=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2380/paper_131 |storemode=property |title=Biomedical Concept Detection in Medical Images: MQ-CSIRO at 2019 ImageCLEFmed Caption Task |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_131.pdf |volume=Vol-2380 |authors=Sonit Singh,Sarvnaz Karimi,Kevin Ho-Shon,Len Hamey |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/SinghKHH19 }} ==Biomedical Concept Detection in Medical Images: MQ-CSIRO at 2019 ImageCLEFmed Caption Task== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_131.pdf
     Biomedical Concept Detection in Medical
    Images: MQ-CSIRO at 2019 ImageCLEFmed
                  Caption Task

       Sonit Singh1,3 , Sarvnaz Karimi3 , Kevin Ho-Shon2 , and Len Hamey1
             Department of Computing, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
              Macquarie University Health Sciences Centre, Sydney, Australia
                           DATA61, CSIRO, Sydney, Australia

        Abstract. We describe our concept detection system submitted for the
        ImageCLEFmed Caption task, part of the ImageCLEF 2019 challenge.
        The advancements in imaging technologies has improved the ability of
        clinicians to detect, diagnose, and treat diseases. Radiologists routinely
        interpret medical images and summarise their findings in the form of
        radiology reports. The mapping of visual information present in medical
        images to the condensed textual description is a tedious, time-consuming,
        expensive, and error-prone task. The development of methods that can
        automatically detect the presence and location of medical concepts in
        medical images can improve the efficiency of radiologists, reduce the
        burden of manual interpretation, and also help in reducing diagnostic
        errors. We propose a Convolutional Neural Network based multi-label
        image classifier to predict relevant concepts present in medical images.
        The proposed method achieved an F1-score of 0.1435 on the held-out
        test set of the 2019 ImageCLEFmed Caption Task. We present our pro-
        posed system with data analysis, experimental results, comparison, and

        Keywords: Medical Imaging · Concept Detection · Caption Prediction
        · Computer Vision · Convolutional Neural Network · Multi-label classi-

1     Introduction

Medical images contain rich semantic information in the form of concepts, at-
tributes, and their interaction. Modelling the rich semantic information and its
dependencies is essential for understanding medical images. Due to the rapid
increase in big data, continuous evolution of medical imaging technologies, and
the rise of electronic health records, medical imaging data is accumulating at
    Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Com-
    mons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 Septem-
    ber 2019, Lugano, Switzerland.
a very fast pace. Automated understanding of medical images is highly bene-
ficial for clinicians to provide useful insights and reduce the significant burden
of the overall clinical workflow. Motivated by this need of automated image un-
derstanding methods in the healthcare domain, ImageCLEF4 [16] organised its
first concept detection and caption prediction tasks in 2017. The main objective
of the concept detection task is to automatically find relevant clinical concepts
present in medical images. Concept detection is also important for improving
various downstream tasks such as knowledge discovery, medical report genera-
tion, question answering, and clinical decision making. Figure 1 shows sample
images and their corresponding relevant clinical concepts present in the training
set provided by the challenge organisers.
    ImageCLEF is an evaluation campaign organised as a part of the Confer-
ence and Labs of the Evaluation Forum (CLEF) initiative. In 2019, the Im-
ageCLEFmedical proposed three tasks namely, Visual Question Answering [3],
Caption Analysis [21], and tuberculosis [9]. This paper describes the partici-
pation of the MQ-CSIRO (Macquarie University and CSIRO, Sydney) team
participation in the 3rd edition of ImageCLEFmed Caption task 2019. The task
consists of identifying the UMLS (Unified Medical Language System) Concept
Unique Identifiers (CUI) [5] present in each sample image. Each medical image
can be annotated with multiple concepts, making it a multi-label image classifi-
cation task. Compared to single-label classification where an image is associated
with a single label from a finite set of disjoint labels, multi-label classification
associates a single image with multiple labels which may have semantic depen-
dencies between them. We identified the relevant concepts present in medical
images based on a multi-label classification model using Convolutional Neural
Network (CNN). In section 2, we describe work in multi-label image classifica-
tion. Section 3 describes building blocks of a convolutional neural network. In
section 4, we describe our data exploration, experimental settings, and analysis
of results. Finally, section 5 provides conclusion and future work.

