Overview of ImageCLEFtuberculosis 2019 — Automatic CT–based Report Generation and Tuberculosis Severity Assessment Yashin Dicente Cid1 , Vitali Liauchuk2 , Dzmitri Klimuk3 , Aleh Tarasau3 , Vassili Kovalev2 , and Henning Müller1,4 1 University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland (HES–SO), Sierre, Switzerland; 2 United Institute of Informatics Problems, Minsk, Belarus; 3 Republican Research and Practical Centre for Pulmonology and TB, Minsk, Belarus; 4 University of Geneva, Switzerland yashin.dicente@hevs.ch Abstract. ImageCLEF is the image retrieval task of the Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum (CLEF). ImageCLEF has historically focused on the multimodal and language-independent retrieval of im- ages. Many tasks are related to image classification and the annotation of image data as well as the retrieval of images. Since 2017, when the tuberculosis task started in ImageCLEF, the number of participants has kept growing. In 2019, 13 groups from 11 countries participated in at least one of the two subtasks proposed: (1) SVR subtask: the assessment of a tuberculosis severity score and (2) CTR subtask: the automatic generation of a CT report based on six relevant CT findings. In this sec- ond edition of the SVR subtask the results support the assessment of a severity score based on the CT scan with up to 0.79 area under the curve (AUC) and 74% accuracy, so very good results. In addition, in the first edition of the CTR subtask, impressive results were obtained with 0.80 average AUC and 0.69 minimum AUC for the six CT findings proposed. Keywords: Tuberculosis, Computed Tomography, Image Classification, Severity Scoring, Automatic Reporting, 3D Data Analysis 1 Introduction ImageCLEF5 is the image retrieval task of CLEF (Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum). ImageCLEF was first held in 2003 and in 2004 a medical task was added that has been held every year since then [1–4]. More information on the other tasks organized in 2019 can be found in [5] and the past editions are described in [6–10]. Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Com- mons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 Septem- ber 2019, Lugano, Switzerland. 5 http://www.imageclef.org/ Tuberculosis (TB) is a bacterial infection caused by a germ called Mycobac- terium tuberculosis. About 130 years after its discovery, the disease remains a persistent threat and a leading cause of death worldwide [11]. This bacterium usually attacks the lungs but it can also damage other parts of the body. Gen- erally, TB can be cured with antibiotics. However, the greatest problem that can happen to a patient with TB is that the organisms become resistant to two or more of the standard drugs. In contrast to drug sensitive (DS) TB, its multi-drug resistant (MDR) form is much more difficult and expensive to recover from. Thus, early detection of the MDR status is fundamental for an effective treatment. The most commonly used methods for MDR detection are either expensive or take too much time (up to several months) to really help in this scenario. Therefore, there is a need for quick and at the same time cheap meth- ods of MDR detection. In 2017, ImageCLEF organized the first challenge based on Computed Tomography (CT) image analysis of TB patients [12], with a dedi- cated subtask for the detection of MDR cases. The classification of TB subtypes was also proposed in 2017. This is another important task for TB analysis since different types of TB should be treated in different ways. Both subtasks were also proposed in the 2018 edition where we extended their respective data sets. Moreover, a new subtask was added based on assessing a severity score of the disease given a CT image. This article first describes the two subtasks proposed around TB in 2019. Then, the data sets, evaluation methodology and participation are detailed. The results section describes the submitted runs and the results obtained for the two subtasks. A discussion and conclusion section ends the paper. 