Big Data For Lifelog Moments Retrieval Improvement Fatma Ben Abdallah1,2 , Ghada Feki1 , Anis Ben Ammar1 , and Chokri Ben Amar1 1 REGIM-Lab.: REsearch Groups in Intelligent Machines, University of Sfax, National Engineering School of Sfax (ENIS), BP 1173, Sfax, 3038, Tunisia {ben.abdallah.fatma,ghada.feki,anis.ben.ammar,chokri.benamar} 2 Higher Institute of Technological Studies, ISET Kairouan, 3199 Raccada, Tunisia Abstract. The ImageCLEF lifelog Moment Retrieval Task promotes research for lifelogging retrieval by providing a benchmark with an eval- uation process that allows a comparative analysis of lifelog methods, approaches and tools. In this paper, we describe our participation at the ImageCLEF lifelog LMRT 2019. Findings from our initial experiments in the LMRT sub-task in ImageCLEFlifelog2018 have motivated us to improve our deep learning-based processing for lifelog image retrieval ap- proach using NoSQL database. The new version employs a distributed database and framework for storing and processing large volumes of data. We try to reduce user involvement during the ne-tuning phase by using the ground truth for the development dataset. We implement our archi- tecture using Matlab, Cassandra, and Spark. The best results were given by the rst run with precision@10=0.28. This run is based on ne-tuning Googlenet with the weights freeze of the 110 rst layers. Keywords: Deep-learning · Transfer-learning · Big Data · NoSQL · Lifelog · Moments Retrieval. 1 Introduction Lifelogging is a concept that has emerged in recent years to translate people's interest in the daily logging of their lives. The lifelogging is intended for private use, unlike social networks which are also kinds of lifelogs. Many devices and applications are available to monitor our training, diet, health, sleep, etc. The information collected by these devices and applications is characterized by the heterogeneity and the multimodality which make the research process in this mass of data a complex and non-trivial task. Considering this context, several workshops, panels, and evaluation campaign oers research tasks to deal with the Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Com- mons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 Septem- ber 2019, Lugano, Switzerland. problem of retrieving, summarizing and visualizing lifelogging data. Given the huge amount of digital data, it has become necessary to develop new methods to manage and analyze them. Big Data is about nding, capturing, storing, sharing and presenting this data. To satisfy the need of heavy data processing, NoSQL is a database query language for Big Data. Several NoSQL database exist with document store (CouchDB, MongoDB, TerraStore, eXist, Virtuoso), key-value store (DynamoDB, Voldemort, Azure Table Storage, MongoDB), graph store (AllegroGraph, InniteGraph) and, tabular store (Cassandra, Hadoop / Hbase, Hypertable). Since that storing into tables allows greater ease of developpement with a SQL-like language with CQL, our choice focused on Apache Cassandra. Our research to date has focused on proposing a deep learning-based process- ing approach for lifelog image retrieval [24]. Compared to our initial approach [3], our participation in the ImageCLEF Lifelog Moment Retrieval Task 2019 (LMRT) [8] which is part of the Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum (CLEF 2019) [9] has two main improvements. First, we use the ground truth of the development dataset to automatically dispatch images into categories for the ne-tuning. Second, we use Apache Cassandra a NoSQL-based database manage- ment system (DBMS) designed to handle massive amounts of data. Cassandra Query Language (CQL) only implements a subset of SQL, so we use Spark with Cassandra to operate data analytics that CQL doesn't provide. From an initial query, our approach can automatically extract from it relevant concepts based on Long-Term-Short-Memory(LSTM). After that, the retrieval phase consists in searching the extracted query concepts in the le containing the image con- cepts. The runs submitted in the LMRT 2019 vary in the generation of image concepts. For the rst run, we ne-tune Googlenet with the weight freeze of the rst 110 layers. For the second run, we ne-tune Googlenet without freezing. For the third run, we ne-tune Alexnet. For the fourth and fth run, we use respectively Googlenet and Alexnet to classify all the images of the test dataset. For the sixth run, we used only the textual features given by the organizers. The best results were given by the rst