2     Related Work
 Multi-label image classification is a fundamental task towards general visual
understanding. Both medical images and natural images contain diverse semantic
content that need multiple visual concepts to classify [19]. Compared to single-
label classification, multi-label image classification is more challenging due to
the association of concepts with semantic regions and capturing the semantic
dependencies among concepts. In the following subsections, we explore work
related to multi-label image classification in natural and medical images.

2.1    Multi-label image classification
The performance of image classification has recently experienced a rapid progress
due to the establishment of large-scale hand-labeled datasets such as ImageNet [24]
                                     Concepts present:
                                     C0019066: non-traumatic hemoperitoneum
                                     C0162868: false aneurysm
                                     C0037993: lien
                                     C0607422: abdoman
                                     C0025474: mesenteric membrane
                                     C0009924: materials
                                     C0441633: diagnostic scanning
                                     C0003842: arteri
                                     C0449900: contrasting

                                     Concepts present:
                                     C0015252: surgical removal procedure
                                     C0007876: caesarean section (c-section)
                                     C0542560: degrees
                                     C0021815: discus intervertebralis
                                     C0056663: cyanmethaeglobin
                                     C1552858: section
                                     C1318154: root [a body part]
                                     C0546660: methemoglobin (methb) level
                                     C0965970: et combination
                                     C0728940: excisional
                                     C0251244: alexanian protocol
                                     C0442106: intervertebral
                                     C0052142: ap combination
                                     C0549207: bone tissue of vertebra
                                     C0005847: blood vessel structure
                                     C0184905: bisection
                                     C0003842: arteri

                                     Concepts present:
                                     C0086972: separated status
                                     C0022646: nephros
                                     C0227665: kidneys bilateral
                                     C0030797: region

Fig. 1: Sample medical images and their corresponding relevant concepts [8].
and MS-COCO [18], and the fast development of deep Convolutional Neural
Networks [25,14]. Due to their great success on binary and multi-class image
classification, research has been towards extending deep convolutional networks
for multi-label image classification. Multi-label image classification is a funda-
mental and practical task in Computer Vision where the aim is to identify the
set of objects present in an image.
    A simple approach for multi-label image classification is to train independent
binary classifiers for each label or class. However, this method does not consider
the relationship among labels, and the number of predicted label combinations
will grow exponentially as the number of categories increase. For instance, if
a dataset contains 20 labels, then the number of predicted label combination
could be more than 1 million (i.e., 220 ). Besides, this baseline method ignores
the topology structure among labels, which can be an important regulariser for
the co-occurrence patterns of objects. For example, the combination of sand,
trees, sky, boats, and clouds is plausible to appear in the physical world, but
some combinations of labels are almost impossible such as glacier, rain forest,
and sun. There is a possibility that artificial or partly artificial images can violate
such natural dependencies.
    In order to regularise the prediction space, many researchers have attempted
to capture label dependencies. Gong et al. [12] proposed three multi-label ranking
losses to adapt convolutional neural networks for the multi-label problem. These
losses were namely, softmax, pairwise ranking, and weighted approximate ranking
(WARP). They found that the WARP loss function performs significantly better
than the other two loss functions. Wang et al. [28] proposed a joint framework
combining a convolutional neural network and a recurrent neural network in
order to learn the semantic dependencies among labels. Zhu et al. [33] proposed
a unified framework that captures both semantic and spatial relations of labels
using a Spatial Regularisation Network (SRN). The network learns an attention
map for each label, which associates relevant image regions to each label. By
learning convolutions on the attention maps of all labels, the SRN captures the
underlying semantic and spatial relations between labels and acts as a spatial
regularisation for multi-label output. In order to use object detection methods to
provide region proposals, Wei et al. [30] proposed the Hypothesis-CNN-Pooling
(HCP) network, it first finds region proposals using object detection techniques
such as Edge Boxes [34] to produce a set of candidates. These selected hypothesis
are fed to a shared CNN to compute confidence vectors. The confidence vectors
are combined through a fusion layer with max-pooling to generate the final multi-
label predictions. Wang et al. [29] proposed a recurrent memorised-attention
module that combines a spatial transformer layer and an LSTM to capture global
contextual dependencies among labels and to avoid the additional computational
cost of predicting region proposals.
    Recently, Durand et al. [11] proposed a partial binary cross-entropy (partial-
BCE) loss function and used curriculum learning to train a multi-label image
classification model with partial labels, which reduces the cost of annotating all
labels in each image. To improve the performance by capturing and exploring la-
bel dependencies, Chen et al [6] proposed a Graph Convolutional Network which
learned to map the label graph into a set of inter-dependent object classifiers.