2 Tasks, Data Sets, Evaluation, Participation 2.1 The Tasks in 2019 Two subtasks were organized in 2019, one was common with the 2018 edition and one new subtask was added: – Severity score assessment (SVR subtask). – Automatic CT report generation (CTR subtask). This section gives an overview of each of the two subtasks. SVR - Severity Scoring: As in 2018, the goal of this subtask is to assess the severity based on the CT image and additional clinically relevant meta-data. The severity score is a cumulative score of severity of a TB case assigned by a medical doctor. Originally, the score varied from 1 (”critical/very bad”) to 5 (”very good”). The original severity score was included as training meta-data but the final score that participants had to assess was reduced to a binary category: ”LOW” (scores 4 and 5) and ”HIGH” (scores 1, 2 and 3). CTR - CT Report: In this subtask the participants had to generate an auto- matic report based on the CT image. This report had to include the following CT findings in binary form (0 or 1): Left lung affected, right lung affected, lung capacity decrease, presence of calcifications, presence of pleurisy and presence of caverns. 2.2 Data Sets In 2019, both subtasks (SVR and CTR) used the same data set containing 335 chest CT scans of TB patients along with a set of clinically relevant meta-data, divided into 218 patients for training and 117 for testing. The selected meta- data include the following binary measures: disability, relapse, symptoms of TB, comorbidity, bacillary, drug resistance, higher education, ex-prisoner, alcoholic, smoking, and severity. Table 1 details the distribution of patients within each label for the SVR and CTR subtasks. Table 1. Distribution of patients within each label for the SVR and CTR subtasks. Left Right Lung High lung lung capacity Pres. of Pres. of Pres. of Set severity affected affected decrease calcif. pleurisy caverns Train 107 (49%) 156 (72%) 177 (81%) 64 (29%) 28 (13%) 16 (7%) 89 (41%) Test 55 (47%) 74 (63%) 95 (81%) 8 (7%) 60 (51%) 10 (9%) 40 (34%) For all patients we provided 3D CT images with a slice size of 512 × 512 pixels and number of slices varying from about 50 to 400. All the CT images were stored in NIFTI file format with .nii.gz file extension (g-zipped .nii files). This file format stores raw voxel intensities in Hounsfield units (HU) as well the corresponding image meta-data such as image dimensions, voxel size in physical units, slice thickness, etc. The entire dataset including the CT images and the associated meta-data were provided by the Republican Research and Practical Center for Pulmonology and Tuberculosis that is located in Minsk, Belarus. The data were collected in the framework of several projects that aim at the creation of information resources on the lung TB and drug resistance challenges. The projects were conducted by a multi-disciplinary team and funded by the Na- tional Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health (NIH), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, USA, through the Civil- ian Research and Development Foundation (CRDF). The dedicated web-portal6 developed in the framework of the projects stores information of more than 940 TB patients from five countries: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ro- mania. The information includes CT scans, X-ray images, genome data, clinical and social data. 6 http://tbportals.niaid.nih.gov/ Fig. 1. Slices of typical CT images with several types of TB-related findings. For all patients we provided automatically extracted masks of the lungs ob- tained using the method described in [13]. The masks were manually analyzed based on statistics on number of lungs found and size ratio between right and left lung. Only the masks with anomalies on these statistics were visualized. The code used to segment the patients was adapted for the cases with unsatisfactory segmentation. After this, all patients with anomalies presented a satisfactory mask. Pathological changes in lungs affected by tuberculosis may be represented by a large variety of findings. In most cases such finding include aggregations of foci and infiltrations of different sizes. However, rarer types of lesions may be present including fibrosis, atelectasis, pneumathorax, etc. ”Left lung affected” and ”Right lung affected” labels provided with the CTR data set indicated pres- ence of any kind of TB-associated lesions in the left and right lung, respectively. Typical examples of CT findings are shown in Fig. 1. Pleurisy, calcifications, caverns and lung