=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2380/paper_125 |storemode=property |title=JUST at ImageCLEF 2019 Visual Question Answering in the Medical Domain |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_125.pdf |volume=Vol-2380 |authors=Aisha Al-Sadi,Bashar Talafha,Mahmoud Al-Ayyoub,Yaser Jararweh,Fumie Costen |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/Al-SadiTAJC19 }} ==JUST at ImageCLEF 2019 Visual Question Answering in the Medical Domain== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_125.pdf
      JUST at ImageCLEF 2019 Visual Question
         Answering in the Medical Domain

Aisha Al-Sadi1 , Bashar Talafha1 , Mahmoud Al-Ayyoub1 , Yaser Jararweh1 , and
                                Fumie Costen2
                Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan
         asalsadi16@cit.just.edu.jo, talafha@live.com, {maalshbool,
                          University of Manchester, UK

        Abstract. This paper describes our method for the Medical Domain
        Visual Question Answering (VQA-Med) Task of ImageCLEF 2019. The
        aim is to build a model that is able to answer questions about medical
        images. Our proposed model consists of sub-models, each specializing
        in answering a specific type of questions. Specifically, the sub-models
        we have are: “plane” model, “organ systems” model, “modality” mod-
        els, and “abnormality” models. All of these models are basically image
        classification models based on pre-trained VGG16 network. We do not
        rely on the questions for the answers prediction since the questions on
        each type are repetitive. However, we do rely on them to determine the
        suitable model to be used for producing the answers and determine the
        suitable answer format. Our best model achieves 57% accuracy and 0.591
        BLEU score.

        Keywords: ImageCLEF 2019 · Visual Question Answering · Medical
        Image Interpretation · Medical Questions and Answers · VGG Network

1     Introduction
With the advances in the computer vision (CV) and natural language processing
(NLP) fields, new challenging tasks emerge and one of them is Visual Question
Answering (VQA), which grabbed the attention of both research communities.
VQA is basically about answering a specific question about a given image. Thus,
there is a need to combine CV techniques that provide an understanding of
the image’s content with NLP techniques that provide an understanding of the
question and the ability to produce the answer. Obviously, the difficulty level
of the problem depends on the expected answer types, whether they are yes/no
questions, multiple choice questions or open-ended questions.
    Copyright © 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative
    Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12
    September 2019, Lugano, Switzerland.
    Recently, VQA has been applied to different specific domains such as the
medical domain. Medical VQA poses its own set of issues/challenges that are
different from the ones faced in general domain VQA. Some of these challenges
are related to the processing of medical images and the difficulties in handling
all kinds of images for different body parts and extracting regions of interest
that vary greatly for the different medical cases and ailments. The other set
of challenges are related to the understanding of the questions and the ability
to process very technical medical terms as well as non-medical terms used by
common users. The resources required to address all of these challenges are
massive and there are restrictions related to using them and integrating them
into a single model. Thus, the Medical VQA is still at very early stages, but it
is expected to improve over time [4].
    This paper presents our participation in VQA-Med 2019 task [3], which is
organized by ImageCLEF 2019 [6]. This is the second installment of this task3
with the aim of answering questions about medical images. For that, we create
sub-models, where each sub-model is specialized for answering a specific type
of questions. All our models use the pre-trained convolutional neural networks
(CNN), VGG16 [9], for visual features extractions.
    The rest of paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the most relevant
work, which includes the participants’ models in the VQA-Med 2018 challenge
[4]. Section 3 presents detailed analysis of the dataset, which we find useful in
building our models. In Section 4, we present our proposed models for answering
questions of each type. Validation results for all models and final test results are
presented in Section 5. Finally, the paper is concluded in Section 6.

