide a discriminative model able to predict check-worthiness
labels, two different network architectures have been layered on top of the USE
architecture. The relative performance of the two models is shown in Table 6,
and their descriptions are as follows:

 1. The architecture used to produce most of the results in this report is a Feed
    Forward Deep Neural Network (FF-DNN) with two hidden layers, obtained
    by using the TensorFlow DNNClassifier component.
 2. A second architecture consists of a dense layer with a ReLU [13] activation
    function, followed by a softmax layer allows to categorize the results. This
    A third version of the encoder, called “lite”, is specifically designed for systems with
    limited computational resources, and thus was not investigated here.
      architecture was implemented in Keras7 applying a lambda layer to wrap
      the USE output.

   Performance for the TensorFlow implementation (on the validation data)
outperformed the Keras ReLU architecture, so we continued with that model in
the other experiments.

            Table 6: Performance comparisons using different architectures

                         Architecture MAP       RR     R-P
                         FF-DNN       0.1821 0.4187 0.1937
                         ReLU [13]    0.1703 0.2238 0.1988

   In order to decide how many steps to train each model for, we examined
performance of the models against the number of training steps on individual
debates from the training data as shown for the Large USE model in Table 7.
For that particular model we decided to train the model for only 600 steps based
on the average results across the training debates.

Table 7: Average precision scores on individual debates from the validation data, com-
puted while training the USE Large FF-DNN model for a given number of steps

             Steps Trump-Pelosi Trump-World Oval-Office Average
             600         0.60           0.36          0.22       0.393
             1200        0.53           0.41          0.22       0.387
             1500        0.57           0.26          0.26       0.363
             3000        0.48           0.28          0.20       0.320

2.4    Submitted Runs for Task 1

For the submitted runs we made use of both the standard and large USE ar-
chitectures compared in Table 5. The standard USE model has been used for
the first two runs: Primary and Contrastive 1, while the large USE model was
used for Contrastive 2. Table 8 contains the results for the submitted runs8 . The
difference between the first two runs, which both use the standard USE model,
is that for the first we used the Adagrad optimiser and a feed-forward network
with two hidden layers of size 512/128 while for the second we employed the
    Note that some values are the same as Table 5.
Adam optimiser with two hidden layers of size 100 and 8. We note that our last
run (Contrastive 2) obtained the best MAP score over all runs submitted by any
team for Task 1.

     Table 8: Scores for TheEarthIsFlat’s official submissions to the challenge.

Submission Model                          Parameters            MAP      RR        R-P
Primary      Standard FF-DNN(512/128) Adagrad 1500 steps 0.1597 0.1953 0.2052
Contrastive1 Standard FF-DNN(100/8) Adam 1500 steps      0.1453 0.3158 0.1101
Contrastive2 Large FF-DNN(100/8)      Adam 600 steps     0.1821 0.4187 0.1937

   The USE standard model had been chosen as the primary run because it had
provided better peak results during training, while the large model provided
more stable results. Note the results on the training data shown in Table 9,
where the standard model outperformed the large model on two of the three
debates used for training.
   Independently from the model used, we see that there is large variation in
the performance across the debates in the training set. Dealing with such large
variation effectively is something that ought be addressed in future work. We
note that on the test data, where the average MAP value is around 0.18, the
average precision across the individual debates varies from 0.05 (for the 2015-
12-19 debate) to 0.5 (for the 2018-01-31 debate).

3   Task 2 - Evidence and Factuality

The second task of the challenge [9] contains multiple subtasks which together
form a path that aims at automating the fact-checking process. Given a claim
and a set of the web pages, the subtasks consist of:

1. Ranking the web-pages based on how useful they are to assess the veracity
   of the claim.
2. Labelling the web-pages based on their usefulness into four categories: very
   useful, useful, not useful, not relevant.
3. Labelling individual passages within those pages that are useful for deter-
   mining the veracity of the claim.
4. Labelling the claims as true or false given the discovered information.

    Unlike Task 1 for which all the data was written in English, for Task 2
all content was written in Arabic. We generally worked directly with the Arabic
text but also experimented with translating the content into English as discussed
    Every subtask has been tackled using a similar setup: after processing the
data to obtain a dataset that consists of two strings of text and a label to
         Table 9: Scores evaluated on a subset of debates from the validation set

       Model                               Trump-Pelosi Trump-World Oval-Office
       Standard: Deep Averaging Network        0.580         0.561        0.294
       Large: Transformer Network              0.511         0.495        0.376

predict, we feed this pairs into a pre-trained BERT model [5] that we train to
classify the relationships between the two texts. In some cases, we have also
investigated adding external data that could be useful, given that the datasets
for the subtasks were extremely small.

3.1     Task 2A and 2B – Determining Relevant Web-pages
For the first two subtasks we used an almost identical approach: We extracted
the claim text and associated with each web page text using the Beautiful Soup
parser9 to remove HTML markup. The training sets then consisted of 395 la-
belled text pairs (claims, corresponding webpages and relationship labels).
    A set of experiments on the dataset were performed using a small portion
of the training data as a validation set. The accuracy results in Table 10 have
been averaged over three runs to account for the variation due to very small
training/validation sets. The techniques investigated were the following:
 1. BERT model is trained on the Task 2-AB dataset.
 2. BERT model is trained on external data using a dataset that was previously
    used for stance detection for the FakeNewsChallenge [7] challenge.
 3. BERT model has been first trained on the FakeNewsChallenge dataset then
    on the Task 2-AB dataset.
 4. The Task 2-AB dataset has been translated to English before feeding it to
    the model as in 1.
Given that training BERT over large sections of text has very large memory
requirements, the standard pre-trained BERT model was used instead of the
biggest one available10 . This limited the text sections to be no more than 100
to 150 words. BERT automatically reduces the information in longer context
windows such that the this limit is enforced, implying that some information is
necessarily lost from the text of longer webpages.
   We observe in Table 10 improved performance using the FakeNewsChallenge
dataset and translating the Arabic text to English, but caution that the results
are subject to significant variation due to small sample sizes.
   The ranking for subtask 2A was computed using the predicted confidence
value with which the pages were being classified as useful. Analyzing the Chal-
lenge’s “Results Summary”, it can be noted that while the system learnt to
     We conjecture that the use of the bigger BERT model would have increased perfor-
     mance on these subtasks.
Table 10: Accuracy on the validation data of predicting the usefulness of a webpage
for subtasks A and B. (The same prediction model was used for both tasks.)