run with F1-measure=0.188, ranked sixth in the challenge. The remainder of this paper is divided into ve sections. In section 2, we present existing retrieval architectures using ne-tuning. In section 3, we detail our ap- proach. Section 4 presents the experimental results of our implementation. Sec- tion 5 provides some concluding remarks and suggests future works 2 Related Work Training models to have human-like capabilities requires a lot of resources in terms of data and time. To optimize this learning, we must pool knowledge from one model to another by practicing transfer learning and especially ne-tuning. Mainly, in the case of image processing, we re-use the layers of a model that has already learned that we xed, the last layers as for it will change according to the learning data and will rene according to input data. Babenko et al. [1] have demonstrated a signicant improvement in the search performance of the neural network when it is trained on a dataset which is sim- ilar to the one encountered during the test phase. Bases of this observation, we focused our study on existing retrieval architectures using ne-tuning. Authors in [13] proposed a CNN framework for clothes image retrieval in rec- ommendation system. The rst framework's module use Alexnet pre-trained on Imagenet for learning rich mid-level visual representations. The second one, ne- tune the Alexnet network on clothing dataset using backpropagation. Finally, the images are retrieved via hierarchical deep search. Authors in [14] proposed to ne-tune CNN for image retrieval from a large collection of images using 3D reconstruction and siamese architecture. In [5], the authors investigate the use of CNN-based features for food retrieval. They use the last fully connected layer of Resnet-50 as a feature extractor. The most similar approach to our lifelog image retrieval context is proposed in [17]. The authors developed a general frame- work to translate lifelog images into features. They choose to ne-tune VGG-16 pre-trained on ImageNet1K3 by replacing the last layer which contains 1000 neu- rons with 634, followed by sigmoid activation instead of softmax function. Other frameworks/systems for lifelog image retrieval were proposed in [16, 1820] and rely only on CNN and DNN pre-trained on Imagenet to extract feature. Fine- tuning method outperforms those use only pre-trained CNN on Imagenet1K, Places3654 or MSCOCO5 . These armations are conrmed by the experimental results conducted in section 4. 3 Proposed Approach: Big Data For Lifelog Moments Retrieval 3.1 Overview We based our proposed approach on our previous participation in LMRT 2018 [7]. However, the main dierence between the two approaches is that the new version employs a distributed database and framework for storing and process- ing large volumes of data. Furthermore, we automate the images dispatching for the ne-tuning phase by using the ground truth for the development dataset. The ImageCLEF LMRT dataset, in addition to containing images, includes a set of metadata consisting of biometrics, historic glucose index, semantic locations visited, physical activities, attributes predicted by using the Place CNN trained on SUNattribute dataset and also trained on Place 365 dataset, the class name, the bounding box and the score of the 25 objects with the highest score in each image predicted by using Faster R-CNN [15] trained on the COCO dataset. To exploit these huge lifelog metadata description, we use CQL Query with Spark connector. From an initial query, our approach can automatically extract from its relevant concepts based on Long-Term-Short-Memory(LSTM). After that, the retrieval phase consists in searching the extracted query concepts in the le 3 4 5 containing the image concepts. Fig. 1 presents the overview of our proposed approach for lifelog moments re- trieval. Our approach has ve main phases: Fig. 1. Proposed architecture  Fine-Tuning: We organize 9676 images into 51 classes using the ground truth (GT) of the development set. The classes were formed from the clus- ters le provided with the GT. For the clusters restaurant, watch videos and cooking which contain several sub-clusters (respectively 11, 31 and 10), we had to check visually the images to more appropriately rename the classes. Nevertheless, several topics do not appear in the GT. For the topic in a toyshop and seeking food in the fridge, we choose manually the images. For the topic coee time, we used the images from the imageCLEF LMRT 2018. For the CNN parameters, we used the same setting as last participation last year[3]. In fact, we replace the last three layers of the network: a fully connected layer, a softmax layer, and a classication output layer. Besides, during the training process with 70% of the images for training and 30% for validation, we use data augmentation to prevent the network from over- tting. After the training, we classify all the images from the dataset and generate CSV le containing for each image the concept with the highest score.  