2     Related Works
The general VQA challenge4 which is held every year starting from 2016, is
based on a large dataset of real-world images with different question types such
as yes/no questions, number questions, and other questions. Different approaches
were applied for the task and most solutions rely on deep learning techniques
that combine the use of word embedding with different recurrent neural net-
works (RNN) for text embedding and features extraction, and CNN for visual
features extraction supplemented with advanced techniques such as attention
    For the medical domain, the task is different as the nature of medical im-
ages requires knowledge in the medical domain in order to understand them.
So, a special challenge is organized for it. The first version of this competition
is VQA-Med 2018 [4]. The dataset used in the 2018 version is different from the
one used in the 2019 version. The 2018 version consists of 2,866 medical images
and 6,413 questions answers pairs divided into training, validation, and testing
sets. Two medical experts manually checked the automatically generated ques-
tions and answers for each image. The questions types are mixed between asking
    The first VQA-Med task [4] was organized by ImageCLEF 2018.
about a “region” within the image, asking about what the image shows, yes/no
questions, and other question types including asking about abnormalities shown
in the image and image kind, etc. Five teams submitted their work, most of
their approaches use deep learning techniques. They use pre-trained CNN mod-
els to extract image features such as VGG16 and ResNet [5]. There are many
approaches based on the encoder-decoder architecture with different components
such as Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) or Bidirectional LSTM (Bi-LSTM),
with or without attention. In addition, there are some teams that used advanced
techniques in the task such as the stacked attention networks and multimodal
compact bilinear (MCB) pooling.
    JUST team [10] used VGG16 for image features extraction. They used an
LSTM-based encoder-decoder model where they feed the question to the encoder
and then concatenate the hidden state of the encoder with the image features
to feed them to the decoder as the initial hidden states.5
    The FSST team [2] dealt with the task as a multi-label classification prob-
lem. They extracted image features using VGG16 and word embedding of the
question and feed it to a Bi-LSTM network to extract question features. Then
concatenated question features and image features and fed them to a decision
tree classifier.
    TU team [11] provided two models. In the first model, which is basically
the same architecture of [10], they used the pre-trained Inception-ResNet-v2
model to extract image features and Bi-LSTM instead of LSTM as [10]. In their
second model, they computed the attention between the image features and the
question features and concatenated it with the question features before feeding
it to a Softmax layer for prediction.
    NLM team [1] also created two models. For the first model, they used Stacked
Attention Network (SAN) with VGG16 for image features and LSTM for ques-
tion features. As for the second model, they used Multimodal Compact Bilinear
pooling (MCB) with ResNet-50 and ResNet-152 for image features and 2-layer
LSTM question features. In SAN model, they compute the attention over the
image, then combine the image features and question features for the second
attention layer, then pass it to a Softmax layer as a classification problem. For
MCB model, they fine-tuned ResNet-50 and ResNet-152 on external medical
images, then they combined the image features and question features to create
a multimodal representation to predict the answer.
   UMass team [8] used ResNet-152 in extract image features, and a pre-trained
word embedding on Wikipedia pages, PubMed articles and Pittsburgh clinical
notes for text features. They created multiple attention maps using co-attention
mechanism between image features and text features. Then, they generated an-
swers using a sampling method as a classification task.

3     Dataset Description
The dataset used in VQA-Med 2019 consists of 3,200 medical images with 12,792
Question-Answer (QA) pairs as training data, 500 medical images with 2,000 QA
pairs as validation data, and 500 medical images with 500 questions as test data.
The data is equally distributed over four categories based on the question types
which are: plane category, organ category, modality category, and abnormality
    We can determine the question category from the question words, i.e., if the
word ‘plane’ appears in the question, then this is a plane question. While if the
words ‘organ’ or ‘part’ appear in the question, then this is an organ question. If
the words ‘normal’, ‘abnormal’, ‘alarm’ or ‘wrong’ appear in the question, then
this is an abnormality question. Otherwise, this is a modality question. This is
useful for test data questions since the category of the question is not given like
in the training and validation questions.

3.1     Plane Category Data
Question on planes come in one of the following formats: “in which plane”,
“Which plane”, “what plane”, “in what plane”, “what is the plane”, “what
imaging plane is”, and “what image plane”. There are 16 planes. Figure 1 shows
main planes and their distributions in training and validation data. As evidence
in this figure, the data is unbalanced, with some planes being more frequent than
the others. In fact, this imbalance is noticeable across all categories data.

      Fig. 1. Planes distribution in training data (left) and validation data (right).

3.2     Organ Systems Category Data
Question on organ systems come in one of the following formats: “what organ
system is”, “what part of the body is”, “the ct/mri/ultrasound/x-ray scan shows
what organ system”, “which organ system is”, “what organ system is”, “what
organ is this”, etc. There are ten organ systems. Figure 2 shows all organ systems
and their distribution in training and validation data.