capacity decrease were considered separately from the other types of lesions. Pleurisy is known as inflammation of the membranes that sur- round the lungs and line the chest cavity7 . Calcifications are usually represented by densely calficied foci that look like bright spots (usually more than 1000 Hounsfield Units) on CT images [14]. Calcifications may occur inside of lungs but also can be located on vessels and the mediastinum. Caverns, also known as pulmonary cavities, are gas-filled areas of the lung in the center of nodules or areas of consolidation [15]. Lung capacity decreased indicates the decrease of volume of the affected lungs compared to normal lungs. Lung capacity de- 7 https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health-topics/pleurisy-and-other-pleural-disorders Table 2. List of participants submitting a run to at least one subtask. Subtask Group name Main institution Country SVR CTR CompElecEngCU Çukurova University Turkey × × FIIAugt Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi Romania × HHU Heinrich Heine University Germany × × LIST Abdelmalek Essaâdi University Morocco × MedGIFT University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland × × Switzerland (HES–SO) MostaganemFSEI University of Abdelhamid Ibn Badis Algeria × × Mostaganem PwC PwC India × SD VA HCS/UCSD San Diego VA Health Care System USA × × SSN CoE SSN College of Engineering India × UIIP United Institute of Informatics Problems Belarus × × UIIP BioMed United Institute of Informatics Problems Belarus × × UniversityAlicante University of Alicante Spain × × UoAP University of Asia Pacific Bangladesh × creased can be caused by many factors and can be often associated with other CT findings such as pleurisy and presence of large caverns. 2.3 Evaluation Measures and Scenario Similar to the previous editions, the participants were allowed to submit up to 10 runs to each of the two subtasks. In the case of the SVR task, the partici- pants had to provide the probability of HIGH severity for each patient. During the challenge, this task was evaluated with area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC) and accuracy and the runs were ranked first by AUC and then by accuracy. Moreover, we included the unbalanced Cohen kappa coefficient to our analysis and the ROC curves are provided in Section 3. In the case of the CTR task, the participants had to provide the probability of each CT finding (see Section 2.1) for each patient, i.e. for each patient they had to provide a 6-dimensional vector with the probabilities. This task was considered a multi-binary classification problem and standard binary classification metrics are provided. During the challenge the runs were ranked based on the average AUC and the min AUC obtained. In addition, since the data set was highly unbalanced for some of the CT findings (see Table 1), we include the AUC, sensitivity and specificity for each finding. 2.4 Participation In 2019 there were 97 registered teams and 48 signed the end user agreement. 13 groups from 11 countries participated in one or more subtasks and submitted results. These numbers are similar to 2017 and 2018, where there were ∼90 registered teams, ∼50 that signed the end user agreement, and ∼10 teams from 9 countries submitting results. Table 2 shows the list of participants and the subtasks where they participated. 3 Results This section provides the results obtained by the participants in each of the subtasks. 3.1 SVR Subtask Table 3 shows the AUC and accuracy obtained by each participant’s run, mea- sures used to establish the SVR ranking. The ROC curve for the best run of each participant is shown in Figure 2. In addition, Table 4 summarizes the results for each best run and includes the unweighted Cohen Kappa coefficient. The best Fig. 2. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves obtained by the best run of each group. The dashed line marks the curve of a random classifier. results were obtained by the UIIP BioMed [16] group, both in terms of AUC and Table 3. Results obtained by the participants in the SVR subtask. Group name Run AUC Accuracy Rank UIIP BioMed SRV run1 linear.txt 0.7877 0.7179 1 UIIP subm SVR Severity 0.7754 0.7179 2 HHU SVR HHU DBS2 run01.txt 0.7695 0.6923 3 HHU SVR HHU DBS2 run02.txt 0.7660 0.6838 4 UIIP BioMed SRV run2 less features.txt 0.7636 0.7350 5 CompElecEngCU SVR mlp-text.txt 0.7629 0.6581 6 SD VA HCS/UCSD SVR From Meta Report1c.csv 0.7214 0.6838 7 SD VA HCS/UCSD SVR From Meta Report1c.csv 0.7214 0.6838 8 MedGIFT SVR SVM.txt 0.7196 0.6410 9 SD VA HCS/UCSD SVR Meta Ensemble.txt 0.7123 0.6667 10 SD VA HCS/UCSD SVR LAstEnsembleOfEnsemblesReportCl.csv 0.7038 0.6581 11 UniversityAlicante SVR-SVM-axis-mode-4.txt 0.7013 0.7009 12 UniversityAlicante SVR-SVM-axis-mode-8.txt 0.7013 0.7009 13 UniversityAlicante SVR-MC-4.txt 0.7003 0.7009 14 UniversityAlicante SVR-MC-8.txt 0.7003 0.7009 15 SD VA HCS/UCSD SVRMetadataNN1 UTF8.txt 0.6956 0.6325 16 UIIP subm SVR Severity 0.6941 0.6496 17 UniversityAlicante SVR-LDA-axis-mode-4.txt 0.6842 0.6838 18 UniversityAlicante SVR-LDA-axis-mode-8.txt 0.6842 0.6838 19 UniversityAlicante SVR-SVM-axis-svm-4.txt 0.6761 0.6752 20 UniversityAlicante SVR-SVM-axis-svm-8.txt 0.6761 0.6752 21 MostaganemFSEI SVR FSEI run3 resnet 50 55.csv 0.6510 0.6154 22 UniversityAlicante SVR-LDA-axis-svm-4.txt 0.6499 0.6496 23 UniversityAlicante SVR-LDA-axis-svm-8.txt 0.6499 0.6496 24 MostaganemFSEI SVR run8 lstm 5 55 sD lungnet.csv 0.6475 0.6068 25 MedGIFT SVR GNN nodeCentralFeats sc.csv 0.6457 0.6239 26 HHU run 6.csv 0.6393 0.5812 27 SD VA HCS/UCSD SVT Wisdom.txt 0.6270 0.6581 28 SSN CoE SVRtest-model1.txt 0.6264 0.6068 29 HHU run 8.csv 0.6258 0.6068 30 SSN CoE SVRtest-model2.txt 0.6133 0.5385 31 UoAP SVRfree-text.txt 0.6111 0.6154 32 MostaganemFSEI SVR FSEI run2 lungnet train80 10slices.csv 0.6103 0.5983 33 HHU run 4.csv 0.6070 0.5641 34 SSN CoE SVRtest-model3.txt 0.6067 0.5726 35 HHU run 7.csv 0.6050 0.5556 36 UoAP SVRfree-text.txt 0.5704 0.5385 37 FIIAugt SVRab.txt 0.5692 0.5556 38 HHU run 3.csv 0.5692 0.5385 39 MostaganemFSEI SVR FSEI run6 fuson resnet lungnet 10slices.csv 0.5677 0.5128 40 MedGIFT SVR GNN node2vec.csv 0.5496 0.5726 41 MedGIFT SVR GNN nodeCentralFeats.csv 0.5496 0.4701 42 SSN CoE SVRtest-model4.txt 0.5446 0.5299 43 HHU run 5.csv 0.5419 0.5470 44 HHU SVRbaseline txt.txt 0.5103 0.4872 45 MostaganemFSEI SVR FSEI run4 semDesc SVM 10slices.csv 0.5029 0.5043 46 MostaganemFSEI SVR run7 inception resnet v2 small 54 [...].csv 0.4933 0.4701 48 MedGIFT SVR GNN node2vec pca.csv 0.4933 0.4615 47 MostaganemFSEI SVR FSEI run5 contextDesc RF 10slices.csv 0.4783 0.4957 49 MostaganemFSEI SVR fsei run0 resnet50 modelA.csv 0.4698 0.4957 50 MostaganemFSEI SVR FSEI run9 oneSVM desSem 10slices [...].csv 0.4636 0.5214 51 HHU run 2.csv 0.4452 0.4530 52 MedGIFT SVR GNN node2vec pca sc.csv 0.4076 0.4274 53 MostaganemFSEI SVR FSEI run10 RandomForest semDesc [...].csv 0.3475 0.4615 54 Table 4. Detailed results obtained in the SVR task by the best run of each group. Group name AUC Accuracy Kappa UIIP BioMed 0.7877 0.7179 0.4310 UIIP 0.7754 0.7179 0.4321 HHU 0.7695 0.6923 0.3862 CompElecEngCU 0.7629 0.6581 0.3289 SD VA HCS/UCSD 0.7214 0.6838 0.3646 MedGIFT 0.7196 0.6410 0.2720 UniversityAlicante 0.7013 0.7009 0.4014 MostaganemFSEI 0.6510 0.6154 0.2335 SSN CoE 0.6264 0.6068 0.2109 UoAP 0.6111 0.6154 0.2272 FIIAugt 0.5692 0.5556 0.1005 accuracy. The same group also ranked first in the previous edition, obtaining a significant improvement this year: from 0.7025 to 0.7877 AUC. For this edition, they proposed an initial convolutional neural network (CNN) using 2D projec- tions of the 3D CT scans that provides a probability of high TB severity. Then they combined these probabilities with the available meta-data and used a linear regression classifier to provide the final classification score. The UIIP [17] group obtained the best Kappa. In their approach, they first performed data augmen- tation and used a 3D CNN as autoencoder, followed by a traditional classifier, such as random forest. A total of five groups (including UIIP BioMed) participated in both editions of this subtask (2018 and 2019), and all obtained higher results in 2019: HHU [18] improved from 0.6484 to 0.7695 AUC. They proposed a completely new approach where they first assessed the CT-findings proposed in the CTR subtask and then applied linear regression to obtain the severity score. In addition, they also tried a different approach based on selecting 16 CT slices and using a 3D CNN (UNet) that obtained lower results. The SD VA HCS/UCSD [19] used an ensemble of 2D CNNs, combining the