CQL Query: For each lifelogger u1 and u2, two tables were provided: the minute-based table and the categories and concepts table. We import for each lifelogger a table in the DBMS Cassandra, then we use Scala on Spark to write CQL query. By analyzing topics in the test set, we nd that each one can be divided into 5 axes to facilitate the retrieval process : user, con- cept, activity, location, and irrelevance. These 5 axes can be translate to a CQL query : Select column from user table where condition. The column contains the activity, the concepts and the location. In the condition we can use NOT IN to express irrelevance, IN, CONTAINS or LIKE to express matching with concepts. The possibilities are numerous.  Query Analysis: To extract relevant concepts from the given query, we build labeled textual descriptions of queries moments. For that purpose, we used the development and the test set topics of the NTCIR-12 [11], NTCIR- 13, imageCLEF LRT 2017 [6] and imageCLEF LMRT 2018 that we have combined. We obtained a csv le which contains for each topic title, the topic description and the relevant concepts associated with the topic. We convert the concepts to numeric vectors by training a word embedding. Af- ter that, we create and train an LSTM network based on the sequences of word vectors. The concepts used in query analysis phase are the same as the one dened in ne-tuning phase.  LSTM Classication: We choose to use LSTM in our architecture to pre- dict concepts for any given user query and not only those given by the organizers. We aim to be general and global. For example, we take the case of a lifelogger searching for the moments who shows him driving. He writes either the title or the description and the trained LSTM will return the con- cepts steering wheel, windshield.  Retrieval: The retrieval phase consists of matching the extracted concepts from the LSTM with the concept from the rst phase of ne-tuning. For example, with the concepts steering wheel, windshield gived from the previous LSTM classication phase, we perform a simple matching of these concepts in the CSV le generated during the rst phase. After that, we sort decreasingly the result to obtain the highest score values. 4 Results obtained We submitted 6 runs on the LMRT subtask 2019 summarized in Table 1. The runs submitted in the LMRT 2019 vary in the generation of image concepts. For the rst run, we ne-tune Googlenet with the weight freeze of the rst 110 layers. For the second run, we ne-tune Googlenet without freezing. For the third run, we ne-tune Alexnet. For the fourth and fth run, we use respectively Googlenet and Alexnet to classify all the images of the test dataset. For the sixth run, we used only the textual features given by the organizers. Fig. 2 presents the detailed results of all teams that participated to the ImageCLEF LMRT tasks. Ocial ranking metrics is the F1-measure@10, which gives equal importance Table 1. Submitted Runs Run Name Parsing Type of information RUN_1 Fine-tuning Googlenet with freeze Automatic Visual RUN_2 Fine-tuning Googlenet without freeze Automatic Visual RUN_3 Fine-tuning with Alexnet Automatic Visual RUN_4 Classifying with Googlenet Automatic Visual RUN_5 Classifying with Alexnet Automatic Visual RUN_6 Baseline : CQL on organizers concepts Automatic Textual to diversity (via CR@10) and relevance (via P@10). The best team HCMUS obtained F1-measure@10=0.61 with an interactive approach [12]. For our team REGIMLAB, which proposed only automatic approach, the best results were given by the rst run with F1-measure=0.188, ranked sixth in the challenge. The results of the runs submitted to the LMRT 2019 subtask are detailed in tables 2, 3 and 4. 