Fig. 2. Organ systems distribution in training data (left) and validation data (right).

3.3   Modality Category Data
There are eight main modality categories: XR, CT, MR, US, MA, GI, AG, and
PT. Under each of these categories, there is a number of subcategories. Each
of XR and MA has one subcategory, while each of US, AG, and PT has two
subcategories, GI has four subcategories, CT has seven subcategories, and finally
MR has 17 subcategories.
   The questions of modality part are more diverse, we can classify them into
four types:
 – Type 1: Questions whose answer is one of the main modality categories and
   its subcategory. Examples include “what modality was used to take this
   image”, “how was this image taken”, “what kind of image is this”, etc.
 – Type 2: Yes/no questions. Examples include “is this an mri image”, “was gi
   contrast given to the patient”, etc.
 – Type 3: Questions whose answer is one of the choices explicitly mentioned in
   the question itself. Examples include “is this a contrast or noncontrast ct”,
   “is this a t1 weighted, t2 weighted, or flair image”, etc.
 – Type 4: Questions whose answer is one two or three choices that are not ex-
   plicitly mentioned in the question. Examples include “what type of contrast
   did this patient have”, “what is the mr weighting in this image”, etc.
Table 1 shows modality questions types distribution in training and validation
data. Figure 3 shows the distribution of images of each main category from all
questions types. Note that we are unable to determine the modality in some
cases, such as “is this an mri image” with “no” as the answer. With the vari-
ations in modality questions types and large number of subcategories for some
categories, we prepare different data formats in order to focus on specific aim in
each model.

                      Table 1. Modality questions distribution

                                     Training Validation
                            Type 1 1,380 (43%) 229 (46%)
                            Type 2 1,184 (37%) 179 (36%)
                            Type 3 445 (14%) 73 (14%)
                            Type 4 191 (6%)     19 (4%)
                            Total     3,200       500

Fig. 3. Modality main categories distribution in training data (left) and validation data

3.4   Abnormality Category Data

Questions of this category come in one of the following formats.

 – Type 1: Questions asking about abnormality in the image. For example,
   “what is the abnormality/wrong/alarming in this image”. This type repre-
   sents 97% of abnormality training questions and 95% of abnormality valida-
   tion questions.
 – Type 2: Questions with yes/no answers such as “is this image normal” Or
   “is this image abnormal”. This types represents 3% of abnormality training
   questions and 5% of abnormality validation questions.
For Type 1 questions, there are 1,461 different abnormalities in the 3,082 training
images, and 407 different abnormalities in the 477 validation images.
    It is worth mentioning that the dataset has wrong answers for some images
that might affect the model’s accuracy. This is expected since the data was
generated automatically. Even for non-medical people like ourselves, we are able
to detect some errors, but it needs an expert to determine all wrong answers and
correct them.

4     Methodology

Since we have different categories of questions, we create a special model for
each category. Then, we combine them all in one model to be used for predicting
answers. In order to use them correctly to answer a given question with a given
image, we need to detect the suitable model to answer the question on the image
and the question words. The following subsections describe the models we build
for each subcategory before describing how to combine them.

4.1   Plane Model

The questions format on this category are repetitive and all questions have the
same meaning even if they use different words. So, it is expected that the ques-
tions would not contribute anything in answer predictions and only the image
can determine the plane answer. Hence, we deal with this part as an image clas-
sification task. We use the pre-trained model VGG16 with the last layer (the
Softmax layer) removed and all layers (except the last four) frozen. The output
from this part is fed into two fully-connected layers with 1024 hidden nodes fol-
lowed by a Softmax layer with 16 plane classes. Figure 4 shows the plane model
architecture in details. Since the data is unbalanced, we use class weights in
order to give the classes with smaller numbers of images higher weights.

                         Fig. 4. Plane model architecture
4.2   Organ Model
The questions formats here are also repetitive and have the same meaning. So,
we rely on the images only to get the organ system answer, i.e., as an image
classification task. We use the same model architecture for plane model except
that the last layer, which is the Softmax layer, has the ten organ systems classes.