2.2   Concept Detection in Medical Images
The goal of concept detection is to find relevant clinical concepts in medical
images. Automatic identification of relevant medical concepts in medical images
is vital for indexing and retrieval, report generation, and clinical decision support
systems [26]. Concept detection can be solved as a classification problem where
a mapping function is learned between low-level visual features and high level
semantic concepts based on the annotated training data.
    Dimitris and Ergina [10] proposed the use of the ResNet50 [14] model for pre-
dicting biomedical concepts for the ImageCLEF 2017 caption prediction task.
Abacha et al. [1] used CNN and Binary Relevance [31] Decision Tree for con-
cept detection. Since the distribution of concepts is uneven with large number
of concepts present in only a few images, they build two different training sub-
sets targeting the most frequent concepts having frequency greater than 400 and
1500, respectively. The Binary Relevance approach has limitations in terms of
computational cost since a different classifier is trained for each concept present
in the dataset. Hasan et al. [13] proposed an attention based encoder-decoder
framework for concept detection for ImageCLEF 2017 caption prediction. The
encoder is a VGG-19 [25] model and the decoder is a Long-Short Term Memory
(LSTM) [15] network with a soft attention mechanism. The dependencies have
been captured by hidden states of the LSTM. This approach treated concept
detection as a sequence generation task which lacks in identifying the depen-
dency of different concepts. Because concepts are not inherently ordered into a
sequence, capturing dependencies by the hidden states presents a problem.
    Pinho and Costa [23] proposed an adversarial network for feature learning
and training a multi-label classifier using the extracted features to predict med-
ical concepts. They showed that the use of deep learning methods outperformed
more traditional representations. Valanavis and Kalamboukis [27] proposed a
k-Nearest Neighbour (kNN) based approach for concept detection. Images are
represented using two models namely, Bag of Visual Words (BoVW) and gener-
alised Bag of Colours (QBoC). Using the extracted image visual representation,
for each test image, training images are sorted based on their similarity score
and the concepts of the top matched image are assigned to the test image. In an
another approach Zhang et al. [32] proposed retrieval and topic-modelling based
methods for concept detection in the ImageCLEF 2018 challenge. They used
Lucene Image Retrieval (LIRE) [20] for retrieving the most similar images and
their corresponding clinical concepts from the training set to assign concepts to
the test images. Also, Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) [4] was used to analyse
the topic distribution of clinical concepts present in the retrieved similar images
from the training set. Although, the above approaches were simple, they suffer
from computational complexity and lack novelty in identifying concepts in un-
seen images. Singh et al. [26] also did similar study in classifying the modality
of images and finding relevant medical concepts on a publicly available dataset,
and found that convolutional neural networks are better for feature extraction
when compared to the traditional approaches. Motivated by the success of Con-
volutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for various computer vision task, we use a
CNN model for finding relevant medical concepts present in an image.

3   Convolutional Neural Network

With the rapid collection of large-scale datasets and rapid development of high
performance computing devices, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are in-
creasingly drawing attention from both research and industry [25,14,28]. The
common building blocks of Convolutional Neural Networks are Convolutional
layer, activation layer, pooling layer, flattening layer, and fully-connected layer.

Convolutional Layer

This is the main building block of Convolutional Neural Networks. The main
role of the convolutional layer is to detect features by applying an affine filter
(or kernel) over the image pixels. The early convolutional layers in a CNN ex-
tract low-level features whereas the later convolutional layers are responsible for
extracting higher level semantic features.