predictive scores provided by each CNN. Then they fuse these scores with the meta-data into a Support Vectors Machine (SVM) classifier that provided the final severity score. With this approach they went from 0.6658 to 0.7214 AUC. The performance of MedGIFT [20] remained almost the same between both editions (0.7162 vs 0.7196 AUC). Their best approach in 2019 is similar to the one proposed in 2018. They proposed to model the lung as a graph by dividing the lung fields into a number of subregions (different for each patient) and considering these subregions as nodes of a graph. They then defined weighted edges between adjacent subregions, where the weights encode the distance between 3D texture descriptors obtained in each subregion (node). In order to compare the obtained graphs, they transform these graphs into a lung descriptor vector and used SVM to classify them. In addition, they also attempted to classify the graphs with a 2D CNN obtaining much lower results. Finally, the last group participating in both editions is the MostaganemFSEI [21] group, that improved from 0.5987 to 0.6510 AUC. Their pipeline consisted on first selecting meaningful axial CT slices manually. These slices are then de- scribed with semantic features extracted via a 2D CNN. As a last step, they used a 5-class long short term memory (LSTM) algorithm to obtain one of the original 5 levels of TB severity that is then transformed into the classes high or low. CompElecEngCU [22] created 2D derived images by concatenating sagittal and coronal CT slices that are classified with a hybrid of a 2D CNN based on AlexNet and a Multi-Layer Perceptron. The UniversityAlicante [23] group considered each CT volume as a time series (or video) and used optical flow on the 3 directions. The SSN CoE [24] and UoAP [25] groups used a similar approach. Both first manually selected a set of relevant slices for each patient and then used a CNN. In the case of SSN CoE they selected 30 slices and used a 2D CNN. UoAP used a 3D CNN (VoxNet) with either 16 or 32 CT slices. Finally, the FIIAugt [26] group performed random sampling of pixels of the CT volumes and used a combination of decision trees and weak classifiers. 3.2 CTR Subtask To provide a ranking in this subtask we used the mean AUC and min AUC over the six binary CT-findings proposed. Table 5 provides these two measures for all runs submitted. Similar to the SVR subtask we provide more detailed results for the best run of each group. For each best run and for each CT-finding, Figures 3, 4, 5 and 6 depicts the ROC curves, AUC, sensitivity and specificity, respectively. In this case, the sensitivity and specificity metrics have been computed assuming the standard decision threshold of 0.50. Moreover, Table 6 summarizes the results of the best runs providing mean, min and max values for each of these metrics. Again, UIIP BioMed [16] is the winner of this subtask with a mean AUC of 0.7968 and a min AUC of 0.6860. When we check the individual AUCs for each CT-finding (see Figure 4), we observe that they outperformed every other method in the left and right lung labels by a high margin. However, they have similar results to other techniques in the other four CT-findings. In this subtask they used different approaches for each CT-finding, mainly consisting of a unique 2D CNN architecture with modified input for each abnormality. It is worth to mention their simple technique for detecting pleurisity: they noticed that most of the lung masks provided by the organizers did not contain the areas of the lungs presenting pleurisity. Therefore, they used their own lung segmentation algorithm based on atlas registration. The final score for pleurisity was then computed based on the difference between their masks and the organizer’s masks. HHU [18] is the other group that used a specific method for each CT-finding, mainly based on morphological operations and binarizations with a standard classifier as a last step. In the case of the MostaganemFSEI [21] modified the last step of the pipeline applied in the SVR subtask, substituting the LSTM step with an SVM classifier. PwC [27] and LIST only participated in this subtask. The latter did not provide details of their approach. In the case of the PwC group they used 3D CNN with 20 slices for feature extraction