4.3   Modality Models
As mentioned in the modality data description in the dataset section, this cate-
gory has different variations in question types and different main categories and
subcategories. For this part, we create many models capable of answering every
question type more accurately compared with what a general model can achieve.
Firstly, we explain the models we create, and, later, we explain how to combine
 – M1, the general model, for classifying image modality into eight main cate-
   gories (XR, CT, MR, US, MA, GI, AG, and PT).
 – M2 model for distinguishing MR images from CT images.
 – M3 model for distinguishing contrast from non-contrast CT images.
 – M4 model for distinguishing contrast from non-contrast MR images.
 – M5 model for classifying CT contrast types (GI/IV/GI and IV).
 – M6 model for classifying MR weighting types (T1/T2/Flair).
 – M7 model for classifying all CT subcategories.
 – M8 model for classifying all MR subcategories.
 – M9 model for classifying all GI subcategories.
 – M10 model for classifying all ultrasound subcategories.
    We did not create special models for the PT and AG categories as the data
for building them are insufficient. The available data for the AG category is 81
training images and 18 validation images. Moreover, 96% of the training images
belong to only one class, and all the validation images are only for that class as
well. The same applies for the PT category. The available data consists of 21
training images and a single validation image. About 85% of the training images
belong to only one class, and the validation image for that class is zero. So, if the
predicted main modality category is AG or PT the subcategory answer will be
the dominant class directly which are AN-Angiogram for AG and NM-Nuclear
Medicine for PT.

4.4   Abnormality Models
For abnormality Type 2 questions, which ask if the image normal or abnormal,
we create a special image classification model for that purpose with the same
architecture of the plane model except that that the Softmax layer predicts
normal/abnormal labels. While for Type 1 questions, which ask about the ab-
normality in the image, we experiment with different models since the task is
quite challenging due to the given data being too small for the very large num-
ber of different abnormalities answers. The following are the main four methods
with which we experiment.
 – Method 1: We use an encoder-decoder architecture that takes an image as
   input and produces an answer as the output. The questions have the same
   meaning despite having different formats, hence, they are expected to not
   play an important role in producing the answers. We feed the image into an
   LSTM and use the hidden states of that LSTM as initial states of another
   LSTM for the answer sequence. We then add the encoder output and the
   decoder output, and pass the results into a dense layer followed by a Softmax
 – Method 2: In this method, we treat the problem as an image classification
   task using the same architecture of our previous models except that the
   Softmax layer has all unique abnormalities in the training data, which are
   1,461 different abnormalities.
 – Method 3: Firstly, we predict plane and organ classes of the test image. We
   then calculate the cosine similarity between the VGG16 features of the test
   image and all training images that have the same plane and organ of the test
   image. Finally, we get the most similar image and output its abnormality as
   the answer.
 – Method 4: This is the same as Method 3, except that we take the two most
   similar images, and output the abnormality answer of the image which has
   the same abnormality question as that of the test image. If none of the two
   most similar image has the same question format, then we output the most
   similar image answer as in Method 3.

   Algorithm 1 shows the steps taken to determine the required model for answer
prediction. There are a lot of details that are not presented in the flowchart for
simplicity, such as in modality questions Types 2-4, where different question
formats are asking about specific things to determine the required model.