Activation layer

The goal of an activation layer is to pass the output of the convolutional layer
through an activation function. This layer is also called a non-linearity layer
because we pass the output through some non-linear function such as sigmoid,
tanh, or ReLU to get feature maps. The activation layer does not change the
dimensions of the feature maps.

Pooling layer

The main functionality of a pooling layer is to reduce the spatial dimensions of
the feature maps and provide some spatial invariance to distortions and trans-
lations. Apart from this, pooling layers are also responsible for reducing the
number of parameters and computation in the network. Various pooling oper-
ations include: max pooling, average pooling, or L2-norm pooling. Pooling helps
reduce overfitting, which would occur if the CNN is given too much information,
especially if that information is not relevant to classify an image.

Flattening layer

The goal of a flattening layer is to transform the entire pooled feature map matrix
into a single column which is then fed to the neural network for processing.
               Table 1: Statistics of ImageCLEFmed Caption Task.
                                Data Set No. of images
                             Training set        56629
                            Validation set       14157
                                  Test set       10000
                                     Total       80786

Fully-connected layer

After flattening, output of the network is fed through fully connected layers sim-
ilar to an ordinary neural network. With the fully connected layers, we combine
the extracted features together to create a model which performs high-level rea-
soning. After the final layer, we apply an activation function such as softmax or
sigmoid to produce the classifier output.

4     Experimental Setup

4.1    Notation

Concept detection in medical images can be formulated as a multi-label image
classification problem where each class corresponds to a concept label. The multi-
label classification aims at associating a given instance xi ∈ X with a set of labels
Yi = yi1 , yi2 , . . . , yiN . For medical concept detection, xi is a given medical image,
Yi refers to a set of clinical concepts relevant to the medical image, and N refers
to number of concepts relevant to that particular image.

4.2    Dataset

The dataset provided in the ImageCLEFmed Caption task is collected from the
PubMed 5 Open Access subset containing 1, 828, 575 archives, having a total of
6, 031, 814 image-caption pairs. Automatic filtering using deep learning and man-
ual revisions have been applied to focus on radiology images and non-compound
figures, giving a reduced dataset of 70, 786 radiology images of various medical
imaging modalities. The official split of data in the form of training, validation,
and test is provided by the challenge organisers. Table 1 shows the statistics of
the datasets. The ground-truth concepts are provided for the training and vali-
dation set, whereas only images are provided for the test set in order to provide
a fair evaluation.
 (a) * 00005.jpg (b) * 18577.jpg (c) * 20118.jpg   (d) * 20587.jpg   (e) * 20687.jpg

 (f) * 65510.jpg (g) * 65525.jpg (h) * 65528.jpg   (i) * 69078.jpg   (j) * 69098.jpg

(k) * 66729.jpg (l) * 66744.jpg (m) * 65730.jpg    (n) * 67009.jpg   (o) * 67044.jpg

 (p) * 67307.jpg (q) * 00064.jpg (r) * 66752.jpg   (s) * 00185.jpg   (t) * 05234.jpg

Fig. 2: Diversity in terms of different modalities and anatomy present in the
ImageCLEFmed Caption dataset. * in the image names denotes ROCO CLEF.

4.3   Data Exploration

The dataset in the ImageCLEFmed caption task has huge diversity. Figure 2
shows sample data highlighting various modalities such as X-ray, MRI, ultra-
sound, and PET, and different anatomies such as hands, feet, brain, chest, and
teeth. Apart from this, the images differ in terms of contrast, pixel dimensions,
and resolution.
    A data analysis shows that there are in total 5216 unique clinical concepts
present in the training set. The validation set has a total of 3233 unique clinical
concepts present. We found that there are 312 concepts that are present in
the validation set but not present in the training set. So, to train our model
on all the concepts, we combine the data of the training and validation sets,
having a total of 5528 unique clinical concepts present in the dataset. Figure 3
shows the distribution of concepts present in the entire dataset. There are 2, 655

       #No. of concepts


                          1,000                975
                           500                                           346
                                                                                                 72     15
























                                                   Frequency of concepts in the dataset

Fig. 3: Number of concepts versus frequency of their occurrence in the dataset.

clinical concepts that occur in less than four images in the dataset. Out of 5528
concepts, 5441 concepts occur less than or equal to 1000 times in the dataset
whereas only 87 concepts are present in more than 1000 images. Given that a
deep learning model needs at least 1000 samples per class to perform adequately,
the distribution of concepts shows the difficulty in training such a model on rare
concepts present in the dataset.
    Top 20 clinical concepts present in the dataset in terms of their occurrence
is show in Table 2. We can clearly see that the top 10 concepts refer to the type
of imaging study undertaken. Table 3 shows example of clinical concepts that
are found in the dataset but are not visually represented in the images, making
it challenging for the model to learn to predict these concepts.