        Setup Treatment                                         Average Accuracy
        1     Use Task 2-AB dataset                                    0.481
        2     Use FakeNewsChallenge data                               0.502
        3     Use FakeNewsChallenge + Task 2-AB data                   0.575
        4     Translate Task 2-AB data to English                      0.527

Table 11: Accuracy results on validation data for subtask C while varying the number
of training epochs

             Epochs Accuracy
             3        0.762
             5        0.904            Accuracy
             6        0.870                       0.8
             7        0.881
             8        0.904
             10       0.857                       0.7
                                                        4   6      8     10

classify not relevant and not useful pairs of texts, it was not able to learn to
classify useful and very useful pairs. Thus in subtask 2A the test results we ob-
tained were quite poor, while for subtask 2B (see Table 12) we indeed achieved a
high Accuracy value (0.79) for two-class classification but a zero Precision value,
indicating that the classifier is predicting only the negative class.

3.2   Task 2C – Finding Useful Passages
For this subtask the dataset consisted of each claim text paired with a paragraph
that was linked to it. Again the set over which the results could be measured was
too small to compare the different parameter settings for the model. In this case
the scores obtained without using any external data were quite promising and
Table 11 shows the performance versus the number of epochs used for training.
    The results for Task 2C in Table 12 show scores that are much lower than the
ones obtain in Table 11, nonetheless this submission got the best scores among
the teams over Precision (0.41), Recall (0.94) and F1 (0.56), while obtaining a
slightly lower result for Accuracy (0.51).

3.3   Task 2D – Assessing Claim Veracity
Subtask D has been tackled thinking about how external data might be leveraged
to learn a model for assessing claim factuality. Two different datasets have been
    Table 12: Scores for TheEarthIsFlat’s official submissions for subtasks 2B and 2C.

Subtask      External Data       Evaluation Method     Precision Recall F1 Accuracy
2B (run1) No                2 Classes per claims           0       0    0      0.79
                            2 Classes over claims          0       0    0      0.78
                            4 Classes over claims        0.28    0.36 0.31     0.59
2B (run2) FakeNewsChallenge 2 Classes per claims           0       0    0      0.79
                            2 Classes over claims          0       0    0      0.78
                            4 Classes over claims        0.27    0.35 0.3       0.6
2C (run1) No                2 Classes per claims         0.35    0.72 0.42     0.52
                            2 Classes over claims        0.41    0.87 0.55     0.53
2C (run2) No                2 Classes per claims          0.4    0.87 0.49     0.51
                            2 Classes over claims         0.4    0.94 0.56     0.51

considered: The first was the Stanford Natural Language Inference Corpus, [2]
while the second was again the FakeNewsChallenge [7] stance detection dataset.
    The two datasets have been used to judge the relationship between the claims
and the text that composed the web pages. While in the first case the entailment
or contradiction confidence score is used, in the second case the confidence over
the labels agree or disagree (how much a text agrees or disagrees with a given
headline) was used instead.
    The results obtained have been evaluated only over a subset of 31 claims and
in this case the best Accuracy value obtained is 0.52.

4      Conclusions

In this report we have described our investigations in applying state-of-the-art
pre-trained deep learning models to the problems of automated claim detection
and fact checking, as part of the CLEF’19 Lab: CheckThat!: Automatic Identifi-
cation and Verification of Claims.
    For Task A we investigated the use of pre-trained deep neural embeddings
for the problem of check-worthiness prediction. Over a set of embeddings, we
found the Universal Sentence Encoder (USE) [3] to provide the best performance
with little out-of-the-box tuning required. We investigated different techniques
for pre-processing the political debate data and also the use of external datasets
for augmenting the small and highly unbalanced training dataset, but did not
observe performance improvements in either case. Thus our runs for the challenge
were built by simply training a Feed-Forward neural network on top of the USE
encoding(s), without further modification of the training data.
    The results obtained for the first task were quite inspiring. With a more
judicial choice of validation set it may have been possible to determine that the
best choice of model was indeed that used for our third run, which obtained the
highest MAP value over all teams for the task. Further work should be aimed
at levelling the differences in performance over the different debates.
    The various subtasks of Task 2 involved predicting the usefulness of web-
pages and passages for determining the veracity of a particular claim as well
as predicting the veracity of the claim itself. For this task we made use of the
BERT [5] model, which can be trained on text pairs to directly predict a rela-
tionship label. We found this approach to the task promising, but hampered by
insufficient training data and large memory requirements for the BERT model.
Furthermore, we found that external datasets (from the FakeNewsChallenge [7])
may be useful for improving performance on these tasks, despite the fact that
they are in a different language (English) from the training/test data for the
task (Arabic).
    In conclusion, the preliminary results show that pre-trained deep learning
models can be effective for a variety of tasks. The use of small or unbalanced
datasets is a renown problem for deep learning, yet the transfer learning tech-
niques that we used to face the challenge proved quite successful and may offer
an opportunity in overcoming deep learning limitations.


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