5   Evaluation and Results

In this section, we report the evaluation results of each of the previous models
on the validation data separately. Then, we report our official results in the
VQA-Med 2019 challenge. The evaluation metrics are accuracy and BLEU score
[7]. For all models, we conduct several experiments for different optimizers and
learning rates and report the best results. Table 2 shows the evaluation results
for the validation data for each model belonging to the modality category.
    Note that the accuracy of M10 is misleading since it predicts the dominant
class all the time. It is worth mentiong that the overall modality validation
accuracy, which is 75.4%, is not the average accuracy of all models. It is the
accuracy of predicting modality validation questions using these models.
    For the abnormality models, the accuracy of normal/abnormal model is
77.7%. While for other abnormality questions, Table 3 shows the validation ac-
curacy and BLEU score for the different four methods. So, the best abnormality
validation accuracy is 17.59% resulting from using Normal/Abnormal Model and
Method 2 Abnormality Model.
Algorithm 1: Prediction Steps
 Input: Image i and Question q
   if ‘plane’ word in q then
      Predict plane using Plane Model
   else if ‘organ’ or ‘part’ words in q then
      Predict organ plane using Organ Model
   else if ‘normal’, ‘abnormal’, ‘alarm’, or ‘wrong’ words in q then
      if q starts with “is this”, “is there”, “does this”, “is the” or “are there” then
         Predict using Normal/Abnormal Model and answer yes/no based on that
         if Method-1 then
            Predict using Abnormality Image Encoder-Decoder Model.
         else if Method-2 then
            Predict using Abnormality Image Classification Model.
         else if Method-3 then
            Predict using Abnormality Image Similarity Model.
            Predict using Abnormality image Similarity with Question Format Model.
         end if
      end if
      if Modality Type-1 Question then
         Predict main modality category
         Predict subcategory model based on the predicted main category from models
         Predict Answer using models M2-M6 based on what the question asks about
      end if
   end if
 Output: Answer

                     Table 2. Modality Validation Results

                Subcategories Models          Validation Accuracy (%)
     M1 (General model)                       88.6
     M2 (CT/MR model)                         97.7
     M3 (contrast/non-contrast CT)            74.7
     M4 (contrast/non-contrast MR)            85.7
     M5 (CT contrast types (GI/IV/GI and IV)) 92.8
     M6 (MR weighting types (T1/T2/Flair))    86.3
     M7 (All CT subcategories)                66
     M8 (All MR subcategories)                50.8
     M9 (All GI subcategories)                76.2
     M10 (All ultrasound subcategories)       90
     All modality                             75.4
                     Table 3. Validation Abnormality Results

                     Validation Accuracy (%) Validation BLEU Score
            Method 1 0                       0.046
            Method 2 14.7                    0.175
            Method 3 14                      0.193
            Method 4 13                      0.189

    For the whole model, here are the results. For plane questions, the validation
accuracy is 76.2%, and, for organ questions, it is 74.2%. While the final modality
model accuracy is 75.4% and the best abnormality model accuracy is 17.59%.
So, the final validation accuracy is 60.85%.
    For the VQA-Med 2019 challenge, we submit four runs of test data predic-
tions. The four runs have the same predictions of plane, organ, and modality
questions and the difference between them is only in the abnormality part. In
each run, we use different method (Methods 1-4 as described in the abnormality
model section). Table 4 shows our submissions results, Run-2 which deals with
abnormality questions as an image classification has the best accuracy score and
best BLEU score among our submissions.

                 Table 4. Our Results in VQA-Med 2019 Results

                              Accuracy (%) BLEU Score
                        Run 1 0.528        0.553
                        Run 2 0.534        0.591
                        Run 3 0.528        0.55
                        Run 4 0.528        0.55

    After the competition was finished and the test answers were published pub-
licly, we compared our predicted answers with the correct answers. We found
that the plane part has accuracy 72.8%, organ systems 70.4%, modality part
64%, and abnormality part 8%. Moreover, we discovered that, for the abnormal-
ity part, we submitted our predicted answers without stop words. So, some of
our correct answers were considered as false ones. Correcting this part increase
the accuracy of this part to 18.4%. Another technicality that caused some of the
correct answers produced by our systems to be considered false is the fact that
some modality questions have single correct answers in the testing set where
they should have multiple correct answers accounting for the different formats
in which the correct answer may appear. For example, if the actual answer is “ct
w contrast iv”, then, our system’s predicted answer “ct with iv contrast” should
be considered correct. So, by taking into consideration the two previous notes,
the actual overall accuracy of our model reaches 57%.
6    Conclusion

In this paper, we described our participation in the ImageCLEF VQA-Med
2019 task. The proposed model consists of sub-models based on the pre-trained
VGG16 model. Our model’s overall accuracy is 57% with 0.591 BLEU score.
Accuracy of the plane, organ, and modality models are good (ranging between
65% and 72%), however, the abnormality model’s accuracy is rather low (18%),
due to the difficulty of the task especially with the small dataset available. In
the future, we plan on seeking the help of a medical expert in order to correct
wrong answers and collect new data for the abnormality part.

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