and used them along with the meta-data in a random forest classifier. All the other groups participating in Table 5. Results obtained by the participants in the CTR subtask. Group Name Run Mean AUC Min AUC Rank UIIP BioMed CTR run3 pleurisy as SegmDiff.txt 0.7968 0.6860 1 UIIP BioMed CTR run2 2binary.txt 0.7953 0.6766 2 UIIP BioMed CTR run1 multilabel.txt 0.7812 0.6766 3 CompElecEngCU CTRcnn.txt 0.7066 0.5739 4 MedGIFT CTR SVM.txt 0.6795 0.5626 5 SD VA HCS/UCSD CTR Cor 32 montage.txt 0.6631 0.5541 6 HHU CTR HHU DBS2 run01.txt 0.6591 0.5159 7 HHU CTR HHU DBS2 run02.txt 0.6560 0.5159 8 SD VA HCS/UCSD CTR ReportsubmissionEnsemble2.csv 0.6532 0.5904 9 UIIP subm CT Report 0.6464 0.4099 10 HHU CTR HHU DBS2 run03.txt 0.6429 0.4187 11 HHU CTR run 1.csv 0.6315 0.5161 12 HHU CTR run 2.csv 0.6315 0.5161 13 MostaganemFSEI CTR FSEI run1 lungnet 50 10slices.csv 0.6273 0.4877 14 UniversityAlicante svm axis svm.txt 0.6190 0.5366 15 UniversityAlicante mc.txt 0.6104 0.5250 16 MostaganemFSEI CTR FSEI lungNetA 54slices 70.csv 0.6061 0.4471 17 UniversityAlicante svm axis mode.txt 0.6043 0.5340 18 PwC CTR results meta.txt 0.6002 0.4724 19 UniversityAlicante lda axis mode.txt 0.5975 0.4860 20 SD VA HCS/UCSD TB ReportsubmissionLimited1.csv 0.5811 0.4111 21 UniversityAlicante lda axis svm.txt 0.5787 0.4851 22 HHU CTR run 3.txt.csv 0.5610 0.4477 23 PwC CTR results.txt 0.5543 0.4275 24 LIST predictionCTReportSVC.txt 0.5523 0.4317 25 LIST predictionModelSimple.txt 0.5510 0.4709 26 MedGIFT CTR GNN nodeCentralFeats sc.csv 0.5381 0.4299 27 LIST predictionCTReportLinearSVC.txt 0.5321 0.4672 28 MedGIFT CTR GNN node2vec pca sc.csv 0.5261 0.4435 29 LIST predictionModelAugmented.txt 0.5228 0.4086 30 MedGIFT CTR GNN nodeCentralFeats.csv 0.5104 0.4140 31 MostaganemFSEI CTR FSEI run5 SVM semDesc 10slices.csv 0.5064 0.4134 32 MedGIFT CTR GNN node2vec pca.csv 0.5016 0.2546 33 MostaganemFSEI CTR FSEI run4 SVMone semDesc [...].csv 0.4937 0.4461 34 MostaganemFSEI CTR FSEI run3 SVMone semDesc [...].csv 0.4877 0.3897 35 this subtask, i.e. CompElecEngCU, MedGIFT, SD VA HCS/UCSD, UIIP and UniversityAlicante, used the same approach (or with minor modifications) than in the SVR subtask. 4 Discussion and Conclusions In the second edition of the SVR subtask, we observe a significant improvement by most of the groups that participated in both editions. However, since we transformed the original 5-class regression task into a binary classification prob- lem, AUC is the only metric that we can compare between editions. The final results, around 0.80 AUC and 0.70 accuracy, encourage us to continuing inves- tigating the task. Most of the participants used the clinical meta-data provided, but unfortunately we cannot analyze the individual contribution of these data. Left lung affected Right lung affected Lung capacity decrease Presence of calcifications Presence of pleurisy Presence of caverns Fig. 3. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves obtained by the best run of each group for each CT finding. The dashed line marks the curve of a random classifier. Table 6. Detailed results obtained in the CTR task by the best run of each group. AUC Sensitivity Specificity Group name Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Mean Min Max UIIP BioMed 0.7968 0.6860 0.9254 0.5550 0.1250 0.9579 0.7398 0.3636 0.9817 CompElecEngCU 0.7066 0.5739 0.8467 0.5719 0.2000 1.0000 0.5948 0.0000 0.9720 MedGIFT 0.6795 0.5626 0.8360 0.3375 0.0000 1.0000 0.6667 0.0000 1.0000 SD VA HCS/UCSD 0.6631 0.5541 0.8206 0.4936 0.2000 0.9474 0.6301 0.0000 0.9908 HHU 0.6591 0.5159 0.7554 0.4931 0.0000 1.0000 0.6452 0.0000 1.0000 UIIP 0.6464 0.4099 0.7440 0.4955 0.0000 1.0000 0.5155 0.0000 1.0000 MostaganemFSEI 0.6273 0.4877 0.7856 0.5109 0.0333 0.9189 0.6394 0.0698 0.9825 UniversityAlicante 0.6190 0.5366 0.7678 0.5879 0.3667 0.8750 0.6500 0.4651 0.8318 PwC 0.6002 0.4724 0.7597 0.4157 0.0000 1.0000 0.6457 0.0000 1.0000 LIST 0.5523 0.4317 0.6738 0.3816 0.0000 0.9684 0.6760 0.0455 1.0000 Fig. 4. Area under the ROC curve (AUC) obtained by the best run of each group for each CT finding. The dashed line marks the AUC of a random classifier, 0.50. The results obtained in this first edition of the CTR subtask showed im- pressive performance by the participants. Already combining only the best runs analyzed in this work, the