0.8 0.7 P@10 0.6 CR@10 0.5 F1@10 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 VR PB S U B AL S s t er ic U LA AT C ub D at U TC M D IM BI m C Ta U or H EG ZJ n- nf fa R oi te i TB I-S AP -M U C TU LMRT Teams Fig. 2. ImageCLEF LMRT Ocial results 5 Analysis of the results By analyzing F1-measure@10 results for each query Fig.3, we note that a neural network that is trained on a dataset which is similar to the one encountered during the test phase demonstrated a signicant improvement in the search per- formance. Furthermore, ne-tuning with Googlenet with freezing the weights of Table 2. Precision at X (P@X) Cut-o P@5 P@10 P@20 P@30 P@40 P@50 RUN_1 0.280 0.280 0.240 0.237 0.233 0.222 RUN_2 0.260 0.250 0.235 0.220 0.218 0.214 RUN_3 0.260 0.250 0.240 0.227 0.223 0.220 RUN_4 0.100 0.090 0.100 0.103 0.093 0.088 RUN_5 0.080 0.070 0.070 0.067 0.063 0.064 RUN_6 0.060 0.070 0.055 0.040 0.043 0.040 Table 3. Cluster Recall at X (CR@X) Cut-o CR@5 CR@10 CR@20 CR@30 CR@40 CR@50 RUN_1 0.136 0.158 0.179 0.189 0.225 0.230 RUN_2 0.125 0.142 0.153 0.186 0.222 0.222 RUN_3 0.092 0.103 0.197 0.219 0.250 0.256 RUN_4 0.026 0.048 0.142 0.159 0.159 0.170 RUN_5 0.072 0.088 0.104 0.120 0.136 0.136 RUN_6 0.055 0.076 0.087 0.087 0.103 0.125 Table 4. F1-measure at X (F1@X) Cut-o F1@5 F1@10 F1@20 F1@30 F1@40 F1@50 RUN_1 0.168 0.188 0.180 0.180 0.207 0.202 RUN_2 0.153 0.167 0.161 0.170 0.197 0.194 RUN_3 0.133 0.142 0.185 0.183 0.191 0.190 RUN_4 0.041 0.062 0.096 0.111 0.100 0.101 RUN_5 0.060 0.062 0.069 0.074 0.076 0.073 RUN_6 0.037 0.061 0.054 0.045 0.052 0.055 the 110 rst layers gave better performance than with Alexnet. We also see that for the second topic Find any moment when u1 was driving home from the oce , the run 6 which is based on CQL overpass the best run. This is due to the consideration of the latitude and longitude of volunteer's po- sition described in the lifelog metadata description. Considering the precision measure in Fig.4 which assess the proportion of rele- vant documents found among all documents found by the system, we can notice a considerable dierence from one query to another. The accuracy depends es- sentially on the examples that were provided during the transfer learning. The three rst runs that are based on ne-tuning achieved a precision@10=1 for the query : Find the moment when either u1 or u2 was watching football on the TV . Besides, despite the fact that the ne-tuned images for the class cof- fee come from another lifelogger, we achieved a precision@10=0.7 for the query :Find the moment when u1 was having coee in a cafe . 0.7 0.6 Run1 Run2 Run3 0.5 Run4 Run5 Run6 F1Measure@10 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 c0 c0 c0 c0 c0 c0 c0 c0 c0 c0 pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pi To To To To To To To To To To LMRT Test Topics Fig. 3. F1-measure@10 scores on the test set 1 0.9 Run1 Run2 0.8 Run3 Run4 Run5 0.7 Run6 0.6 Precision@10 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 c0 c0 c0 c0 c0 c0 c0 c0 c0 c0 pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pi To To To To To To To To To To LMRT Test Topics Fig. 4. Precision@10 scores on the test set 6 Conclusion and perspectives for future work This paper presents our approach for lifelog moment retrieval at the ImageCLEF Lifelog Moment Retrieval Task 2019. The new version, compared to the previous participation at the LMRT 2018, employs a distributed database and framework for storing and processing large volumes of data. The best performance was reached by an interactive approach which incite us to include the user in the process. The time limit and technical problems did not allow us to submit all the planned runs. So as future work, we will combine visual and textual features to improve the results. We also plan to perform neural network training on more powerful computers with more GPUs to reduce learning time. Besides, we should lter the dataset before the ne-tuning by removing uninformative and blurry images. 7 Acknowledgments The research leading to these results has received funding from the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientic Research of Tunisia under the grant agreement number LR11ES48. References 1. Babenko, A.; Slesarev, A.; Chigorin, A. & Lempitsky, V. Fleet; D., Pajdla; T., Schiele, B. & Tuytelaars, T. (Eds.), Neural Codes for Image Retrieval Computer Vision, ECCV , Springer International Publishing, pp. 584-599 (2014) 2. Abdallah, F. B.; Feki, G.; Ammar, A. B.; & Amar, C. B., A new model driven architecture for deep learning-based multimodal lifelog retrieval. In: poster Proceedings: International Conference WSCG, CSRN 2803, pp 8-17, Czech Republic(2018) 3. Abdallah, F.B.; Feki, G.; Ezzarka, M.; Ammar, A.B. & Amar, C.B., Regim Lab Team at ImageCLEF Lifelog Moment Retrieval Task 2018. Working Notes of CLEF 2018, France(2018) 4. Abdallah, F. B.; Feki, G.; Ammar, A. 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