4.4   Evaluation Metrics

The challenge organisers provide code for evaluating the performance of the
model in terms of F1 scores, which is the official evaluation metric to rate sub-
missions from different teams. The F1 score is the weighted average of the preci-
sion and recall, where an F1 score of 0 indicates the worst score and 1 indicates
the best score. As the task is multi-label classification, the final F1 score is the
average of the F1 scores of each class with binary weighting method.
         Table 2: Top 20 concepts with their count in the training set.
  8425: C0441633 (diagnostic scanning) 4445: C0003842 (arteri)
  7906: C0043299 (X-ray procedure)     4022: C0024109 (lungs pair)
  7902: C1962945 (radiogr)             3627: C0449900 (contrasting)
  7697: C0040395 (tomogr)              3534: C0009924 (materials)
  7564: C0034579 (pantomogr)           3257: C0041618 (medical sonography)
  7470: C0817096 (thoracics)           2983: C0231881 (resonance)
  7164: C0040405 (X-ray CAT)           2872: C0751437 (adenohypophyseal dis)
  6428: C1548003 (radiograph)          2840: C0000726 (abdominopelvis)
  5678: C0221198 (visible lesion)      2707: C0935598 (sagittal planes set)
  5677: C0772294 (alesion)             2668: C0002978 (x-ray of the blood vessel)

Table 3: Some of the CUI clinical concepts present in the dataset that are not
represented in the medical images, making it difficult for the model to predict
directly from the images.
      C0949214: advertisement C1561610: signed        C1561611: improved
      C1552850: start         C1552852: prev          C1552856: copyright
      C1578434: spouse        C1507394: studyprotocol C0549649: misuse
      C3813540: pineapple     C0007306: cartoon       C1550655: patient
      C1550473: business      C0332148: likely        C3244316: medication
      C0871472: t-test        C0969625: methodology C0038435: stressed
      C4049977: satisfied     C0016538: projected     C0552371: citations
      C0332219: not at all    C2346845: approval      C1096774: letter
      C0560453: jump          C1550043: identified    C0034975: registry

4.5   Experimental settings

We build our Convolutional Neural Network for multi-label image classification
model in Python using Keras [7] with a Tensorflow backend [2]. Figure 4 shows
the architecture of the CNN used in this study. The input to the network is
given as a 400 × 400 × 3 representing the Red, Green, and Blue (RGB) values
of the input image. The input unsigned byte pixels are normalised by dividing
them by 255. The first convolutional layer uses a local receptive field (or kernel)
of size 5 × 5 with a stride of 1 pixel to extract 16 feature maps, followed by
a max-pooling operation conducted over 2 × 2 regions. The second, third, and
fourth convolutional layers produce 32, 64, and 128 feature maps respectively.
All convolutional layers use Rectified Linear Units (ReLUs) as the activation
function. After each convolutional layer, max-pooling with size of 2 × 2 and
dropout of 0.25 is applied to avoid overfitting of the model. After four blocks
of Convolution, max-pooling, and dropout, we flatten the activation map, and
apply the fully connected layers. The final fully connected layer consists of 5528
neurons corresponding to the total number of concepts in our dataset. We use
the sigmoid activation function instead of softmax at the output layer of the
network to get the probability of each class cj as Bernoulli distribution. The
Fig. 4: Schematic of the proposed Convolutional Neural Network for multi-label

motivation is to get the probability of each concept independent of the other
concept probabilities so that by using a threshold θ we can predict whether a
particular clinical concept is present in a medical image or not.
    The network was trained with the stochastic gradient descent (SGD) al-
gorithm, namely Adam [17] with a binary-crossentropy loss function. We use
binary-crossentropy loss instead of categorical-crossentropy to penalise each out-
put node independently. Deep neural networks are highly sensitive to hyper-
parameters, so we tune our model hyper-parameters by selecting a range of
value for each parameter and tuning in a coarse to fine search. The batch size
(BS) is set to 32 and the initial learning rate (η) is set to 0.0001 with a decay
of 1 × e−6 . The model is trained for 10 epochs and the best model based on the
accuracy score is saved as the final model. In order to predict concepts on the
test data, we set a threshold (θ) of 0.1 based on the performance of the model
on the validation set.