AUC for each CT-finding would be of 0.8796, 0.9254, 0.8360, 0.7554, 0.8467 and 0.7955, respectively. However, the sensitivity and specificity seem to not correlate with the AUCs obtained. This is due to the lack of optimization of the classification decision threshold (fixed to 0.50 in our analy- sis) and this also explains the inverse behavior between specificity and sensitivity of most of the methods. Since the ranking in the CTR task was announced to be evaluated only by AUC, adjusting the decision threshold was not required and hence we assume that no participant adapted the predictions. At the same time, this suggests that maybe AUC was not the best metric to evaluate/rank the methods. A priori, it seems that the AUC only provided information about whether the methods of the participants were capable of ordering the predictions, i.e. that a patient with an abnormality presents higher positive probability than a patient without it, but this does not assure that the method is able to distin- Fig. 5. Sensitivity (true positive rate) obtained by the best run of each group for each CT finding. The dashed line marks the sensitivity of a random classifier, 0.50. Fig. 6. Specificity (true negative rate) obtained by the best run of each group for each CT finding. The dashed line marks the specificity of a random classifier, 0.50. guish between presence and absence of a certain CT-finding. Something worth mentioning is the misalignment between the training and test sets in terms of the proportion of positive patients in some of the CT-findings, e.g. lung capacity de- crease (29-7%) and presence of calcifications (13-51%) (see Table 1). Preserving the proportions for all the CT-findings simultaneously was a extremely difficult task due to the relative small size of the data set. We believe that this misalign- ment interfered with the generalization power of some methods. The participants developed many different approaches in 2019, with many of them applying deep learning (DL) techniques. This is actually representative of the current trends in the medical imaging community where DL methods are gaining terrain in almost every area. However, some of the preliminary analysis performed on the CT images by the participants proved that it is more important to understand the problem than to have powerful methods. These analysis led to simple approaches for some of the abnormalities that resulted in high perfor- mance (e.g. assessing the presence of pleurisity by comparing lung segmentation masks). We also noticed that all participants model the CTR subtask as a multi- binary problem, with few groups adding a relation between the abnormalities. This was expected since the dataset was not large enough to model the CTR subtask as a multi-label problem due to the high variability when having six labels to predict. Nonetheless, we find surprising that only few groups used their predictions of the CT-findings in their assessment of the TB severity score. Overall, the 2019 edition of the ImageCLEF TB task again proved the high interest by the medical imaging community in this task resulting in the high- est participation of the three editions. Moreover, the results once again support the benefits of applying machine learning techniques in the assessment of a TB severity score, and more precisely in the detection of TB-associated abnormal- ities. The use of a unique data set for the two tasks allowed to provide a rich set of meta-data for all the patients that was used by most of the participants. However, providing such meta-data affected the size of the data set. In future editions of this task we will focus on extending the data set without reducing the amount of meta-data provided. Acknowledgements This work was partly supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation in the project PH4D (320030–146804) and by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, USA through the CRDF project DAA3-18-64818-1 ”Year 7: Belarus TB Database and TB Portals”. References 1. Kalpathy-Cramer, J., Garcı́a Seco de Herrera, A., Demner-Fushman, D., Antani, S., Bedrick, S., Müller, H.: Evaluating performance of biomedical image retrieval systems: Overview of the medical image retrieval task at ImageCLEF 2004–2014. 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