4.6   Results and Discussion
The proposed method convolutional neural network is trained in an end-to-
end manner to predict relevant medical concepts on the test set images. Al-
though, three different runs are evaluated internally, only the best run is sub-
Table 4: Performance of our proposed method compared to other teams at 2019
ImageCLEFmed Caption task. The results of the best run by each team is se-
lected for comparison as provided by the organisers on the challenge web page.
Source: https://www.imageclef.org/2019/medical/caption/.
     Team Name              Run Name                               F1 score
     AUEB NLP Group       s2 results.csv                        0.2823094
     damo                 ensemble avg.csv                      0.2655099
     GuaJing              06new F1Top1.txt                      0.2265250
     ImageSem             F1TOP1.txt                            0.2235690
     UA.PT Bioinformatics simplenet.csv                         0.2058640
     richard ycli         testing result.txt                    0.1952310
     Sam Maksoud          TRIAL 1.txt                           0.1749349
     AI600                ai600 result weighting 1557061479.txt 0.1656261
     MacUni-CSIRO         run1FinalOutput.txt                  0.1435435
     pri2si17             submission 1.csv                      0.0496821
     AILAB                results V3.txt                        0.0202243
     LIST                 denseNet pred all 0.55.txt            0.0013269

mitted to the evaluation server for the challenge. Table 4 shows the performance
of our proposed approach under the name MacUni-CSIRO with the run name
run1FinalOutput.txt having F1 score of 0.1435435. We performed an error anal-
ysis on the validation set to figure out the reasons for the low performance of
the model. As highlighted in Figure 3 that majority of concepts are rare and
are not present in at least 1000 instances (or data points) which makes the task
quite challenging. When comparing the results of the multi-label classification
model on generic datasets and the ImageCLEFmed caption dataset, we found
that the low performance is also attributable to the large number of medical con-
cepts (5528 in the ImageCLEFmed caption task) and the difficulty of obtaining a
bounding box annotation for each medical concept present in the medical image.
Although the ImageCLEFmed caption 2019 dataset is of a smaller size and is
focused on radiology images only (compared to the previous version of the chal-
lenge), there is still a huge diversity in images in terms of modality, anatomy,
and contrast. Further, during data exploration we found that there are many
concepts that do not correspond to any visual data present in the medical im-
ages, making the task more difficult. Finally, we feel the need to have a more
robust evaluation metric so that partial correct concepts predicted by the model
can be considered since current evaluation metric don’t take into account of the
partial correct concepts predicted by the model.

5   Conclusions
This paper presents our experiments for detecting concepts in medical images
submitted for the 2019 ImageCLEFmed caption task. The proposed convolu-
tional neural network as a multi-label classifier achieved an F1 score of 0.1435435.
No external resources are used in our experiments. The best model achieved an
F1 score of 0.2823094 which is still far from the required performance for these
systems to be deployed in a real-world setting. In future, we aim to incorpo-
rate domain knowledge so that the performance of these systems can further be

Animal and Human Research Ethics
The de-identified dataset in the form of medical images and their relevant med-
ical concepts is provided by the challenge organisers [16]. The dataset provided
is also a subset of the Radiology Objects in COntext (ROCO) dataset [22]. The
detailed description about how the original dataset is given in [21].

This work is supported by an international Macquarie University Research Ex-
cellence Scholarship and the DATA61 CSIRO top-up scholarship. This research
is undertaken with the assistance of resources and services form the National
Computational Infrastructure (NCI), supported by the Australian Government.

Declaration of Conflicting Interest
The Authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.

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